Particulate samples were collected from the Changjiang river system during a flood period, in May 1997, and POC, stable isotope and lipids associated with particles were examined. Results showed the decrease (0.84% ...Particulate samples were collected from the Changjiang river system during a flood period, in May 1997, and POC, stable isotope and lipids associated with particles were examined. Results showed the decrease (0.84% ~ 1.88%) of organic carbon content from the upper reaches to the estuary.δ^13 values of particulate organic carbon was in the range of -24.9×10^-3 to -26.6×10^-3, which were close to the isotopic signature of continental C3 vegetation. Total particulate n-alkanes concentrations varied from 1.4 to 10.1μg/dm^3,or from 23.7 to 107μg/g of total suspended matter. Fatty acids were present in all the samples, from 1.4 to 5.4μg/dm^3, with saturated and unsaturated straight-chain and branched compounds in the carbon number range from C12 to C30. Both δ^13 and the ratio of carbon content to nitrogen content indicate the predominance of terrestrial inputs (soil organic matter) among the particles. The biomarker approach has been used to identify the relative portion of terrigenous and autochthonous fraction in the particulate samples. The distribution of fatty acids suggests a striking phytoplanktonic and microbial signal in most particle samples. The terrestrial alkanes are used to estimate the contribution of terrestrial inputs along the mainstream.展开更多
The source-receptor relation of wet deposition has been a continuous issue in studies of regional environmental pollution over the past two decades.In the absence of direct observational evidence,the problem is diffic...The source-receptor relation of wet deposition has been a continuous issue in studies of regional environmental pollution over the past two decades.In the absence of direct observational evidence,the problem is difficult to solve—a topic of broad international debate since the turn of the present century.In the present study,a variety of methods focused on the sources of the wet deposition of acidic substances,like sulfate and nitrate,were used to investigate the precipitation chemistry over the Yangtze River Delta(YRD)during 2007.Back-trajectory analysis associated with the observation data and a source tracing method coupled with the Nested Air Quality Prediction Modeling System(NAQPMS)are proved to be effective methods for investigating the sources of wet deposition over the YRD.Comparison among the back-trajectory,footprint,and NAQPMS results shows good consistency,both qualitatively and quantitatively.The most important contributor to acidic substances in the YRD,as well as heavy acid rain over the region,is the anthropogenic pollution from East China,which accounts for more than 70%.展开更多
In order to examine the impacts of water-sediment regulation on regional carbon cycling,we collected water,particulate and sediment samples from the middle-lower Yellow River in late June and early July,2015 and analy...In order to examine the impacts of water-sediment regulation on regional carbon cycling,we collected water,particulate and sediment samples from the middle-lower Yellow River in late June and early July,2015 and analyzed their specific amino acids(AA),DOC,POC,and bacteria abundance.Summarized by 14 specific AA,the total hydrolysable AA(THAA),particulate AA(PAA),and sediment AA(SAA)varied in ranges of 2.29-9.05μmol L^-1,5.22-22.96μmol L^-1,and 81.7-137.19μg g^-1 dry weight.After the regulation,dissolved free AA(DFAA)decreased by 29%while DCAA increased by 72%.These variations suggested that DFAA were further degraded,while DCAA molecules were further activated.Meanwhile,PAA increased almost 4 times as many as those before regulation,and SAA increased as well.After regulation,the amounts of bioactive amino acids(Asp,Glu and Gly)increased in THAA but decreased in PAA,with little changes in SAA.The ratios of Asp/Gly in different phases increased after regulation,indicating the AA contributions were promoted by calcareous organisms rather than by siliceous organisms.Multiple correlation analysis showed that PAA was primary representatives of AA and organic carbon,followed by DCAA and POC.Moreover,bacterial reproduction played a key role in shaping the AA compositions and properties,followed by the redox condition and acid-base balance.The results of this study provided a clear evidence for the effects of water-sediment regulation on regional biogeochemistry of organic carbon in the middle-lower Yellow River.展开更多
