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基于科技小院的畜牧领域人才培养模式的创新和实践 被引量:1
作者 徐良梅 陈志辉 +7 位作者 刘洪贵 刘逍 刘忠华 马海鹍 姚昆 李仲玉 郁希龙 袁华 《现代畜牧科技》 2024年第6期149-151,共3页
该文针对畜牧领域专业硕士研究生培养过程中存在学术和实践结合不充分的问题,以“黑龙江亚布力生猪科技小院”为案例分析科技小院的功能,并围绕东北农业大学的科教实践,探讨了基于“科技小院”体系建设下校地双赢畜牧领域人才培养模式... 该文针对畜牧领域专业硕士研究生培养过程中存在学术和实践结合不充分的问题,以“黑龙江亚布力生猪科技小院”为案例分析科技小院的功能,并围绕东北农业大学的科教实践,探讨了基于“科技小院”体系建设下校地双赢畜牧领域人才培养模式的创新与实践,旨在为畜牧推动农业成果转化,高质量研究生培养提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 科技小院 人才培养模式 畜牧领域
科技小院生态链与乡村振兴:理论构建、实践探索、保障机制、现实思考 被引量:2
作者 张木楠 龙梦晴 《科技管理研究》 2024年第10期94-101,共8页
2009年中国农业大学推出科技小院模式,涉农高校选派素质较高的专业人员到田间地头为农业、农村、农民提供实地诊断、技术指导和多层次服务。这种将高校人才培养“产学研”一体化与服务乡村相结合的运营模式,因与乡村振兴战略高度耦合而... 2009年中国农业大学推出科技小院模式,涉农高校选派素质较高的专业人员到田间地头为农业、农村、农民提供实地诊断、技术指导和多层次服务。这种将高校人才培养“产学研”一体化与服务乡村相结合的运营模式,因与乡村振兴战略高度耦合而上升成为一项国家行动,并逐渐在国内涉农高校中推广开来。为此,立足于乡村振兴视角,运用教育生态学理论,以涉农高校开展的科技小院模式为研究对象,对科技小院入驻乡村、助力乡村振兴的横向与纵向方面的实践进行总结分析。研究得出:科技小院生态链连接四大主体、五条主线以及若干副线,其生态链系统中各主体资源有机循环、相互转换,实现“政产学研用”一体化,共同助力乡村振兴;科技小院服务乡村振兴在纵向上主要以教育链与服务链为主线,横向推进以人才振兴与产业振兴为主导,其生态链运转的保障机制在宏观层面以政府引导为主、中观层面以市场支持为主、微观层面以高校主持为主。据此,针对科技小院模式发展面临的巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果的生态圈选址是否能够真正下沉、生态链参与主体是否可以扩宽、生态链资源流向是否能够透明、生态链人才“内生”是否能够落实等现实问题进一步展开思考、提出设想。 展开更多
关键词 科技小院 生态链 政产学研用 教育生态学 涉农高校 乡村振兴
乡村振兴背景下农业硕士科技小院培养模式研究 被引量:1
作者 王星 李子昂 +1 位作者 李楠洋 王丽萍 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2024年第5期279-282,共4页
乡村振兴战略对农业硕士人才的培养质量提出了更高的要求。“科技小院”作为人才培养和农技推广的新途径,发挥着至关重要的作用。河北工程大学以践行教书与育人、田间与课堂、理论与实践、科研与推广、创新与服务紧密结合为目的,创新农... 乡村振兴战略对农业硕士人才的培养质量提出了更高的要求。“科技小院”作为人才培养和农技推广的新途径,发挥着至关重要的作用。河北工程大学以践行教书与育人、田间与课堂、理论与实践、科研与推广、创新与服务紧密结合为目的,创新农业硕士科技小院培养模式。实践研究表明,河北工程大学“科技小院”培养模式在提高研究生学习成效、实践能力及社会满意度等方面效果显著,在农业硕士高质量培养及助力乡村振兴战略具有较高的实践价值。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 科技小院 人才培养
作者 李赟 宁刚 +2 位作者 张宏彦 梁军 陈延玲 《智慧农业导刊》 2024年第10期177-180,共4页
针对农业专业学位研究生培养中面临学农不知农、学农不爱农的突出问题,青岛农业大学依托乐陵“科技小院”,以服务乡村振兴为目标,将农业专业学位研究生培养工作融入乡村产业、人才、生态、文化和组织振兴中,构建农业专业学位研究生培养... 针对农业专业学位研究生培养中面临学农不知农、学农不爱农的突出问题,青岛农业大学依托乐陵“科技小院”,以服务乡村振兴为目标,将农业专业学位研究生培养工作融入乡村产业、人才、生态、文化和组织振兴中,构建农业专业学位研究生培养赋能乡村振兴的教育新模式,有效提升农业专业学位研究生培养的实践能力和综合素质,为乡村人才振兴“输血”和“造血”,促进乡村振兴有效精准落地和人才培养质量的提高。 展开更多
关键词 科技小院 专业硕士 乡村振兴 人才培养 社会影响
作者 关海宁 刁小琴 +5 位作者 刘登勇 励建荣 李学鹏 仪淑敏 范金波 赵志南 《食品工业科技》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第14期371-377,共7页
培养高层次复合应用型专业学位硕士既是建设一流大学、一流学科的必然需要,也是主动服务乡村振兴战略实施的重要途径。食品专业作为发展“三农”成效的中坚力量,探究新时代“乡村振兴”背景下其专业型硕士研究生的协同培养机制就显得尤... 培养高层次复合应用型专业学位硕士既是建设一流大学、一流学科的必然需要,也是主动服务乡村振兴战略实施的重要途径。食品专业作为发展“三农”成效的中坚力量,探究新时代“乡村振兴”背景下其专业型硕士研究生的协同培养机制就显得尤为重要。依据高等教育改革的新要求以及全国农业专业学位研究生教育指导委员会对涉农专业硕士的指导要求,本文探究了食品类专业型硕士的协同培养机制,在分析当前专业型硕士培养的差异度与内涵建设促进途径的基础上,提出以“乡村振兴”为时代契机,是食品类专业型学位硕士培养实现“立地升华”的重要体现,并结合协同创新培养的途径,提出跨越式的“一三三”协同培养体系,同时进一步以“四化”为主线构建“实践驱动、多维融合、创新引领”的协同培养机制。该协同培养机制充分缔合了新时代下的教育资源,对发挥食品类专业型研究生的人力资源价值,完成助力乡村振兴,实现教育与社会多维化发展具有重要的时代意义。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 研究生教育 协同培养 创新机制 科技小院
作者 李明 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期16-25,共10页
