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作者 束洪春 邵宗学 赵伟 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期2760-2773,I0001,共15页
随着直流输电的发展,LCC-HVDC与VSC-HVDC将不可避免的馈入同一区域电网,我国部分地区已经形成了混合多馈入直流输电系统,而受端LCC分层接入方式能够提高混合多馈入直流输电系统的电压支撑能力。受端分层接入方式下特高压直流输电工程在... 随着直流输电的发展,LCC-HVDC与VSC-HVDC将不可避免的馈入同一区域电网,我国部分地区已经形成了混合多馈入直流输电系统,而受端LCC分层接入方式能够提高混合多馈入直流输电系统的电压支撑能力。受端分层接入方式下特高压直流输电工程在本层阀组发生换相失败时,由于层间耦合关系,可能引发非故障层阀组同时发生换相失败。提出基于MMC快速无功支援与LCC非故障层超前触发角补偿的协调控制策略,根据不同交流电压跌落程度,考虑受端MMC四象限运行能力向受端LCC非故障层提供无功支援,需要的无功支援量在MMC四象限运行范围内时,仅由MMC进行无功支援,利用公共耦合母线的电压跌落值确定MMC无功支援指令值。需要的无功支援量超过MMC四象限运行范围内时,MMC无功支援指令值为四象限运行有功临界值时的无功最大值,同时启动LCC非故障层的超前触发角补偿控制。大量仿真测试表明所提协调控制策略对高低端逆变器同时发生换相失败的抑制效果明显。 展开更多
关键词 混合多馈入 lcc分层接入 MMC无功支援 换相失败 协调控制
LCC-MMC混合三端直流输电系统送端交流故障下的不间断运行协调控制策略 被引量:1
作者 唐岚 濮永现 +4 位作者 邢超 耿樾 王成磊 束洪春 卜祥帅 《电力自动化设备》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期174-180,共7页
为实现基于电网换相换流器与模块化多电平换流器(LCC-MMC)的混合三端直流输电系统送端交流故障下的直流低电压穿越,提出兼顾传输容量与响应速度的自适应电压协调控制策略及有功功率分配策略。在维持故障期间功率续传的前提下,定量分析... 为实现基于电网换相换流器与模块化多电平换流器(LCC-MMC)的混合三端直流输电系统送端交流故障下的直流低电压穿越,提出兼顾传输容量与响应速度的自适应电压协调控制策略及有功功率分配策略。在维持故障期间功率续传的前提下,定量分析了模块化多电平换流器(MMC)的降压值以减少传输功率的绝对值损失量,并设计MMC根据本地直流电流偏差快速减投子模块总数的降压方式;考虑到半桥型MMC的调制比约束,设计正极MMC定量吸收无功功率与负极MMC动态调整交流电压参考值的换流站极间协同控制策略;同时,为抑制从站的过电流及避免送端严重交流故障时主站的潮流反转,提出各受端换流站有功功率自适应调整的控制方式。最后通过对输电系统送端交流电压跌落不同幅度时的故障穿越效果进行仿真分析,验证了所提控制策略的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 lcc-MMC 直流低电压穿越 自适应电压协调控制 自适应功率分配 定量整定
作者 王顺亮 刘海军 +4 位作者 谢洋 马俊鹏 李永琪 焦宁 刘天琪 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期84-94,共11页
随着电网换相型高压直流输电(line commutated converter based high voltage direct current, LCC-HVDC)技术的广泛应用,交直流混联电力系统的交互稳定性问题日益突出。首先基于状态空间平均法建立了考虑非线性换相重叠动态过程的LCC... 随着电网换相型高压直流输电(line commutated converter based high voltage direct current, LCC-HVDC)技术的广泛应用,交直流混联电力系统的交互稳定性问题日益突出。首先基于状态空间平均法建立了考虑非线性换相重叠动态过程的LCC换流器传递函数模型。为适应愈加复杂的直流输电系统建模,提出利用模块化思想分别建立LCC-HVDC各子系统小信号模型,并推导了能反映交直流系统和换流器之间电气耦合特性的接口矩阵实现子系统连接,从而模块化建立精确且易于扩展的计及控制链路延时和锁相环输出相位波动的双端LCC-HVDC系统改进小信号模型。最后分析了控制系统参数和控制链路延时对系统小干扰稳定性的影响以及失稳模态的主导因素,揭示了双端LCC-HVDC系统交直流混合谐振机理及送受端交互影响具体过程。研究结果可以为系统参数设计、谐振抑制措施提供理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 lcc-HVDC 状态空间模型 模块化 控制链路延时 谐振影响因素
作者 张善路 赵振南 +2 位作者 李磊 范声芳 汪诚 《电机与控制学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期131-140,151,共11页
倍压整流型LCC谐振变换器兼顾了串联和并联谐振变换器的优点,具有高电压增益、抗负载短路、兼容变压器寄生参数等能力,已成为医用X光机高压发生器的优选拓扑。然而,倍压整流器中的电容参与谐振,增加了谐振元件数量,导致变换器的动态特... 倍压整流型LCC谐振变换器兼顾了串联和并联谐振变换器的优点,具有高电压增益、抗负载短路、兼容变压器寄生参数等能力,已成为医用X光机高压发生器的优选拓扑。然而,倍压整流器中的电容参与谐振,增加了谐振元件数量,导致变换器的动态特性更复杂,进而对建模和控制提出更高的要求。传统的基波近似法和线性控制难以实现精确建模并跟踪控制指标。对此本文采用状态平面分析法,通过分析变换器的工作原理建立各模态归一化状态轨迹方程。在此基础上,提出一种状态轨迹控制启动策略,通过设置谐振电流限幅值,根据输出电压变化规划最优路径,使状态变量在最短时间内跟踪谐振腔最优轨迹,以此计算最佳开关频率。最后,在50 kW/140 kV的样机上验证所提建模方法的准确性和控制策略有效性。实验结果表明,所提方法有效提升了启动速度,实现了不同电压等级之间的快速切换,抑制了谐振腔电流、电压过冲。 展开更多
关键词 lcc谐振变换器 倍压整流 高压发生器 状态平面分析 状态轨迹方程 启动策略
作者 肖云涛 李光辉 +4 位作者 王伟胜 卢宇 何国庆 卢东斌 甄妮 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期4748-4758,I0012,共12页
