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L^*上的“way-below”关系及其应用 被引量:1
作者 李令强 金秋 赵海信 《井冈山大学学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第2期4-6,共3页
研究了直觉模糊集的真值域L*上的"way-below"关系,利用L*上的"way-below"关系,构造了[0,1]-拓扑范畴[0,1]-Top与oker意义下的直觉模糊拓扑范畴IFTop之间的一对伴随,并证明了[0,1]-Top可以嵌入IFTop作为余反射子... 研究了直觉模糊集的真值域L*上的"way-below"关系,利用L*上的"way-below"关系,构造了[0,1]-拓扑范畴[0,1]-Top与oker意义下的直觉模糊拓扑范畴IFTop之间的一对伴随,并证明了[0,1]-Top可以嵌入IFTop作为余反射子范畴。 展开更多
关键词 WAY-below关系 SCOTT拓扑 直觉模糊集 模糊拓扑
作者 周文朋 王开军 +3 位作者 冯宏朝 高梁 窦保洋 徐荣超 《地质与勘探》 北大核心 2025年第1期185-194,共10页
大断面顶管施工不可避免地会引起临近既有结构物的变形,准确分析与预测其变形规律是采取针对性保护措施的前提。本研究基于三维数值模拟,分析浅埋超大矩形顶管左右密贴顶进小净距下穿既有箱涵变形特性的影响规律。结果表明:(1)箱涵变形... 大断面顶管施工不可避免地会引起临近既有结构物的变形,准确分析与预测其变形规律是采取针对性保护措施的前提。本研究基于三维数值模拟,分析浅埋超大矩形顶管左右密贴顶进小净距下穿既有箱涵变形特性的影响规律。结果表明:(1)箱涵变形随着顶管的顶进呈现出先隆起后沉降的变化趋势;顶管顶进对箱涵造成3次明显扰动,分别对应顶管头部位于箱涵前部、箱涵中部、箱涵后部三个位置。(2)左线顶管穿越后,箱涵整体沉降呈V字型的分布规律;右线顶管施工会造成箱涵二次沉降,最大沉降变形由9.33 mm增至11.18 mm。(3)箱涵水平位移整体呈中间大、两头小的倒V字型分布,最大水平位移为15.7 mm;且既有箱涵水平位移大于竖向沉降变形。(4)顶管顶进过程中,箱涵迎土面土压力呈现先增加后减少,再趋于稳定的变化趋势。(5)参数敏感性分析表明,与管土摩擦系数相比,掌子面支护比对箱涵变形的影响效应更显著。 展开更多
关键词 矩形顶管 数值模拟 下穿箱涵 箱涵位移 箱涵土压力
作者 祝祯祯 卢涛 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2014年第5期17-18,共2页
关键词 伪补格 弱Way—below关系
作者 薛枝 齐弘佳 《江苏海洋大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2022年第4期85-99,共15页
研究从语料库抽取语料,运用意象图式和空间隐喻理论分析语料,旨在揭示人们在使用介词below的空间含义时,体现了身体经验中的哪些意象图式结构;在使用介词below的抽象含义时,反映了认知中的哪些空间隐喻;以及介词below的意象图式和空间... 研究从语料库抽取语料,运用意象图式和空间隐喻理论分析语料,旨在揭示人们在使用介词below的空间含义时,体现了身体经验中的哪些意象图式结构;在使用介词below的抽象含义时,反映了认知中的哪些空间隐喻;以及介词below的意象图式和空间隐喻的分布情况。经分析发现,在使用介词below的空间含义时,体现的意象图式结构有“上下(无接触)”“上下(同载体)”“斜上斜下”“覆盖”“上下(无形界标)”“左右”;在使用介词below的抽象含义时,反映的空间隐喻有“标准为高度”“更多为上,更少为下”“表象为上,秘密为下”“地位低为方位低”。介词below空间隐喻分布比例大于意象图式,表明介词below被更多地用来表达抽象含义。本研究意义在于通过分析介词below的意象图式和空间隐喻,揭示人们使用介词below时的认知过程。 展开更多
关键词 below 语料库 意象图式 空间隐喻
Fatigue Life Prediction under Service Load Considering Strengthening Effect of Loads below Fatigue Limit 被引量:5
作者 ZHAO Lihui ZHENG Songlin FENG Jinzhi 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1178-1185,共8页
Lightweight design requires an accurate life prediction for structures and components under service loading histories. However, predicted life with the existing methods seems too conservative in some cases, leading to... Lightweight design requires an accurate life prediction for structures and components under service loading histories. However, predicted life with the existing methods seems too conservative in some cases, leading to a heavy structure. Because these methods are established on the basis that load cycles would only cause fatigue damage, ignore the strengthening effect of loads. Based on Palmgren-Miner Rule (PMR), this paper introduces a new method for fatigue life prediction under service loadings by taking into account the strengthening effect of loads below the fatigue limit. In this method, the service loadings are classified into three categories: damaging load, strengthening load and none-effect load, and the process for fatigue life prediction is divided into two stages: stage I and stage II, according to the best strengthening number of cycles. During stage I, fatigue damage is calculated considering both the strengthening and damaging effect of load cycles. While during stage II, only the damaging effect is considered. To validate this method, fatigue lives of automobile half shaft and torsion beam rear axle are calculated based on the new method and traditional methods, such as PMR and Modified Miner Rule (MMR), and fatigue tests of the two components are conducted under service loading histories. The tests results show that the percentage errors of the predicted life with the new method to mean life of tests for the two components are –3.78% and –1.76% separately, much lesser than that with PMR and MMR. By considering the strengthening effect of loads below the fatigue limit, the new method can significantly improve the accuracy for fatigue life prediction. Thus lightweight design can be fully realized in the design stage. 展开更多
关键词 fatigue life fatigue damage service loading strengthening effect load below the fatigue limit
