The development of precision agriculture demands high accuracy and efficiency of cultivated land information extraction. As a new means of monitoring the ground in recent years, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) low-hei...The development of precision agriculture demands high accuracy and efficiency of cultivated land information extraction. As a new means of monitoring the ground in recent years, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) low-height remote sensing technique, which is flexible, efficient with low cost and with high resolution, is widely applied to investing various resources. Based on this, a novel extraction method for cultivated land information based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning (DTCLE) was proposed. First, linear features (roads and ridges etc.) were excluded based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN). Next, feature extraction method learned from DCNN was used to cultivated land information extraction by introducing transfer learning mechanism. Last, cultivated land information extraction results were completed by the DTCLE and eCognifion for cultivated land information extraction (ECLE). The location of the Pengzhou County and Guanghan County, Sichuan Province were selected for the experimental purpose. The experimental results showed that the overall precision for the experimental image 1, 2 and 3 (of extracting cultivated land) with the DTCLE method was 91.7%, 88.1% and 88.2% respectively, and the overall precision of ECLE is 9o.7%, 90.5% and 87.0%, respectively. Accuracy of DTCLE was equivalent to that of ECLE, and also outperformed ECLE in terms of integrity and continuity.展开更多
As in many parts of the world, long-term excessive extraction of groundwater has caused significant land-surface sub- sidence in the residential areas of Datun coal mining district in East China. The recorded maximum ...As in many parts of the world, long-term excessive extraction of groundwater has caused significant land-surface sub- sidence in the residential areas of Datun coal mining district in East China. The recorded maximum level of subsidence in the area since 1976 to 2006 is 863 mm, and the area with an accumulative subsidence more than 200 mm has reached 33.1 km2 by the end of 2006. Over ten cases of building crack due to ground subsidence have already been observed. Spatial variation in ground subsi- dence often leads to a corresponding pattern of ground deformation. Buildings and underground infrastructures have been under a higher risk of damage in locations with greater differential ground deformation. Governmental guideline in China classifies build- ing damages into four different levels, based on the observable measures such as the width of wall crack, the degree of door and window deformation, the degree of wall inclination and the degree of structural destruction. Building damage level (BDL) is esti- mated by means of ground deformation analysis in terms of variations in slope gradient and curvature. Ground deformation analysis in terms of variations in slope gradient has shown that the areas of BDL III and BDL II sites account for about 0.013 km2 and 0.284 km2 respectively in 2006, and the predicted areas of BDL (define this first) III and II sites will be about 0.029 km2 and 0.423 km2 respectively by 2010. The situation is getting worse as subsidence continues. That calls for effective strategies for subsidence miti- gation and damage reduction, in terms of sustainable groundwater extraction, enhanced monitoring and the establishment of early warning systems.展开更多
Urban land provides a suitable location for various economic activities which affect the development of surrounding areas. With rapid industrialization and urbanization, the contradictions in land-use become more noti...Urban land provides a suitable location for various economic activities which affect the development of surrounding areas. With rapid industrialization and urbanization, the contradictions in land-use become more noticeable. Urban administrators and decision-makers seek modern methods and technology to provide information support for urban growth. Recently, with the fast development of high-resolution sensor technology, more relevant data can be obtained, which is an advantage in studying the sustainable development of urban land-use. However, these data are only information sources and are a mixture of "information" and "noise". Processing, analysis and information extraction from remote sensing data is necessary to provide useful information. This paper extracts urban land-use information from a high-resolution image by using the multi-feature information of the image objects, and adopts an object-oriented image analysis approach and multi-scale image segmentation technology. A classification and extraction model is set up based on the multi-features of the image objects, in order to contribute to information for reasonable planning and effective management. This new image analysis approach offers a satisfactory solution for extracting information quickly and efficiently.展开更多
