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《橡塑技术与装备》 CAS 2025年第1期29-29,共1页
诺力昂(Nouryon)宣布将在德国斯图加特举办的2024年欧洲泡沫博览会上推出产品概念Expancel^(R)BIO微球。这种开创性的可膨胀微球产品概念标志着诺力昂创新产品组合的重大进步,提供了一种部分生物基和高性能的轻质填料和发泡剂,以满足市... 诺力昂(Nouryon)宣布将在德国斯图加特举办的2024年欧洲泡沫博览会上推出产品概念Expancel^(R)BIO微球。这种开创性的可膨胀微球产品概念标志着诺力昂创新产品组合的重大进步,提供了一种部分生物基和高性能的轻质填料和发泡剂,以满足市场不断变化的需求。 展开更多
关键词 发泡剂 可膨胀微球 斯图加特 轻质填料 产品组合 生物基 bio 高性能
作者 刘云 王瑞春 关振群 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2024年第10期142-146,共5页
目的:探讨浓缩生长因子(Concentrated growth factor,CGF)联合Bio-Oss材料在改良经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术种植治疗中的应用价值。方法:选取笔者医院2018年5月-2021年12月口腔门诊采用改良经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术后同期接受种植治疗... 目的:探讨浓缩生长因子(Concentrated growth factor,CGF)联合Bio-Oss材料在改良经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术种植治疗中的应用价值。方法:选取笔者医院2018年5月-2021年12月口腔门诊采用改良经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术后同期接受种植治疗的98例患者作为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为两组。对照组:49例,患者术中植入Bio-Oss骨填充材料;联合组:49例,患者术中植入CGF联合Bio-Oss的骨填充材料,对比两组患者术后不同时间新形成的骨密度,种植体植入前后患者牙周健康指标及种植体的稳定性差异。结果:术前,两组患者牙槽骨密度HU值比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后3个月、6个月,联合组的牙槽骨密度HU值均低于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后1个月、3个月、6个月、12个月时,联合组龈沟液出血指数与对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后1个月、3个月,联合组的牙周探诊深度与对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后6个月、12个月,联合组的牙周探诊深度小于对照组(P<0.05);术后6个月、12个月,联合组植入体的植入扭矩值与对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后12个月,联合组的种植体稳定系数大于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:改良经牙槽嵴顶上颌窦底提升术后行同期种植修复治疗中,植入CGF联合Bio-Oss的骨填充材料对于促进早期牙槽骨成骨能力形成及提高种植体植入稳定性较单纯Bio-Oss填充材料更有优势。 展开更多
关键词 浓缩生长因子 bio-Oss材料 牙槽嵴顶 上颌窦底提升术 种植
Bio-MOF-11(Co)活化过一硫酸盐去除废水中的罗丹明B和Cu^(2+) 被引量:1
作者 张霞玲 苏冰琴 +3 位作者 宋鑫峂 赵文博 林嘉伟 卫月星 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期755-767,共13页
采用Bio-MOF-11(Co)活化过一硫酸盐(PMS)同步去除废水中的罗丹明B(RhB)和Cu^(2+).考察了Bio-MOF-11(Co)投加量、PMS浓度、初始pH值、反应温度、RhB初始浓度和Cu^(2+)浓度对RhB降解和Cu^(2+)去除的影响,并采用响应面分析法优化了降解RhB... 采用Bio-MOF-11(Co)活化过一硫酸盐(PMS)同步去除废水中的罗丹明B(RhB)和Cu^(2+).考察了Bio-MOF-11(Co)投加量、PMS浓度、初始pH值、反应温度、RhB初始浓度和Cu^(2+)浓度对RhB降解和Cu^(2+)去除的影响,并采用响应面分析法优化了降解RhB的反应条件.结果表明,RhB的降解符合伪一级反应动力学.Cu^(2+)最大吸附量为22.98mg/g.在RhB初始浓度为20mg/L、Cu^(2+)浓度为2.5mg/L、Bio-MOF-11(Co)浓度为80mg/L、PMS浓度为1.0mmol/L、初始pH值为7的条件下,反应15min后,RhB降解率达到98.72%,Cu^(2+)去除率为73.53%,.自由基淬灭实验证实,RhB的降解通过非自由基(~1O_(2))和自由基(SO_(4)^(-)·、·O_(2)^(-)和·OH)氧化的途径共同完成,Cu^(2+)主要通过Bio-MOF-11(Co)的吸附作用被去除.紫外可见吸收光谱分析结果推测了RhB可能的降解路径.Bio-MOF-11(Co)活化PMS高级氧化工艺可实现同步去除有机污染物和重金属. 展开更多
关键词 bio-MOF-11(Co) 过一硫酸盐 罗丹明B 铜离子 反应机制
作者 张晓宇 刘喆 +1 位作者 董小艳 王秦 《地球环境学报》 CSCD 2024年第3期526-534,共9页
人体呼出气中挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)分析已应用于环境暴露评估和疾病诊断等领域,其中肺泡气可以排除来自周围环境以及口腔和鼻腔内死腔气体的干扰,准确反映暴露及内源性代谢物水平。对采集肺泡气的Bio-VOC^(TM)呼吸采样器转移样品至吸... 人体呼出气中挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)分析已应用于环境暴露评估和疾病诊断等领域,其中肺泡气可以排除来自周围环境以及口腔和鼻腔内死腔气体的干扰,准确反映暴露及内源性代谢物水平。对采集肺泡气的Bio-VOC^(TM)呼吸采样器转移样品至吸附管的常规操作流程进行评价及优化。使用Bio-VOC^(TM)呼吸采样器采集含有丙酮、异戊二烯、乙醇、正丁醇、正己烷和正庚烷6种VOCs的呼出气模拟样品,比较不同方式转移至吸附管对模拟样品转移效率的影响,采用热脱附-气相色谱-质谱法(TD-GC-MS)对吸附管中样品进行分析,并将优化转移方式应用于实际人群呼出气样品分析。结果表明:按照Bio-VOC^(TM)呼吸采样器常规转移方式,模拟样品中6种VOCs的转移效率均低于50%且不稳定;降低转移流量后,转移效率有所提高,进一步优化后转移效率可达90.0%—101.0%,相对标准偏差均小于5%。转移方式优化后,检测到的人体呼出气样品中3种VOCs的峰面积响应值显著提高(P<0.01)。优化方式提高了使用Bio-VOC^(TM)呼吸采样器采集肺泡气进行VOCs分析的准确性和可靠性,为肺泡气采集方法的标准化提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 呼出气 bio-VOC^(TM) 吸附管 转移效率 优化
