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The Essential Role of Zheng Qi in Promoting Health: From the Perspective of Chinese Medicine and Modern Medicine
作者 Kam Ming Ko Hoi Yan Leung 《Chinese Medicine》 CAS 2024年第2期27-33,共7页
The concept of Zheng Qi in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) refers to the vital energy produced by the interaction of Yin and Yang forces in the body. Zheng Qi performs two main functions: Wei Qi (defensive Qi), whi... The concept of Zheng Qi in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) refers to the vital energy produced by the interaction of Yin and Yang forces in the body. Zheng Qi performs two main functions: Wei Qi (defensive Qi), which shields the body from external pathogens, and Ying Qi (nutritive Qi), which sustains the internal organs and enhances their functionality. In TCM, Chinese tonifying herbs can help restore the balance of Yin/Yang and Qi/Blood function in visceral organs (i.e., optimal physiological functions), thereby fostering the efficient production of Zheng Qi and enhancing health. To ensure the quality of Chinese herbal products, functional assays to measure Yin/Yang, Qi/Blood functions, and Zheng Qi production should be implemented. The efficacy of Yang and Qi herbs can be evaluated by their ability to increase mitochondrial ATP in cultured mouse cardiomyocytes, while Yin and Blood herbs are tested through their immunostimulatory effects on antigen-induced T/B cell proliferation in mouse splenocytes and the production of erythropoietin/nitric oxide in hepatocytes/vascular endothelial cells, respectively. Additionally, Zheng Qi’s effect can be gauged by examining natural killer cell activity and antigen-induced T/B cell proliferation in mice ex vivo. These assays act as biomarkers for assessing the quality and effectiveness of herbal health products within TCM theory. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese Medicine zheng Qi IMMUNITY Biomarkers Functional Assays
Introduction of Infection, Inflammation & Immunology Team Led by Professor Zheng Yuejuan
《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2024年第4期F0003-F0003,共1页
The Infection, Inflammation&Immunology Team led by Professor Zheng Yuejuan(郑月娟) from Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SHUTCM) is committed to deciphering the protective roles and underlying ... The Infection, Inflammation&Immunology Team led by Professor Zheng Yuejuan(郑月娟) from Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SHUTCM) is committed to deciphering the protective roles and underlying mechanisms of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the treatment of inflammatory or infectious diseases. 展开更多
关键词 protective zheng IMMUNOLOGY
A preliminary study on life history of marine red alga Stylonema alsidii(Zandardini)Drew f.ramosum Zheng et Li
作者 Bingxin HUANG Yao ZHANG +4 位作者 Yue CHU Youxuan GUO Junxia LIANG Jianan QIN Lanping DING 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第3期915-922,共8页