习近平总书记给中国农业大学科技小院的同学们的回信充分肯定了科技小院探索形成的加快推进乡村人才振兴、培养知农爱农兴农的农业高层次应用型人才的“三位一体”的新模式,指明了科技小院为加快农业强国建设提供人才支撑的重要作用,高... 习近平总书记给中国农业大学科技小院的同学们的回信充分肯定了科技小院探索形成的加快推进乡村人才振兴、培养知农爱农兴农的农业高层次应用型人才的“三位一体”的新模式,指明了科技小院为加快农业强国建设提供人才支撑的重要作用,高度评价了科技小院的同学们的人生追求和道路选择,为新时代青年运动和青年发展指明了光明未来和正确方向,极大地鼓舞了新时代中国青年以“自找苦吃”的精神气质在乡村振兴的大舞台上建功立业,在新时代新征程为强国建设、民族复兴奉献青春力量。 展开更多
关键词 科技小院 强农兴农 青春力量
作者 赵宇轩 张凤 +2 位作者 周文强 宋力 张飞 《环境影响评价》 2024年第4期77-81,共5页
城镇污水处理厂排水水质直接影响受纳水体质量,通过提高污水处理厂排放标准改善水环境质量是最优路径。九龙坡区彩云湖污水处理厂位于城市核心区,兼具污水处理与为彩云湖桃花溪流域提供水源补给功能。根据“环境友好、土地集约、资源利... 城镇污水处理厂排水水质直接影响受纳水体质量,通过提高污水处理厂排放标准改善水环境质量是最优路径。九龙坡区彩云湖污水处理厂位于城市核心区,兼具污水处理与为彩云湖桃花溪流域提供水源补给功能。根据“环境友好、土地集约、资源利用”的花园式污水处理理念,选用食物链反应池(FCR)技术为主体工艺。工程建成投运后,出水稳定达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)Ⅳ类标准(TN除外),区域周边环境质量得到明显改善,对城市核心区污水处理厂建设具有借鉴及参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 污水处理厂 FCR工艺 邻避效应 城市核心区
作者 高伟 张靓婷 +3 位作者 张洪斌 段耀威 周义良 阮云泽 《高教学刊》 2024年第27期53-56,共4页
农业专业硕士是推动农业强国建设的重要人才支撑。该文探讨三螺旋模式在农业专业硕士研究生培养中的应用,并以乐东火龙果科技小院为例,分析其具体实施及效果。三螺旋模式强调政府、高校,企业的协同合作,以促进实践创新和服务社会经济发... 农业专业硕士是推动农业强国建设的重要人才支撑。该文探讨三螺旋模式在农业专业硕士研究生培养中的应用,并以乐东火龙果科技小院为例,分析其具体实施及效果。三螺旋模式强调政府、高校,企业的协同合作,以促进实践创新和服务社会经济发展。乐东火龙果科技小院通过这种模式,提供学生在生产一线的实践机会,使其理论与实践紧密结合。科技小院不仅可提升学生的综合能力,还可推动火龙果产业的发展,助力乡村振兴。尽管该模式取得显著成效,但仍需在课程设置、实践指导、论文形式等方面进一步优化。 展开更多
关键词 三螺旋理论 农业专业硕士 政产学研 乡村振兴 科技小院
作者 高杨超 李育川 +5 位作者 沈丽萍 李艳琼 张瑜瑜 于淑惠 王海英 刘贺 《现代农业研究》 2024年第9期105-109,共5页
本研究以2014—2023年间CNKI核心数据集中收录的科技小院相关研究文献作为数据基础,利用CiteSpace对科技小院在十年间的发展及存在的问题进行了分析。研究发现,科技小院目前主要在人才培养、农业增产增效及乡村振兴等方面起到举足轻重... 本研究以2014—2023年间CNKI核心数据集中收录的科技小院相关研究文献作为数据基础,利用CiteSpace对科技小院在十年间的发展及存在的问题进行了分析。研究发现,科技小院目前主要在人才培养、农业增产增效及乡村振兴等方面起到举足轻重的作用,但仍存在运营模式固化且研究方向及经费来源均较为单一、经验交流不足及传播范围不广等问题,针对这些问题,昆明学院将科技特派员制度、乡村振兴志愿服务与科技小院进行有机结合,以香格里拉奇异莓科技小院为核心,技术辐射小院周边农户、种植基地、企业等,以不同专业背景专家指导学生解决当地企业及农户面临的复杂多样化的问题,最终实现农户及企业增收,通过不同手段有效解决科技小院存在的上述问题。 展开更多
关键词 科技小院 乡村振兴 人才培养 科技特派员
作者 王佳鹿 斯琴 +1 位作者 樊成俊 王赟博 《草原与草业》 2024年第1期30-35,共6页
农业高等院校的专业硕士已经成为我国研究生教育体系的重要组成部分,肩负着农业现代化和农村发展的使命。以内蒙古农业大学草学方向农业硕士为例,从优化联合培养体系、改革培养管理模式和理念、完善产教结合的教学质量管理机制三个方面... 农业高等院校的专业硕士已经成为我国研究生教育体系的重要组成部分,肩负着农业现代化和农村发展的使命。以内蒙古农业大学草学方向农业硕士为例,从优化联合培养体系、改革培养管理模式和理念、完善产教结合的教学质量管理机制三个方面,构建农业专业硕士培养多级共育共管的管理模式;从研究生培养、创业与就业、社会服务三个方面总结多级共育共管模式下农业硕士的培养质量。为农业高等院校农业硕士培养提供改革思路,为农业硕士培养创新提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 农业高等院校 农业硕士 过程管理 科技小院
作者 王植 秦向阳 《现代农业科技》 2024年第8期189-193,共5页
作为科技赋能深入基层的物化载体,科技小院是探讨以科技激发乡村振兴内生动力问题的理想促进者。本文介绍了科技赋能理论研究概述,分析了科技小院赋能措施,并阐述了科技小院赋能启示,即尊重乡村振兴的发展逻辑与实践逻辑、人是一切的根... 作为科技赋能深入基层的物化载体,科技小院是探讨以科技激发乡村振兴内生动力问题的理想促进者。本文介绍了科技赋能理论研究概述,分析了科技小院赋能措施,并阐述了科技小院赋能启示,即尊重乡村振兴的发展逻辑与实践逻辑、人是一切的根源与关键、构建互利共赢的赋能体系、丰富科技小院的内涵成为可能,以期为科技赋能乡村振兴提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 科技赋能 科技小院 乡村振兴
Science and Technology Backyard: A novel approach to empower smallholder farmers for sustainable intensification of agriculture in China 被引量:15
作者 JIAO Xiao-qiang ZHANG Hong-yan +3 位作者 MA Wen-qi WANG Chong LI Xiao-lin ZHANG Fu-suo 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第8期1657-1666,共10页
