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Fostering Chinese National Unity:Advocating the National Common Language and Writing System for Heightened Community Awareness
作者 Yuying Han 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2023年第12期301-307,共7页
The promotion of the national common language and writing system stands as a cornerstone in cultivating a sense of community among the Chinese nation.The national common language and writing system,serving as a potent... The promotion of the national common language and writing system stands as a cornerstone in cultivating a sense of community among the Chinese nation.The national common language and writing system,serving as a potent vehicle for cultural dissemination and linguistic communication,acts as a crucial bridge fostering unity,mutual support,cultural exchange,and cohesion among diverse ethnic groups.Its widespread promotion not only reinforces the cohesion of the Chinese nation but also plays a pivotal role in fortifying national and cultural identity.The advocacy and dissemination of the national common language and writing system contribute significantly to enhancing the sense of community within the Chinese nation.This concerted effort serves as an internal driving force,creating a positive feedback loop that strengthens both national identity and the cultural bonds shared by the Chinese people.The reciprocal relationship between the promotion and popularization of the national common language and writing system reinforces a mutual sense of assistance and reciprocity.This bidirectional dynamic propels a synergistic interplay,fostering a beneficial cycle in the promotion and widespread adoption of the national common language and writing system.In essence,the promotion and popularization of the national common language and writing system not only contribute to its advancement but also serve to deepen the sense of community within the Chinese nation.This reciprocal interaction between the two elements establishes a robust foundation for nurturing a strong and cohesive Chinese community. 展开更多
关键词 PROMOTION national common language and writing system Forging a sense of community
Tracing the Historical Development of Ethnic Colleges and Universities to Strengthen the Consciousness of the Chinese National Community:Oral Narratives of Southwest Minzu University's 70 Years of Development
作者 Yinqiu Wang 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2022年第5期135-144,共10页
"With copper as a mirror,you can wear a crown;with history as a mirror,you can know the rise and fall."This paper takes the 70-year development process of Southwest Minzu University as the carrier,the castin... "With copper as a mirror,you can wear a crown;with history as a mirror,you can know the rise and fall."This paper takes the 70-year development process of Southwest Minzu University as the carrier,the casting of the Chinese national community as the main line while tracing back to the source,adopts the recording method of"oral history of the school,"interviews witnesses to the development of Southwest Minzu University,including school leaders,teachers,alumni,and other representative figures,records the memories of these parties on the practices of Southwest Minzu University in different periods to cast the awareness of the Chinese national community,and collates them into a text.From the perspective of students,it is important to understand the history of the Chinese national community in the past 70 years since the establishment of Southwest Minzu University,collect and sort out the historical memories of Southwest Minzu University for the education of the Chinese national community,supplement and confirm the school's historical documents,preserve the history,make up for the gap in the history of the school,and at the same time provide a realistic basis for Southwest Minzu University to formulate future development strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Minzu University Cast a solid sense of the chinese national community Oral narrative
中华民族共有精神家园研究现状及趋势——基于CiteSpace的可视化分析 被引量:1
作者 王丹 闫冬 《青海民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期17-25,共9页
中华民族共有精神家园的理论与实践要旨涵盖民族学、社会学、政治学等多学科领域,其内涵意蕴在学界热烈而持久的讨论中由文化视角逐渐拓展到认同、现实、家园、国家和共同体等视角。构筑中华民族共有精神家园的研究聚焦中华民族、文化... 中华民族共有精神家园的理论与实践要旨涵盖民族学、社会学、政治学等多学科领域,其内涵意蕴在学界热烈而持久的讨论中由文化视角逐渐拓展到认同、现实、家园、国家和共同体等视角。构筑中华民族共有精神家园的研究聚焦中华民族、文化认同和共有精神家园等维度。文化认同是中华民族凝聚与共有精神家园建设的有效实现方式和路径。铸牢中华民族共同体意识是新时代中华民族共有精神家园的建设方向,而构筑中华民族共有精神家园是铸牢中华民族共同体意识的具象表现。铸牢中华民族共同体意识与构筑中华民族共有精神家园相辅相成,共同体意识在精神家园中孕育滋养,精神家园在共同体意识指引下建设发展,聚力凝心以中国式现代化推进强国建设和民族复兴。 展开更多
