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The development of anti-fall functional clothing for elderly
作者 Chuan Tang Norsaadah Zakaria Wan Syazehan Ruznan 《Global Health Journal》 2023年第4期175-181,共7页
Objective:The consequences of falls in the elderly are severe,ranging from skin abrasion to hip fracture,which is very easy to cause death.Using advanced technology to develop anti-fall clothing that meets the needs o... Objective:The consequences of falls in the elderly are severe,ranging from skin abrasion to hip fracture,which is very easy to cause death.Using advanced technology to develop anti-fall clothing that meets the needs of the elderly can play a significant role in protecting the elderly.By reviewing and analyzing the existing literature on the importance of fall protection clothing in reducing falls and protecting the body of the elderly,it is hoped to explore further research that needs improvement.Methods:Guided by the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses,eight related studies were identified through Web of Science,Scopus and Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure.The research objects,approaches,material and equipment,protection principle,and survey results are extracted.Results:Two articles verified the fall detection algorithm adopted in the research through experiments,which significantly improved fall detection accuracy.Six papers found that selecting appropriate cushioning materials can effectively reduce the consequences of falls of the elderly through experimental comparative analysis.Finally,three attributes for significant design value are drawn:(1)size and fit;(2)cushioning materials;(3)wearable sensing elements. 展开更多
关键词 Elderly fall anti-fall clothes SIZE Cushioning materials META-ANALYSIS
作者 罗召钱 董勇 +2 位作者 彭轴宇 李富春 田兴平 《油气田地面工程》 2024年第4期12-18,共7页
天然气气井在开发生产后期的过程中,通常伴随气田水、细小颗粒等产出,采用分离装置进行初处理,由于分离装置中各相不可能实现完全分离,分离效果不佳,进而对下游装置平稳运行产生不利影响,并可能造成严重经济损失。通过现场试验分析某高... 天然气气井在开发生产后期的过程中,通常伴随气田水、细小颗粒等产出,采用分离装置进行初处理,由于分离装置中各相不可能实现完全分离,分离效果不佳,进而对下游装置平稳运行产生不利影响,并可能造成严重经济损失。通过现场试验分析某高含硫气井分离器低效率分离的现象,发现了分离器进气口流速增大,无足够稳定空间,内部液滴夹带严重,分离效果差的问题。提出了高含硫气井分离器低效分离问题的解决措施:正确选用入口元件并校核入口管嘴动压能;采用Ishii-Grolmes准则估算卧式气液分离器气相初始夹带速度;校核捕雾器的安装要求及淹没点(flooding point);选用可拆卸型内构件,设置内构件压差监测、建立定期清洗作业规程;井口一级气液分离器也可不配置捕雾器,简化设计,减少维护工作量。以上措施对高含硫气井分离器的设计、生产过程管理有一定指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 高含硫 气井 分离器 内构件 夹带 捕雾器 淹没点
作者 曹胜 张斌 +1 位作者 王文鹏 单建强 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期825-835,共11页
堆芯捕集器是为有效分散堆芯熔融物并防止压力容器下封头与熔体大规模接触而被破坏的非能动预防和缓解装置。在钠冷快堆(SFR)中,堆芯捕集器的结构直接影响碎片床的堆积形状和分布,进而影响碎片床的再临界性和长期衰变热去除能力。本文... 堆芯捕集器是为有效分散堆芯熔融物并防止压力容器下封头与熔体大规模接触而被破坏的非能动预防和缓解装置。在钠冷快堆(SFR)中,堆芯捕集器的结构直接影响碎片床的堆积形状和分布,进而影响碎片床的再临界性和长期衰变热去除能力。本文针对堆芯捕集器的结构设计优化开展数值研究,重点关注其烟囱结构设计对碎片床形成和分布的影响机理及规律。基于无量纲刚度系数和无量纲阻尼系数改进离散元法(DEM),通过改变堆芯捕集器烟囱顶盖垂直投影边长、顶盖倾斜角度和烟囱间距,研究碎片颗粒的运动和碎片床的形成行为。结果表明,堆芯捕集器的烟囱顶盖垂直投影边长、烟囱顶盖倾角和烟囱间距对碎片床的堆积形状和分布均有重要影响,碎片颗粒的二次散射对于改善碎片床的均匀性至关重要。 展开更多
关键词 钠冷快堆 堆芯捕集器 离散元法 碎片床
作者 邓祺 任子杰 +4 位作者 宋昱晗 刘国举 谢俊 刘志 张斌昌 《化工矿物与加工》 CAS 2024年第1期21-27,共7页
