The existence of high-density bedding planes is a typical characteristic of shale oil reservoirs.Understanding the behavior of hydraulic fracturing in high-density laminated rocks is significant for promoting shale oi...The existence of high-density bedding planes is a typical characteristic of shale oil reservoirs.Understanding the behavior of hydraulic fracturing in high-density laminated rocks is significant for promoting shale oil production.In this study,a hydraulic fracturing model considering tensile failure and frictional slip of the bedding planes is established within the framework of the unified pipe-interface element method(UP-IEM).The model developed for simulating the interaction between the hydraulic fracture and the bedding plane is validated by comparison with experimental results.The hydraulic fracturing patterns in sealed and unsealed bedding planes are compared.Additionally,the effects of differential stress,bedding plane permeability,spacing,and the friction coefficient of the bedding plane are investigated.The results showed that a single main fracture crossing the bedding planes is more likely to form in sealed bedding planes under high differential stress.The decrease in bedding plane permeability and the increase in the friction coefficient also promote the fracture propagating perpendicular to the bedding planes.Shale with high-density bedding planes has a poorer fracturing effect than that with low-density bedding planes,as the hydraulic fracture is prone to initiate and propagate along the bedding planes.Moreover,higher injection pressure is needed to maintain fracture propagation along the bedding.An increase in bedding density will lead to a smaller fracturing area.Fracturing fluid seepage into the bedding planes slows shale fracturing.It is recommended that increasing the injection flow rate,selecting alternative fracturing fluids,and employing multi-well/multi-cluster fracturing may be efficient methods to improve energy production in shale oil reservoirs.展开更多
Diagenesis exerts an important control on porosity evolution,and research of diagenesis and diagenetic minerals provides insights into reservoir quality evaluation and CO_(2) storage.Thin section,XRD(X-ray diffraction...Diagenesis exerts an important control on porosity evolution,and research of diagenesis and diagenetic minerals provides insights into reservoir quality evaluation and CO_(2) storage.Thin section,XRD(X-ray diffraction),CT(Computed Tomography),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),and NMR(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)tests were used to investigate composition,texture,pore spaces,and diagenesis of sandstones in Paleogene Dongying Formation in Bohai Bay Basin,China,with special aims to unravel diagentic dissolution along bedding planes.The oversized pores,remnants in feldspar-hosted pores,and kaolinite within feldspar grains indicate a high degree of dissolution the framework grains experienced during burial.The CO_(2)-rich or organic acids are responsible for the feldspar dissolution.Grain size plays the primary role in enhancing bedding dissolution process,and bedding planes in fine-medium grained sandstones with high content of feldspars are frequently enlarged by dissolution.The CT scanning image confirms dissolution pores are distributed discontinuously along the bedding planes.The dissolution pores along bedding planes have large pore size,and correspond to the right peak of the bi-modal T_(2)(transverse relaxation time)spectrum.The laminated sandstones and siltstones,or sandstones with cross beddings help improve framework grain dissolution.These new findings help improve the understanding of diagenetic models,and have implications in reservoir quality prediction and resource assessments in sandstones.展开更多
Unconventional resources like shale gas has been the focus of intense research and development for two decades. Apart from intrinsic geologic factors that control the gas shale productivity (e.g. organic matter conten...Unconventional resources like shale gas has been the focus of intense research and development for two decades. Apart from intrinsic geologic factors that control the gas shale productivity (e.g. organic matter content, bedding planes, natural fractures, porosity and stress regime among others), external factors like wellbore orientation and stimulation design play a role. In this study, we present a series of true triaxial hydraulic fracturing experiments conducted on Lushan shale to investigate the interplay of internal factors (bedding, natural fractures and in situ stress) and external factors (wellbore orientation) on the growth process of fracture networks in cubic specimens of 200 mm in length. We observe relatively low breakdown pressure and fracture propagation pressure as the wellbore orientation and/or the maximum in situ stress is subparallel to the shale bedding plane. The wellbore orientation has a more prominent effect on the breakdown pressure, but its effect is tapered with increasing angle of bedding inclination. The shale breakdown is followed by an abrupt response in sample displacement, which reflects the stimulated fracture volume. Based on fluid tracer analysis, the morphology of hydraulic fractures (HF) is divided into four categories. Among the categories, activation of bedding planes (bedding failure, BF) and natural fractures (NF) significantly increase bifurcation and fractured areas. Under the same stress regime, a horizontal wellbore is more favorable to enhance the complexity of hydraulic fracture networks. This is attributed to the relatively large surface area in contact with the bedding plane for the horizontal borehole compared to the case with a vertical wellbore. These findings provide important references for hydraulic fracturing design in shale reservoirs.展开更多
