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作者 刘镜恪 王文琪 +1 位作者 李岿然 雷霁霖 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期338-343,共6页
The effects of natural fish oil, DHA oil and soybean lecithin in microparticulate diets on stress tolerance of larval gilthead seabream ( Sparus aurata ) were investigated after 15 days feeding trials. The tolerance o... The effects of natural fish oil, DHA oil and soybean lecithin in microparticulate diets on stress tolerance of larval gilthead seabream ( Sparus aurata ) were investigated after 15 days feeding trials. The tolerance of larval gilthead seabream to various stress factors such as exposure to air ( lack of dissolved oxygen), changes in water temperature (low) and salinity ( high) were determined. This study showed that microparticulate diet with natural fish oil and soybean lecithin was the most effective for increasing the tolerance of larval gilthead seabream to various stresses, and that microparticulate diet with natural fish oil and palmitic acid (16:0) was more effective than microparticulate diet with DHA oil and soybean lecithin. 展开更多
关键词 fish oil DHA oil STRESS Sparus aurata
Organophosphorous residue in Liza aurata and Cyprinus carpio
作者 Mansoreh Shayeghi Mehdi Khoobdel +2 位作者 Fatemeh Bagheri Mohammad Abtahi Hojjatollah Zeraati 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2012年第7期564-569,共6页
Objective:To determine the amount of azinphos methyl and diazinon residues in two river fishes,Liza aurata and Cyprinus carpio,in the north of Iran.Methods:This study was done during2006-2007.In this survey,152 water ... Objective:To determine the amount of azinphos methyl and diazinon residues in two river fishes,Liza aurata and Cyprinus carpio,in the north of Iran.Methods:This study was done during2006-2007.In this survey,152 water and fish samples from Gorgan and Qarasu rivers,north of Iran,were investigated.Sampling was done in three predetermined stations along each river.Organophosphorus compounds(OPs)were extracted from the fishes and the water of rivers.After extraction,purification and concentration processes,the amount and type of insecticides in water and fish samples were determined by high performance thin layer chromatography(HPTLC).Results:There was a significant difference in the residue of the insecticides in