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Reflections on Studying Huang Di Nei Jing in the West
作者 Edward Neal 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2024年第1期72-76,共5页
Huang Di Nei Jing(《黄帝内经》The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic) has been the source text of Chinese medicine knowledge and innovation for over two thousand years. Despite this key relevance, many of its ideas and p... Huang Di Nei Jing(《黄帝内经》The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic) has been the source text of Chinese medicine knowledge and innovation for over two thousand years. Despite this key relevance, many of its ideas and practices have proven difficult to understand and implement fully into clinical practice. Cultural and language differences can be compounded with these challenges but may also present new opportunities for advancement and insight when studied by researchers outside of the originating culture. This article introduces the method of Classical-Text Archaeology and delves into the author’s two-decade journey of researching this text, with a discussion on cultural differences and issues of medical scholarship. 展开更多
关键词 Huang Di Nei jing Chinese medicine Nei jing nature-based medicine Classical text research Global health Medical anthropology Classical-Text Archaeology
Research on the origin of the theory of“heart as monarch”in Huang Di Nei Jing(Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic)
作者 Ya-Chen Zhao Ji-Hao Li 《History & Philosophy of Medicine》 2023年第1期24-29,共6页
Scholars have previously attributed the theoretical origin of“the heart is the monarch/ruler”to the monarchical view of politics.However,according to the latest unearthed documents and relevant documents handed down... Scholars have previously attributed the theoretical origin of“the heart is the monarch/ruler”to the monarchical view of politics.However,according to the latest unearthed documents and relevant documents handed down from ancient times,it can be found that the theory of“the heart is the monarch”might derive from the importance of attachment to the“Zhong”ideology in traditional culture,which promoted the concept that the heart as the center of body,should be the ruler and was later evolved as the“monarch”.Similar cognitive views were all mentioned in Confucianism,Taoism,eclectics scholars and other pre-Qin literature,but only in the system of traditional Chinese medicine,they played a significant role in building the heart-centered theory of Zang-Fu.Traditional Chinese medicine is a discipline developed mainly by clinical practice with the fundamental purpose of curing diseases and saving people.Although the philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)roots in the pre-Qin Dynasty,the development is unique to the other philosophies.With rich cultural connotations and philosophical thoughts,TCM is certainly the key to the treasures of Chinese civilization and deserves more attention and exploration. 展开更多
