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ICESat卫星及其在南极Dome A地区的应用 被引量:17
作者 鄂栋臣 徐莹 张小红 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1139-1142,共4页
概述了GLAS高度计的在轨性能,分析了其数据产品的精度。利用高精度的ICESat卫星测高数据,以及第21次中国南极科学考察内陆冰盖考察GPS的实测资料,验证了此次考察中南极内陆冰盖Dome A最高点可能区域选取的正确性,并分析了Dome A最高点... 概述了GLAS高度计的在轨性能,分析了其数据产品的精度。利用高精度的ICESat卫星测高数据,以及第21次中国南极科学考察内陆冰盖考察GPS的实测资料,验证了此次考察中南极内陆冰盖Dome A最高点可能区域选取的正确性,并分析了Dome A最高点位置测定的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 GLAS高度计 在轨性能 ICESAT dome A
南极Dome A地区高精度DEM的建立——顾及波形重定、坡度改正及数据融合 被引量:4
作者 李斐 宋国云 +2 位作者 杨元德 郝卫峰 杨全明 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期403-410,共8页
介绍了CryoSat-2LRM模式下优化后的OCOG、CFI和LIRT的3种波形重定算法。基于南极Dome-A昆仑站区的实测GPS数据,比较了CryoSat-2LRM模式下的3种波形重定方法,对不同波形重定算法下的测高数据进行了精度评估。结果表明优化后的OCOG算法精... 介绍了CryoSat-2LRM模式下优化后的OCOG、CFI和LIRT的3种波形重定算法。基于南极Dome-A昆仑站区的实测GPS数据,比较了CryoSat-2LRM模式下的3种波形重定方法,对不同波形重定算法下的测高数据进行了精度评估。结果表明优化后的OCOG算法精度最好,与GPS结果平均差值约为-0.07m,标准差约为0.60m,明显优于其他两种算法。通过比较坡度与卫星数据精度的关系,发现坡度因素对于卫星测高数据精度的影响不可忽视,在Dome A地区验证结果表明,坡度改正可使得卫星测高精度提高约38%。最后联合GPS和CryoSat-2OCOG数据,建立了南极Dome-A地区300m分辨率DEM,其精度约为0.24m。 展开更多
关键词 CryoSat-2 dome A GPS 波形重定 坡度改正 DEM
冰雷达探测数据处理方法研究——以南极冰盖DomeA地区的数据处理为例 被引量:5
作者 王甜甜 孙波 +5 位作者 关泽群 崔祥斌 冯甜甜 唐学远 张栋 陈昀 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期197-204,共8页
提出了冰雷达数据处理的流程,详细论述了冰雷达数据处理中常规修正的关键技术:静态校正、增益控制、带通滤波以及偏移处理等。以中国第24次南极科学考察(CHINARE 24)所获取的Dome A地区30 km×30 km范围冰雷达原始数据处理作为实例... 提出了冰雷达数据处理的流程,详细论述了冰雷达数据处理中常规修正的关键技术:静态校正、增益控制、带通滤波以及偏移处理等。以中国第24次南极科学考察(CHINARE 24)所获取的Dome A地区30 km×30 km范围冰雷达原始数据处理作为实例,提取得到了该区域冰盖内部等时层埋深以及冰盖的冰厚数据。通过插值展现了冰盖等时层以及冰岩界面的三维空间形态,结合该区域ICESat冰盖表面高程数据,构建出了Dome A地区涵盖冰盖表面、冰盖等时层以及冰岩界面形态特征的三维模型。 展开更多
关键词 冰雷达dome A数据处理 等时层 三维模型
Dome效应对四孔大气相干长度仪系统性能的影响 被引量:3
作者 倪志波 黄宏华 +2 位作者 黄印博 朱文越 饶瑞中 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期2551-2555,共5页
以水平方向距仪器1 000 m的卤钨灯为光源,通过同步对比实验探究了两台四孔大气相干长度仪的系统性能。实验结果表明,由它们测得的大气相干长度的大小和总体变化趋势能够较好吻合,相关性系数均在0.94以上,具有较好的一致性。在此基础上,... 以水平方向距仪器1 000 m的卤钨灯为光源,通过同步对比实验探究了两台四孔大气相干长度仪的系统性能。实验结果表明,由它们测得的大气相干长度的大小和总体变化趋势能够较好吻合,相关性系数均在0.94以上,具有较好的一致性。在此基础上,进一步研究了Dome效应对该系统性能的影响。该效应的影响主要表现在使大气相干长度变小,其强度则由系统沿光路方向移动的距离决定。当移动距离小于15 cm时,Dome效应较弱,不会对实验结果产生明显影响;在距离从15 cm增至55 cm的过程中,其强度不断增加,并在55 cm处达到最强,此后则不再随距离的增加而变化。在整个实验过程中,实验结果的相关系数始终在0.9以上,即Dome效应对大气相干长度的总体变化趋势没有明显影响。 展开更多
关键词 大气相干长度 dome效应 一致性 相关性
用雷达电磁波探测研究南极冰盖浅层散射特征:以中山站至Dome A冰盖断面为例 被引量:3
作者 蒋芸芸 孙波 +4 位作者 柯长青 崔祥斌 唐学远 郭井学 张向培 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期48-59,共12页
本研究运用双频雷达(60MHz和179MHz)获取的南极中山站—Dome A断面的雷达回波探测数据,对冰盖浅部100—700m的雷达内部反射层和接收功率变化定量计算分析表明,60MHz的雷达回波能量比179MHz衰减得更快;中山站—Dome A断面冰盖浅层700m以... 本研究运用双频雷达(60MHz和179MHz)获取的南极中山站—Dome A断面的雷达回波探测数据,对冰盖浅部100—700m的雷达内部反射层和接收功率变化定量计算分析表明,60MHz的雷达回波能量比179MHz衰减得更快;中山站—Dome A断面冰盖浅层700m以上的雷达反射层形成的主导原因是冰密度的变化;断面上不同测站点间同一深度的接收功率差值达到10dB,表明冰盖浅层散射存在显著差异。 展开更多
关键词 冰雷达 中山站—dome A断面 东南极 冰盖浅部 散射
基于H-Dome重构的大豆图像分割 被引量:4
作者 孙晓婷 陈江红 陈庆周 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期821-824,共4页
在大豆品质检测过程中,大豆图像籽粒粘连给后续检测、分析等处理带来较大的困难。为此,提出了一种基于H-Dome重构的分水岭算法,先对二值图像进行H-Dome灰度形态重构合并极值,再对重建后的图像用距离变换得到距离图像,然后利用分水岭算... 在大豆品质检测过程中,大豆图像籽粒粘连给后续检测、分析等处理带来较大的困难。为此,提出了一种基于H-Dome重构的分水岭算法,先对二值图像进行H-Dome灰度形态重构合并极值,再对重建后的图像用距离变换得到距离图像,然后利用分水岭算法进行图像分割,最后提取分割线得到最终分离图像。该算法对籽粒的分割正确率为96.6%,分割效果较好。 展开更多
关键词 大豆籽粒 图像分割 分水岭 H—dome
DOMES—一个已开发的调度操作管理专家系统 被引量:11