Role of the dressed and bound states on below-threshold harmonic generation of He atom 被引量:3
作者 Jian-Wei Zhou Zhi-Hong Jiao +1 位作者 Peng-Cheng Li Xiao-Xin Zhou 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第10期192-197,共6页
High-order harmonic generation below ionization threshold of He atom in the laser field is investigated by solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation. An angular momentum-dependent model potenti... High-order harmonic generation below ionization threshold of He atom in the laser field is investigated by solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation. An angular momentum-dependent model potential of He atom was used for getting the accurate energy levels of singlet states. The satellite-peak structures of the below-threshold harmonic generation(BTHG) of He are observed. We analyze the emission properties of the BTHG by employing a synchrosqueezing transform technique. We find that the satellite-peak structures have two types related to two kinds of transitions. One is the transition of the dressed states of the excited states, the other is the transition between the excited states and the ground state in the field-free case. Furthermore, our results show that the maximum Stark shift of the 2 p state is about 0.9 Up(penderomotive energy), and that of the 4 p state is about 1.0 Up. It indicates that the energy difference between some satellite-and main-peaks of the BTHG can be used to measure the maximum Stark shift of the excited states of He atom in the laser field. 展开更多
关键词 harmonic generation below threshould IONIZATION DRESS state STARK SHIFT
Similarity model tests of movement and deformation of coal-rock mass below stopes 被引量:6
作者 WANG, Haifeng CHENG, Yuanping +1 位作者 YUAN, Liang WANG, Liang 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第2期188-192,共5页
For a study of the movement and deformation of coal-rock mass and low protected seams below a stope,as well as for fracture developments and rules of evolution of permeability,we designed a plane strain model test sta... For a study of the movement and deformation of coal-rock mass and low protected seams below a stope,as well as for fracture developments and rules of evolution of permeability,we designed a plane strain model test stand to carry out model tests of similar materials in order to improve the effect of gas drainage from low protected seams and to measure the movement and deformation of coal-rock mass using a method of non-contact close-range photogrammetry.Our results show that 1) using paraffin melting to take the place of coal seam mining can satisfy the mining conditions of a protective seam;2) coal-rock mass under goafs has an upward movement after the protective seam has been mined,causing floor heaving;3) low protected seams become swollen and deformed,providing a good pressure-relief effect and causing the coal-rock mass under both sides of coal pillars to become deformed by compression and 4) the evolution of permeability of low protected seams follows the way of initial values→a slight decrease→a great increase→stability→final decrease.Simultaneously,the coefficient of air permeability increased at a decreasing rate with an increase in interlayer spacing. 展开更多
关键词 coal-rock mass below stope low protected seam plane strain similar model test
The Hyperspace of the Regions Below of Continuous Maps from the Converging Sequence 被引量:4
作者 杨忠强 范玲玲 《Northeastern Mathematical Journal》 CSCD 2006年第1期46-54,共9页
Let S = {1,1/2,1/2^2,…,1/∞ = 0} and I = [0, 1] be the unit interval. We use ↓USC(S) and ↓C(S) to denote the families of the regions below of all upper semi-continuous maps and of the regions below of all conti... Let S = {1,1/2,1/2^2,…,1/∞ = 0} and I = [0, 1] be the unit interval. We use ↓USC(S) and ↓C(S) to denote the families of the regions below of all upper semi-continuous maps and of the regions below of all continuous maps from S to I and ↓C0(S) = {↓f∈↓C(S) : f(0) = 0}. ↓USC(S) endowed with the Vietoris topology is a topological space. A pair of topological spaces (X, Y) means that X is a topological space and Y is its subspace. Two pairs of topological spaces (X, Y) and (A, B) are called pair-homeomorphic (≈) if there exists a homeomorphism h : X→A from X onto A such that h(Y) = B. It is proved that, (↓USC(S),↓C0(S)) ≈(Q, s) and (↓USC(S),↓C(S)/ ↓C0(S))≈(Q, c0), where Q = [-1,1]^ω is the Hilbert cube and s = (-1,1)^ω,c0= {(xn)∈Q : limn→∞= 0}. But we do not know what (↓USC(S),↓C(S))is. 展开更多
