Thelow cyclefatigue( LCF) propertiesof Ti 2 Al 2 5 Zralloytubeand rod specimens weredetermined at R.T. Thestress~strain curve equation under cyclic and monotonicloading andtherelation of totalstrain vsfatiguelife...Thelow cyclefatigue( LCF) propertiesof Ti 2 Al 2 5 Zralloytubeand rod specimens weredetermined at R.T. Thestress~strain curve equation under cyclic and monotonicloading andtherelation of totalstrain vsfatiguelife of Ti 2 Al 2 5Zr alloy were established. Theeffectsofstrain ratio R,strain amplitudeεaandspecimenshapeoncyclicdeformingbehavior and fatigueproperties were analyzed . The fatiguefracture features were also discussed ac cording as SEMobservation. The resultsshow , at R = 0 1 ,thecyclicstress straincurvesof Ti 2 Al 2 5Zr alloytube and rodspecimensappear ascyclesoftening. When Ris 1 ,itsrodspecimen behavesascyclesoftening;atlow εavalues; whereasitbehavesascyclehardeningat high εa values. The LCFproperties determined withtubespecimen islower apparentlythanthat withrod one. Thereare muchirregularrecrystallineconvexin LCFfracturesof Ti 2 Al 2 5Zr alloytubeand rodspecimens, and muchsecondarycracks,fatiguestriationsand holes alsoexistamongthem .展开更多
文摘Thelow cyclefatigue( LCF) propertiesof Ti 2 Al 2 5 Zralloytubeand rod specimens weredetermined at R.T. Thestress~strain curve equation under cyclic and monotonicloading andtherelation of totalstrain vsfatiguelife of Ti 2 Al 2 5Zr alloy were established. Theeffectsofstrain ratio R,strain amplitudeεaandspecimenshapeoncyclicdeformingbehavior and fatigueproperties were analyzed . The fatiguefracture features were also discussed ac cording as SEMobservation. The resultsshow , at R = 0 1 ,thecyclicstress straincurvesof Ti 2 Al 2 5Zr alloytube and rodspecimensappear ascyclesoftening. When Ris 1 ,itsrodspecimen behavesascyclesoftening;atlow εavalues; whereasitbehavesascyclehardeningat high εa values. The LCFproperties determined withtubespecimen islower apparentlythanthat withrod one. Thereare muchirregularrecrystallineconvexin LCFfracturesof Ti 2 Al 2 5Zr alloytubeand rodspecimens, and muchsecondarycracks,fatiguestriationsand holes alsoexistamongthem .