作者 唐国庆 伍斌 +3 位作者 徐洪彬 方恭寿 黄纪衡 宋祥春 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1990年第2期5-10,共6页
本文介绍了东南大学与安徽省调度中心用PROLOG语言合作研制开发的调度操作管理专家系统—DOMES,它能正确开出安徽省调所必需的各类调度命令票与操作票,并已在IBM-AT-286上成功地投入运行。本文描述了DOMJJ的结构、性能与功能,介绍了其... 本文介绍了东南大学与安徽省调度中心用PROLOG语言合作研制开发的调度操作管理专家系统—DOMES,它能正确开出安徽省调所必需的各类调度命令票与操作票,并已在IBM-AT-286上成功地投入运行。本文描述了DOMJJ的结构、性能与功能,介绍了其数据库与规则库,简要讨论了该专家系统的进一步扩展与作用。 展开更多
关键词 domeS 电力系统 调度 专家系统
Pantadome体系及其施工技术 被引量:2
作者 卓新 姚纪庆 《施工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第6期53-54,共2页
关键词 Pantadome体系 空间结构 液压顶升 安全性 日本
南极中山站-Dome A断面表层雪稳定同位素空间分布及环境影响因素分析 被引量:2
作者 马天鸣 谢周清 +5 位作者 李院生 安春雷 史贵涛 于金海 马红梅 姜苏 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 2017年第2期210-217,共8页
中山站-Dome A断面是表层雪稳定同位素组成分析的理想区域,沿线进行δ18O、δD和d的空间分布及环境影响因素研究对反映东南极地区的气候变化和物质来源具有关键意义。因而,本文基于线性回归及相关性分析方法,详细探究了断面上多种环境... 中山站-Dome A断面是表层雪稳定同位素组成分析的理想区域,沿线进行δ18O、δD和d的空间分布及环境影响因素研究对反映东南极地区的气候变化和物质来源具有关键意义。因而,本文基于线性回归及相关性分析方法,详细探究了断面上多种环境因素与表层雪稳定同位素分布的空间关系。结果表明,温度和地理因素与同位素比值之间有显著相关关系,且海拔是地理因素中的主要影响因素,随海拔上升表层雪的δ18O呈线性下降趋势。另外,通过断面上δ-T斜率与南极其他断面对比,发现斜率可能具有冰盖近岸和内陆地区较低的区域性特征,而造成这一现象的原因是水汽源区的改变和低温条件下水汽过饱和时的同位素动力分馏。最后,d的空间分布在沿海区域和内陆区域也有不同,推测主控因素分别是水汽源区条件和温度。 展开更多
关键词 中山-dome A断面 表层雪 稳定同位素 环境因素 空间分布
作者 甘昱 鄂栋臣 +1 位作者 庞小平 张旭 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2006年第1期4-6,共3页
基于GPS的导航技术作为一个很热门的研究课题,其在航空、航天以及陆上车辆导航,个人移动导航等诸多领域有着深入广泛的应用。但针对南极地区这一基础地理信息缺乏,环境特殊的科考导航系统的开发研究却极其少见。本文结合移动导航技术和... 基于GPS的导航技术作为一个很热门的研究课题,其在航空、航天以及陆上车辆导航,个人移动导航等诸多领域有着深入广泛的应用。但针对南极地区这一基础地理信息缺乏,环境特殊的科考导航系统的开发研究却极其少见。本文结合移动导航技术和南极科考的实际需求,设计了中山站至DOME-A内陆冰盖考察导航系统,对系统结构、功能进行了详细设计,最终编制完成了模拟系统。 展开更多
关键词 dome—A GPS导航 导航系统设计
作者 唐敢 王法武 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2006年第4期243-249,共7页
The concept of the imperfection sensitive region is given. The advanced stochastic imperfection method is used to research the imperfection sensitive region of single-layer latticed domes. Taking a K6 single-layer lat... The concept of the imperfection sensitive region is given. The advanced stochastic imperfection method is used to research the imperfection sensitive region of single-layer latticed domes. Taking a K6 single-layer latticed dome with a diameter of 50 m as an example, its imperfection sensitive region is made up of the first 12 kinds of joints. The influence of the imperfections of support joints on the stability of the K6 single-layer latticed dome is negligible. Influences of the joint imperfections of the main rib and the secondary rib on the structural stability are similar. The initial deviations of these joints all greatly lower the critical load of the dome. Results show that the method can analyze the structural imperfection sensitive region quantitatively and accurately. 展开更多
关键词 IMPERFECTION single-layer latticed dome imperfection sensitive region advanced stochastic imperfection method critical load
东南极中山站-Dome A断面雪坑主要化学离子的时空变化研究 被引量:1
作者 邓加元 李院生 +3 位作者 马红梅 史贵涛 马天鸣 鲁思宇 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期374-387,共14页