以福建某高岭土伴生石英为研究对象,采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)检测矿样的物相组成和化学成分,然后依次进行擦洗、磁选、浮选、分级-分选条件试验,结果表明:试样中SiO_(2)质量分数较低,为85.16%;石英主要以两种形式存... 以福建某高岭土伴生石英为研究对象,采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)检测矿样的物相组成和化学成分,然后依次进行擦洗、磁选、浮选、分级-分选条件试验,结果表明:试样中SiO_(2)质量分数较低,为85.16%;石英主要以两种形式存在,一种是单体,另一种存在于岩屑中,与长石、云母等共生;浮选试验结果显示捕收剂用量和浮选浓度对降低Al_(2)O_(3)含量影响较大;分级-分选试验揭示了在相同工艺条件下,+0.6 mm粒级石英精矿中杂质含量远低于-0.6+0.1 mm粒级的石英精矿;最终获得的精矿中杂质Al_(2)O_(3)质量分数为2918.68μg/g,Fe_(2)O_(3)质量分数为63.53μg/g,达到了光伏发电玻璃面板所用石英砂的质量要求。 展开更多
关键词 高岭土伴生石英 擦洗 磁选 浮选 捕收剂 提纯试验
作者 程卫红 吴长江 高芳裙 《化工设计通讯》 CAS 2024年第5期15-21,共7页
磷矿资源是国家不可再生的战略资源,中低品位胶磷矿为主的分布特征和磷资源需求第一大国的现状决定了我国磷矿亟须高效能磷矿选矿。中低品位磷矿石需要选矿富集后才能用于农业和工业生产,浮选药剂是磷矿浮选能否取得良好指标的关键。利... 磷矿资源是国家不可再生的战略资源,中低品位胶磷矿为主的分布特征和磷资源需求第一大国的现状决定了我国磷矿亟须高效能磷矿选矿。中低品位磷矿石需要选矿富集后才能用于农业和工业生产,浮选药剂是磷矿浮选能否取得良好指标的关键。利用Patentics专利数据库,从专利文献计量学角度对磷矿浮选药剂专利进行了系统检索与统计分析,对专利申请趋势、专利价值、专利创新主体分布和合作网络、专利技术路线等研究现状展开全面分析,剖析目前存在问题并提出相应建议。 展开更多
关键词 磷矿 浮选药剂 捕收剂 调整剂 创新主体
作者 梁明 王建林 朴美红 《燃料与化工》 CAS 2024年第1期42-44,共3页
关键词 捕雾器 饱和器 阻力
作者 刘书畅 《白城师范学院学报》 2024年第1期81-85,共5页
《麦田里的守望者》是塞林格的经典小说,小说讲述了一个青春期少年的内心挣扎和成长历程。故事围绕霍尔顿的内心独白展开,通过逃避责任、寻找自我身份等系列书写,向读者展示了特定时代背景下青年内心的纠结和迷茫,而这正是每个个体成长... 《麦田里的守望者》是塞林格的经典小说,小说讲述了一个青春期少年的内心挣扎和成长历程。故事围绕霍尔顿的内心独白展开,通过逃避责任、寻找自我身份等系列书写,向读者展示了特定时代背景下青年内心的纠结和迷茫,而这正是每个个体成长的必经之路。本文深度聚焦《麦田里的守望者》的青春书写及成长叙事,围绕守望者的叛逆、守望者的彷徨、守望者的救赎三个维度进行研究,深度解析主人公根植于时代的心路变革、迷茫簇拥下的流浪之旅、回归内心探寻生命意义的成长历程。 展开更多
关键词 《麦田里的守望者》 杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格 青春书写 成长叙事
作者 朱光昱 简丽君 +2 位作者 郭超 李春 依岩 《核科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期404-409,共6页
基于田湾核电厂堆芯捕集器的设计参数,采用COMSOL软件搭建了一个多物理场耦合仿真模型,对核电厂严重事故初期阶段,坩埚式堆芯捕集器的运行情况进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明,当牺牲材料与堆芯熔融物混合后形成的熔融池温度超过2100 K时... 基于田湾核电厂堆芯捕集器的设计参数,采用COMSOL软件搭建了一个多物理场耦合仿真模型,对核电厂严重事故初期阶段,坩埚式堆芯捕集器的运行情况进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明,当牺牲材料与堆芯熔融物混合后形成的熔融池温度超过2100 K时,换热器底部钢壳会发生熔化,少量的熔化不会对堆芯捕集器的力学性能产生明显影响。此外,换热器竖直壁面中心区域会的热膨胀量较大,会对外部冷却流道造成明显的挤压。结合上述计算结果,对坩埚式堆芯捕集器的换热器设计提出了建议,为相关设备的研发奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 严重事故 堆芯捕集器 COMSOL
作者 朱光昱 张祎王 +3 位作者 郭超 魏超 李春 依岩 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2024年第3期1060-1065,共6页
堆芯捕集器是三代核电厂常用的严重事故后果缓解措施之一。在中国核电工程有限公司研发的新型堆芯捕集器中,设计者创新性地提出通过内置冷却管提高熔融物的冷却速率的设计方案。以江苏田湾核电厂堆芯捕集器设计为基础,采用FLUENT软件建... 堆芯捕集器是三代核电厂常用的严重事故后果缓解措施之一。在中国核电工程有限公司研发的新型堆芯捕集器中,设计者创新性地提出通过内置冷却管提高熔融物的冷却速率的设计方案。以江苏田湾核电厂堆芯捕集器设计为基础,采用FLUENT软件建立了相关数值模拟模型,研究了坩埚式堆芯捕集器中熔融物长期冷却过程,在此基础上探讨了内置冷却管对加快严重事故缓解进程的贡献。计算结果表明,坩埚式堆芯捕集器中氧化物层以由外向内的过程冷却,外部先形成的硬壳会阻碍衰变热的导出,增加了冷却全部熔融物所需的时间。通过增设内置冷却管可以为内部区域提供额外的冷源,从而提升熔融物的冷却速度,加快严重事故后果缓解进程。 展开更多
关键词 堆芯捕集器 严重事故 内置冷却管 熔融物 数值模拟
作者 刘清华 崔世华 《山东化工》 CAS 2024年第5期210-211,217,共3页
为消除海管来气携带的段塞流对设备的冲击和不利影响,在某陆上终端设计建造了管式段塞流捕集器。通过优化总体结构设计、设置两段不同斜率以及优化抗载荷设计等方法,在减小占地面积的前提下,保证了该段塞流捕集器能够适应大液量的冲击,... 为消除海管来气携带的段塞流对设备的冲击和不利影响,在某陆上终端设计建造了管式段塞流捕集器。通过优化总体结构设计、设置两段不同斜率以及优化抗载荷设计等方法,在减小占地面积的前提下,保证了该段塞流捕集器能够适应大液量的冲击,在各种工况下均满足段塞流的储存和处理要求,对陆上终端段塞流捕集器的建设具有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 管式段塞流捕集器 分离 设计
作者 姜美光 梁泽跃 +2 位作者 吕向文 张军 蒋丛国 《矿冶》 CAS 2024年第1期46-51,共6页
云南某大型斑岩型铜矿铜品位0.32%,伴生有钼,具有综合回收价值。采用一次粗选、两次精选、两次扫选工艺流程综合回收矿石中的铜和钼等金属。系统研究工艺参数条件如原矿磨矿细度、粗精矿再磨细度、捕收剂、抑制剂、起泡剂种类及用量等... 云南某大型斑岩型铜矿铜品位0.32%,伴生有钼,具有综合回收价值。采用一次粗选、两次精选、两次扫选工艺流程综合回收矿石中的铜和钼等金属。系统研究工艺参数条件如原矿磨矿细度、粗精矿再磨细度、捕收剂、抑制剂、起泡剂种类及用量等对铜回收的影响,并考察伴生金属钼、金和银的回收情况。结果表明,捕收剂PL307和起泡剂HCLL对铜浮选回收效果好,在原矿磨矿细度-0.075mm占比65%、粗精矿再磨细度-0.045mm占比90%、捕收剂PL-307用量120g/t、抑制剂石灰用量300g/t、起泡剂HCLL用量20g/t的最佳参数条件下,经过闭路试验可获得产率1.23%、铜品位22.84%、铜回收率87.79%的选矿指标,铜精矿产品含钼0.398%、金4.33g/t、银62.50g/,其中钼回收率为71.99%、金回收率为66.57%、银回收率为14.48%,伴生金属钼和金也得到了较好的回收,选别指标好。 展开更多
