Cold spells and severe weather may have detrimental effects in wild birds,but owing to the stochastic nature of these events,it is not always possible to measure their impacts.In January 2021,a strong snowstorm known...Cold spells and severe weather may have detrimental effects in wild birds,but owing to the stochastic nature of these events,it is not always possible to measure their impacts.In January 2021,a strong snowstorm known as‘Filomena’affected Spain,mainly the region of Madrid(Central Spain),which was fully covered with snow and suffered freezing temperatures for a fortnight.Using bird surveys conducted in the winter-spring of 2020 and 2021(before and after Filomena)at same locations,we addressed the possible impact of the cold spell in three widespread gamebirds:Wood Pigeon(Columba palumbus),Eurasian Magpie(Pica pica)and Red-legged Partridge(Alectoris rufa).No significant abundance differences were found between years for none of the species and hunting pressure was only significantly reduced for Partridges,hence this species may have been negatively affected by Filomena.Results suggest that in response to Filomena,Pigeons conducted partial migration in search of better conditions,while Magpies aggregated in certain areas of Madrid and Partridges endured the harsh conditions within their home ranges.Our results highlight the importance to alleviate negative impacts of extreme weather events in wild birds through management actions,especially for sedentary species.展开更多
Background: Investigating population ecology of urban bird species,particularly the invasive and expending spe?cies,is the key for the success of urban management and planning strategies.Methods: Populations of two Co...Background: Investigating population ecology of urban bird species,particularly the invasive and expending spe?cies,is the key for the success of urban management and planning strategies.Methods: Populations of two Columbidae species,the Woodpigeon(Columba palumbus) and the Eurasian Collared Dove(Streptopelia decaocto),were monitored from 1992 to 2010 in the Algiers Sahel,the Mitidja Plain and surround?ing areas(Northern Algeria).Monitoring of species densities was performed by the mapping?plot method.The foraging flight routes of Woodpigeon and the distribution of Eurasian Collared Dove were assessed by systematic observations.Results: The number of counted birds was statistically constant at first years of the survey,and then increased sig?nificantly,beginning from low numbers,their densities accelerated sharply between 2001 and 2006,then reached to an equilibrium state.The significant increase in Woodpigeon's population could be explained by the reduced hunt?ing pressure and by species adaptation to new food resources provided by nearby agriculture.Indeed,monitoring of flight directions of the species revealed the use of agricultural landscapes and habitats,which is a good indicator explaining adaptation and trophic niche of the species.The occurrence of the Eurasian Collared Dove in Algiers began in 2000.Its density experienced a rapid increase with similar trend pattern as that of Woodpigeon.Its distributional range is confined mainly in suburban environments of the Mitidja Plain.Conclusion: The modifications of habitats,urbanization increase and the lessening of hunting in the Mitidja Plain facilitated the rapid expansion of the Eurasian Collared Dove and Woodpigeon as well contributed to the increase in their numbers over time.展开更多
Objective;To determine the presence of zoonotic tick-borne bacteria in feral pigeons(Columba lixia domestica) from urban areas.Methods:Spleen samples from 84 feral pigeons,found dead with traumatic injuries in urban a...Objective;To determine the presence of zoonotic tick-borne bacteria in feral pigeons(Columba lixia domestica) from urban areas.Methods:Spleen samples from 84 feral pigeons,found dead with traumatic injuries in urban areas,were examined by PCR to detect DNA of Anaplasma phagocytophilum,Bartonella spp.,Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato.Coxiella burnetii.Rickettsia spp.,and Chlamydnphila spp.Results:Twenty(23.8%) pigeons were infected by tick-borne agents,in particular 2(2.38%) animals resulted positive for Bartonella spp.,5(5.95%) for Coxiella burnetii.5(5.95%) for Rickettsia spp.,13(15.47%) for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato.All birds scored negative for anaplasma phagocytophilum.Moreover,17(20.23%) pigeons were positive for Chlamydophila spp.and among them 10(11.9%) for Chlamydophila psittaci,Mixed infections by two or three agents were detected in 8(9.52%) animals.Conclusions:Feral pigeons living in urban and periurban areas are a hazard for the human health as source of several pathogens.The obtained results confirm pigeons as reservoirs of chlamydial agents and suggest that they may be involved in the epidemiology of zoonotic tick-borne infections too.展开更多
