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作者 张舜光 崔阳 +2 位作者 刘林林 张金颐 陈学青 《高校化学工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期90-98,共9页
针对草酸二甲酯(DMO)加氢制备乙醇酸甲酯(MG)反应中,银(Ag)基催化剂成本较高、催化性能不稳定等问题,为降低成本并提高催化性能,以水热合成法制备的树枝状纤维形二氧化硅纳米球(KCC-1)为载体,采用等体积浸渍法制备Ag/KCC-1、Ag-Ni/KCC-... 针对草酸二甲酯(DMO)加氢制备乙醇酸甲酯(MG)反应中,银(Ag)基催化剂成本较高、催化性能不稳定等问题,为降低成本并提高催化性能,以水热合成法制备的树枝状纤维形二氧化硅纳米球(KCC-1)为载体,采用等体积浸渍法制备Ag/KCC-1、Ag-Ni/KCC-1负载型催化剂。考察了Ag的较优负载量及总负载量不变时,Ag与镍(Ni)较佳的质量比。结果表明,Ag/KCC-1催化剂中,不同Ag负载量的催化剂,其结构和催化性能均有所不同,Ag负载量(质量分数)为15%时,性能较好;Ag-Ni/KCC-1催化剂中,适量Ni的引入对催化剂的结构和催化性能均有明显提高,当Ag和Ni的负载量分别为12%和3%时,催化性能较佳,与单组分负载的Ag/KCC-1催化剂相比,DMO转化率由90.37%提高至96.75%,MG转化率由90.77%提高至92.48%,MG收率由82.04%提高至89.47%。 展开更多
关键词 草酸二甲酯 乙醇酸甲酯 催化剂 树枝状纤维形二氧化硅纳米球 Ag-Ni/KCC-1
作者 杨帆 王怡明 +2 位作者 朱韩英 蒋旭 史晓波 《工业催化》 CAS 2024年第3期29-34,共6页
TS-1是一类独特的用于液相选择性氧化反应的分子筛催化剂,在高结晶沸石框架中具有四面体配位Ti^(4+)离子。TS-1/H_(2)O_(2)绿色反应体系已经取得了相当大的突破。TS-1分子筛的催化性能与其拓扑结构、晶体形态、四面体Ti的含量和反应微... TS-1是一类独特的用于液相选择性氧化反应的分子筛催化剂,在高结晶沸石框架中具有四面体配位Ti^(4+)离子。TS-1/H_(2)O_(2)绿色反应体系已经取得了相当大的突破。TS-1分子筛的催化性能与其拓扑结构、晶体形态、四面体Ti的含量和反应微环境有关。当前石油化工和精细化工等行业对大分子氧化催化剂的需求日益增长,开发催化性能显著提高的新型TS-1的研究成为热点。综述TS-1分子筛近年的研究进展及催化应用。 展开更多
关键词 催化剂工程 TS-1分子筛 骨架钛 选择性氧化 反应晶化 化学改性
作者 张书铭 刘化章 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期1302-1308,共7页
运用BP神经网络建立了助催化剂含量与催化剂活性之间的预测模型,对Fe_(1-x)O基氨合成催化剂的助催化剂进行优化。首先将前期实验数据整理归纳为含有3、4、5、6和7个助催化剂等5类催化剂,以助催化剂含量(体积分数)为输入变量,以425℃反... 运用BP神经网络建立了助催化剂含量与催化剂活性之间的预测模型,对Fe_(1-x)O基氨合成催化剂的助催化剂进行优化。首先将前期实验数据整理归纳为含有3、4、5、6和7个助催化剂等5类催化剂,以助催化剂含量(体积分数)为输入变量,以425℃反应器出口氨浓度(活性)为输出变量,对助催化剂进行优化。结果表明,BP神经网络预测模型拟合值均方误差最高为0.2784,预测值均方误差最高为0.1592,构建的BP神经网络模型准确度较高。在该模型的基础上,运用多种群遗传算法进行极值寻优,求解最优的催化剂配方,并进行实验验证。结果表明,根据优化结果制备5个样品的实验测定值与预测值的相对误差最高为2.88%,优化结果较为准确;含有7个助催化剂的催化剂活性最高为18.83%,比原样本的统计平均活性值(17.52%)高1.31%,相对提高7.48%,助催化剂含量优化取得满意的结果。 展开更多
关键词 Fe_(1-x)O 催化剂 助催化剂 神经网络 遗传算法 优化
作者 杨哲旭 柳娜 《工业催化》 CAS 2024年第2期34-41,共8页
利用水热合成法,通过调控模板剂吗啡啉和四乙基氢氧化铵物质的量比[n(MOR)∶n(TEAOH)]合成出不同SAPO-34分子筛。采用XRD、SEM、NH_(3)-TPD等测试方法对合成样品进行表征,并考察其在1-丁烯催化裂解制丙烯反应中的催化性能。结果表明,双... 利用水热合成法,通过调控模板剂吗啡啉和四乙基氢氧化铵物质的量比[n(MOR)∶n(TEAOH)]合成出不同SAPO-34分子筛。采用XRD、SEM、NH_(3)-TPD等测试方法对合成样品进行表征,并考察其在1-丁烯催化裂解制丙烯反应中的催化性能。结果表明,双模板剂相比单模板剂制得的SAPO-34分子筛具有不同的酸性和颗粒尺寸,适宜的[n(MOR)∶n(TEAOH)]可以协同SAPO-34分子筛有更弱的酸强度和B酸酸位,从而抑制裂解过程中氢转移反应的发生。当n(MOR)∶n(TEAOH)=2.0∶0.5时可以最大程度的提升丙烯产率和选择性,在1-丁烯催化裂解制丙烯中具有最高的丙烯产率和丙烯选择性,分别为37.03%和45.78%,可以有效应用于1-丁烯催化裂解反应。 展开更多
关键词 催化剂工程 催化裂解 丙烯 1-丁烯 SAPO-34 吗啡啉 四乙基氢氧化铵
作者 石明亮 杨平 +3 位作者 杨清河 聂红 刘清河 李会峰 《石油学报(石油加工)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期602-609,共8页
通过在载体成型过程中引入纤维素A作为改性剂,并调变纤维素A与胶溶剂硝酸的比例,获得5种性质不同的载体,然后采用孔饱和浸渍和低温络合工艺制备相应催化剂。利用N 2吸附-脱附、压汞、红外羟基、后萃取实验、X射线光电子能谱、透射电子... 通过在载体成型过程中引入纤维素A作为改性剂,并调变纤维素A与胶溶剂硝酸的比例,获得5种性质不同的载体,然后采用孔饱和浸渍和低温络合工艺制备相应催化剂。利用N 2吸附-脱附、压汞、红外羟基、后萃取实验、X射线光电子能谱、透射电子显微镜等表征手段深入分析了载体的孔结构与表面性质、催化剂加氢活性相的结构与形貌,并选择1-甲基萘为模型化合物评价催化剂的加氢饱和性能。结果表明:随着纤维素A比例的增加,载体的孔体积增大且超大孔比例提高;载体表面羟基数量减少且与活性金属发生强相互作用的碱性羟基和中性羟基比例降低,催化剂硫化后形成更多的NiMoS相和多层堆叠的MoS 2片晶。纤维素A的引入,调变了金属与载体的相互作用并促进形成更多高活性的加氢活性相结构,同时构筑了利于反应物扩散的大孔,提高了1-甲基萘加氢饱和反应活性。 展开更多
关键词 氧化铝 纤维素A 1-甲基萘 表面羟基 NiMo催化剂 催化加氢