Land use change is a major factor in alterations in natural processes and cycles. Remote sensing has become an excellent tool to evaluate technological changes in land cover and land use changes over large areas, such...Land use change is a major factor in alterations in natural processes and cycles. Remote sensing has become an excellent tool to evaluate technological changes in land cover and land use changes over large areas, such as those occurring in the Valley of San Luis Potosi (VSLP). Here, such changes have impacted a system which is 95% dependent on the aquifer. The methodology for the present study is based on the use of satellite images for the years 1976, 1986, 1995 and 2000. To asses land use change, a supervised classification process was used with a decision tree technique and ENVI 4.3 software. The evolution of groundwater levels for the years 1977, 1986, 1995, 1998 and 2007 was also analyzed, as well as problems of subsidence and fissuring in the urban area of the valley in 2006. With the support of remote sensing, it was possible to analyze the dynamic changes in land use over large areas and highlight their impact on the environment.展开更多
Cultivated land extraction is essential for sustainable development and agriculture.In this paper,the network we propose is based on the encoder-decoder structure,which extracts the semantic segmentation neural networ...Cultivated land extraction is essential for sustainable development and agriculture.In this paper,the network we propose is based on the encoder-decoder structure,which extracts the semantic segmentation neural network of cultivated land from satellite images and uses it for agricultural automation solutions.The encoder consists of two part:the first is the modified Xception,it can used as the feature extraction network,and the second is the atrous convolution,it can used to expand the receptive field and the context information to extract richer feature information.The decoder part uses the conventional upsampling operation to restore the original resolution.In addition,we use the combination of BCE and Loves-hinge as a loss function to optimize the Intersection over Union(IoU).Experimental results show that the proposed network structure can solve the problem of cultivated land extraction in Yinchuan City.展开更多
This study aimed to develop a water-extraction system which could produce the fresh water from the air in arid regions and which used renewable energies as the electric power source. In this paper, the experiments for...This study aimed to develop a water-extraction system which could produce the fresh water from the air in arid regions and which used renewable energies as the electric power source. In this paper, the experiments for water extraction from the air were carried out by using the novel multi-stage water-extraction device with Peltier deices for two cases of temperature and related humidity of the air. One was the case where the temperature and the related humidity of the air were constant, and the other was the case where they were simulated the variation of the temperature and related humidity of the air in a day of summer and spring in Loess Plateau, China. The effects of the temperature and related humidity of the atmospheric air and supply the electric power to Peltier devices on performance of water production of the device were investigated and reported.展开更多
Designing “liveable” cities as climate change effects are felt all over the world has become a priority to city authorities as ways are sought to reduce rising temperatures in urban areas. Urban Heat Island (UHI) ef...Designing “liveable” cities as climate change effects are felt all over the world has become a priority to city authorities as ways are sought to reduce rising temperatures in urban areas. Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect occurs when there is a difference in temperature between rural and urban areas. In urban areas, impervious surfaces absorb heat during the day and release it at night, making urban areas warmer compared to rural areas which cool faster at night. This Urban Heat Island effect is particularly noticeable at night. Noticeable negative effects of Urban Heat Islands include health problems, air pollution, water shortages and higher energy requirements. The main objective of this research paper was to analyze the spatial and temporal relationship between Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Normalized Density Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Built-Up Density Index (BDI) in Upper-Hill, Nairobi Kenya. The changes in land cover would be represented by analyzing the two indices NDVI and BDI. Results showed the greatest increase in temperature within Upper-Hill of up to 3.96°C between the years 2015 and 2017. There was also an increase in impervious surfaces as indicated by NDVI and BDI within Upper-Hill and its surroundings. The linear regression results showed a negative correlation between LST and NDVI and a positive correlation with BDI, which is a better predictor of Land Surface Temperature than NDVI. Data sets were analyzed from Landsat imagery for the periods 1987, 2002, 2015 and 2017 to determine changes in land surface temperatures over a 30 year period and it’s relation to land cover changes using indices. Visual comparisons between Temperature differences between the years revealed that temperatures decreased around the urban areas. Minimum and maximum temperatures showed an increase of 1.6°C and 3.65°C respectively between 1987 and 2017. The comparisons between LST, NDVI and BDI show the results to be significantly different. The use of NDVI and BDI to study changes in land cover due to urbanization, reduces the time taken to manually classify moderate resolution satellite imagery.展开更多