关键词 Huang Di Nei jing the heart is the monarch Zhong the pre-Qin thoughts traditional Chinese medicine culture
作者 李玉尚 许文心 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期181-192,共12页
黄中海道针经,是雍正五年至七年由文登县知县黄中,根据邑中长老口述而加工编撰的一段从天津至山东自北而南沿海航行的指南。雍正《山东通志》将是段海程收录,这是目前所见最接近原始记录的文献。是部海道针经,详细记叙了沿山东半岛一带... 黄中海道针经,是雍正五年至七年由文登县知县黄中,根据邑中长老口述而加工编撰的一段从天津至山东自北而南沿海航行的指南。雍正《山东通志》将是段海程收录,这是目前所见最接近原始记录的文献。是部海道针经,详细记叙了沿山东半岛一带海域的地文、水文与气象现象,并总结其规律,具有很强的科学性与实操性,它代表了在传统社会条件下海洋科学技术所能达到的最高峰。同时,它展现出一幅沿线生民捕鱼、商贸、信仰与国家海上管理的清晰生动图景。对黄中海道针经的考释,也让我们重新思考国家层面上的河运海运之争,清代因袭明重农防海的基本国策,由此构建出的一套话语体系,不但遮蔽了繁忙发达的海上往来,而且极大地延迟了海运替代河运的时间。 展开更多
关键词 黄中海程 航海针经 导航指南 北道
作者 刘喆雯 朱文雄 陈其华 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第5期873-877,共5页
六经开阖枢理论首见于《黄帝内经》,阐述三阴三阳为天地之道、生杀之本的观点,强调通过调节枢机开阖以实现一气周流无碍,气血阴阳平衡。兹从六经阴阳开阖枢理论探赜遗精的治疗,认为肝、脾、肾枢机斡旋失司、开阖失调是遗精发生的关键,... 六经开阖枢理论首见于《黄帝内经》,阐述三阴三阳为天地之道、生杀之本的观点,强调通过调节枢机开阖以实现一气周流无碍,气血阴阳平衡。兹从六经阴阳开阖枢理论探赜遗精的治疗,认为肝、脾、肾枢机斡旋失司、开阖失调是遗精发生的关键,分而论之为土湿阳衰、肝木不升、水火失交、肾虚水寒,从而出现气化不利,加重壅塞,最终导致遗精。因此,治疗应强调恢复枢机开阖之力,调控肝、心、脾、肾各脏气机升降出入的动态平衡,应用疏肝解郁、交通心肾、温肾助阳等治法,引导厥阴、少阴、少阳等经脉正气回归,达到气血循行通畅、脏腑功能恢复的目的,为遗精的临床治疗提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 《黄帝内经》 六经 开阖枢 遗精 交通心肾 中医药
作者 张晓乐 程发峰 +3 位作者 欧阳欢 韩祖成 王庆国 王雪茜 《四川中医》 2024年第5期19-22,共4页
仲景营卫理论源于《内经》,首次提出营卫不和病机观点,首创六经系统辨证法,阐明营卫不和分型论治。在六经辨证体系构建中,营卫调畅是六经病证的生理病理基础,营卫理论作为主线贯穿始终。类方理论是窥探仲景营卫观的铜镜,在《伤寒论》《... 仲景营卫理论源于《内经》,首次提出营卫不和病机观点,首创六经系统辨证法,阐明营卫不和分型论治。在六经辨证体系构建中,营卫调畅是六经病证的生理病理基础,营卫理论作为主线贯穿始终。类方理论是窥探仲景营卫观的铜镜,在《伤寒论》《金匮要略》方论中,以桂枝汤类方、麻黄汤类方体现的最为突出,认为桂枝汤类方“调”营卫,麻黄汤类方“畅”营卫。因此,可以通过桂枝汤类方、麻黄汤类方探析仲景“调、畅”营卫思路,为仲景学术的传承、发展和创新奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 桂枝汤类方 麻黄汤类方 仲景 营卫理论 探析
作者 张李博 鞠宝兆 《中国中医药信息杂志》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期177-180,共4页
“阴平阳秘,精神乃治”意指人体最佳健康状态。阴阳理论是中医理论的根基,调和阴阳是治疗慢性皮肤病的关键。阴阳平衡的关键在于阳气足,阳气充足则卫外固密,正气存内,邪气难以入侵,无形之邪难以化为有形之邪。临证中发现,阳化气不足是... “阴平阳秘,精神乃治”意指人体最佳健康状态。阴阳理论是中医理论的根基,调和阴阳是治疗慢性皮肤病的关键。阴阳平衡的关键在于阳气足,阳气充足则卫外固密,正气存内,邪气难以入侵,无形之邪难以化为有形之邪。临证中发现,阳化气不足是皮肤病发生发展的重要原因之一。通过温阳散邪,辅以解肌祛风、调和营卫、温通散寒、清热解毒、养血润燥等法,可使虚阳得温,阳伏阴中,阴平阳秘,诸病得消。 展开更多
关键词 黄帝内经 阴平阳秘 温阳法 皮肤病
作者 马晓宇 杨帆 何佳明 《天津中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第2期176-180,共5页
银屑病,中医称之为白疕,是一种慢性的炎症性的皮肤疾病,具有很强的遗传倾向和自身免疫致病特征,并且与许多其他疾病相关。该病病因及病机尚未彻底明确,且临床治疗较难,易反复,严重影响患者身心健康。近年来,中医在治疗银屑病方面疗效显... 银屑病,中医称之为白疕,是一种慢性的炎症性的皮肤疾病,具有很强的遗传倾向和自身免疫致病特征,并且与许多其他疾病相关。该病病因及病机尚未彻底明确,且临床治疗较难,易反复,严重影响患者身心健康。近年来,中医在治疗银屑病方面疗效显著,可是关于该病的发生,以及迁延不愈的难题却始终困惑着病人和临床医师。笔者主要从《黄帝内经》的营卫学说角度,立足于阴阳理论,以卫失卫外,营失内守,内生痰浊瘀血为病机,以调和营卫、固护脾胃为治疗原则,深刻阐析了银屑病发生发展的中医理论根源,认为营卫失和是引起银屑病发生和缠绵难愈的核心原因,并指出银屑病共患病的产生也与营卫不和所引起的机体环境变化有关,因此该文用《内经》营卫理论可以为银屑病的预防治疗提出了新思路。 展开更多
关键词 《黄帝内经》 营卫理论 白疕 银屑病 病因病机
作者 常如春 彭鑫 +3 位作者 余琛 邓文斐 罗沐霖 李子勇 《广州中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第2期413-418,共6页
据古鉴今,探讨《黄帝内经》中“粗守关上守机”理论内涵并详悉其与多维疼痛的针刺治疗关联性。从《黄帝内经》“粗守关上守机”理论出发,结合现代生理、心理及社会关系三方面影响,与疼痛三维度进行相关性分析,并从“守关”“守机”两层... 据古鉴今,探讨《黄帝内经》中“粗守关上守机”理论内涵并详悉其与多维疼痛的针刺治疗关联性。从《黄帝内经》“粗守关上守机”理论出发,结合现代生理、心理及社会关系三方面影响,与疼痛三维度进行相关性分析,并从“守关”“守机”两层角度论述针刺治痛的多维策略,实现疼痛的全方位治疗,在符合人体生理、病理基础,彰显良好社会关系上,将为患者带来明显获益。 展开更多
关键词 针刺 疼痛 黄帝内经 守关 守机 治痛
作者 李健伟 李春艳 王诗源 《新中医》 CAS 2024年第10期63-67,共5页