Stylonema alsidii(Zandardini)Drew f.ramosum Zheng et Li is a common species in the genus Stylonema,but there are limited reports on morphological taxonomy and a lack of studies on life history and the regulation of ea... Stylonema alsidii(Zandardini)Drew f.ramosum Zheng et Li is a common species in the genus Stylonema,but there are limited reports on morphological taxonomy and a lack of studies on life history and the regulation of early development.The early development,discoid formation,and erect thallus growth of Stylonema alsidii f.ramosum were observed under laboratory conditions.In addition,the influence of main environmental factors such as temperature and light intensity on its development was briefly studied,and various stages of its life history were observed.The result shows:(1)there are two reproductive modes:asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction;(2)the morphology of this species varies in different degrees under laboratory culture conditions;(3)sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction can coexist under suitable conditions.Five pathways of life history were inferred from experimental phenomena.Mature sporophytes form mature gametophytes by producing initially isolated or initially attached monospore,and mature gametophytes form mature sporophytes by fertilization of eggs and sperms.The sexual and asexual reproduction processes of Stylonema alsidii f.ramosum were reported for the first time,and this is also the first report on sexual reproduction in the genus Stylonema. 展开更多
关键词 Stylonema alsidii(Zandardini)Drew f.ramosum zheng et Li life history environmental factor asexual reproduction sexual reproduction
作者 汤夺先 李海峰 《内蒙古民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2025年第1期28-37,共10页
中华优秀传统家风作为中华民族家庭道德教育的理论精髓,凝聚了家庭教育的智慧和经验,在推进社会主义精神文明建设方面占据重要的位置。包拯家风作为在中华文明中磨砺而成的家风文化,既有深厚的历史渊源和广泛的现实基础,又有一定的时代... 中华优秀传统家风作为中华民族家庭道德教育的理论精髓,凝聚了家庭教育的智慧和经验,在推进社会主义精神文明建设方面占据重要的位置。包拯家风作为在中华文明中磨砺而成的家风文化,既有深厚的历史渊源和广泛的现实基础,又有一定的时代价值。随着社会发展和价值观的变迁,包拯家风这类优秀传统家风的生存空间受到侵蚀。以包拯家风为例,借助文化空间理论分析框架深入探讨文化空间对新时代传承包拯家风的作用:为包拯家风提供传播介质、为传承包拯家风提供“记忆场”。从文化空间的视角来看,传承包拯家风面临的现实困境主要体现为传承空间异化和传承空间断层。新时代传承包拯家风的文化空间路径,包括扩大传承主体、营造良好的家风文化环境、优化传承场域、实现家风文化空间的活态化,使包拯家风与当代文化相适应,与社会相协调。 展开更多
关键词 优秀传统文化 包拯家风 家风文化传承 文化空间
作者 马康民 宣建光 《空军工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 2001年第2期4-7,共4页
以歼教五机翼主梁疲劳断裂分析为例 ,介绍了用断口金相和Zheng -Hirt公式估算疲劳裂纹扩展寿命的方法 ,为研究老龄飞机的使用寿命问题 。
关键词 疲劳断裂 裂纹扩展寿命 机翼主梁 30CRMNSINI2A钢 金相 zheng—Hirt公式 飞机 使用寿命
作者 殷飞 姚树坤 《胃肠病学》 2001年第C00期181-181,共1页
关键词 肝癌细胞SMMC-7721 细胞增殖 细胞凋亡 zheng口服液含药血清 TGFΑ
作者 周巧兰 储全根 +4 位作者 郭锦晨 张永跟 陈玉状 刘柳青 张红梅 《中医药导报》 2025年第1期213-216,共4页
新安医学郑氏喉科源远流长,鼎盛于清代,尤以《重楼玉钥》和自拟的养阴清肺汤最为著名。《重楼玉钥》《重楼玉钥续编》《喉科秘钥》是新安郑氏喉科代表性专著,其学术特点各具特色又一脉相承。新安医学郑氏喉科具有鲜明的温病学术特色:咽... 新安医学郑氏喉科源远流长,鼎盛于清代,尤以《重楼玉钥》和自拟的养阴清肺汤最为著名。《重楼玉钥》《重楼玉钥续编》《喉科秘钥》是新安郑氏喉科代表性专著,其学术特点各具特色又一脉相承。新安医学郑氏喉科具有鲜明的温病学术特色:咽喉疾病审证求因多为温邪;诊断过程能合色脉;辨证融卫气营血和三焦思路;治疗以祛邪、养阴为要务,忌辛温发散、禁寒凉冰伏;治疗方式常以外用药噙含、针刺加内服调理。厘清新安郑氏喉科温病学特色,能为传承其学术精华、开拓临床视野提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 郑氏喉科 新安医学 《重楼玉钥》 《重楼玉钥续编》 《喉科秘钥》 温病学 学术特色
作者 赵振 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期115-122,共8页