针对新能源基地经电网换相换流器型高压直流(line commutated converter-based high voltage direct current,LCC-HVDC)送出系统次/超同步振荡问题,现有研究主要通过新能源侧阻抗重塑设计实现振荡抑制,考虑到实际系统并网台数多、机型... 针对新能源基地经电网换相换流器型高压直流(line commutated converter-based high voltage direct current,LCC-HVDC)送出系统次/超同步振荡问题,现有研究主要通过新能源侧阻抗重塑设计实现振荡抑制,考虑到实际系统并网台数多、机型繁杂、故障穿越性能等因素制约,其设计裕度受到限制。该文通过LCC-HVDC阻抗重塑实现系统次/超同步振荡抑制。首先,提出送端换流站定触发角控制、受端换流站定直流电流控制的LCC-HVDC阻抗重塑控制策略,建立计及阻抗重塑的LCC-HVDC阻抗解析模型,并验证阻抗模型的准确性。然后,对比分析重塑前后阻抗特性变化,阐述阻抗重塑控制策略的作用机理,消除原有送端换流站直流电流环与功率电路重叠效应所产生的负阻尼。进一步,基于LCC-HVDC阻抗重塑,优化新能源并网点系统阻抗特性,提升直驱风机(permanent magnet synchronous generator,PMSG)、双馈风机(doubly-fed induction generator,DFIG)以及光伏(photovoltaic,PV)不同类型新能源基地经LCC-HVDC送出系统稳定裕度,消除系统次/超同步振荡风险。最后,不同类型新能源基地经LCC-HVDC送出系统仿真结果验证了该文提出的基于LCC-HVDC阻抗重塑振荡抑制策略的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 新能源发电 lcc-HVDC 振荡抑制 阻抗重塑
作者 周于清 李大虎 +3 位作者 姚伟 宗启航 周泓宇 文劲宇 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期170-182,共13页
中国湖北等地已形成高比例新能源和直流共同馈入的新型受端电力系统,光伏电站馈入直流受端换流站近区时,电力电子设备次同步振荡特性及子系统间交互作用有待分析。采用特征值分析法,对大规模光伏电站馈入对直流系统稳定性影响展开研究... 中国湖北等地已形成高比例新能源和直流共同馈入的新型受端电力系统,光伏电站馈入直流受端换流站近区时,电力电子设备次同步振荡特性及子系统间交互作用有待分析。采用特征值分析法,对大规模光伏电站馈入对直流系统稳定性影响展开研究。首先,建立了大规模光伏电站直流受端并网系统小信号分析模型,从模态角度证实光伏电站馈入对直流系统稳定性存在较大影响。进一步,通过主导模态观察各子系统间的交互作用特性,以减小系统次同步振荡风险为目标,整定光伏控制参数可行域。最后,定义子系统参与度,衡量运行参数对系统间次同步交互作用的影响,得出受端电网强度较小、光照强度较大时,光伏电站与直流系统间交互作用更强的结论,同时在设计光伏电站并网时应选取阻抗比小的导线,减小光伏并网线路距离。研究结论可为光伏并网设计提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 直流输电 光伏电站 次同步振荡 交互作用 特征值分析
作者 李笑娜 吴学智 +2 位作者 续文政 祁静静 荆龙 《电力自动化设备》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期211-217,共7页
无线电能传输系统中的整流性负载具有非线性特征,而对系统传输特性分析和谐振参数设计时常采用基波分析法,将整流性负载等效为纯电阻,导致理论分析与实际存在一定偏差、系统偏离谐振状态。针对该问题,以LCC-S型无线电能传输系统为研究对... 无线电能传输系统中的整流性负载具有非线性特征,而对系统传输特性分析和谐振参数设计时常采用基波分析法,将整流性负载等效为纯电阻,导致理论分析与实际存在一定偏差、系统偏离谐振状态。针对该问题,以LCC-S型无线电能传输系统为研究对象,考虑谐波以及整流性负载的非线性,对系统传输特性进行分析,进而提出基于整流性负载补偿的负载阻抗和接收端串联谐振电容参数的计算方法,并对逆变电路开关特性进行分析验证。所提接收端谐振参数设计方法能够使系统接收端回路谐振,提高系统的输出功率;降低逆变电路开关管的关断电流,提升系统的传输效率。搭建了一套2.5 kW的LCC-S型无线电能传输实验平台,验证了理论分析与所提参数设计方法的有效性和正确性。 展开更多
关键词 无线电能传输 lcc-S 基波分析法 整流性负载 谐振参数设计
改善局部电网暂态电压稳定特性的LCC-HVDC控制策略优化 被引量:1
作者 朱益华 饶宏 +3 位作者 郭琦 常东旭 曹润彬 陈雁 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期2809-2819,共11页
随着广东电网负荷中心柔性互联工程的实施,电网分区间的交流联系变弱,大容量常规高压直流馈入的局部电网动态无功支撑能力下降,在逆变站近区严重交流故障冲击下可能暂态电压失稳。结合穗东换流站近区的暂态电压稳定问题,提出了优化直流... 随着广东电网负荷中心柔性互联工程的实施,电网分区间的交流联系变弱,大容量常规高压直流馈入的局部电网动态无功支撑能力下降,在逆变站近区严重交流故障冲击下可能暂态电压失稳。结合穗东换流站近区的暂态电压稳定问题,提出了优化直流低压限流控制(voltage dependent current order limiter,VDCOL)参数并附加限制直流功率上升速率的优化控制策略,设计了基于逆变站交流母线电压特征的控制策略自适应切换逻辑,有效减少了直流恢复过程中的无功消耗,达到以最小的控制代价实现最优控制效果的目的;基于实际电网运行方式和直流控制保护系统,仿真验证了所设计方案能显著提升换流站近区的暂态电压稳定性,并在一定程度上可减少交流系统故障后的直流换相失败。相关技术方案已在多个直流工程投入实际应用。 展开更多
关键词 高压直流输电 暂态电压稳定 动态无功支撑 换相失败 低压限流控制 自适应切换
作者 张博雨 张晓丽 +3 位作者 冯睿 张照博 蔡思淇 马晓轩 《电气传动》 2024年第10期32-38,49,共8页
基于磁耦合谐振式技术原理,采用一种双边LCC拓扑补偿网络参数设计方法。首先对双边LCC拓扑主电路数学模型进行分析,设定线圈自感与串联补偿电感的电感比值。然后通过编写M文件和搭建Simu⁃link仿真平台,根据电感比值与效率之间的关系,找... 基于磁耦合谐振式技术原理,采用一种双边LCC拓扑补偿网络参数设计方法。首先对双边LCC拓扑主电路数学模型进行分析,设定线圈自感与串联补偿电感的电感比值。然后通过编写M文件和搭建Simu⁃link仿真平台,根据电感比值与效率之间的关系,找到最优效率点。最后搭建全SiCMOSFET器件系统实验平台进行验证。实验结果表明,通过设置合适的电感比值,在满功率偏移范围内,耦合机构效率能够保持在95%左右,系统最大效率大于92.5%,证明了该补偿网络参数设计方法是有效的。 展开更多
关键词 磁耦合谐振 双边lcc拓扑 电感比值 SICMOSFET器件 耦合机构效率
作者 王清未 刘之滨 +1 位作者 陈炳奇 林济铿 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期139-150,共12页