Because of the developed economy and lush vegetation in southern China, the following obstacles or difficulties exist in remote sensing land surface classification: 1) Diverse surface composition types;2) Undulating t...Because of the developed economy and lush vegetation in southern China, the following obstacles or difficulties exist in remote sensing land surface classification: 1) Diverse surface composition types;2) Undulating terrains;3) Small fragmented land;4) Indistinguishable shadows of surface objects. It is our top priority to clarify how to use the concept of big data (Data mining technology) and various new technologies and methods to make complex surface remote sensing information extraction technology develop in the direction of automation, refinement and intelligence. In order to achieve the above research objectives, the paper takes the Gaofen-2 satellite data produced in China as the data source, and takes the complex surface remote sensing information extraction technology as the research object, and intelligently analyzes the remote sensing information of complex surface on the basis of completing the data collection and preprocessing. The specific extraction methods are as follows: 1) extraction research on fractal texture features of Brownian motion;2) extraction research on color features;3) extraction research on vegetation index;4) research on vectors and corresponding classification. In this paper, fractal texture features, color features, vegetation features and spectral features of remote sensing images are combined to form a combination feature vector, which improves the dimension of features, and the feature vector improves the difference of remote sensing features, and it is more conducive to the classification of remote sensing features, and thus it improves the classification accuracy of remote sensing images. It is suitable for remote sensing information extraction of complex surface in southern China. This method can be extended to complex surface area in the future.展开更多
To build a rapid and accurate method for greenhouse vegetable landinformation extraction using an index model derived from TM digital data of Qingzhou City, ShandongProvince, based on a systematic analysis of the spec...To build a rapid and accurate method for greenhouse vegetable landinformation extraction using an index model derived from TM digital data of Qingzhou City, ShandongProvince, based on a systematic analysis of the spectral characteristics of different land use typesin the study area, a subset of the image was first made to eliminate the mountainous region notassociated with vegetable distribution, and then water body pixels were masked. With this the V_Iindex model for greenhouse vegetable land extraction was developed. The index model indicatedgreenhouse vegetable land for Qingzhou in April 2002 was concentrated in the southeast and aroundrural residential areas. Field data used for an accuracy evaluation showed that greenhouse hectaresdetermined with remote sensing were 95.9% accurate, and accuracy for the spatial distribution ofgreenhouse vegetable land cross checked with a random sample was 96.3%. Therefore, this approachprovided an effective method for greenhouse vegetable land information extraction and has potentialsignificance for management of greenhouse vegetable production in the study area, as well as NorthChina.展开更多
Spatial and temporal informationon urban infrastructure is essential and requires various land-cover/land-use planning and management applications.Besides,a change in infrastructure has a direct impact on other land-c...Spatial and temporal informationon urban infrastructure is essential and requires various land-cover/land-use planning and management applications.Besides,a change in infrastructure has a direct impact on other land-cover and climatic conditions.This study assessed changes in the rate and spatial distribution of Peshawar district’s infrastructure and its effects on Land Surface Temperature(LST)during the years 1996 and 2019.For this purpose,firstly,satellite images of bands7 and 8 ETM+(Enhanced Thematic Mapper)plus and OLI(Operational Land Imager)of 30 m resolution were taken.Secondly,for classification and image processing,remote sensing(RS)applications ENVI(Environment for Visualising Images)and GIS(Geographic Information System)were used.Thirdly,for better visualization and more in-depth analysis of land sat images,pre-processing techniques were employed.For Land use and Land cover(LU/LC)four types of land cover areas were identified-vegetation area,water cover,urbanized area,and infertile land for the years under research.The composition of red,green,and near infra-red bands was used for supervised classification.Classified images were extracted for analyzing the relative infrastructure change.A comparative analysis for the classification of images is performed for SVM(Support Vector Machine)and ANN(Artificial Neural Network).Based on analyzing these images,the result shows the rise in the average temperature from 30.04℃ to 45.25℃.This only possible reason is the increase in the built-up area from 78.73 to 332.78 Area km^(2) from 1996 to 2019.It has also been witnessed that the city’s sides are hotter than the city’s center due to the barren land on the borders.展开更多
