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Seed and Wasp Production in the Mutualism of Figs and Fig Wasps 被引量:1
作者 YaoJin-yan ZhaoNan-xian +3 位作者 ChenYi-zhu JiaXiao-cheng DengYuan YuHui 《Forestry Studies in China》 CAS 2005年第1期25-28,共4页
Figs (Moracea: Ficus) and fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Chlocloids: Agaonideae) depend on each other to complete their reproduction. Monoecious fig species and their pollinating wasps are in conflict over the use of fig ov... Figs (Moracea: Ficus) and fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Chlocloids: Agaonideae) depend on each other to complete their reproduction. Monoecious fig species and their pollinating wasps are in conflict over the use of fig ovaries which can either produce one seed or one wasp. From observation on Ficus virens Ait., we showed that female flowers with outer layer of ovaries (near to the wall of syconium) had no significant difference from that with inner and interval layer of ovaries (near to the syconium cavity), in which most seeds and wasps were produced. This meant that fig tree provided the same potential resource for seed and wasps production. Observation indicated that there was usually only one foundress in syconium at female flower phase and no com- petition pollinators. Measurement of the style length of female flowers and the ovipositor of pollinators indicated that most ovaries could be reached by pollinator’s ovipositor. However, at the male flower phase, production of seeds was significantly more than that of wasps including non-pollinating wasps but there was no significant difference between seed and pollinating wasp production when without non-pollinating wasps produced. This result indicated that non-pollinating wasps competed ovaries not with seeds but with pollinating wasps for ovipositing. Bagged experiment showed that the sampling fig species was not self-sterile which was important for figs and wasps to survive bad season. Seed production in self-pollinated figs was not significantly different from total wasps in- cluding non-pollinating ones. This might be related with the weaker competition among wasps since bagged figs were not easy to reach by wasps from outside. 展开更多
