'Wild Play Grounds' are the wild places which can attract people to visit.And the 'Wild Play Grounds' are generally the naturally existing places with unique charm,rather than the established tourist a...'Wild Play Grounds' are the wild places which can attract people to visit.And the 'Wild Play Grounds' are generally the naturally existing places with unique charm,rather than the established tourist attractions or scenic spots.There are no formal organizations for the daily management.Both tickets and clear geographical borders can not be found here.In this research,'Carefree Travelling' is an integrated project of tourism resources in Shandong Province promoted in 2007.Because of their particular characteristics,the 'Wild Play Grounds' have a certain relationship with 'Carefree Travelling',and they are the natural resources of 'Carefree Travelling'.The development of 'Wild Play Grounds' is the further exploitation of the 'Carefree Travelling' resources as well as a better expanding of the tourist market.Relying on the 'Wild Play Grounds',it also has many advantages to develop 'Carefree Travelling',and it will bring good economic and social benefits.Local government should play an important role in developing the 'Wild Play Grounds'.展开更多
Carefree 一字最早出现于1854年 B。Taylor 所著的《埃及山水与风情》中的一个比喻:象天堂里没有夏娃的两个亚当那样幸福愉快、无忧无虑(care-free)但作为独立词条,直到1942年该词才收进《新世纪英语词典》(New Century Dictionary of t...Carefree 一字最早出现于1854年 B。Taylor 所著的《埃及山水与风情》中的一个比喻:象天堂里没有夏娃的两个亚当那样幸福愉快、无忧无虑(care-free)但作为独立词条,直到1942年该词才收进《新世纪英语词典》(New Century Dictionary of the English Language,New York:Appleton-Century),而且 care 与 free 之间有连字号相隔。自44年起,去掉连字号的 carefree 正式收入当代各种英文词典。从词形判断,早期的 carefree 完全属合成词,care 是中心词,free 是构词成份,其基本词义为 free from care。然而,在当代浩若烟海的各种英语词书中,虽然 carefree 的基本释义得到沿用,但很少把它当作合成词处理,更未讨论其类推性质;而把-free展开更多
文摘'Wild Play Grounds' are the wild places which can attract people to visit.And the 'Wild Play Grounds' are generally the naturally existing places with unique charm,rather than the established tourist attractions or scenic spots.There are no formal organizations for the daily management.Both tickets and clear geographical borders can not be found here.In this research,'Carefree Travelling' is an integrated project of tourism resources in Shandong Province promoted in 2007.Because of their particular characteristics,the 'Wild Play Grounds' have a certain relationship with 'Carefree Travelling',and they are the natural resources of 'Carefree Travelling'.The development of 'Wild Play Grounds' is the further exploitation of the 'Carefree Travelling' resources as well as a better expanding of the tourist market.Relying on the 'Wild Play Grounds',it also has many advantages to develop 'Carefree Travelling',and it will bring good economic and social benefits.Local government should play an important role in developing the 'Wild Play Grounds'.
文摘Carefree 一字最早出现于1854年 B。Taylor 所著的《埃及山水与风情》中的一个比喻:象天堂里没有夏娃的两个亚当那样幸福愉快、无忧无虑(care-free)但作为独立词条,直到1942年该词才收进《新世纪英语词典》(New Century Dictionary of the English Language,New York:Appleton-Century),而且 care 与 free 之间有连字号相隔。自44年起,去掉连字号的 carefree 正式收入当代各种英文词典。从词形判断,早期的 carefree 完全属合成词,care 是中心词,free 是构词成份,其基本词义为 free from care。然而,在当代浩若烟海的各种英语词书中,虽然 carefree 的基本释义得到沿用,但很少把它当作合成词处理,更未讨论其类推性质;而把-free