浦江郑氏义门家族历经宋、元、明三代,绵延二百五十余年不衰,无疑得益于郑氏家规的编纂和执行。从第六代家长郑文融开始撰《家规前录》定其大纲,中间经第七代家长郑钦与郑铉分别撰《家规后录》和《家规续录》加以补充,最后由第八世孙郑... 浦江郑氏义门家族历经宋、元、明三代,绵延二百五十余年不衰,无疑得益于郑氏家规的编纂和执行。从第六代家长郑文融开始撰《家规前录》定其大纲,中间经第七代家长郑钦与郑铉分别撰《家规后录》和《家规续录》加以补充,最后由第八世孙郑涛协同众兄弟修订编成《郑氏规范》定稿,前后经历了三代人、数十年时间,最终修成了一部内容广泛、条款细密的家法族规,为郑氏家族的发展提供了很好的制度保障,并成为中国传统家法族规的典范之作,对后世家法族规的发展产生了重要的影响。 展开更多
关键词 元明 浦江郑氏家族 郑氏规范 形成过程
作者 庄婷妍 《镇江高专学报》 2025年第1期23-28,共6页
郑若庸的《玉玦记》共有36首下场诗。按其创作情况可分为三类:完全自创类、部分引用或化用类、完全引用或化用类。《玉玦记》的下场诗具有雅俗并存的语言风格。这种语言风格的形成,受到了文人化创作倾向的影响,适应了统治者推行教化的需... 郑若庸的《玉玦记》共有36首下场诗。按其创作情况可分为三类:完全自创类、部分引用或化用类、完全引用或化用类。《玉玦记》的下场诗具有雅俗并存的语言风格。这种语言风格的形成,受到了文人化创作倾向的影响,适应了统治者推行教化的需要,符合民众的欣赏趣味。 展开更多
关键词 郑若庸 《玉玦记》 下场诗 语言风格
作者 杜岳 崔志林 《中国药业》 2025年第3期26-31,共6页
目的分析《临证指南医案》中虫药的应用情况及叶氏应用虫药的临证思路。方法整理《临证指南医案》应用虫药的方剂,以病因病机分类,总结其中11味虫药的应用情况,并列举验案佐证。结果“凡虫蚁皆攻”,虫药猛烈,多用于治疗痿症、痫症、痹... 目的分析《临证指南医案》中虫药的应用情况及叶氏应用虫药的临证思路。方法整理《临证指南医案》应用虫药的方剂,以病因病机分类,总结其中11味虫药的应用情况,并列举验案佐证。结果“凡虫蚁皆攻”,虫药猛烈,多用于治疗痿症、痫症、痹症等顽疾。叶氏善用虫药治疗“湿”“瘀”“风”“虚损”之证,并从病因病机出发随证制方,根据病邪侵袭位置判断用药主次,善用缓攻,注重养正。结论虫药在中医方剂中具有独特价值。结合虫药的临证疗效及其应用利弊,可为虫药应用的研究提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 叶氏 《临证指南医案》 虫药 随证制方 临证思路
Liver Transplantation (in Chinese), revised edition, Edited by Shu-Sen Zheng. Pp843. Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2012. ISBN: 978-7-117-15494-9/R.15495. ¥RMB 158 被引量:3
《Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International》 SCIE CAS 2012年第6期649-649,共1页
Liver Transplantation (in Chinese), revised edition, edited by Professor Shu-Sen Zheng and prefaced by Professor Guo-Wei Sang, has just been published. The revised edition is mainly based on the clinical practice of t... Liver Transplantation (in Chinese), revised edition, edited by Professor Shu-Sen Zheng and prefaced by Professor Guo-Wei Sang, has just been published. The revised edition is mainly based on the clinical practice of the Liver Transplant Center, the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University and the experience 展开更多
关键词 in Chinese BEIJING Edited by Shu-Sen zheng People’s Medical Publishing House Pp843 R.15495 RMB 158
Biological Aspects of Orius similis Zheng Reared on Two Preys at Three Constant Temperatures 被引量:1
作者 Marwa Elsayed Sanad Amer Yueguan Fu Liming Niu 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2018年第6期350-363,共14页
Mass-rearing of Orius similis Zheng on two preys,Aphis craccivora Koch and eggs of Corcyra cephalonica Stainton at three constant temperatures(22,26 and 30°C)and 60%±10%RH and 16:8 L/D photoperiod under labo... Mass-rearing of Orius similis Zheng on two preys,Aphis craccivora Koch and eggs of Corcyra cephalonica Stainton at three constant temperatures(22,26 and 30°C)and 60%±10%RH and 16:8 L/D photoperiod under laboratory conditions was investigated to study the effect of different temperatures and different preys on the biology of O.similis.The highest survival rate(%)of nymphal stages was 81.14%and the longest oviposition period for females(20.6 d)was recorded at 26°C.Also,the highest fecundity of female also recorded at 26°C.The highest rate of nymphal feeding consumption was(122.5 individuals of A.cracivora)also,recorded at 26°C.As well as,the two preys had significant effects on the biological characteristics of O.similis.The highest survival rate for nymphal stage was recorded when O.similis nymphs fed on