To effectively simulate the fracture propagation in shale,the bedding plane(BP)effect is incorporated into the augmented virtual internal bond(AVIB)constitutive relation through BP tensor.Comparing the BP-embedded AVI...To effectively simulate the fracture propagation in shale,the bedding plane(BP)effect is incorporated into the augmented virtual internal bond(AVIB)constitutive relation through BP tensor.Comparing the BP-embedded AVIB with the theory of transverse isotropy,it is found the approach can represent the anisotropic properties induced by parallel BPs.Through the simulation example,it is found that this method can simulate the stiffness anisotropy of shale and can represent the effect of BPs on hydraulic fracture propagation direction.Compared with the BP-embedded virtual internal bond(VIB),this method can account for the various Poisson’s ratio.It provides a feasible approach to simulate the fracture propagation in shale.展开更多
Weak structural plane deformation is responsible for the non-uniform large deformation disasters in layered rock tunnels,resulting in steel arch distortion and secondary lining cracking.In this study,a servo biaxial t...Weak structural plane deformation is responsible for the non-uniform large deformation disasters in layered rock tunnels,resulting in steel arch distortion and secondary lining cracking.In this study,a servo biaxial testing system was employed to conduct physical modeling tests on layered rock tunnels with bedding planes of varying dip angles.The influence of structural anisotropy in layered rocks on the micro displacement and strain field of surrounding rocks was analyzed using digital image correlation(DIC)technology.The spatiotemporal evolution of non-uniform deformation of surrounding rocks was investigated,and numerical simulation was performed to verify the experimental results.The findings indicate that the displacement and strain field of the surrounding layered rocks are all maximized at the horizontal bedding planes and decrease linearly with the increasing dip angle.The failure of the layered surrounding rock with different dip angles occurs and extends along the bedding planes.Compressive strain failure occurs after excavation under high horizontal stress.This study provides significant theoretical support for the analysis,prediction,and control of non-uniform deformation of tunnel surrounding rocks.展开更多
To investigate the height growth of multi-cluster fractures during variable fluid-viscosity fracturing in a layered shale oil reservoir,a two-dimensional finite element method(FEM)-discrete fracture network(DFN)model ...To investigate the height growth of multi-cluster fractures during variable fluid-viscosity fracturing in a layered shale oil reservoir,a two-dimensional finite element method(FEM)-discrete fracture network(DFN)model coupled with flow,stress and damage is proposed.A traction-separation law is used to describe the mixed-mode response of the damaged adhesive fractures,and the cubic law is used to describe the fluid flow within the fractures.The rock deformation is controlled by the in-situ stress,fracture cohesion and fluid pressure on the hydraulic fracture surface.The coupled finite element equations are solved by the explicit time difference method.The effects of the fracturing treatment parameters including fluid viscosity,pumping rate and cluster spacing on the geometries of multifractures are investigated.The results show that variable fluid-viscosity injection can improve the complexity of the fracture network and height of the main fractures simultaneously.The pumping rate of15 m^(3)/min,variable fluid-viscosity of 3-9-21-36-45 mPa s with a cluster spacing of 7.5 m is the ideal treatment strategy.The field application shows that the peak daily production of the application well with the optimized injection procedu re of variable fluid-viscosity fracturing is 171 tons(about 2.85 times that of the adjacent well),which is the highest daily production record of a single shale oil well in China,marking a strategic breakthrough of commercial shale oil production in the Jiyang Depression,Shengli Oilfield.The variable fluid-viscosity fracturing technique is proved to be very effective for improving shale oil production.展开更多
Steel mesh is used as a passive skin confinement medium to supplement the active support provided by rock bolts for roof and rib control in underground coal mines. Thin spray-on liners(TSL) are believed to have the po...Steel mesh is used as a passive skin confinement medium to supplement the active support provided by rock bolts for roof and rib control in underground coal mines. Thin spray-on liners(TSL) are believed to have the potential to take the place of steel mesh as the skin confinement medium in underground mines.To confirm this belief, large scale laboratory experiments were conducted to compare the behaviour of welded steel mesh and a TSL, when used in conjunction with rock bolts, in reinforcing strata with weak bedding planes and strata prone to guttering, two common rock conditions which exist in coal mines. It was found that while the peak load taken by the simulated rock mass with weak bedding planes acting as the control sample(no skin confinement) was 2494 kN, the corresponding value of the sample with 5 mm thick TSL reinforcement reached 2856 kN. The peak load of the steel mesh reinforced sample was only2321 kN, but this was attributed to the fact that one of the rock bolts broke during the test. The TSL reinforced sample had a similar post-yield behaviour as the steel mesh reinforced one. The results of the large scale guttering test indicated that a TSL is better than steel mesh in restricting rock movement and thus inhibiting the formation of gutters in the roof.展开更多
