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作者 孙德平 张爽 +3 位作者 苑海超 仉大志 黎泉 鞠恒 《世界海运》 2024年第6期14-18,共5页
LCA导则是船用燃料全生命周期温室气体强度评价的根本依据,燃料温室气体强度评价结果将直接影响船用燃料在船舶上的推广使用,国际海事组织、欧盟等也会基于评价结果阶段性降低燃料的温室气体强度,将评价结果应用于船舶能效法规的指标计... LCA导则是船用燃料全生命周期温室气体强度评价的根本依据,燃料温室气体强度评价结果将直接影响船用燃料在船舶上的推广使用,国际海事组织、欧盟等也会基于评价结果阶段性降低燃料的温室气体强度,将评价结果应用于船舶能效法规的指标计算也会产生较大影响。介绍LCA导则的主要内容,分析LCA导则的应用及发展方向,供行业内相关方参考。 展开更多
关键词 lca导则 船用燃料 生命周期 温室气体 排放强度
作者 孙毅 谷家训 +3 位作者 郑顺林 李熊 陆春光 刘炜 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期647-658,共12页
综合能源系统(IES)是当前能源转型低碳发展背景下实现“双碳”目标的关键,为了提高IES碳减排能力,需要充分利用需求侧负荷资源和传统储能设备等广义储能资源参与IES优化.首先,建立一种综合考虑可再生能源、能源转换设备、广义储能设备... 综合能源系统(IES)是当前能源转型低碳发展背景下实现“双碳”目标的关键,为了提高IES碳减排能力,需要充分利用需求侧负荷资源和传统储能设备等广义储能资源参与IES优化.首先,建立一种综合考虑可再生能源、能源转换设备、广义储能设备、能源市场交易的IES优化运行模型.然后,使用生命周期评估法(LCA)对IES中能源循环、设备循环的全过程进行碳排放量计算,并将碳排放成本纳入系统总成本.最后,利用仿真实验验证所提模型不仅有利于降低IES总调度成本,还能降低系统的碳排放量,有效促进IES的低碳发展. 展开更多
关键词 广义储能 碳排放 综合能源系统 优化运行 生命周期评估法
作者 刘珊 徐培培 《江西科技师范大学学报》 2024年第1期77-86,共10页
低碳经济发展是实现可持续发展的重要途径之一。采用经济投入产出生命周期评估模型(EIO-LCA),运用42部门投入产出表及国际认可的IPCC法测算出江西省各产业部门直接碳排放量以及隐含碳排放量,并在此基础上构建碳减排潜力模型,来揭示因产... 低碳经济发展是实现可持续发展的重要途径之一。采用经济投入产出生命周期评估模型(EIO-LCA),运用42部门投入产出表及国际认可的IPCC法测算出江西省各产业部门直接碳排放量以及隐含碳排放量,并在此基础上构建碳减排潜力模型,来揭示因产业部门结构变动而引起的碳减排效应。研究结果表明:按产业部门分析,基础性工业部门的直接碳排放量都相对较高,其中位列前三的部门分别为电力、热力的生产和供应业、石油、炼焦产品和核燃料加工业与金属冶炼和压延加工品业;按整体产业结构分析,江西省直接碳排放量、隐含碳排放量和碳减排潜力较大的部门集中在重工业和能源产业。未来,江西省应当针对不同产业部门的特点实施差异化减排政策,同时优化产业结构,实现产业良性互动。 展开更多
关键词 EIO-lca模型 隐含碳排放 碳减排潜力
作者 游生洁 胡永刚 +1 位作者 刘信所 郑小燕 《中外公路》 2024年第3期85-94,103,共11页
目前,生命周期成本分析(Life Cycle Cost Analysis,LCCA)和生命周期环境评价(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA)方法常用于评估路面在全生命周期范围内的经济和环境影响。然而,路面LCCA和LCA方法在应用过程中存在数据量大、数据类别多造成评... 目前,生命周期成本分析(Life Cycle Cost Analysis,LCCA)和生命周期环境评价(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA)方法常用于评估路面在全生命周期范围内的经济和环境影响。然而,路面LCCA和LCA方法在应用过程中存在数据量大、数据类别多造成评价过程烦琐的问题。针对此类问题,部分学者尝试将BIM(Building Information Modeling)与LCCA和LCA方法相结合以优化评价流程。在路面领域,LCCA和LCA与BIM相结合的研究还处于初级阶段,缺少对其相关研究成果的总结。因此,该文通过对路面LCCA、LCA、LCCA-LCA及与BIM相结合的研究进行归纳总结,探究其存在的问题与面临的挑战。研究发现:BIM的应用能够优化LCCA和LCA过程,实现设计与评价的动态协同。但目前存在集成化程度不高、建模软件与评价软件之间统一数据格式标准的欠缺等问题,因此阻碍了其应用发展。 展开更多
关键词 路面工程 BIM 综述 LCCA lca
Journal of Integrative Agriculture(JIA)Instruction to Authors
《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期I0001-I0001,F0003,共2页
Description Journal of Integrative Agriculture(JIA),formerly Agricultural Sciences in China(ASC),founded in 2002,is sponsored by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS),co-sponsored by Chinese Association of Ag... Description Journal of Integrative Agriculture(JIA),formerly Agricultural Sciences in China(ASC),founded in 2002,is sponsored by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS),co-sponsored by Chinese Association of Agricultural Science Societies(CAASS). 展开更多
关键词 AGRICULTURAL JIA agriculture
Journal of Integrative Agriculture(JIA)Instruction to Authors
《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第7期F0003-F0003,共1页
Aims and Scope Journal of IntegrativeAgriculture(JIA),formerly Agricuiltural Sciences in China(ASC),founded in 2002,is sponsored by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS),co-sponsored by Chinsese Association o... Aims and Scope Journal of IntegrativeAgriculture(JIA),formerly Agricuiltural Sciences in China(ASC),founded in 2002,is sponsored by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS),co-sponsored by Chinsese Association of Agricultural Science Societies(CAAsS).The latest IF is 4.8.JIA seeks to publish those papers that are influential and will significantly advance scientific understanding in agriculture fields worldwide.JIA publishes manuscripts in the categories of Commentary,Review,Research Article,Letter and Short Communication,focusing on the core subjects:Crop Science Horticulture·Plant ProtectionAnimal Science·Veterinary Medicine·Agro-ecosystem&Environment·Food Science·Agricultural Economics and Management·Agricultural Information Science. 展开更多