中国第35次南极考察队内陆考察期间在东南极中山站-Dome A断面沿线采集了4个雪坑,利用火山标志层确定了Dome A地区雪坑年层序列(1962—2018年)。雪坑离子浓度时空的分析表明,沿海地区Cl^(-)和Na^(+)浓度受海洋来源影响相对较高,Cl^(-)/N... 中国第35次南极考察队内陆考察期间在东南极中山站-Dome A断面沿线采集了4个雪坑,利用火山标志层确定了Dome A地区雪坑年层序列(1962—2018年)。雪坑离子浓度时空的分析表明,沿海地区Cl^(-)和Na^(+)浓度受海洋来源影响相对较高,Cl^(-)/Na^(+)比值从沿海到内陆逐渐增加,表明Cl^(-)除海盐源外存在其他来源或受到挥发性HCl沉积的影响。内陆地区雪坑SO_4^(2-)平均浓度较高,可能与该地区雪低积累率和中低纬度SO_4^(2-)远距离输入有关。海拔2000m以上雪坑中非海盐硫酸根(nssSO_4^(2-))占总SO_4^(2-)的比重大于90%,表明nssSO_4^(2-)的远距离输入是南极高海拔地区SO_4^(2-)离子的主要来源。积累率、下降风和沉积后作用等造成NO_(3)^(-)浓度变化复杂,显示出较大的空间异质性。离海岸距离800 km处雪坑的NO_(3)^(-)浓度较高,推测是受该地区地貌、太阳辐射冰壳和沉积后作用等因素所致。沿海地区和800km处雪坑海盐离子、NO_(3)^(-)和nssSO_4^(2-)浓度随时间变化呈现出不同的季节性特征,而离海岸距离520 km和内陆地区雪坑无明显季节变化趋势,认为是物质源区、下降风、沉积后过程和积累率等共同作用的结果。基于海冰形成的高盐度"霜花"和风吹雪,可能是沿海地区雪坑海盐离子浓度随时间增加的原因。 展开更多
关键词 中山站–dome A断面 雪坑 雪冰化学 离子浓度 季节变化
Coherence of wind pressure on domes 被引量:3
作者 尼尼昂 叶继红 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第1期100-106,共7页
The concept of the coherence function is adopted to find the wind pressure correlation of two points on domes of different rise-span ratios. The pressure measurements are made on the dome roof models by the wind tunne... The concept of the coherence function is adopted to find the wind pressure correlation of two points on domes of different rise-span ratios. The pressure measurements are made on the dome roof models by the wind tunnel test. The coherence functions for different separation distances at several directions of the domes from different wind directions are examined. The results show that there is a strong correlation for two adjacent points at low frequency, but not for non-adjacent points. The coherence of the wind pressure increases with the decrease in the separation distance. Moreover, the coherence of the wind pressure is in the strongest correlation on the along-wind direction at the same separation, but the lowest correlation is on the cross-wind direction. The detailed derivation of the proposed exponential coherence model of the wind pressure from experimental data is also discussed. It is found that the proposed exponential coherence model can be appropriate, especially, for small separations and the change in the directions on domes. Based on the quasi-steady theory, the relationship between the wind pressure and the wind velocity on the basis of the coherence model is also examined. The coherence observed between the wind pressure and the wind velocity is not adequately predicted by the quasi-steady theory. 展开更多
关键词 domeS coherence of wind pressure exponential coherence model of wind pressure quasi-steady theory
东南极冰盖中山站-Dome A断面表层雪中SO_4^(2–)和MSA的空间分布特征 被引量:3
作者 于金海 李院生 +4 位作者 马红梅 史贵涛 马天鸣 安春雷 姜苏 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 2017年第1期45-55,共11页
中山站-Dome A断面考察是国际横穿南极科学考察计划(ITASE)的核心考察路线之一,具有重要的科学意义,在国内外产生了广泛影响。中国第31次南极科学考察内陆冰盖考察期间,采集了中山站-Dome A断面上约10 km间隔的表层雪样品,通过离子色谱... 中山站-Dome A断面考察是国际横穿南极科学考察计划(ITASE)的核心考察路线之一,具有重要的科学意义,在国内外产生了广泛影响。中国第31次南极科学考察内陆冰盖考察期间,采集了中山站-Dome A断面上约10 km间隔的表层雪样品,通过离子色谱实验分析,得出了断面上含硫化合物(SO_4^(2-)与MSA)的含量。在整个断面上,nssSO_4^(2-)和MSA含量表现出微弱的递减变化趋势,呈现出区域性变化趋势。在内陆高原区域(Dome A区域),nssSO_4^(2-)与MSA存在较好的线性关系([MSA]=0.1158×[nssSO_4^(2-)]–1.1497,r^2=0.75)。MSA/nssSO_4^(2-)比值在断面上的变化范围为0.04—0.47,均值为0.14,比值表现为沿海区域高于内陆区域,与低温条件下MSA/nssSO_4^(2-)比值大相矛盾,原因是由于源区的不同或风场而造成的。通过对断面上含硫化合物的研究,为进一步利用冰芯SO_4^(2-)与MSA记录研究过去气候环境提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 SO4^2- MSA 空间分布 中山站-dome A断面 东南极冰盖
Formation of the Moping Dome in the Xuefengshan Orocline, Central China and its Tectonic Significance 被引量:10
作者 SHI Wei DONG Shuwen +2 位作者 LI Jianhua TIAN Mi WU Guoli 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期720-729,共10页