the water and fish samples between summer and other seasons in the two rivers.The highest amount of insecticides residue was seen during summer.In both rivers,the amount of diazinon and azinphos methyl residues in the two fishes was more than 2000 mg/L in summer.There was no significant difference in insecticides residue between the fishes in two rivers.The diazinon residue was higher than the standard limits in both rivers during the spring and the summer,but the residual amount of azinphos methyl was higher than the standard limits only during the summer and only in Qarasu River.Conclusions:It can be concluded that the amount of OPs in the water and the two fishes,Liza aurata and Cyprinus carpio,is higher than the permitted levels. 展开更多
关键词 FISH Water contamination ORGANOPHOSPHORUS RESIDUE Iran River FISH Liza aurata CYPRINUS carpio Insecticides
异育银鲫幼鱼对饲料中维生素B_6需求量的研究 被引量:13
作者 王锦林 朱晓鸣 +3 位作者 雷武 韩冬 杨云霞 解绶启 《水生生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期98-104,共7页
通过8周的生长实验,研究饲料中维生素B6的含量对异育银鲫(Carassius auratas gibelio)(初始体重3.3 g)生长、饲料利用及生化指标的影响。配制7组等氮等能的饲料,饲料中维生素B6的含量分别为0、1.11、3.29、5.41、12.7、13.3和27.3 mg/k... 通过8周的生长实验,研究饲料中维生素B6的含量对异育银鲫(Carassius auratas gibelio)(初始体重3.3 g)生长、饲料利用及生化指标的影响。配制7组等氮等能的饲料,饲料中维生素B6的含量分别为0、1.11、3.29、5.41、12.7、13.3和27.3 mg/kg。实验结果表明,饲料中缺乏维生素B6会显著降低异育银鲫的特定生长率、饲料转化效率、蛋白质效率、存活率、肝体指数,但对摄食率没有显著影响。饲料中维生素B6的含量为12.70 mg/kg时,肝脏谷草转氨酶活性(GOT)活性最强,并且显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。在饲料中维生素B6含量为5.41 mg/kg时,肝脏谷丙转氨酶活性(GPT)活性显著提高。当饲料中维生素B6含量为12.7 mg/kg时,肝脏中维生素B6的沉积最高。通过折线法,根据特定生长率和饲料中维生素B6含量的关系,得出异育银鲫最大生长时饲料维生素B6的适宜含量为0.95 mg/kg;而以肝脏GOT和GPT活性为指标时,其饲料维生素B6的适宜含量分别为11.36和7.62 mg/kg。 展开更多
关键词 异育银鲫 特定生长率 维生素B6需求量 谷丙转氨酶活性 谷草转氨酶活性
蝙蝠作为流行性乙型脑炎病毒宿主的研究 被引量:16
作者 张海林 张云智 +11 位作者 黄文丽 米竹青 龚鹤琴 杨卫红 施华芳 自登云 李兆祥 王静林 章域震 龚正达 袁庆虹 冯锡光 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 2002年第5期58-61,共4页
于 1 98 6、1 988、1 990和 1 997年的 7-8月 ,在云南省共捕获 653只蝙蝠 ,其中棕果蝠( Rousettus leschenaulti) 593只 ,金管鼻蝠( Murina aurata) 60只 ,采集血清及剖取脑组织作病毒分离和抗体检查。用细胞法和乳鼠法分离到 6株病毒 ... 于 1 98 6、1 988、1 990和 1 997年的 7-8月 ,在云南省共捕获 653只蝙蝠 ,其中棕果蝠( Rousettus leschenaulti) 593只 ,金管鼻蝠( Murina aurata) 60只 ,采集血清及剖取脑组织作病毒分离和抗体检查。用细胞法和乳鼠法分离到 6株病毒 ,带毒率为 0 .96% ,其中从捕自景洪的棕果蝠脑组织中分离到 3株 ,从河口的棕果蝠血清中分离到 2株 ,从捕自耿马的金管鼻蝠脑组织中分离出 1株。棕果蝠和金管鼻蝠的带毒率分别为 0 .84%和 1 .67%。这 6株病毒能引起 C6/ 3 6和 BHK2 1细胞病变和导致乳小白鼠或 3~ 4周龄小白鼠发病和死亡 ,并具有典型的嗜神经病毒感染症状。经血凝抑制、补体结合、免疫荧光和中和试验鉴定 ,新分离的 6株病毒均为乙脑病毒 ( JE virus)。同期用血凝抑制试验对采获的 42 5份棕果蝠血清作乙脑病毒抗体检查 ,阳性 1 53份 ,阳性率为 3 6% ,具有较高的感染率。本次从棕果蝠和金管鼻蝠体内分离出乙脑病毒属具有重要流行病学意义。 展开更多