关键词 AGRICULTURAL agriculture JIA
Journal of Integrative Agriculture Instruction to Authors
《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期I0001-I0001,F0003,共2页
Description Journal of Integrative Agriculture(JIA),formerly Agricultural Sciences in China(ASC),founded in 2002,is sponsored by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS),co-sponsored by Chinese Association of Ag... Description Journal of Integrative Agriculture(JIA),formerly Agricultural Sciences in China(ASC),founded in 2002,is sponsored by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS),co-sponsored by Chinese Association of Agricultural Science Societies(CAASS).JIA is a peer-reviewed and multi-disciplinary international journal and published monthly in English.JIA Editorial Board consists of 289 well-respected scholars of agricultural scientific fields. 展开更多
作者 袁丹丹 曾良 +2 位作者 曾丽雯 段璐瑶 刁思杰 《建筑节能(中英文)》 CAS 2024年第5期11-18,30,共9页
以2024年世园会成都设计咨询集团企业展馆为例,探讨了基于零碳目标下小型临时木结构建筑如何采取源头减碳、过程降碳、末端消碳等三方面的低碳优化策略,并基于LCA全生命周期评估方法对其进行碳排放核算研究,得出针对小型临时建筑,建材... 以2024年世园会成都设计咨询集团企业展馆为例,探讨了基于零碳目标下小型临时木结构建筑如何采取源头减碳、过程降碳、末端消碳等三方面的低碳优化策略,并基于LCA全生命周期评估方法对其进行碳排放核算研究,得出针对小型临时建筑,建材生产与加工环节对建筑全生命周期碳排放影响最大,占比约为50.30%~69.49%,其次是运行阶段,占比约为19.33%~30.91%。通过对比分析目标建筑与同体量的轻钢结构建筑,目标建筑在采取不同的措施下可实现减碳率约36.00%~68.41%,建筑全生命周期(5年)单位面积的碳排放量可降低至382 kgCO_(2)eq/m^(2)。研究得出临时建筑各阶段融入降碳策略的重要性和运用LCA方法评估建筑碳排放的必要性,除运行阶段外,临时建筑需更加关注低碳材料的替代与拆除阶段材料的回收利用,为未来实现零碳建筑目标提供了新的思路和实践参考。 展开更多
关键词 全生命周期评估(lca) 碳排放核算 木结构建筑 临时建筑 零碳建筑
作者 刘宏波 《徐州工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第1期10-15,共6页
针对公路路面建设碳排放量问题,基于LCA理论,明确公路路面生命周期评价范围,并以西藏拉萨境内某旅游环线公路路面建设为案例,分析、核算路面建设生命周期内碳排放量占比、各建设阶段碳排放量影响因子占比,认为建设过程中减少运距、改善... 针对公路路面建设碳排放量问题,基于LCA理论,明确公路路面生命周期评价范围,并以西藏拉萨境内某旅游环线公路路面建设为案例,分析、核算路面建设生命周期内碳排放量占比、各建设阶段碳排放量影响因子占比,认为建设过程中减少运距、改善材料生产工艺可以达到降碳减排的目的. 展开更多
关键词 公路路面建设 lca 碳排放测算 影响因子占比
作者 苏涵 《交通节能与环保》 2024年第2期243-248,共6页
本文基于LCA对京沪高铁的轮轨与磁悬浮方案进行比选研究,在材料、设备、运输与施工阶段对轮轨与磁悬浮的能源消耗进行计算分析,最后对两者进行综合比选评价。从能源消耗的全生命周期评价角度为铁路在轮轨与磁悬浮两个方案的比选评价提... 本文基于LCA对京沪高铁的轮轨与磁悬浮方案进行比选研究,在材料、设备、运输与施工阶段对轮轨与磁悬浮的能源消耗进行计算分析,最后对两者进行综合比选评价。从能源消耗的全生命周期评价角度为铁路在轮轨与磁悬浮两个方案的比选评价提供科学可靠的参考思路。 展开更多
关键词 铁路工程 lca 磁悬浮 轮轨
Nano/Micro-Structural Supramolecular Biopolymers: Innovative Networks with the Boundless Potential in Sustainable Agriculture
作者 Roohallah Saberi Riseh Mohadeseh Hassanisaadi +2 位作者 Masoumeh Vatankhah Rajender S.Varma Vijay Kumar Thakur 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期79-101,共23页
Sustainable agriculture plays a crucial role in meeting the growing global demand for food while minimizing adverse environmental impacts from the overuse of synthetic pesticides and conventional fertilizers.In this c... Sustainable agriculture plays a crucial role in meeting the growing global demand for food while minimizing adverse environmental impacts from the overuse of synthetic pesticides and conventional fertilizers.In this context,renewable biopolymers being more sustainable offer a viable solution to improve agricultural sustainability and production.Nano/micro-structural supramolecular biopolymers are among these innovative biopolymers that are much sought after for their unique features.These biomaterials have complex hierarchical structures,great stability,adjustable mechanical strength,stimuli-responsiveness,and self-healing attributes.Functional molecules may