关键词 中华民族共有精神家园 文化认同 共同体意识
作者 杨敏 代金平 《民族学刊》 北大核心 2024年第1期82-92,129,共12页
开展铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育是高校思想政治工作的重要内容,是培育时代新人的重要举措。通过CiteSpace软件对“高校铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育”主题文献进行可视化研究,分析发文量、作者共现、机构合作、关键词共现、关键词聚类... 开展铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育是高校思想政治工作的重要内容,是培育时代新人的重要举措。通过CiteSpace软件对“高校铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育”主题文献进行可视化研究,分析发文量、作者共现、机构合作、关键词共现、关键词聚类、关键词时区图、关键词突现情况等,从民族高校是前沿阵地、“大思政课”是其重要载体、培育时代新人是其价值导向等方面展开论述,认为,总体符合铸牢中华民族共同体意识主线的发展脉络。但目前的研究在理论创新、主题创新和实证研究等方面还不够。为进一步探索有效推动高校铸牢中华民族共同体意识入脑入心的现实路径,本文分析了高校铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育的研究现状和趋势。未来研究不仅需加强机构合作和研究团队建设,还需深化对各类普通高校的研究,强化实证研究方法,创新理论逻辑,拓宽数字技术赋能教育的研究视角,探讨构建民族高校铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育工作的实效评价机制等,推动新时代高校铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育创造性转化、创新性发展。 展开更多
关键词 高校 铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育 CITESPaCE 文献计量方法
铸牢中华民族共同体意识视域下少数民族流动人口研究的回顾与反思--基于CiteSpace的可视化分析 被引量:1
作者 李虎 张玉 《贵州民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第1期1-16,共16页
对铸牢中华民族共同体意识提出以来,以“少数民族流动人口”为主题的文章进行检索,运用CiteSpace绘制知识图谱进行分析,发现主要涉及城市(社会)融入、流动人口合法权益、城市民族工作、民族交往交流交融等主题,存在理论研究不够系统、... 对铸牢中华民族共同体意识提出以来,以“少数民族流动人口”为主题的文章进行检索,运用CiteSpace绘制知识图谱进行分析,发现主要涉及城市(社会)融入、流动人口合法权益、城市民族工作、民族交往交流交融等主题,存在理论研究不够系统、研究主题创新性不足、优秀民族志成果偏少等问题。需要以铸牢中华民族共同体意识为主线,完善该主题的研究体系与研究范式,拓展研究视域,加强田野调查,丰富个案研究,开展更深层次的理论和实践探索。 展开更多
关键词 铸牢中华民族共同体意识 少数民族流动人口 CITESPaCE 民族交往交流交融
作者 刘敏 《文山学院学报》 2024年第3期8-14,共7页
中华民族共同体是当前学界的研究热点。以中国知网所发布的“中华民族共同体”相关北大核心及CSSCI来源期刊文献为研究对象,借助CiteSpace计量工具绘制知识图谱,系统梳理近十年的学术研究脉络发现,从总体上看,研究主要分为积极探索、快... 中华民族共同体是当前学界的研究热点。以中国知网所发布的“中华民族共同体”相关北大核心及CSSCI来源期刊文献为研究对象,借助CiteSpace计量工具绘制知识图谱,系统梳理近十年的学术研究脉络发现,从总体上看,研究主要分为积极探索、快速发展、深化研究三个阶段,研究主体多为各民族院校和相关科研机构,学科跨越了政治学、民族学、文学、教育学等,但交叉性学科研究较少;从研究内容来看,主要聚焦于中华民族共同体的基本内涵、逻辑旨归、政策梳理、历史脉络和实践路径。今后的中华民族共同体研究需要加强系统性的联合,在研究问题的深度和广度上进行拓展。 展开更多
关键词 中华民族共同体 中华民族共同体意识 研究现状 前沿展望 文献计量法
作者 朱晓星 《黔南民族师范学院学报》 2024年第2期14-22,共9页
铸牢中华民族共同体意识需要底层逻辑视角。以集体记忆和社会自组织作为研究的理论框架,对铸牢中华民族共同体意识进行文化社会认同考察,并以“村BA”为典型案例,对基层推动铸牢中华民族共同体意识的机制进行深入探讨,提出基层在推动铸... 铸牢中华民族共同体意识需要底层逻辑视角。以集体记忆和社会自组织作为研究的理论框架,对铸牢中华民族共同体意识进行文化社会认同考察,并以“村BA”为典型案例,对基层推动铸牢中华民族共同体意识的机制进行深入探讨,提出基层在推动铸牢中华民族共同体意识过程中共享记忆的建构、自主管理与社会治理的互动和文化社会认同的凝聚强化等机制,对其为铸牢中华民族共同体意识作出贡献的前景进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 “村Ba 集体记忆 自组织 基层 中华民族共同体意识
On the Formation of Chinese Nation as One Community from the Perspective of Reading History——Taking the Liao,Western Xia,Jin,Yuan Dynasties as Research Focuses
作者 Long WANG Ruiqing LI 《Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies》 2023年第2期36-68,共33页
The formation of the Chinese nation as one community is not only the result of the interaction of various factors such as politics,economy,culture,and natural environment,but also an inevitable trend in historical dev... The formation of the Chinese nation as one community is not only the result of the interaction of various factors such as politics,economy,culture,and natural environment,but also an inevitable trend in historical development.However,cultural identity and integration are the most important factors.Classics are the essence of national culture,and they have always played an important role in shaping,communicating,identifying,and integrating ethnic cultures.In Chinese history,regardless of whether various ethnic groups were in control of a region or entered the Central Plains,they relied on reading Chinese classics and learning Chinese culture as the basis for their survival,and identified themselves as members of the Chinese nation.This eternal historical law is particularly evident in the Liao,Western Xia,Jin,and Yuan dynasties.Summarizing the reading history of these ethnic groups and societies,learning from their historical experience,and exploring and inheriting the reading cultural resources of the Chinese nation are necessary for the formation of the Chinese nation as one community. 展开更多
关键词 Reading History chinese nation as One community national Culture national Integration chinese Classics
On Forging a Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation and the Continuous Development of the Cohesion of the Chinese Nation
作者 Haitao LIU 《Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies》 2023年第4期17-44,共28页