关键词 蝙蝠 流行性乙型脑炎病毒 宿主
从云南省蝙蝠脑组织中分离出乙型脑炎病毒 被引量:17
作者 张海林 张云智 +3 位作者 黄文丽 米竹青 龚鹤琴 王静林 《中国病毒学》 CSCD 2001年第1期74-77,共4页
为进一步阐明蝙蝠在保存乙脑病毒中的作用 ,于 1997年 7月 ,在云南省耿马县捕捉蝙蝠 6 4只 ,取脑组织作病毒分离 ,从一只金管鼻蝠脑组织中分离出 1株病毒。该毒株能引起BHK2 1细胞病变和乳鼠发病死亡 ,在 pH5 75~7 4时能凝集鸽红血球 ... 为进一步阐明蝙蝠在保存乙脑病毒中的作用 ,于 1997年 7月 ,在云南省耿马县捕捉蝙蝠 6 4只 ,取脑组织作病毒分离 ,从一只金管鼻蝠脑组织中分离出 1株病毒。该毒株能引起BHK2 1细胞病变和乳鼠发病死亡 ,在 pH5 75~7 4时能凝集鸽红血球 ,经用单克隆抗体血凝抑制和免疫荧光试验鉴定 ,证实为乙型脑炎病毒。进一步证明蝙蝠在乙型脑炎病毒保存和扩散中具有重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 流行性乙型脑炎病毒 贮存宿主 蝙蝠 金管鼻蝠
金头鲷胚胎发育的初步观察 被引量:10
作者 王彦怀 陶秉春 +1 位作者 梁伟光 黄世宁 《海洋水产研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期14-18,共5页
详细记录了金头鲷胚胎发育过程中各期发育时间及特征,并对各期进行显微摄像。金头鲷卵为圆球形,属浮性卵,吸水膨胀后卵径为0.82~0.92mm,油球1个。在温度19℃、盐度为30、pH为8.2的海水中,控光在300 1x左右,金头鲷胚胎发育历时... 详细记录了金头鲷胚胎发育过程中各期发育时间及特征,并对各期进行显微摄像。金头鲷卵为圆球形,属浮性卵,吸水膨胀后卵径为0.82~0.92mm,油球1个。在温度19℃、盐度为30、pH为8.2的海水中,控光在300 1x左右,金头鲷胚胎发育历时约44h48min仔鱼破膜而出。此过程共分5个阶段,经23个发育期过程结束。 展开更多
关键词 金头鲷 胚胎发育
不同酸度模拟酸雨对重庆缙云山2种阔叶树光合特性的影响 被引量:7
作者 唐晓芬 王彬 +1 位作者 王玉杰 王云琦 《植物资源与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期45-51,共7页
以生长于重庆缙云山国家级自然保护区内的粉叶新木姜子(Neolitsea aurata var.glauca Yang)和四川大头茶〔Polyspora speciosa(Kochs)B.M.Barthol.et T.L.Ming〕2年生幼苗为实验材料,研究了不同p H值的模拟酸雨对叶片气体交换参数、光... 以生长于重庆缙云山国家级自然保护区内的粉叶新木姜子(Neolitsea aurata var.glauca Yang)和四川大头茶〔Polyspora speciosa(Kochs)B.M.Barthol.et T.L.Ming〕2年生幼苗为实验材料,研究了不同p H值的模拟酸雨对叶片气体交换参数、光响应曲线和光响应参数的影响,并比较了2树种对模拟酸雨的抗性。结果表明:四川大头茶叶片的各项气体交换参数和光响应参数总体上高于粉叶新木姜子。随模拟酸雨p H值降低,粉叶新木姜子叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)逐渐降低且总体上显著低于对照(p H 5.6模拟酸雨);四川大头茶叶片的Pn、Gs和Tr值在p H 2.0模拟酸雨作用下显著低于对照、在p H 3.5模拟酸雨作用下显著高于对照;但不同p H值模拟酸雨对2树种叶片的水分利用效率总体上无显著影响。经不同p H值模拟酸雨处理后2树种叶片的光响应曲线与对照明显不同。与对照相比,经p H 2.0、p H 2.5和p H 3.5模拟酸雨处理后粉叶新木姜子叶片的最大净光合速率(Pmax)、光饱和点(LSP)和表观量子产量(AQY)总体上显著降低,光补偿点(LCP)显著升高;其暗呼吸速率(Rd)在p H 2.0和p H 3.5模拟酸雨作用下显著高于对照、在p H 2.5模拟酸雨作用下显著低于对照。四川大头茶叶片的Pmax和LSP值在p H 2.0和p H 2.5模拟酸雨作用下显著低于对照,但在p H 3.5模拟酸雨作用下显著高于对照;其LCP和Rd值在p H 2.5和p H 3.5模拟酸雨作用下显著低于对照,但在p H 2.0模拟酸雨作用下均高于对照;其AQY值在p H 2.0、p H 2.5和p H 3.5模拟酸雨作用下均低于对照。研究结果显示:酸性较强(p H 2.0和p H 2.5)的模拟酸雨均可抑制2树种的光合作用,而酸性较弱(p H 3.5)的模拟酸雨对四川大头茶的光合作用有一定的促进作用,表明四川大头茶对酸雨的抗性相对强于粉叶新木姜子。 展开更多
关键词 模拟酸雨 粉叶新木姜子 四川大头茶 气体交换参数 光合特性 抗酸性
金头鲷的形态学及框架结构的研究 被引量:3