科学合理的黑启动电源及方案是应对电网灾变停电的最有效策略,可加快其系统恢复进程,大幅减少停电损失。双极型换相换流器型高压直流系统(LCC-HVDC)具有调节灵活输电容量大的优势,但其作为黑启动电源存在一定的困难。提出了以双极型LCC-... 科学合理的黑启动电源及方案是应对电网灾变停电的最有效策略,可加快其系统恢复进程,大幅减少停电损失。双极型换相换流器型高压直流系统(LCC-HVDC)具有调节灵活输电容量大的优势,但其作为黑启动电源存在一定的困难。提出了以双极型LCC-HVDC为黑启动电源的黑启动方法及完整过程,实现向受端无源网络恢复供电,以加速其恢复进程。首先给出了双极型LCC-HVDC作为黑启动电源时所面临的问题及相应的解决策略;进而给出了双极型LCC-HVDC作为黑启动电源恢复向受端无源网络恢复供电的实现过程。该过程包括2个阶段,第1阶段实现双极型LCC-HVDC的仿融冰模式启动;第2阶段为从仿融冰模式过渡到向受端无源网络恢复供电过程。算例证实了该启动方法的有效性和正确性。该方法使双极型LCC-HVDC具备了黑启动能力,并利用直流系统为受端电网的系统恢复过程提供了电压和频率支撑。 展开更多
关键词 黑启动电源 双极型lcc-HVDC直流系统 仿融冰模式 电网灾变停电 受端无源网络
新能源基地经LCC-HVDC送出系统振荡机理分析与抑制策略(二):阻抗特性与振荡机理分析 被引量:1
作者 肖云涛 李光辉 +2 位作者 王伟胜 何国庆 甄妮 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期4245-4260,I0006,共17页
该文基于系列文章1建立的电网换相换流器型高压直流(line commutated converter-based high voltage direct current,LCC-HVDC)阻抗模型,开展新能源基地经LCC-HVDC送出系统阻抗特性和振荡机理分析。首先,研究LCC-HVDC送端交流端口阻抗... 该文基于系列文章1建立的电网换相换流器型高压直流(line commutated converter-based high voltage direct current,LCC-HVDC)阻抗模型,开展新能源基地经LCC-HVDC送出系统阻抗特性和振荡机理分析。首先,研究LCC-HVDC送端交流端口阻抗与阀本体交流阻抗、交流滤波器阻抗间的构成关系,分析直流线路、受端换流站、受端电网强度对送端换流站阀本体交流阻抗的主导影响;然后,研究送端换流站直流电流环对阀本体交流阻抗的重叠效应,分析送端换流站交流端口阻抗次/超同步频段负阻尼特性形成机理,并论述受端换流站和受端电网强度对送端交流端口阻抗特性的交互影响;接下来,建立新能源基地经LCC-HVDC送出系统等值模型,研究送端系统振荡边界条件,阐明LCC-HVDC对新能源并网点阻抗特性影响的变化规律,揭示直驱风机(permanent magnet synchronous generator,PMSG)、双馈风机(doubly-fed induction generator,DFIG)、光伏(photovoltaic,PV)不同类型新能源基地经LCC-HVDC送出系统次/超同步振荡机理;最后,不同类型新能源基地经LCC-HVDC送出系统仿真结果验证了该文提出的次/超同步振荡机理的正确性和通用性。 展开更多
关键词 新能源发电 电网换相换流器型高压直流 阻抗特性 振荡机理
A novel complex-high-order graph convolutional network paradigm:ChyGCN
作者 郑和翔 苗书宇 顾长贵 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期665-672,共8页
In recent years,there has been a growing interest in graph convolutional networks(GCN).However,existing GCN and variants are predominantly based on simple graph or hypergraph structures,which restricts their ability t... In recent years,there has been a growing interest in graph convolutional networks(GCN).However,existing GCN and variants are predominantly based on simple graph or hypergraph structures,which restricts their ability to handle complex data correlations in practical applications.These limitations stem from the difficulty in establishing multiple hierarchies and acquiring adaptive weights for each of them.To address this issue,this paper introduces the latest concept of complex hypergraphs and constructs a versatile high-order multi-level data correlation model.This model is realized by establishing a three-tier structure of complexes-hypergraphs-vertices.Specifically,we start by establishing hyperedge clusters on a foundational network,utilizing a second-order hypergraph structure to depict potential correlations.For this second-order structure,truncation methods are used to assess and generate a three-layer composite structure.During the construction of the composite structure,an adaptive learning strategy is implemented to merge correlations across different levels.We evaluate this model on several popular datasets and compare it with recent state-of-the-art methods.The comprehensive assessment results demonstrate that the proposed model surpasses the existing methods,particularly in modeling implicit data correlations(the classification accuracy of nodes on five public datasets Cora,Citeseer,Pubmed,Github Web ML,and Facebook are 86.1±0.33,79.2±0.35,83.1±0.46,83.8±0.23,and 80.1±0.37,respectively).This indicates that our approach possesses advantages in handling datasets with implicit multi-level structures. 展开更多