明确《黄帝内经》与《伤寒杂病论》的传承关系,分析《黄帝内经》眩晕论治思想对张仲景的影响,梳理总结《黄帝内经》《伤寒杂病论》论述眩证的内容,从外邪致眩、痰饮致眩、因虚致眩等方面,探讨张仲景眩证论治规律,以期为临床辨治眩证提... 明确《黄帝内经》与《伤寒杂病论》的传承关系,分析《黄帝内经》眩晕论治思想对张仲景的影响,梳理总结《黄帝内经》《伤寒杂病论》论述眩证的内容,从外邪致眩、痰饮致眩、因虚致眩等方面,探讨张仲景眩证论治规律,以期为临床辨治眩证提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 眩证 《黄帝内经》 《伤寒杂病论》 张仲景
《黄帝内经》之“肾治于里”理论探赜 被引量:1
作者 朱慧蓉 刘金涛 《新中医》 CAS 2024年第2期58-62,共5页
“肾治于里”一词首见于《黄帝内经》,常理解为“肾位置在里,主治于里”或“肾主水,其气内治于里”。然而,众医者对其含义认识仍有分歧,在指导临床实践时亦有困惑。从“肾治于里”的文义、理论意义及临床价值方面进行探赜,“肾治于里”... “肾治于里”一词首见于《黄帝内经》,常理解为“肾位置在里,主治于里”或“肾主水,其气内治于里”。然而,众医者对其含义认识仍有分歧,在指导临床实践时亦有困惑。从“肾治于里”的文义、理论意义及临床价值方面进行探赜,“肾治于里”的文义可从肾的位置、肾的功能、肾与易学三方面解读,其理论意义及临床价值可从“肾为至阴,五行主水”“肾与冬应,藏精,主蛰守位”“肾内寓真阴真阳、为脏腑阴阳之本”“肾之经脉属少阴”四方面阐释。虽然众医者对“肾治于里”理论的诠释不同,呈现出各家学说的特点,但本质上均是对《黄帝内经》“肾治于里”理论的传承创新。因此,医者在临床应用时要灵活运用,为“肾治于里”的临床运用提供理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 《黄帝内经》 肾治于里
作者 李博灵 赵永烈 +1 位作者 王丹萍 周晓卿 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第4期623-627,共5页
任、督、冲脉理论为奇经八脉理论的重要内容。王冰提出任、督、冲脉“一源三歧”“异名同体”学说,体现三脉之间的密切联系。以《黄帝内经》《难经》《脉经》《针灸甲乙经》为基础,分析以上两种认识。认为“一源三歧”为任、督、冲脉同... 任、督、冲脉理论为奇经八脉理论的重要内容。王冰提出任、督、冲脉“一源三歧”“异名同体”学说,体现三脉之间的密切联系。以《黄帝内经》《难经》《脉经》《针灸甲乙经》为基础,分析以上两种认识。认为“一源三歧”为任、督、冲脉同起于小腹深处肾下胞中,三脉浅出体表位置不同,受《针灸甲乙经》影响,针灸学教材认为三脉同出于会阴。《黄帝内经》认为任脉上循脊里、督脉少腹直上,故王冰认为任脉、督脉命名实为区别腹背阴阳,但冲脉与任脉、督脉循行并未重合。任、督、冲脉“异名同体”包含任、督脉的循行重合与冲、督脉生理病理密切联系两层含义。 展开更多
关键词 任脉 督脉 冲脉 一源三歧 异名同体 《黄帝内经》 《难经》 《脉经》 《针灸甲乙经》
Global Localization and Overseas Dissemination of Huang Di Nei Jing English Translation
作者 GAO Yun 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2019年第4期382-388,共7页
Aiming to promote overseas acceptance level of the domestic English version of Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen on the premise of preserving the cultural characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), this paper made ... Aiming to promote overseas acceptance level of the domestic English version of Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen on the premise of preserving the cultural characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), this paper made a comparative analysis of different translations of Chinese character "和"(he) in three English versions of Su Wen, based on the discourse theory of "global localization". The analysis reveals that Li’s translation uses the strategy of transliteration plus interpretation to preserve the original Chinese classic’s style, thinking, and ideas, but the effect is not satisfactory. Veith’s free translation enables overseas readers to understand the content relatively easily, but fails to convey the rich TCM cultural connotation. Unschuld’s translation strictly follows the principles of linguistics in order to reflect the original thinking and idea to the utmost extent, and at the same time takes into account the expressions commonly used by the readers of English-speaking countries. That’s the reason why his translation enjoys the greatest popularity among professionals and the general public alike overseas. It is also clear from the analysis that different social historical contexts