be added to their flexible structure,for enabling novel agricultural uses.This overview scrutinizes how nano/micro-structural supramolecular biopolymers may radically alter farming practices and solve lingering problems in agricultural sector namely improve agricultural production,soil health,and resource efficiency.Controlled bioactive ingredient released from biopolymers allows the tailored administration of agrochemicals,bioactive agents,and biostimulators as they enhance nutrient absorption,moisture retention,and root growth.Nano/micro-structural supramolecular biopolymers may protect crops by appending antimicrobials and biosensing entities while their eco-friendliness supports sustainable agriculture.Despite their potential,further studies are warranted to understand and optimize their usage in agricultural domain.This effort seeks to bridge the knowledge gap by investigating their applications,challenges,and future prospects in the agricultural sector.Through experimental investigations and theoretical modeling,this overview aims to provide valuable insights into the practical implementation and optimization of supramolecular biopolymers in sustainable agriculture,ultimately contributing to the development of innovative and eco-friendly solutions to enhance agricultural productivity while minimizing environmental impact. 展开更多
关键词 SUPRAMOLECULAR Biopolymers Sustainable agriculture NANOTECHNOLOGY
Security Analysis in Smart Agriculture: Insights from a Cyber-Physical System Application
作者 Ahmed Redha Mahlous 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第6期4781-4803,共23页
Smart agriculture modifies traditional farming practices,and offers innovative approaches to boost production and sustainability by leveraging contemporary technologies.In today’s world where technology is everything... Smart agriculture modifies traditional farming practices,and offers innovative approaches to boost production and sustainability by leveraging contemporary technologies.In today’s world where technology is everything,these technologies are utilized to streamline regular tasks and procedures in agriculture,one of the largest and most significant industries in every nation.This research paper stands out from existing literature on smart agriculture security by providing a comprehensive analysis and examination of security issues within smart agriculture systems.Divided into three main sections-security analysis,system architecture and design and risk assessment of Cyber-Physical Systems(CPS)applications-the study delves into various elements crucial for smart farming,such as data sources,infrastructure components,communication protocols,and the roles of different stakeholders such as farmers,agricultural scientists and researchers,technology providers,government agencies,consumers and many others.In contrast to earlier research,this work analyzes the resilience of smart agriculture systems using approaches such as threat modeling,penetration testing,and vulnerability assessments.Important discoveries highlight the concerns connected to unsecured communication protocols,possible threats from malevolent actors,and vulnerabilities in IoT devices.Furthermore,the study suggests enhancements for CPS applications,such as strong access controls,intrusion detection systems,and encryption protocols.In addition,risk assessment techniques are applied to prioritize mitigation tactics and detect potential hazards,addressing issues like data breaches,system outages,and automated farming process sabotage.The research sets itself apart even more by presenting a prototype CPS application that makes use of a digital temperature sensor.This application was first created using a Tinkercad simulator and then using actual hardware with Arduino boards.The CPS application’s defenses against potential threats and vulnerabilities are strengthened by this integrated approach,which distinguishes this research for its depth and usefulness in the field of smart agriculture security. 展开更多