In th is study, th e m eso-failure m ech an ism an d fracture surface o f Jinping m arble w ere investigated bym ean s o f scanning electro n m icroscope (SEM) w ith ben d in g loading system and laser-scanner equip...In th is study, th e m eso-failure m ech an ism an d fracture surface o f Jinping m arble w ere investigated bym ean s o f scanning electro n m icroscope (SEM) w ith ben d in g loading system and laser-scanner equipment. The Y antang an d B aishan m arbles specim ens from Jinping II hyd ro p o w er sta tio n w ere used. Testresu lts show th a t th e fracture to u g h n ess and m echanical behaviors o f Y antang m arble w ere basicallyh ig h er th a n th o se o f Baishan m arble. This is m ainly d u e to th e fact th a t Baishan m arble co n tain s a largep ercen tag e o f d o lom ite an d m in o r mica. Crack pro p ag atio n p a th and fracture m orphology in d icated th a tth e d irection o f ten sile stress has a significant effect on th e m echanical behaviors an d fracture toughnesso f B aishan m arble. For Yantang an d B aishan m arbles, a large n u m b e r o f m icrocracks a ro u n d th e m aincrack tip w ere observed w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress w as parallel to th e bed d in g plane.C onversely, few m icrocracks o ccurred w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress w as p erp en d icu lar to th ebed d in g plane. The presen ce o f a large n u m b e r o f m icrocracks a t th e m ain crack tip d ecreased th e globalfracture to u g h n ess o f m arble. The results o f th re e -p o in t ben d in g te sts show ed th a t th e average bearingcapacity o f intact m arble is 3.4 tim es th e notch ed m arble, b u t th e ductility p ro p e rty o f th e defectivem arble afte r p eak load is b e tte r th a n th a t o f th e intact m arble. H ence, large d efo rm atio n m ay beg en erated before failure o f in tact m arbles a t Jinping II h y d ro p o w er station. The fractal d im en sio n o ffracture surface w as also calculated by th e cube covering m eth o d . O bservational resu lt show ed th a t th elargest fractal dim en sio n o f Y antang m arble is cap tu red w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress is parallel toth e bedding plane. H ow ever, th e fractal d im en sio n o f fracture surface o f Yantang an d Baishan m arblesw ith ten sile stress vertical to th e bed d in g plane is relatively sm all. The fractal d im en sio n can also be usedto characterize th e ro ughness o f fracture surface o f rock m aterials.展开更多
Rockburst is one of the major disasters in deep underground rock mechanics and engineering.The precursors of rockbursts play important roles in rockburst prediction.Strainburst experiments were performed under double-...Rockburst is one of the major disasters in deep underground rock mechanics and engineering.The precursors of rockbursts play important roles in rockburst prediction.Strainburst experiments were performed under double-face unloading on sandstone with horizontal bedding planes using an independently designed rockburst testing facility.P-wave propagation time during the tests was automatically recorded by the acoustic emission apparatus.The P-wave velocities were calculated in both two directions to analyze their patterns.To find a characteristic precursor for rockburst,the dynamic evolution of rock anisotropy during the rockburst test is quantified by the anisotropic coefficient k,defined as the ratio of the two P-wave velocities in the directions vertical to and parallel to the bedding planes.The results show that rockburst occurs on the two free surfaces asynchronously.The rockburst failure occurs in the following order:crack generation,rock peeling,particle ejection,and rock fracture.In the process of rockburst under double-face unloading,the potential evolution characteristics of anisotropy can be generalized as anisotropy-isotropy-anisotropy.The suddenly unloading induces damage in the rock and presents anisotropic coefficient k steeply increasing departing from one,i.e.,isotropy.The rocks with horizontal bedding planes will reach the isotropic state before rockburst,which could be considered as a characteristic precursor of this kind of rockburst.展开更多
In this study,the moment tensor of transversely isotropic shale was analyzed using a discrete element method-acoustic emission model(DEM-AE model).Firstly,the failure modes of the shale obtained from the acoustic emis...In this study,the moment tensor of transversely isotropic shale was analyzed using a discrete element method-acoustic emission model(DEM-AE model).Firstly,the failure modes of the shale obtained from the acoustic emission(AE) events and physical experiments were compared.Secondly,the relationships between AE events and seismic magnitudes,and AE events and the resulting cracks were analyzed.Finally,a moment tensor T-k chart describing the seismic source was introduced to demonstrate the differences in the transversely isotropic shale.The results showed that,for different anisotropy angles,a linear logarithmic relationship existed between the cumulative AE events and the seismic magnitude