作者 顾春梅 袁平丽 +1 位作者 马文杰 汪青风 《口腔材料器械杂志》 2024年第3期183-187,共5页
目的探讨牙槽骨骨量缺失患者牙种植体植入时同步植入Bio-Oss骨粉的效果。方法采用回顾性分析2021年1月至2023年1月我院收治的牙槽骨骨量缺失患者104例,根据种植方式分为对照组和试验组,各52例。对照组实施单纯牙种植体植入,在缺失的牙... 目的探讨牙槽骨骨量缺失患者牙种植体植入时同步植入Bio-Oss骨粉的效果。方法采用回顾性分析2021年1月至2023年1月我院收治的牙槽骨骨量缺失患者104例,根据种植方式分为对照组和试验组,各52例。对照组实施单纯牙种植体植入,在缺失的牙槽骨内植入合适的螺纹植入物,试验组在此基础上同步植入Bio-Oss骨粉覆盖。参照中国卫生部制定的标准评价术后6个月疗效,并对比两组手术前后感觉神经动作电位(SNAP)测量结果、生活质量及术后各时期新生骨厚度、骨密度变化情况。结果试验组临床总有效率为98.08%(51/52),高于对照组的84.62%(44/52)(P<0.05);试验组术后6个月10 mV、50 mV、100 mV、1000 mV值均高于对照组(P<0.05);试验组术后6个月的生理功能、社会功能、情感职能、精神健康、活力评分均高于对照组(P<0.05);试验组术后1个月、3个月的新生骨厚度高于对照组,术后1个月、3个月、6个月的新生骨密度高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论牙槽骨骨量缺失患者牙种植体植入时同步植入Bio-Oss骨粉可提高临床疗效,改善神经功能及生活质量,促进新骨形成。 展开更多
关键词 牙槽骨骨量缺失 牙种植 bio-OSS 骨粉 疗效 神经功能 生活质量
作者 周俊怡 谢益民 +4 位作者 张功侠 牛虎军 赵云博 周安乡 薛超 《中国造纸学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期114-122,共9页
杨木心材碱性过氧化氢机械浆(APMP)的制浆废水不仅产生水量大,且化学需氧量(COD)较高,处理难度较大;通过白腐菌Trametes sp.48424预处理杨木心材,经碱性过氧化氢制浆得到生物处理APMP (Bio-APMP),可以有效降低制浆废水中的污染物含量,... 杨木心材碱性过氧化氢机械浆(APMP)的制浆废水不仅产生水量大,且化学需氧量(COD)较高,处理难度较大;通过白腐菌Trametes sp.48424预处理杨木心材,经碱性过氧化氢制浆得到生物处理APMP (Bio-APMP),可以有效降低制浆废水中的污染物含量,提高纸浆质量。本研究首先用内循环(IC)厌氧反应器对杨木心材Bio-APMP制浆废水进行厌氧生物处理,再利用仿酶-混凝与曝气生物滤池(BAF)相结合的组合工艺进行深度处理,探究厌氧和BAF处理的最佳工艺条件,以及仿酶络合物和絮凝剂的最佳用量。同时,研究了处理后制浆废水回用对Bio-APMP制浆性能的影响。研究结果表明,采用白腐菌生物预处理技术,Bio-APMP制浆废水的COD和木质素含量均低于传统APMP,制浆废水中的COD_(Cr)降低了15.3%。在最佳厌氧生物处理条件下,COD_(Cr)去除率为89.5%。此外,工艺优化后BAF的COD_(Cr)最高去除率为81.9%。Fe-EDTA仿酶络合物用量为15 mg/L时,仿酶-混凝法处理制浆废水效果最好,此时COD_(Cr)去除率为67.7%。利用厌氧+BAF+仿酶-混凝结合的方法深度处理Bio-APMP制浆废水,制浆废水的COD_(Cr)从11952 mg/L降至80.4 mg/L;将深度处理后的废水回用于Bio-APMP制浆过程,纸浆质量有所下降,纸张物理强度有所降低。 展开更多
关键词 bio-APMP 厌氧废水处理 曝气生物滤池 仿酶处理 废水回用
Understanding the corrosion and bio-corrosion behaviour of Magnesium composites – a critical review
作者 Prithivirajan Sekar S.K.Panigrahi 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期890-939,共50页
Realising the potential of Magnesium(Mg),several globally leading ventures have invested in the Mg industry,but their relatively poor corrosion resistance is a never ending saga till date.The corrosion and bio-corrosi... Realising the potential of Magnesium(Mg),several globally leading ventures have invested in the Mg industry,but their relatively poor corrosion resistance is a never ending saga till date.The corrosion and bio-corrosion behaviour of Mg has gained research attention and still remains a hot topic in the application of automobile,aerospace and biomedical industries.The intrinsic high electrochemical nature of Mg limits their utilization in diverse application.This scenario has prompted the development of Mg composites with an aim to achieve superior corrosion and bio-corrosion resistance.The present review enlightens the influence of grain size(GS),secondary phase,texture,type of matrix and reinforcement on the corrosion and bio-corrosion behaviour of Mg composites.Firstly,the corrosion and bio-corrosion behaviour of Mg composites manufactured by primary and secondary processing routes are elucidated.Secondly,the comprehensive corrosion and bio-corrosion mechanisms of these Mg composites