Sustainable feeding of the growing population in China without ecological destabilization is a grand challenge. In this populous country where agriculture is dominated by smallholder farming, developing innovative tec... Sustainable feeding of the growing population in China without ecological destabilization is a grand challenge. In this populous country where agriculture is dominated by smallholder farming, developing innovative technology and translating scientific knowledge into action for smallholder farmers is a crucial step in addressing this challenge. Here, we present a novel approach for technology innovation and dissemination to achieve sustainable intensification in the fields of smallholder farmers. The Science and Technology Backyard(STB) is a hub in a rural area that links knowledge with practices to promote technology innovation and exchange. In this study, the framework and functions of STB are introduced, and the key implications for sustainable intensification across millions of smallholder farmers are explicitly stated:(i) develop innovative technology based on stated demands of farmers;(ii) disseminate technology by innovative social service models though combined top-down approaches with bottom-up measures to enable smallholders in rural areas. This paper provides a perspective on transformation of small-scale agriculture toward sustainable intensification in China and useful knowledge applicable to other developing countries. 展开更多
Prevalence and risk factors of avian influenza H9N2 among backyard birds in Iran in 2015
作者 Mohammad Hossein Fallah Mehrabadi Arash Ghalyanchilangeroudi +1 位作者 Mohammad Hasan Rabiee Farshad Tehrani 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2019年第12期559-564,共6页
Objective: To investigate the prevalence and the risk factors of H9 N2 avian influenza among backyard birds in Iran between October and November 2015. Methods: In this study, a total of 15 500 blood samples and 2 884 ... Objective: To investigate the prevalence and the risk factors of H9 N2 avian influenza among backyard birds in Iran between October and November 2015. Methods: In this study, a total of 15 500 blood samples and 2 884 cloacal swab samples of backyard birds were collected in villages of Iran between October and November 2015. Then, serum samples were examined with the hemagluttination inhibition test and cloacal swab samples were pooled together and examined by RT-PCR. The samples that had serological titer ≥ 4(log2) and villages that had at least one seropositive sample were considered positive.Results: Out of 559 villages, 526(94.10%) were seropositive for the infection. Among 15 500 serum samples, 7 468(48.18%) samples were seropositive for the infection. The seroprevalence according to species was 54.02% among chickens, 17.59 % among ducks, 18.73% among turkeys, 84.21% among pigeons and 12.15% among ostriches, partridges and pheasants. Based on molecular test, 3.04% villages were positive. The seroprevalence in hot and humid area was less than that in cold and humid area(P<0.05).Conclusions: H9 N2 avian influenza has high seroprevalence among backyard birds of Iran. Therefore, preventive measures such as biosecurity Practices and monitoring should be applied to reduce the prevalence. 展开更多