in the concentration area of the AE events.A normal distribution was observed for the number of AE events as the seismic magnitude changed from small to large.The moment tensor T-k chart indicated that the number and proportion of linear tension cracks in the shale were highest.When θ = 30°,the peak seismic magnitude was at a minimum.The average seismic magnitude in the concentration area of the AE events was also relatively small.Points close to the U=-1/3V line and the number of cracks included in a single AE event were at a minimum,and the corresponding peak stress also reached its lowest level.In contrast,when θ=90°,all related parameters were contrary to the above θ = 30° case.The DEM-AE model and the moment tensor T-k chart are suitable for analyzing the distribution of shale cracks appearing during the loading process.This study can provide constructive references for future research on the fracturing treatment of shale.展开更多
In order to effectively control the deformation and failure of surrounding rocks in a coal roadway in a deep tectonic region, the deformation and failure mechanism and stability control mechanism were studied. With su...In order to effectively control the deformation and failure of surrounding rocks in a coal roadway in a deep tectonic region, the deformation and failure mechanism and stability control mechanism were studied. With such methods as numerical simulation and field testing, the distribution law of the displacement, stress and plastic zone in the surrounding rocks was analyzed. The deformation and failure mechanisms of coal roadways in deep tectonic areas were revealed: under high tectonic stress, two sides will slide along the roof or floor; while the plastic zone of the two sides will extend along the roof or floor,leading to more serious deformation and failure in the corner of two sides and the bolt supporting the corners is readily cut off by the shear force or tension force. Aimed at controlling the large slippage deformation of the two sides, serious deformation and failure in the corners of the two sides and massive bolt breakage, a ‘‘controlling and yielding coupling support'' control technology is proposed. Firstly, bolts which do not pass through the bedding plane should be used in the corners of the roadway, allowing the two sides to have some degree of sliding to achieve the purpose of ‘‘yielding'' support, and which avoid breakage of the bolts in the corner. After yielding support, bolts in the corner of the roadway and which pass through the bedding plane should be used to control the deformation and failure of the coal in the corner. ‘‘Controlling and yielding coupling support'' technology has been successfully applied in engineering practice, and the stability of deep coal roadway has been greatly improved.展开更多
Study on failure of soft stratum of roller compacted concrete (RCC) is an important aspect of stability of high RCC dam. Six kinds of specimens with different interfaces were investigated by wedge splitting method. Do...Study on failure of soft stratum of roller compacted concrete (RCC) is an important aspect of stability of high RCC dam. Six kinds of specimens with different interfaces were investigated by wedge splitting method. Double-K fracture parameters (initial fracture parameter and unsteady fracture parameter) were calculated by the concrete double-K fracture theory. It is indicated that the approach of construction joint or old joint after RCC final set is the most efficient among the six cases, and its fracture parameter is the largest among them. Its propagation path is sinuous. Its failure surface is scraggly. Bedding plane crack fails at the underside of the concrete surface, bond course or the surface between them for each approach. So disturbance on the underside of the concrete surface should be avoided or decreased at best during RCC construction.展开更多
Because of high cost and pollution of oil-based drilling fluid,the water-based drilling fluid is increasingly used now.However,bedding planes and micro-cracks are rich in shale formation.When water-based drilling flui...Because of high cost and pollution of oil-based drilling fluid,the water-based drilling fluid is increasingly used now.However,bedding planes and micro-cracks are rich in shale formation.When water-based drilling fluid contacts formation rock,it causes the propagation of crack and invasion of drilling fluid,which decrease shale strength and cause wellbore instability.In this paper,we analyzed influence of water-based drilling fluid on shale strength and failure mode by mechanics experiment.Based on those experimental results,considering the effect of bedding plane and drilling time,we established modeling of wellbore stability for shale formation.The result from this model indicates that in certain azimuth of horizontal well,collapsing pressure increases dramatically due to shale failure along with bedding plane.In drilling operation,those azimuths are supposed to be avoided.This model is applicable for predication of collapsing pressure in shale formation and offers reference for choosing suitable mud weight.展开更多
基金The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support from Key Laboratory of Deep Earth Science and Engineering(Sichuan University),Ministry of Education(DESE202202,H.Y)State Energy Center for Shale Oil Research and Development(33550000-22-ZC0613-0365,H.Y)+2 种基金National Natural Science Foundation of China(42307209,X.Y)China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2022M712425,X.Y)Shanghai Pujiang Program(2022PJD076,X.Y).