Two field experiments were carried out at Akure (7oN, 5o101E) in the rainforest zone of Nigeria in 2006 and 2007 to determine the effectiveness of neem leaf, woodash and modified neem leaf extracts as fertilizer sourc...Two field experiments were carried out at Akure (7oN, 5o101E) in the rainforest zone of Nigeria in 2006 and 2007 to determine the effectiveness of neem leaf, woodash and modified neem leaf extracts as fertilizer sources in improving soil fertility, growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L) and watermelon (Citrulus lanatus) sole and intercrop. There were six treatments namely, poultry manure, neem leaf extract (sole), woodash extract, modified neem leaf (neem leaf + woodash), NPK 15-15-15 and a control (no fertilizer nor extract), replicated three times and arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCB). The extracts (neem leaf, wood ash and modified neem leaf) were applied at 1200 litres per hectare each, NPK 15-15-15 at 300 kg/ha and poultry was applied at 6t/ha. The results showed that there were significant increases (P 2O), K, Ca, Mg, Na, O.M, P and N compared to NPK 15-15-15 and neem leaf extract. For instance, modified neem leaf extract increased soil pH (H2O), K, Ca, Mg, Na, O.M, P and N by 12.4%, 32.8%, 25%, 23.7%, 19.32%, 17.24% and 20% respectively compared to neem leaf extract under intercrop plot. The high soil K/Ca, K/Mg and P/Mg ratios in the NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer treatment led to an imbalance in the supply of P, K, Ca and Mg nutrients to maize and watermelon crops. The least values for growth, yield and soil parameters were recorded under the control treatment. In these experiments, modified neem leaf extract (woodash + neem leaf extracts) applied at 1200 litres/ha was the most effective in improving soil fertility, growth and yield of maize and watermelon (sole and intercrop) and could substitute for 6 tons per hectare of poultry manure and 300kg/ha of NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer.展开更多
The availability of better economic possibilities and well-connected transportation networks has attracted people to migrate to peri-urban and rural neighbourhoods,changing the landscape of regions outside the city an...The availability of better economic possibilities and well-connected transportation networks has attracted people to migrate to peri-urban and rural neighbourhoods,changing the landscape of regions outside the city and fostering the growth of physical infrastructure.Using multi-temporal satellite images,the dynamics of Land Use/Land Cover(LULC)changes,the impact of urban growth on LULC changes,and regional environmental implications were investigated in the peri-urban and rural neighbourhoods of Durgapur Municipal Corporation in India.The study used different case studies to highlight the study area’s heterogeneity,as the phenomenon of change is not consistent.Landsat TM and OLI-TIRS satellite images in 1991,2001,2011,and 2021 were used to analyse the changes in LULC types.We used the relative deviation(RD),annual change intensity(ACI),uniform intensity(UI)to show the dynamicity of LULC types(agriculture land;built-up land;fallow land;vegetated land;mining area;and water bodies)during 1991-2021.This study also applied the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory(DEMATEL)to measure environmental sensitivity zones and find out the causes of LULC changes.According to LULC statistics,agriculture land,built-up land,and mining area increased by 51.7,95.46,and 24.79 km^(2),respectively,from 1991 to 2021.The results also suggested that built-up land and mining area had the greatest land surface temperature(LST),whereas water bodies and vegetated land showed the lowest LST.Moreover,this study looked at the relationships among LST,spectral indices(Normalized Differenced Built-up Index(NDBI),Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI),and Normalized Difference Water Index(NDWI)),and environmental sensitivity.The results showed that all of the spectral indices have the strongest association with LST,indicating that built-up land had a far stronger influence on the LST.The spectral indices indicated that the decreasing trends of vegetated land and water bodies were 4.26 and 0.43 km^(2)/a,respectively,during 1991-2021.In summary,this study can help the policy-makers to predict the increasing rate of temperature and the causes for the temperature increase with the rapid expansion of built-up land,thus making effective peri-urban planning decisions.展开更多
The change of land use plays a major role in the developmental activity of a developing country. Due to rapid growth of urbanisation and dramatic increasing population, the fertile agricultural land has been converted...The change of land use plays a major role in the developmental activity of a developing country. Due to rapid growth of urbanisation and dramatic increasing population, the fertile agricultural land has been converted to built-up area with respect to the demand for housing requirement and to the need for basic infrastructure facilities. The quantum of open space and surface water bodies has also been encroached. There has been a rapid growth of population in Puducherry city from 3.48 million in 1991 to 5.44 million in 2011. Hence the conservation of natural resources becomes one of the major challenges especially in small and medium town. This study was conducted to assess the effect of change on land use in urban agglomeration area of Puducherry city for the duration period from 1997 to 2017. There has been an increase in population in Puducherry city mainly attributed to higher scale of migration from adjoining rural areas and medium town for better education, job opportunities and quality life. Hence, it has been strongly recommended for stringent Development Control Regulations to quantify the urban sprawl and manage the impact of urbanisation of land use/land cover in Puducherry city.展开更多