作者 王建勋 赵磊 《海洋水产研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期14-20,共7页
从初孵仔鱼培育到17月龄鱼种中,检测50尾鱼(鱼龄17个月)的体重(g)、体长(cm)、全长(cm)、尾叉长(cm)、体高(cm)、体宽(cm)、头长(cm)、吻长(cm)、眼后头长(cm)、眼径(cm)、尾柄长(cm)和尾柄高(cm)等的平均... 从初孵仔鱼培育到17月龄鱼种中,检测50尾鱼(鱼龄17个月)的体重(g)、体长(cm)、全长(cm)、尾叉长(cm)、体高(cm)、体宽(cm)、头长(cm)、吻长(cm)、眼后头长(cm)、眼径(cm)、尾柄长(cm)和尾柄高(cm)等的平均值及标准差分别为241.11±49.56、18.72±1.30、24.15±1.39、22.02±1.23、8.20±0.63、3.18±0.31、5.56±0.36、1.98±0.28、2.47±0.21、1.52±0.09、2.56±0.45、1.96±0.17;体长/体高、体长/头长、体长/尾柄长、体长/眼径、头长/眼径、头长/尾柄长、头长/尾柄高、尾柄长/尾柄高、头长/眼后头长和体高/体厚等的平均值分别为2.29±0.10、3.33±0.18、7.49±1.25、12.37±1.12、3.72±0.30、2.26±0.43、2.88±0.25、1.31±0.21、2.29±0.16和2.59±0.22。其可数性状:背鳍、胸鳍、腹鳍、臀鳍等的鳍式为D.Ⅺ-12~14、P1.5+(9-10)、P2.Ⅰ-1+4、A.Ⅲ-11;侧线鳞为56-69枚、侧线上鳞为6-8枚;脊椎骨数为9-10(胸骨)+13~14(尾骨)根;上颌齿式为:1~5+7-10、2-13、4~9、0~9/0~7、3~10、3~15、4~11+1~4;下颌齿式为:1~2+6~15、4~10、0-8/0~7、4~9、6~12+1~2。通过观察,运用传统测量法对其外观的可数、可量性状进行测量与分析,并结合Humphsies,Bookstein和Bookstein等提出的框架法(Truss)思路来构建金头鲷的框架结构图,几何地描述金头鲷的体形特征,可为研究金头鲷的种质提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 金头鲷(Sparus aurata Linnaeus) 形态学 框架结构
四川缙云山林下乔木幼苗分布格局的研究 被引量:13
作者 李旭光 熊利民 张吉强 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 1993年第2期214-217,共4页
1 引言 研究林下乔木幼苗的分布格局及其与环境因子的相互关系,不仅可以表达植物种群中幼苗群的特征。
关键词 乔木 幼苗 种群分布格局
金头鲷全人工育苗技术研究 被引量:1
作者 王彦怀 康文义 +4 位作者 许文静 黄世宁 马艳 陶秉春 毕永强 《水产科学》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第12期675-677,共3页
关键词 金头鲷 全人工 育苗
广西翼手目一新纪录——金管鼻蝠 被引量:4
作者 李友邦 Neil M. Furey 韦龙韬 《广西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第4期114-115,共2页
2009年11月,在广西西北部木论国家级自然保护区小洞丹洞穴中采到一翼手目标本,经鉴定为金管鼻蝠Murina aurata,是广西翼手目新纪录。目前,在木论自然保护区的18个洞穴调查中,只在该洞发现有分布。标本现保存于广西师范大学生物多样性标... 2009年11月,在广西西北部木论国家级自然保护区小洞丹洞穴中采到一翼手目标本,经鉴定为金管鼻蝠Murina aurata,是广西翼手目新纪录。目前,在木论自然保护区的18个洞穴调查中,只在该洞发现有分布。标本现保存于广西师范大学生物多样性标本馆。 展开更多
关键词 金管鼻蝠 翼手目 新纪录
作者 王志成 梁志辉 +1 位作者 彭慧婧 童万平 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期164-167,共4页
2007年引进179尾金头鲷Sparus aurata放于遮阳水泥池(17.5m3)进行养殖试验,长度约3cm鱼苗,经过366d的养殖,体重平均307.9g(260.0-380.0g);全长平均25.8cm(23.5-28.2cm);体高平均8.8cm(8.2-9.5cm)。成活率92.2%,饵料系数2.3。试验结果表... 2007年引进179尾金头鲷Sparus aurata放于遮阳水泥池(17.5m3)进行养殖试验,长度约3cm鱼苗,经过366d的养殖,体重平均307.9g(260.0-380.0g);全长平均25.8cm(23.5-28.2cm);体高平均8.8cm(8.2-9.5cm)。成活率92.2%,饵料系数2.3。试验结果表明,该品种生长速度较快,抗病力强,适合于广西工厂化养殖。 展开更多
关键词 金头鲷Sparus aurata 水泥池 养殖
Mesocosm Hatcheries Using Semi-intensive Methodologies and Species Diversification in Aquaculture