作者 黄艳 王贵文 +2 位作者 杨龙 徐冬 高腾飞 《低碳化学与化工》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期1-8,共8页
通过二氧化碳(CO_(2))催化加氢制备碳基燃料和高值化学品是一种极具应用前景的碳减排技术,但其工业化仍面临许多挑战。针对CO_(2)催化加氢制备的C_(1)产物,包括甲酸(HCOOH)、一氧化碳(CO)、甲醇(CH_(3)OH)和甲烷(CH_(4)),从反应路径、... 通过二氧化碳(CO_(2))催化加氢制备碳基燃料和高值化学品是一种极具应用前景的碳减排技术,但其工业化仍面临许多挑战。针对CO_(2)催化加氢制备的C_(1)产物,包括甲酸(HCOOH)、一氧化碳(CO)、甲醇(CH_(3)OH)和甲烷(CH_(4)),从反应路径、催化工艺等方面综述了相关研究进展。首先,总结了CO_(2)催化加氢生成不同C_(1)产物的反应路径及其竞争关系。随后,针对CO_(2)催化加氢催化剂的改性方式,讨论了不同催化剂的催化性能。最后,对CO_(2)催化加氢催化剂的未来发展方向进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 CO_(2) C_(1)产物 催化加氢 反应路径 催化剂
作者 余杰明 罗霜 《有机硅材料》 CAS 2024年第3期39-42,共4页
以α,ω-二羟基聚二甲基硅氧烷为基胶,添加填料、交联剂、偶联剂和自制钛配合物催化剂等制得脱醇型单组分室温硫化有机硅密封胶,探讨了钛配合物催化剂种类对密封胶稠度、硫化速率和力学性能的影响。结果表明,相比于一次钛配合物催化剂,... 以α,ω-二羟基聚二甲基硅氧烷为基胶,添加填料、交联剂、偶联剂和自制钛配合物催化剂等制得脱醇型单组分室温硫化有机硅密封胶,探讨了钛配合物催化剂种类对密封胶稠度、硫化速率和力学性能的影响。结果表明,相比于一次钛配合物催化剂,采用二次钛配合物的脱醇型单组分室温硫化有机硅密封胶制备过程中无明显增稠,硫化速率、拉伸强度、断裂伸长率和贮存稳定性更高。其表干时间为8min,24h硫化深度为4.9mm,拉伸强度为1.30MPa,断裂伸长率为335%,经65℃×7d加速老化后表干时间无变化,力学性能保持率高于90%,综合性能良好。 展开更多
关键词 脱醇型 单组分室温硫化 有机硅密封胶 钛配合物 催化剂 贮存稳定性
作者 宋世超 《石油化工安全环保技术》 CAS 2024年第4期54-58,I0003,I0004,共7页
甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)是一种重要的化工原料,可以作为汽油添加剂提高汽油的辛烷值;而丁烯-1则是聚乙烯装置的共聚单体,也可以用来生产甲乙酮、戊醛、异葵醇等精细化产品,具有广泛的功能和用途。随着MTBE/丁烯-1工艺技术的不断发展和装置... 甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)是一种重要的化工原料,可以作为汽油添加剂提高汽油的辛烷值;而丁烯-1则是聚乙烯装置的共聚单体,也可以用来生产甲乙酮、戊醛、异葵醇等精细化产品,具有广泛的功能和用途。随着MTBE/丁烯-1工艺技术的不断发展和装置规模的不断扩大,结合两套不同MTBE/丁烯-1装置的工艺技术特点,在反应催化剂的经济性、综合能耗的优异性以及化工生产的清洁性等方面进行了深入的对比和总结,分析了MTBE/丁烯-1工艺技术的不同所具有的不同优势以及潜在的发展空间,为同行业,同装置的设计和运行工作者提供了参考思路和方向。 展开更多
关键词 甲基叔丁基醚 丁烯-1 能耗 催化剂 甲醇回收
作者 马建伟 孙彦波 +2 位作者 陈广怀 朱武军 周斌 《浙江化工》 CAS 2024年第4期1-8,共8页
1-氯-1,1-二氟乙烷(HCFC-142b)催化裂解制备1,1-二氟乙烯(偏二氟乙烯,VDF)的方法虽已实现工业化,但因所用催化剂在高温下易积碳,导致催化剂失活,或因添加促进剂导致裂解时造成环境污染等问题而存在应用缺陷。本文通过对比研究金属及其... 1-氯-1,1-二氟乙烷(HCFC-142b)催化裂解制备1,1-二氟乙烯(偏二氟乙烯,VDF)的方法虽已实现工业化,但因所用催化剂在高温下易积碳,导致催化剂失活,或因添加促进剂导致裂解时造成环境污染等问题而存在应用缺陷。本文通过对比研究金属及其盐类催化剂和非金属类催化剂应用于HCFC-142b催化裂解及抗结焦性能,为HCFC-142b裂解催化剂的选择及未来的研究方向提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 1-氯-1 1-二氟乙烷(HCFC-142b) 催化裂解 1 1-二氟乙烯(VDF) 制备 应用 催化剂
加氢蜡油催化裂化提高汽油辛烷值催化剂HMIP-1的工业应用 被引量:4
作者 白风宇 许明德 +3 位作者 李振健 袁帅 刘双民 白云波 《石油炼制与化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期33-37,共5页
中国石化石油化工科学研究院开发了加氢蜡油催化裂化提高汽油辛烷值催化剂HMIP-1,该催化剂在中国石化天津分公司催化裂化装置上的工业应用结果表明:采用催化剂HMIP-1,在不降低处理量、生焦基本不变的前提下,提升管第一反应器出口温度可... 中国石化石油化工科学研究院开发了加氢蜡油催化裂化提高汽油辛烷值催化剂HMIP-1,该催化剂在中国石化天津分公司催化裂化装置上的工业应用结果表明:采用催化剂HMIP-1,在不降低处理量、生焦基本不变的前提下,提升管第一反应器出口温度可提高4℃,催化裂化汽油收率提高1.40百分点;催化裂化汽油辛烷值(RON)提高到89.5,提高0.6个单位。由此可见,催化剂HMIP-1可有效提高以加氢蜡油为原料的催化裂化汽油的收率和辛烷值。 展开更多
关键词 催化剂hmip-1 催化裂化 加氢蜡油 辛烷值
作者 袁灿 张华莉 +1 位作者 刘瑛 肖献忠 《中国动脉硬化杂志》 CAS CSCD 2003年第1期86-86,共1页
关键词 心肌缺血 预适应 上调新基因 MIP-1 hmip-2 克隆 特性分析
作者 王瀚霖 荆喆浩 任梓尧 《石化技术与应用》 CAS 2023年第2期153-158,共6页
主要阐述了铬系催化剂在乙烯选择性三聚制1-己烯方面的研究进展,总结了目前工业化进程中仍然存在的问题,并展望了该领域未来的发展方向。指出乙烯三聚高选择性制1-己烯,因其具有产物单一易分离、流程简单、耗能低等优点,正逐渐替代传统... 主要阐述了铬系催化剂在乙烯选择性三聚制1-己烯方面的研究进展,总结了目前工业化进程中仍然存在的问题,并展望了该领域未来的发展方向。指出乙烯三聚高选择性制1-己烯,因其具有产物单一易分离、流程简单、耗能低等优点,正逐渐替代传统生产1-己烯的费托合成法和非选择性齐聚法。 展开更多