Background:Ecological functions and processes in urban ecosystems are governed by various human activities.City-adapted and city-exploiting animal species are expected to present certain specific behavioral and physio...Background:Ecological functions and processes in urban ecosystems are governed by various human activities.City-adapted and city-exploiting animal species are expected to present certain specific behavioral and physiological traits in comparison to city-avoiders or conspecific individual frequenting less urbanized or rural environments.A trait of high importance,the plumage color polymorphism has been selected as the main study model and was correlated with different morphological and physiological parameters to highlight its importance in determining the possible health status of urban Feral Pigeons(Columba livia)in North African urban habitats.Methods:Different body morphometrics,hematological and hemoparasitic parameters were quantified on freeliving Feral Pigeons in urban environments of northern Algeria.Moreover,plumage melanin-based coloration(MBC)was measured and the data collected at the individual scale was correlated with the previous parameters using linear and non-linear modeling approaches.Results:Plumage MBC scores of the sampled Feral Pigeons ranged between 0.3%and 74.8%.Among the 12 morphological traits measured,body weight,tail length and total length were deemed to be positively correlated with MBC.Darker morphs appeared to have more hemoparasites compared to lighter pigeons.Quite the same observation goes with the immunity but with non-linear trends.The number of monocytes and granulocytes increased with the increase in MBC levels in lighter morphs,while pigeons with high MBC scores exhibited negative relationships between MBC levels and the number of white blood cells.Conclusions:Despite the existence of a number of studies demonstrating phenotypic directional selection,further studies are undoubtedly necessary to understand in detail the underlying mechanisms in species life-history strategies between differently colored individuals.Findings of this correlative study open exciting perspectives revealing that MBC can be considered a good indicator of and health status and adaptation strategies to changes in urban environments.展开更多
Foraging ecology of the globally endangered Nilgiri Wood Pigeon(Columba elphinstonii) was investigated in the Western Ghats,India,using faecal sampling and direct observations.The birds fed on fruits of 39 plant speci...Foraging ecology of the globally endangered Nilgiri Wood Pigeon(Columba elphinstonii) was investigated in the Western Ghats,India,using faecal sampling and direct observations.The birds fed on fruits of 39 plant species,on seeds of 11 species,flowers and leaf buds of four species and a few ground invertebrates.Direct observations across seasons showed nine plant species were selected more often(47% of observations),with fruits of the members of the family Lauraceae the most preferred.Gleaning accounted for 76% of feeding methods throughout the year.Feeding was mainly from twigs at the edges on the upper and middle canopy(> 6 m).Frequency of feeding on fruits correlated significantly with fruit abundance,which depended on rainfall.The present study indicates that the pigeon requires a wide variety of diets from different forest environments.Conservation of this species depends on preserving all habitat types required to meet their resource needs throughout the year.展开更多
The genus Cryptococcus is composed of encapsulated yeasts that have the ability to infect and cause disease in humans, as Cryptococcus gattii/Cryptococcus neoformans species complex. Facing the current research panel,...The genus Cryptococcus is composed of encapsulated yeasts that have the ability to infect and cause disease in humans, as Cryptococcus gattii/Cryptococcus neoformans species complex. Facing the current research panel, few studies about cryptococcosis and epidemiological data have been carded out in the western region of Sao Paulo state. This study aimed to verify the occurrence of Cryptococcus spp. In public areas of the city of Presidente Prudente, using pigeon droppings and tree hollows as an environmental source. The samples were identified by conventional mycological methods. Were collected 54 samples from pigeon droppings and 62 samples from tree hollows of the genus Licania. And of these samples, 47 (87.0%) and 14 (22.5%) had positive growth of yeast from pigeon droppings and tree hollows, respectively. Cryptococcus was identified in 11 (20.4%) of the samples from pigeon droppings and 3 (21.4%) of those from tree hollows. The following species were identified: Cryptococcus neoformans (7.15%), Cryptococcus laurentti (14.28%), and Cryptococcus albidus (78.57%). Decreased susceptibility to fluconazole was observed for some isolates. Fluconazole exhibited a limited in vitro activity, particularly against Cryptococcus albidus and Cryptococcus laurentii. Identification and susceptibility testing of Cryptococcus spp. should be performed on a routine basis in view of their unpredictable susceptibility profiles.展开更多