关键词 raph convolutional network complex modeling complex hypergraph
Discovery of nano organo-clay complex pore-fractures in shale and its scientific significance:A case study of Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation shale,Songliao Basin,NE China
作者 SUN Longde WANG Fenglan +5 位作者 BAI Xuefeng FENG Zihui SHAO Hongmei ZENG Huasen GAO Bo WANG Yongchao 《Petroleum Exploration and Development》 SCIE 2024年第4期813-825,共13页
A new pore type,nano-scale organo-clay complex pore-fracture was first discovered based on argon ion polishing-field emission scanning electron microscopy,energy dispersive spectroscopy and three-dimensional reconstru... A new pore type,nano-scale organo-clay complex pore-fracture was first discovered based on argon ion polishing-field emission scanning electron microscopy,energy dispersive spectroscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction by focused ion-scanning electron in combination with analysis of TOC,R_(o)values,X-ray diffraction etc.in the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation shale in the Songliao Basin,NE China.Such pore characteristics and evolution study show that:(1)Organo-clay complex pore-fractures are developed in the shale matrix and in the form of spongy and reticular aggregates.Different from circular or oval organic pores discovered in other shales,a single organo-clay complex pore is square,rectangular,rhombic or slaty,with the pore diameter generally less than 200 nm.(2)With thermal maturity increasing,the elements(C,Si,Al,O,Mg,Fe,etc.)in organo-clay complex change accordingly,showing that organic matter shrinkage due to hydrocarbon generation and clay mineral transformation both affect organo-clay complex pore-fracture formation.(3)At high thermal maturity,the Qingshankou Formation shale is dominated by nano-scale organo-clay complex pore-fractures with the percentage reaching more than 70%of total pore space.The spatial connectivity of organo-clay complex pore-fractures is significantly better than that of organic pores.It is suggested that organo-complex pore-fractures are the main pore space of laminar shale at high thermal maturity and are the main oil and gas accumulation space in the core area of continental shale oil.The discovery of nano-scale organo-clay complex pore-fractures changes the conventional view that inorganic pores are the main reservoir space and has scientific significance for the study of shale oil formation and accumulation laws. 展开更多
关键词 Songliao Basin Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation laminar shale oil nanoscale organo-clay complex pore-fractures organo-clay complex diagenesis
Complexity Considerations in the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