Land use change is a very complex process of evolution.On the basis of the principle of cellular automata,this article presents a kind of method that we can first mine state transition rule from historical map data,an...Land use change is a very complex process of evolution.On the basis of the principle of cellular automata,this article presents a kind of method that we can first mine state transition rule from historical map data,and then conduct forecast by virtue of Monte-Carlo method,achieving spatial dynamic forecast from map to map.We interpret TM remote sensing image in Ji'nan City in 2004 and 2006 to get present land use map for empirical research,and forecast land use map in 2012 and 2016,respectively.Studies show that this method of using spatial data to mine state transition rule,has advantages of simpleness,accuracy,strong real-time characteristic the simulation of dynamic change of land use,the results of which are roughly in line with the actual results,therefore,it can provide reference for land use planning.展开更多
基金supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China(Grant No.2013SCU11006)the Key Laboratory of Digital Mapping and Land Information Application of National Administration of Surveying,Mapping and Geoinformation of China(Grant NO.DM2014SC02)the Key Laboratory of Geospecial Information Technology,Ministry of Land and Resources of China(Grant NO.KLGSIT201504)
文摘The development of precision agriculture demands high accuracy and efficiency of cultivated land information extraction. As a new means of monitoring the ground in recent years, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) low-height remote sensing technique, which is flexible, efficient with low cost and with high resolution, is widely applied to investing various resources. Based on this, a novel extraction method for cultivated land information based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning (DTCLE) was proposed. First, linear features (roads and ridges etc.) were excluded based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN). Next, feature extraction method learned from DCNN was used to cultivated land information extraction by introducing transfer learning mechanism. Last, cultivated land information extraction results were completed by the DTCLE and eCognifion for cultivated land information extraction (ECLE). The location of the Pengzhou County and Guanghan County, Sichuan Province were selected for the experimental purpose. The experimental results showed that the overall precision for the experimental image 1, 2 and 3 (of extracting cultivated land) with the DTCLE method was 91.7%, 88.1% and 88.2% respectively, and the overall precision of ECLE is 9o.7%, 90.5% and 87.0%, respectively. Accuracy of DTCLE was equivalent to that of ECLE, and also outperformed ECLE in terms of integrity and continuity.
文摘As in many parts of the world, long-term excessive extraction of groundwater has caused significant land-surface sub- sidence in the residential areas of Datun coal mining district in East China. The recorded maximum level of subsidence in the area since 1976 to 2006 is 863 mm, and the area with an accumulative subsidence more than 200 mm has reached 33.1 km2 by the end of 2006. Over ten cases of building crack due to ground subsidence have already been observed. Spatial variation in ground subsi- dence often leads to a corresponding pattern of ground deformation. Buildings and underground infrastructures have been under a higher risk of damage in locations with greater differential ground deformation. Governmental guideline in China classifies build- ing damages into four different levels, based on the observable measures such as the width of wall crack, the degree of door and window deformation, the degree of wall inclination and the degree of structural destruction. Building damage level (BDL) is esti- mated by means of ground deformation analysis in terms of variations in slope gradient and curvature. Ground deformation analysis in terms of variations in slope gradient has shown that the areas of BDL III and BDL II sites account for about 0.013 km2 and 0.284 km2 respectively in 2006, and the predicted areas of BDL (define this first) III and II sites will be about 0.029 km2 and 0.423 km2 respectively by 2010. The situation is getting worse as subsidence continues. That calls for effective strategies for subsidence miti- gation and damage reduction, in terms of sustainable groundwater extraction, enhanced monitoring and the establishment of early warning systems.
基金The paper is supported by the Research Foundation for OutstandingYoung Teachers , China University of Geosciences ( Wuhan) ( No .CUGQNL0616) Research Foundationfor State Key Laboratory of Geo-logical Processes and Mineral Resources ( No . MGMR2002-02)Hubei Provincial Depart ment of Education (B) .
文摘Urban land provides a suitable location for various economic activities which affect the development of surrounding areas. With rapid industrialization and urbanization, the contradictions in land-use become more noticeable. Urban administrators and decision-makers seek modern methods and technology to provide information support for urban growth. Recently, with the fast development of high-resolution sensor technology, more relevant data can be obtained, which is an advantage in studying the sustainable development of urban land-use. However, these data are only information sources and are a mixture of "information" and "noise". Processing, analysis and information extraction from remote sensing data is necessary to provide useful information. This paper extracts urban land-use information from a high-resolution image by using the multi-feature information of the image objects, and adopts an object-oriented image analysis approach and multi-scale image segmentation technology. A classification and extraction model is set up based on the multi-features of the image objects, in order to contribute to information for reasonable planning and effective management. This new image analysis approach offers a satisfactory solution for extracting information quickly and efficiently.