关键词 FICUs Ficus wasp mutualism conflicts seed and wasp production seed and Wasp Production in the Mutualism of Figs and Fig Wasps Yao Jin-yan1 2 zhao Nan-xian1 Chen Yi-zhu1* Jia Xiao-cheng1 2 Deng Yuan1 2 Yu Hui1 2 1south China Botanical Garden Chinese Academy of sciences Guangzhou 510650 P. R. China 2Graduate school of the Chinese Academy of sciences Beijing 100039 P. R. China ABsTRACT Figs (Moracea: Ficus) and fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Chlocloids: Agaonideae) depend on each other to complete their reproduction. Monoecious fig species and their pollinating wasps are in conflict over the use of fig ovaries which can either produce one seed or one wasp. From observation on Ficus virens Ait. we showed that female flowers with outer layer of ovaries (near to the wall of syconium) had no significant difference from that with inner and interval layer of ovaries (near to the syconium cavity) in which most seeds and wasps were produced. This meant that fig tree provided the same potential resource for seed and wasps production. Observation indicated that there was usually only one foundress in syconium at female flower phase and no com- petition pollinators. Measurement of the style length of female flowers and the ovipositor of pollinators indicated that most ovaries could be reached by pollinator’s ovipositor. However at the male flower phase production of seeds was significantly more than that of wasps including non-pollinating wasps but there was no significant difference between seed and pollinating wasp production when without non-pollinating wasps produced. This result indicated that non-pollinating wasps competed ovaries not with seeds but with pollinating wasps for ovipositing. Bagged experiment showed that the sampling fig species was not self-sterile which was important for figs and wasps to survive bad season. seed production in self-pollinated figs was not significantly different from total wasps in- cluding non-pollinating
赵树华治疗胃脘痛用药规律研究 被引量:7
作者 刘明晖 赵树华 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2019年第33期120-124,共5页
目的分析赵树华教授治疗胃脘痛处方用药特点和配伍规律,为临床治疗提供参考。方法收集赵树华教授2017年12月~2019年5月于吉林大学中日联谊医院中医科门诊诊治的胃脘痛患者,采用中国中医科学院中药研究所中医传承辅助平台(V2.5)对纳入处... 目的分析赵树华教授治疗胃脘痛处方用药特点和配伍规律,为临床治疗提供参考。方法收集赵树华教授2017年12月~2019年5月于吉林大学中日联谊医院中医科门诊诊治的胃脘痛患者,采用中国中医科学院中药研究所中医传承辅助平台(V2.5)对纳入处方进行药物频数、配伍规律、核心药物组合等分析。结果纳入处方308首,涉及药物207味。频次≥60次的药物15味;药性以温性、寒性、平性为主,药味以苦味、辛味、甘味为主,药物归经以脾、胃、肺、肝四经为主;高频药对16对;挖掘得到关联规则13条,提取新处方16首。结论赵树华教授治疗胃脘痛善于应用补益中焦、化湿和胃、调畅气机等方法,特点鲜明,紧扣经典,符合流行病学特点,值得学习、研究。 展开更多
关键词 胃脘痛 赵树华 名医经验 用药规律
作者 高立珍 孟彪 《上海中医药杂志》 2014年第10期10-11,共2页
关键词 内伤杂病 中医药疗法 一贯煎 名医经验 赵和平
赵瑞华运用柴胡桂枝汤辨治妇科病经验 被引量:5
作者 曲金好 孙伟伟 +1 位作者 张会申 赵瑞华 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2019年第6期788-790,794,共4页
柴胡桂枝汤为《伤寒论》经典合方,治疗太阳少阳并病。赵瑞华教授认为妇科病应以调气为先,而柴胡桂枝汤组方蕴升降、出入、疏散等气机妙用,故在临床上将其广泛用于治疗各种妇科病,疗效显著,轻证但投数剂,气畅经调,病即痊愈;病证日久,虚... 柴胡桂枝汤为《伤寒论》经典合方,治疗太阳少阳并病。赵瑞华教授认为妇科病应以调气为先,而柴胡桂枝汤组方蕴升降、出入、疏散等气机妙用,故在临床上将其广泛用于治疗各种妇科病,疗效显著,轻证但投数剂,气畅经调,病即痊愈;病证日久,虚实寒热错杂者,则可解纷乱之病势,暴露疾病本质。从调气机的角度对柴胡桂枝汤的方证及在妇科临床的应用予以阐发,欲为经方治疗妇科病提供一定的思路。 展开更多
