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作者 刘维 江军 +2 位作者 沈志邦 李文源 张潮海 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第24期9897-9908,I0032,共13页
多电飞机发展中,电压等级与功率密度不断提升,新型电力电子器件的应用将有效提升飞机能量密度,但同时增加高dV/dt脉冲电压下局部放电风险。该文基于电场模型开展联合仿真,通过数值计算、场强分析,及试验对比,对航空线缆典型模型进行局... 多电飞机发展中,电压等级与功率密度不断提升,新型电力电子器件的应用将有效提升飞机能量密度,但同时增加高dV/dt脉冲电压下局部放电风险。该文基于电场模型开展联合仿真,通过数值计算、场强分析,及试验对比,对航空线缆典型模型进行局部放电测试,深入探究高dV/dt电压下局部放电随上升时间与频率的变化机制。结果表明:上升时间的缩短对线缆局部放电有着明显的加强作用,上升时间50ns较250ns时模型的累计放电幅值与放电次数增加超80%,放电时延、气隙电场恢复时间也明显缩短。电压频率的增加对线缆局部放电的影响呈现“拐点”机制,1到10kHz附近,介质损耗效应对线缆放电有着明显的促进作用,模型放电幅值、放电次数均呈现增加趋势;更高频段内,电平时间缩短主导的电荷累积效应对放电起到抑制作用。结果可为多电飞机电气系统中高频、高压、高dV/dt波形下的航空线缆绝缘设计、检测与评估提供一定的借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 电场模型 航空线缆 高dV/dt 局部放电 上升时间 频率
作者 殷志碗 郝宇 +2 位作者 陈伟伦 王东伟 苏楠 《江苏建筑职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期59-63,93,共6页
针对YG8和TiAlN涂层硬质合金两种刀具,通过单因素车削、低速铣削及正交高速铣削加工试验,探究刀具切削工艺参数对TC4-DT钛合金加工件表面粗糙度、表层硬度的影响规律。实验结果表明:钛合金的表面粗糙度随着切削三要素发生变化,切削速度... 针对YG8和TiAlN涂层硬质合金两种刀具,通过单因素车削、低速铣削及正交高速铣削加工试验,探究刀具切削工艺参数对TC4-DT钛合金加工件表面粗糙度、表层硬度的影响规律。实验结果表明:钛合金的表面粗糙度随着切削三要素发生变化,切削速度越高,粗糙度越低;进给量越大,粗糙度越大;但随切削深度波动变化。使用TiAlN涂层硬质合金立铣刀进行加工得到的平均表面粗糙度小于YG8硬质合金立铣刀,且加工表面硬度变化更小,更适合用于TC4-DT的铣削加工。 展开更多
关键词 TC4-dt钛合金 切削加工 表面粗糙度 正交试验
作者 丁毅 王亚林 +1 位作者 陈萌 尹毅 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第24期9884-9896,I0031,共14页
高dV/dt方波下封装绝缘发生的局部放电(简称“局放”)是高压功率模块失效的重要原因之一,然而方波上升下降沿产生的电磁干扰和位移电流严重干扰局放的检测,且现行功率模块局放检测标准规定的正弦电压与方波下测试结果存在差异。为解决... 高dV/dt方波下封装绝缘发生的局部放电(简称“局放”)是高压功率模块失效的重要原因之一,然而方波上升下降沿产生的电磁干扰和位移电流严重干扰局放的检测,且现行功率模块局放检测标准规定的正弦电压与方波下测试结果存在差异。为解决上述问题,该文提出基于下混频原理的高dV/dt方波电压下局放检测方法,探究不同频率单极性高dV/dt方波和工频正弦电压下封装绝缘的局放特性,并对封装绝缘固—固结构建模,考虑复合绝缘的电荷弛豫,进行动态电场分布仿真计算。结果表明,由于界面电荷弛豫造成的局部电场差异,单极性方波下,封装绝缘的局放起始电压(partial discharge inception voltage,PDIV)高于正弦电压下,且方波下PDIV随频率升高略有增加。外施电压幅值相同时,方波下局放平均幅值高于正弦电压下。随频率升高,单极性方波上升沿处局放幅值分布相近,而下降沿处局放平均幅值降低,相位呈现滞后趋势。该研究分析高dV/dt方波下封装绝缘的局放特点及其与正弦电压下的差异,可为功率模块可靠性检测和评估提供一定参考。 展开更多
关键词 高dV/dt方波 功率模块 封装绝缘 局部放电 电场动态仿真
作者 谭远志 张鹏程 +3 位作者 孙艳娜 张其磊 姚善泾 林东强 《高校化学工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期243-252,共10页
针对Oligo(d T)亲和层析介质的吸附性能,以poly(A)为模型分子,考察了4种Oligo(d T)亲和层析介质的静态吸附平衡、吸附动力学和动态结合载量(DBC),探讨了载量影响相关机制。结果表明,4种介质的合适吸附条件均为0.6 mol·L-1Na Cl、p ... 针对Oligo(d T)亲和层析介质的吸附性能,以poly(A)为模型分子,考察了4种Oligo(d T)亲和层析介质的静态吸附平衡、吸附动力学和动态结合载量(DBC),探讨了载量影响相关机制。结果表明,4种介质的合适吸附条件均为0.6 mol·L-1Na Cl、p H=6~7;Monomix d T20静态吸附容量最大,且poly(A)能扩散至介质微球深层孔内,而Poros Oligo(d T)25、Praesto Jetted (d T)25和Nano Gel d T20等3种介质中poly(A)均主要为表层吸附、静态吸附容量稍低;对于DBC,Nano Gel d T20和Monomix d T20的10%穿透的DBC较高,而Poros Oligo (d T)25和Praesto Jetted (d T)25相对略低。经分析,影响载量的主要因素包含基质种类、微球孔径、配基密度、间隔臂和配基长度等。对于基质种类,聚苯乙烯基质可能孔道结构较为特别。对于微球孔径,应针对不同大小的m RNA分子定制不同孔径的微球,以平衡传质阻力与可及吸附表面积之间的矛盾,从而增大DBC。 展开更多
关键词 亲和层析 m RNA 寡脱氧胸腺苷酸 载量 生物分离
玉米新品种“登海 DT996”选育及栽培技术 被引量:1
作者 杜德山 孔春英 凌娟 《农业知识》 2024年第5期41-42,共2页
关键词 玉米新品种 选育 登海dt996 栽培技术