Airborne pollutants such as SO42- and NO3- that cause acid rain may pollute water resources via acid deposition. However, such effects on the water quality of the upper Rio Grande River section in Texas have not been ...Airborne pollutants such as SO42- and NO3- that cause acid rain may pollute water resources via acid deposition. However, such effects on the water quality of the upper Rio Grande River section in Texas have not been systematically studied. The objective of this study is to collect and analyze field data, and perform hydrological and water chemistry analyses to assess acid deposition effects on the river water quality. The analysis of the precipitation data indicates that the concentrations of ions decrease as the quantity of precipitation increases. The precipitation with higher concentrations of SO42- and NO3- has a lower pH while that with higher concentrations of Ca2+ and Na+ has a relatively higher pH value. The analysis of river data demonstrates that the pH value, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) generally decrease when the flow rate increases immediately following precipitation events. The drop in pH following a precipitation event is due to the low pH in the precipitation. The DO and TDS decrease after the precipitation due to the increased flow rate. The slightly higher pH and lower DO values in the eastern section of the river (where the basin is limestone-dominated) as compared to the western section is due to the limestone erosion caused by the acid deposition. The annual stone loss by the acid deposition is about 72,000 m3. The fluctuation between the pH value and the temperature suggests the effect of CaCO3 solubility on the pH value. The water chemistry analysis using Geochemist’s Work Bench (GWB) has been performed to estimate the effect on the oscillation of CaCO3 dissolution-precipitation process. The equilibrium pH decreases with decreasing temperature, but increases as the CaCO3 concentration decreases. The effect of limestone on observed daily pH fluctuations appears to be supported by the simulation.展开更多
To investigate organic matter source and reactivity in the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) Estuary and its adjacent areas, particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate hydrolysable amino acids (PHAA), and Chl a during t...To investigate organic matter source and reactivity in the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) Estuary and its adjacent areas, particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate hydrolysable amino acids (PHAA), and Chl a during two cruises in July 1999 and July 2000 were measured. The highest POC and PHAA concentration was observed in the waters with maximum Chl a. The spectra distribution, relative content (dry weight in milligram per gram), PHAA-C% POC and other indicators such as the ratios of amino acids vs. amino sugars (AA/AS) and glucosamine vs. galactosamine (Glum/Gal) suggested that particulate amino acids in the water column and sediments in the Zhujiang River Estuary were mainly derived from biogenic processes rather than transported from terrestrial erosion. In inner estuary where high turbidity was often observable, organic matter was mainly contributed by re-suspension of bottom sediments with revealed zooplankton, microbial reworked characteristics, which suggest that these organic matters were relatively 'old'. In the estuarine brackish region, organic matter in water column is mainly contributed by relatively fresh, easily degradable phytoplankton derived organic matter. During physical - biological processes within the eastuary, organic matter derived from phytoplankton was subjected to alteration by zooplankton grazing and bacterial reworking.展开更多
The isotherms of the interaction between the suspended particles and Cu 2+ ,and the effects of lysine and asparaginic acid on the isotherms in the Huanghe (Yellow) River were studied by applying the theory and method ...The isotherms of the interaction between the suspended particles and Cu 2+ ,and the effects of lysine and asparaginic acid on the isotherms in the Huanghe (Yellow) River were studied by applying the theory and method of interfacial stepwise ion/coordination particle exchange. We obtained a new stepped river isotherm, formed by two curves joined together with a “plateau” in the middle. The adsorption equilibrium constants K 1 and K 2 were calculated by using the isothermal equation of surface stepwise ion exchange. Amino acid in small amount promotes exchange adsorption of the suspended particles with Cu 2+ . The degree of promotive action relates to the isoelectric point of amino acid. The promotive effect of lysine is bigger than that of asparaginic acid.展开更多