A.cracivora.Therefore,the longest survival rate was founded in the nymphs which fed on the individuals of A.cracivora.During the nymphal period of O.similis which consumed more individuals of A.cracivora than the eggs of C.cephalonica.These results on the effect of three constant temperatures and two preys on the biology of O.similis will share to improve the rearing of O.similis in biological control agents in China and share to suppress the population of pests in field and greenhouse. 展开更多
关键词 ORIUS similis zheng BIOLOGICAL characteristics FEEDING CONSUMPTION
Bakri球囊联合Zheng子宫压迫缝合术治疗产后出血的效果探讨 被引量:6
作者 梁海梅 夏燕 +4 位作者 王静 赵卫体 杨永凤 邵丽琴 蒯梦芸 《宁夏医学杂志》 CAS 2019年第10期923-925,共3页
目的探讨Bakri球囊填塞术联合Zheng子宫压迫缝合术治疗产后出血患者的临床效果。方法将产后出血患者共108例依据手术方案分为2组,其中单纯Zheng子宫压迫缝合术治疗54例为对照组,Bakri球囊联合Zheng子宫压迫缝合术治疗54例为观察组。评价... 目的探讨Bakri球囊填塞术联合Zheng子宫压迫缝合术治疗产后出血患者的临床效果。方法将产后出血患者共108例依据手术方案分为2组,其中单纯Zheng子宫压迫缝合术治疗54例为对照组,Bakri球囊联合Zheng子宫压迫缝合术治疗54例为观察组。评价2组患者止血成功率,记录止血时间、术后出血量及住院时间,并观察术后感染及子宫恢复情况。结果观察组止血成功率(98.15%)高于对照组(87.04%),而输血率(1.85%)则显著低于对照组(16.67%),2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组出血减少率(1.85%),低于对照组(11.11%),但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);观察组术中出血量、术后24出血量及输血量与对照组比较均明显降低,且出血性恶露时间及住院时间与对照组比较均明显缩短(P<0.05);观察组术后产褥感染、伤口感染及低血容量性休克等并发症发生率分别为9.26%、1.85%、0.05%,与对照组的29.63%、14.81%、7.41%比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在产后出血治疗中采用Bakri球囊联合Zheng子宫压迫缝合术治疗可快速止血,减少术后出血量,保证止血成功,且利于降低术后感染,促进子宫恢复,缩短住院时间,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 Bakri球囊填塞术 zheng子宫压迫缝合术 产后出血 止血成功率
What is 'zheng' in traditional Chinese medicine? 被引量:2
作者 Tianfang Wang Jian Dang 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences》 2017年第1期14-15,共2页
Zheng is a distinct diagnostic concept in TCM.In order to understand this concept well,in this article,the definition and features of zheng,zheng identification in contrast to Western diagnostic process,and different ... Zheng is a distinct diagnostic concept in TCM.In order to understand this concept well,in this article,the definition and features of zheng,zheng identification in contrast to Western diagnostic process,and different zheng identification methods are systematically reviewed and discussed.Following these discussion,an example of dysmenorrhea is provided to illustrate how a zheng is identified in clinical practice. 展开更多
作者 吴中朝 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1991年第4期281-283,共3页
Dr.Xu Ruizheng(许瑞征)is an expertacupuncturist renowned for his knowledgeand experience in this field.I have been for-tunate to be his student and learned his vari-ous modalities of acupuncture treatment forVerruca P... Dr.Xu Ruizheng(许瑞征)is an expertacupuncturist renowned for his knowledgeand experience in this field.I have been for-tunate to be his student and learned his vari-ous modalities of acupuncture treatment forVerruca Plana(flat wart),which I wouldlike to impart hereby to my colleagues.According to Dr.Xu,there are 5modalities of treatment for Verruca Plana;Iam introducing 2 of them as follows: 展开更多
关键词 MODALITIES zheng ACUPUNCTURE renowned hereby 瑞征 bleeding CURATIVE SENSATION learned
Shandong Zheng Tai Food & Drink Co. Ltd.