Many equiaxial dome-like structures developed in the north segment of the Xuefengshan orocline, Central China are obviously inconcordant with the NE-trending linear structures in this area, which contain important rec... Many equiaxial dome-like structures developed in the north segment of the Xuefengshan orocline, Central China are obviously inconcordant with the NE-trending linear structures in this area, which contain important records for understanding the structural framework and evolution of this belt. In this paper, taking one of the typical dome-like structures in the Xuefengshan orcline (e.g. Moping dome-like structure) as an example, based on its structural framework interpratatoin, superposed deformation analysis and paleo-stress fields reconstruction, we propose the Moping dome- like structure is composed of two populations of different-striking thrust-fold structures, -E-trending and NE-striking structures, indicative of two-stages shortening, -N- and NW-striking, respectively. Together with the geochronological analysis, we suggest the first stage of shortening occurred in Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, due to the Indosinian intercollisional orogeny of the Yangtze Block and the North China Block. The second occurred during Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous owing to Yanshanian intracontinental orogeny, leading to the intensive superposition of the NE-trending structures onto the -E-trending structures, and the final ocurrence of the Moping dome. Thus, our study indicates the Xuefengshan arc-shape belt also experienced two-phase deformation, and resulted from the superposition of NE-SW structures onto -E-W structures in Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, which could provide new structural evidence for probing the Mesozoic tectonic framework and evolution of the Xuefengshan orocline. 展开更多
关键词 Xuefengshan orocline Moping dome superposed structure paleo-stress field intracontinental orogeny
基于Polar WRF的南极Dome A极端低温事件分析
作者 王一丞 谢爱红 +1 位作者 丁明虎 效存德 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期727-733,共7页
南极作为地球的寒极,其最高点Dome A地区于2013年8月1日气温达到-93.0℃的极低值。利用Polar Weather Research and Forecasting(Polar WRF)3.8.1模式,对发生在南极Dome A地区的3次极端低温事件进行数值模拟分析。通过与自动气象站实测... 南极作为地球的寒极,其最高点Dome A地区于2013年8月1日气温达到-93.0℃的极低值。利用Polar Weather Research and Forecasting(Polar WRF)3.8.1模式,对发生在南极Dome A地区的3次极端低温事件进行数值模拟分析。通过与自动气象站实测数据对比验证,模拟效果较为理想。结果表明:印度洋和大西洋交界区域的高压加强,其高压脊开始向南极内陆延伸,导致Dome A地区气压升高,使得该地区天气晴好,云量极低,为极端低温事件发生奠定基础;同时,南极中心冷涡加强,长时间的冷平流和稳定的逆温层为Dome A地区提供了足够的降温条件,并且加强了夜间辐射降温效应,稳定的垂直场、极低的向下长波辐射使得Dome A地区的极端低温事件得以维持。 展开更多
关键词 南极 dome A 极端低温 Polar WRF模式
Conceptual design studies of the 5 m terahertz antenna for Dome A, Antarctica 被引量:6
作者 Ji Yang Ying-Xi Zuo +6 位作者 Zheng Lou Jing-Quan Cheng Qi-Zhou Zhang Sheng-Cai Shi Jia-Sheng Huang Qi-Jun Yao Zhong Wang 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第12期1493-1508,共16页