作者 牛香力 王祖恒 +3 位作者 高一峰 吴传栋 宋新莉 刘静 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2024年第20期100-105,共6页
研究了微铸锻增材制造TC4-DT合金的高温力学性能与断裂失效行为。通过X射线衍射、光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了微铸锻增材制造TC4-DT合金在平行沉积扫描方向与平行沉积增高方向的相组成与显微结构,测试了不同温度(500、600和700℃)... 研究了微铸锻增材制造TC4-DT合金的高温力学性能与断裂失效行为。通过X射线衍射、光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了微铸锻增材制造TC4-DT合金在平行沉积扫描方向与平行沉积增高方向的相组成与显微结构,测试了不同温度(500、600和700℃)TC4-DT合金的高温力学性能,观察了不同测试温度的拉伸断口形貌并分析了其断裂失效行为。结果表明:微铸锻增材制造TC4-DT合金主要物相为α相,平行和垂直于沉积方向的显微结构主要是网篮状组织和片层α组织,未观察到明显的各向异性。随温度升高,TC4-DT合金的强度降低,断裂行为由穿晶断裂向沿晶断裂转变。材料失效行为的主要影响因素包括高温下晶粒的长大、晶界的软化、气孔的长大与聚集。 展开更多
关键词 TC4-dt合金 增材制造 高温力学性能 断裂失效行为
作者 张秀芬 潘理会 李春辉 《河北医学》 CAS 2024年第4期555-560,共6页
目的:探讨PKGIα信号通路特异性抑制剂DT-3对胃癌细胞增殖和迁移的影响。方法:利用生物信息学分析,基于GEO、TCGA、HPA、Kaplan-Meier plotter数据库和GEPIA在线分析网站对PKGI在组织中的表达进行差异分析并探讨PKGI和PKGIα在胃癌患者... 目的:探讨PKGIα信号通路特异性抑制剂DT-3对胃癌细胞增殖和迁移的影响。方法:利用生物信息学分析,基于GEO、TCGA、HPA、Kaplan-Meier plotter数据库和GEPIA在线分析网站对PKGI在组织中的表达进行差异分析并探讨PKGI和PKGIα在胃癌患者中的预后情况。采用CCK-8、克隆形成实验检测DT-3对细胞增殖的影响,划痕愈合实验观察DT-3对细胞迁移的影响;Western blot-ting法验证PKGIα的蛋白表达和相关性分析。结果:胃腺癌组织中PKGI mRNA表达增高,在42种胃癌细胞株里有27种能检测到PKGI mRNA的表达,高表达PKGIαmRNA的胃癌组织更具肿瘤侵袭性;免疫组织化学(IHC)结果展示PKGI蛋白表达情况,12例胃癌组织中观察到6例存在中、高强度的细胞质染色阳性反应;PKGI和CDH1的表达呈负相关(r=-0.74,P<0.05);生存分析显示PKGI和PKGIαmRNA高表达对胃腺癌患者的总生存期(OS)有统计学意义(HR>1,logrank P<0.05)。实验结果表明PKGIα蛋白在人胃癌细胞株AGS中的表达增加;DT-3抑制细胞增殖迁移(P<0.05),使NF-κB磷酸化p65表达降低,且PKGI和NF-κB p-p65的表达呈极强正相关(r=0.957,P<0.05)。结论:通过抑制PKGIα信号通路,可以有效抑制胃癌细胞增殖迁移。 展开更多
关键词 PKGIα通路 dt-3 NF-κB p-p65 生物信息学分析 胃癌细胞AGS
基于DT‒SVM优化算法的人体姿态特征提取与识别研究 被引量:1
作者 丁晓慧 周磊 《太原师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第1期39-44,52,共7页
为确定人体运动行为在空间环境中的表现情况,实现对姿态特征的准确定义,针对基于DT‒SVM优化算法的人体姿态特征提取与识别方法展开研究.利用DT‒SVM优化算法,推荐必要的姿态特征节点,确定人体运动行为所处空间平面.实施对姿态特征的梯度... 为确定人体运动行为在空间环境中的表现情况,实现对姿态特征的准确定义,针对基于DT‒SVM优化算法的人体姿态特征提取与识别方法展开研究.利用DT‒SVM优化算法,推荐必要的姿态特征节点,确定人体运动行为所处空间平面.实施对姿态特征的梯度化处理,根据获取到的轮廓节点,计算夹角向量的具体数值,从而求解姿态特征提取与识别的数学表达式,完成基于DT‒SVM优化算法的人体姿态特征提取与识别方法的设计.实验结果表明,上述方法的应用,可同时在X轴、Y轴、Z轴三个方向上,控制人体运动行为,使其偏向角数值均不超过12°,符合精准定义人体姿态特征的实际应用需求. 展开更多
关键词 dt‒SVM优化算法 人体姿态 特征提取 特征识别 梯度化处理 轮廓节点 夹角向量 运动行为
作者 牛冬阳 孙前江 +2 位作者 傅德曹 邬攀易 杨柔萍 《中国有色金属学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期2684-2696,共13页
针对网篮组织片状α相体积分数难以精确定量分析以及粘连α相难分离表征的问题,结合体视学原理,采用随机森林、遗传算法和改进遗传算法对TC4-DT合金网篮组织片状α相进行表征。首先,预处理采集网篮组织图像;然后,利用样本中片状α相和... 针对网篮组织片状α相体积分数难以精确定量分析以及粘连α相难分离表征的问题,结合体视学原理,采用随机森林、遗传算法和改进遗传算法对TC4-DT合金网篮组织片状α相进行表征。首先,预处理采集网篮组织图像;然后,利用样本中片状α相和β相特征对随机森林模型进行训练。考虑到传统遗传算法图像分割易陷入局部最优解以及收敛速度过快的问题,本文采用精英选择和轮盘赌结合的方法初始化种群,设计了两段式交叉概率和抛物线型变异概率优化遗传算法。最后,利用Java程序验证随机森林模型并自动定量分析片状α相的体积分数,结合实例定量分析片状α相的特征参数。结果表明:采用改进遗传算法运行时时间缩短60%,且图像处理效果也得到提升;随机森林模型不仅在训练样本中的分类准确率达到99.89%,而且在测试样本中的准确率也达到99.29%。这说明随机森林模型能精确地分离片状α相与β相且具有较好的泛化能力。 展开更多
关键词 TC4-dt合金 图像分割 随机森林 改进遗传算法 定量分析
作者 张玺亮 李昂 +3 位作者 吴杰 王利军 左凯 张志虎 《测井技术》 CAS 2024年第4期537-547,共11页
