Purpose To establish and propose a national body mass index (BMI) reference for screening overweight and obesity in Chinese school-age children and adolescents. Methods 2000 CNSSCH (Chinese National Survey on Stude...Purpose To establish and propose a national body mass index (BMI) reference for screening overweight and obesity in Chinese school-age children and adolescents. Methods 2000 CNSSCH (Chinese National Survey on Students Constitution and Health) data, including 216 620 primary and secondary school students aged 7 to 18 years old, were used as a reference population. Compared with those of the NCHS intematioanl reference, three temporary sets of cut-off BMI were proposed by testing different combinations of P85, P90, and P95. When physiological and biochemical measures between and among “obesity” “overweight”, and “normal weight” groups were taken into consideration, set Ⅱ was selected to be the most appropriate one. The sex-age-specific curves were then plotted and smoothed by using B-spline method. Results Based on the samples from costal developed metropolis, the BMI curves successfully overcame the shortcomings of lower and level-off tendency of the Chinese total population. Temporary set H, composed by cut-offs of P85 for overweight and P95 for obesity, was finally selected by its sensitivity and peculiarity. BMI 24 and 28 were used as cut-offs for overweight and obesity for both males and females aged 18 years old. These cut-offs, consistent with Chinese Adult's Reference, was proposed as the Body mass index reference for screening overweight and obesity in Chinese school-age children and adolescents. Conehlsion The new reference clearly showed its superiorty in both prospectivity and actuality. The proposed reference minimized the gaps of the BMI curve between Chinese adolescents and the international reference. Most importantly was that it was consistent with the Eastern Asia ethnic characteristics of body fatness growth. It was therefore proposed by the Working Group on Obesity in China (WGOC) to use it as an nationwide reference for screening overweight and obesity of school-age children and adolescents in China.展开更多
After three rounds of rigorous evaluation of core journals in gastroenterology andhepatology conducted by the Reference Citation Analysis (RCA) editorial team ofBaishideng Publishing Group (Baishideng), the RCA databa...After three rounds of rigorous evaluation of core journals in gastroenterology andhepatology conducted by the Reference Citation Analysis (RCA) editorial team ofBaishideng Publishing Group (Baishideng), the RCA database of Baishidengofficially released the 2022 Journal Article Influence Index (2022 JAII) of 101 corejournals in gastroenterology and hepatology, for the first time. The list of 101 corejournals can be found at: https://www.referencecitationanalysis.com/Search-Journal. Among them, the highest 2022 JAII is 48.014 and the lowest is 3.900. Thisarticle highlights the top 20 journals, describes the calculation method for the 2022JAII, the evaluation process, and the inclusion principles for journals in the RCA.These steps are the underpinning of the RCA’s empirical journal academicevaluation service by which the digital platform addresses the needs of authors toselect reliable journals for submission, readers to select high-quality literature forreading, and editors to track their own journal citation performance. As such, theRCA core journal list will serve as a useful Find-a-Journal tool. Any interestedparty is welcome to use this journal list and recommend it to their peers.展开更多
After three rounds of rigorous evaluation of core journals in orthopedics conducted by the Reference Citation Analysis(RCA)editorial team of Baishideng Publishing Group(Baishideng),the RCA database of Baishideng offic...After three rounds of rigorous evaluation of core journals in orthopedics conducted by the Reference Citation Analysis(RCA)editorial team of Baishideng Publishing Group(Baishideng),the RCA database of Baishideng officially released the 2022 Journal Article Influence Index(2022 JAII)of 104 core journals and a list of high-quality academic journals in orthopedics,for the first time on August 9,2022.The list of 104 core journals can be found at:https://www.referencecitationanalysis.com/SearchJournal.Among them,the highest 2022 JAII is 55.015 and the lowest is 3.076.This article introduces the 21 high-quality academic journals and describes the calculation method for the 2022 JAII,the evaluation process,and the inclusion principles for journals in the RCA.These steps are the underpinning of the RCA’s empirical journal academic evaluation service by which the digital platform addresses the needs of authors to select reliable journals for submission,readers to select high-quality literature for reading,and editors to track their own journal citation performance.As such,the RCA core journal list will serve as a useful Find-a-Journal tool.Any interested party is welcome to use this journal list and recommend it to their peers.展开更多
After three rounds of rigorous evaluation of registered scholars conducted by the Reference Citation Analysis(RCA)editorial team of Baishideng Publishing Group(Baishideng),the RCA database of Baishideng officially rel...After three rounds of rigorous evaluation of registered scholars conducted by the Reference Citation Analysis(RCA)editorial team of Baishideng Publishing Group(Baishideng),the RCA database of Baishideng officially released the 2022 Article Influence Index(2022 AII)of 632 scholars from 74 countries/territories in 98 research categories,for the first time.The list of 632 scholars can be found at:https://www.referencecitationanalysis.com/searchscholar.Among them,the highest 2022 AII is 348.211,the highest number of total citations is 42830,and the highest number of total articles is 901.The category with the largest number of RCA scholars is Gastroenterology&Hepatology,with a total of 100(15.8%),and the second is Surgery,with a total of 46(7.3%).This article summarizes the RCA scholars and describes the mission of RCA,the openness and transparency of RCA evaluation,the calculation method for the 2022 AII,and the evaluation process of RCA scholars.The RCA scholar list will effectively serve as a useful Find-a-Scholar tool.Any interested scholar is welcome to register and join this RCA scholar list.展开更多
