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Biological Profile of People Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Starting Treatment in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
作者 Berry Ikolango Bongenya Marie-Thérèse Ayanne Safi Sombo +5 位作者 Guy Makila Mabe Bumoko Benoit Obel Kabengele Fridolin Kule-Koto Kodondi Baudoin Bu-Tsumbu Buassa Richard Lunganza Kalala Erick Ntambwe Kamangu 《World Journal of AIDS》 2023年第1期1-10,共10页
Context: The biochemical assessment is a real-time indicator of the state and evolution of an infection. Among other things, it makes it possible to determine the right moment when it becomes necessary to start or cha... Context: The biochemical assessment is a real-time indicator of the state and evolution of an infection. Among other things, it makes it possible to determine the right moment when it becomes necessary to start or change a treatment. Objective: The objective of this study is to present the Biological profile of People Living with HIV starting AntiRetroViral treatment in Kinshasa in the era of Dolutegravir. Methods: The present study is a descriptive cross-sectional to determine the biological profile of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) starting AntiRetroViral Treatment (ART). The patient inclusion period was from October 4, 2021 to February 15, 2022. Sixteen centers were included. A sample of 5 ml of blood was taken in a tube with EDTA. Patients were randomly included consecutively in the centers during consultations. The population was made up of adults aged over 18, infected with HIV and starting ART. The parameters of interest retained for the present study were: sex, age, hemoglobin level, blood sugar, urea, creatinine, transaminases, total cholesterol, triglycerides, proteins total, as well as amylase. Results: 119 patients were included in this study in accordance with the inclusion criteria;67 (56.3%) are female, giving a sex ratio of 1.29 in favor of women. The average age of the patients is 39.87 ± 12.36 years. The most represented age group is that of 36 to 45 years with 37 patients (31.9%). The mean values of the biological parameters of the patients at the start of ART are as follows: 31.61 ± 20.71 IU/L for ALT/SGPT, 25.81 ± 19.96 IU/L for AST/SGOT, 79.35 ± 49.49 IU/L for Amylase, 108.13 ± 62.17 mg/dl for Total Cholesterol, 2.77 ± 1.27 mg/dl for Creatinine, 72.53 ±22.23 mg/dl for Glycaemia, 10.30 ± 2.33 g/dl for Hemoglobin, 7.91 ± 1.75 g/dl for Total Protein, 131.23 ± 68.80 mg/dl for Triglycerides, and 33.61 ± 26.27 mg/dl for Urea. Conclusion: Mean values of PLHIV are, for the most part, within the normal range. The average creatinine is higher than the normal average value while the average total cholesterol is below the limit values. 展开更多
关键词 Biological Profile PLHIV Starting ART KINSHASA
Virological and Molecular Profile of People Living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Starting Dolutegravir Based Antiretroviral Treatment in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
作者 Berry I. Bongenya Charlotte L. Tshinguta +4 位作者 Marie-Thérèse A. S. Sombo Guy M. M. Bumoko Benoit O. Kabengele Gauthier K. Mesia Erick N. Kamangu 《World Journal of AIDS》 2023年第3期83-94,共12页