针对注水井分层注水量诊断技术难题,提出基于分布式光纤温度传感(Distributed Temperature Sensing,DTS)的注水井吸水剖面解释方法。建立考虑微量热效应的注水井温度剖面预测模型,模拟分析注水量、注水时间、储层导热系数等7个因素对温... 针对注水井分层注水量诊断技术难题,提出基于分布式光纤温度传感(Distributed Temperature Sensing,DTS)的注水井吸水剖面解释方法。建立考虑微量热效应的注水井温度剖面预测模型,模拟分析注水量、注水时间、储层导热系数等7个因素对温度剖面的影响规律。通过正交试验模拟分析,确定不同因素对注水井温度剖面的影响程度从强到弱分别为注入水温度、注水时间、注水量、井筒半径、储层导热系数、井筒倾斜角度、注水层渗透率,明确影响注水井温度剖面的主控因素为注入水温度、注水时间和注入量。采用模拟退火(Simulated Annealing,SA)算法建立注水井DTS数据反演模型,对一口注水井现场实测DTS数据进行反演,获得较为准确的吸水剖面,单层最大吸水量误差百分比14.25%,平均误差11.09%,验证该反演方法的可靠性。通过DTS数据反演可以实现注水井吸水剖面定量解释,为注水效果评价提供直接依据。 展开更多
关键词 吸水剖面 dtS 反演模型 注水井 SA算法 温度剖面敏感性
Ensemble Approach Combining Deep Residual Networks and BiGRU with Attention Mechanism for Classification of Heart Arrhythmias
作者 Batyrkhan Omarov Meirzhan Baikuvekov +3 位作者 Daniyar Sultan Nurzhan Mukazhanov Madina Suleimenova Maigul Zhekambayeva 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第7期341-359,共19页
This research introduces an innovative ensemble approach,combining Deep Residual Networks(ResNets)and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units(BiGRU),augmented with an Attention Mechanism,for the classification of heart ar... This research introduces an innovative ensemble approach,combining Deep Residual Networks(ResNets)and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units(BiGRU),augmented with an Attention Mechanism,for the classification of heart arrhythmias.The escalating prevalence of cardiovascular diseases necessitates advanced diagnostic tools to enhance accuracy and efficiency.The model leverages the deep hierarchical feature extraction capabilities of ResNets,which are adept at identifying intricate patterns within electrocardiogram(ECG)data,while BiGRU layers capture the temporal dynamics essential for understanding the sequential nature of ECG signals.The integration of an Attention Mechanism refines the model’s focus on critical segments of ECG data,ensuring a nuanced analysis that highlights the most informative features for arrhythmia classification.Evaluated on a comprehensive dataset of 12-lead ECG recordings,our ensemble model demonstrates superior performance in distinguishing between various types of arrhythmias,with an accuracy of 98.4%,a precision of 98.1%,a recall of 98%,and an F-score of 98%.This novel combination of convolutional and recurrent neural networks,supplemented by attention-driven mechanisms,advances automated ECG analysis,contributing significantly to healthcare’s machine learning applications and presenting a step forward in developing non-invasive,efficient,and reliable tools for early diagnosis and management of heart diseases. 展开更多
关键词 CNN BiGRU ensemble deep learning ECG arrhythmia heart disease
AutoRhythmAI: A Hybrid Machine and Deep Learning Approach for Automated Diagnosis of Arrhythmias
作者 S.Jayanthi S.Prasanna Devi 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第2期2137-2158,共22页