文摘The existence of high-density bedding planes is a typical characteristic of shale oil reservoirs.Understanding the behavior of hydraulic fracturing in high-density laminated rocks is significant for promoting shale oil production.In this study,a hydraulic fracturing model considering tensile failure and frictional slip of the bedding planes is established within the framework of the unified pipe-interface element method(UP-IEM).The model developed for simulating the interaction between the hydraulic fracture and the bedding plane is validated by comparison with experimental results.The hydraulic fracturing patterns in sealed and unsealed bedding planes are compared.Additionally,the effects of differential stress,bedding plane permeability,spacing,and the friction coefficient of the bedding plane are investigated.The results showed that a single main fracture crossing the bedding planes is more likely to form in sealed bedding planes under high differential stress.The decrease in bedding plane permeability and the increase in the friction coefficient also promote the fracture propagating perpendicular to the bedding planes.Shale with high-density bedding planes has a poorer fracturing effect than that with low-density bedding planes,as the hydraulic fracture is prone to initiate and propagate along the bedding planes.Moreover,higher injection pressure is needed to maintain fracture propagation along the bedding.An increase in bedding density will lead to a smaller fracturing area.Fracturing fluid seepage into the bedding planes slows shale fracturing.It is recommended that increasing the injection flow rate,selecting alternative fracturing fluids,and employing multi-well/multi-cluster fracturing may be efficient methods to improve energy production in shale oil reservoirs.
基金supported by Natural Science Foundation of Beijing(No.8204069)Science Foundation of China University of Petroleum,Beijing(No.2462021YXZZ003).
文摘Diagenesis exerts an important control on porosity evolution,and research of diagenesis and diagenetic minerals provides insights into reservoir quality evaluation and CO_(2) storage.Thin section,XRD(X-ray diffraction),CT(Computed Tomography),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),and NMR(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)tests were used to investigate composition,texture,pore spaces,and diagenesis of sandstones in Paleogene Dongying Formation in Bohai Bay Basin,China,with special aims to unravel diagentic dissolution along bedding planes.The oversized pores,remnants in feldspar-hosted pores,and kaolinite within feldspar grains indicate a high degree of dissolution the framework grains experienced during burial.The CO_(2)-rich or organic acids are responsible for the feldspar dissolution.Grain size plays the primary role in enhancing bedding dissolution process,and bedding planes in fine-medium grained sandstones with high content of feldspars are frequently enlarged by dissolution.The CT scanning image confirms dissolution pores are distributed discontinuously along the bedding planes.The dissolution pores along bedding planes have large pore size,and correspond to the right peak of the bi-modal T_(2)(transverse relaxation time)spectrum.The laminated sandstones and siltstones,or sandstones with cross beddings help improve framework grain dissolution.These new findings help improve the understanding of diagenetic models,and have implications in reservoir quality prediction and resource assessments in sandstones.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.52064006 and 52004072)It was.also supported by the program(Grant No.202006050112)of China Scholarship Council(CSC)for the first author's visit at the Helm-holtz Centre Potsdam,GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.