in which Su Wen was translated and each translator’s subjectivity determine translation’s target audiences, purposes, and ultimately translation strategies. Therefore, in order to speed up the "going out" of TCM culture, domestic translators are suggested to determine target audience and translation purpose in the first place, and study overseas readers’ knowledge background, information needs, reading habits, and value orientation before deciding the translation strategies. 展开更多
关键词 global localization TCM culture HUANG DI Nei jing English TRANSLATION OVERSEAS READERS TRANSLATION purposes
The Taoism Philosophy within Traditional Chinese Medicine:The Relation between Huang Di Nei Jing(《黄帝内经》Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic)anti Dao De Jing(《道德经》Tao Te Jing)
作者 Chee Hoong Urn Seng Keat Urn +2 位作者 Guo Lin Wong Linchao Qian Yun Jin Kim 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2019年第4期184-188,共5页
Taoism refers lo an indigenous Chinese philosophical and religious tradition.For more than two and a half millennia,it has had a profound social and intellectual influence on Eastern Asia and since the 19^th century h... Taoism refers lo an indigenous Chinese philosophical and religious tradition.For more than two and a half millennia,it has had a profound social and intellectual influence on Eastern Asia and since the 19^th century has deeply influenced Western countries.Dao DeJing(《道德经》Tao TeJing)is still considered to be the primary text of Taoism.The Too TeJing is attributed to Laozi,the classical Chinese Philosopher,and describes the major doctrines of Taoism.It is most relevant to Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM).This article offers a brief introduction to the Taoism within TCM-the relation between Huang Di Nei Jing(《黄帝内经》The Yellow Emperor s Inner Classic)and Dao De Jing(《道德经》Tao TeJing). 展开更多
关键词 Dao De jing(《道德经》Too Te jing) Huang Di Nei jing(《黄帝内经》The Yellow Emperorss Inner Classic) Taoism Philosophy
Series of Interpretation on Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic (Ⅲ):Unity of Spirit and Body:Views from Huang Di Nei Jing (《黄帝内经》Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic)
作者 Qingqi Wang 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2018年第3期147-149,共3页
Human life activities are inevitably affected by the surrounding environment,such as natural and social environment.It is the basic principle of TCM to set a series of medical practice activities.TCM believes that the... Human life activities are inevitably affected by the surrounding environment,such as natural and social environment.It is the basic principle of TCM to set a series of medical practice activities.TCM believes that the social environment has an inestimable influence on the mind and body of human beings.This study introduces the unity of spirit and body in traditional Chinese medicine. 展开更多
关键词 Body Huang Di Nei jing(《黄帝内经》Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic) social environment SPIRIT