In healthcare,the persistent challenge of arrhythmias,a leading cause of global mortality,has sparked extensive research into the automation of detection using machine learning(ML)algorithms.However,traditional ML and... In healthcare,the persistent challenge of arrhythmias,a leading cause of global mortality,has sparked extensive research into the automation of detection using machine learning(ML)algorithms.However,traditional ML and AutoML approaches have revealed their limitations,notably regarding feature generalization and automation efficiency.This glaring research gap has motivated the development of AutoRhythmAI,an innovative solution that integrates both machine and deep learning to revolutionize the diagnosis of arrhythmias.Our approach encompasses two distinct pipelines tailored for binary-class and multi-class arrhythmia detection,effectively bridging the gap between data preprocessing and model selection.To validate our system,we have rigorously tested AutoRhythmAI using a multimodal dataset,surpassing the accuracy achieved using a single dataset and underscoring the robustness of our methodology.In the first pipeline,we employ signal filtering and ML algorithms for preprocessing,followed by data balancing and split for training.The second pipeline is dedicated to feature extraction and classification,utilizing deep learning models.Notably,we introduce the‘RRI-convoluted trans-former model’as a novel addition for binary-class arrhythmias.An ensemble-based approach then amalgamates all models,considering their respective weights,resulting in an optimal model pipeline.In our study,the VGGRes Model achieved impressive results in multi-class arrhythmia detection,with an accuracy of 97.39%and firm performance in precision(82.13%),recall(31.91%),and F1-score(82.61%).In the binary-class task,the proposed model achieved an outstanding accuracy of 96.60%.These results highlight the effectiveness of our approach in improving arrhythmia detection,with notably high accuracy and well-balanced performance metrics. 展开更多
关键词 Automated machine learning neural networks deep learning arrhythmiaS
作者 李文鹏 周宇豪 +3 位作者 史志富 董鑫媛 张存凯 张若冰 《铁道机车车辆》 北大核心 2024年第3期97-104,共8页
绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)作为轨道交通变流器关键部件,对其驱动的调节可以显著改善dv/dt、开关损耗等影响变流器运行的重要参数。为此提出了一种基于dv/dt参数提取的变流器IGBT驱动自调节技术。首先基于IGBT驱动等效电路建立数学模型,分... 绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)作为轨道交通变流器关键部件,对其驱动的调节可以显著改善dv/dt、开关损耗等影响变流器运行的重要参数。为此提出了一种基于dv/dt参数提取的变流器IGBT驱动自调节技术。首先基于IGBT驱动等效电路建立数学模型,分析了dv/dt、门极电阻、开关损耗三者之间的数学关系。其次以dv/dt参数的限制为主要优化目标,开关损耗的平衡为约束条件,提出一种基于Bang-Bang控制的自调节控制策略从而实现门极电阻主动切换,并在双脉冲测试中整定控制策略重要参数。最后通过有无自调节技术对比试验测试,验证了本技术的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT) dv/dt 驱动自调节 BANG-BANG控制
Prognostic relevance of ventricular arrhythmias in surgical patients with gastrointestinal tumors
