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作者 王娟 夏源 +1 位作者 高璟仪 陈玲 《新疆医学》 2024年第4期481-484,498,共5页
目的基于CARES工具的课题达成型品管圈构建晚期肿瘤患者安宁疗护全流程照护模式。方法以新疆医科大学附属肿瘤医院安宁疗护团队为主导的品管圈小组确定了“基于CARES工具构建晚期肿瘤患者安宁疗护全流程照护模式”的活动主题,按照课题... 目的基于CARES工具的课题达成型品管圈构建晚期肿瘤患者安宁疗护全流程照护模式。方法以新疆医科大学附属肿瘤医院安宁疗护团队为主导的品管圈小组确定了“基于CARES工具构建晚期肿瘤患者安宁疗护全流程照护模式”的活动主题,按照课题达成型品管圈操作步骤,在现况调查基础上从人员、制度、流程等方面对晚期肿瘤患者安宁疗护全流程照护模式进行构建。结果活动实施后,初步构建了晚期肿瘤患者安宁疗护全流程照护模式,晚期癌症患者疼痛控制有效率由90.54%提升至98.52%,呼吸困难改善率由60.53%提升至87.10%,谵妄状态改善率由21%提升至55.66%,晚期癌症患者照护者中重度负担水平由72%降至46.15%,ACP的普及率由10%提升至25.74%。圈员在专业知识、积极性、品管手法和团队凝聚力的能力均有所提高。结论基于CARES工具应用课题达成型品管圈构建晚期肿瘤患者安宁疗护全流程照护模式为患者及其照护者提供了有效的支持,同时促进了安宁疗护工作推广和进步。 展开更多
关键词 课题达成型品管圈 cares工具 晚期肿瘤 安宁疗护 全流程
作者 廖爱华 《河北企业》 2024年第11期122-126,共5页
中国是目前全球反补贴涉案数量最多的国家。2004年以来,我国不断遭受其他国家密集的反补贴调查,其中一个重要原因是中国广泛采用的产业补贴政策存在着违反WTO规则的情形,使得补贴问题成为我国在多边贸易体制下面临的重要议题。在当前国... 中国是目前全球反补贴涉案数量最多的国家。2004年以来,我国不断遭受其他国家密集的反补贴调查,其中一个重要原因是中国广泛采用的产业补贴政策存在着违反WTO规则的情形,使得补贴问题成为我国在多边贸易体制下面临的重要议题。在当前国内外高度关注WTO补贴规则改革的背景下,我国有必要研究WTO框架下其他国家的补贴政策,了解美国产业补贴政策和WTO合规性问题,关注美国高度重视的补贴议题,重视补贴制度改革等焦点问题。预见未来补贴制度改革和潜在贸易壁垒的发展态势,为在中美贸易和WTO改革中争取更大的主动权,积极利用多边补贴规则完善国内补贴政策体系,确保既有政策空间不受挤压并主动争取可利用政策空间,构建非专向性补贴机制,顺应世贸组织补贴规则改革趋势,规避或化解补贴争端风险。 展开更多
关键词 cares法案》 WTO改革 补贴政策 补贴专向性
一种菊酯类复合剂对黑胸散白蚁体内CarEs和Ca-ATPase活性的影响 被引量:9
作者 谭速进 谭晓宏 +2 位作者 杜林方 何俊华 唐振华 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期441-446,共6页
以黑胸散白蚁ReticulitermeschinensisSnyder为试验材料 ,研究了一种白蚁防治复合剂中的主要成分对白蚁体内羧酸酯酶 (CarEs)和钙 腺苷三磷酸酶 (Ca ATPase)的影响。结果表明 :氯菊酯在终浓度为 1 6 6× 10 - 4mol·L- 1 以下... 以黑胸散白蚁ReticulitermeschinensisSnyder为试验材料 ,研究了一种白蚁防治复合剂中的主要成分对白蚁体内羧酸酯酶 (CarEs)和钙 腺苷三磷酸酶 (Ca ATPase)的影响。结果表明 :氯菊酯在终浓度为 1 6 6× 10 - 4mol·L- 1 以下时 ,对羧酸酯酶无明显抑制作用 ;八氯二丙醚和壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚在此浓度下都对羧酸酯酶表现出明显抑制作用 ,其IC50 分别为 7 114 8× 10 - 5mol·L- 1 和 7 3373× 10 - 4mol·L- 1 ;氯菊酯对Ca ATPase表现出较强抑制作用 ,IC50 为 5 11× 10 - 7mol·L- 1 。认为Ca AT Pase是黑胸散白蚁体内拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂作用的主要靶标之一。 展开更多
关键词 菊酯类复合剂 黑胸散白蚁体内 cares CA-ATPASE 羧酸酯酶 钙-腺苷三磷酸酶 白蚁防治复合剂 酶活性抑制
基于CARES模式下大学生就业价值取向及提升路径研究——以天津大学为例 被引量:3
作者 任怡璇 李艺 《天津大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期170-175,共6页