文摘Unconventional resources like shale gas has been the focus of intense research and development for two decades. Apart from intrinsic geologic factors that control the gas shale productivity (e.g. organic matter content, bedding planes, natural fractures, porosity and stress regime among others), external factors like wellbore orientation and stimulation design play a role. In this study, we present a series of true triaxial hydraulic fracturing experiments conducted on Lushan shale to investigate the interplay of internal factors (bedding, natural fractures and in situ stress) and external factors (wellbore orientation) on the growth process of fracture networks in cubic specimens of 200 mm in length. We observe relatively low breakdown pressure and fracture propagation pressure as the wellbore orientation and/or the maximum in situ stress is subparallel to the shale bedding plane. The wellbore orientation has a more prominent effect on the breakdown pressure, but its effect is tapered with increasing angle of bedding inclination. The shale breakdown is followed by an abrupt response in sample displacement, which reflects the stimulated fracture volume. Based on fluid tracer analysis, the morphology of hydraulic fractures (HF) is divided into four categories. Among the categories, activation of bedding planes (bedding failure, BF) and natural fractures (NF) significantly increase bifurcation and fractured areas. Under the same stress regime, a horizontal wellbore is more favorable to enhance the complexity of hydraulic fracture networks. This is attributed to the relatively large surface area in contact with the bedding plane for the horizontal borehole compared to the case with a vertical wellbore. These findings provide important references for hydraulic fracturing design in shale reservoirs.
基金This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant 11772190),which is gratefully acknowledged.
文摘To effectively simulate the fracture propagation in shale,the bedding plane(BP)effect is incorporated into the augmented virtual internal bond(AVIB)constitutive relation through BP tensor.Comparing the BP-embedded AVIB with the theory of transverse isotropy,it is found the approach can represent the anisotropic properties induced by parallel BPs.Through the simulation example,it is found that this method can simulate the stiffness anisotropy of shale and can represent the effect of BPs on hydraulic fracture propagation direction.Compared with the BP-embedded virtual internal bond(VIB),this method can account for the various Poisson’s ratio.It provides a feasible approach to simulate the fracture propagation in shale.
基金support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.42207199)Zhejiang Provincial Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant Nos.ZJ2022155 and ZJ2022156).
文摘Weak structural plane deformation is responsible for the non-uniform large deformation disasters in layered rock tunnels,resulting in steel arch distortion and secondary lining cracking.In this study,a servo biaxial testing system was employed to conduct physical modeling tests on layered rock tunnels with bedding planes of varying dip angles.The influence of structural anisotropy in layered rocks on the micro displacement and strain field of surrounding rocks was analyzed using digital image correlation(DIC)technology.The spatiotemporal evolution of non-uniform deformation of surrounding rocks was investigated,and numerical simulation was performed to verify the experimental results.The findings indicate that the displacement and strain field of the surrounding layered rocks are all maximized at the horizontal bedding planes and decrease linearly with the increasing dip angle.The failure of the layered surrounding rock with different dip angles occurs and extends along the bedding planes.Compressive strain failure occurs after excavation under high horizontal stress.This study provides significant theoretical support for the analysis,prediction,and control of non-uniform deformation of tunnel surrounding rocks.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.52192622,51874253,U20A202)
文摘To investigate the height growth of multi-cluster fractures during variable fluid-viscosity fracturing in a layered shale oil reservoir,a two-dimensional finite element method(FEM)-discrete fracture network(DFN)model coupled with flow,stress and damage is proposed.A traction-separation law is used to describe the mixed-mode response of the damaged adhesive fractures,and the cubic law is used to describe the fluid flow within the fractures.The rock deformation is controlled by the in-situ stress,fracture cohesion and fluid pressure on the hydraulic fracture surface.The coupled finite element equations are solved by the explicit time difference method.The effects of the fracturing treatment parameters including fluid viscosity,pumping rate and cluster spacing on the geometries of multifractures are investigated.The results show that variable fluid-viscosity injection can improve the complexity of the fracture network and height of the main fractures simultaneously.The pumping rate of15 m^(3)/min,variable fluid-viscosity of 3-9-21-36-45 mPa s with a cluster spacing of 7.5 m is the ideal treatment strategy.The field application shows that the peak daily production of the application well with the optimized injection procedu re of variable fluid-viscosity fracturing is 171 tons(about 2.85 times that of the adjacent well),which is the highest daily production record of a single shale oil well in China,marking a strategic breakthrough of commercial shale oil production in the Jiyang Depression,Shengli Oilfield.The variable fluid-viscosity fracturing technique is proved to be very effective for improving shale oil production.