Objective:To determine whether the requirements for sialic acid varies and whether several types of silaic acid independent receptors utilized for invasion mechanisms of fresh filed isolates collected around Nanay riv...Objective:To determine whether the requirements for sialic acid varies and whether several types of silaic acid independent receptors utilized for invasion mechanisms of fresh filed isolates collected around Nanay river basin,Iquitos.Methods:The field isolates were cultured as described previously by Jensen and Trager and MR4 protocol with little modifications.The erythrocytes preparation and subsequent enzyme treatment was done as described previously by Sharma.with little modification.Invasion assay was performed as described previously by Sharma et al with little modification.Results:The Nanay river basin isolates showed five types of invasion mechanisms or types of receptors-ligand interactions.Here we observed that an equal numbers of neuraminidase sensitive and resistant invasion receptor-ligand interaction profiles as the most common receptor-ligand invasion profiles.Neuraminidase resistance trypsin sensitive chymotrypsin sensitive(NM_RT_SCT_S) invasion of receptor-ligand interaction profile was found in seven isolates,Five field isolates and one reference strain showed neuraminidase sensitive, trypsin sensitive and chymotrypsin resistant(NM_RT_SCT_R) invasion of receptor-ligand interactions, six isolates including one reference strains dd2 showed neuraminidase sensitive,trypsin and chymotrypsin resistance(NM_ST_RCT_R) indicating its dependence on sialic acids and independence of trypsin and chymotrypsin sensitive proteins.Four isolates showed neuraminidase sensitive, trypsin sensitive and chymotrypsin sensitive(NM_ST_SCT_S) invasion of receptor-ligand interactions, seven isolates were neuraminidase resistant,trypsin sensitive and chymotrypsin resistance (NM_RT_SCT_R) invasion of receptor-ligand interactions,indicating its dependence on trypsin sensitive proteins.Conclusions:The Nanay river basin isolates showed five types of invasion mechanisms or types of receptors-ligand interactions.A full understanding of theses invasion mechanisms may allow the development of novel prophylactic and therapeutic strategies that block erythrocyte receptor-ligand invasion mechanisms.展开更多
Hydro-geochemical survey is undertaken in parts of Imo River Basin, Southeastern Nigeria, particularly in the geologic formations of Imo Shale and Ameki, to assess the quality of groundwater. Eleven samples of groundw...Hydro-geochemical survey is undertaken in parts of Imo River Basin, Southeastern Nigeria, particularly in the geologic formations of Imo Shale and Ameki, to assess the quality of groundwater. Eleven samples of groundwater are obtained from various boreholes in the study area and subjected to physico-chemical analysis using standard laboratory techniques. The study is aimed at the assessment of the groundwater quality indicators namely: pH, electrical conductivity (N), phosphate (PO4), sulphate (SO4), nitrate(NO3-) and total dissolved solids (TDS). The result shows that the water from boreholes in Umuahia has low pH, and is therefore acidic. The pH values range between 4.40 and 5.60, which is below the acceptable range of 6.5-8.5. The acidity probably results from carbonic acid derived from the solution of CO2 from both the atmosphere and the decomposition of plant materials in the soil zone. The acidity of the groundwater gives slight sour taste to drinking water, due to the mobilization of trace metals from the aquifer material into the groundwater system, because of the corrosive effect of acidic water. Since borehole supply is rarely treated, these trace metals end up in domestic supplies resulting in health implications and complaints. Acidic waters are typically low in buffering calcium minerals, but are high in dissolved carbon dioxide gas, which can cause the low pH or acidity. Calcite neutralizer tanks with natural crushed and screened pure calcium carbonate easily neutralize acidic water from 6.0 to 6.9. Below 6.0 a blend of calcite and Corosex is recommended. Common systems used to treat low pH: Calcite Neutralizer, calcite & Corosex Blend Neutralizer, pflow Neutralizer, Soda Ash Feed Pump Injection System.展开更多
鉴于华鳈(Sarcocheilichthys sinensis)地理分布广泛,不同水域的种群可能存在营养成分差异,为进一步评估钱塘江华鳈(S.sinensis from the Qiantang River)肌肉的营养价值,本研究根据国家相关标准,对钱塘江华鳈肌肉的常规营养成分、氨基...鉴于华鳈(Sarcocheilichthys sinensis)地理分布广泛,不同水域的种群可能存在营养成分差异,为进一步评估钱塘江华鳈(S.sinensis from the Qiantang River)肌肉的营养价值,本研究根据国家相关标准,对钱塘江华鳈肌肉的常规营养成分、氨基酸和脂肪酸组成进行了测定和分析。研究结果显示,钱塘江华鳈肌肉中粗蛋白含量为18.14%±0.49%,粗脂肪含量为2.25%±0.10%,粗灰分含量为1.24%±0.02%,水分含量为78.47%±0.13%;肌肉中含有15种常见氨基酸,氨基酸总量(TAA)为17.83%±0.45%,其中8种必需氨基酸(EAA)总量为7.35%±0.31%,鲜味氨基酸总量(DAA)为6.91%±0.10%;肌肉中富含18种脂肪酸,包括11种饱和脂肪酸(SFA,含量为32.34%±0.31%)、2种单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA,含量为40.46%±0.53%)和5种多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA,含量为27.19%±0.71%);肌肉中含有铁(Fe)、锌(Zn)、锰(Mn)和锡(Sn)等微量元素。总之,钱塘江华鳈肉质鲜美,且肌肉中氨基酸、脂肪酸及微量元素的组成丰富、合理,是一种有着丰富营养价值和开发价值的小型经济鱼类。展开更多
基金This study is funded by the special funds from the National Key Basic Research Program of China under contract Nos 2006CB400601 and 2004CB720505the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 90211009,40476037 and 40476036+2 种基金Shanghai Rising-star Project in China under contract No.04QMX1420the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China under contract No.NCET-04-0424the Ministry of Education of China under contract No.PCSIRT0427.