Context: Despite the new recommendations “Test and Treat”, the virological and molecular parameters remain important information for Antiretroviral Treatment and adequate for monitoring of patients infected with HIV... Context: Despite the new recommendations “Test and Treat”, the virological and molecular parameters remain important information for Antiretroviral Treatment and adequate for monitoring of patients infected with HIV/AIDS. Objective: the Objective of this study is to present the virological and molecular profile of People Living with HIV starting Antiretroviral Therapy in Kinshasa in the era of the Dolutegravir. Methods: This was a transversal study to determine virological and molecular profile of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) starting an ARV Treatment. The patient’s inclusion period was from October 04, 2021 to February 15, 2022. A sample of 5 ml of blood was taken in a tube with EDTA anticoagulant for Molecular Biology analyzes (Viral Load and Sequencing) in all HIV patients, after reading and signing informed consent. The population was made up of adult patients over the age of 18, infected with HIV and starting ART. Results: 119 patients (56.3% of women) were included in this study, thus a sex-ratio of 1.29. The average age of patients included was 39.87 ± 12.36 years. The most represented age group is that of 36 to 45 with 37 patients (31.9%) followed by that from 26 to 35 years with 24 patients (20.7%). Out of 119 patients, 21 patients had an undetectable Viral Load (VL). The median value of VL was 4.16 log10 RNA copies/ml. 114 samples were successfully amplified. Subtype A was dominant with 23 cases (20.2%);followed by the subtype C and CRF02_AG each with 14.0%, and D (10.5 %). K65R (1.8%), T69P/N (4.4%), K70R (7.9%) and M184V (7.0%) mutations were listed as existing mutations for Nucleotide Transcriptase Inhibitors. Conclusion: 38 patients (31.93%) started the TARV with a positive virological prognosis. The subtype A remains dominant in Kinshasa with 23 cases (20.2%);followed by the subtype C and CRF02_AG each with 14.0%. For Inhibitors of Transcriptase Reverse Nucleotide;K65R, T69P/N, K70E/R and M184V mutations were found in patients’ naive of ARV Treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Virological Profile Molecular Profile PLHIV Start of ART KINSHASA
作者 金涛 黎明京 《汽车与运动》 2007年第3期142-145,共4页
中国第一家卡丁车场1985年出现在深圳,但10年后北京的顺义才建起一座卡丁车场。据中国汽联提供的数据:最火爆的时候,中国共有近100家卡丁车场。如果在 Google 键入"卡丁车"搜索,可以查到285万条有关文字,但其中相当大一部分... 中国第一家卡丁车场1985年出现在深圳,但10年后北京的顺义才建起一座卡丁车场。据中国汽联提供的数据:最火爆的时候,中国共有近100家卡丁车场。如果在 Google 键入"卡丁车"搜索,可以查到285万条有关文字,但其中相当大一部分是有关"跑跑卡丁车"的电脑游戏;如果键入"中国卡丁车场"却只有25900条。至今在互联网上还能查出北京有7家卡丁车场,它们是:老美跑车城(丰台区花乡世界公园对面)、飚程(大兴县魏善庄)、赛纳威尔(海淀区西三环中路1号)、佳宾(丰台区花园乡六圈村世界公园北侧800米)、顺翔(顺义县朝白河畔橡皮闸东侧)、安迪(朝阳区展览南路1号302总站),庄周(怀柔牛栏山环岛东北)。 展开更多
关键词 卡丁车 锦标赛 赛车运动 arting 方程式赛车
“liberal arts”的源与流——古今之变中的审视
作者 崔乃文 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期179-192,共14页
“古今之变”是审视liberal arts流变的中心线索。古典liberal arts是具有内在统一性并指向完满品格的整全性知识体系。欧洲三次文艺复兴对liberal arts的再造展现了其历史流变中的不变逻辑,即为特定时代的受教育者提供共同价值。德国... “古今之变”是审视liberal arts流变的中心线索。古典liberal arts是具有内在统一性并指向完满品格的整全性知识体系。欧洲三次文艺复兴对liberal arts的再造展现了其历史流变中的不变逻辑,即为特定时代的受教育者提供共同价值。德国古典大学赋予了liberal arts在古典意义上的完美形态,而新人文主义的自我塑造观念孕育了博雅教育的现代转向。科学革命终结了古典学术的内在统一性与道德理想,瓦解了古典liberal arts。美国现代大学则借助古典资源,经由三次改革浪潮重建了liberal arts。然而,古典教育凝聚文明精华的共同价值、塑造意义与学术整合力量,同现代科学的智识自由、价值分殊与学科分化特性相冲突,这是古今之变为现代大学再造liberal arts所深植的困境,liberal arts只能在钟摆的两端之间不断权衡。 展开更多
关键词 liberal arts 博雅教育 古典教育 古今之变 通识教育
作者 董瑞峰 赵军徽 +2 位作者 赵庆波 芦永发 杨峰 《包钢科技》 2024年第5期41-48,共8页
随着新能源汽车产销量的快速崛起,超高强度汽车钢的需求量越来越大。而超高强度汽车钢冷成型过程中的回弹和变形开裂问题成为制约超高强度汽车钢应用的主要因素。因此,开发一种强度高且成型性能优良的汽车钢具有实际应用价值,市场潜力... 随着新能源汽车产销量的快速崛起,超高强度汽车钢的需求量越来越大。而超高强度汽车钢冷成型过程中的回弹和变形开裂问题成为制约超高强度汽车钢应用的主要因素。因此,开发一种强度高且成型性能优良的汽车钢具有实际应用价值,市场潜力巨大。许多研究发现,在汽车钢中加入稀土元素可以提高其综合性能。文章设计了两组成分方案,采用相同的逆相变退火(ART)工艺参数,通过拉伸试验、扫描电镜以及XRD等手段研究了稀土元素对冷成型超高强度汽车钢的组织性能影响机制。结果表明,在ART退火工艺下,试验钢微观组织均为马氏体、残余奥氏体和微量铁素体,但两种成分方案中添加稀土试验钢的残余奥氏体含量略高于不含稀土试验钢,为后续成型过程中的TRIP效应提供了组织基础。在800℃淬火保温5 min,随后645℃退火保温15 min的最佳热处理工艺参数下,方案一中含稀土试验钢的残余奥氏体含量比不含稀土的提高了8.1%,断后伸长率提高了21.8%,强塑积提高了17.2%,达到了28.47 GPa·%;方案二中含稀土试验钢残余奥氏体含量比不含稀土的提高4%,断后伸长率提高了2.8%,强塑积提高了5.1%,达到了34.8 GPa·%,说明添加稀土元素可以不同程度地改善超高强度汽车钢的综合性能。 展开更多