Pigeons (Columba livia) have excellent flying and orienting abilities and are ideal study subjects for biologists who re- search the underlying neurological mechanisms that modulate flying and allow birds to find th...Pigeons (Columba livia) have excellent flying and orienting abilities and are ideal study subjects for biologists who re- search the underlying neurological mechanisms that modulate flying and allow birds to find their way home. These mechanisms also attract the engineers who want to apply pigeon locomotion to the design of flying robots. Here, we identified the mo- tor-related brain nuclei and revealed their relationship in spatial distribution in pigeons under light anesthesia and freely moving conditions respectively. Flapping and lateral body movements were successfully elicited when electrical microstimulation was applied to the diencephalon, medial part of the midbrain, and medulla oblongata of lightly anesthetized pigeons (N = 28) whose heads were fixed. The current thresholds for stimulating different nuclei and behavior ranged from 10 pA to 20 ~tA. During freely moving tests (N = 24), taking off and turning were induced by a wireless stimulator through microelectrodes implanted in specific nuclei or brain regions. The results showed that electrical stimulation of these nuclei elicited the desired motor behavior. In addition, regulatory mechanisms were identified in the motor-related regions and nuclei of pigeons. Overlapping in the behavior elicited by stimulation of different regions indicates that complicated neural networks regulate motor behavior. Therefore, more studies need to be conducted involving simultaneous stimulation at multiple points within the nuclei involved in the networks.展开更多
Birds have well-developed ability to detect weak vibrational disturbances of the ground or perch. Recent electrophysiological studies have demonstrated that vibration sensitive receptors could be the Herbst corpuscles...Birds have well-developed ability to detect weak vibrational disturbances of the ground or perch. Recent electrophysiological studies have demonstrated that vibration sensitive receptors could be the Herbst corpuscles, which are only found in birds, widely distributed in such regions as the beak, dermis and interosseous membrane between the tibia and fibula. Their structures and functions are similar to those of mammailin Pacinian corpuscles.展开更多
The woodpigeon(Columba palumbus)is a common and widespread bird in Morocco(North Africa).I examined,over 2 years(2010 and 2011),the breeding density and nest placement of this game species in relation to nest si...The woodpigeon(Columba palumbus)is a common and widespread bird in Morocco(North Africa).I examined,over 2 years(2010 and 2011),the breeding density and nest placement of this game species in relation to nest site habitat and degree of human disturbance.The study area was in the Middle Atlas Tighboula mountain forest,Morocco,in a disturbed and an undisturbed site.Using data collected in the 2 study sites,I aimed to identify the factors influencing the placement of nests within holm oak trees(Quercus rotundifolia)and their densities.I found that habitat structures,influenced by grazing disturbance,have affected nesting density and the location of nests of this species.Woodpigeons place their nests in a higher position(3.42±0.19 m)when disturbance intensity is high and lower(1.68±0.1 m)when disturbance intensity is low,and show higher nesting density in less disturbed zone(3.1±0.4 nests/ha)than in highly disturbed zones(1.4±0.2 nests/ha).Grazing disturbance could pose a threat to population persistence at a broader scale and could potentially reduce the abundance of this species by altering the composition and the structure of the forest nesting habitat.Further multi-scale studies are needed to assess the effects of different levels of grazing disturbance on woodpigeon nest density and placement,and to enhance our knowledge of the breeding behavior of this game species under variable environments.展开更多
Chlamydophila psittaci(Lillie,1930)Everett et al.,1999,the pathogenic agent of human ornithosis,is widespreadin feral pigeon populations and many cases of transmission from feral pigeons to humans have been reported.T...Chlamydophila psittaci(Lillie,1930)Everett et al.,1999,the pathogenic agent of human ornithosis,is widespreadin feral pigeon populations and many cases of transmission from feral pigeons to humans have been reported.Theaim of the present study was to detect C.psittaci in environmental samples to find out more about possibletransmission routes and,therefore,to assess the zoonotic risk for humans.Fecal samples were collected from nestboxes in a feral pigeon loft.Additionally,samples were taken from the feather dust film covering the water surface ofpublic fountains where pigeons regularly bathe.The samples were tested for the presence of chlamydial antigenusing an antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to prove shedding of C.psittaci by feral pigeons.This testdetects a genus specific lipopolysaccharide in the outer membrane of the chlamydial bacteria.Samples were testedusing the IDEIA PCE Chlamydia Test kit(DakoCytomation)and positive results were verified with IDEIA ChlamydiaBlocking Reagents(DakoCytomation).The IDEIA PCE Chlamydia Test yields a high proportion of positive results.However,when IDEIA Chlamydia Blocking was performed,most of the positive results turned out to be negative orcould not be interpreted.We conclude that antigen-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests are not suitable fordetecting C.psittaci in environmental samples.Previous publications where no blocking test was used should bereconsidered critically.展开更多
基金fully funded by the Regional Government of Madrid(Comunidad de Madrid),through the‘Subvenciones públicas a entidades sinanimo de lucro destinadas a financiar la realizacion de actividades y proyectos ambientales en la Comunidad de Madrid 2020-2021’.