Thoughts on Coronavirus Disease 2019 Based on JingFang Medicine (Classical Chinese Formula) Solutions for COVID-19
作者 Huang Huang 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2019年第1期115-120,共6页
This article aims to provide some thoughts on the prevention and treatment of Coronaviras Disease 2019(COVTD-19)from the perspective of JingFang Medicine(Classical Chinese Formula).It is believed that the vague theore... This article aims to provide some thoughts on the prevention and treatment of Coronaviras Disease 2019(COVTD-19)from the perspective of JingFang Medicine(Classical Chinese Formula).It is believed that the vague theoretical understanding of COVTD-19 in Traditional Chinese Medicine does not hinder the precise treatment of the disease by following the rale of“With this Zheng,prescribe this Fang.”According to the principle of“Fang-Zheng Correlation”and the knowledge gained from the thousands of years of experience in treating febrile diseases,Xiao Chai Hu Decoction(小柴胡汤)and its modifications are recommended with the emphasis on individualized treatment.As another form of practicing“Fang-Zheng Correlation,”generalized group treatment should also be paid attention to.Giving considerations to(ire historical medical data,Jing Fang Bai Du Powder(荆防败毒散)and Shi Shen Decoction(十神汤)are reconunended for group prevention treatment.Assisting the Zheng(Upright)Qi and using tonic formulas are two entirely different concepts.According to the principle of“Fang-Zheng Correlation,”tonics abuse should be avoided in the prevention of COVID-19,and the using of Huang Qi(黄芪Radix Astragali seu Hedysari)should also be very carefully done. 展开更多
关键词 Classical formula coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) Fang-Zheng correlation Huang Qi jing Fang Bai Du Powder Radix Astragali seu Hedysari Xiao Chai Hu Decoction
Thoughts on Coronavirus Disease 2019 Based on JingFang Medicine(Classical Chinese Formula)Solutions for COVID‑19
作者 Huang Huang 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2020年第3期115-120,共6页
This article aims to provide some thoughts on the prevention and treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID‑19)from the perspective of JingFang Medicine(Classical Chinese Formula).It is believed that the vague theore... This article aims to provide some thoughts on the prevention and treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID‑19)from the perspective of JingFang Medicine(Classical Chinese Formula).It is believed that the vague theoretical understanding of COVID‑19 in Traditional Chinese Medicine does not hinder the precise treatment of the disease by following the rule of“With this Zheng,prescribe this Fang.”According to the principle of“Fang‑Zheng Correlation”and the knowledge gained from the thousands of years of experience in treating febrile diseases,Xiao Chai Hu Decoction(小柴胡汤)and its modifications are recommended with the emphasis on individualized treatment.As another form of practicing“Fang‑Zheng Correlation,”generalized group treatment should also be paid