关键词 冷成型 超高强度汽车钢 稀土微合金化 ART退火
作者 黄茶英 刘浪 罗连华 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)医药卫生》 2024年第9期0052-0055,共4页
探究接受高效抗反转录病毒治疗确诊HIV/AIDS患者接受医护-社会组织一体化模式干预价值。方法 从2022年1月至2022年12月南昌市某定点医院接受抗病毒治疗及随访管理的新确诊HIV/AIDS患者100例,50例接受传统医护合作模式对照组、50例接受医... 探究接受高效抗反转录病毒治疗确诊HIV/AIDS患者接受医护-社会组织一体化模式干预价值。方法 从2022年1月至2022年12月南昌市某定点医院接受抗病毒治疗及随访管理的新确诊HIV/AIDS患者100例,50例接受传统医护合作模式对照组、50例接受医护-社会组织一体化模式观察组,两组各项临床指标差异进行分析对比(从HIV抗体初筛阳性到启动ART治疗时间、抗病毒治疗一年后HIV病毒载量的指标及病毒抑制率、抗病毒治疗一年后自我管理能力)。结果 干预后与对照组比较,观察组HIV抗体初筛阳性到启动ART治疗时间显著偏低,HIV病毒载量指标水平显著偏低,病毒抑制率显著偏高,一年后自我管理能力评分显著偏高,用药依从性显著偏高(P<0.05)。结论 接受抗病毒治疗及随访管理的确诊HIV/AIDS患者接受医护-社会组织一体化模式干预后,可显著提高患者自我管理能力。此外,还能保障高病毒抑制率,缩短患者治疗时间,提升患者用药依从性。 展开更多
关键词 HIV/AIDS ART 自我管理能力 医护-社会组织一体化模式
作者 袁伟 蓝俊 +3 位作者 田功平 游立军 郑玉兰 鲁小琴 《气象研究与应用》 2024年第4期62-67,共6页
利用ART和ERA5不同背景场研制的福建省地面实况分析产品(分别简记为“FJ_ART”,“FJ_ERA5”),并在沿海、海岛、浮标三种不同测站环境下开展气温、风速、降水等气象要素的评估检验。结果表明,(1)相比FJ_ERA5,FJ_ART各要素的相关系数≥0.... 利用ART和ERA5不同背景场研制的福建省地面实况分析产品(分别简记为“FJ_ART”,“FJ_ERA5”),并在沿海、海岛、浮标三种不同测站环境下开展气温、风速、降水等气象要素的评估检验。结果表明,(1)相比FJ_ERA5,FJ_ART各要素的相关系数≥0.98,提升至少0.01,且相关系数≥0.99的站数平均多出16%;其中气温、气压、湿度、降水平均绝对误差分别为0.18℃、1.26 hPa、1.66%、0.04 mm,下降0.05℃、0.17 hPa、0.3%、0.01 mm,表明FJ_ART整体优于FJ_ERA5。(2)利用FJ_ART研究沿海风速的陆海变化:日最大风速横向、纵向小时累积概率分别≥0.76、≥0.73,正偏离分别为0.3 m∙s^(-1)、0.6 m∙s^(-1),表明FJ_ART与原始观测在海陆横向风速方面具有较强的一致性,部分结果优于国内其他相关研究。 展开更多
关键词 实况分析产品 ART ERA5 CLDAS 陆海边界 评估检验
作者 邓扬 陆金琦 +1 位作者 余信江 胡超 《计算机测量与控制》 2024年第3期125-130,共6页
防渗墙是水利水电工程项目中的重要部分,随着防渗墙规模的逐渐扩大,常规防渗墙检测方法逐渐减少;为了增加防渗墙的检测手段,研究提出采用弹性波CT正演模拟技术,并与钻孔注水法相结合的方法;在钻孔注水试验时,利用弹性波CT正演模拟技术,... 防渗墙是水利水电工程项目中的重要部分,随着防渗墙规模的逐渐扩大,常规防渗墙检测方法逐渐减少;为了增加防渗墙的检测手段,研究提出采用弹性波CT正演模拟技术,并与钻孔注水法相结合的方法;在钻孔注水试验时,利用弹性波CT正演模拟技术,检测水流在墙体中的流动情况,从而在检测防渗墙渗透性的同时,完成防渗墙的完整性检测;结果显示,在低速或高速异常速度模型中,走时残差的波动较大,且完全不同;采用围井法,实验深度为15 m时,计算得到的渗透系数为0.14*10~6 cm/s;采用常水头法,深度为15 m时,该方法计算得到的渗透系数为1.88*10~6 cm/s;说明基于弹性波CT正演模拟技术,可以有效地反映防渗墙的状态;而采用围井法检测得到的防渗墙渗透系数,低于采用常水头注水法得到的渗透系数;研究提出的方法可以准确地检测防渗墙的质量。 展开更多
关键词 防渗墙 正演模拟 弹性波CT SIRT算法 ART算法
作者 方欲晓 许丹 何可人 《计算机仿真》 2024年第9期441-445,共5页
由于零日漏洞的未知性,导致其缺乏准确的漏洞特征信息。攻击者在利用这些漏洞进行针对性攻击时,使其在网络流量中难以被精准检测到。为了提高实验室网络的安全防御能力,并及时检测防火墙零日漏洞的不同攻击,保障实验室网络的安全稳定运... 由于零日漏洞的未知性,导致其缺乏准确的漏洞特征信息。攻击者在利用这些漏洞进行针对性攻击时,使其在网络流量中难以被精准检测到。为了提高实验室网络的安全防御能力,并及时检测防火墙零日漏洞的不同攻击,保障实验室网络的安全稳定运行,提出了面向实验室网络的防火墙零日漏洞入侵检测。采用基于随机森林和主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)的融合方法,对实验室网络防火墙数据特征实施特征重要度计算以及特征降维处理;利用模糊聚类算法对该特征展开聚类分析,获取与零日漏洞入侵特征相关的特征集合;将其作为训练样本输入到自适应谐振理论2(Adaptive Resonance Theory 2,ART2)神经网络中,通过网络的训练学习实现实验室网络防火墙零日漏洞不同入侵类型的精确检测。实验结果表明,所提方法的丢包率低,且平均准确率为98.03%,表明该方法能够有效提高实验室网络的安全性和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 特征重要度计算 特征降维 模糊聚类 ART2神经网络 零日漏洞入侵检测
作者 陈佩博 魏梦娇 《港口航道与近海工程》 2024年第4期141-144,共4页
本论文结合人工智能运输机器人在港口应用的案例,从问题现象入手,分析急停可能导致的损失,通过对ART急停原因分析,制定出急停改缓停的解决方案,结果显示缓停策略大大地降低了ART急停概率,可为其他自动化集装箱码头水平运输作业或使用自... 本论文结合人工智能运输机器人在港口应用的案例,从问题现象入手,分析急停可能导致的损失,通过对ART急停原因分析,制定出急停改缓停的解决方案,结果显示缓停策略大大地降低了ART急停概率,可为其他自动化集装箱码头水平运输作业或使用自动化车辆的工程项目提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 无人驾驶 ART 急停 缓停
Assessing trends in wildland-urban interface fire research through text mining: a comprehensive analysis of published literature
作者 Hafsae Lamsaf Asmae Lamsaf +1 位作者 Mounir A.Kerroum Miguel Almeida 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期102-114,共13页
