According to’s Choice data,50listed non-ferrous metals companies have announced the 2017 performance forecasts,where 39 companies forecast profits,accounting for more than 70%.Among them,there are 19 co...According to’s Choice data,50listed non-ferrous metals companies have announced the 2017 performance forecasts,where 39 companies forecast profits,accounting for more than 70%.Among them,there are 19 companies each with a forecast net profit of more than RMB 100million and 13 companies with a more展开更多
文摘According to’s Choice data,50listed non-ferrous metals companies have announced the 2017 performance forecasts,where 39 companies forecast profits,accounting for more than 70%.Among them,there are 19 companies each with a forecast net profit of more than RMB 100million and 13 companies with a more