关键词 regions below upper semi-continuity the Hilbert cube pseudo-interior strongly universal the converging sequence
Below the Data Range Prediction of Soft Computing Wave Reflection of Semicircular Breakwater 被引量:1
作者 Suman Kundapura Vittal Hegde Arkal Jose L.S.Pinho 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2019年第2期167-175,共9页
Coastal defenses such as the breakwaters are important structures to maintain the navigation conditions in a harbor.The estimation of their hydrodynamic characteristics is conventionally done using physical models,sub... Coastal defenses such as the breakwaters are important structures to maintain the navigation conditions in a harbor.The estimation of their hydrodynamic characteristics is conventionally done using physical models,subjecting to higher costs and prolonged procedures.Soft computing methods prove to be useful tools,in cases where the data availability from physical models is limited.The present paper employs adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system(ANFIS)and artificial neural network(ANN)models to the data obtained from physical model studies to develop a novel methodology to predict the reflection coefficient(Kr)of seaside perforated semicircular breakwaters under low wave heights,for which no physical model data is available.The prediction was done using the input parameters viz.,incident wave height(Hi),wave period(T),center-to-center spacing of perforations(S),diameter of perforations(D),radius of semicircular caisson(R),water depth(d),and semicircular breakwater structure height(hs).The study shows the prediction below the available data range of wave heights is possible by ANFIS and ANN models.However,the ANFIS performed better with R^2=0.9775 and the error reduced in comparison with the ANN model with R2=0.9751.Study includes conventional data segregation and prediction using ANN and ANFIS. 展开更多
关键词 Semicircular BREAKWATER Wave REFLECTION below the DATA RANGE Artificial neural network Adaptive NEURO-FUZZY INFERENCE system
作者 张敏珠 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第5期1619-1630,共12页
In this article, we characterize the boundedness from below of multiplication operators between α-Bloch spaces on the unit ball.
关键词 unit ball α-Bloch space multiplication operator boundedness from below
The research of below-cloud scavenging of rainwater in Guilin City
作者 Bai Yuhua Yao Rongkui +1 位作者 Li Xin Tang Xiaoyan(The Department of Technical Physies and The Center of Environmental Science,Peking University, Beijing 100871, China) 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1994年第3期322-329,共8页
Sequential samples of single precipitation event were collected by the use of specially de-signed semi-automatic sequential precipitation collector in the spring of 1988 in Guilin City. ThePH value and soluble chemica... Sequential samples of single precipitation event were collected by the use of specially de-signed semi-automatic sequential precipitation collector in the spring of 1988 in Guilin City. ThePH value and soluble chemical species such as SO, NO, NH, Ca ̄(2+), Mg ̄(2+), Na ̄+, K`+, F ̄- andCl ̄- were analyzed. An apparent decrease in the concentration of all ions except H ̄+ and NO wasobserved at the initial portion of the events. The relative acidity increased as the event progress.The concentration of H ̄+ was the result of comprehensive actions of all ions. The average scavengingratio of events was calculated and it is found that SO was the major contributor for acid rain inGuilin and Ca ̄(2+) was the important neutralizer. 展开更多
关键词 acid rain sequential sample below-cloud scavenging precipitation event.