作者 Logan Nye 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 CAS 2024年第4期1470-1513,共44页
This work introduces a modification to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) by incorporating quantum complexity, including potential nonlinear effects. Our theoretical framework extends the traditional HUP to co... This work introduces a modification to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) by incorporating quantum complexity, including potential nonlinear effects. Our theoretical framework extends the traditional HUP to consider the complexity of quantum states, offering a more nuanced understanding of measurement precision. By adding a complexity term to the uncertainty relation, we explore nonlinear modifications such as polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Rigorous mathematical derivations demonstrate the consistency of the modified principle with classical quantum mechanics and quantum information theory. We investigate the implications of this modified HUP for various aspects of quantum mechanics, including quantum metrology, quantum algorithms, quantum error correction, and quantum chaos. Additionally, we propose experimental protocols to test the validity of the modified HUP, evaluating their feasibility with current and near-term quantum technologies. This work highlights the importance of quantum complexity in quantum mechanics and provides a refined perspective on the interplay between complexity, entanglement, and uncertainty in quantum systems. The modified HUP has the potential to stimulate interdisciplinary research at the intersection of quantum physics, information theory, and complexity theory, with significant implications for the development of quantum technologies and the understanding of the quantum-to-classical transition. 展开更多
Three-dimensional magnetic reconnection in complex multiple X-point configurations in an ancient solar-lunar terrestrial system
作者 何向磊 毛傲华 +2 位作者 孙萌萌 邹继同 王晓钢 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期488-495,共8页
Magnetic reconnection processes in three-dimensional(3D)complex field configurations have been investigated in different magneto-plasma systems in space,laboratory,and astrophysical systems.Two-dimensional(2D)features... Magnetic reconnection processes in three-dimensional(3D)complex field configurations have been investigated in different magneto-plasma systems in space,laboratory,and astrophysical systems.Two-dimensional(2D)features of magnetic reconnection have been well developed and applied successfully to systems with symmetrical property,such as toroidal fusion plasmas and laboratory experiments with an axial symmetry.But in asymmetric systems,the 3D features are inevitably different from those in the 2D case.Magnetic reconnection structures in multiple celestial body systems,particularly star-planet-Moon systems,bring fresh insights to the understanding of the 3D geometry of reconnection.Thus,we take magnetic reconnection in an ancient solar-lunar terrestrial magneto-plasma system as an example