are proposed.Thirdly,the individual role of GS,texture and corrosive medium on corrosion and bio-corrosion behaviour of Mg composites are clarified and revealed.The challenges encountered,unanswered issues in this field are explained in detail and accordingly the scope for future research is framed.The review is presented from basic concrete background to advanced corrosion mechanisms with an aim of creating interest among the readers like students,researchers and industry experts from various research backgrounds.Indeed,the corrosion and bio-corrosion behaviour of Mg composites are critically reviewed for the first time to:(i)contribute to the body of knowledge,(ii)foster research and development,(iii)make breakthrough,and(iv)create life changing innovations in the field of Mg composite corrosion. 展开更多
关键词 CORROSION bio corrosion Magnesium alloys Magnesium composites Magnesium implants.
Beneficial synergetic effect of feedstock characteristics and reaction conditions on bio crude production from hydrothermal liquefaction of mixed residential waste
作者 Vaishnavi Mahadevan Sathishkumar Kannaiyan Gopinath Kannappan Panchamoorthy 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第11期46-61,共16页
Hydrothermal liquefaction(HTL)is a promising method for sustainable waste management and renewable energy production,converting mixed feedstocks into bio-crude,a precursor to various biofuels.A study focused on mixed ... Hydrothermal liquefaction(HTL)is a promising method for sustainable waste management and renewable energy production,converting mixed feedstocks into bio-crude,a precursor to various biofuels.A study focused on mixed residential waste(MRW)as an HTL feedstock investigated temperature ranges(280e360℃)and residence times(30e90 min),achieving a maximum bio-crude yield of 39.16%at 340℃and 75 min.Also,a thorough investigation of the synergistic relationships between all subcomponents of the MRW feedstock was conducted and concluded that the mixed waste(MW)feedstock samples containing a higher proportion of food and plastic wastes and MRW sample presented with a coliquefaction percentage(CE)of around 60%and 107%respectively for production of bio crude.Also,solvents such as ethanol,glycerol and aqueous phase(AQ)were tested for their potential as hydrothermal mediums and found that bio crude yield of 46.19%was obtained in case of AQ phase recirculation.Further,the quantitative and qualitative effect of usage of four different catalysts were tested individually and in combination with AQ phase recirculation and found that,although individually nanoporous ZnO and diatomaceous earth(DE)yielded bio crude in the range of 46.86%and 42.68%respectively,when used in combination,DE cateHTL with AQ resulted in maximum bio crude yield of 54.35%.Furthermore,qualitatively,the bio crude from DE cateHTL with AQ presented with a high carbon and energy recovery percentage of 62.20%and 72.95%respectively and a high hydrocarbon content of 58.98%. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrothermal liquefaction bio crude SYNERGY Residential waste Aqueous phase recirculation Catalyst
Effectiveness of biofertilizers foliar application on yield and quality traits of flax(Linum usitatissimum L.)