This paper proposes a high-throughput short reference differential chaos shift keying cooperative communication system with the aid of code index modulation,referred to as CIM-SR-DCSK-CC system.In the proposed CIM-SR-...This paper proposes a high-throughput short reference differential chaos shift keying cooperative communication system with the aid of code index modulation,referred to as CIM-SR-DCSK-CC system.In the proposed CIM-SR-DCSK-CC system,the source transmits information bits to both the relay and destination in the first time slot,while the relay not only forwards the source information bits but also sends new information bits to the destination in the second time slot.To be specific,the relay employs an N-order Walsh code to carry additional log_(2)N information bits,which are superimposed onto the SRDCSK signal carrying the decoded source information bits.Subsequently,the superimposed signal carrying both the source and relay information bits is transmitted to the destination.Moreover,the theoretical bit error rate(BER)expressions of the proposed CIMSR-DCSK-CC system are derived over additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN)and multipath Rayleigh fading channels.Compared with the conventional DCSKCC system and SR-DCSK-CC system,the proposed CIM-SR-DCSK-CC system can significantly improve the throughput without deteriorating any BER performance.As a consequence,the proposed system is very promising for the applications of the 6G-enabled lowpower and high-rate communication.展开更多
AIM:To compare noninvasive methods presently used for steatosis detection and quantification in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD).METHODS:Cross-sectional study of subjects from the general population,a subgroup ...AIM:To compare noninvasive methods presently used for steatosis detection and quantification in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD).METHODS:Cross-sectional study of subjects from the general population,a subgroup from the First Israeli National Health Survey,without excessive alcohol consumption or viral hepatitis.All subjects underwent anthropometric measurements and fasting blood tests.Evaluation of liver fat was performed using four noninvasive methods:the SteatoTest;the fatty liver index(FLI);regular abdominal ultrasound(AUS);and the hepatorenal ultrasound index(HRI).Two of the noninvasive methods have been validated vs liver biopsy and were considered as the reference methods:the HRI,the ratio between the median brightness level of the liver and right kidney cortex;and the SteatoTest,a biochemical surrogate marker of liver steatosis.The FLI is calculated by an algorithm based on triglycerides,body mass index,γ-glutamyl-transpeptidase and waist circumference,that has been validated only vs AUS.FLI < 30 rules out and FLI ≥ 60 rules in fatty liver.RESULTS:Three hundred and thirty-eight volunteers met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and had valid tests.The prevalence rate of NAFLD was 31.1% according to AUS.The FLI was very strongly correlated with SteatoTest(r = 0.91,P < 0.001) and to a lesser but significant degree with HRI(r = 0.55,P < 0.001).HRI and SteatoTest were significantly correlated(r = 0.52,P < 0.001).The κ between diagnosis of fatty liver by SteatoTest(≥ S2) and by FLI(≥ 60) was 0.74,which represented good agreement.The sensitivity of FLI vs SteatoTest was 85.5%,specificity 92.6%,positive predictive value(PPV) 74.7%,and negative predictive value(NPV) 96.1%.Most subjects(84.2%) with FLI < 60 had S0 and none had S3-S4.The κ between diagnosis of fatty liver by HRI(≥ 1.5) and by FLI(≥ 60) was 0.43,which represented only moderate agreement.The sensitivity of FLI vs HRI was 56.3%,specificity 86.5%,PPV 57.0%,and NPV 86.1%.The diagnostic accuracy of FLI for steatosis > 5%,as predicted by SteatoTest,yielded an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve(AUROC) of 0.97(95% CI:0.95-0.98).The diagnostic accuracy of FLI for steatosis> 5%,as predicted by HRI,yielded an AUROC of 0.82(95% CI:0.77-0.87).The κ between diagnosis of fatty liver by AUS and by FLI(≥ 60) was 0.48 for the entire sample.However,after exclusion of all subjects with an intermediate FLI score of 30-60,the κ between diagnosis of fatty liver by AUS and by FLI either ≥ 60 or < 30 was 0.65,representing good agreement.Excluding all the subjects with an intermediate FLI score,the sensitivity of FLI was 80.3% and the specificity 87.3%.Only 8.5% of those with FLI < 30 had fatty liver on AUS,but 27.8% of those with FLI ≥ 60 had normal liver on AUS.CONCLUSION:FLI has striking agreement with SteatoTest and moderate agreements with AUS or HRI.However,if intermediate values are excluded FLI has high diagnostic value vs AUS.展开更多
This paper describes the characteristics of liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers briefly. The LNG carrier includes power plant selection, vapor treatment, liquid cargo tank type, etc. Two parameters fuel substitutio...This paper describes the characteristics of liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers briefly. The LNG carrier includes power plant selection, vapor treatment, liquid cargo tank type, etc. Two parameters fuel substitution rate and recovery of boil of gas (BOG) volume to energy efficiency design index (EEDI) formula are added, and EEDI formula of LNG carriers is established based on ship EEDI formula. Then, based on steam turbine propulsion device of LNG carriers, mathematical models of LNG carriers' reference line value are established in this paper. By verification, the EEDI formula of LNG carriers described in this paper can provide a reference for LNG carrier EEDI calculation and green shipbuilding.展开更多
