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作者 王水勇 赵万祥 +2 位作者 王荣山 韩姚磊 许继尧 《全面腐蚀控制》 2024年第2期60-65,103,共7页
通过调整工件偏压和W掺杂靶功率等工艺参数,研究不同工艺对阀杆DLC膜层性能的影响。利用拉曼光谱研究了不同DLC涂层的化学成分和结构,并采用纳米压痕和显微划痕对涂层的力学性能进行了测试。同时,通过摩擦磨损试验评价了复合涂层的摩擦... 通过调整工件偏压和W掺杂靶功率等工艺参数,研究不同工艺对阀杆DLC膜层性能的影响。利用拉曼光谱研究了不同DLC涂层的化学成分和结构,并采用纳米压痕和显微划痕对涂层的力学性能进行了测试。同时,通过摩擦磨损试验评价了复合涂层的摩擦学性能。结果显示,1200V工件偏压下得到的DLC涂层具有更高的硬度和较低的磨损率。W掺杂的DLC涂层附着力更强,但硬度较低,磨损率较高。这项研究为后续制备高硬低摩DLC涂层工艺设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 dlc涂层 硬度 摩擦磨损 表面改性 制备工艺
作者 郭松 张中标 +3 位作者 罗世洪 张冬林 田孝帅 郭永正 《表面工程与再制造》 2024年第2期23-25,共3页
阀门是石化、能源等工业生产中不可或缺的重要设备,其耐磨性能直接影响设备的使用寿命和生产效率。以高温高压阀门为试验对象,针对DLC涂层技术在阀门制造中的应用开展工艺试验,探讨其对提高阀门零件的耐磨性能、耐腐蚀性能的影响规律。... 阀门是石化、能源等工业生产中不可或缺的重要设备,其耐磨性能直接影响设备的使用寿命和生产效率。以高温高压阀门为试验对象,针对DLC涂层技术在阀门制造中的应用开展工艺试验,探讨其对提高阀门零件的耐磨性能、耐腐蚀性能的影响规律。试验结果表明:经DLC涂层表面处理后的试样表面硬度高、粗糙度好、摩擦系数低,对零件机加工尺寸无明显影响;且能够提高一般金属材料的耐腐蚀性能和阀门零件的耐磨性能,进而提高阀门的使用寿命和实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 dlc涂层 阀门 耐磨 耐腐蚀
作者 汤鑫 王静静 +3 位作者 李伟 胡月 鲁志斌 张广安 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期52-62,共11页
类金刚石(DLC)薄膜是一种良好的固体润滑剂,能够有效延长机械零件、工具的使用寿命。DLC基纳米多层薄膜的设计是耐磨薄膜领域的一项研究热点,薄膜中不同组分层具备不同的物理化学性能组合,能从多个角度(如高温、硬度、润滑)进行设计来... 类金刚石(DLC)薄膜是一种良好的固体润滑剂,能够有效延长机械零件、工具的使用寿命。DLC基纳米多层薄膜的设计是耐磨薄膜领域的一项研究热点,薄膜中不同组分层具备不同的物理化学性能组合,能从多个角度(如高温、硬度、润滑)进行设计来提升薄膜力学性能、摩擦学性能以及耐腐蚀性能等。综述了DLC多层薄膜的设计目的与研究进展,以金属/DLC基纳米多层膜、金属氮化物/DLC基纳米多层膜、金属硫化物/DLC基纳米多层膜以及其他DLC基纳米多层膜为主,对早期研究成果及现在的研究方向进行了概述。介绍了以上几种DLC基纳米多层膜的现有设计思路(形成纳米晶/非晶复合结构、软/硬交替沉积,诱导转移膜形成,实现非公度接触)。随后对摩擦机理进行了分析总结:1)层与层间形成特殊过渡层,提高了结合力;2)软/硬的多层交替设计,可以抵抗应力松弛和裂纹偏转;3)高接触应力和催化作用下诱导DLC中的sp3向sp2转化,形成高度有序的转移膜,从而实现非公度接触。最后对DLC基纳米多层膜的未来发展进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 dlc基纳米多层膜 力学性能 摩擦学性能 摩擦机理 结构
作者 袁浩恩 吴继忠 +6 位作者 王海军 陈文刚 程家豪 郭思良 周意昊 魏北朝 罗海 《功能材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期2091-2104,共14页