关键词 低品位铜矿 斑岩型 硫化铜 黄铁矿 浮选 精矿再磨 捕收剂 起泡剂
作者 赵庆华 许书斌 《内燃机与配件》 2024年第5期108-110,共3页
《非道路柴油移动机械污染物排放控制技术要求(发布稿)》规定了第四阶段非道路柴油移动机械及其装用的柴油机污染物排放控制技术要求,是对GB 20891-2014《非道路移动机械用柴油机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第三、四阶段)》中第... 《非道路柴油移动机械污染物排放控制技术要求(发布稿)》规定了第四阶段非道路柴油移动机械及其装用的柴油机污染物排放控制技术要求,是对GB 20891-2014《非道路移动机械用柴油机排气污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第三、四阶段)》中第四阶段内容的补充。对额定功率87kw以上非道路国四柴油发动机,标准要求安装DPF后处理系统。非道路国四柴油机采用了机械泵、VE电控泵、高压共轨系统、增压中冷等技术。针对国四柴油机DPF安装时,难安装问题。通过分析,采取巧用大圆孔消除安装时产生应力的难题。 展开更多
关键词 DPF是颗粒捕集器 国四排放柴油机 连接支架 拱形支架
小说代词间接回指语汉译的伦理研究——以The Catcher in the Rye两个汉译本为例
作者 岑群霞 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2012年第10期35-42,共8页
本文以翻译伦理为观照,以The Catcher in the Rye的施咸荣、孙仲旭两个汉译本为例,探讨代词间接回指语的汉译。结果表明:(1)代词间接回指语的汉译方法从宏观上看,以直译为主,辅之以回指语的去除、明晰化和回指语的增益、转换等,虽然施... 本文以翻译伦理为观照,以The Catcher in the Rye的施咸荣、孙仲旭两个汉译本为例,探讨代词间接回指语的汉译。结果表明:(1)代词间接回指语的汉译方法从宏观上看,以直译为主,辅之以回指语的去除、明晰化和回指语的增益、转换等,虽然施译本的直译比例远超孙译本;当涉及到具体句子,不同译本中代词间接回指语的译法颇有差异;(2)"文化转向"背景下的翻译伦理及其再现、服务、交际、规范等伦理细则是一个合适的参照和分析手段,可以从微观上分析代词间接回指语各译例的得失;(3)两个汉译本服务于各自的时代,施译更多地想要忠实原文和作者,而孙译兼顾作者和读者。虽然总体上在回指语翻译方面孙译本超过施译本,但都体现了翻译伦理,因此各有千秋,说明了译者风格的客观存在。 展开更多
关键词 翻译伦理 代词间接回指语 汉译 《麦田里的守望者》
Dynamic Responses of Rotor Drops onto Double-decker Catcher Bearing 被引量:5
作者 ZHU Yili JIN Chaowu XU Longxiang 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期104-113,共10页
In an active magnetic bearing (AMB) system, the catcher bearings (CBs) are indispensable to protect the rotor and stator in case the magnetic bearings fail. Most of the former researches associated with CBs are ma... In an active magnetic bearing (AMB) system, the catcher bearings (CBs) are indispensable to protect the rotor and stator in case the magnetic bearings fail. Most of the former researches associated with CBs are mainly focused on the dynamic responses of the rotor drops onto traditional single-decker catcher bearings (SDCBs). But because of the lower limited speed of SDCB, it cannot withstand the ultra high speed rotation after rotor drop. In this paper, based on the analysis of the disadvantages of SDCBs, a new type of double-decker catcher bearings (DDCBs) is proposed to enhance the CB work performance in AMB system. In order to obtain thc accurate rotor movements before AMB failure, the dynamic characteristics of AMB are theoretically derived. Detailed simulation models containing rigid rotor model, contact model between rotor and inner race, DDCB force model as well as heating model after rotor drop are established. Then, using those established models the dynamic responses of rotor drops onto DDCBs and SDCBs are respectively simulated. The rotor orbits, contact forces, spin speeds of various parts and heat energies after AMB failure are mainly analyzed. The simulation results show that DDCBs can effectively improve the CBs limit rotational speed and reduce the following vibrations, impacts and heating. Finally, rotor drop experiments choosing different types of CBs are carried out on the established AMB test bench. Rotor orbits, inner race temperatures as well as the rotating speeds of both inner race and intermediate races after rotor drop are synchronously measured. The experiment results verify the advantages of DDCB and the correctness of theoretical analysis. The studies provide certain theoretical and experimental references for the application of DDCBs in AMB system. 展开更多