Variations in reference evapotranspiration(ET_(0)) and drought characteristics play a key role in the effect of climate change on water cycle and associated ecohydrological patterns.The accurate estimation of ET_(0) i...Variations in reference evapotranspiration(ET_(0)) and drought characteristics play a key role in the effect of climate change on water cycle and associated ecohydrological patterns.The accurate estimation of ET_(0) is still a challenge due to the lack of meteorological data and the heterogeneity of hydrological system.Although there is an increasing trend in extreme drought events with global climate change,the relationship between ET_(0) and aridity index in karst areas has been poorly studied.In this study,we used the Penman-Monteith method based on a long time series of meteorological data from 1951 to 2015 to calculate ET_(0)in a typical karst area,Guilin,Southwest China.The temporal variations in climate variables,ET_(0)and aridity index(AI)were analyzed with the Mann-Kendall trend test and linear regression to determine the climatic characteristics,associated controlling factors of ET_(0) variations,and further to estimate the relationship between ET_(0) and AI.We found that the mean,maximum and minimum temperatures had increased significantly during the 65-year study period,while sunshine duration,wind speed and relative humidity exhibited significant decreasing trends.The annual ET_(0) showed a significant decreasing trend at the rate of−8.02 mm/10a.However,significant increase in air temperature should have contributed to the enhancement of ET_(0),indicating an“evaporation paradox”.In comparison,AI showed a slightly declining trend of−0.0005/a during 1951-2015.The change in sunshine duration was the major factor causing the decrease in ET_(0),followed by wind speed.AI had a higher correlation with precipitation amount,indicating that the variations of AI was more dependent on precipitation,but not substantially dependent on the ET_(0).Although AI was not directly related to ET_(0),ET_(0)had a major contribution to seasonal AI changes.The seasonal variations of ET_(0)played a critical role in dryness/wetness changes to regulate water and energy supply,which can lead to seasonal droughts or water shortages in karst areas.Overall,these findings provide an important reference for the management of agricultural production and water resources,and have an important implication for drought in karst regions of China.展开更多
The semantics of pure indexicals "I," "here," and "now" has been discussed in the area of philosophy of language. According to David Kaplan, in face-to-face communication, "I," "here," and "now" refer resp...The semantics of pure indexicals "I," "here," and "now" has been discussed in the area of philosophy of language. According to David Kaplan, in face-to-face communication, "I," "here," and "now" refer respectively to the agent, the place, and the time of the context of utterance. In recorded and written messages, however, the identification of pure indexical references is nontrivial, given that there is a gap between the time of utterance and that of interpretation. In the literature, four major views are proposed from a philosophical perspective. While these are theoretically competing, no empirical data or pragmatic analyses have been provided. How is the reference of "now" in written messages interpreted? Which views proposed in the literature are supported empirically? This paper investigates these questions from experimental and pragmatic perspectives.展开更多
Determination of the work index of Gyel-Buruku columbite ore sample in Plateau state, Nigeria, was investigated. The sample of the columbite ore was sourced from Gyel village in Jos East Local Government Area of Plate...Determination of the work index of Gyel-Buruku columbite ore sample in Plateau state, Nigeria, was investigated. The sample of the columbite ore was sourced from Gyel village in Jos East Local Government Area of Plateau state, Nigeria. The “reference ores (granites)” samples were sourced from Jiche and Gurum villages of Plateau state respectively. The reference ores and columbite ore of known weights were ground and pulverized. 80% passing size for the columbite ore, Jiche and Gurum granites samples was obtained at 100 μm sieve size for the feeds and products respectively. The work indexes of reference ores i.e. Jiche and Gurum granites were used to calculate the work index of the Gyel columbite ore sample. The values of 3.42 kWh/ton and 2.72 kWh/ton were obtained respectively for the two different reference granites ores samples used and 3.07 kWh/ton was calculated as their average and determined as the value of the work index of the Gyel-Bukuru columbite ore sample. This work index value obtained for the Gyel-Buruku columbite ore sample lies favourably within the work indexes of 3.94 - 10.81 kWh/ton for columbite minerals sighted in the literatures.展开更多