文摘Cold spells and severe weather may have detrimental effects in wild birds,but owing to the stochastic nature of these events,it is not always possible to measure their impacts.In January 2021,a strong snowstorm known as‘Filomena’affected Spain,mainly the region of Madrid(Central Spain),which was fully covered with snow and suffered freezing temperatures for a fortnight.Using bird surveys conducted in the winter-spring of 2020 and 2021(before and after Filomena)at same locations,we addressed the possible impact of the cold spell in three widespread gamebirds:Wood Pigeon(Columba palumbus),Eurasian Magpie(Pica pica)and Red-legged Partridge(Alectoris rufa).No significant abundance differences were found between years for none of the species and hunting pressure was only significantly reduced for Partridges,hence this species may have been negatively affected by Filomena.Results suggest that in response to Filomena,Pigeons conducted partial migration in search of better conditions,while Magpies aggregated in certain areas of Madrid and Partridges endured the harsh conditions within their home ranges.Our results highlight the importance to alleviate negative impacts of extreme weather events in wild birds through management actions,especially for sedentary species.
基金the framework of Franco-Algerian cooperation program"Tassili"No.08MDU726
文摘Background: Investigating population ecology of urban bird species,particularly the invasive and expending spe?cies,is the key for the success of urban management and planning strategies.Methods: Populations of two Columbidae species,the Woodpigeon(Columba palumbus) and the Eurasian Collared Dove(Streptopelia decaocto),were monitored from 1992 to 2010 in the Algiers Sahel,the Mitidja Plain and surround?ing areas(Northern Algeria).Monitoring of species densities was performed by the mapping?plot method.The foraging flight routes of Woodpigeon and the distribution of Eurasian Collared Dove were assessed by systematic observations.Results: The number of counted birds was statistically constant at first years of the survey,and then increased sig?nificantly,beginning from low numbers,their densities accelerated sharply between 2001 and 2006,then reached to an equilibrium state.The significant increase in Woodpigeon's population could be explained by the reduced hunt?ing pressure and by species adaptation to new food resources provided by nearby agriculture.Indeed,monitoring of flight directions of the species revealed the use of agricultural landscapes and habitats,which is a good indicator explaining adaptation and trophic niche of the species.The occurrence of the Eurasian Collared Dove in Algiers began in 2000.Its density experienced a rapid increase with similar trend pattern as that of Woodpigeon.Its distributional range is confined mainly in suburban environments of the Mitidja Plain.Conclusion: The modifications of habitats,urbanization increase and the lessening of hunting in the Mitidja Plain facilitated the rapid expansion of the Eurasian Collared Dove and Woodpigeon as well contributed to the increase in their numbers over time.
文摘Objective;To determine the presence of zoonotic tick-borne bacteria in feral pigeons(Columba lixia domestica) from urban areas.Methods:Spleen samples from 84 feral pigeons,found dead with traumatic injuries in urban areas,were examined by PCR to detect DNA of Anaplasma phagocytophilum,Bartonella spp.,Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato.Coxiella burnetii.Rickettsia spp.,and Chlamydnphila spp.Results:Twenty(23.8%) pigeons were infected by tick-borne agents,in particular 2(2.38%) animals resulted positive for Bartonella spp.,5(5.95%) for Coxiella burnetii.5(5.95%) for Rickettsia spp.,13(15.47%) for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato.All birds scored negative for anaplasma phagocytophilum.Moreover,17(20.23%) pigeons were positive for Chlamydophila spp.and among them 10(11.9%) for Chlamydophila psittaci,Mixed infections by two or three agents were detected in 8(9.52%) animals.Conclusions:Feral pigeons living in urban and periurban areas are a hazard for the human health as source of several pathogens.The obtained results confirm pigeons as reservoirs of chlamydial agents and suggest that they may be involved in the epidemiology of zoonotic tick-borne infections too.