文摘Land use change is a major factor in alterations in natural processes and cycles. Remote sensing has become an excellent tool to evaluate technological changes in land cover and land use changes over large areas, such as those occurring in the Valley of San Luis Potosi (VSLP). Here, such changes have impacted a system which is 95% dependent on the aquifer. The methodology for the present study is based on the use of satellite images for the years 1976, 1986, 1995 and 2000. To asses land use change, a supervised classification process was used with a decision tree technique and ENVI 4.3 software. The evolution of groundwater levels for the years 1977, 1986, 1995, 1998 and 2007 was also analyzed, as well as problems of subsidence and fissuring in the urban area of the valley in 2006. With the support of remote sensing, it was possible to analyze the dynamic changes in land use over large areas and highlight their impact on the environment.
基金support for this work are as follows:Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Key Research and Development Program Project:Research and demonstration application of key technologies for intelligent monitoring of spatial planning based on high-scoring remote sensing(Project No.2018YBZD1629).
文摘Cultivated land extraction is essential for sustainable development and agriculture.In this paper,the network we propose is based on the encoder-decoder structure,which extracts the semantic segmentation neural network of cultivated land from satellite images and uses it for agricultural automation solutions.The encoder consists of two part:the first is the modified Xception,it can used as the feature extraction network,and the second is the atrous convolution,it can used to expand the receptive field and the context information to extract richer feature information.The decoder part uses the conventional upsampling operation to restore the original resolution.In addition,we use the combination of BCE and Loves-hinge as a loss function to optimize the Intersection over Union(IoU).Experimental results show that the proposed network structure can solve the problem of cultivated land extraction in Yinchuan City.
文摘This study aimed to develop a water-extraction system which could produce the fresh water from the air in arid regions and which used renewable energies as the electric power source. In this paper, the experiments for water extraction from the air were carried out by using the novel multi-stage water-extraction device with Peltier deices for two cases of temperature and related humidity of the air. One was the case where the temperature and the related humidity of the air were constant, and the other was the case where they were simulated the variation of the temperature and related humidity of the air in a day of summer and spring in Loess Plateau, China. The effects of the temperature and related humidity of the atmospheric air and supply the electric power to Peltier devices on performance of water production of the device were investigated and reported.
文摘Designing “liveable” cities as climate change effects are felt all over the world has become a priority to city authorities as ways are sought to reduce rising temperatures in urban areas. Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect occurs when there is a difference in temperature between rural and urban areas. In urban areas, impervious surfaces absorb heat during the day and release it at night, making urban areas warmer compared to rural areas which cool faster at night. This Urban Heat Island effect is particularly noticeable at night. Noticeable negative effects of Urban Heat Islands include health problems, air pollution, water shortages and higher energy requirements. The main objective of this research paper was to analyze the spatial and temporal relationship between Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Normalized Density Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Built-Up Density Index (BDI) in Upper-Hill, Nairobi Kenya. The changes in land cover would be represented by analyzing the two indices NDVI and BDI. Results showed the greatest increase in temperature within Upper-Hill of up to 3.96°C between the years 2015 and 2017. There was also an increase in impervious surfaces as indicated by NDVI and BDI within Upper-Hill and its surroundings. The linear regression results showed a negative correlation between LST and NDVI and a positive correlation with BDI, which is a better predictor of Land Surface Temperature than NDVI. Data sets were analyzed from Landsat imagery for the periods 1987, 2002, 2015 and 2017 to determine changes in land surface temperatures over a 30 year period and it’s relation to land cover changes using indices. Visual comparisons between Temperature differences between the years revealed that temperatures decreased around the urban areas. Minimum and maximum temperatures showed an increase of 1.6°C and 3.65°C respectively between 1987 and 2017. The comparisons between LST, NDVI and BDI show the results to be significantly different. The use of NDVI and BDI to study changes in land cover due to urbanization, reduces the time taken to manually classify moderate resolution satellite imagery.