关键词 Smart agriculture cyber-physical system IOT security temperature sensor threats VULNERABILITIES
Sorghum Productivity and Its Farming Feasibility in Dryland Agriculture:Genotypic and Planting Distance Insights
作者 Kristamtini Sugeng Widodo +12 位作者 Heni Purwaningsih Arlyna Budi Pustika Setyorini Widyayanti Arif Muazam Arini Putri Hanifa Joko Triastono Dewi Sahara Heni Sulistyawati Purwaning Rahayu Pandu Laksono Diah Arina Fahmi Sutardi Joko Pramono Rachmiwati Yusuf 《Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany》 SCIE 2024年第5期1007-1021,共15页
Sorghum(Sorghum bicolor L.Moench)is an essential food crop for more than 750 million people in tropical and sub-tropical dry climates of Africa,India,and Latin America.The domestic sorghum market in Indonesia is still... Sorghum(Sorghum bicolor L.Moench)is an essential food crop for more than 750 million people in tropical and sub-tropical dry climates of Africa,India,and Latin America.The domestic sorghum market in Indonesia is still limited to the eastern region(East Nusa Tenggara,West Nusa Tenggara,Java,and South Sulawesi).Therefore,it is crucial to carry out sorghum research on drylands.This research aimed to investigate the effect of sorghum genotype and planting distance and their interaction toward growth and sorghum’s productivity in the Gunungkidul dryland,Yogyakarta,Indonesia.In addition,the farm business analysis,including the feasibility of sorghum farming,was also examined.The research used a randomized complete block design(RCBD),arranged in a 5×4 factorial with 3 replicates.The first treatment consisted of 5 varieties(2 high-yielding varieties(Bioguma 1 and Kawali)and 3 local sorghum varieties(Plonco,Ketan Merah,and Hitam Wareng)).The second treatment consisted of 4 levels of planting distance,namely 50×20 cm,60×20 cm,70×15 cm,and 70×20×20 cm.Analysis of variance was used to analyze the data,where Duncan’s multiple range test(DMRT)was used post hoc.Plant height,panicle height,panicle width,panicle weight,stover weight,grains weight/plot,and productivity were significantly affected by sorghum varieties(p<0.05).However,there was no significant effect from the planting distance treatment and no interaction between planting distance and varietal treatments.Ketan Merah had the highest height,panicle length,and panicle width,while Bioguma 1 had the highest stover weight,panicle weight,grain weight/plot,and productivity.There was a significant linear regression equation,i.e.,productivity=0.0054–0.0003 panicle height+0.4163 grains weight/plot.Our findings on farm business analysis suggested that four out of five tested sorghum varieties were feasible to grow,except for the Ketan Merah variety.The most economically profitable sorghum variety to grow in Gunungkidul dryland was Bioguma 1. 展开更多
关键词 SORGHUM dryland agriculture planting space VARIETY local Gunungkidul
Planetary health risks in urban agriculture
作者 Nilanjana Ganguli Anna Maria Subic +1 位作者 Janani Maheswaran Byomkesh Talukder 《Global Health Journal》 2024年第1期4-10,共7页