Chinese national cohesion,through hard forging in the long course of history,has strong historical inertia.The theory of"Great Unification"a multi-ethnic state structure under this ideology,the"multi-co... Chinese national cohesion,through hard forging in the long course of history,has strong historical inertia.The theory of"Great Unification"a multi-ethnic state structure under this ideology,the"multi-colorfully integrated"Chinese culture,a constantly evolving and subliming sense of"Huaxia identity"and other historical genes make a far-reaching significance to producing and developing the cohesion of the Chinese nation.The Communist Party of China(CPC)fully appreciates the laws and prevailing trends of history,seizes the historical initiative,and combines them with new historical context,so unremittingly promotes the continuous development of the cohesion of the Chinese nation.On the new journey into the new era,General Secretary Xi Jinping,centering on the epochal theme of"the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation",put forward the original assertion of"forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation",pointing out that"forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation"as the main theme to continuously promote the construction of the Chinese national community,which has had a tremendous and far-reaching impact on the continued development of the cohesion of the Chinese nation.Forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and continuously developing the cohesion of the Chinese nation reflect the historical consciousness and the spirit of the historical initiative of the CPC in the new era to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country,to unite the majestic power of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,and to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation comprehensively. 展开更多
关键词 forging a strong sense of community for the chinese nation the cohesion of the chinese nation the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation mental order historical consciousness and historical initiative
Four Pillars Underpinning a Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation
作者 Xiangjun CHEN Xiuying GONG 《Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies》 2023年第2期69-82,共14页
Throughout history,there have been close political,economic,and cultural connections between the border areas and the interior of China.To strengthen the unity of the Chinese nation and forge a strong sense of nationa... Throughout history,there have been close political,economic,and cultural connections between the border areas and the interior of China.To strengthen the unity of the Chinese nation and forge a strong sense of national identity,it is important to draw inspiration from our history.Politically,we must reinforce the memory of national unity and promote the belief that the Chinese nation is a big family and China's territory is indivisible.Economically,it is crucial to continue the historical economic ties between the border areas and the interior,and to deepen economic interdependence in the present era.This will strengthen economic connections between different regions and groups within China and promote unity.Socially,it is essential to facilitate the population flow between dfferent regions,particularly between the border areas and the interior,to promote ethnic communication and integration.Encouraging ethnic groups to live among each other and supporting two-way population flow can further enhance social cohesion.Culturally,we must maintain our tradition of cultural sharing and spread traditional Chinese culture and modern socialist values among all ethnic groups.This will strengthen the bond of the Chinese nation as one community.These four pillars-political,economic,social,and cultural-form the foundation of a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. 展开更多
关键词 a strong sense of community for the chinese nation historical memory economic ties population flow culture sharing
A Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation Embodied in the Musical Dance Art of Early Dunhuang Grottoes
作者 Qiu JIN Jing JIANG 《Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies》 2023年第2期5-19,共15页
