In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), there exists a complex landscape where promises of efficiency and innovation clash with unforeseen disruptions across Information Technology (IT) and broader societal real...In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), there exists a complex landscape where promises of efficiency and innovation clash with unforeseen disruptions across Information Technology (IT) and broader societal realms. This paper sets out on a journey to explore the intricate paradoxes inherent in AI, focusing on the unintended consequences that ripple through IT and beyond. Through a thorough examination of literature and analysis of related works, this study aims to shed light on the complexities surrounding the AI paradox. It delves into how this paradox appears in various domains, such as algorithmic biases, job displacement, ethical dilemmas, and privacy concerns. By mapping out these unintended disruptions, this research seeks to offer a nuanced understanding of the challenges brought forth by AI-driven transformations. Ultimately, its goal is to pave the way for the responsible development and deployment of AI, fostering a harmonious integration of technological progress with societal values and priorities.展开更多
文摘In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), there exists a complex landscape where promises of efficiency and innovation clash with unforeseen disruptions across Information Technology (IT) and broader societal realms. This paper sets out on a journey to explore the intricate paradoxes inherent in AI, focusing on the unintended consequences that ripple through IT and beyond. Through a thorough examination of literature and analysis of related works, this study aims to shed light on the complexities surrounding the AI paradox. It delves into how this paradox appears in various domains, such as algorithmic biases, job displacement, ethical dilemmas, and privacy concerns. By mapping out these unintended disruptions, this research seeks to offer a nuanced understanding of the challenges brought forth by AI-driven transformations. Ultimately, its goal is to pave the way for the responsible development and deployment of AI, fostering a harmonious integration of technological progress with societal values and priorities.