就业是最大的民生,党和国家及高校高度重视大学生就业,在新时代,高校大学生就业价值取向出现了新的变化。学生就业意愿降低,“慢就业”现象严重。理想职业岗位与目标发生变化,“求稳”心态加剧。求职高标准高期待,存在“畏难”情绪。文... 就业是最大的民生,党和国家及高校高度重视大学生就业,在新时代,高校大学生就业价值取向出现了新的变化。学生就业意愿降低,“慢就业”现象严重。理想职业岗位与目标发生变化,“求稳”心态加剧。求职高标准高期待,存在“畏难”情绪。文章通过就业认知、就业能力、亲友资源、就业期望和社会环境五个方面,探究学生就业价值取向变化原因,同时给予提升对策,即广泛体验,端正学生就业认知;精准出击,增强学生就业能力;家校合作,科学利用亲友资源;正向引导,合理设置就业期望;多措并举,拓宽就业求职渠道;提高重视,提升政策宣传力度。 展开更多
关键词 cares模式 大学生 就业价值取向 “慢就业” 提升路径
Qualitative Research and Narrative Sources in the Context of Critical and Renal Cares
作者 José Siles-González Carmen Solano-Ruiz 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2014年第6期385-401,共17页
The objective of this study is to clarify the relevance of qualitative research in the context of critical care and renal dialysis requires using narrative sources. Also specific objectives are to identify the phases ... The objective of this study is to clarify the relevance of qualitative research in the context of critical care and renal dialysis requires using narrative sources. Also specific objectives are to identify the phases or cultural moments that are distinguished in these processes. Research Question: How can the narrative materials contribute to the study of the processes of critical care and/or qualitative research in nephrology? Method and Sources: There have been studies focusing on the narrative of patients who have written their experiences building a literature experience ill (Siles et al., 1997, 1999, 2000). Sources have been used to extract testimony retrospective autobiographies written by people who have experienced the experiences of different diseases (Allué, 1996, 1997, Zorn, 1991, Gilbert, 1993;Comas, 2009;Gracia Armendáriz, 2010;Sampedro, 1996, Sacks, 2010). The analysis was developed by categorizing units of meaning, meaning families and networks. To identify the cultural moments we have followed the criteria established by Siles and Solano (2009): Multiculturalism, interculturalism and transculturalism. To identify rites of passage and liminality states have followed the principles outlined by Van Gennep (2013) and Turner (1990, 2008). Results: We identified cultural moments and characteristic states of liminality in critical care and kidney. Conclusions: narrative sources are effective for analyzing the meanings and experiences of patients in critical care and nephrology tool. 展开更多
Who cares!