作者 Saied El Sayed A.B.Bakry +1 位作者 O.A.Nofal M.A.Abo Horish 《Oil Crop Science》 CSCD 2024年第2期91-101,共11页
Flax is considered to be one of the most significant dual-purpose crops for oil and fiber production in Egypt and worldwide.Biofertilizers have a substantial impact on various metabolic processes,including increased p... Flax is considered to be one of the most significant dual-purpose crops for oil and fiber production in Egypt and worldwide.Biofertilizers have a substantial impact on various metabolic processes,including increased photo-synthesis,endogenous hormone levels,ion absorption,nucleic acid synthesis,and protein synthesis.These factors collectively contribute to the growth and development of plants.Therefore,this study aims to investigate how three biofertilizers(Algae extract,CMS as a by-product of yeast,and Metalosate multi minerals as amino acids)can enhance both the quantity and quality of flax seed yield under sandy soil conditions.Two field experiments were conducted at the Experimental Station of National Research Centre in Nubaria District,Behira Governorate,Egypt during two seasons(2021/2022)using a randomized complete block design(RCBD).The results revealed significant differences among all tested biofertilizers in terms of various characteristics studied in flax.Foliar application of algae extract at a rate of 1.50 mL/L resulted in an increase in seed yield(ton/ha)by 26.69%&19.89%,straw yield(ton/ha)by 8.08%&17.12%,and oil yield(kg/ha)by 47.72%&33.69%compared to the control group during both seasons respectively.Foliar applications of algae extract at a rate of 1.50 mL/L along with CMS at a rate of 5 m L/L and amino acids at a rate of 1.50 mL/L demonstrated significantly higher macronutrient contents(N,P,K),micronutrient contents(Fe,Zn,Mn),seed oil content,and protein content in flax seeds during both seasons.The highest values for seed oil content and protein content%were obtained through foliar application of amino acids at a rate of 1.50 mL/L.It can be concluded that foliar sprays with these bio-fertilizers effectively improved flax performance by increasing seed straw and oil yields,nutrients oil,protein and fatty acids seeds contents. 展开更多
关键词 FLAX bio fertilizers Seeds yield Nutrient contents Quality
作者 高为民 张艺超 陈志列 《工业控制计算机》 2024年第5期24-25,30,共3页
目前市场上需搭配LVDS屏幕的工业整机不能快速适配不同分辨率的屏幕,并且不同规格的LVDS屏幕,在使用Flash存储显示时序参数时,若需在一块主板上接不同的LVDS屏幕,均需要独立适配屏幕才能够正常显示。针对上述问题,提出一种在BIOS中嵌入P... 目前市场上需搭配LVDS屏幕的工业整机不能快速适配不同分辨率的屏幕,并且不同规格的LVDS屏幕,在使用Flash存储显示时序参数时,若需在一块主板上接不同的LVDS屏幕,均需要独立适配屏幕才能够正常显示。针对上述问题,提出一种在BIOS中嵌入PTN3460模块适配屏幕的方法,对于采用PTN3460的转接方案的显示屏,不再需要在线烧录对应屏幕分辨率专用的PTN3460固件,提高了调试效率,节约售后维护成本。 展开更多
关键词 bioS LVDS PTN3460
作者 孙守福 潘昱帆 +3 位作者 唐渔 王伟 蒋雪薇 蒋雨楠 《中国口腔颌面外科杂志》 CAS 2024年第6期547-552,共6页
目的:评价下颌第三磨牙拔除后,应用浓缩生长因子(concentrate growth factors,CGF)联合自体骨和Bio-Oss修复牙槽骨的临床效果。方法:选择2020年9月—2021年12月在上海市同仁医院拔除下颌第三磨牙的患者66例,将其分为空白组(n=22)、试验... 目的:评价下颌第三磨牙拔除后,应用浓缩生长因子(concentrate growth factors,CGF)联合自体骨和Bio-Oss修复牙槽骨的临床效果。方法:选择2020年9月—2021年12月在上海市同仁医院拔除下颌第三磨牙的患者66例,将其分为空白组(n=22)、试验组A(自体骨、Bio-Oss和口腔修复膜,n=23)、试验组B(自体骨、Bio-Oss、CGF凝胶+CGF膜,n=21)。采用术后症状严重度量表(PoSSe)评估术后1周3组患者的临床症状,并测量术后3、6、12个月时第二磨牙远中牙周袋探诊深度(probe depth,PD)、骨吸收的垂直距离和水平距离。采用SPSS 19.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果:CGF可以显著减少拔牙后疼痛时间(P<0.05)。试验组B的PD在术后3、6、12个月时显著小于空白组(P<0.05),12个月时显著小于试验组A(P<0.05);术后3、6个月,试验组B的骨缺损吸收垂直高度显著低于试验组A(P<0.05)。骨缺损吸收水平距离方面,术后3、6、12个月,2个试验组的结果均显著低于空白组(P<0.05);术后3个月,试验组B显著低于试验组A(P<0.05);术后6、12个月,2组无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:自体骨和Bio-Oss在下颌第三磨牙拔除后牙槽骨的修复中可取得良好效果,但CGF联合自体骨、Bio-Oss有更好的临床疗效,更值得推荐。 展开更多
关键词 下颌第三磨牙 骨缺损 浓缩生长因子 bio-OSS 牙周袋探诊深度 PoSSe
Bio-Fertilizer Improved Oil Palm Seedling Growth
作者 Gabriel Ddamulira F. Masika +2 位作者 A. Asiimwe L. Zubairi M. Otuba 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 CAS 2024年第7期455-466,共12页