The musical dance art recorded in early Dunhuang Grottoes,though supposed to be created by ancient northern ethnic groups such as the Hun and Xianbei,gives expression to a strong thought of"Chinafication"and... The musical dance art recorded in early Dunhuang Grottoes,though supposed to be created by ancient northern ethnic groups such as the Hun and Xianbei,gives expression to a strong thought of"Chinafication"and a sense of community for the Chinese nation.By analyzing the essence and content of the musical dance art in the Dunhuang Grottoes created during the Northern Liang(A.D.397-460),Northern Wei(A.D.386-534),Western Wei(A.D.535-556)and Northern Zhou(A.D.557-581)Dynasties,and by exploring the contribution of ancient ethnic groups such as the Hun and Xianbei in the formation and development of Chinese nation,this study reveals that the musical dance art in early Dunhuang Grottoes faithfully reflects the community pattern of the Chinese nation featured by"unity in diversity"developed since ancient times,and hopes that the future research and creation may expand their horizon by incorporating the musical dance art of early Dunhuang Grottoes into the system of contemporary Dunhuang dance. 展开更多
关键词 sense of community for the chinese nation Chinafication Hu-Han integration musical dance art in early Dunhuang grottoes pluralistic unity
Fostering a Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation and the Chinafication of Tibetan Buddhism
作者 Weirong SHEN 《Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies》 2023年第1期83-95,共13页
The objective of fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation is to establish the Chinese national identity,which is the symbol of a modern nation-state,for all Minzu in China;and the precondition of i... The objective of fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation is to establish the Chinese national identity,which is the symbol of a modern nation-state,for all Minzu in China;and the precondition of it is to define"China"and"Chinese people"with preciseness.For that sake,we must abolish both Han chauvinism and narrow-minded local ethnic chauvinism,and reaffirm the staunch belief that all 56 Minzu are inseparable parts of the Chinese nation and that all people of these 56 Minzu are Chinese people.To adapt Tibetan Buddhism to the Chinese context is not to sinicize Tibetan Buddhism,but to adapt it to the requirement for the development and progress of the Chinese nation in a new era,as well as to make it a fantastic catalyst for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.For the sake of it,we will not only make Tibetan Buddhism a crucial part of Chinese Buddhism,but also include Han and Tibetan Buddhism as the most important identity of Chinese Buddhism,so as to integrate Tibetan Buddhism,Han Buddhism,and Theravada Buddhism inside China and strengthen a sense of community for Chinese nation in China's Buddhist community,which will serve as an important part of forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. 展开更多
关键词 fostering a strong sense of community for the chinese nation adapting Tibetan Buddhism to the chinese context Han Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism Sinicization and adaptation to chinese context
Building a Community for the Chinese Nation in the Context of National Cohesion
作者 Huixuan LUO Hanzhang LIN 《Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies》 2023年第1期60-82,共23页
Mr.Fei Xiaotong once pointed out that Han people has played a central cohesive role in the formation of the unified multi-ethnic Chinese nation.The emergence and popularization of the concept of“Chinese nation"i... Mr.Fei Xiaotong once pointed out that Han people has played a central cohesive role in the formation of the unified multi-ethnic Chinese nation.The emergence and popularization of the concept of“Chinese nation"is itself a manifestation of national cohesion.The history of unified multi-ethnic Chinese nation since the Qin and Han dynasties has laid the foundation of the community for Chinese nation.The building of the community for the Chinese nation is both a realistic subject and a historical process.Since its founding,the Communist Party of China(CPC)has been committed to pushing forward the establishment of a community for the Chinese nation.The ultimate purpose of fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation,standing firmly with“Five Identities",and enhancing our identity with and pride in the Chinese nation,is to improve national cohesion of China.A community for the Chinese nation is a critical expression for Chinese national cohesion;and to push forward the establishment of a community for the Chinese nation in the new era is one of the key measures to improve Chinese national cohesion. 展开更多