作者 老晃 《电影世界》 2013年第7期20-21,共2页
1有人再三怂恿,希望我能吐槽《富春山居图》,务求鞭辟入里,揭露丑恶真相。我舍不得,舍不得浪费纸。好吧,小吐一下。传说,在《富春山居图》开拍之前有心人提醒导演孙健君,剧本有硬伤,得改,例举一三三四……话没说完,孙勃然大怒,"Who... 1有人再三怂恿,希望我能吐槽《富春山居图》,务求鞭辟入里,揭露丑恶真相。我舍不得,舍不得浪费纸。好吧,小吐一下。传说,在《富春山居图》开拍之前有心人提醒导演孙健君,剧本有硬伤,得改,例举一三三四……话没说完,孙勃然大怒,"Who cares!"这位目空一切的君王,他什么都不care,所以他花钱砸的那堆玩意儿,根本也不是电影。这就是真相。值得一说的,是此刻红得发紫,摸都摸不得的《小时代》。 展开更多
关键词 富春山居图 三四 一三 小时代 WHO cares 郭敬明 影评人 怀尔德 故事梗概 钱德勒
竞争时代药店:“CARES DRUG”的面对面销售模式
作者 山本武道 《中国药店》 2015年第23期52-54,共3页
以处方笺配药和推荐销售一般用医药品为核心 大多数的日本连锁药店是依靠大量进货以及以提供折扣实现大量销售得以扩大发展的。但是,随着竞争企业的多门店化发展、以及其他业界企业的参与加入,再加上高龄人口增多而引致的商圈狭小化,
关键词 连锁药店 cares 销售 DRUG 竞争 高龄人口 医药品 处方笺
作者 蒋晓军 《山东工业技术》 2016年第10期211-211,共1页
关键词 英国 cares认证 认证
Poverty-stricken County Cares for Orphans
作者 REN SHUANGLING & ZHANG NING 《The Journal of Human Rights》 2006年第4期17-19,共3页
Bettering orphan rescue and assistance policies and improving the upbringing of orphans have been top on the agenda of China's civil affairs departments in 2006. A survey conducted by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in... Bettering orphan rescue and assistance policies and improving the upbringing of orphans have been top on the agenda of China's civil affairs departments in 2006. A survey conducted by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in 2005 shows that one-third of the country's 573,'30 orphans do not receive regular, system-guaranteed help. Some orphans have been forced to drop out of school and lead a vagrant life, Some have even become petty thieves. 展开更多
关键词 Poverty-stricken County cares for Orphans
美国FDA发布关于GE公司因电池提前耗竭风险召回CARESCAPE R860呼吸机的警示信息
《中国医药导刊》 2022年第8期807-807,共1页
发布日期:2022年6月28日召回级别:美国食品药品管理局(FDA)将本召回识别为I类召回,是最严重的召回类型。使用这些器械可能造成严重损伤或死亡。召回产品:2019年4月1日当天或之后制造的CARESCAPE R860/Engstrom Carestation/Engstrom PR... 发布日期:2022年6月28日召回级别:美国食品药品管理局(FDA)将本召回识别为I类召回,是最严重的召回类型。使用这些器械可能造成严重损伤或死亡。召回产品:2019年4月1日当天或之后制造的CARESCAPE R860/Engstrom Carestation/Engstrom PRO呼吸机备用电池和替换备用电池。产品用途:CARESCAPE R860呼吸机可为体重0.25 kg及以上的婴儿(新生儿)、儿童(儿科)和成人患者提供机械通气或呼吸支持。CARESCAPE R860呼吸机通过接地插座使用主交流电源进行操作,同时配有一个备用电池,用于在主交流电源不可用的情况下(如在患者运输过程中)保持呼吸机在一定时间内运行。当原始备用电池过期时,公司可提供备用电池更换件。 展开更多
关键词 备用电池 交流电源 更换件 SCAP 呼吸机 警示信息 CARE 成人患者
《中国医药导刊》 2020年第1期33-33,共1页
发布日期:2020年1月10日召回级别:美国FDA将本召回识别为I类召回,是最严重的召回类型。使用这些器械可能造成严重损伤或死亡。召回产品:CARESCAPE监护仪呼吸模块E-sCAiOE召回原因:显示的潮气末氧(EtO2)和吸入氧(FiO2)分数值可能不正确,... 发布日期:2020年1月10日召回级别:美国FDA将本召回识别为I类召回,是最严重的召回类型。使用这些器械可能造成严重损伤或死亡。召回产品:CARESCAPE监护仪呼吸模块E-sCAiOE召回原因:显示的潮气末氧(EtO2)和吸入氧(FiO2)分数值可能不正确,可能导致EtO2/FiO2值中的测量误差高达50%。采取措施:公司于2019年9月27日发出了紧急医疗器械更正函。这封信描述了故障并提示用另一个模块替换受影响的模块。如果无法更换,收货人应遵循以下说明,以确保您的呼吸模块氧气读数在规格范围内(a)在开始任何新的患者病例之前. 展开更多
关键词 医疗器械 GE公司 分数值 监护仪 警示信息 SCAP CARE 严重损伤
澳大利亚TGA发布关于GE公司因软件问题召回CARESCAPE ONE病人监护仪的警示信息
《中国医药导刊》 2020年第6期432-432,共1页
发布日期:2020年4月29日召回级别:一级召回产品:产品型号为MBZ101的部分CARESCAPE ONE病人监护仪(详见TGA网站召回公告)召回原因:GE Healthcare通告指出,当CARESCAPE ONE监护仪与自动体外除颤器(AED)或任何具有AED功能的除颤器结合使用... 发布日期:2020年4月29日召回级别:一级召回产品:产品型号为MBZ101的部分CARESCAPE ONE病人监护仪(详见TGA网站召回公告)召回原因:GE Healthcare通告指出,当CARESCAPE ONE监护仪与自动体外除颤器(AED)或任何具有AED功能的除颤器结合使用时,可能会丢失ECG参数和波形数据。 展开更多
关键词 病人监护仪 产品型号 SCAP 警示信息 CARE 澳大利亚 TGA 召回
Challenges and improvement strategies in the hospitalization of chronic multimorbid patients
作者 Andres Fontalba-Navas Francisco Pozo Muñoz +4 位作者 Rogelio Garcia Cisneros Maria Jose Garcia Larrosa Maria del Mar Callejon Gil Ignacio Garcia Delgado Maria Belen Jimenez Martinez 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2025年第3期35-41,共7页