作者 Carlos Andrade Natacha Nogueira +2 位作者 Paula Silva Maria Teresa Dinis Luis Narciso 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第4期428-437,共10页
Mesocosm hatcheries using semi-intensive culture methodologies are characterized by large tanks (40 m3) for fish larvae production at low densities (2-8 larvae/L), with live prey production within the tank supplem... Mesocosm hatcheries using semi-intensive culture methodologies are characterized by large tanks (40 m3) for fish larvae production at low densities (2-8 larvae/L), with live prey production within the tank supplemented by exogenous sources of feed. Due to the high biological quality of larvae produced and low level of technological input, these methodologies are regarded as an interesting option to meet the increasing fry demand from the aquaculture industry. This study aimed to describe the experience at Centro de Maricultura da Calheta, Madeira Island, Portugal, with the establishment of a mesocosm hatchery for the production of marine fish larvae. Production trials were initiated with gilthead seabream Sparus aurata. This larval species presented faster growth in total body length (TL) per day (TL = 3.7516e~ ~293day, R2 = 0.9404), higher survival rate (SR = 31.9%) and comparable swimbladder inflation rates (SB = 90%) to those of larvae reared with intensive methodologies. High larval performance was obtained with two candidate species for aquaculture: the red porgy Pagruspagrus (TL = 3.212e~~39day, R2 = 0.995; SR = 15.3%; SB = 95.7%) and the white seabream Diplodus sargus (TL = 3.6355e~~413day, R2= 0.9824; SR = 25%; SB --- 100%). Testing ofa 110 m3 mesocosm rearing tank with white seabream larvae revealed limitations associated to larger tanks namely, the amount and quality of live feed required daily. First trials with striped jack (Pseudocararoc dentex) larvae resulted in low larval survival (0.04%), but the use of a white tank avoided culture management constraints related to positive phototropism. The present results suggest that a mesocosm using semi-intensive methodologies may contribute to species diversification and consequently, to the sustainable development of aquaculture. 展开更多
关键词 Mesocosm hatchery fish larvae performance Sparus aurata Pagrus pagrus Diplodus sargus Pseudocarartx dentex.