文摘Particulate samples were collected from the Changjiang river system during a flood period, in May 1997, and POC, stable isotope and lipids associated with particles were examined. Results showed the decrease (0.84% ~ 1.88%) of organic carbon content from the upper reaches to the estuary.δ^13 values of particulate organic carbon was in the range of -24.9×10^-3 to -26.6×10^-3, which were close to the isotopic signature of continental C3 vegetation. Total particulate n-alkanes concentrations varied from 1.4 to 10.1μg/dm^3,or from 23.7 to 107μg/g of total suspended matter. Fatty acids were present in all the samples, from 1.4 to 5.4μg/dm^3, with saturated and unsaturated straight-chain and branched compounds in the carbon number range from C12 to C30. Both δ^13 and the ratio of carbon content to nitrogen content indicate the predominance of terrestrial inputs (soil organic matter) among the particles. The biomarker approach has been used to identify the relative portion of terrigenous and autochthonous fraction in the particulate samples. The distribution of fatty acids suggests a striking phytoplanktonic and microbial signal in most particle samples. The terrestrial alkanes are used to estimate the contribution of terrestrial inputs along the mainstream.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41305113 and 41405080)the Strategic Priority Research Program(B)of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDB05030203)the National Science and Technology Support Program(Grant No.2014BAC22B04)
文摘The source-receptor relation of wet deposition has been a continuous issue in studies of regional environmental pollution over the past two decades.In the absence of direct observational evidence,the problem is difficult to solve—a topic of broad international debate since the turn of the present century.In the present study,a variety of methods focused on the sources of the wet deposition of acidic substances,like sulfate and nitrate,were used to investigate the precipitation chemistry over the Yangtze River Delta(YRD)during 2007.Back-trajectory analysis associated with the observation data and a source tracing method coupled with the Nested Air Quality Prediction Modeling System(NAQPMS)are proved to be effective methods for investigating the sources of wet deposition over the YRD.Comparison among the back-trajectory,footprint,and NAQPMS results shows good consistency,both qualitatively and quantitatively.The most important contributor to acidic substances in the YRD,as well as heavy acid rain over the region,is the anthropogenic pollution from East China,which accounts for more than 70%.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2018YFC1407 601)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41176064)
文摘In order to examine the impacts of water-sediment regulation on regional carbon cycling,we collected water,particulate and sediment samples from the middle-lower Yellow River in late June and early July,2015 and analyzed their specific amino acids(AA),DOC,POC,and bacteria abundance.Summarized by 14 specific AA,the total hydrolysable AA(THAA),particulate AA(PAA),and sediment AA(SAA)varied in ranges of 2.29-9.05μmol L^-1,5.22-22.96μmol L^-1,and 81.7-137.19μg g^-1 dry weight.After the regulation,dissolved free AA(DFAA)decreased by 29%while DCAA increased by 72%.These variations suggested that DFAA were further degraded,while DCAA molecules were further activated.Meanwhile,PAA increased almost 4 times as many as those before regulation,and SAA increased as well.After regulation,the amounts of bioactive amino acids(Asp,Glu and Gly)increased in THAA but decreased in PAA,with little changes in SAA.The ratios of Asp/Gly in different phases increased after regulation,indicating the AA contributions were promoted by calcareous organisms rather than by siliceous organisms.Multiple correlation analysis showed that PAA was primary representatives of AA and organic carbon,followed by DCAA and POC.Moreover,bacterial reproduction played a key role in shaping the AA compositions and properties,followed by the redox condition and acid-base balance.The results of this study provided a clear evidence for the effects of water-sediment regulation on regional biogeochemistry of organic carbon in the middle-lower Yellow River.