BACKGROUND Addressing the growing challenge of hospitalizing chronic multimorbid patients,this study examines the strain these conditions impose on healthcare systems at a local level,focusing on a pilot program.Chron... BACKGROUND Addressing the growing challenge of hospitalizing chronic multimorbid patients,this study examines the strain these conditions impose on healthcare systems at a local level,focusing on a pilot program.Chronic diseases and complex patients require comprehensive management strategies to reduce healthcare burdens and improve patient outcomes.If proven effective,this pilot model has the potential to be replicated in other healthcare settings to enhance the management of chronic multimorbid patients.AIM To evaluate the effectiveness of the high complexity unit(HCU)in managing chronic multimorbid patients through a multidisciplinary care model and to compare it with standard hospital care.METHODS The study employed a descriptive longitudinal approach,analyzing data from the Basic Minimum Data Set(BMDS)to compare hospitalization variables among the HCU,the Internal Medicine Service,and other services at Antequera Hospital throughout 2022.The HCU,designed for patients with complex chronic conditions,integrates a patient-centered model emphasizing multidisciplinary care and continuity post-discharge.RESULTS The study employed a descriptive longitudinal approach,analyzing data from the BMDS to compare hospitalization variables among the HCU,the Internal Medicine Service,and other services at Antequera Hospital throughout 2022.The HCU,designed for patients with complex chronic conditions,integrates a patient-centered model emphasizing multidisciplinary care and continuity post-discharge.CONCLUSION This study demonstrates the effectiveness of the HCU in managing patients with complex chronic diseases through a multidisciplinary approach.The coordinated care provided by the HCU results in improved patient outcomes,reduced unnecessary hospitalizations,and better management of patient complexity.The superiority of the HCU compared to standard care is evident in key outcomes such as fewer readmissions and higher patient satisfaction,reinforcing its value as a model of care to be replicated. 展开更多
关键词 High complexity unit Chronic multimorbidity Patient-centered care Integrated care Healthcare management
Imperative for long-term management and surveillance in Kawasaki disease
作者 Yan Pan Fu-Yong Jiao 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2025年第4期61-63,共3页
Kawasaki disease(KD)is a significant pediatric vasculitis known for its potential to cause severe coronary artery complications.Despite the effectiveness of initial treatments,such as intravenous immunoglobulin,KD pat... Kawasaki disease(KD)is a significant pediatric vasculitis known for its potential to cause severe coronary artery complications.Despite the effectiveness of initial treatments,such as intravenous immunoglobulin,KD patients can experience long-term cardiovascular issues,as evidenced by a recent case report of an adult who suffered a ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction due to previous KD in the World Journal of Clinical Cases.This editorial emphasizes the critical need for long-term management and regular surveillance to prevent such complications.By drawing on recent research and case studies,we advocate for a structured approach to follow-up care that includes routine cardiac evaluations and preventive measures. 展开更多
关键词 Kawasaki disease Long-term management Coronary artery aneurysm SURVEILLANCE Preventive care
Beyond statistical significance:Embracing minimal clinically important difference for better patient care
作者 Naveen Jeyaraman Madhan Jeyaraman +2 位作者 Swaminathan Ramasubramanian Sangeetha Balaji Sathish Muthu 《World Journal of Methodology》 2025年第1期33-41,共9页