《China's Foreign Trade》 1995年第10期13-13,共1页
The Shandong Zheng Tai Food & Drink Co. Ltd. is a Chinese-foreign joint venture, which integrates groundnut production, purchasing, processing and export into one and offers a series of services before, during and... The Shandong Zheng Tai Food & Drink Co. Ltd. is a Chinese-foreign joint venture, which integrates groundnut production, purchasing, processing and export into one and offers a series of services before, during and after production. It occupies a land area of 72,036 sq.m., and has 1,200 employees. Its fixed assets are RMB28.26 million. 展开更多
关键词 Drink Co LTD Shandong zheng Tai Food
A Review on Zheng Kai’s A Survey on Daoist Political Philosophy
作者 DAI Yumin 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2020年第5期309-311,共3页
Daoist political philosophy is a hot point in the study of Chinese philosophy.This paper introduces and comments on Professor Zheng Kai’s new book from four aspects,including the concept of Daoist political philosoph... Daoist political philosophy is a hot point in the study of Chinese philosophy.This paper introduces and comments on Professor Zheng Kai’s new book from four aspects,including the concept of Daoist political philosophy,the political philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi,the political philosophy of Huang Laodao,and the comparison between the political philosophy of Confucianism and Daoism.While speak highly of the systematic integration of the study in Daoist political philosophy,I also point out the shortcomings of this book. 展开更多
关键词 Daoist political philosophy LAOZI ZHUANGZI Huanglao zheng Kai
作者 Zheng Bijian 《China Report ASEAN》 2019年第1期10-13,共4页
"Over the last 40 years,we have consistently adhered to an independent foreign policy of peace,followed the path of peaceful development and pursued a win-win strategy of opening-up,"declared Chinese Preside... "Over the last 40 years,we have consistently adhered to an independent foreign policy of peace,followed the path of peaceful development and pursued a win-win strategy of opening-up,"declared Chinese President Xi Jinping,also general secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee,at a major event on December 18,2018,organized to commemorate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up. 展开更多
The combination of disease and Zheng (syndrome) on the basic of differentiation of six channels:a new pattern of disease diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine
作者 Xue Yang Xiong-Zhi Wu 《Traditional Medicine Research》 2017年第2期100-104,共5页
Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)was formed two thousand years ago,and developed in the following centuries.TCM has a unique way of looking at health and illness.Zheng(syndrome)is the basic unit and key term in TCM th... Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)was formed two thousand years ago,and developed in the following centuries.TCM has a unique way of looking at health and illness.Zheng(syndrome)is the basic unit and key term in TCM theory.Zheng is the pathological generalization of a certain stage in the development of disease.Treatment based on syndrome differentiation and disease differentiation of TCM is the basic principle to know and treat diseases,and a kind of special method to study diseases in TCM.In Han Dynasty(200 AD),doctor Zhang Zhongjing proposed Liujing Bianzheng(the differential diagnosis in accordance with the theory of six channels)to diagnose and treat diseases in Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases.In other words,he divided diseases into six channels diseases based on patient's Zhengs.Six channels diseases almost include all of the disease according to his classification standards.In addition,there are development rules in the progress of six channels diseases.Therefore,we hypothesized that combination of six channels disease and Zheng on the basic of differentiation of six channels is a new pattern of diagnosis and treatment diseases in TCM,which is beneficial to the understanding of a certain disease and makes disease treatment more convenient,fast and effective. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese medicine zheng(syndrome) Differentiation of six channels Treatment based on syndrome differentiation
Commemorating the 550^th Birth Year of Wen Zhengming and His Era Exhibition in Tokyo
《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2020年第3期20-24,共5页
The year 2020 marks the 550^th anniversary of Wen Zhengming s birth.The exhibition of Com m em orating the 550^th Birth Year of WenZhengming and His Era was co-sponsored by Tokyo National Museum and Taito City Calligr... The year 2020 marks the 550^th anniversary of Wen Zhengming s birth.The exhibition of Com m em orating the 550^th Birth Year of WenZhengming and His Era was co-sponsored by Tokyo National Museum and Taito City Calligraphy Museum,in which 133 collections of calligraphy and painting were on display. 展开更多
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