近些年来表面织构化与表面涂覆技术在提高摩擦学性能方面取得了良好的进展,有越来越多的研究将表面织构技术与涂覆技术进行融合,发现在适当的外界环境下合适的织构化参数与DLC涂层复合处理后显现出优异的摩擦学特性,两者间做到了1+1大于... 近些年来表面织构化与表面涂覆技术在提高摩擦学性能方面取得了良好的进展,有越来越多的研究将表面织构技术与涂覆技术进行融合,发现在适当的外界环境下合适的织构化参数与DLC涂层复合处理后显现出优异的摩擦学特性,两者间做到了1+1大于2的效果。表面织构化已经广泛的应用在改善材料摩擦性能等方面,然而其在干摩擦条件下可能并不能起到很好的润滑效果。DLC涂层被世间公认为是有效的固体润滑剂,它具有良好的减摩、抗磨性,但涂层却有着吸附力差的缺点,表面织构可以增大涂层与基材之间的有效结合强度,增加表面的腐蚀能力,进而可以提高涂层的摩擦学性能、腐蚀性能、生物相容性。织构化与DLC涂层的结合可以在航空、汽车、机械等领域得到广泛应用,进而提高产品的性能和可靠性。主要介绍表面织构化与DLC涂层复合改性处理后材料的摩擦磨损特性。并从织构的几何参数、实验条件、接触方式、摄入元素、涂层厚度以及仿真分析等几方面进行阐述。为帮助后续的研究方向提供参考。最后对织构与涂层复合改性方面的发展趋势进行展望。 展开更多
关键词 表面织构 dlc涂层 干摩擦 摩擦磨损 复合改性处理
作者 刘政宇 丛浩宇 +3 位作者 牟成龙 曹学乾 张广安 薛群基 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期35-44,共10页
目的沉积出在含有泥沙的模拟油气田溶液中具有优异耐蚀性与耐磨性的类金刚石碳基(DLC)薄膜来对油气开采时的管道进行保护。方法通过等离子体增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)技术在SS304方形试样表面沉积H-DLC、F-HDLC、N-HDLC及Si-HDLC,通过电... 目的沉积出在含有泥沙的模拟油气田溶液中具有优异耐蚀性与耐磨性的类金刚石碳基(DLC)薄膜来对油气开采时的管道进行保护。方法通过等离子体增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)技术在SS304方形试样表面沉积H-DLC、F-HDLC、N-HDLC及Si-HDLC,通过电化学测试表征了其在模拟油气田CO_(2)/H_(2)S/Cl^(-)溶液中的耐蚀性。采用CSM往复式摩擦机测试了其在含有泥沙的模拟溶液中的耐蚀性,结合拉曼光谱、扫描电镜(SEM)等技术分析了摩擦测试后的磨斑与磨痕形貌。结果DLC薄膜的沉积显著提高了SS304基底的耐蚀性,Si掺杂的DLC薄膜具有最高的孔隙电阻与最低的腐蚀电流密度,沉积薄膜后的腐蚀电流密度与SS304基底相比降低了2个数量级。沉积DLC薄膜后SS304基底的耐磨性大幅提高,转移膜的形成降低了摩擦因数与磨损率,薄膜的沉积使磨损率降低了约2个数量级,在与模拟沙粒的SiO_(2)对偶球进行摩擦时转移膜仍能稳定形成。通过向腐蚀溶液中添加SiO_(2)粉末模拟了SS304基底与DLC薄膜在含有大量泥沙的油气采出水中的磨损,摩擦测试后SS304基底表面发生严重的磨粒磨损,不同元素掺杂的DLC薄膜表面均存在不同程度的剥落,但与基底相比极大地缓解了基底磨损。结论DLC薄膜的沉积可以极大地提高SS304基底的耐蚀性与耐磨性,Si-HDLC薄膜在模拟油气田溶液中具有最优越的耐蚀性与稳定性,进而使其在腐蚀溶液中具有优异的耐磨性。 展开更多
关键词 油气田 管道保护 dlc 耐蚀性 耐磨性 泥沙磨损
作者 贾伟飞 梁灿棉 胡锋 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期174-183,共10页
目的针对含氢DLC涂层热稳定性很差的问题,探究高温下含氢DLC涂层的微观组织变化特征,以及高温对其力学性能的影响。方法采用等离子体强化化学气相沉积(Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition,PECVD)在S136模具不锈钢表面沉积以Si... 目的针对含氢DLC涂层热稳定性很差的问题,探究高温下含氢DLC涂层的微观组织变化特征,以及高温对其力学性能的影响。方法采用等离子体强化化学气相沉积(Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition,PECVD)在S136模具不锈钢表面沉积以Si为过渡层的含氢DLC复合涂层,利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、拉曼光谱、X射线电子衍射仪、三维轮廓仪研究DLC涂层的微观结构,采用划痕测试仪、往复式摩擦磨损试验机、纳米压痕仪研究DLC涂层的力学性能,并通过LAMMPS软件,利用液相淬火法建立含氢DLC模型,模拟分析经高温处理后涂层的组织变化特征和纳米压痕行为。结果在400℃、2 h的退火条件下,拉曼谱峰强度ID/IG由未退火的0.7增至1.5,涂层发生了石墨化转变,同时基线斜率下降,H元素析出;XPS结果表明,在此条件下涂层中sp^(2)杂化组织相对增加,氧元素增多,涂层粗糙度增大;在600℃、2 h退火条件下,DLC发生了严重氧化,LAMMPS模拟结果表明,在400℃高温下涂层的分子键长变短,表明sp3杂化组织在高温下吸收能量,并向sp^(2)杂化转变。纳米压痕模拟结果显示,在400℃下退火后,涂层的硬度下降。结论在400℃下退火处理后,涂层中的H元素释放,涂层内应力减小,保证了涂层的强度;在600℃退火条件下,过渡层的Si和DLC在高温下形成了C—Si键,使得DLC薄膜部分被保留;LAMMPS模拟结果表明,在高温下涂层发生了石墨化转变,涂层的硬度减小。 展开更多