关键词 乙烯三聚 铬系催化剂 Α-烯烃 1-己烯 聚乙烯
The effect of polymerization conditions on crystalline of polybutene-1 catalyzed by metallocene catalyst 被引量:3
作者 Qi Gu Huang Ya Ping Sheng +3 位作者 Kun Xue Deng Li Fu Ma Yi Xian Wu Wan Tai Yang 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期217-220,共4页
Polybutene-1 was synthesized stereoselectively with the precursor η(5)-(pentamethyl-cyclopentadienyl) tribenzyloxide titanium (Cp*Ti(OBz)3) and methylaluminoxane (MAO). The effects of polymerization conditions, trime... Polybutene-1 was synthesized stereoselectively with the precursor η(5)-(pentamethyl-cyclopentadienyl) tribenzyloxide titanium (Cp*Ti(OBz)3) and methylaluminoxane (MAO). The effects of polymerization conditions, trimethyl alumina (TMA) content in MAO and temperature on the crystalline and molecular weight of the products, and catalytic activity were investigated. The structural properties of the polybutene-1 were characterized with (13)C NMR and WAXD. 展开更多
关键词 Metallocene catalyst METHYLALUMINOXANE POLYBUTENE-1 Structure
Intrinsic kinetics of oxidative dehydrogenation of propane in the presence of CO_2 over Cr/MSU-1 catalyst 被引量:2
作者 Haitao Liu Zhao Zhang Huiquan Li Qingze Huang 《Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry》 EI CAS CSCD 2011年第3期311-317,共7页
The intrinsic kinetics of oxidative dehydrogenation of propane with CO2 has been investigated over Cr/MSU-1 catalyst in a fixed bed reactor. Without limitations of both internal and external diffusion, intrinsic kinet... The intrinsic kinetics of oxidative dehydrogenation of propane with CO2 has been investigated over Cr/MSU-1 catalyst in a fixed bed reactor. Without limitations of both internal and external diffusion, intrinsic kinetic data were obtained under the following conditions: 490-530 °C, space velocity of 3600?6000 mL·h-1·g-1 and 3/1 molar ratio for CO2/C3H8 under normal pressure. Based on Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism, the kinetic models were established, and they were validated by statistical analysis. The parameters were estimated using Simplex Method combined with Universal Global Optimization Algorithm. The model, taking the surface reaction process as the rate-determining step, is the best one in agreement with the experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 intrinsic kinetics PROPANE carbon dioxide oxidative dehydrogenation Cr/MSU-1 catalyst
Effect of Transition Metals (Cu, Co and Fe) on the Autothermal Reforming of Methane over Ni/Ce_(0.2)Zr_(0.1)Al_(0.7)O_δ Catalyst 被引量:7
作者 Xinfa Dong Xiulan Cai +1 位作者 Yibing Song Weiming Lin 《Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry》 EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期31-36,共6页