作者 Jiao-Jie Xue Su-Tian Hu +6 位作者 Chong-Chong Wang Zhi-Chong Chen Shi-Yao Cheng Shu-Qi Yu Hua-Jing Peng Yi-Tao Zhang Wei-Jie Zeng 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology》 SCIE 2024年第5期1787-1795,共9页
BACKGROUND Individuals diagnosed with gastrointestinal tumors are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.Among which,ventricular arrhythmia is a prevalent clinical concern.This suggests that ventri... BACKGROUND Individuals diagnosed with gastrointestinal tumors are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.Among which,ventricular arrhythmia is a prevalent clinical concern.This suggests that ventricular arrhythmias may have predictive value in the prognosis of patients with gastrointestinal tumors.AIM To explore the prognostic value of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with gastrointestinal tumors receiving surgery.METHODS We retrospectively analyzed data from 130 patients undergoing gastrointestinal tumor resection.These patients were evaluated by a 24-h ambulatory electrocardiogram(ECG)at the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from January 2018 to June 2020.Additionally,41 general healthy age-matched and sexmatched controls were included.Patients were categorized into survival and non-survival groups.The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality,and secondary endpoints included major adverse cardiovascular events(MACEs).RESULTS Colorectal tumors comprised 90%of cases.Preoperative ambulatory ECG monitoring revealed that among the 130 patients with gastrointestinal tumors,100(76.92%)exhibited varying degrees of premature ventricular contractions(PVCs).Ten patients(7.69%)manifested non-sustained ventricular tachycardia(NSVT).The patients with gastrointestinal tumors exhibited higher PVCs compared to the healthy controls on both conventional ECG[27(21.3)vs 1(2.5),P=0.012]and 24-h ambulatory ECG[14(1.0,405)vs 1(0,6.5),P<0.001].Non-survivors had a higher PVC count than survivors[150.50(7.25,1690.50)vs 9(0,229.25),P=0.020].During the follow-up period,24 patients died and 11 patients experienced MACEs.Univariate analysis linked PVC>35/24 h to all-cause mortality,and NSVT was associated with MACE.However,neither PVC burden nor NSVT independently predicted outcomes according to multivariate analysis.CONCLUSION Patients with gastrointestinal tumors exhibited elevated PVCs.PVCs>35/24 h and NSVT detected by 24-h ambulatory ECG were prognostically significant but were not found to be independent predictors. 展开更多
关键词 Ventricular arrhythmia Gastrointestinal tumor Major adverse cardiovascular events PROGNOSTIC SURGERY
作者 罗焰 任伟 《科技和产业》 2024年第19期270-277,共8页
输水隧洞的运营状态与其水情息息相关,确定隧洞内液-气界面高度是确保隧洞正常运行的重要前提。基于分布式温度传感(DTS)技术时空连续性、监测便捷性、高空分辨率等特点,提出一种基于DTS技术的输水隧洞液-气界面分布式监测方法及液面高... 输水隧洞的运营状态与其水情息息相关,确定隧洞内液-气界面高度是确保隧洞正常运行的重要前提。基于分布式温度传感(DTS)技术时空连续性、监测便捷性、高空分辨率等特点,提出一种基于DTS技术的输水隧洞液-气界面分布式监测方法及液面高度经验公式,并通过室内模型验证该方法的适用性,分析液面高度、光缆布设角度、加热功率、光缆类型对感测性能的影响。结果表明:DTS液-气界面分布式监测方法配合铜网内加热传感光缆效果最佳,当布设角度为45°、加热时间为2 min,且界面高度处于28 cm及以上时,可以准确反映隧洞内液-气界面高度。 展开更多