Research on fires at the wildland-urban inter-face(WUI)has generated significant insights and advance-ments across various fields of study.Environmental,agri-culture,and social sciences have played prominent roles in ... Research on fires at the wildland-urban inter-face(WUI)has generated significant insights and advance-ments across various fields of study.Environmental,agri-culture,and social sciences have played prominent roles in understanding the impacts of fires in the environment,in protecting communities,and addressing management challenges.This study aimed to create a database using a text mining technique for global researchers interested in WUI-projects and highlighting the interest of countries in this field.Author’s-Keywords analysis emphasized the dominance of fire science-related terms,especially related to WUI,and identified keyword clusters related to the WUI fire-risk-assessment-system-“exposure”,“danger”,and“vulnerability”within wildfire research.Trends over the past decade showcase shifting research interests with a growing focus on WUI fires,while regional variations highlighted that the“exposure”keyword cluster received greater atten-tion in the southern Europe and South America.However,vulnerability keywords have relatively a lower representation across all regions.The analysis underscores the interdisci-plinary nature of WUI research and emphasizes the need for targeted approaches to address the unique challenges of the wildland-urban interface.Overall,this study provides valu-able insights for researchers and serves as a foundation for further collaboration in this field through the understanding of the trends over recent years and in different regions. 展开更多
关键词 WUI Text mining WILDFIRES Fire science State of the art Scientific publications
Application of Modern Construction Art in Landscape Architecture Planning and Design
作者 JIANG Yuanyuan 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2024年第3期43-47,共5页
The continuous progress of urbanization has driven the continuous development and innovation of landscape planning and design.Focused on the important design method of modern construction art,this study analyzed its c... The continuous progress of urbanization has driven the continuous development and innovation of landscape planning and design.Focused on the important design method of modern construction art,this study analyzed its concepts and characteristics,and made deep exploration to its application in landscape planning and design.The results indicated that modern construction art had a significant impact on landscape spatial planning and layout,spatial design forms,and spatial ornaments.The use of modern construction art concepts could make landscape design more scientific,artistic,and humane,creating higher quality leisure and entertainment venues for audiences. 展开更多
关键词 Landscape architecture design Modern construction art Construction Art
Application of Midjournal and Stable Diffusion in Environmental Art and Design Courses in Higher Education Institutions
作者 HAN Bing 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2024年第3期80-82,87,共4页
This study was aimed to explore the feasibility of introducing two mainstream AI drawing applications,Midjournal and Stable Diffusion,into the environmental art and design courses in higher education institutions.On t... This study was aimed to explore the feasibility of introducing two mainstream AI drawing applications,Midjournal and Stable Diffusion,into the environmental art and design courses in higher education institutions.On the basis of introducing the development history of AI drawing technology,the characteristics of Midjournal and Stable Diffusion and their applications in teaching were described in detail.The analysis on its practical application in public space design