关键词 INFLUENZA H9N2 Iran backyard BIRDS
Serological survey of avian influenza virus infection of unvaccinated backyard chickens in Mandlhakazi,Southern Mozambique
作者 Paula Taunde Ana Felicidade Lucas +2 位作者 Abel Chilundo Rosa Costa Custodio Gabriel Bila 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2017年第8期686-688,共3页
To investigate serologically the presence of avian influenza virus (AIV) in backyard chickens from Mandlhakazi district, Southern Mozambique.MethodsA total of 439 sera samples from unvaccinated and apparently healthy ... To investigate serologically the presence of avian influenza virus (AIV) in backyard chickens from Mandlhakazi district, Southern Mozambique.MethodsA total of 439 sera samples from unvaccinated and apparently healthy backyard chickens from 4 villages (Chidenguele, Macuacua, Chizavane, and Nwadjahane) were tested for the presence of AIV antibodies through commercial enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) kit used according to manufacturer instructions.ResultsAnti-AIV antibodies were detected in all villages surveyed. The overall seroprevalence obtained was 32.6% (95% CI 28.2%-37.0%). The highest prevalence of 51.3% (95% CI 42.3%-60.2%) was recorded in Macuacua village, while the lowest prevalence of 13.0% (95% CI 6.2%-19.9%) was found in Chizavane village. The results of logistic regression analyses suggested that chicken being located in Chizavane and Macuacua villages were more unlikely for getting the virus exposure (P < 0.05).ConclusionsOur findings suggested that AIV is widespread within backyard chickens in the studied villages. Further research is needed to identify the circulating virus genotypes and determine the potential role of backyard chickens in the zoonotic transmission of AIV in Mozambique. 展开更多
关键词 Avian influenza virus SEROLOGY Prevalence backyard chicken Mozambique Africa
Phenotypic Characterization and Strategies for Genetic Improvement of WAD Goats under Backyard Systems
作者 S. O. Oseni B. A. Ajayi 《Open Journal of Animal Sciences》 2014年第5期253-262,共10页
West African Dwarf (WAD) goats represent one of the predominant small ruminant breeds raised by resource-limited households in southern Nigeria as well as in the humid west and central Africa. This breed of goats is r... West African Dwarf (WAD) goats represent one of the predominant small ruminant breeds raised by resource-limited households in southern Nigeria as well as in the humid west and central Africa. This breed of goats is renowned for its adaptation to hot and humid environments, high fertility and prolificacy under backyard systems where they are raised almost with zero investment. On account of its contributions to household income and food security in southern