关键词 active magnetic bearing dynamic stiffness rotor drop double-decker catcher bearing single-decker catcher bearing heating
Dynamics of Rotor Drop on New Type Catcher Bearing 被引量:1
作者 金超武 朱益利 +2 位作者 徐龙祥 蒋磊 周来水 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2014年第1期70-77,共8页
In an active magnetic bearing(AMB)system,the catcher bearings(CBs)are indispensable to protect the rotor and stator in case the magnetic bearings fail or overload.A new CB structure composed of two ball bearings is in... In an active magnetic bearing(AMB)system,the catcher bearings(CBs)are indispensable to protect the rotor and stator in case the magnetic bearings fail or overload.A new CB structure composed of two ball bearings is introduced.Detailed simulation models containing contact model between rotor and inner race,double-decker catcher bearing(DDCB)model as well as single-decker catcher bearing(SDCB)model are established using multibody dynamics simulation software MSC.ADAMS.Then,using those established models,the rotor orbits and the contact forces between rotor and inner race are simulated respectively after rotor drop on DDCBs and SDCBs.The simulation result shows that the rotor vibration range using DDCBs is significantly smaller than that using SDCBs;the maximum contact forces drop about 15%—27% compared with the contact forces using SDCBs.Finally,the test bench for the rotor drop experiments is built and the rotor drop experiments for different types of CBs are carried out.Labview data acquisition system is utilized to collect the displacement of rotor and the rotating frequencies of both inner race and intermediate races after rotor drop.The experimental results are comparatively analyzed,and the conclusion that DDCB can help to reduce vibration amplitude and collision force is obtained.The studies can provide certain theoretical and experimental references for the application of DDCBs in AMB system. 展开更多
关键词 rotor drop double-decker catcher bearing active magnetic bearing DYNAMICS
Investigation of ex-vessel core catcher for SBO accident in VVER-1000/V528 containment using MELCOR code 被引量:5
作者 Farhad Salari Ataollah Rabiee Farshad Faghihi 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第4期92-111,共20页
To mitigate consequences of core melting,an ex-vessel core catcher is investigated in this study.Instructions should be obeyed to cool down the corium caused by core melting.The corium destroys the reactor containment... To mitigate consequences of core melting,an ex-vessel core catcher is investigated in this study.Instructions should be obeyed to cool down the corium caused by core melting.The corium destroys the reactor containment and causes radioactive materials to be released into the environment if it does not cool down well.It is important