关键词 柴胡桂枝汤 经方 名医经验 赵瑞华
赵国仁老师谈“上工治未病” 被引量:1
作者 邬晓姣 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2012年第7期782-782,788,共2页
关键词 上工 未病 医案三例 赵国仁经验
赵智强辨治克罗恩病临床经验 被引量:5
作者 陈美玲 赵智强 《山东中医杂志》 2018年第11期925-927,930,共4页
克罗恩病是一种发病机制未明的慢性炎性肉芽肿性疾病。赵智强教授认为脾虚为发病之本,湿热为致病之标。致病特点为反复发作,缠绵难愈,耗伤正气。病理因素涉及痰、瘀、湿、热、毒等。病机过程包括脾虚生湿、传导失司,郁而化热、湿毒为患... 克罗恩病是一种发病机制未明的慢性炎性肉芽肿性疾病。赵智强教授认为脾虚为发病之本,湿热为致病之标。致病特点为反复发作,缠绵难愈,耗伤正气。病理因素涉及痰、瘀、湿、热、毒等。病机过程包括脾虚生湿、传导失司,郁而化热、湿毒为患,痰瘀互结、肠道异生,邪盛正虚、机体失养,而湿热蕴结为病理机制的重要环节,故治疗方法主要为健脾化湿、清热解毒,常与软坚散结、凉血化瘀、扶正固本等方法相配伍,并根据临床随症加减。 展开更多
关键词 克罗恩病 赵智强 临床经验
作者 杨新春 熊婷 +1 位作者 赵瑞华 曲金好 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2023年第3期506-509,共4页
子宫内膜异位症是一种慢性病、疑难病,病程缠绵、机制繁杂。赵瑞华教授治疗此病驭繁执简,溯本正源。提出“因郁致瘀”“因虚致瘀”“因寒致瘀”的病机,采用解郁活血、养正除积、温阳活血的治法,创制气滞血瘀代表方“活血消异方”、气虚... 子宫内膜异位症是一种慢性病、疑难病,病程缠绵、机制繁杂。赵瑞华教授治疗此病驭繁执简,溯本正源。提出“因郁致瘀”“因虚致瘀”“因寒致瘀”的病机,采用解郁活血、养正除积、温阳活血的治法,创制气滞血瘀代表方“活血消异方”、气虚血瘀代表方“六合定中汤”、寒凝血瘀代表方“温阳活血汤”。用药精准,药简力宏,常可起到“四两拨千斤”之效,为临床治疗子宫内膜异位症提供了一定的思路,启发后学。 展开更多
关键词 子宫内膜异位症 赵瑞华 名医经验 活血消异方 六合定中汤 温阳活血汤
作者 朱宜 《中医药临床杂志》 2015年第4期479-479,共1页
赵荣胜是安徽省国医名师,主任医师,硕士研究生导师,第三、五批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师。长期从事中医妇科临床科研工作。笔者有幸随师实践,获益良多。现总结赵师防治滑胎的经验如下。防患未然古今保胎,多采取有是证... 赵荣胜是安徽省国医名师,主任医师,硕士研究生导师,第三、五批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师。长期从事中医妇科临床科研工作。笔者有幸随师实践,获益良多。现总结赵师防治滑胎的经验如下。防患未然古今保胎,多采取有是证(出现流产先兆症状)才投其方,而滑胎临床特点,是每次妊娠到一定阶段,即要见红、腰酸、腹痛,旋即流产,此时治疗往往难以奏效。 展开更多
关键词 滑胎 名医经验 赵荣胜
赵法新从积热论治脱屑性唇炎经验 被引量:2
作者 傅睿 陈明显 +2 位作者 赵晓东 赵军 赵法新 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第19期1637-1639,1643,共4页
脱屑性唇炎病位在唇,与脾胃密切相关,可兼及心肝肾,基本病机为胃强脾弱致积热火毒上攻口唇,治当健脾消积、清热解毒、养血润唇。内治须辨虚实,积热胃火偏实,予枳术消积丸化裁消积导滞、清胃泻火;脾虚血燥偏虚,予十全十美汤加减益气健脾... 脱屑性唇炎病位在唇,与脾胃密切相关,可兼及心肝肾,基本病机为胃强脾弱致积热火毒上攻口唇,治当健脾消积、清热解毒、养血润唇。内治须辨虚实,积热胃火偏实,予枳术消积丸化裁消积导滞、清胃泻火;脾虚血燥偏虚,予十全十美汤加减益气健脾,养血润燥;虚实并重者,予消积养阴汤加减健脾消积,清热养阴。 展开更多
关键词 脱屑性唇炎 积热 胃强脾弱 名医经验 赵法新
赵文霞治疗肝性胸水经验 被引量:2
作者 马素平 方成瑜 赵文霞(指导) 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第17期1503-1505,共3页
关键词 肝性胸水 悬饮 名医经验 赵文霞
赵文霞治疗胆汁反流性胃炎合并慢性胆囊炎经验 被引量:14
作者 张丽慧 《中医学报》 CAS 2019年第6期1205-1208,共4页
病理情况下,湿热郁滞胆腑,胆汁郁积日久,促使胆汁不循常道而逆流入胃。慢性胆囊炎长久不愈,导致胆汁反流性胃炎的形成,属于中医学"并病"范畴。其病位在肝、胆、胃,病机为湿热阻滞肝胆,胆腑郁阻,胆汁反流,肝胆疏泄失常,木气横... 病理情况下,湿热郁滞胆腑,胆汁郁积日久,促使胆汁不循常道而逆流入胃。慢性胆囊炎长久不愈,导致胆汁反流性胃炎的形成,属于中医学"并病"范畴。其病位在肝、胆、胃,病机为湿热阻滞肝胆,胆腑郁阻,胆汁反流,肝胆疏泄失常,木气横逆犯胃,胃失和降,胃气上逆而成。赵教授强调治疗的总体目标为恢复脏腑生理功能,促进胆汁正常排泄,保护、修复胃黏膜,消除烧心、嗳气、咽喉不适等临床症状。赵教授擅于将复杂的疾病简单化,从中医整体观念出发,辨证、辨病相结合,审因论治,胆胃两腑同治,制定"利胆、降逆、护胃"治则,并将疏肝理气贯穿于治疗的始末,使疗效倍增,病情不易反复。 展开更多
关键词 胆汁反流性胃炎 慢性胆囊炎 胆胃同治 疏肝理气 赵文霞 名医经验
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