In most farming systems newly introduced commercial fertilizers to be accepted, adopted and used by farmers, their effectiveness and appropriate application rates must be exhibited. This study was conducted to validat... In most farming systems newly introduced commercial fertilizers to be accepted, adopted and used by farmers, their effectiveness and appropriate application rates must be exhibited. This study was conducted to validate the effect and rates of a bio-fertilizer (super agric) on oil palm seedling growth. The trial was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three application rates of 0, 4 and 8 ml/L of water (treatments) replicated thrice. Following the application of super agric to oil palm seedlings for a period of six months, observations drawn from the analysis of growth data were as follows: Three months after treatment, super agric significantly (P < 0.05) increased the height and breadth of oil palm seedling compared to those which were not applied with super agric. The results also showed that when super agric was applied at a rate of 4 ml/L, the leaf length and breadth were higher compared to the control were super agric was not used. Furthermore, applications of super agric improved oil palm seedling nitrogen uptake by 31% in treatment groups as compared to the control which explained the height and breadth increase in the oil palm seedlings that were applied with super agric. On the other hand, the effect of super agric application on phosphorus uptake by seedlings was not significant. Although the height, breadth, leaf width and length were all significantly affected by super agric application, the number of oil palm leaves and spears were not affected for the period the experiment was conducted. Six months after application of super agric the growth of oil palm seedlings was favorably impacted, hence we recommend super agric to be promoted among oil palm seedling growers. 展开更多
Biophoton Radiation Affecting DNA
作者 Qiao Bi Xinzhou Yuan 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2024年第11期1690-1707,共18页
The important component of the bio-photonic radiation is the bio-photonic solitons. Due to their existence, the bio-photonic radiation is different from ordinary electromagnetic radiation and has a very clear self-ind... The important component of the bio-photonic radiation is the bio-photonic solitons. Due to their existence, the bio-photonic radiation is different from ordinary electromagnetic radiation and has a very clear self-induced transparency. On the other hand, there are also various bio-solitons in DNA and proteins, which are manifested as various structural solitons such as kinks, or transmission solitons that use kinks as envelope waves and carry exponential and other wave functions. It is in DNA that there are two types of solitons with different properties, namely, wave envelope solitons have the function of transmitting biological binding energy and biological information, and Kink solitons only have the function of expanding or contracting double helix structures or opening and closing double helices. Their mutual cooperation enables the function of DNA to be completed. This paper proposes that the bio-photonic solitons in the bio-photonic radiation resonate with various solitons in the receptor DNA or protein as a whole (or locally), thereby transmitting biological information or genetic information, which is one of the important mechanisms for the bio-photonic radiation to transmit donors or change the genetic traits of receptors. It can be simply referred to as the soliton resonance mechanism. Furthermore, through the research and development of various instruments for collecting or amplifying plant photonic radiation signals, human cells can safely receive plant signals. This can be a process of resonance between plant photonic solitons and various biological solitons in human cells, which can play a role in regulating diseases. These experimental results and applications also provide an excellent interpretation of the soliton resonance mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 bio-Photonic Radiation bio-Photonic Solitons Resonance bio-Information DNA