The minimal clinically important difference(MCID)represents a pivotal metric in bridging the gap between statistical significance and clinical relevance,addressing the direct impact of medical interventions from the p... The minimal clinically important difference(MCID)represents a pivotal metric in bridging the gap between statistical significance and clinical relevance,addressing the direct impact of medical interventions from the patient's perspective.This comprehensive review analyzes the evolution,applications,and challenges of MCID across medical specialties,emphasizing its necessity in ensuring that clinical outcomes not only demonstrate statistical significance but also offer genuine clinical utility that aligns with patient expectations and needs.We discuss the evolution of MCID since its inception in the 1980s,its current applications across various medical specialties,and the methodologies used in its calculation,highlighting both anchor-based and distribution-based approaches.Furthermore,the paper delves into the challenges associated with the application of MCID,such as methodological variability and the interpretation difficulties that arise in clinical settings.Recommendations for the future include standardizing MCID calculation methods,enhancing patient involvement in setting MCID thresholds,and extending research to incorporate diverse global perspectives.These steps are critical to refining the role of MCID in patient-centered healthcare,addressing existing gaps in methodology and interpretation,and ensuring that medical interventions lead to significant,patient-perceived improvements. 展开更多
关键词 Minimal clinically important difference Patient-centered care Clinical relevance Global health
Improving gastrointestinal scoring systems for predicting short-term mortality in critically ill patients
作者 Shane Moore Noel E Donlon 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 2025年第5期137-139,共3页
Shen et al’s retrospective study aims to compare the utility of two separate scoring systems for predicting mortality attributable to gastrointestinal(GI)injury in critically ill patients[the GI Dysfunction Score(GID... Shen et al’s retrospective study aims to compare the utility of two separate scoring systems for predicting mortality attributable to gastrointestinal(GI)injury in critically ill patients[the GI Dysfunction Score(GIDS)and the Acute Gastroin-testinal Injury(AGI)grade].The authors note that this study is the first proposal that suggests an equivalence between the ability of both scores to predict mor-tality at 28 days from intensive care unit(ICU)admission.Shen et al retrospec-tively analysed an ICU cohort of patients utilising two physicians administering both the AGI grade and GIDS score,using electronic healthcare records and ICU flowsheets.Where these physicians disagreed about the scores,the final decision as to the scores was made by an associate chief physician,or chief physician.We note that the primary reason for the development of GIDS was to create a clear score for GI dysfunction,with minimal subjectivity or inter-operator variability.The subjectivity inherent to the older AGI grading system is what ultimately led to the development of GIDS in 2021.By ensuring consensus between physicians administering the AGI,Shen et al have controlled for one of this grading systems biggest issues.We have concerns,however,that this does not represent the real-world challenges associated with applying the AGI compared to the newer GIDS,and wonder if this arbitration process had not been instituted,would the two scoring systems remain equivalent in terms of predicted mortality? 展开更多