CT-scan is the most irradiating tool in diagnostic radiology. For 5% - 10% of diagnostic X-ray procedures, it is responsible for 34% of irradiation according to UNSCEAR. Patients radiation protection must therefore be...CT-scan is the most irradiating tool in diagnostic radiology. For 5% - 10% of diagnostic X-ray procedures, it is responsible for 34% of irradiation according to UNSCEAR. Patients radiation protection must therefore be increased during CT-scan procedures. This requires the rigorous application of optimization principle which imposes to have “diagnostic reference levels”. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) of the four most frequent CT-scans examinations of adults in Cameroon. Material and Method: It was a cross-sectional pilot study carried out from April to September 2015 in five health facilities using CT-scan in Cameroon. The studied variables were: patients age and sex, type of CT-scan examination (cerebral, chest, abdomino-pelvic, lumbar spine), Used of IV contrast (IV﹣/ IV+), acquisition length, time of tube rotation, voltage (kV), mAs, pitch, thickness of slices, CTDIvol and DLP. For each type of examination, at least 30 patients were included per center, consecutively on the randomly predetermined days. The DRL for each type of examination was defined as the 75th percentile of its PDL and CTDIvol. Results: Of the 696 examinations, 41.2% were cerebral, 26.9% abdomino-pelvic, 17.7% lumbar spine and 14.2% chest. The mean age of patients was 52 ± 15 years [20 - 90 years], 58.9% were 50 years and older. The sex-ratio was 1.26 (55.9% males). The CT machines were 4, 8 and 16 multidetectors. The 75th percentile of DLP or DRLs [standard deviation] was: [1150 ± 278 mGy·cm], [770 ± 477 mGy·cm], [720 ± 170 mGy·cm] and [715 ± 187 mGy·cm] respectively for cerebral, lumbar spine, abdominopelvic and chest CT-scans. Taking in consideration the number of detectors, the 75th percentile of the Dose-Length product decreased with the increase number of detectors for cerebral examinations but was the highest with 16 MDCT for the abdominopelvic, lumbar spine and chest CT-scans. For the chest and lumbar spine examinations, there was a significant increase in patient-dose with the increase in the number of detectors. Conclusion: Our DRLs values lie between the norms of some European countries and those of some African countries. There is remarquable variation in dose for the commonest CT-scans examinations in Cameroon, requiring then an optimization process from these determined DRLs and establishment of national DRLs. Special attention to optimization should be paid when using 16 MDCT.展开更多
Background: In order to detect possible abnormalities of the spine posture of an individual patient, it is mandatory to dispose of adequate reference values based on measurements in a normal, symptom-free population. ...Background: In order to detect possible abnormalities of the spine posture of an individual patient, it is mandatory to dispose of adequate reference values based on measurements in a normal, symptom-free population. The Diers formetric?system allows for non-invasive and accurate assessment of the vertebral column based on the registration of external aspect of the back surface using the Moiré principle. Objective: To create a qualitative spine profile based on the percentile ranking of measurements obtained by the Diers formetric system taking into account possible confounding factors. Materials and Methods: Statistical analysis of formetric recordings in 216 symptom-free volunteers. Results: Maximal kyphotic angle, maximal scoliotic angle, sagittal imbalance, flèche cervicale, and pelvic inclination are significantly influenced by gender and by body mass index (BMI). A synoptic chart was created presenting the percentile ranking taking into account gender and BMI. The percentile ranking was summarized in both a table with colour code and depicted in a histogram of the individual’s Qualitative Spine Profile (QSP). Clinical Significance: Percentile ranking and the Quantitative Spine Profile taking into account gender and BMI should permit a more precise and reliable assessment of possible posture deviations related to the patient’s complaints, and may assist the therapist in selecting the best mode of treatment.展开更多
This paper highlights the crucial role of Indonesia’s GNSS receiver network in advancing Equatorial Plasma Bubble(EPB)studies in Southeast and East Asia,as ionospheric irregularities within EPB can disrupt GNSS signa...This paper highlights the crucial role of Indonesia’s GNSS receiver network in advancing Equatorial Plasma Bubble(EPB)studies in Southeast and East Asia,as ionospheric irregularities within EPB can disrupt GNSS signals and degrade positioning accuracy.Managed by the Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency(BIG),the Indonesia Continuously Operating Reference Station(Ina-CORS)network comprises over 300 GNSS receivers spanning equatorial to southern low-latitude regions.Ina-CORS is uniquely situated to monitor EPB generation,zonal drift,and dissipation across Southeast Asia.We provide a practical tool for EPB research,by sharing two-dimensional rate of Total Electron Content(TEC)change index(ROTI)derived from this network.We generate ROTI maps with a 10-minute resolution,and samples from May 2024 are publicly available for further scientific research.Two preliminary findings from the ROTI maps of Ina-CORS are noteworthy.First,the Ina-CORS ROTI maps reveal that the irregularities within a broader EPB structure persist longer,increasing the potential for these irregularities to migrate farther eastward.Second,we demonstrate that combined ROTI maps from Ina-CORS and GNSS receivers in East Asia and Australia can be used to monitor the development of ionospheric irregularities in Southeast and East Asia.We have demonstrated the combined ROTI maps to capture the development of ionospheric irregularities in the Southeast/East Asian sector during the G5 Geomagnetic Storm on May 11,2024.We observed simultaneous ionospheric irregularities in Japan and Australia,respectively propagating northwestward and southwestward,before midnight,whereas Southeast Asia’s equatorial and low-latitude regions exhibited irregularities post-midnight.By sharing ROTI maps from Indonesia and integrating them with regional GNSS networks,researchers can conduct comprehensive EPB studies,enhancing the understanding of EPB behavior across Southeast and East Asia and contributing significantly to ionospheric research.展开更多
基金Funded by International Life Sciences Institute, Focal Point in China.