作者 徐华兵 杨丰成 +2 位作者 梁颖欣 刘宇鹏 付东洋 《生态科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期74-80,共7页
溶解氧的分布影响着海洋生物的生存,以孟加拉湾低氧区为研究对象,利用2013—2017年该海域Bio-Argo浮标数据和卫星遥感数据,分析孟加拉湾海域海洋上层(0—200m)溶解氧的垂直分布特征,探讨孟加拉湾海表溶解氧和氧跃层时空变化及其成因。... 溶解氧的分布影响着海洋生物的生存,以孟加拉湾低氧区为研究对象,利用2013—2017年该海域Bio-Argo浮标数据和卫星遥感数据,分析孟加拉湾海域海洋上层(0—200m)溶解氧的垂直分布特征,探讨孟加拉湾海表溶解氧和氧跃层时空变化及其成因。结果表明,由于大量径流和降雨的输入,孟加拉湾海表形成显著的盐度成层,导致该海域溶解氧浓度在约40 m处开始显著降低,并在200 m以内降至20μmol·kg^(-1)以下。海表溶解氧浓度与海表温度呈负相关(r=–0.75)。氧跃层深度(DO50μmol·kg^(-1))与23℃等温线和海表面高度异常呈正相关,相关系数r分别为0.93和0.81。孟加拉湾中部低氧区海表温度是影响海表溶解氧变化的主要因素之一,氧跃层的变化则与海洋中尺度涡密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 bio-Argo浮标 溶解氧 低氧区 孟加拉湾 海表面高度异常
作者 冯妍 郭建茹 王德伟 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2024年第15期1652-1655,共4页
目的探讨富血小板纤维蛋白(PRF)联合Bio-Oss骨粉植骨术治疗慢性牙周炎并发骨缺损的效果。方法前瞻性选取唐山市职业技术学院附属医院2019年8月至2021年2月收治的64例慢性牙周炎并发骨缺损患者为研究对象。按照随机数表法将其分为两组,... 目的探讨富血小板纤维蛋白(PRF)联合Bio-Oss骨粉植骨术治疗慢性牙周炎并发骨缺损的效果。方法前瞻性选取唐山市职业技术学院附属医院2019年8月至2021年2月收治的64例慢性牙周炎并发骨缺损患者为研究对象。按照随机数表法将其分为两组,每组各32例。对照组给予Bio-Oss骨粉植骨术治疗,观察组基于对照组条件施加PRF修补。记录并比较两组术前、术后1个月的炎症因子[白细胞介素(IL)-4、IL-6、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、γ干扰素(IFN-γ)],术前、术后3个月的牙周相关指标[牙周探诊深度(PD)、附着水平(AL)及出血指数(BI)],及术前、术后1个月、术后3个月的菌落情况,术后3个月的创面愈合和咀嚼功能。结果观察组患者术后1个月的血清IL-4、IL-6、TNF-α、IFN-γ水平分别为(26.30±5.61)ng/L、(7.21±0.66)ng/L、(1.31±0.10)mg/L、(82.89±11.06)ng/L,均明显低于对照组[(34.42±6.97)ng/L、(11.32±1.07)ng/L、(1.75±0.13)mg/L、(90.12±13.87)ng/L],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组术后3个月的PD、AL值分别为(4.15±0.79)、(3.16±0.87)mm,均明显低于对照组[(5.09±1.01)、(4.56±1.12)mm],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组术后BI比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。观察组术后1、3个月的3种主要菌落的数量及占总菌落的百分率均明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后3个月,观察组创面甲级愈合率为87.50%,高于对照组(65.63%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后3个月,观察组患者的咀嚼功能评分为(9.38±0.46)分,明显高于对照组[(7.12±0.39)分],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论PRF联合Bio-Oss骨粉植骨术治疗能够有效改善慢性牙周炎并发骨缺损患者的牙周状况,能显著降低患者血清炎症因子水平,能够更好地改善患者的牙周状况,并获得良好的创面愈合效果。 展开更多
关键词 富血小板纤维蛋白 bio-Oss骨粉植骨术 慢性牙周炎 骨缺损
Analysis of the Fertilizing and Bioremediation Potential of Leaf Litter Compost Amendment in Different Soils through Indexing Method
作者 Sophayo Mahongnao Pooja Sharma +1 位作者 Arif Ahamad Sarita Nanda 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2024年第3期265-297,共33页
This research study explored the efficacy of leaf litter compost as a sustainable soil amendment with the objective of promoting soil health and mitigating the accumulation of potentially toxic elements. The investiga... This research study explored the efficacy of leaf litter compost as a sustainable soil amendment with the objective of promoting soil health and mitigating the accumulation of potentially toxic elements. The investigation encompassed the impact of various organic compost amendments, including leaf compost, cow dung manure, kitchen waste compost, municipal organic waste compost, and vermicompost. The study employed Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) to evaluate soil nutrient levels and concentrations of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) such as arsenic, chromium, cadmium, mercury, lead, nickel, and lithium. The fertilization