The transition metals (Cu, Co, and Fe) were applied to modify Ni/Ce0.2Zr0.1Al0.7Oδ catalyst. The effects of transition metals on the catalytic properties of Ni/Ce0.2Zr0.1Al0.7Oδ autothermal reforming of methane we... The transition metals (Cu, Co, and Fe) were applied to modify Ni/Ce0.2Zr0.1Al0.7Oδ catalyst. The effects of transition metals on the catalytic properties of Ni/Ce0.2Zr0.1Al0.7Oδ autothermal reforming of methane were investigated. The Ni-supported catalysts were characterized by XRD, TPR and XPS. Tests in autothermal reforming of methane to hydrogen showed that the addition of transition metals (Cu and Co) significantly increased the activity of catalyst under the conditions of lower reaction temperature, and Ni/Cu0.05Ce0.2Zr0.1Al0.65Oδ was found to have the highest conversion of CH4 among all catalysts in the operation temperatures ranging from 923 K to 1023 K. TPR, XRD and XPS measurements indicated that the cubic phases of CexZr1-xO2 solid solution were formed in the preparation process of catalysts. Strong interaction was found to exist between NiO and CexZr1-xO2 solid solution. The addition of Cu improved the dispersion of NiO, inhibited the formation of NiAl2O4, and thus significantly promoted the activity of the catalyst Ni/Cu0.05Ce0.2Zr0.1Al0.65Oδ 展开更多
关键词 METHANE autothermal reforming HYDROGEN Ni-supported catalysts COPPER CexZr1-xO2 solid solution
Effects of Ce/Zr ratio on the structure and performances of Co-Ce_(1-x)Zr_xO_2 catalysts for carbon dioxide reforming of methane 被引量:5
作者 Ning Wang Wei Chu +1 位作者 Liqiong Huang Tao Zhang 《Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry》 EI CAS CSCD 2010年第2期117-122,共6页
The Co-incorporated Ce1-xZrxO2 catalysts were prepared by co-precipitation for carbon dioxide reforming of methane.The ratio of Ce to Zr was varied to optimize the performances of co-precipitated Co-Ce-Zr-Ox catalysts... The Co-incorporated Ce1-xZrxO2 catalysts were prepared by co-precipitation for carbon dioxide reforming of methane.The ratio of Ce to Zr was varied to optimize the performances of co-precipitated Co-Ce-Zr-Ox catalysts.The prepared catalysts were characterized by various physico-chemical characterization techniques including TPR,X-ray diffraction,N2 adsorption at low temperature,XPS and CO2-TPSR.The co-precipitated Co-Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 sample containing 16% CoO exhibited a higher catalytic activity among the five catalysts,and the activity was maintained without significant loss during the reaction for 60 h.Under the conditions of 750 ℃,0.1 MPa,36000 ml/(h gcat),and CO2/CH4 molar ratio of 1:1,the CO2 conversion over this catalyst was 75% while the CH4 conversion was 67%.The cubic Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 facilitated a higher dispersion and a higher reducibility of the cobalt component,and the apparent activation energy for Co-Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 sample was 49.1 kJ/mol in the CO2/CH4 reforming reaction.As a result,the Co-Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 sample exhibited a higher activity and stability for the reforming of CH4 with CO2. 展开更多
关键词 Ce1-xZrxO2 carbon dioxide methane dry reforming Co-incorporated catalyst characterization