文摘Because of the developed economy and lush vegetation in southern China, the following obstacles or difficulties exist in remote sensing land surface classification: 1) Diverse surface composition types;2) Undulating terrains;3) Small fragmented land;4) Indistinguishable shadows of surface objects. It is our top priority to clarify how to use the concept of big data (Data mining technology) and various new technologies and methods to make complex surface remote sensing information extraction technology develop in the direction of automation, refinement and intelligence. In order to achieve the above research objectives, the paper takes the Gaofen-2 satellite data produced in China as the data source, and takes the complex surface remote sensing information extraction technology as the research object, and intelligently analyzes the remote sensing information of complex surface on the basis of completing the data collection and preprocessing. The specific extraction methods are as follows: 1) extraction research on fractal texture features of Brownian motion;2) extraction research on color features;3) extraction research on vegetation index;4) research on vectors and corresponding classification. In this paper, fractal texture features, color features, vegetation features and spectral features of remote sensing images are combined to form a combination feature vector, which improves the dimension of features, and the feature vector improves the difference of remote sensing features, and it is more conducive to the classification of remote sensing features, and thus it improves the classification accuracy of remote sensing images. It is suitable for remote sensing information extraction of complex surface in southern China. This method can be extended to complex surface area in the future.
基金Project supported by the Chinese Ministry of Education (No. [2002] 247).
文摘To build a rapid and accurate method for greenhouse vegetable landinformation extraction using an index model derived from TM digital data of Qingzhou City, ShandongProvince, based on a systematic analysis of the spectral characteristics of different land use typesin the study area, a subset of the image was first made to eliminate the mountainous region notassociated with vegetable distribution, and then water body pixels were masked. With this the V_Iindex model for greenhouse vegetable land extraction was developed. The index model indicatedgreenhouse vegetable land for Qingzhou in April 2002 was concentrated in the southeast and aroundrural residential areas. Field data used for an accuracy evaluation showed that greenhouse hectaresdetermined with remote sensing were 95.9% accurate, and accuracy for the spatial distribution ofgreenhouse vegetable land cross checked with a random sample was 96.3%. Therefore, this approachprovided an effective method for greenhouse vegetable land information extraction and has potentialsignificance for management of greenhouse vegetable production in the study area, as well as NorthChina.
文摘Spatial and temporal informationon urban infrastructure is essential and requires various land-cover/land-use planning and management applications.Besides,a change in infrastructure has a direct impact on other land-cover and climatic conditions.This study assessed changes in the rate and spatial distribution of Peshawar district’s infrastructure and its effects on Land Surface Temperature(LST)during the years 1996 and 2019.For this purpose,firstly,satellite images of bands7 and 8 ETM+(Enhanced Thematic Mapper)plus and OLI(Operational Land Imager)of 30 m resolution were taken.Secondly,for classification and image processing,remote sensing(RS)applications ENVI(Environment for Visualising Images)and GIS(Geographic Information System)were used.Thirdly,for better visualization and more in-depth analysis of land sat images,pre-processing techniques were employed.For Land use and Land cover(LU/LC)four types of land cover areas were identified-vegetation area,water cover,urbanized area,and infertile land for the years under research.The composition of red,green,and near infra-red bands was used for supervised classification.Classified images were extracted for analyzing the relative infrastructure change.A comparative analysis for the classification of images is performed for SVM(Support Vector Machine)and ANN(Artificial Neural Network).Based on analyzing these images,the result shows the rise in the average temperature from 30.04℃ to 45.25℃.This only possible reason is the increase in the built-up area from 78.73 to 332.78 Area km^(2) from 1996 to 2019.It has also been witnessed that the city’s sides are hotter than the city’s center due to the barren land on the borders.