and bioremediation potential of these compost amendments are quantified using an indexing method. Results indicated a substantial increase in overall nutrient levels (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur) in soils treated with leaf compost and other organic composts. Fertility indices (FI) are notably higher in compost-amended soils (ranging from 2.667 to 3.938) compared to those amended with chemical fertilizers (ranging from 2.250 to 2.813) across all soil samples. Furthermore, the mean concentrations of PTEs were significantly lower in soils treated with leaf compost and other organic compost amendments compared to those treated with chemical fertilizers amendments. The assessment through the indexing method revealed a high clean index (CI) for leaf compost amendment (ranging from 3.407 to 3.58), whereas the chemical fertilizer amendment exhibits a relatively lower CI (ranging from 2.78 to 3.20). Consequently, leaf compost and other organic composts exhibit the potential to enhance sustainable productivity, promoting soil health and environmental safety by improving nutrient levels and remediating potentially toxic elements in the soil. 展开更多
关键词 bio-Compost Soil Fertility Potentially Toxic Elements bioREMEDIATION
作者 宁晔 唐丽宇 +2 位作者 龚飞飞 庄劭玉 夏华宽 《蚌埠医学院学报》 CAS 2024年第2期187-191,共5页
目的:观察使用富血小板纤维蛋白(platelet-rich fibrin,PRF)联合Bio-Oss骨粉修复颌骨囊肿术后骨缺损的临床疗效。方法:选取颌骨囊肿术后存在一定大小范围的骨缺损病人共36例作为研究对象,随机分为2组,各18例。对照组病人单纯使用Bio-Os... 目的:观察使用富血小板纤维蛋白(platelet-rich fibrin,PRF)联合Bio-Oss骨粉修复颌骨囊肿术后骨缺损的临床疗效。方法:选取颌骨囊肿术后存在一定大小范围的骨缺损病人共36例作为研究对象,随机分为2组,各18例。对照组病人单纯使用Bio-Oss充填修复骨缺损;观察组病人使用PRF联合Bio-Oss充填颌骨囊肿造成的骨缺损空腔。所有病人术后分别于3、6、12个月进行定期随访观察,通过CBCT影像学检查测量骨密度值评估临床疗效。结果:观察组颌骨囊肿术后伤口愈合良好,对照组有1例术后7 d创口出现轻度糜烂红肿,未见充填材料排异反应。影像学检查显示观察组较对照组病人颌骨缺损空腔内的充填材料随着时间推移与新生骨及周围骨组织生长良好,能够达到临床满意的骨组织修复效果。观察组术后3、6、12个月骨缺损区骨密度均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05~P<0.01)。结论:PRF联合Bio-Oss骨粉可有效提高颌骨囊肿术后骨缺损的成骨疗效。 展开更多
关键词 颌骨囊肿 富血小板纤维蛋白 bio-OSS骨粉 骨缺损
作者 张翠乐 陈志方 赵璐 《广东医学》 CAS 2024年第6期777-781,共5页
目的评估Bio-Oss骨粉和浓缩生长因子(concentrated growth factor,CGF)联合应用于自体牙移植游离端骨缺损修复的临床疗效。方法选取2018年7月至2022年6月就诊于合肥市口腔医院口腔外科患者共44例,观察组23例,术中应用Bio-Oss骨粉及CGF;... 目的评估Bio-Oss骨粉和浓缩生长因子(concentrated growth factor,CGF)联合应用于自体牙移植游离端骨缺损修复的临床疗效。方法选取2018年7月至2022年6月就诊于合肥市口腔医院口腔外科患者共44例,观察组23例,术中应用Bio-Oss骨粉及CGF;对照组21例,不应用任何材料,术后定期随访,对比移植牙术后即刻初期稳定性、术后1周牙龈状况、术后3个月和6个月骨愈合情况以及术后1年成功率。结果观察组移植牙术后即刻初期稳定性较对照组有明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组术后1周牙龈肿胀度与对照组无明显改善,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后3个月受牙区牙槽骨愈合情况较对照组好,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后随访1年,观察组牙移植成功率100%;对照组牙移植成功率90.5%,留存率95.2%,失败率4.8%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论Bio-Oss骨粉与CGF在自体牙移植游离端骨缺损中有较好的临床疗效,促进新骨形成,有利于移植牙早期稳定,提高自体牙移植成功率。 展开更多
关键词 自体牙移植 bio-OSS骨粉 浓缩生长因子 游离端缺失
Efficiency of Bio-Fertilizing as One of the Natural Alternatives to Improve the Growth of Khaya senegalensis and Swietenia mahagoni Trees and for Sustainability
作者 Safaa A. S. Ghorab Nashwa H. Mohamed +2 位作者 Nader A. El-Shanhorey Nabal S. El-Shahat Amr R. Rabie 《Agricultural Sciences》 2024年第2期292-310,共19页
A field experiment was carried out at Ismailia Research Station, Ismailia Governorate from 2020-2022 to improve the growth of Khaya senegalensis and Swietenia mahagoni by using a combination of mineral fertilizer (NPK... A field experiment was carried out at Ismailia Research Station, Ismailia Governorate from 2020-2022 to improve the growth of Khaya senegalensis and Swietenia mahagoni by using a combination of mineral fertilizer (NPK) and biological fertilizer (Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megatherium, and Bacillus circulant) as recommended dose under new sandy soils conditions. Split plot designed with four treatments (Control, (50% Mineral fertilizer (M.) + 50% Biological fertilizer (Bio.)), 100% M. and 100% Bio.) of each species. Vegetative growth, leaf area, tree biomass, stored carbon, basal area, tree volume, and in the soil both of microbial account and mineral content were determined. The experimental results showed no significant differences between studied species among the most studied parameters except for Khaya senegalensis which gave the highest significant difference in root biomass and below-stored carbon than Swietenia mahagoni. Evidently, the highest significant growth parameters were 100% mineral fertilizer followed by (50% M. + 50% Bio.) as compared with control. No significant difference between 100% M. and (50% M. + 50% Bio.) of shoot dry biomass (15.19 and 12.02 kg, respectively) and above-stored carbon (0.28 and 0.22 Mt, respectively). Microbial account and mineral content in soil were improved after cultivation of tree species compared to before planting and control, especially with 50% mineral fertilizer and 50% bio-fertilizer treatment. In conclusion, a treatment containing 50% mineral fertilizer and 50% bio-fertilizer has led to the ideal Khaya senegalensis and Swietenia mahagoni growth in sandy soil for cheaper and sustainable. 展开更多
关键词 Khaya senegalensis Swietenia mahagoni Mineral Fertilizer bio-FERTILIZER Growth Parameters Tree biomass Stored Carbon SUSTAINABLE
Valorization of Agricultural Residues for Hydrogen-Based Electricity Generation towards Circular Bioeconomy
作者 Patience Afi Seglah Komikouma Apelike Wobuibe Neglo 《Open Journal of Energy Efficiency》 2024年第2期57-78,共22页
Global crises, notably climate shocks, degraded ecosystems, and growing energy demand, enforce sustainable production and consumption pathways. A circular bioeconomy offers the opportunities to actualize resource and ... Global crises, notably climate shocks, degraded ecosystems, and growing energy demand, enforce sustainable production and consumption pathways. A circular bioeconomy offers the opportunities to actualize resource and eco-efficiency enhancement, valorization of waste streams, reduction of fossil energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Albeit biomass resources are a potential feedstock for bio-hydrogen (bio-H2) production, Ghana’s agricultural residues are not fully utilized. This paper examines the economic and environmental impact of bio-H2 electricity generation using agricultural residues in Ghana. The bio-H2 potential was determined based on biogas steam reforming (BSR). The research highlights that BSR could generate 2617 kt of bio-H2, corresponding to 2.78% of the global hydrogen demand. Yam and maize residues contribute 50.47% of the bio-H2 produced, while millet residues have the most negligible share. A tonne of residues could produce 16.59 kg of bio-H2 and 29.83 kWh of electricity. A total of 4,705.89 GWh of electricity produced could replace the consumption of 21.92% of Ghana’s electricity. The economic viability reveals that electricity cost is $0.174/kWh and has a positive net present value of $2135550609.45 with a benefit-to-cost ratio of 1.26. The fossil diesel displaced is 1421.09 ML, and 3862.55 kt CO2eq of carbon emissions decreased corresponding to an annual reduction potential of 386.26 kt CO2eq. This accounts for reducing 10.26% of Ghana’s GHG emissions. The study demonstrates that hydrogen-based electricity production as an energy transition is a strategic innovation pillar to advance the circular bioeconomy and achieve sustainable development goals. 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural Residues biogas Steam Reforming bio-HYDROGEN ELECTRICITY Circular bioeconomy
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