attention to.Giving considerations to the historical medical data,Jing Fang Bai Du Powder(荆防败毒散)and Shi Shen Decoction(十神汤)are recommended for group prevention treatment.Assisting the Zheng(Upright)Qi and using tonic formulas are two entirely different concepts.According to the principle of“Fang‑Zheng Correlation,”tonics abuse should be avoided in the prevention of COVID‑19,and the using of Huang Qi(黄芪Radix Astragali seu Hedysari)should also be very carefully done. 展开更多
关键词 Classical formula coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) Fang‑Zheng correlation Huang Qi jing Fang Bai Du Powder Radix Astragali seu Hedysari Xiao Chai Hu Decoction
五运六气时相因素对胎孕不育影响的观察 被引量:1
作者 潘连军 阮衍泰 史卿菁 《中华男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期533-537,共5页
目的:观察五运六气时相因素对稽留流产的影响,验证《黄帝内经·五常政大论》中关于运气因素影响人类胎孕的相关条文。方法:收集2006~2020年15年间南京市妇幼保健院及2012~2020年9年间扬州市妇幼保健院稽留流产/胎停育数据,根据干支... 目的:观察五运六气时相因素对稽留流产的影响,验证《黄帝内经·五常政大论》中关于运气因素影响人类胎孕的相关条文。方法:收集2006~2020年15年间南京市妇幼保健院及2012~2020年9年间扬州市妇幼保健院稽留流产/胎停育数据,根据干支纪年的天干地支确定2006~2020年各年份的司天、在泉之气,对比不同运气年份的稽留流产/胎停育数据,根据《黄帝内经》相关条文,观察是否某运气年份稽留流产/胎停育例数明显增多。结果:两家医院15、9年间共计收治稽留流产/胎停育病例28059例。不同年份对比发现,运气年份为少阳相火司天、厥阴风木在泉时(2010、2016年)稽留流产/胎停育病例数较其他年份明显增多;太阳寒水在泉运气年份(2009、2015年)稽留流产/胎停育病例数有较明显增多。结论:运气因素对稽留流产/胎停育有影响,少阳相火司天、厥阴风木在泉、太阳寒水在泉运气年份对人类胎孕不利。《黄帝内经·五常政大论》关于运气因素对胎孕不育影响的有关条文时至今日仍然可以得到验证。 展开更多
关键词 《黄帝内经》 五运六气 胎孕 生殖
Series of Interpretation on Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic: Two Correspondence between Human and the Heaven: Views from Huang Di Nei Jing (《黄帝内经》 Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic)
作者 Qingqi Wang 段英帅(译) 《Chinese Medicine and Culture》 2018年第1期1-4,共4页
This paper introduces the relations between human and the nature in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).TCM is a science dedicated to studies on laws of human life activities.
关键词 Huang Di Nei jing(《黄帝内经》Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic) Ling Shu(《灵枢》Spirited Pivot) human and the Heaven
基于《黄帝内经》脾之生理多维度探讨胰腺癌治脾策略 被引量:3
作者 张传龙 李奕 +2 位作者 庞博 花宝金 朴炳奎 《世界中西医结合杂志》 2023年第3期445-448,共4页
“积聚日久,法从中治”已成为学界辨治恶性肿瘤的重要准则,胰腺癌恶性程度极高,究其病位在脾,故其防治更应重脾。基于《黄帝内经》脾之生理多维度探讨胰腺癌的防治策略,总结认为脾之生理异常为胰腺癌发生发展的关键。从胰腺癌的癌变期... “积聚日久,法从中治”已成为学界辨治恶性肿瘤的重要准则,胰腺癌恶性程度极高,究其病位在脾,故其防治更应重脾。基于《黄帝内经》脾之生理多维度探讨胰腺癌的防治策略,总结认为脾之生理异常为胰腺癌发生发展的关键。从胰腺癌的癌变期、瘤体期、转移期、康复期等多个时间维度,在扶正祛邪治则指导下,深入探讨以脾为病位的胰腺癌具体治脾思路。维度不同,则有“脾困”与“脾虚”之异,脾困又分脾为己困、脾被邪困,脾虚又分邪在脾虚、邪去脾虚,故治脾策略便不同。结合现代研究与临证经验,总结醒脾护脾防癌变、清脾燥脾抑瘤体、补脾益脾控转移、滋脾理脾促康复的临证思路,以期为胰腺癌的中医临床防治提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 《黄帝内经》 胰腺癌 中医药 生理 治疗
基于《黄帝内经》“昼夜节律”及现代医学辨治糖尿病失眠 被引量:2
作者 王琳 韩煦 +1 位作者 陈清光 陆灏 《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 2023年第1期75-77,共3页
失眠严重影响患者健康,在2型糖尿病患者中,睡眠障碍更为普遍。《黄帝内经》“天人相应”“阴阳消长”“营卫运行”“卫气不得入于阴”理论对于探讨糖尿病患者失眠的生理病理机制和指导治疗具有重要意义和实践价值。本文基于《黄帝内经... 失眠严重影响患者健康,在2型糖尿病患者中,睡眠障碍更为普遍。《黄帝内经》“天人相应”“阴阳消长”“营卫运行”“卫气不得入于阴”理论对于探讨糖尿病患者失眠的生理病理机制和指导治疗具有重要意义和实践价值。本文基于《黄帝内经》“昼夜节律”和现代生物节律阐释失眠病变机理,可为进一步发现失眠复杂的调控机理提供思路。 展开更多
关键词 失眠 昼夜节律 天人相应 阴阳消长 营卫运行 黄帝内经
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