courses showed that AI drawing technology could significantly improve students’creative efficiency and the possibility of artistic creation,while also enriching the expressive power of design.In spite of the challenges such as technical accuracy,response to complex design requirements,hardware dependencies,and student dependencies,the application of AI drawing technology had an overall positive prospects in the field of education.Finally,the value of AI drawing technology in teaching was emphasized,and the challenges it brought were discussed,as well as how to fully utilize this technology while maintaining teaching objectives and educational principles. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial intelligence AI drawing Environmental art Teaching practice
作者 邓永 陈程 +4 位作者 陈钟 肖钢 周国强 郑芳 王宁 《细胞与分子免疫学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期1096-1103,共8页
目的阐明人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染通过丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)通路介导CD4^(+)T淋巴细胞(CD4^(+)T细胞)线粒体损伤的机制。方法在2022-10-01/2023-03-31之间招募47名接受4年抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)的HIV感染者,包括22名免疫无应答者(... 目的阐明人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染通过丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)通路介导CD4^(+)T淋巴细胞(CD4^(+)T细胞)线粒体损伤的机制。方法在2022-10-01/2023-03-31之间招募47名接受4年抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)的HIV感染者,包括22名免疫无应答者(INR)、25名应答者(IR);以及26名性别和年龄匹配的未感染对照组参与者(HC);并用流式细胞术分析免疫指标。最后,加入MAPK通路抑制剂SB203580处理来自HC或HIV感染者中外周血单个核细胞(PBMC),观察CD4^(+)T细胞线粒体功能的变化。结果与HC组相比,INR组和IR组的PBMC中CD4^(+)T细胞比例显著降低,并且INR组的PBMC中CD4^(+)T细胞比例较IR组显著降低。此外,INR组的PBMC中初始(CD45RA^(+)CD27^(+))T细胞的比例显著低于HC组和IR组。与HC组和IR组相比,INR组PBMC中CD4^(+)程序性死亡受体1阳性(PD-1^(+))、CD4^(+)膜联蛋白V阳性(Av^(+))和CD4^(+)线粒体氧化阳性(MO^(+))比例,以及CD4^(+)T细胞亚群中CD45RA^(+)CD27^(+)PD-1^(+)、CD45RA^(+)CD27^(+)Av^(+)、CD45RA^(+)CD27^(+)MO^(+)比例均显著增加。与HC对照组相比,HIV对照组CD4^(+)T细胞的基础呼吸、最大呼吸和腺苷三磷酸(ATP)产量均显著降低,而CD4^(+)T细胞内线粒体膜电位(JC-1)(绿色/红色)显著增加。与HIV对照组相比,HIV-SB203580组CD4^(+)T细胞的基础呼吸、最大呼吸、ATP产量、呼吸潜力均显著增加,而CD4^(+)T细胞内JC-1(绿色/红色)显著降低。结论在接受ART治疗的HIV感染者中,特别是在INR患者的CD4^(+)T细胞中观察到MAPK信号通路异常激活,并可能导致线粒体功能受损和CD4^(+)T细胞稳态异常。 展开更多
关键词 人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV) 丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK) T淋巴细胞 线粒体 抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART) 免疫
Factors Associated with HIV/Tuberculosis Coinfection among People Living with HIV after Initiation of Antiretroviral Treatment in Lingwala Health Zone from 2021 to 2023
作者 Jean Claude Mikobi Maleshila Espérant Ntambue Malu +2 位作者 Fabrice Sewolo Tacite Kpanya Mazoba Jean Nyandwe Kyloka 《Advances in Infectious Diseases》 CAS 2024年第1期176-195,共20页
Context and objective: Around 8% of incident cases of tuberculosis (TB) were reported among people living with HIV worldwide in 2022. Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death among people living with HIV. Africa acc... Context and objective: Around 8% of incident cases of tuberculosis (TB) were reported among people living with HIV worldwide in 2022. Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death among people living with HIV. Africa accounts for the majority of co-infection episodes, with over 50% of cases in some parts of southern Africa. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), around 9% of persons living with HIV (PLHIV) develop TB and 11% of TB patients are infected with HIV. The DRC is one of the 30 countries in the world bearing the brunt of co-infection. Despite the efforts made by countries to improve access to antiretroviral traitement (ART), TB remains a major problem among people living with HIV. The Lingwala Health Zone in the provincial city of Kinshasa recorded a large number of cases of HIV/TB co-infection during the study period. The aim of this study was to determine the factors associated with HIV/TB co-infection among PLHIV on ART in the Lingwala health zone (HZ) in Kinshasa. Methods: This was a case-control study conducted in the state-run HIV care facilities in the Lingwala health district among PLHIV who had visited the health facilities during the period 2021-2023. Cases were coinfected patients and controls were PLHIV who had not developed tuberculosis during the study period. Results: A total of 281 PLHIV were enrolled in the study, with 70 cases and 211 controls. Factors associated with HIV/TB co-infection after multivariate analysis were viral load (OR = 5.34;95% CI;1.8-15.8, p = 0.005). History of tuberculosis (OR = 20.84;95% CI;8.6-50.3, p -85.0, p = 0.005) and BMI Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the detection of these enumerated factors should prompt providers to actively search for tuberculosis with a view to organising early management. 展开更多
关键词 PLHIV on ART HIV/TB Co-Infection Viral Load Antiretroviral (ARV) Adherence
Francis Sydney Muschamp’s Penelope
作者 Liana De Girolami Cheney 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2024年第11期657-684,共28页
This essay examines Francis Sydney Muschamp’s depictions of the Penelope myth during the Victorian era.The Penelope myth,a significant narrative in the Victorian era,was popularized by the Pre-Raphaelite painters Tho... This essay examines Francis Sydney Muschamp’s depictions of the Penelope myth during the Victorian era.The Penelope myth,a significant narrative in the Victorian era,was popularized by the Pre-Raphaelite painters Thomas Seddon(1821-1856),Dante Gabriel Rossetti(1828-1882),John Roddam Spencer Stanhope(1829-1908),Frederick Sandys(1829-1904),and John William Waterhouse(1849-1917).Their interpretations of this epic poem from Homer’s Odyssey(800 BCE)inspired Muschamp(1851-1929).He often depicted Penelope’s unwavering fidelity and patience as female virtuosity and a cunning perception of family values during her husband Odysseus’s long absence.Historically,Penelope was the Queen of Ithaca and the loyal wife of King Odysseus(Ulysses).During her husband’s 20-year absence while fighting in the Trojan Wars,Penelope was pursued by suitors competing for her affection and insisting that Odysseus was dead.Despite their advances,Penelope refused to believe that she had been widowed or abandoned.She devised various tricks to keep the suitors at bay.For example,she told them she would choose one of them to marry after completing a woven funeral shroud for her father-in-law,Laertes.Every day,she worked diligently on the tapestry,a shroud,while the impatient suitors watched her progress,but she secretly unraveled the day’s work at night when they were asleep.The tapestry became known as Penelope’s Web. 展开更多
关键词 Pre-Raphaelite art Francis Sydney Muschamp SYMBOLISM MYTHOLOGY PENELOPE EGYPTOLOGY
A Qualitative Look at Decreasing Barriers to Receiving Uninterrupted Care for People Living with HIV in Rural Southern Georgia
作者 Joshua M. Kies 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2024年第8期447-458,共12页