文摘Purpose To establish and propose a national body mass index (BMI) reference for screening overweight and obesity in Chinese school-age children and adolescents. Methods 2000 CNSSCH (Chinese National Survey on Students Constitution and Health) data, including 216 620 primary and secondary school students aged 7 to 18 years old, were used as a reference population. Compared with those of the NCHS intematioanl reference, three temporary sets of cut-off BMI were proposed by testing different combinations of P85, P90, and P95. When physiological and biochemical measures between and among “obesity” “overweight”, and “normal weight” groups were taken into consideration, set Ⅱ was selected to be the most appropriate one. The sex-age-specific curves were then plotted and smoothed by using B-spline method. Results Based on the samples from costal developed metropolis, the BMI curves successfully overcame the shortcomings of lower and level-off tendency of the Chinese total population. Temporary set H, composed by cut-offs of P85 for overweight and P95 for obesity, was finally selected by its sensitivity and peculiarity. BMI 24 and 28 were used as cut-offs for overweight and obesity for both males and females aged 18 years old. These cut-offs, consistent with Chinese Adult's Reference, was proposed as the Body mass index reference for screening overweight and obesity in Chinese school-age children and adolescents. Conehlsion The new reference clearly showed its superiorty in both prospectivity and actuality. The proposed reference minimized the gaps of the BMI curve between Chinese adolescents and the international reference. Most importantly was that it was consistent with the Eastern Asia ethnic characteristics of body fatness growth. It was therefore proposed by the Working Group on Obesity in China (WGOC) to use it as an nationwide reference for screening overweight and obesity of school-age children and adolescents in China.
文摘After three rounds of rigorous evaluation of core journals in gastroenterology andhepatology conducted by the Reference Citation Analysis (RCA) editorial team ofBaishideng Publishing Group (Baishideng), the RCA database of Baishidengofficially released the 2022 Journal Article Influence Index (2022 JAII) of 101 corejournals in gastroenterology and hepatology, for the first time. The list of 101 corejournals can be found at: https://www.referencecitationanalysis.com/Search-Journal. Among them, the highest 2022 JAII is 48.014 and the lowest is 3.900. Thisarticle highlights the top 20 journals, describes the calculation method for the 2022JAII, the evaluation process, and the inclusion principles for journals in the RCA.These steps are the underpinning of the RCA’s empirical journal academicevaluation service by which the digital platform addresses the needs of authors toselect reliable journals for submission, readers to select high-quality literature forreading, and editors to track their own journal citation performance. As such, theRCA core journal list will serve as a useful Find-a-Journal tool. Any interestedparty is welcome to use this journal list and recommend it to their peers.
文摘After three rounds of rigorous evaluation of core journals in orthopedics conducted by the Reference Citation Analysis(RCA)editorial team of Baishideng Publishing Group(Baishideng),the RCA database of Baishideng officially released the 2022 Journal Article Influence Index(2022 JAII)of 104 core journals and a list of high-quality academic journals in orthopedics,for the first time on August 9,2022.The list of 104 core journals can be found at:https://www.referencecitationanalysis.com/SearchJournal.Among them,the highest 2022 JAII is 55.015 and the lowest is 3.076.This article introduces the 21 high-quality academic journals and describes the calculation method for the 2022 JAII,the evaluation process,and the inclusion principles for journals in the RCA.These steps are the underpinning of the RCA’s empirical journal academic evaluation service by which the digital platform addresses the needs of authors to select reliable journals for submission,readers to select high-quality literature for reading,and editors to track their own journal citation performance.As such,the RCA core journal list will serve as a useful Find-a-Journal tool.Any interested party is welcome to use this journal list and recommend it to their peers.
文摘After three rounds of rigorous evaluation of registered scholars conducted by the Reference Citation Analysis(RCA)editorial team of Baishideng Publishing Group(Baishideng),the RCA database of Baishideng officially released the 2022 Article Influence Index(2022 AII)of 632 scholars from 74 countries/territories in 98 research categories,for the first time.The list of 632 scholars can be found at:https://www.referencecitationanalysis.com/searchscholar.Among them,the highest 2022 AII is 348.211,the highest number of total citations is 42830,and the highest number of total articles is 901.The category with the largest number of RCA scholars is Gastroenterology&Hepatology,with a total of 100(15.8%),and the second is Surgery,with a total of 46(7.3%).This article summarizes the RCA scholars and describes the mission of RCA,the openness and transparency of RCA evaluation,the calculation method for the 2022 AII,and the evaluation process of RCA scholars.The RCA scholar list will effectively serve as a useful Find-a-Scholar tool.Any interested scholar is welcome to register and join this RCA scholar list.