Structured hierarchical Mn–Co mixed oxides supported on silicalite-1 foam catalyst for catalytic combustion 被引量:3
作者 Yanan Guan Hengyu Shen +7 位作者 Xing Guo Boyang Mao Zhenyuan Yang Yangtao Zhou He Liang Xiaolei Fan Yilai Jiao jinsong Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第9期2319-2327,共9页
Silicalite-1(S1)foam was functionalized by supporting manganese-cobalt(Mn-Co)mixed oxides to develop the structured hierarchical catalyst(Mn-Co@SlF)for catalytic combustion for the first time.The self-supporting S1 fo... Silicalite-1(S1)foam was functionalized by supporting manganese-cobalt(Mn-Co)mixed oxides to develop the structured hierarchical catalyst(Mn-Co@SlF)for catalytic combustion for the first time.The self-supporting S1 foam with hierarchical porosity was prepared via hydrothermal synthesis with polyurethane(PU)foam as the template.Subsequently,Mn-Co oxide nano sheets were uniformly grown on the surface of S1 foams under hydrothermal conditions to prepare the structured hierarchical catalyst with specific surface area of 354 m^2·g^-1,micropore volume of 0.141 cm^3·g^-1 and total pore volume of 0.217 cm3·g^-1,as well as a good capacity to adsorb toluene(1.7 mmol·g^-1 at p/p0=0.99).Comparative catalytic combustion of toluene of over developed structured catalyst Mn-Co@SlF was performed against the control catalysts of bulk Mn-Co@S1(i.e.,the crushed Mn-Co@SlF)and unsupported Mn-Co oxides(i.e.,Mn-Co).Mn-Co@SlF exhibited comparatively the best catalytic performance,that is,complete and stable toluene conversion at 2480 C over 65 h due to the synergy between Mn-Co oxides and S1 foam,which provided a large number of oxygen vacancies,high redox capacity.In addition,the hierarchical porous structure also improved the accessibility of active sites and facilitated the global mass transfer across the catalyst bed,being beneficial to the catalysis and catalyst longevity. 展开更多
关键词 Structured catalyst SILICALITE-1 Mn-Co oxides Cellular foam Catalytic combustion
Synthesis of 1-Octene Oligomer by Rare Earth Coordination Catalyst 被引量:1
作者 张小俊 杨慕杰 沈之荃 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1992年第3期195-198,共4页
The polymerization of 1-octene with Nd(P_(204))_3-AlEt_3 catalyst has been successfully carried out for the first time.Some features of polymerization of 1-octene are described.The 1-octene oligomer prepared has an av... The polymerization of 1-octene with Nd(P_(204))_3-AlEt_3 catalyst has been successfully carried out for the first time.Some features of polymerization of 1-octene are described.The 1-octene oligomer prepared has an average molecular weight of about 10~3 with molecular weight distribution of about 2.It has a terminal double bond,which can be transferred into terminal carboxy group by direct oxidation with KMnO_4 in acidic solution, and then can be esterified with polyglycol. 展开更多
关键词 Rare earth coordination catalyst 1-OCTENE OLIGOMER
作者 范志强 《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期305-308,共4页