基金supported by the DGRSDT and MESRS(Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Algeria)。
文摘Background:Ecological functions and processes in urban ecosystems are governed by various human activities.City-adapted and city-exploiting animal species are expected to present certain specific behavioral and physiological traits in comparison to city-avoiders or conspecific individual frequenting less urbanized or rural environments.A trait of high importance,the plumage color polymorphism has been selected as the main study model and was correlated with different morphological and physiological parameters to highlight its importance in determining the possible health status of urban Feral Pigeons(Columba livia)in North African urban habitats.Methods:Different body morphometrics,hematological and hemoparasitic parameters were quantified on freeliving Feral Pigeons in urban environments of northern Algeria.Moreover,plumage melanin-based coloration(MBC)was measured and the data collected at the individual scale was correlated with the previous parameters using linear and non-linear modeling approaches.Results:Plumage MBC scores of the sampled Feral Pigeons ranged between 0.3%and 74.8%.Among the 12 morphological traits measured,body weight,tail length and total length were deemed to be positively correlated with MBC.Darker morphs appeared to have more hemoparasites compared to lighter pigeons.Quite the same observation goes with the immunity but with non-linear trends.The number of monocytes and granulocytes increased with the increase in MBC levels in lighter morphs,while pigeons with high MBC scores exhibited negative relationships between MBC levels and the number of white blood cells.Conclusions:Despite the existence of a number of studies demonstrating phenotypic directional selection,further studies are undoubtedly necessary to understand in detail the underlying mechanisms in species life-history strategies between differently colored individuals.Findings of this correlative study open exciting perspectives revealing that MBC can be considered a good indicator of and health status and adaptation strategies to changes in urban environments.
基金conducted as a part of a project on endemic birds in the Western Ghats,funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India(23-1/2001-RE)
文摘Foraging ecology of the globally endangered Nilgiri Wood Pigeon(Columba elphinstonii) was investigated in the Western Ghats,India,using faecal sampling and direct observations.The birds fed on fruits of 39 plant species,on seeds of 11 species,flowers and leaf buds of four species and a few ground invertebrates.Direct observations across seasons showed nine plant species were selected more often(47% of observations),with fruits of the members of the family Lauraceae the most preferred.Gleaning accounted for 76% of feeding methods throughout the year.Feeding was mainly from twigs at the edges on the upper and middle canopy(> 6 m).Frequency of feeding on fruits correlated significantly with fruit abundance,which depended on rainfall.The present study indicates that the pigeon requires a wide variety of diets from different forest environments.Conservation of this species depends on preserving all habitat types required to meet their resource needs throughout the year.
文摘The genus Cryptococcus is composed of encapsulated yeasts that have the ability to infect and cause disease in humans, as Cryptococcus gattii/Cryptococcus neoformans species complex. Facing the current research panel, few studies about cryptococcosis and epidemiological data have been carded out in the western region of Sao Paulo state. This study aimed to verify the occurrence of Cryptococcus spp. In public areas of the city of Presidente Prudente, using pigeon droppings and tree hollows as an environmental source. The samples were identified by conventional mycological methods. Were collected 54 samples from pigeon droppings and 62 samples from tree hollows of the genus Licania. And of these samples, 47 (87.0%) and 14 (22.5%) had positive growth of yeast from pigeon droppings and tree hollows, respectively. Cryptococcus was identified in 11 (20.4%) of the samples from pigeon droppings and 3 (21.4%) of those from tree hollows. The following species were identified: Cryptococcus neoformans (7.15%), Cryptococcus laurentti (14.28%), and Cryptococcus albidus (78.57%). Decreased susceptibility to fluconazole was observed for some isolates. Fluconazole exhibited a limited in vitro activity, particularly against Cryptococcus albidus and Cryptococcus laurentii. Identification and susceptibility testing of Cryptococcus spp. should be performed on a routine basis in view of their unpredictable susceptibility profiles.