The Index of Invariant Subspaces of Bounded below Operators on Banach Spaces
作者 George Chailos 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2012年第2期124-127,共4页
For an operator on a Banach space , let be the collection of all its invariant subspaces. We consider the index function on and we show, amongst others, that if is a bounded below operator and if , , then If in additi... For an operator on a Banach space , let be the collection of all its invariant subspaces. We consider the index function on and we show, amongst others, that if is a bounded below operator and if , , then If in addition are index 1 invariant subspaces of , with nonzero intersection, we show that . Furthermore, using the index function, we provide an example where for some , holds . 展开更多
Reporting Children’s Development below the Test Floor: Looking Back and Forth to Describe Individual Strengths and Needs
作者 Elizabeth M. Green Louise A. Stroud 《Health》 CAS 2023年第2期122-133,共12页
The test floor effects seen in standardised tests lead to a standardised score of 1 or less with a flat profile that hides a child’s individual strengths and needs. The Griffiths III community of practitioners reques... The test floor effects seen in standardised tests lead to a standardised score of 1 or less with a flat profile that hides a child’s individual strengths and needs. The Griffiths III community of practitioners requested advice on the reporting of children’s development below the floor of the test, so that individual strengths and needs can be described. This paper reports the third phase of research following an earlier Scoping Review and a wider literature review. To confirm quality control, Phase 3 was conducted in a retrospective manner using the same methodology as the earlier phases but in a reverse direction. Peer reviewer comments and key elements from the Scoping Review and keywords from the publications were tabulated. Data analysis included a change of perspective to that of the child and their individual rights with respect to the literature themes already described in Phase 2. These confirmed that there is little specific guidance in the literature, but that computational advances for homogeneous populations and especially disaggregated data offer some solutions. A greater balance between broad biopsychosocial models and standardised models of assessment should be sought by practitioners together with the use of disaggregated data to highlight issues that pertain to individual subsets of results. This will ensure that the child’s right for their individual strengths and needs to be described together with a plan for management, may be met. 展开更多
关键词 Developmental Assessment Children with Severe Disability Disaggregated Data Pattern and Needs Identification below Test Floor
Maximal Above and Below Pairs of Abelian Fully Ordered Groups
作者 郑熙强 《Northeastern Mathematical Journal》 CSCD 2000年第4期445-450,共6页
In this paper, maximal above and below pairs of fully ordered groups (o groups) are studied. It is shown that maximal above and below pairs of an divisible abelian o group have some specific properties, and by using... In this paper, maximal above and below pairs of fully ordered groups (o groups) are studied. It is shown that maximal above and below pairs of an divisible abelian o group have some specific properties, and by using these properties another embedding method of an abelian o group to real valued functions is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 ordered group convex subgroup above and below subgroup
Spare Parts Surgery—Salvage of a Below Knee Amputation Stump
作者 Chasari Tancharoen Edmund Ek Anand Ramakrishnan 《Modern Plastic Surgery》 2012年第2期28-30,共3页
“Spare parts surgery” is well-described in the plastic surgery literature. In the setting of trauma, otherwise discarded parts can be utilized for reconstruction resulting in a superior functional and aesthetic outc... “Spare parts surgery” is well-described in the plastic surgery literature. In the setting of trauma, otherwise discarded parts can be utilized for reconstruction resulting in a superior functional and aesthetic outcome for the patient. We describe the use of spare part surgery in order to preserve a functional knee articulation in a patient undergoing amputation for compartment. 展开更多