基金supported in part by the NSF of China under Grant 62322106,62071131 and 62171135the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation under Grant 2022B1515020086+2 种基金the NSF of Guangdong Province under Grant 2019A1515011465the International Collaborative Research Program of Guangdong Science and Technology Department under Grant 2022A0505050070the Industrial R&D Project of Haoyang Electronic Co.,Ltd.under Grant 2022440002001494.
文摘This paper proposes a high-throughput short reference differential chaos shift keying cooperative communication system with the aid of code index modulation,referred to as CIM-SR-DCSK-CC system.In the proposed CIM-SR-DCSK-CC system,the source transmits information bits to both the relay and destination in the first time slot,while the relay not only forwards the source information bits but also sends new information bits to the destination in the second time slot.To be specific,the relay employs an N-order Walsh code to carry additional log_(2)N information bits,which are superimposed onto the SRDCSK signal carrying the decoded source information bits.Subsequently,the superimposed signal carrying both the source and relay information bits is transmitted to the destination.Moreover,the theoretical bit error rate(BER)expressions of the proposed CIMSR-DCSK-CC system are derived over additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN)and multipath Rayleigh fading channels.Compared with the conventional DCSKCC system and SR-DCSK-CC system,the proposed CIM-SR-DCSK-CC system can significantly improve the throughput without deteriorating any BER performance.As a consequence,the proposed system is very promising for the applications of the 6G-enabled lowpower and high-rate communication.
文摘AIM:To compare noninvasive methods presently used for steatosis detection and quantification in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD).METHODS:Cross-sectional study of subjects from the general population,a subgroup from the First Israeli National Health Survey,without excessive alcohol consumption or viral hepatitis.All subjects underwent anthropometric measurements and fasting blood tests.Evaluation of liver fat was performed using four noninvasive methods:the SteatoTest;the fatty liver index(FLI);regular abdominal ultrasound(AUS);and the hepatorenal ultrasound index(HRI).Two of the noninvasive methods have been validated vs liver biopsy and were considered as the reference methods:the HRI,the ratio between the median brightness level of the liver and right kidney cortex;and the SteatoTest,a biochemical surrogate marker of liver steatosis.The FLI is calculated by an algorithm based on triglycerides,body mass index,γ-glutamyl-transpeptidase and waist circumference,that has been validated only vs AUS.FLI < 30 rules out and FLI ≥ 60 rules in fatty liver.RESULTS:Three hundred and thirty-eight volunteers met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and had valid tests.The prevalence rate of NAFLD was 31.1% according to AUS.The FLI was very strongly correlated with SteatoTest(r = 0.91,P < 0.001) and to a lesser but significant degree with HRI(r = 0.55,P < 0.001).HRI and SteatoTest were significantly correlated(r = 0.52,P < 0.001).The κ between diagnosis of fatty liver by SteatoTest(≥ S2) and by FLI(≥ 60) was 0.74,which represented good agreement.The sensitivity of FLI vs SteatoTest was 85.5%,specificity 92.6%,positive predictive value(PPV) 74.7%,and negative predictive value(NPV) 96.1%.Most subjects(84.2%) with FLI < 60 had S0 and none had S3-S4.The κ between diagnosis of fatty liver by HRI(≥ 1.5) and by FLI(≥ 60) was 0.43,which represented only moderate agreement.The sensitivity of FLI vs HRI was 56.3%,specificity 86.5%,PPV 57.0%,and NPV 86.1%.The diagnostic accuracy of FLI for steatosis > 5%,as predicted by SteatoTest,yielded an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve(AUROC) of 0.97(95% CI:0.95-0.98).The diagnostic accuracy of FLI for steatosis> 5%,as predicted by HRI,yielded an AUROC of 0.82(95% CI:0.77-0.87).The κ between diagnosis of fatty liver by AUS and by FLI(≥ 60) was 0.48 for the entire sample.However,after exclusion of all subjects with an intermediate FLI score of 30-60,the κ between diagnosis of fatty liver by AUS and by FLI either ≥ 60 or < 30 was 0.65,representing good agreement.Excluding all the subjects with an intermediate FLI score,the sensitivity of FLI was 80.3% and the specificity 87.3%.Only 8.5% of those with FLI < 30 had fatty liver on AUS,but 27.8% of those with FLI ≥ 60 had normal liver on AUS.CONCLUSION:FLI has striking agreement with SteatoTest and moderate agreements with AUS or HRI.However,if intermediate values are excluded FLI has high diagnostic value vs AUS.
基金Foundation item: Supported by the National Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (No.201003024), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51409042 No. 51209034).