关键词 输水隧洞 分布式温度传感(dtS) 液-气界面 温度 分布式监测
基于DT-CWT和SVD的变电站直流系统接地故障检测技术研究 被引量:2
作者 李能俊 杨海成 +2 位作者 许显科 李书山 高玉玲 《电气传动》 2024年第5期80-85,共6页
变电站直流系统的状态直接关系到变电站的正常运行,为了对变电站直流系统出现的接地故障快速、准确定位,提出了一种双树复小波变换(DT-CWT)和奇异值分解(SVD)相结合的变电站直流系统接地故障检测新方法。该方法首先利用DT-CWT对支路电... 变电站直流系统的状态直接关系到变电站的正常运行,为了对变电站直流系统出现的接地故障快速、准确定位,提出了一种双树复小波变换(DT-CWT)和奇异值分解(SVD)相结合的变电站直流系统接地故障检测新方法。该方法首先利用DT-CWT对支路电流信号进行分解来构建Hankel矩阵;然后对Hankel矩阵进行SVD分解,得到一系列奇异特征值;再次,利用相邻奇异值差值构建奇异值差分谱,通过奇异值差分谱最大峰值来保留有效的奇异值个数;最后,利用保留的奇异值来重构低频信号。算例分析结果表明,该方法能够准确地从支路电流信号中提取出低频交流信号,可以对变电站直流系统接地故障进行准确定位,很大程度上减小对地电容对检测精度的影响。 展开更多
关键词 直流系统 接地故障检测 双树复小波变换 奇异值分解
微电网孤岛运行工况下DT模型自适应迁移方法 被引量:1
作者 周亮 《电气传动》 2024年第9期50-55,共6页
微电网在孤岛运行工况变化情况下,会造成数字孪生(DT)模型迁移时无法准确匹配源域模型,从而导致迁移效率偏低等问题。为此,研究提出微电网孤岛运行工况变化场景下的数字孪生模型自适应迁移方法。通过分析微电网在孤岛运行工况下的运行特... 微电网在孤岛运行工况变化情况下,会造成数字孪生(DT)模型迁移时无法准确匹配源域模型,从而导致迁移效率偏低等问题。为此,研究提出微电网孤岛运行工况变化场景下的数字孪生模型自适应迁移方法。通过分析微电网在孤岛运行工况下的运行特点,建立数字孪生模型,利用微电网孤岛运行工况的时变性,匹配计算源域模型,并通过缩小不同微电网孤岛运行工况下的源域数据分布差异,实现数字孪生模型的自适应迁移。实验结果表明,电流负载、实际电流等部分特征数据迁移效果较好,且具有较高迁移效率,验证了所提迁移方法可以适应不同微电网孤岛运行工况,具有较好的实用性。 展开更多
关键词 微电网 孤岛运行 工况场景 变化状态 数字孪生模型 自适应迁移
Facing ethical concerns in the age of precise gene therapy:Outlook on inherited arrhythmias
作者 Federico Carbone Fabrizio Montecucco 《World Journal of Cardiology》 2024年第2期64-66,共3页
This editorial,comments on the article by Spartalis et al published in the recent issue of the World Journal of Cardiology.We here provide an outlook on potential ethical concerns related to the future application of ... This editorial,comments on the article by Spartalis et al published in the recent issue of the World Journal of Cardiology.We here provide an outlook on potential ethical concerns related to the future application of gene therapy in the field of inherited arrhythmias.As monogenic diseases with no or few therapeutic options available through standard care,inherited arrhythmias are ideal candidates to gene therapy in their treatment.Patients with inherited arrhythmias typically have a poor quality of life,especially young people engaged in agonistic sports.While genome editing for treatment of inherited arrhythmias still has theoretical application,advances in CRISPR/Cas9 technology now allows the generation of knock-in animal models of the disease.However,clinical translation is somehow expected soon and this make consistent discussing about ethical concerns related to gene editing in inherited arrhythmias.Genomic off-target activity is a known technical issue,but its relationship with ethnical and individual genetical diversity raises concerns about an equitable accessibility.Meanwhile,the costeffectiveness may further limit an equal distribution of gene