文摘Steel mesh is used as a passive skin confinement medium to supplement the active support provided by rock bolts for roof and rib control in underground coal mines. Thin spray-on liners(TSL) are believed to have the potential to take the place of steel mesh as the skin confinement medium in underground mines.To confirm this belief, large scale laboratory experiments were conducted to compare the behaviour of welded steel mesh and a TSL, when used in conjunction with rock bolts, in reinforcing strata with weak bedding planes and strata prone to guttering, two common rock conditions which exist in coal mines. It was found that while the peak load taken by the simulated rock mass with weak bedding planes acting as the control sample(no skin confinement) was 2494 kN, the corresponding value of the sample with 5 mm thick TSL reinforcement reached 2856 kN. The peak load of the steel mesh reinforced sample was only2321 kN, but this was attributed to the fact that one of the rock bolts broke during the test. The TSL reinforced sample had a similar post-yield behaviour as the steel mesh reinforced one. The results of the large scale guttering test indicated that a TSL is better than steel mesh in restricting rock movement and thus inhibiting the formation of gutters in the roof.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51374215)Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation (No. 142018)+1 种基金Beijing Major Scientific and Technological Achievements into Ground Cultivation Project, the 111 Project (B14006)the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China (No. 201030)
文摘In th is study, th e m eso-failure m ech an ism an d fracture surface o f Jinping m arble w ere investigated bym ean s o f scanning electro n m icroscope (SEM) w ith ben d in g loading system and laser-scanner equipment. The Y antang an d B aishan m arbles specim ens from Jinping II hyd ro p o w er sta tio n w ere used. Testresu lts show th a t th e fracture to u g h n ess and m echanical behaviors o f Y antang m arble w ere basicallyh ig h er th a n th o se o f Baishan m arble. This is m ainly d u e to th e fact th a t Baishan m arble co n tain s a largep ercen tag e o f d o lom ite an d m in o r mica. Crack pro p ag atio n p a th and fracture m orphology in d icated th a tth e d irection o f ten sile stress has a significant effect on th e m echanical behaviors an d fracture toughnesso f B aishan m arble. For Yantang an d B aishan m arbles, a large n u m b e r o f m icrocracks a ro u n d th e m aincrack tip w ere observed w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress w as parallel to th e bed d in g plane.C onversely, few m icrocracks o ccurred w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress w as p erp en d icu lar to th ebed d in g plane. The presen ce o f a large n u m b e r o f m icrocracks a t th e m ain crack tip d ecreased th e globalfracture to u g h n ess o f m arble. The results o f th re e -p o in t ben d in g te sts show ed th a t th e average bearingcapacity o f intact m arble is 3.4 tim es th e notch ed m arble, b u t th e ductility p ro p e rty o f th e defectivem arble afte r p eak load is b e tte r th a n th a t o f th e intact m arble. H ence, large d efo rm atio n m ay beg en erated before failure o f in tact m arbles a t Jinping II h y d ro p o w er station. The fractal d im en sio n o ffracture surface w as also calculated by th e cube covering m eth o d . O bservational resu lt show ed th a t th elargest fractal dim en sio n o f Y antang m arble is cap tu red w h e n th e directio n o f ten sile stress is parallel toth e bedding plane. H ow ever, th e fractal d im en sio n o f fracture surface o f Yantang an d Baishan m arblesw ith ten sile stress vertical to th e bed d in g plane is relatively sm all. The fractal d im en sio n can also be usedto characterize th e ro ughness o f fracture surface o f rock m aterials.
基金Projects(41941018,51704298)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2021JCCXSB03)supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,China。
文摘Rockburst is one of the major disasters in deep underground rock mechanics and engineering.The precursors of rockbursts play important roles in rockburst prediction.Strainburst experiments were performed under double-face unloading on sandstone with horizontal bedding planes using an independently designed rockburst testing facility.P-wave propagation time during the tests was automatically recorded by the acoustic emission apparatus.The P-wave velocities were calculated in both two directions to analyze their patterns.To find a characteristic precursor for rockburst,the dynamic evolution of rock anisotropy during the rockburst test is quantified by the anisotropic coefficient k,defined as the ratio of the two P-wave velocities in the directions vertical to and parallel to the bedding planes.The results show that rockburst occurs on the two free surfaces asynchronously.The rockburst failure occurs in the following order:crack generation,rock peeling,particle ejection,and rock fracture.In the process of rockburst under double-face unloading,the potential evolution characteristics of anisotropy can be generalized as anisotropy-isotropy-anisotropy.The suddenly unloading induces damage in the rock and presents anisotropic coefficient k steeply increasing departing from one,i.e.,isotropy.The rocks with horizontal bedding planes will reach the isotropic state before rockburst,which could be considered as a characteristic precursor of this kind of rockburst.