Nigeria, there is the need for a detailed phenotypic and genetic characterization as well as the design of breeding strategies for its conservation through sustainable utilization. A critical challenge, however, is that there are no national breeding policies in most of the countries where WAD goats are raised. The objectives of this paper are: to review literature reports on trait-level information and estimates of genetic parameters for some economic characters of WAD goats;and to discuss a communal breeding scheme for its conservation through sustainable utilization. The presentation shows that WAD goats represent a highly diverse population, with particular reference to qualitative and performance-related traits, reflecting the role of traditional institutions in the maintenance of animal diversity in local populations. A genetic improvement programme involving dispersed open nucleus breeding scheme was discussed. The scheme involves backyard WAD goat units in villages as base population and dispersed communally managed schemes that maintain a population of bucks only, as nucleus units. Critical issues such as the definition of breeding goals by farmers, as well as communal project ownership, are emphasized. The ultimate goal of the breeding programme is to create opportunities for community-based management of WAD goat genetic resources for the benefit of backyard goat farmers in the region. 展开更多
关键词 WAD Goats Characterization Trait-Level Information Genetic Improvement COMMUNAL Breeding Scheme backyard SYSTEMS
Utilization of Urine for Cultivation of Selected Vegetable Crops in Backyard “Peeponics”
作者 Mumuni Adejumo Chukwudike Igwe Mynepalli Kameswara Chandra Sridhar 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2019年第1期22-38,共17页
This study evaluated the use of urine for soilless cultivation (as Peeponics) of Amaranthus viridis and Corchorus olitorius vegetables. This is a laboratory-based experiment involving optimization of amount of urine a... This study evaluated the use of urine for soilless cultivation (as Peeponics) of Amaranthus viridis and Corchorus olitorius vegetables. This is a laboratory-based experiment involving optimization of amount of urine and dilution required for optimal growth of the test plants. Based on laboratory results, the experiments were scaled up. About 50 L of raw urine was collected from a male postgraduate student’s hall of residence, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Water from Awba Dam, a natural lake within University of Ibadan, was used as the control. Viable seeds of Amaranthus viridis and Corchorus olitorius were collected from Department of Agronomy, University of Ibadan, and germinated in a nursery for 10 days before transplanting. The raw urine was diluted with varying amount of water in the ratio 1:1 through 1:50. Nutrients in urine media (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and biomass indicators of plant growth (height, weight, number