文摘Pigeons (Columba livia) have excellent flying and orienting abilities and are ideal study subjects for biologists who re- search the underlying neurological mechanisms that modulate flying and allow birds to find their way home. These mechanisms also attract the engineers who want to apply pigeon locomotion to the design of flying robots. Here, we identified the mo- tor-related brain nuclei and revealed their relationship in spatial distribution in pigeons under light anesthesia and freely moving conditions respectively. Flapping and lateral body movements were successfully elicited when electrical microstimulation was applied to the diencephalon, medial part of the midbrain, and medulla oblongata of lightly anesthetized pigeons (N = 28) whose heads were fixed. The current thresholds for stimulating different nuclei and behavior ranged from 10 pA to 20 ~tA. During freely moving tests (N = 24), taking off and turning were induced by a wireless stimulator through microelectrodes implanted in specific nuclei or brain regions. The results showed that electrical stimulation of these nuclei elicited the desired motor behavior. In addition, regulatory mechanisms were identified in the motor-related regions and nuclei of pigeons. Overlapping in the behavior elicited by stimulation of different regions indicates that complicated neural networks regulate motor behavior. Therefore, more studies need to be conducted involving simultaneous stimulation at multiple points within the nuclei involved in the networks.
文摘Birds have well-developed ability to detect weak vibrational disturbances of the ground or perch. Recent electrophysiological studies have demonstrated that vibration sensitive receptors could be the Herbst corpuscles, which are only found in birds, widely distributed in such regions as the beak, dermis and interosseous membrane between the tibia and fibula. Their structures and functions are similar to those of mammailin Pacinian corpuscles.
文摘The woodpigeon(Columba palumbus)is a common and widespread bird in Morocco(North Africa).I examined,over 2 years(2010 and 2011),the breeding density and nest placement of this game species in relation to nest site habitat and degree of human disturbance.The study area was in the Middle Atlas Tighboula mountain forest,Morocco,in a disturbed and an undisturbed site.Using data collected in the 2 study sites,I aimed to identify the factors influencing the placement of nests within holm oak trees(Quercus rotundifolia)and their densities.I found that habitat structures,influenced by grazing disturbance,have affected nesting density and the location of nests of this species.Woodpigeons place their nests in a higher position(3.42±0.19 m)when disturbance intensity is high and lower(1.68±0.1 m)when disturbance intensity is low,and show higher nesting density in less disturbed zone(3.1±0.4 nests/ha)than in highly disturbed zones(1.4±0.2 nests/ha).Grazing disturbance could pose a threat to population persistence at a broader scale and could potentially reduce the abundance of this species by altering the composition and the structure of the forest nesting habitat.Further multi-scale studies are needed to assess the effects of different levels of grazing disturbance on woodpigeon nest density and placement,and to enhance our knowledge of the breeding behavior of this game species under variable environments.
文摘Chlamydophila psittaci(Lillie,1930)Everett et al.,1999,the pathogenic agent of human ornithosis,is widespreadin feral pigeon populations and many cases of transmission from feral pigeons to humans have been reported.Theaim of the present study was to detect C.psittaci in environmental samples to find out more about possibletransmission routes and,therefore,to assess the zoonotic risk for humans.Fecal samples were collected from nestboxes in a feral pigeon loft.Additionally,samples were taken from the feather dust film covering the water surface ofpublic fountains where pigeons regularly bathe.The samples were tested for the presence of chlamydial antigenusing an antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to prove shedding of C.psittaci by feral pigeons.This testdetects a genus specific lipopolysaccharide in the outer membrane of the chlamydial bacteria.Samples were testedusing the IDEIA PCE Chlamydia Test kit(DakoCytomation)and positive results were verified with IDEIA ChlamydiaBlocking Reagents(DakoCytomation).The IDEIA PCE Chlamydia Test yields a high proportion of positive results.However,when IDEIA Chlamydia Blocking was performed,most of the positive results turned out to be negative orcould not be interpreted.We conclude that antigen-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests are not suitable fordetecting C.psittaci in environmental samples.Previous publications where no blocking test was used should bereconsidered critically.