基金Financial support for this work is provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no.51474208)the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFC0600904)+1 种基金a project funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD)The fnancial support provided by China Scholarship Council (CSC,Grant no.201606420013)
文摘In this study,the moment tensor of transversely isotropic shale was analyzed using a discrete element method-acoustic emission model(DEM-AE model).Firstly,the failure modes of the shale obtained from the acoustic emission(AE) events and physical experiments were compared.Secondly,the relationships between AE events and seismic magnitudes,and AE events and the resulting cracks were analyzed.Finally,a moment tensor T-k chart describing the seismic source was introduced to demonstrate the differences in the transversely isotropic shale.The results showed that,for different anisotropy angles,a linear logarithmic relationship existed between the cumulative AE events and the seismic magnitude in the concentration area of the AE events.A normal distribution was observed for the number of AE events as the seismic magnitude changed from small to large.The moment tensor T-k chart indicated that the number and proportion of linear tension cracks in the shale were highest.When θ = 30°,the peak seismic magnitude was at a minimum.The average seismic magnitude in the concentration area of the AE events was also relatively small.Points close to the U=-1/3V line and the number of cracks included in a single AE event were at a minimum,and the corresponding peak stress also reached its lowest level.In contrast,when θ=90°,all related parameters were contrary to the above θ = 30° case.The DEM-AE model and the moment tensor T-k chart are suitable for analyzing the distribution of shale cracks appearing during the loading process.This study can provide constructive references for future research on the fracturing treatment of shale.
基金Financial support for this work, provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51204166)the Henan Polytechnic University Doctor Foundation (No. B2012-081)
文摘In order to effectively control the deformation and failure of surrounding rocks in a coal roadway in a deep tectonic region, the deformation and failure mechanism and stability control mechanism were studied. With such methods as numerical simulation and field testing, the distribution law of the displacement, stress and plastic zone in the surrounding rocks was analyzed. The deformation and failure mechanisms of coal roadways in deep tectonic areas were revealed: under high tectonic stress, two sides will slide along the roof or floor; while the plastic zone of the two sides will extend along the roof or floor,leading to more serious deformation and failure in the corner of two sides and the bolt supporting the corners is readily cut off by the shear force or tension force. Aimed at controlling the large slippage deformation of the two sides, serious deformation and failure in the corners of the two sides and massive bolt breakage, a ‘‘controlling and yielding coupling support'' control technology is proposed. Firstly, bolts which do not pass through the bedding plane should be used in the corners of the roadway, allowing the two sides to have some degree of sliding to achieve the purpose of ‘‘yielding'' support, and which avoid breakage of the bolts in the corner. After yielding support, bolts in the corner of the roadway and which pass through the bedding plane should be used to control the deformation and failure of the coal in the corner. ‘‘Controlling and yielding coupling support'' technology has been successfully applied in engineering practice, and the stability of deep coal roadway has been greatly improved.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.50179002)Liaoning Province Dr. Fund Opening Foundation of China.
文摘Study on failure of soft stratum of roller compacted concrete (RCC) is an important aspect of stability of high RCC dam. Six kinds of specimens with different interfaces were investigated by wedge splitting method. Double-K fracture parameters (initial fracture parameter and unsteady fracture parameter) were calculated by the concrete double-K fracture theory. It is indicated that the approach of construction joint or old joint after RCC final set is the most efficient among the six cases, and its fracture parameter is the largest among them. Its propagation path is sinuous. Its failure surface is scraggly. Bedding plane crack fails at the underside of the concrete surface, bond course or the surface between them for each approach. So disturbance on the underside of the concrete surface should be avoided or decreased at best during RCC construction.
基金This research was supported by the United Fund Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.U1262209)the Open Fund(Grant No.PLN0906)of Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation(Southwest Petroleum University)Basic research Project of Sichuan Province(Grant No.2014JY0092).
文摘Because of high cost and pollution of oil-based drilling fluid,the water-based drilling fluid is increasingly used now.However,bedding planes and micro-cracks are rich in shale formation.When water-based drilling fluid contacts formation rock,it causes the propagation of crack and invasion of drilling fluid,which decrease shale strength and cause wellbore instability.In this paper,we analyzed influence of water-based drilling fluid on shale strength and failure mode by mechanics experiment.Based on those experimental results,considering the effect of bedding plane and drilling time,we established modeling of wellbore stability for shale formation.The result from this model indicates that in certain azimuth of horizontal well,collapsing pressure increases dramatically due to shale failure along with bedding plane.In drilling operation,those azimuths are supposed to be avoided.This model is applicable for predication of collapsing pressure in shale formation and offers reference for choosing suitable mud weight.