by using its crucial parameters approximately estimated already and also some specific applications in pathways for energy and matter transports among Earth,ancient Moon,and the interplanetary magnetic field(IMF).Then,magnetic reconnection of the ancient lunar-terrestrial magnetospheres with the IMF is investigated numerically in this work.In a 3D simulation for the Earth-Moon-IMF system,topological features of complex magnetic reconnection configurations and dynamical characteristics of magnetic reconnection processes are studied.It is found that a coupled lunar-terrestrial magnetosphere is formed,and under various IMF orientations,multiple X-points emerge at distinct locations,showing three typical magnetic reconnection structures in such a geometry,i.e.,the X-line,the triple current sheets,and the A-B null pairs.The results can conduce to further understanding of reconnection physics in 3D for plasmas in complex magnetic configurations,and also a possible mechanism for energy and matters transport in evolutions of similar astrophysical systems. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic reconnection multiple X-points complex magneto-plasma system
Synthesis and Physico-Chemical Characterizations of Novel Hydrazone Ligands and Their Metal Complexes against Hormone-Dependent and Independent Cancers
作者 Sommai Patitungkho Kingkaew Patitungkho 《Open Journal of Medicinal Chemistry》 2024年第1期1-12,共12页
This work deals with the synthesis and physicochemical characterizations of a new group of novel retinoidal ligands and their metal complexes. Their in vitro anti-proliferative activities have shown that ligand L1 is ... This work deals with the synthesis and physicochemical characterizations of a new group of novel retinoidal ligands and their metal complexes. Their in vitro anti-proliferative activities have shown that ligand L1 is effective against human breast cancer BT-20 and MCF-7 cell lines. At the same time, compound L2 exerts its effect on human prostate cancer PC-3 and human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 cell lines respectively. The retinoid ligands exert their pleiotropic action toward retinoic acid receptors (RARs) than their metal complexes but all compounds exhibit concentration-dependent. 展开更多
关键词 Metal complexes CANCERS ANTIOXIDANT Hydrazone Retinoid Receptors
Channel-Feedback-Free Transmission for Downlink FD-RAN:A Radio Map Based Complex-Valued Precoding Network Approach
作者 Zhao Jiwei Chen Jiacheng +3 位作者 Sun Zeyu Shi Yuhang Zhou Haibo Xuemin(Sherman)Shen 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期10-22,共13页
As the demand for high-quality services proliferates,an innovative network architecture,the fully-decoupled RAN(FD-RAN),has emerged for more flexible spectrum resource utilization and lower network costs.However,with ... As the demand for high-quality services proliferates,an innovative network architecture,the fully-decoupled RAN(FD-RAN),has emerged for more flexible spectrum resource utilization and lower network costs.However,with the decoupling of uplink base stations and