therapies.The economic burden of gene therapies on healthcare systems is is increasingly recognized as a pressing concern.A growing body of studies are reporting uncertainty in payback periods with intuitive short-term effects for insurance-based healthcare systems,but potential concerns for universal healthcare systems in the long term as well.Altogether,those aspects strongly indicate a need of regulatory entities to manage those issues. 展开更多
关键词 ETHICS Inherited arrhythmias CRISPR/Cas9 Gene therapy Equitable accessibility
Meta Analysis and Cost-effectiveness of Yangxin Dingji Capsule in the Treatment of Tachyarrhythmia
作者 Shiqin ZHANG 《Medicinal Plant》 2024年第6期45-50,共6页
[Objectives] To compare the clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness of Yangxin Dingji capsule in conjunction with conventional Western medicine therapy against the use of conventional Western medicine therapy alone i... [Objectives] To compare the clinical efficacy and cost-effectiveness of Yangxin Dingji capsule in conjunction with conventional Western medicine therapy against the use of conventional Western medicine therapy alone in the treatment of tachyarrhythmia.[Methods] A meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Yangxin Dingji capsule in conjunction with conventional Western medicine therapy for the treatment of tachyarrhythmia, compared to conventional Western medicine therapy alone. A decision tree model was developed to conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis from the perspective of the healthcare system. The effect parameter was the clinical effectiveness rate obtained from a meta-analysis of clinical literature. The cost parameter was represented by the drug treatment cost. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was subsequently calculated, and the robustness of the primary analysis results was assessed through one-way sensitivity analysis.[Results] The results of the meta-analysis indicated that, over an 8-week treatment period, the clinical efficacy of Yangxin Dingji capsule in conjunction with conventional Western medicine for the treatment of tachyarrhythmia was superior to that of conventional Western medicine therapy alone, and the difference was found to be statistically significant [ OR =3.32, 95% CI (2.22-4.96), P <0.000 01]. The clinical efficacy of Yangxin Dingji capsule in conjunction with conventional Western medicine for the treatment of tachyarrhythmia was found to be superior when the treatment duration was 4 weeks, and the difference was found to be statistically significant [ OR =2.39, 95% CI (1.45-3.96), P =0.000 7]. The cost-effectiveness analysis indicated that with an 8-week treatment regimen, each 1% increase in the clinical effectiveness rate of Yangxin Dingji capsule in conjunction with conventional Western medical therapy for the treatment of arrhythmia, as compared to conventional Western medical therapy alone, resulted in an increase in cost of 91.78 yuan. Conversely, when the treatment duration was 4 weeks, each 1% increase in the clinical effectiveness rate of the Yangxin Dingji capsule combined with conventional Western medical therapy led to a cost increase of 70.84 yuan.