文摘Airborne pollutants such as SO42- and NO3- that cause acid rain may pollute water resources via acid deposition. However, such effects on the water quality of the upper Rio Grande River section in Texas have not been systematically studied. The objective of this study is to collect and analyze field data, and perform hydrological and water chemistry analyses to assess acid deposition effects on the river water quality. The analysis of the precipitation data indicates that the concentrations of ions decrease as the quantity of precipitation increases. The precipitation with higher concentrations of SO42- and NO3- has a lower pH while that with higher concentrations of Ca2+ and Na+ has a relatively higher pH value. The analysis of river data demonstrates that the pH value, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) generally decrease when the flow rate increases immediately following precipitation events. The drop in pH following a precipitation event is due to the low pH in the precipitation. The DO and TDS decrease after the precipitation due to the increased flow rate. The slightly higher pH and lower DO values in the eastern section of the river (where the basin is limestone-dominated) as compared to the western section is due to the limestone erosion caused by the acid deposition. The annual stone loss by the acid deposition is about 72,000 m3. The fluctuation between the pH value and the temperature suggests the effect of CaCO3 solubility on the pH value. The water chemistry analysis using Geochemist’s Work Bench (GWB) has been performed to estimate the effect on the oscillation of CaCO3 dissolution-precipitation process. The equilibrium pH decreases with decreasing temperature, but increases as the CaCO3 concentration decreases. The effect of limestone on observed daily pH fluctuations appears to be supported by the simulation.
文摘To investigate organic matter source and reactivity in the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) Estuary and its adjacent areas, particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate hydrolysable amino acids (PHAA), and Chl a during two cruises in July 1999 and July 2000 were measured. The highest POC and PHAA concentration was observed in the waters with maximum Chl a. The spectra distribution, relative content (dry weight in milligram per gram), PHAA-C% POC and other indicators such as the ratios of amino acids vs. amino sugars (AA/AS) and glucosamine vs. galactosamine (Glum/Gal) suggested that particulate amino acids in the water column and sediments in the Zhujiang River Estuary were mainly derived from biogenic processes rather than transported from terrestrial erosion. In inner estuary where high turbidity was often observable, organic matter was mainly contributed by re-suspension of bottom sediments with revealed zooplankton, microbial reworked characteristics, which suggest that these organic matters were relatively 'old'. In the estuarine brackish region, organic matter in water column is mainly contributed by relatively fresh, easily degradable phytoplankton derived organic matter. During physical - biological processes within the eastuary, organic matter derived from phytoplankton was subjected to alteration by zooplankton grazing and bacterial reworking.
文摘The isotherms of the interaction between the suspended particles and Cu 2+ ,and the effects of lysine and asparaginic acid on the isotherms in the Huanghe (Yellow) River were studied by applying the theory and method of interfacial stepwise ion/coordination particle exchange. We obtained a new stepped river isotherm, formed by two curves joined together with a “plateau” in the middle. The adsorption equilibrium constants K 1 and K 2 were calculated by using the isothermal equation of surface stepwise ion exchange. Amino acid in small amount promotes exchange adsorption of the suspended particles with Cu 2+ . The degree of promotive action relates to the isoelectric point of amino acid. The promotive effect of lysine is bigger than that of asparaginic acid.