Urban agriculture is gaining recognition for its potential contributions to environmental resilience and climate change adaptation,providing advantages such as urban greening,reduced heat island effects,and decreased ... Urban agriculture is gaining recognition for its potential contributions to environmental resilience and climate change adaptation,providing advantages such as urban greening,reduced heat island effects,and decreased air pollution.Moreover,it indirectly supports communities during weather events and natural disasters,ensuring food security and fostering community cohesion.However,concerns about planetary health risks persist in highly urbanized and climate-affected areas.Employing electronic databases such as Web of Science and PubMed and adhering to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines,we identified 55 relevant papers to comprehend the planetary health risks associated with urban agriculture,The literature review identified five distinct health risks related to urban agriculture:(1)trace metal risks in urban farms;(2)health risks associated with wastewater irrigation;(3)zoonotic risks;(4)other health risks;and(5)social and economic risks.The study highlights that urban agriculture,while emphasizing environmental benefits,particularly raises concerns about trace metal bioaccumulation in soil and vegetables,posing health risks for populations.Other well studied risks included wastewater irrigation and backyard livestock farming.The main limitations in the available literature were in studying infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance associated with urban agriculture. 展开更多
关键词 Urban agriculture URBANIZATION Systems-thinking Planetary health impacts Comprehensive risk analysis Planetary Health Risks Analysis of Urban agriculture Framework(PHRAUAF) HEURISTIC
Fertilization and Soil Ploughing Practices under Changing Physical Environment Lead to Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics under Conservation Agriculture in Rice-Wheat Cropping System: A Scoping Review
作者 Salwinder Singh Dhaliwal Arvind Kumar Shukla +8 位作者 Sanjib Kumar Behera Sarwan Kumar Dubey Agniva Mandal Mehakpreet Kaur Randhawa Sharanjit Kaur Brar Gagandeep Kaur Amardeep Singh Toor Sohan Singh Walia Priyadarshani Arun Khambalkar 《Agricultural Sciences》 2024年第1期82-113,共32页
Ploughing and fertilization practices in rice-wheat system have deteriorated the soil carbon (C) pools. Conservation agriculture (CA) based management approaches have proven to enhance C sequestration and reverse the ... Ploughing and fertilization practices in rice-wheat system have deteriorated the soil carbon (C) pools. Conservation agriculture (CA) based management approaches have proven to enhance C sequestration and reverse the loss of soil-organic-carbon (SOC), which further enhances soil fertility. Different fractions of SOC pools react to the alterations in management practices and indicate changes in SOC dynamics as compared to total C in the soil. Higher SOC levels in soil have been observed in case of reduced/no-till (NT) practices than conventional tillage (CT). However, between CT and zero tillage/NT, total SOC stocks diminished with an increase in soil depth, which demonstrated that the benefits of SOC are more pronounced in the topsoil under NT. Soil aggregation provides physical protection to C associated with different-sized particles, thus, the improvement in soil aggregation through CA is an effective way to mitigate soil C loss. Along with less soil disturbance, residual management, suitable crop rotation, rational application of manures and fertilizers, and integrated nutrient management have been found to be effective in not only improving soil C stock but also enhancing the soil health and productivity. Thus, CA can be considered as a potential method in the build-up of SOC of soil in rice-wheat system. 展开更多