[Conclusions] In the management of tachyarrhythmia, the clinical efficacy of Yangxin Dingji capsule in conjunction with conventional Western medicine therapy is superior to that of conventional Western medicine therapy alone. When the willingness-to-pay value exceeds the corresponding ICER, the combination of Yangxin Dingji capsule with conventional Western medicine therapy is deemed more cost-effective than the use of conventional Western medicine therapy alone. 展开更多
关键词 Yangxin Dingji capsule arrhythmia Meta analysis Cost-effectiveness analysis
Efficient ECG classification based on Chi-square distance for arrhythmia detection
作者 Dhiah Al-Shammary Mustafa Noaman Kadhim +2 位作者 Ahmed M.Mahdi Ayman Ibaida Khandakar Ahmedb 《Journal of Electronic Science and Technology》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期1-15,共15页
This study introduces a new classifier tailored to address the limitations inherent in conventional classifiers such as K-nearest neighbor(KNN),random forest(RF),decision tree(DT),and support vector machine(SVM)for ar... This study introduces a new classifier tailored to address the limitations inherent in conventional classifiers such as K-nearest neighbor(KNN),random forest(RF),decision tree(DT),and support vector machine(SVM)for arrhythmia detection.The proposed classifier leverages the Chi-square distance as a primary metric,providing a specialized and original approach for precise arrhythmia detection.To optimize feature selection and refine the classifier’s performance,particle swarm optimization(PSO)is integrated with the Chi-square distance as a fitness function.This synergistic integration enhances the classifier’s capabilities,resulting in a substantial improvement in accuracy for arrhythmia detection.Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method,achieving a noteworthy accuracy rate of 98% with PSO,higher than 89% achieved without any previous optimization.The classifier outperforms machine learning(ML)and deep learning(DL)techniques,underscoring its reliability and superiority in the realm of arrhythmia classification.The promising results render it an effective method to support both academic and medical communities,offering an advanced and precise solution for arrhythmia detection in electrocardiogram(ECG)data. 展开更多
关键词 arrhythmia classification Chi-square distance Electrocardiogram(ECG)signal Particle swarm optimization(PSO)
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