downlink base stations in FDRAN,the traditional transmission mechanism,which relies on real-time channel feedback,is not suitable as the receiver is not able to feedback accurate and timely channel state information to the transmitter.This paper proposes a novel transmission scheme without relying on physical layer channel feedback.Specifically,we design a radio map based complex-valued precoding network(RMCPNet)model,which outputs the base station precoding based on user location.RMCPNet comprises multiple subnets,with each subnet responsible for extracting unique modal features from diverse input modalities.Furthermore,the multimodal embeddings derived from these distinct subnets are integrated within the information fusion layer,culminating in a unified representation.We also develop a specific RMCPNet training algorithm that employs the negative spectral efficiency as the loss function.We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme on the public DeepMIMO dataset and show that RMCPNet can achieve 16%and 76%performance improvements over the conventional real-valued neural network and statistical codebook approach,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 beamforming complex neural networks deep learning FD-RAN
Magma Mixing Genesis of the Mafic Enclaves and Related Granitoids in the Kan Granite-Gneiss Complex of Central Côte d’Ivoire: Evidence from Geology, Petrology and Geochemistry
作者 Koffi Raoul Teha Koffi Kossonou Jean-Marie Pria +3 位作者 Koffi Joseph Brou Alain Nicaise Kouamelan Marc Ephrem Allialy Souad M’Rabet 《Open Journal of Geology》 CAS 2024年第8期760-786,共27页
The mafic enclaves from Paleoproterozoic domain are considered to be the results of large-scale crust-mantle interaction and magma mixing. In this paper, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry were jointly used to d... The mafic enclaves from Paleoproterozoic domain are considered to be the results of large-scale crust-mantle interaction and magma mixing. In this paper, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry were jointly used to determine the origin of the mafic enclaves and their relationship with the host granitoids of the Kan granite-gneiss complex. This study also provides new information on crust-mantle interactions. The mafic enclaves of the Kan vary in shape and size and have intermediate chemical compositions. The diagrams used show a number of similarities in the major elements (and often in the trace elements) between the mafic enclaves and the host granitoids. Geochemical show that the Kan rock are metaluminous, enriched in silica, medium to high-K calc-alkaline I-type granite. The similarities reflect a mixing of basic and acid magma. Mafic enclaves have a typical magmatic structure, which is characterized by magma mixing. The genesis of these rocks is associated with the context of subduction. They result from the mixing of a mafic magma originating from the mantle and linked to subduction, and a granitic magma (type I granite) that arises from the partial melting of the crust. 展开更多