文摘This paper describes the characteristics of liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers briefly. The LNG carrier includes power plant selection, vapor treatment, liquid cargo tank type, etc. Two parameters fuel substitution rate and recovery of boil of gas (BOG) volume to energy efficiency design index (EEDI) formula are added, and EEDI formula of LNG carriers is established based on ship EEDI formula. Then, based on steam turbine propulsion device of LNG carriers, mathematical models of LNG carriers' reference line value are established in this paper. By verification, the EEDI formula of LNG carriers described in this paper can provide a reference for LNG carrier EEDI calculation and green shipbuilding.
基金supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Public Welfare Research Institutes,CAGS(SK202208,SK202209,SK202005,SK202009)China Geological Survey Project(DD20221752)。
文摘Variations in reference evapotranspiration(ET_(0)) and drought characteristics play a key role in the effect of climate change on water cycle and associated ecohydrological patterns.The accurate estimation of ET_(0) is still a challenge due to the lack of meteorological data and the heterogeneity of hydrological system.Although there is an increasing trend in extreme drought events with global climate change,the relationship between ET_(0) and aridity index in karst areas has been poorly studied.In this study,we used the Penman-Monteith method based on a long time series of meteorological data from 1951 to 2015 to calculate ET_(0)in a typical karst area,Guilin,Southwest China.The temporal variations in climate variables,ET_(0)and aridity index(AI)were analyzed with the Mann-Kendall trend test and linear regression to determine the climatic characteristics,associated controlling factors of ET_(0) variations,and further to estimate the relationship between ET_(0) and AI.We found that the mean,maximum and minimum temperatures had increased significantly during the 65-year study period,while sunshine duration,wind speed and relative humidity exhibited significant decreasing trends.The annual ET_(0) showed a significant decreasing trend at the rate of−8.02 mm/10a.However,significant increase in air temperature should have contributed to the enhancement of ET_(0),indicating an“evaporation paradox”.In comparison,AI showed a slightly declining trend of−0.0005/a during 1951-2015.The change in sunshine duration was the major factor causing the decrease in ET_(0),followed by wind speed.AI had a higher correlation with precipitation amount,indicating that the variations of AI was more dependent on precipitation,but not substantially dependent on the ET_(0).Although AI was not directly related to ET_(0),ET_(0)had a major contribution to seasonal AI changes.The seasonal variations of ET_(0)played a critical role in dryness/wetness changes to regulate water and energy supply,which can lead to seasonal droughts or water shortages in karst areas.Overall,these findings provide an important reference for the management of agricultural production and water resources,and have an important implication for drought in karst regions of China.
文摘The semantics of pure indexicals "I," "here," and "now" has been discussed in the area of philosophy of language. According to David Kaplan, in face-to-face communication, "I," "here," and "now" refer respectively to the agent, the place, and the time of the context of utterance. In recorded and written messages, however, the identification of pure indexical references is nontrivial, given that there is a gap between the time of utterance and that of interpretation. In the literature, four major views are proposed from a philosophical perspective. While these are theoretically competing, no empirical data or pragmatic analyses have been provided. How is the reference of "now" in written messages interpreted? Which views proposed in the literature are supported empirically? This paper investigates these questions from experimental and pragmatic perspectives.
文摘Determination of the work index of Gyel-Buruku columbite ore sample in Plateau state, Nigeria, was investigated. The sample of the columbite ore was sourced from Gyel village in Jos East Local Government Area of Plateau state, Nigeria. The “reference ores (granites)” samples were sourced from Jiche and Gurum villages of Plateau state respectively. The reference ores and columbite ore of known weights were ground and pulverized. 80% passing size for the columbite ore, Jiche and Gurum granites samples was obtained at 100 μm sieve size for the feeds and products respectively. The work indexes of reference ores i.e. Jiche and Gurum granites were used to calculate the work index of the Gyel columbite ore sample. The values of 3.42 kWh/ton and 2.72 kWh/ton were obtained respectively for the two different reference granites ores samples used and 3.07 kWh/ton was calculated as their average and determined as the value of the work index of the Gyel-Bukuru columbite ore sample. This work index value obtained for the Gyel-Buruku columbite ore sample lies favourably within the work indexes of 3.94 - 10.81 kWh/ton for columbite minerals sighted in the literatures.