to build a core catcher system for the reception,localization,and cool down of the molten corium during a severe accident resulting from core melting.In this study,the role of a core catcher in the VVER-1000/v528 reactor containment during a station black out(SBO)accident is evaluated using the MELCOR1.8.6 code.In addition,parametric analyses of the SBO for(i)SBO accidents with emergency core cooling system(ECCS)operation,and(ii)without ECCS operation are performed.Furthermore,thermal–hydraulic analyses in dry and wet cavities with/without water are conducted.The investigations include the reduction of gases resulting from molten–corium–concrete interactions(H_(2),CO,CO_(2)).Core melting,gas production,and the pressure/temperature in the reactor containment are assessed.Additionally,a full investigation pertaining to gas release(H_(2),CO,CO_(2))and the pressure/temperature of the core catcher is performed.Based on MELCOR simulations,a core cavity and a perimeter water channel are the best options for corium cooling and a lower radionuclide release.This simulation is also theoretically investigated and discussed herein.The simulation results show that the core catcher system in addition to an internal sacrificial material reduces the containment pressure from 689 to 580 kPa and the corresponding temperature from 394 to 380 K.Furthermore,it is observed that the amount of gases produced,particularly hydrogen,decreased from 1698 to 1235 kg.Moreover,the presence of supporting systems,including an ECCS with a core catcher,prolonged the core melting time from 16,430 to 28,630 s(in an SBO accident)and significantly decreased the gases produced. 展开更多
关键词 Core catcher VVER-1000/V528 CONTAINMENT SBO accident MELCOR Environmental radionuclide release Corium cooling
No Place for Adolescence to Rest——The Symbolic Scenes on Holden's Journey in The Catcher in the Rye
作者 陈吉 《海外英语》 2015年第17期153-155,共3页
By releasing the book The Catcher in the Rye,J.D.Salinger received an immediate popularity of his writing career.Hissymbolic use of language has been thoroughly researched but the symbolic scenes which make up Holden&... By releasing the book The Catcher in the Rye,J.D.Salinger received an immediate popularity of his writing career.Hissymbolic use of language has been thoroughly researched but the symbolic scenes which make up Holden's life stage,especiallythe symbolic connotations of ironic resting places in the novel,such as bed,couch and bedroom,has not been paid much attention.It tries to analyse the four scenes: on Holden's history teacher's bed,on the hotel bed with a prostitute,in his sister's bedroom,and on his English teacher's couch,and aims to discover his spiritual chaos as well as adolescent desires in the real world,demon-strating that there is no place for adolescent Holden to rest after he chooses his own stage of scenes in his life. 展开更多
关键词 The catcher in the RYE symbols SCENES REST
A Brief Discussion about the Creating and Portraying of Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye
作者 黄晓亮 《海外英语》 2010年第11X期427-428,共2页