关键词 Gastrointestinal injury Critical care Patient mortality prediction Gastrointe-stinal Dysfunction Score Acute Gastrointestinal Injury grade Intensive care unit scoring systems
Humanistic and graded psychological nursing care for patients undergoing endoscopic submucosal dissection of gastrointestinal tumors
作者 Ying Jiang Bao-Lian Bu +2 位作者 Wei Yang Yuan Zhi Hong-Yan Ye 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery》 2025年第2期120-128,共9页
BACKGROUND Endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)has become a widely accepted,minimally invasive treatment for gastrointestinal submucosal tumors.It has been reported that humanistic nursing care with graded psychologi... BACKGROUND Endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)has become a widely accepted,minimally invasive treatment for gastrointestinal submucosal tumors.It has been reported that humanistic nursing care with graded psychological interventions can effectively enhance patients’physical activity in patients,reduce postoperative complications,and improve their postoperative quality of life.AIM To investigate the effects of combining humanistic care with graded psychological support on nursing satisfaction and quality of life in patients undergoing ESD for gastrointestinal submucosal tumors.METHODS A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 180 patients who underwent ESD surgery for gastrointestinal submucosal tumors at our hospital between March 2021 and February 2023.Patients were allocated into groups based on the nursing care they received:The control group,which received routine care(n=90),and the observation group,which was subjected to humanistic nursing care in combination with graded psychological support(n=90).Patient anxiety and depression were assessed using the self-rating anxiety scale(SAS)and self-rating depression scale(SDS).Quality of life was evaluated using the shortform 36 health survey,and additional indications such as time to first food intake,surgery duration,length of hospital stay,nursing satisfaction,and adverse reactions were also recorded.Data was analyzed using SPSS22.0,with t-tests employed for continuous variables andχ2 tests for categorical data.RESULTS Patients in the observation group experienced significantly shorter times to first postoperative meal,surgery,and hospital stay compared to the control group.After the intervention,the SAS score of the observation group was 43.17±5.68,and the SDS score was 41.57±6.52,both significantly lower than those of the control group,with SAS score of 52.38±5.21 and SDS score of 51.23±8.25.In addition,the observation group scored significantly higher in daily living,physical function,psychological well-being,and social functioning(80.01±6.39,83.59±6.89,81.69±5.34,and 85.23±6.05,respectively).Moreover,the observation group also exhibited higher satisfaction and selfefficacy scores and a lower incidence of adverse reactions compared to the control group(P<0.05).CONCLUSION For patients undergoing ESD for gastrointestinal submucosal tumors,humanistic nursing care in combination with graded psychological nursing care significantly shorten the times to first postoperative meal,surgery,and hospital stay,effectively alleviates anxiety and depression,improves quality of life and nursing satisfaction,and mitigate the incidence of adverse reactions. 展开更多
关键词 Humanistic nursing care Minimally invasive treatment Graded psychological nursing care Gastrointestinal submucosal tumor Endoscopic submucosal dissection
CARE Dose 4D联合CARE kV技术在胸部CT扫描中的辐射剂量降低研究
作者 张佩聪 《影像技术》 2025年第1期62-67,共6页