As the highest, coldest and driest place in Antarctica, Dome A provides exceptionally good observing conditions for ground-based observations over terahertz wavebands. The 5 m Dome A Terahertz Explorer (DATES) has b... As the highest, coldest and driest place in Antarctica, Dome A provides exceptionally good observing conditions for ground-based observations over terahertz wavebands. The 5 m Dome A Terahertz Explorer (DATES) has been proposed to explore new terahertz windows, primarily over wavelengths between 350 and 200 pm. DATE5 will be an open-air, fully-steerable telescope that can function by unmanned operation with remote control. The telescope will be able to endure the harsh polar environment, including high altitude, very low temperature and very low air pressure. The unique specifications, including high accuracies for surface shape and pointing and fully automatic year-around remote operation, along with a stringent limit on the periods of on-site assembly, testing and maintenance, bring a number of challenges to the design, construction, assembly and operation of this telescope. This paper intro- duces general concepts related to the design of the DATE5 antenna. Beginning from an overview of the environmental and operational limitations, the design specifications and requirements of the DATE5 antenna are listed. From these, major aspects on the conceptual design studies, including the antenna optics, the backup structure, the pan- els, the subreflector, the mounting and the antenna base structure, are explained. Some critical issues of performance are justified through analyses that use computational fluid dynamics, thermal analysis and de-icing studies, and the proposed approaches for test operation and on-site assembly. Based on these studies, we conclude that the specifications of the DATE5 antenna can generally be met by using enhanced technological approaches. 展开更多
关键词 dome A Antarctica -- antennas -- astronomy -- telescopes -- terahertz
Dome Argus: Ideal site for deep ice drilling 被引量:5
作者 TANG Xueyuan SUN Bo LIYuansheng LI Xin CUI Xiangbin 《Advances in Polar Science》 2012年第1期47-54,共8页
Located on the centre of ice drainage range, the highest Dome Argus (Dome A) of East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS), could be represented as an ideal site for deep ice cores drilling containing oldest paleo-climate re... Located on the centre of ice drainage range, the highest Dome Argus (Dome A) of East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS), could be represented as an ideal site for deep ice cores drilling containing oldest paleo-climate records. To select a suitable drilling site for deep ice core, it needs gather all information pertaining to the local meteorology, ice sheet landforms, ice thickness, subgla- cial topography of bed rocks, ice velocity, internal structures of ice sheet, etc. Based on the International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS), we present recent achievement of glaciological research and its perspective at Dome A in this paper. We system- atically discussed the merits and possible ventures of potential drilling sites around Dome A. Among all the candidates, we find that the Chinese Antarctic Kunlun Station is the best site for and assess further the possibility to obtain a replicate core for carrying out the first deep ice core drilling campaign. We emphasize studying dynamics and evolution of climate change. 展开更多
关键词 East Antarctic Ice Sheet dome Argus GLACIOLOGY deep ice core