Trend of <i>Cryptosporidium</i>Infection among Children below 24 Months in an Informal Urban Settlement, Kenya
作者 Daisy Chepkemoi Mutai Patrick Opiyo Owili Miriam Adoyo Muga 《Open Journal of Medical Microbiology》 2020年第3期153-161,共9页
<i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Cryptosporidium</span></i><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> inf... <i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Cryptosporidium</span></i><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> infection is estimated to cause 2.9 million diarrheal cases yearly among children aged under 24 months in sub-Saharan Africa. Studies have shown long-term climatic variations can affect infectious diseases. The burden of cryptosporidiosis in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa is well characterized. However, the trend of </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Cryptosporidium</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> infection is not known, especially in informal urban settings. This study therefore sought to determine cryptosporidiosis trends, and further explore the association between year and </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Cryptosporidium</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> infection among children below 24 months in Kibera urban informal settlement in Kenya. Data collected by the Kenya Medical Research Institute longitudinal study in Tabitha clinic in Kibera from 2009 to 2015 were used. At least 3000 children aged < 24 months receive free health care at the clinic. In the longitudinal study</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">,</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> children presenting with diarrhea were eligible for stool sample collection (</span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">n</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> = 477), out of which 421 stool samples were tested using TaqMan</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"><span style="white-space:nowrap;">&#8482;</span></span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> Array Card (TAC) polymerase chain reaction panel that included a target for </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Cryptosporidium</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> genus. Data for the 421 children were included in the analysis. Logistic regression was used to explore the difference between the seven years and cryptosporidiosis. Overall, the pooled data indicated that 23.5% of the children who were tested had </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Cryptosporidium</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> infection, with the highest proportions of </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Cryptosporidium-</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">positive cases observed in 2015 (45.2%). The logistic regression results also indicated that children who were tested in the year 2015 were more likely to have </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Cryptosporidium</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> infection (OR = 3.39;95% CI: 1.44 - 7.96;</span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">p</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> = 0.005) than those in 2009. Watery stool was also found to be an important symptom of cryptosporidiosis. There was a high prevalence of </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Cryptosporidium</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> infection among young children, especially in the most recent year. Routine testing of </span><i><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Cryptosporidium</span></i><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> infection using molecular methods, constant monitoring and identification of the infection sources is therefore necessary towards reducing the disease burden in the low resource settings.</span></span> 展开更多