关键词 chinese nation the unified multi-ethnic chinese nation COMMONaLITY national cohesion building a community for the chinese nation
The Discussion of Connotation and Denotation of the Consciousness of the Chinese National Community
作者 Jinyu QI Xinru HOU 《Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies》 2023年第4期5-16,共12页
In order to promote research of the Consciousness of the Chinese National Community(CCNC),it is essential to unravel the historical logic and practical foundation of the concept of Chinese National Community(CNC).This... In order to promote research of the Consciousness of the Chinese National Community(CCNC),it is essential to unravel the historical logic and practical foundation of the concept of Chinese National Community(CNC).This necessitates a thorough analysis and contemplation of its connotation and denotation.The CCNC gradually emerged during the continuous development of the CNC.It connotes that all members of the CNC can consciously recognize the objective existence of the CNC and they cognitively,psychologically,and behaviorally have a sense of identity with and belonging to the CNC.From the perspective of the denotation of CCNC,its structural basis lies within the plurality and unity in the configuration of the Chinese Nation.The consciousness of national identity serves as its political expression,the Chinese cultural identity as its spiritual foundation and the consciousness of a community with shared future as its inherent attribute. 展开更多
关键词 Consciousness of the chinese national community chinese Cultural Identity national Identity the Consciousness of a community with Shared Future
Overseas Chinese and the Chinese Nation Expansion of Multidimensional Space
作者 Yiping CHEN Yijia GUAN Zhang Lanyu 《Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies》 2023年第1期96-115,共20页
In the span of thousands of years of history,especially during the confrontation with western powers in the past centuries,the Chinese nation has transformed itself from a"self-being"to a"self-conscious... In the span of thousands of years of history,especially during the confrontation with western powers in the past centuries,the Chinese nation has transformed itself from a"self-being"to a"self-conscious"national entity,forming a multi-level and multi-dimensional community structure.As"the marginal"in the"Chinese cultural circle",visible and intangible,overseas O Chinese communities have always maintained a dynamic relationship with the"core",and overseas Chinese have constantly expanded the scope of the Chinese national space through alternative channels of culture and society.By analyzing the progression of three phases,namely the period before the 1850s,1850s-1950s and the period after the 1950s,this paper examines the role of overseas Chinese in the multidimensional space expansion of the Chinese nation.We deem that overseas Chinese maintained varied degrees of spatial connection and participated in the construction of the national homeland in multiple scales such as ethnic identity,cultural identity,economic ties and social networks;The sense of ethnic community of overseas Chinese is embodied in the inclinations toward the ancestral country,multi-dimensional identification and the concept of righteousness,showing the characteristics of pluralism and consensus;Due to the variance of affecting factors,such as migration time and intergenerational relations,geographical distance and cyberspace accessibility,policies of the country of origin and transnational interaction,there are distinguishable traits between different groups of overseas Chinese and the"core"of the multidimensional space of the Chinese nation.Overseas Chinese not only expand out,but also bridge and tie up the multidimensional and three-dimensional space of the Chinese nation. 展开更多
关键词 the chinese national community multi-dimensional space overseas chinese
Intellectual Property Protection and High-quality Development of Cotton Industry in Xinjiang 被引量:7
作者 Miaomiao XU Yueqiu HE +2 位作者 Wanzhen XIONG Chengshun SONG Zhiguo SUN 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2022年第6期4-11,共8页