The Catcher in the Rye,J.D. Salinger's first long fiction,was one of his most famous and successful works. It not only influenced American novels written afterwards,for example,Evan Hunter's Last Summer,Sylvia... The Catcher in the Rye,J.D. Salinger's first long fiction,was one of his most famous and successful works. It not only influenced American novels written afterwards,for example,Evan Hunter's Last Summer,Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar,but also influenced the American society. Take the American film industry which was so good at chasing the audience's interest for a typical example:a large numebr of movies,such as Rebel Without A Cause,American Graffiti,Dirty Dancing,The graduate,and so on:they wouldn't have been filmed like that if The Catcher in the Rye didn't go front as a model. Then,can we really find any big differences between the anxiety ex-pressed by Holden and that by the music and words of Jewel,the Green Day,and the Smashing Pumpkins? 展开更多
关键词 DISCUSSION creating and portraying Holden Caulfield in The catcher in the RYE
Experimental study on sand particles accumulation,migration and separation efficiency in slug catcher
作者 Xianchao Liang Limin He +3 位作者 Xiaoming Luo Qingping Li Yuanpeng You Yiqiu Xu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第4期134-143,共10页
Sand production often leads to the failure of production equipment on offshore platform.Therefore,a new idea has been put forward,which is installing cyclone or baffle in the internal of the slug catcher for better sa... Sand production often leads to the failure of production equipment on offshore platform.Therefore,a new idea has been put forward,which is installing cyclone or baffle in the internal of the slug catcher for better sand control.In this paper,an experimental study is presented,which mainly includes sand particles accumulation shape,migration law and separation performance.The results suggest that the accumulation area is mainly divided into two zones:the crowded settlement zone and the free settlement zone.The crowded settlement zone has a special shape,which can be characterized by two parameters:accumulation length and accumulation angle.Axial sampling analysis shows obvious particle classification.Median particle size decreases with the increase of the axial distance,and the range of particle size distribution narrows gradually.The separation experiment shows that the gas velocity has the greatest influence on the separation efficiency.When the gas velocity is 14 m·s^ 1,the separation efficiency drops sharply,which can be abated by installing cyclone separator.In addition,the separation efficiency tends to be a constant under different gas velocities by installing baffle with appropriate height.Then the effectiveness and rationality of installing internal components can be strongly proved.All these provide important guidance for maximizing the sand control function of the slug catcher. 展开更多
关键词 Slug catcher Particle size distribution Separation efficiency SEDIMENTATION Cyclone separator BAFFLE
An Analysis of the Tragedy in The Catcher in the Rye
作者 JING Jing JING Xia 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第12期949-952,共4页
关键词 悲剧 麦田 精神生活 物质生活 小说 青少年 主人公 受害者
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