关键词 TILLAGE Conservation agriculture Soil Organic Carbon Carbon Fractions Rice-Wheat System Organic Amendments
Variations in Soil Organic Matter Content in Cultivated and Uncultivated Calcareous Soils from the Mediterranean Island of Malta after 15 Years of Cultivation
作者 Anthony T. Sacco Marcelle Agius Clara Didier 《Open Journal of Soil Science》 2024年第4期210-226,共17页
The soils of Malta are calcareous and generally undeveloped. Organic matter (OM) in these soils is low and farmers are constantly urged to increase it. The objective of this study was to evaluate any temporal variatio... The soils of Malta are calcareous and generally undeveloped. Organic matter (OM) in these soils is low and farmers are constantly urged to increase it. The objective of this study was to evaluate any temporal variation in soil OM after 15 years of cultivation, and determine whether soil series, soil depth, and cultivation influence variation. OM was determined in the topsoil and subsoil of 7 agricultural and 4 non-agricultural sites. The sites represented 7 different soil series that are present on the island. In sampling periods 1 (t = 0 years) and 2 (t =15 years), the OM content in the collective (all soil series) bulk (topsoil and subsoil) uncultivated soil was 3.9 % and 3.8 % respectively. This was significantly greater than that of the collective bulk cultivated soil (2.4% and 2.3%). The OM in the collective uncultivated topsoil was 5.4% and 5.2% in periods 1 and 2 and was significantly higher than that of the cultivated topsoil (2.5% in both periods). The OM content in the collective uncultivated subsoil was 2.3% and 2.5% in periods 1 and 2 respectively but only that measured in period 2 was significantly higher than that of the cultivated subsoil (2.2% in both periods). On an individual soil series basis, the OM in the uncultivated topsoils was significantly higher than that of their cultivated counterparts. The differences in the subsoils were not significant. Across the uncultivated soil series, OM was significantly higher in the topsoil than in the subsoil but in the cultivated soil series the differences between topsoil and subsoil were not significant. There was no significant difference in OM between the uncultivated soils of different series, but in the cultivated the OM content was higher in soils that were more mature. After 15 years, no significant change in OM occurred in both the collective cultivated and uncultivated bulk soils, the collective topsoil and subsoil, and in most of the individual series. The OM content of each soil series was also similar to what was reported 60 and 50 years earlier by other researchers. 展开更多
关键词 Soil Organic Carbon Agricultural Land Non-Agricultural Land Land Management
Coping with the Impact of Climate Change: A Dive into Precision Agriculture in the United States
作者 Oluwaseun Ibukun Kehinde Oke Olawale Oluwafemi 《Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment》 2024年第2期208-222,共15页
With the continued increase in the number of people that are food insecure globally, which could be increasing because of the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war, leading to reduction in international agribusinesses, coupled w... With the continued increase in the number of people that are food insecure globally, which could be increasing because of the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war, leading to reduction in international agribusinesses, coupled with drastic climate change exacerbating the problem of food insecurity, there is a constant need to come up with innovative approaches to solve this global issue. In this article, we articulated how precision agriculture can be a tool for ensuring food security in the United States. This study aims to reiterate the significance of precision agriculture in solving global food insecurity. 展开更多