This paper firstly introduces the general situation of cotton planting areas in China and cotton industry in Xinjiang,and the current situation of intellectual property protection of Xinjiang's cotton industry.The... This paper firstly introduces the general situation of cotton planting areas in China and cotton industry in Xinjiang,and the current situation of intellectual property protection of Xinjiang's cotton industry.Then,it analyzes the main problems in its intellectual property protection and high-quality development.On this basis,it comes up with the recommendations for high-quality development of cotton industry in Xinjiang under the strategy of strengthening the country with intellectual property.The recommendations include improving the level of creation of creative intellectual property rights,building an intellectual property rule system in the entire cotton industry chain in Xinjiang,building protected zones for production of major high quality agricultural product cotton,establishing a demonstration zone to undertake the transfer of the domestic cotton textile and garment industry,undertaking education on the sense of community for the Chinese nation in response to the Xinjiang cotton incident,and developing the"Belt and Road"blue market for Xinjiang cotton and its products. 展开更多
关键词 Xinjiang cotton incident Protected zone for production of major high quality agricultural product cotton sense of community for the chinese nation Strategy of strengthening the country with intellectual property High-quality development
作者 陈瑶 《沧州师范学院学报》 2023年第4期97-107,124,共12页
铸牢中华民族共同体意识是新时代党的民族工作的主线,各级各类民族高校作为开展民族教育工作的主要渠道和实践阵地,承担着重要的历史使命。利用VOSviewer和CiteSpace文献计量分析软件对2014-2022年有关民族高校“中华民族共同体意识”... 铸牢中华民族共同体意识是新时代党的民族工作的主线,各级各类民族高校作为开展民族教育工作的主要渠道和实践阵地,承担着重要的历史使命。利用VOSviewer和CiteSpace文献计量分析软件对2014-2022年有关民族高校“中华民族共同体意识”研究的397篇文献进行图谱分析,发现:关于民族高校铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究在发展趋势上,正处在快速发展阶段;研究热点具有较强的政策导向性;研究主题多维延拓;研究方向从早期的概念话语建构到理论要义解构,逐渐演变为对策路径的实践探索,包含基底矢量、逻辑遵循、价值意蕴,以及对策路径等内容。未来本领域研究仍需深化内涵价值、提高实践反馈、注重线上探索、加强范式延拓、强化学科联动并重视合作研究。 展开更多
关键词 民族高校 铸牢中华民族共同体意识 可视化 知识图谱
Establish and Highlight the Chinese Cultural Symbols and the Image of the Chinese Nation Shared by All Ethnic Groups
作者 Xiaohua WU Anran LI Qingqing YANG 《Journal of the Chinese Nation Studies》 2023年第2期160-176,共17页
Establishing and highlighting Chinese cultural symbols and the image of the Chinese nation shared by all ethnic groups is necessary to foster a sense of community for the Chinese nation and to comprehensively build a ... Establishing and highlighting Chinese cultural symbols and the image of the Chinese nation shared by all ethnic groups is necessary to foster a sense of community for the Chinese nation and to comprehensively build a modern socialist state.The article explains the understanding of the connotation of establishing and highlighting Chinese cultural symbols and the image of the Chinese nation shared by all ethnic groups,analyzes the practical problems in its practice,and proposes to strengthen Chinese cultural integration and national narratives,build a new era cultural symbol system led by the core socialist values,and creatively transform and innovatively develop Chinese cultural symbols and the image of the Chinese nation shared by all ethnic groups. 展开更多
关键词 chinese Cultural Symbols Image of the chinese nation Fostering a sense of community for the chinese nation
惯习延展、资本增殖和场域生成:少数民族人口流动促进民族交往交流交融的实践逻辑——基于对A省H市的调查 被引量:5
作者 汤夺先 王增武 《广西民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期33-42,共10页
新时代背景下少数民族人口流动规模和方式都呈现深刻变化,为民族间交往交流交融提供了契机。实践是惯习、资本和场域相互作用的产物。依托对A省H市的调查资料进行研究发现,通过延展原有生计惯习,少数民族流动人口易于立足城市,并建立社... 新时代背景下少数民族人口流动规模和方式都呈现深刻变化,为民族间交往交流交融提供了契机。实践是惯习、资本和场域相互作用的产物。依托对A省H市的调查资料进行研究发现,通过延展原有生计惯习,少数民族流动人口易于立足城市,并建立社会组织和文化采借等方式实现资本增值,在动态过程中生成特有的实践逻辑。少数民族人口流动场域下,惯习和资本异于布迪厄的理论,二者部分重叠和贯通,使民族交往交流交融更加隐秘和私人化。民族交往交流交融实践让少数民族流动人口和城市居民共同生活体验和情感不断增加,为加强民族团结和铸牢中华民族共同体意识提供了独特的经验支撑和动力来源。 展开更多
关键词 民族交往交流交融 少数民族人口流动 实践逻辑 铸牢中华民族共同体意识
边境牧区民族交往交流交融的实践与路径——基于内蒙古A旗的田野调查 被引量:3
作者 高永久 杨龙文 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期46-55,共10页
作为我国边疆场域的特殊板块,边境牧区各民族交往交流交融的实践经验为观察民族“三交”提供了一个微观性视角。基于对内蒙古A旗的田野调查,边境牧区各民族通过生计协作补足形成经济互嵌、精神双向交流形成文化互嵌、族际结构整合形成... 作为我国边疆场域的特殊板块,边境牧区各民族交往交流交融的实践经验为观察民族“三交”提供了一个微观性视角。基于对内蒙古A旗的田野调查,边境牧区各民族通过生计协作补足形成经济互嵌、精神双向交流形成文化互嵌、族际结构整合形成社会互嵌、认同意识凝聚形成心理互嵌,最终使得各民族在交往交流交融中构建起关系紧密的利益共同体、文化共同体、社会共同体和心理共同体。通过对该旗的考察,深化边境牧区各民族交往交流交融的路径选择主要在于厚植交往结构的物质基础、注重交流过程的主体间性、深化交融功能的整合成效,从而在推动各民族实现高质量发展、各民族形成双向互嵌交流格局、中华民族共同体从自在实体走向自觉意识中促进各民族交往交流交融纵深化发展。 展开更多
关键词 边境牧区 交往交流交融 中华民族共同体意识 民族互嵌
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