关键词 Magma Mixing Mafic Microgranular Enclaves Host Granitoids Kan Granite-Gneiss complex West Africa
Ecological network analysis reveals complex responses of tree species life stage interactions to stand variables
作者 Hengchao Zou Huayong Zhang Tousheng Huang 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期29-43,共15页
Tree interactions are essential for the structure,dynamics,and function of forest ecosystems,but variations in the architecture of life-stage interaction networks(LSINs)across forests is unclear.Here,we constructed 16... Tree interactions are essential for the structure,dynamics,and function of forest ecosystems,but variations in the architecture of life-stage interaction networks(LSINs)across forests is unclear.Here,we constructed 16 LSINs in the mountainous forests of northwest Hebei,China based on crown overlap from four mixed forests with two dominant tree species.Our results show that LSINs decrease the complexity of stand densities and basal areas due to the interaction cluster differentiation.In addition,we found that mature trees and saplings play different roles,the first acting as“hub”life stages with high connectivity and the second,as“bridges”controlling information flow with high centrality.Across the forests,life stages with higher importance showed better parameter stability within LSINs.These results reveal that the structure of tree interactions among life stages is highly related to stand variables.Our efforts contribute to the understanding of LSIN complexity and provide a basis for further research on tree interactions in complex forest communities. 展开更多
关键词 Tree interactions Life stages Interaction networks Ecological complexity
Interference in Complex CDMA-OFDM/OQAM for Better Performance at Low SNR
作者 Chrislin Martial Lélé 《International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences》 2024年第8期113-128,共16页
This article is about orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing with quadrature amplitude modulation combined with code division multiplexing access for complex data transmission. It aims to present a method which us... This article is about orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing with quadrature amplitude modulation combined with code division multiplexing access for complex data transmission. It aims to present a method which uses two interfering subsets in order to improve the performance of the transmission scheme. The idea is to spread in a coherent manner some data amongst two different codes belonging to the two different subsets involved in complex orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing with quadrature amplitude modulation and code division multiplexing access. This will improve the useful signal level at the receiving side and therefore improve the decoding process especially at low signal to noise ratio. However, this procedure implies some interference with other codes therefore creating a certain noise which is noticeable at high signal to noise ratio. 展开更多
关键词 CDMA OFDM/OQAM complex Data
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