of leaves and leaf area) were determined using standard procedures. Urine dilution ratios below 1:25 did not support the experimental plants growth within a week. Plant height (cm), stem girth (cm), number of leaves (sheets) and leaf area (cm2) of Amaranthus viridis and Corchorus olitorius cultivated on Urine Dilution Ratio (UDR) 1:35 and 1:45 were higher at the end of week 3 compared to other dilutions and control. Percentage reduction of nutrients (NPK) in the media of Amaranthus viridis cultivated on UDR 1:45 was several folds higher (N = 59.9%, P = 100%, K = 55.3%) compared to that of UDR 1:35 (N = 38.5%, P = 49.1%, K = 37.6%). In the control water, the nutrients were totally removed during the experimental period. Growth of Corchorus olitorius cultivated on both UDR 1:35 and 1:45, was significantly higher at the end of week 6. A significant negative correlation was observed between Corchorus olitorius plant height and Phosphorus (r = -0.0418;p < 0.05) removal in the media. The study concluded that the use of diluted human urine for soilless cultivation of vegetables, if encouraged, could promote food security and environmental sustainability at household level in communities. 展开更多
关键词 Human URINE NPK AMARANTHUS VIRIDIS Corchorus olitorius Peeponics backyard GARDENING
Biosecurity Practices and Geospatial Map of Ontario Backyard Poultry Flocks
作者 Jean Marie Buregeya Scott McEwen +2 位作者 John Neil Tom Baker Gwen Kerry Zellen 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第12期694-701,共8页
The CFO (Chicken Farmers of Ontario) has taken important steps to increase biosecurity practices within backyard poultry flocks in order to thwart infectious diseases. The present study originally intended to descri... The CFO (Chicken Farmers of Ontario) has taken important steps to increase biosecurity practices within backyard poultry flocks in order to thwart infectious diseases. The present study originally intended to describe biosecurity practices within this milieu, so as to determine their nearest neighbor and density, as well as the average distance between backyard and commercial broiler flocks. To that effect, paper questionnaire and survey interviews were used (May-July, 2011), while backyard and commercial broiler chicken flocks were geocoded. The response rates collected from the study produced these findings regarding: growers' health practices toward flocks, hygienic precautions relative to the production area, regularity of bird inspection and cleaning after each folk, protocol used to dispose of dead birds, mixing (or lack thereof) of flocks with other livestock, as well as the average distance between small flocks and commercial farms. The study concludes that education material should focus on improving the growers' understanding of issues examined in the study, focusing on areas of weakness in respect to biosecurity practices. 展开更多
关键词 backyard flocks BIOSECURITY infectious diseases Ontario poultry.