文摘Two field experiments were carried out at Akure (7oN, 5o101E) in the rainforest zone of Nigeria in 2006 and 2007 to determine the effectiveness of neem leaf, woodash and modified neem leaf extracts as fertilizer sources in improving soil fertility, growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L) and watermelon (Citrulus lanatus) sole and intercrop. There were six treatments namely, poultry manure, neem leaf extract (sole), woodash extract, modified neem leaf (neem leaf + woodash), NPK 15-15-15 and a control (no fertilizer nor extract), replicated three times and arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCB). The extracts (neem leaf, wood ash and modified neem leaf) were applied at 1200 litres per hectare each, NPK 15-15-15 at 300 kg/ha and poultry was applied at 6t/ha. The results showed that there were significant increases (P 2O), K, Ca, Mg, Na, O.M, P and N compared to NPK 15-15-15 and neem leaf extract. For instance, modified neem leaf extract increased soil pH (H2O), K, Ca, Mg, Na, O.M, P and N by 12.4%, 32.8%, 25%, 23.7%, 19.32%, 17.24% and 20% respectively compared to neem leaf extract under intercrop plot. The high soil K/Ca, K/Mg and P/Mg ratios in the NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer treatment led to an imbalance in the supply of P, K, Ca and Mg nutrients to maize and watermelon crops. The least values for growth, yield and soil parameters were recorded under the control treatment. In these experiments, modified neem leaf extract (woodash + neem leaf extracts) applied at 1200 litres/ha was the most effective in improving soil fertility, growth and yield of maize and watermelon (sole and intercrop) and could substitute for 6 tons per hectare of poultry manure and 300kg/ha of NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer.
文摘The availability of better economic possibilities and well-connected transportation networks has attracted people to migrate to peri-urban and rural neighbourhoods,changing the landscape of regions outside the city and fostering the growth of physical infrastructure.Using multi-temporal satellite images,the dynamics of Land Use/Land Cover(LULC)changes,the impact of urban growth on LULC changes,and regional environmental implications were investigated in the peri-urban and rural neighbourhoods of Durgapur Municipal Corporation in India.The study used different case studies to highlight the study area’s heterogeneity,as the phenomenon of change is not consistent.Landsat TM and OLI-TIRS satellite images in 1991,2001,2011,and 2021 were used to analyse the changes in LULC types.We used the relative deviation(RD),annual change intensity(ACI),uniform intensity(UI)to show the dynamicity of LULC types(agriculture land;built-up land;fallow land;vegetated land;mining area;and water bodies)during 1991-2021.This study also applied the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory(DEMATEL)to measure environmental sensitivity zones and find out the causes of LULC changes.According to LULC statistics,agriculture land,built-up land,and mining area increased by 51.7,95.46,and 24.79 km^(2),respectively,from 1991 to 2021.The results also suggested that built-up land and mining area had the greatest land surface temperature(LST),whereas water bodies and vegetated land showed the lowest LST.Moreover,this study looked at the relationships among LST,spectral indices(Normalized Differenced Built-up Index(NDBI),Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI),and Normalized Difference Water Index(NDWI)),and environmental sensitivity.The results showed that all of the spectral indices have the strongest association with LST,indicating that built-up land had a far stronger influence on the LST.The spectral indices indicated that the decreasing trends of vegetated land and water bodies were 4.26 and 0.43 km^(2)/a,respectively,during 1991-2021.In summary,this study can help the policy-makers to predict the increasing rate of temperature and the causes for the temperature increase with the rapid expansion of built-up land,thus making effective peri-urban planning decisions.
文摘The change of land use plays a major role in the developmental activity of a developing country. Due to rapid growth of urbanisation and dramatic increasing population, the fertile agricultural land has been converted to built-up area with respect to the demand for housing requirement and to the need for basic infrastructure facilities. The quantum of open space and surface water bodies has also been encroached. There has been a rapid growth of population in Puducherry city from 3.48 million in 1991 to 5.44 million in 2011. Hence the conservation of natural resources becomes one of the major challenges especially in small and medium town. This study was conducted to assess the effect of change on land use in urban agglomeration area of Puducherry city for the duration period from 1997 to 2017. There has been an increase in population in Puducherry city mainly attributed to higher scale of migration from adjoining rural areas and medium town for better education, job opportunities and quality life. Hence, it has been strongly recommended for stringent Development Control Regulations to quantify the urban sprawl and manage the impact of urbanisation of land use/land cover in Puducherry city.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation (40571119)Shandong Natural Science Foundation (Y2007E05)
文摘Land use change is a very complex process of evolution.On the basis of the principle of cellular automata,this article presents a kind of method that we can first mine state transition rule from historical map data,and then conduct forecast by virtue of Monte-Carlo method,achieving spatial dynamic forecast from map to map.We interpret TM remote sensing image in Ji'nan City in 2004 and 2006 to get present land use map for empirical research,and forecast land use map in 2012 and 2016,respectively.Studies show that this method of using spatial data to mine state transition rule,has advantages of simpleness,accuracy,strong real-time characteristic the simulation of dynamic change of land use,the results of which are roughly in line with the actual results,therefore,it can provide reference for land use planning.