Early linkage to antiretroviral therapy (ART) after HIV diagnosis extends life. Low socioeconomic populations with HIV face regional concerns that inhibit early treatment. Barriers include religious-based stigma, lack... Early linkage to antiretroviral therapy (ART) after HIV diagnosis extends life. Low socioeconomic populations with HIV face regional concerns that inhibit early treatment. Barriers include religious-based stigma, lack of local treatment facilities, fear of discovery and purposeful secrecy fostering increased HIV transmission and decreased ART adherence. This ethnographic qualitative study employed semi-structured interviews with 10 health care providers (HCP) and 10 people living with HIV (PLWH) to discover methods to streamline care and increase medication adherence. Clients perceive enhanced care when they are active participants in treatment. HCPs reported positive health outcomes when there was active multidisciplinary communication. Obstacles included a lack of consistent medication assistance programs, homelessness, and limited access to specialized services. There is a need for further investigation on how to provide individualized, holistic treatment to a population of patients with extremely limited federal funding in a geographic region where religious stigma surrounding HIV is widespread. 展开更多
关键词 Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Barriers COMPLIANCE HIV RURAL
Boxing Practitioners Physiology Review: 3. Dietary Supplementation, Weight Control, Recovery and Altitude
作者 André Mukala Nsengu Tshibangu 《Open Journal of Molecular and Integrative Physiology》 2024年第1期1-29,共29页
The preceding parts of the review concerned kinanthropometric parameters, skeletal muscle recruitment, ergometry, systemic responses and adaptations. Main teachings of this third part of the whole review follow. At th... The preceding parts of the review concerned kinanthropometric parameters, skeletal muscle recruitment, ergometry, systemic responses and adaptations. Main teachings of this third part of the whole review follow. At the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Game, most vitamin users (91 percent) were boxers. After 18 days of endurance training at the altitude of 1800 m, in boxers, 1) erythropoietin and reticulocytes values increased, 2) remained unchanged parameters of iron metabolism and maximal oxygen uptake values, 3) iron supplementation decreased total body hemoglobin values. Zinc supplementation and/or regularity while boxing influenced plasma levels of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc in boxers. Sodium bicarbonate ingestion increased punches frequency and time to fatigue in boxers. Boxing-induced thermal dehydration yielded 1) body and muscle masses decrease compensated by increased neural input to muscle, to maintain muscle strength, but 2) a 26.8 percent performance fall. In boxers, fluid and food intake restriction 1) changed neither blood vitamin status nor plasma glutathione levels, 2) yielded a) a negative mood profile and a performance decrease, when resulted in body mass fall by 5.16 percent but b) no performance decrease when fall was by three percent. Diet protein or protein and caloric components decrease increased, in boxers, protein catabolism and, for the same submaximal workload, heart rate and oxygen intake. In food-restricted boxers, myoprotein catabolism increased with decreasing meal intake frequency. Competition and no-competition boxers utilize massage. Massage increased perceptions of recovery after a whole boxing performance. High level of cardiorespiratory fitness accelerates recovery process between boxing rounds. 展开更多
关键词 BOXING Integrative Physiology Martial Arts Molecular Physiology Musculoskeletal Physiology
Immunovirological Discordance and Associated Factors among People Living with HIV under Antiretroviral Treatment at Hôpital de Jour de Donka, Guinea