文摘Objective:To determine whether the requirements for sialic acid varies and whether several types of silaic acid independent receptors utilized for invasion mechanisms of fresh filed isolates collected around Nanay river basin,Iquitos.Methods:The field isolates were cultured as described previously by Jensen and Trager and MR4 protocol with little modifications.The erythrocytes preparation and subsequent enzyme treatment was done as described previously by Sharma.with little modification.Invasion assay was performed as described previously by Sharma et al with little modification.Results:The Nanay river basin isolates showed five types of invasion mechanisms or types of receptors-ligand interactions.Here we observed that an equal numbers of neuraminidase sensitive and resistant invasion receptor-ligand interaction profiles as the most common receptor-ligand invasion profiles.Neuraminidase resistance trypsin sensitive chymotrypsin sensitive(NM_RT_SCT_S) invasion of receptor-ligand interaction profile was found in seven isolates,Five field isolates and one reference strain showed neuraminidase sensitive, trypsin sensitive and chymotrypsin resistant(NM_RT_SCT_R) invasion of receptor-ligand interactions, six isolates including one reference strains dd2 showed neuraminidase sensitive,trypsin and chymotrypsin resistance(NM_ST_RCT_R) indicating its dependence on sialic acids and independence of trypsin and chymotrypsin sensitive proteins.Four isolates showed neuraminidase sensitive, trypsin sensitive and chymotrypsin sensitive(NM_ST_SCT_S) invasion of receptor-ligand interactions, seven isolates were neuraminidase resistant,trypsin sensitive and chymotrypsin resistance (NM_RT_SCT_R) invasion of receptor-ligand interactions,indicating its dependence on trypsin sensitive proteins.Conclusions:The Nanay river basin isolates showed five types of invasion mechanisms or types of receptors-ligand interactions.A full understanding of theses invasion mechanisms may allow the development of novel prophylactic and therapeutic strategies that block erythrocyte receptor-ligand invasion mechanisms.
文摘Hydro-geochemical survey is undertaken in parts of Imo River Basin, Southeastern Nigeria, particularly in the geologic formations of Imo Shale and Ameki, to assess the quality of groundwater. Eleven samples of groundwater are obtained from various boreholes in the study area and subjected to physico-chemical analysis using standard laboratory techniques. The study is aimed at the assessment of the groundwater quality indicators namely: pH, electrical conductivity (N), phosphate (PO4), sulphate (SO4), nitrate(NO3-) and total dissolved solids (TDS). The result shows that the water from boreholes in Umuahia has low pH, and is therefore acidic. The pH values range between 4.40 and 5.60, which is below the acceptable range of 6.5-8.5. The acidity probably results from carbonic acid derived from the solution of CO2 from both the atmosphere and the decomposition of plant materials in the soil zone. The acidity of the groundwater gives slight sour taste to drinking water, due to the mobilization of trace metals from the aquifer material into the groundwater system, because of the corrosive effect of acidic water. Since borehole supply is rarely treated, these trace metals end up in domestic supplies resulting in health implications and complaints. Acidic waters are typically low in buffering calcium minerals, but are high in dissolved carbon dioxide gas, which can cause the low pH or acidity. Calcite neutralizer tanks with natural crushed and screened pure calcium carbonate easily neutralize acidic water from 6.0 to 6.9. Below 6.0 a blend of calcite and Corosex is recommended. Common systems used to treat low pH: Calcite Neutralizer, calcite & Corosex Blend Neutralizer, pflow Neutralizer, Soda Ash Feed Pump Injection System.
文摘鉴于华鳈(Sarcocheilichthys sinensis)地理分布广泛,不同水域的种群可能存在营养成分差异,为进一步评估钱塘江华鳈(S.sinensis from the Qiantang River)肌肉的营养价值,本研究根据国家相关标准,对钱塘江华鳈肌肉的常规营养成分、氨基酸和脂肪酸组成进行了测定和分析。研究结果显示,钱塘江华鳈肌肉中粗蛋白含量为18.14%±0.49%,粗脂肪含量为2.25%±0.10%,粗灰分含量为1.24%±0.02%,水分含量为78.47%±0.13%;肌肉中含有15种常见氨基酸,氨基酸总量(TAA)为17.83%±0.45%,其中8种必需氨基酸(EAA)总量为7.35%±0.31%,鲜味氨基酸总量(DAA)为6.91%±0.10%;肌肉中富含18种脂肪酸,包括11种饱和脂肪酸(SFA,含量为32.34%±0.31%)、2种单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA,含量为40.46%±0.53%)和5种多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA,含量为27.19%±0.71%);肌肉中含有铁(Fe)、锌(Zn)、锰(Mn)和锡(Sn)等微量元素。总之,钱塘江华鳈肉质鲜美,且肌肉中氨基酸、脂肪酸及微量元素的组成丰富、合理,是一种有着丰富营养价值和开发价值的小型经济鱼类。