城市基础设施的新日常 被引量:7
作者 章明 莫羚卉子 《园林》 2023年第3期21-28,共8页
城市市政基础设施建设常伴随着对“邻避效应”的隐忧。在保证基础设施基本功能良好运转的前提下,将其转化为城市空间的积极组成部分来共同承载城市居民的日常活动正成为解决该问题的有效方式。通过分析国内外此类城市基础设施建设案例,... 城市市政基础设施建设常伴随着对“邻避效应”的隐忧。在保证基础设施基本功能良好运转的前提下,将其转化为城市空间的积极组成部分来共同承载城市居民的日常活动正成为解决该问题的有效方式。通过分析国内外此类城市基础设施建设案例,提出实践中多方协同的机制构建、功能叠合的空间设计、城市文化的回应与延续三个重要方向,形成了“城市基础设施的新日常”的概念,并指出“设施的基本功能”与“公众的日常活动”并重是其主要特征。在此基础上,进一步结合对“新日常”实现要素的分析,总结出在实践中所遇到的难题和应对的新方法,以期为城市建设的高品质发展提供方向性参考。 展开更多
关键词 城市基础设施 邻避效应 日常生活 新日常 多方协同 功能叠合 城市文化
畜牧专业型硕士研究生“科技小院”建设的研究 被引量:3
作者 符翔 李静 +3 位作者 吕景智 唐志如 范成莉 杨震国 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2023年第2期105-110,共6页
在总结畜牧专业硕士研究生在培养过程中存在问题的基础上,简述涉农“科技小院”建设的背景与成效,畜牧专业硕士“科技小院”的模式、功能以及制约畜牧专业硕士“科技小院”建设的因素,并提出了加强畜牧专业硕士“科技小院”建设的举措建... 在总结畜牧专业硕士研究生在培养过程中存在问题的基础上,简述涉农“科技小院”建设的背景与成效,畜牧专业硕士“科技小院”的模式、功能以及制约畜牧专业硕士“科技小院”建设的因素,并提出了加强畜牧专业硕士“科技小院”建设的举措建议.畜牧专业硕士“科技小院”的建设加强了对畜牧专业硕士研究生实践能力的培养教育,有助于推动畜牧业健康、可持续、高质量发展,为实现乡村振兴注入新的动力. 展开更多
关键词 畜牧 养殖业 科技小院 硕士研究生
乡村振兴战略下科技小院建设实践与发展策略研究 被引量:5
作者 王星星 《山东农业工程学院学报》 2023年第3期37-41,共5页
科技小院是新时期科技兴农、服务乡村振兴的平台和抓手,在推动农业科技创新、农技示范推广、产业提质增效、人才创新培养等方面发挥着重要作用。但目前科技小院建设尚未达到成熟期,在政策引导、管理机制、示范推广等方面受到制约,成为... 科技小院是新时期科技兴农、服务乡村振兴的平台和抓手,在推动农业科技创新、农技示范推广、产业提质增效、人才创新培养等方面发挥着重要作用。但目前科技小院建设尚未达到成熟期,在政策引导、管理机制、示范推广等方面受到制约,成为了理论和实践中需要解决的问题。文章研究阐述了科技小院建设背景及运行方式,采用多案例法分析总结了国内科技小院运行经验和成效,探讨归纳科技小院面临的共性问题和制约因素,在此基础上提出加强政策引导和支持、提升农民的认知度和参与度、探索并提出了完善运营管理机制等有利于科技小院建设发展的建议。 展开更多
关键词 科技小院 建设成效 制约因素 乡村振兴
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