作者 Mariama Sadjo Diallo Djiba Kaba +12 位作者 Charles Tchibinda Delicat Issiaga Diallo Boh Fanta Diane Doufin Traore Ousmane Niabaly Oumar Mouctar Diallo Ouo-Ouo Yaramon Kolie Aly Patrice Kamano Pascal Koivogui Ahmed Sékou Keita Mohamed Macire Soumah Thierno Mamadou Tounkara Mohamed Cisse 《Open Journal of Medical Microbiology》 2024年第2期93-104,共12页
The antiretroviral treatment (ART) has significantly reduced the number of new HIV/AIDS infections and related deaths. However, cases of immunovirological discordance (IVD) are found in various locations. The objectiv... The antiretroviral treatment (ART) has significantly reduced the number of new HIV/AIDS infections and related deaths. However, cases of immunovirological discordance (IVD) are found in various locations. The objective of this study was to determine the profile of People living with HIV (PLHIV) with IVD and to identify associated factors. We conducted a cross-sectional study based on the records of PLHIV under ART for at least 6 months, followed at Hpital de Jour Donka from 2015 to 2017, and having both viral load (CV) and CD4 T-cell count. Prevalence of IVD was 34.57%, with 23.87% for immunological discordance (ID) and 10.7% for virological discordance (VD). Females were predominant (66.26%), and male gender influenced IVD with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.006) and was associated with VD (p = 0.007). The average age was 38.77 11.30 years. PLHIV were classified at WHO stages 3 and 4 (86.01%). The median initial haemoglobin level was 11.5 g/L [3.2 - 12]. The mean initial CD4 T-cell count was 272.84 cells/mm3 201.6. The median initial viral load (VL) was 147,337 copies/mL [1092 - 31,675,000]. The initial CD4 T-cell count 3 was associated with IVD with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.0009) and correlated with ID (p = 0.000). Prurigo was associated with IVD with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.003). Cerebral toxoplasmosis was not associated with IVD but was associated with ID (p = 0.04). This study allowed us to describe the profile of PLHIV with IVD. The main associated factors were male gender, initial CD4 T-cell count 3, toxoplasmosis, prurigo, and herpes zoster. 展开更多
关键词 HIV Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Immunovirological Discordance Donka GUINEA
The Innovation and Practice of the “Tourism Management + English” Talent Cultivation Model Based on the New Liberal Arts Concept
作者 GE Xiu-lan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2024年第10期932-938,共7页
In the context of globalization, there is an urgent need to cultivate interdisciplinary talents with knowledge of tourism management and proficiency in English. Guided by the New Liberal Arts concept, the “Tourism Ma... In the context of globalization, there is an urgent need to cultivate interdisciplinary talents with knowledge of tourism management and proficiency in English. Guided by the New Liberal Arts concept, the “Tourism Management + English” talent cultivation model has emerged. Taking the tourism management talent cultivation of Hainan province as an example, this article analyzes the issues present in traditional tourism management programs and proposes a construction framework that involves conducting in-depth industry research, improving management systems, increasing financial support, implementing strict and standardized management, optimizing talent cultivation plans, highlighting distinctive training features, and strengthening industry services. 展开更多
关键词 New Liberal Arts interdisciplinary application current status talent cultivation PATHWAY
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