文摘CT-scan is the most irradiating tool in diagnostic radiology. For 5% - 10% of diagnostic X-ray procedures, it is responsible for 34% of irradiation according to UNSCEAR. Patients radiation protection must therefore be increased during CT-scan procedures. This requires the rigorous application of optimization principle which imposes to have “diagnostic reference levels”. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) of the four most frequent CT-scans examinations of adults in Cameroon. Material and Method: It was a cross-sectional pilot study carried out from April to September 2015 in five health facilities using CT-scan in Cameroon. The studied variables were: patients age and sex, type of CT-scan examination (cerebral, chest, abdomino-pelvic, lumbar spine), Used of IV contrast (IV﹣/ IV+), acquisition length, time of tube rotation, voltage (kV), mAs, pitch, thickness of slices, CTDIvol and DLP. For each type of examination, at least 30 patients were included per center, consecutively on the randomly predetermined days. The DRL for each type of examination was defined as the 75th percentile of its PDL and CTDIvol. Results: Of the 696 examinations, 41.2% were cerebral, 26.9% abdomino-pelvic, 17.7% lumbar spine and 14.2% chest. The mean age of patients was 52 ± 15 years [20 - 90 years], 58.9% were 50 years and older. The sex-ratio was 1.26 (55.9% males). The CT machines were 4, 8 and 16 multidetectors. The 75th percentile of DLP or DRLs [standard deviation] was: [1150 ± 278 mGy·cm], [770 ± 477 mGy·cm], [720 ± 170 mGy·cm] and [715 ± 187 mGy·cm] respectively for cerebral, lumbar spine, abdominopelvic and chest CT-scans. Taking in consideration the number of detectors, the 75th percentile of the Dose-Length product decreased with the increase number of detectors for cerebral examinations but was the highest with 16 MDCT for the abdominopelvic, lumbar spine and chest CT-scans. For the chest and lumbar spine examinations, there was a significant increase in patient-dose with the increase in the number of detectors. Conclusion: Our DRLs values lie between the norms of some European countries and those of some African countries. There is remarquable variation in dose for the commonest CT-scans examinations in Cameroon, requiring then an optimization process from these determined DRLs and establishment of national DRLs. Special attention to optimization should be paid when using 16 MDCT.
文摘Background: In order to detect possible abnormalities of the spine posture of an individual patient, it is mandatory to dispose of adequate reference values based on measurements in a normal, symptom-free population. The Diers formetric?system allows for non-invasive and accurate assessment of the vertebral column based on the registration of external aspect of the back surface using the Moiré principle. Objective: To create a qualitative spine profile based on the percentile ranking of measurements obtained by the Diers formetric system taking into account possible confounding factors. Materials and Methods: Statistical analysis of formetric recordings in 216 symptom-free volunteers. Results: Maximal kyphotic angle, maximal scoliotic angle, sagittal imbalance, flèche cervicale, and pelvic inclination are significantly influenced by gender and by body mass index (BMI). A synoptic chart was created presenting the percentile ranking taking into account gender and BMI. The percentile ranking was summarized in both a table with colour code and depicted in a histogram of the individual’s Qualitative Spine Profile (QSP). Clinical Significance: Percentile ranking and the Quantitative Spine Profile taking into account gender and BMI should permit a more precise and reliable assessment of possible posture deviations related to the patient’s complaints, and may assist the therapist in selecting the best mode of treatment.
基金JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number16H06286 supports global GNSS ionospheric maps (TEC,ROTI,and detrended TEC maps) developed by the Institute for SpaceEarth Environmental Research (ISEE) of Nagoya Universitysupport of the 2024 JASSO Follow-up Research Fellowship Program for a 90-day visiting research at the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE),Nagoya University+3 种基金the support received from Telkom University under the“Skema Penelitian Terapan Periode I Tahun Anggaran 2024”the Memorandum of Understanding for Research Collaboration on Regional Ionospheric Observation (No:092/SAM3/TE-DEK/2021)the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) International Exchange Program 2024-2025(No.2024-007)support for a one-year visiting research at Hokkaido University
文摘This paper highlights the crucial role of Indonesia’s GNSS receiver network in advancing Equatorial Plasma Bubble(EPB)studies in Southeast and East Asia,as ionospheric irregularities within EPB can disrupt GNSS signals and degrade positioning accuracy.Managed by the Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency(BIG),the Indonesia Continuously Operating Reference Station(Ina-CORS)network comprises over 300 GNSS receivers spanning equatorial to southern low-latitude regions.Ina-CORS is uniquely situated to monitor EPB generation,zonal drift,and dissipation across Southeast Asia.We provide a practical tool for EPB research,by sharing two-dimensional rate of Total Electron Content(TEC)change index(ROTI)derived from this network.We generate ROTI maps with a 10-minute resolution,and samples from May 2024 are publicly available for further scientific research.Two preliminary findings from the ROTI maps of Ina-CORS are noteworthy.First,the Ina-CORS ROTI maps reveal that the irregularities within a broader EPB structure persist longer,increasing the potential for these irregularities to migrate farther eastward.Second,we demonstrate that combined ROTI maps from Ina-CORS and GNSS receivers in East Asia and Australia can be used to monitor the development of ionospheric irregularities in Southeast and East Asia.We have demonstrated the combined ROTI maps to capture the development of ionospheric irregularities in the Southeast/East Asian sector during the G5 Geomagnetic Storm on May 11,2024.We observed simultaneous ionospheric irregularities in Japan and Australia,respectively propagating northwestward and southwestward,before midnight,whereas Southeast Asia’s equatorial and low-latitude regions exhibited irregularities post-midnight.By sharing ROTI maps from Indonesia and integrating them with regional GNSS networks,researchers can conduct comprehensive EPB studies,enhancing the understanding of EPB behavior across Southeast and East Asia and contributing significantly to ionospheric research.