关键词 United States Food Insecurity Precision agriculture Positioning Systems Climate Change
Construction and Application Exploration of Smart Agriculture Based on Big Data Technology
作者 Zhongling Li Hairui Wang 《Journal of Electronic Research and Application》 2024年第3期72-77,共6页
Big data finds extensive application and many fields.It brings new opportunities for the development of agriculture.Using big data technology to promote the development of smart agriculture can greatly improve the eff... Big data finds extensive application and many fields.It brings new opportunities for the development of agriculture.Using big data technology to promote the development of smart agriculture can greatly improve the effect of agricultural planting,reduce the input of manpower and material resources,and lay a solid foundation for the realization of agricultural modernization.In this regard,this paper briefly analyzes the construction and application of smart agriculture based on big data technology,hoping to provide some valuable insights for readers. 展开更多
关键词 Big data technology Smart agriculture CONSTRUCTION Apply
Review on the Impact of Climate Change on Great Lakes Region’s Agriculture and Water Resources
作者 Zeyu Shen 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2024年第7期165-176,共12页
This study investigates the multifaceted impacts of climate change on the Midwest region of the United States, particularly the rising temperatures and precipitation brought about by hot weather activities and technol... This study investigates the multifaceted impacts of climate change on the Midwest region of the United States, particularly the rising temperatures and precipitation brought about by hot weather activities and technological advances since the 19th century. From 1900 to 2010, temperatures in the Midwest rose by an average of 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit, which would also lead to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Precipitation is also expected to increase due to increased storm activity and changes in regional weather patterns. This paper explores the impact of these changes on urban and agricultural areas. In urban areas such as the city of Chicago, runoff from the increasing impervious surface areas poses challenges to the drainage system, and agriculture areas are challenged by soil erosion, nutrient loss, and fewer planting days due to excessive rainfall. Sustainable solutions such as no-till agriculture and the creation of grassland zones are discussed. Using historical data, recent climate studies and projections, the paper Outlines ways to enhance the Midwest’s ecology and resilience to climate change. 展开更多
关键词 Climate Change Midwest USA Agricultural Impacts Urban Runoff Sustainable Practices Precipitation Patterns Temperature Increase Greenhouse Gas Emissions Soil Erosion Water Management
《上海节能》 2024年第2期368-369,共2页
1基本信息产品名称:工业制造业LCA(碳足迹)量化工业软件产品类型:其他类生产企业:上海易碳数字科技有限公司2企业介绍上海易碳数字科技有限公司(简称:“易碳数科”)创立于2017年,是一家专注于工业制造业碳排放数据量化云计算的互联网公... 1基本信息产品名称:工业制造业LCA(碳足迹)量化工业软件产品类型:其他类生产企业:上海易碳数字科技有限公司2企业介绍上海易碳数字科技有限公司(简称:“易碳数科”)创立于2017年,是一家专注于工业制造业碳排放数据量化云计算的互联网公司。公司致力于以工业互联网架构和工业软件应用模式为企业提供快速、高效、精准的组织碳排放核算和产品碳足迹量化服务。 展开更多
关键词 工业制造业 软件产品 互联网架构 数据量化 云计算 碳排放核算 产品碳足迹 lca
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