目的:探究在胸部CT扫描过程中启用CARE Dose 4D联合CARE kV技术对降低CT辐射剂量的有效性。方法:回顾性分析2023年1月至12月期间在本院进行胸部CT扫描的100例患者影像资料,根据是否应用CARE Dose 4D联合CARE kV技术将患者分为A组(常规胸... 目的:探究在胸部CT扫描过程中启用CARE Dose 4D联合CARE kV技术对降低CT辐射剂量的有效性。方法:回顾性分析2023年1月至12月期间在本院进行胸部CT扫描的100例患者影像资料,根据是否应用CARE Dose 4D联合CARE kV技术将患者分为A组(常规胸部CT扫描,n=50例)和B组(应用CARE Dose 4D联合CARE kV技术,n=50例)。采用德国西门子SOMATOM Force双源CT,详细设置包括自动毫安秒调节、120KV管电压等参数。比较两组的辐射剂量指标(CTDI(剂量指数)、DLP(剂量长度乘积)、ED(有效剂量))、图像质量客观评价(平均CT值、噪声(SD)、信号噪声比(SNR))和主观评分。结果:B组的辐射剂量指标显著低于A组(P<0.05);而两组的图像质量对比上无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:胸部CT扫描中应用CARE Dose 4D联合CARE kV技术能显著减少辐射剂量,同时保持高质量的CT图像,为临床检查提供了一种安全有效的方法,为辐射防护最优化原则的实施提供了有力支持,具有广阔的临床应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 CARE Dose4D联合CARE kV技术 胸部CT扫描 辐射剂量 图像质量
Delivering Care
作者 DERRICK SILIMINA 《ChinAfrica》 2025年第2期42-43,共2页
Gertrude Nyathi walks calmly into Zimbabwe’s Mahusekwa Hospital for antenatal care in Mashonaland,where she is expected to give birth in the next five months.In a country where medical facilities are obsolete,patient... Gertrude Nyathi walks calmly into Zimbabwe’s Mahusekwa Hospital for antenatal care in Mashonaland,where she is expected to give birth in the next five months.In a country where medical facilities are obsolete,patients flock to seek medical care at the Chinese-aided hospital,seen by many as a game changer in Marondera district. 展开更多
Perspectives of high-risk pregnant women on home care program in high-risk pregnancies: A multicenter, qualitative study
作者 Masoumeh Sayahi Shahrbanoo Salehin +2 位作者 Mehrnoosh Zakerkish Afsaneh Keramat Shahrbanoo Goli 《Asian pacific Journal of Reproduction》 2025年第1期13-20,共8页
Objective:To explore the perspectives of high-risk pregnant women regarding the home care program for high-risk pregnancies.Methods:This qualitative study was conducted in a university hospital and 5 comprehensive hea... Objective:To explore the perspectives of high-risk pregnant women regarding the home care program for high-risk pregnancies.Methods:This qualitative study was conducted in a university hospital and 5 comprehensive health centers in Ahvaz,Iran,from February 2023 to July 2023.The sampling method used was purposive sampling considering the maximum possible diversity,which continued until data saturation.11 in-depth and semistructured interviews were conducted with high-risk pregnant women.Data were simultaneously analysed using Graneheim and Lundman content analysis by MAXQDA version 20 software.Results:Data analysis extracted 3 themes,12 categories,and 26 subcategories.The themes and categories were“high-risk pregnancy and related issues(pursuing treatment and paying attention to the high-risk situation by pregnant women,psychological aspect of high-risk pregnancy on pregnant women and caregivers,emotional and physical aspects of high-risk pregnancy,the consequences of high-risk pregnancy on the people around them and empowerment of high-risk pregnant women)”,“support dimension(family and community support for high-risk pregnant women)”,and“framework of program(acculturalization,means and equipment,security,manpower and the necessary arrangements for the home care)”.Conclusions:High-risk pregnancy affects various aspects of the lives of high-risk pregnant women and their families.Creating the necessary conditions for providing care at home plays a vital role in supporting high-risk pregnant women and removing related obstacles to receiving prenatal care in person.It will be especially beneficial for high-risk pregnant women in low-income areas. 展开更多
关键词 High-risk pregnancy Home care PROGRAM Qualitative study
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