关键词 Cryptosporidium Infection Informal Urban Settlement Children below 24 Months TREND TaqMan™ Array Card
作者 朱丽琴 黄荣珍 +4 位作者 彭志远 邹显花 廖迎春 李静凯 陈光水 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期191-200,共10页
磷是影响植物生长的关键养分元素之一,地下细根觅养塑性是植物提高土壤磷吸收的重要方式。在自然环境条件下,土壤养分具有异质性或斑块状分布特点,特别是相对固定的养分(如磷)。植物如何调整地下觅养性状对养分斑块的塑性响应尚不清楚,... 磷是影响植物生长的关键养分元素之一,地下细根觅养塑性是植物提高土壤磷吸收的重要方式。在自然环境条件下,土壤养分具有异质性或斑块状分布特点,特别是相对固定的养分(如磷)。植物如何调整地下觅养性状对养分斑块的塑性响应尚不清楚,特定细根性状预测地下觅养性状塑性响应更具有较大不确定性。本研究总结植物地下觅养塑性的影响因素,阐述细根(形态、构型、增殖、化学、生理)和菌根真菌性状对富磷斑块的塑性响应,从真菌侵染方式、根系形态结构、养分获取策略等方面分析地下觅养性状及其塑性响应在丛枝菌根和外生菌根树种间的差异。基于地下觅养的碳成本假设,指出细根形态塑性和生理塑性在许多情况下是资源竞争的结果。真菌菌丝的增殖塑性更能提高植物养分获取效率,但当根系和菌根真菌均存在于养分斑块时,根系增殖比真菌反应更敏感。本研究还探讨细根性状对地下觅养塑性的预测,指出细根直径是地下觅养性状变化的重要预测指标。围绕当前植物地下觅养塑性研究存在的不足,从地下觅养塑性框架、地下觅养机制、细根性状对植物养分获取塑性的预测、细根觅养塑性与防御塑性之间的关系等方面提出今后的研究方向,深入理解植物地下磷养分获取策略及其对环境变化的适应机制。 展开更多
关键词 地下觅养性状 富磷斑块 塑性响应 丛枝菌根 外生菌根
作者 吕进 吕成余 +3 位作者 徐牧 徐晓军 王志 王和明 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2024年第22期2732-2736,2742,共6页
目的探究腹膜返折以下直肠癌患者侧方淋巴结转移情况并构建预测模型。方法纳入2020年1月至2023年4月该院收治的102例腹膜返折以下直肠癌患者作为研究对象。根据是否存在侧方淋巴结转移(LLNM)分为转移组(n=31)与未转移组(n=71)。对比两... 目的探究腹膜返折以下直肠癌患者侧方淋巴结转移情况并构建预测模型。方法纳入2020年1月至2023年4月该院收治的102例腹膜返折以下直肠癌患者作为研究对象。根据是否存在侧方淋巴结转移(LLNM)分为转移组(n=31)与未转移组(n=71)。对比两组患者一般临床资料、肿瘤病理特征及实验室检验指标[癌胚抗原(CEA)、糖类抗原199(CA199)、中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞比值(NLR)、血小板与淋巴细胞比值(PLR)、转化生长因子(TGF)-α、TGF-β1]的差异。通过Spearman相关性分析及Logistic回归分析筛选出腹膜反折以下直肠癌患者合并LLNM的危险因素,构建预测模型并评价模型的效能。结果转移组患者平均肿瘤最大径、侧方淋巴结短径、低分化患者比例、T3~T4分期患者比例均显著高于未转移组患者(P<0.05),转移组患者平均TGF-α、TGF-β1、NLR水平均显著高于未转移组患者(P<0.05);Spearman相关性分析、单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析表明,低分化、T3~T4分期、肿瘤最大径及侧方淋巴结短径较长、TGF-α、TGF-β1、NLR水平较高均是腹膜返折以下直肠癌患者发生LLNM的独立危险因素(P<0.05);受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析表明,基于上述危险因素构建的预测模型曲线下面积(AUC)为0.915(95%CI:0.847~0.984),具有较高的预测效能。结论发生LLNM的腹膜返折以下直肠癌患者往往肿瘤最大径、侧方淋巴结短径较长,同时患者TGF-α、TGF-β1、NLR水平较高,针对具有上述特征的患者应积极开展侧方淋巴结清扫,并及时监测是否在术后仍存在淋巴结转移,为提高腹膜返折以下直肠癌LLNM的诊断提供一定临床依据。 展开更多
关键词 腹膜返折以下直肠癌 侧方淋巴结转移 病理特征 转化生长因子
作者 韩克 赵家邦 +1 位作者 许少刚 黄万新 《现代医药卫生》 2024年第7期1134-1138,共5页
目的观察活络骨康丸联合肘下石膏固定治疗老年骨质疏松性桡骨远端骨折的效果。方法选取2021年8月至2022年7月郑州市骨科医院收治的老年骨质疏松性桡骨远端骨折70例作为研究对象,按随机数字表法将其分为对照组和观察组,各35例。对照组行... 目的观察活络骨康丸联合肘下石膏固定治疗老年骨质疏松性桡骨远端骨折的效果。方法选取2021年8月至2022年7月郑州市骨科医院收治的老年骨质疏松性桡骨远端骨折70例作为研究对象,按随机数字表法将其分为对照组和观察组,各35例。对照组行碳酸钙D_(3)+肘下石膏固定治疗,观察组行活络骨康丸+肘下石膏固定治疗。比较两组影像学指标、骨密度、疼痛程度、肿胀情况及腕关节功能恢复情况。结果两组治疗前桡骨远端掌倾角、尺偏角度数和桡骨高度比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);与治疗前比较,两组经治疗后掌偏角度数有明显减低,尺偏角度数及桡骨高度均有明显增加且观察组上述指标优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组治疗前大粗隆、股骨颈、Ward三角的骨密度比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后两组上述部位骨密度均有不同程度的升高,且观察组明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组治疗前视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评分及肿胀情况比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后第1、3、6周VAS评分及肿胀值均有明显降低,且观察组明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组疗效优良率明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论活络骨康丸联合肘下石膏固定可有效减轻老年骨质疏松性桡骨远端骨折的疼痛及肿胀,并改善骨密度,提升康复效果。 展开更多
关键词 活络骨康丸 肘下石膏 碳酸钙D_(3) 骨质疏松 桡骨远端骨折 老年人
作者 崔蕴华 王怡然 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期89-99,共11页
晚明时期公案小说密集刊刻,其中的图像形式可分为“图文分离”式和“上图下文”式,它们既是民间书坊营销的巧妙策略,亦是民众审美图式的视觉化呈现。首先,公案小说中的全页图像有再现更有装饰,呈现出案件审理的不同层面,还原了某些重要... 晚明时期公案小说密集刊刻,其中的图像形式可分为“图文分离”式和“上图下文”式,它们既是民间书坊营销的巧妙策略,亦是民众审美图式的视觉化呈现。首先,公案小说中的全页图像有再现更有装饰,呈现出案件审理的不同层面,还原了某些重要的案发场景,一些图像的精美线条与山水的虚实呈现也彰显某种独特的艺术审美享受;其次,晚明公案小说是民间书坊“上图下文”形式的最后辉煌与兴盛。上图下文中的图像较为简单粗糙,但是其优势则为叙述的视觉连续性,这使得图像超越了对情节的简单复现,而是在知识实践基础上的典故视觉化。同一故事不同版本的图像选择呈现不同的视觉叙事策略和图像正义;再次,晚明公案小说因大量案件涉及法律器物而对相关图像有细致丰富之呈现,并明晰了不同刑具所适用的审讯、监禁与刑罚等不同司法场景,发挥了传播法律知识和提升民众法律知识水平的作用。 展开更多
关键词 公案小说 图像 上图下文 图像叙事 法律器物 知识传播
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