A series of Ti/Mg supported catalysts are prepared by using ball-milled mixtures of MgCl2-ethanol adducts and NaCl as supports, and 1-hexene polymerizations catalyzed by the novel catalysts are studied. It is found th... A series of Ti/Mg supported catalysts are prepared by using ball-milled mixtures of MgCl2-ethanol adducts and NaCl as supports, and 1-hexene polymerizations catalyzed by the novel catalysts are studied. It is found that the molecular weight distribution of poly(1-hexene) becomes apparently narrower when catalysts with doped supports are used, indicating that changing the structure of the support is an effective way to regulate the active center distribution of heterogeneous Ziegler-Natta catalyst. 展开更多
关键词 Ziegler-Natta catalyst Doped support 1-Hexene polymerizations
A review of C_1 chemistry synthesis using yttrium-stabilized zirconia catalyst 被引量:3
作者 Antonius Indarto Jae-Wook Choi +1 位作者 Hwaung Lee Hyung Keun Song 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第1期1-6,共6页
C1 chemistry based on synthesis gas, methane, and carbon dioxide offers many routes to industrial chemicals. The reactions related to the synthesis of gas can be classified into direct and indirect approach for making... C1 chemistry based on synthesis gas, methane, and carbon dioxide offers many routes to industrial chemicals. The reactions related to the synthesis of gas can be classified into direct and indirect approach for making such products, such as acetic acid, dimethyl ether, and alcohol. Catalytic syngas processing is currently done at high temperatures and pressures, conditions that could be unfavorable for the life of the catalyst. Another issue of C1 chemistry is related to the methane-initiated process. It has been known that direct methane conversions are still suffering from low yields and selectivity of products resulting in unprofitable ways to produce products, such as higher hydrocarbons, methanol, and so on. However, many experts and researchers are still trying to find the best method to overcome these barriers, for example, by finding the best catalyst to reduce the high-energy barrier of the reactions and conduct only selective catalyst-surface reactions. The appli- cation of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) and its combination with other metals for catalyzing purposes are increasing. The existence of an interesting site that acts as oxygen store could be the main reason for it. Moreover, formation of intermediate species on the surface of YSZ also contributes significantly in increasing the production of some specific products. Understanding the phenomena happening inside could be necessary. In this article, the use of YSZ for some C1 chemistry reactions was discussed and reviewed. 展开更多
关键词 C1 chemistry METHANE synthesis gas METHANOL yttria-stabilized zirconia catalyst oxygen storage rare earths
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