作者 罗晓东 李秋 《河北渔业》 2020年第7期28-29,共2页
巴斯德氏菌病的病原菌为美人鱼发光杆菌,为革兰氏染色阴性菌。巴斯德氏菌病在孵化场表现为一种高急性或急性败血症,发病快且死亡率极高。笔者在实践中治疗金头鲷(Sparus aurata)鱼苗巴斯德氏菌病的方法为:每天服用抗生素治疗,在饲料中... 巴斯德氏菌病的病原菌为美人鱼发光杆菌,为革兰氏染色阴性菌。巴斯德氏菌病在孵化场表现为一种高急性或急性败血症,发病快且死亡率极高。笔者在实践中治疗金头鲷(Sparus aurata)鱼苗巴斯德氏菌病的方法为:每天服用抗生素治疗,在饲料中混合使用10 d,通常能暂时有效消除死亡(按100 mg/kg生物量的剂量给氧四环素或者80 mg/kg的氟甲喹,60 mg/kg生物量的恶喹酸)。 展开更多
关键词 金头鲷(Sparus aurata) 巴斯德氏菌病 防治
Evolution of sex ratio and egg production of gilthead seabream(Sparus aurata)over the course of five reproductive seasons
作者 Maria Papadaki Dimitris Karamanlidis +2 位作者 Eirini Sigelaki Ioannis Fakriadis Constantinos C.Mylonas 《Aquaculture and Fisheries》 CSCD 2024年第4期534-542,共9页
Spawning performance-relative fecundity and fertilization success-was studied in two hatchery-reared broodstocks of gilthead seabream(Sparus aurata)held under relatively constant well-water temperature(18-20◦C)and sim... Spawning performance-relative fecundity and fertilization success-was studied in two hatchery-reared broodstocks of gilthead seabream(Sparus aurata)held under relatively constant well-water temperature(18-20◦C)and simulated natural photoperiod,for five consecutive spawning seasons,between 3 and 7 years of age.The spawning season lasted between 4 and 6 months each year,and the total number of eggs produced annually ranged between 1480000 and 3100000 eggs/kg female body weight,being the highest during the first and second spawning season.No difference was observed in monthly relative fecundity between years-although high variation existed within years,whereas fertilization success was the highest during the second and third reproductive season,and dropped significantly during the last year of the study.The male percentage of the broodstocks was 35%during the first spawning season of the females,and thereafter it decreased further and remained stable at around 15%-20%for the second and third spawning season.Substitution of older females with smaller males to readjust male percentage to 50%in the fourth spawning season,was followed by sex change of larger males to females and a drop of the male percentage to 18%in the following spawning season.The present study demonstrated the long spawning season of gilthead seabream-especially under constant water temperature,the high fecundity and fertilization success,and the stabilization of male percentage to~20%after the first spawning season or when a broodstock is modified to increase male percentage.These results are useful to the aquaculture industry,demonstrating that there is no need to add males to gilthead seabream broodstocks over the years,as the sex ratio is stabilized and egg production and fertilization success remain high with a relatively low male:female sex ratio. 展开更多
关键词 Gilthead seabream Sparus aurata Sex ratio Egg production
Heavy metal concentrations inLiza aurata(Risso,1810)captured from the Kerkennah Islands(Gulf of Gabes)and associated health risks
作者 Zohra Ben Salem Ayadi Habib 《Journal of Coastal Life Medicine》 2016年第7期527-530,共4页
Objective:To determine the concentration of heavy metals(Cd,Cu,Fe,Ni,Pb and Zn)in the liver,gills and muscle of Liza aurata(L.aurata)collected from the Kerkennah Islands.The target hazard quotient was also used as an ... Objective:To determine the concentration of heavy metals(Cd,Cu,Fe,Ni,Pb and Zn)in the liver,gills and muscle of Liza aurata(L.aurata)collected from the Kerkennah Islands.The target hazard quotient was also used as an indicator of human health risks associated with fish consumption.Methods:The sample was collected from Kerkennah Islands(Gulf of Gabes,Tunisia).Heavy metals in L.aurata tissues(gills,liver and muscle)were analysed with an atomic absorption spectrometer(PerkinElmer).Results:As expected,muscle always possessed the lowest concentrations of all metals.The maximum concentrations of Cd(0.52 mg/kg wet weight),Cu(5.43 mg/kg wet weight),Fe(115.27mg/kg wet weight)and Zn(112.20 mg/kg wet weight)were measured in the liver,while the highest Ni(1.54 mg/kg wet weight)and Pb(1.43 mg/kg wet weight)were recorded in gills.The target hazard quotient through consumption of fish and calculated by adding the inividual target hazard quotient was below 1,indicating that there was no significant potential health risk associated with consumption of L.aurata.Conclusions:L.aurata from the Kerkennah Islands may be suitable for human consumption. 展开更多
关键词 BIOACCUMULATION Health risks Heavy metals Kerkennah Islands Liza aurata
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