Seabed domes with circular depressions in the North Yellow Sea 被引量:2
作者 WANG Bing ZHANG Xin +2 位作者 LUAN Zhendong CHEN Chang’an YAN Jun 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期2154-2165,共12页
Numerous isolated shallow seabed domes with depressions were discovered in the North Yellow Sea in a high-resolution multibeam echosounder survey. Twelve domes were located within a 11 km by 17 km survey area. The dom... Numerous isolated shallow seabed domes with depressions were discovered in the North Yellow Sea in a high-resolution multibeam echosounder survey. Twelve domes were located within a 11 km by 17 km survey area. The domes in this area were between 0.1 m and 1.0 m high with diameters ranging from 250 to 1 700 m. They were surrounded by corresponding depressions and displayed characteristic shapes ranging from circular to elliptical. The acoustic anomalies displayed on the high resolution sub-bottom profile images demonstrated that shallow gas accumulated just beneath these domes, suggesting that the migration and accumulation of the shallow gas caused the formation of these features. Accumulation atop the seabed domes and erosion within the depressions, as indicated by the lithological features of the sediment cores, suggested that seabed bottom currents also played a role in the formation and evolution of these features. In addition, the simultaneous decrease in the chlorite and sulfate content in core d pore water samples confirmed the presence of submarine fresh/brackish groundwater, which is of interest for hydrological budgets and may be a significant component of the regional hydrologic balance. Our findings suggested that shallow gas accumulation and migration are likely coupled to localized groundwater discharge at this domed site. 展开更多
关键词 SEABED dome shallow gas North Yellow Sea submarine fresh/brackish groundwater
Glaciological observations at Dome Argus, East Antarctica 被引量:4
作者 AN Chunlei WANG Yetang HOU Shugui 《Advances in Polar Science》 2017年第4期245-255,共11页
Dome Argus (Dome A) in East Antarctica is a potentially likely site to meet one of the major objectives of the International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS) on the oldest ice core, and thus has aroused... Dome Argus (Dome A) in East Antarctica is a potentially likely site to meet one of the major objectives of the International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS) on the oldest ice core, and thus has aroused wide public and scientific interest. Since 2004/2005, many glaciological investigations have been conducted in this region. These have included GPS and ground-penetrating radar surveys, snow pit and ice core drilling, stake network measurements, and meteorological observations. In this article, the main results of these glaciological investigations in the Dome A region are summarized. We present details of the surface mass balance on different timescales and its spatial variability, geochemical characteristics of the surface snow, and paleo-environment reconstruction of ice cores. Finally, perspectives on the prospects for future studies are suggested. 展开更多
关键词 Antarctic ice sheet dome A glaciological observations climate and environmental reconstruction
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