关键词 含氢dlc涂层 退火处理 微观组织 力学性能 LAMMPS模拟
Recent Progress in Reinforcement Learning and Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Advanced Control Applications 被引量:2
作者 Ding Wang Ning Gao +2 位作者 Derong Liu Jinna Li Frank L.Lewis 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第1期18-36,共19页
Reinforcement learning(RL) has roots in dynamic programming and it is called adaptive/approximate dynamic programming(ADP) within the control community. This paper reviews recent developments in ADP along with RL and ... Reinforcement learning(RL) has roots in dynamic programming and it is called adaptive/approximate dynamic programming(ADP) within the control community. This paper reviews recent developments in ADP along with RL and its applications to various advanced control fields. First, the background of the development of ADP is described, emphasizing the significance of regulation and tracking control problems. Some effective offline and online algorithms for ADP/adaptive critic control are displayed, where the main results towards discrete-time systems and continuous-time systems are surveyed, respectively.Then, the research progress on adaptive critic control based on the event-triggered framework and under uncertain environment is discussed, respectively, where event-based design, robust stabilization, and game design are reviewed. Moreover, the extensions of ADP for addressing control problems under complex environment attract enormous attention. The ADP architecture is revisited under the perspective of data-driven and RL frameworks,showing how they promote ADP formulation significantly.Finally, several typical control applications with respect to RL and ADP are summarized, particularly in the fields of wastewater treatment processes and power systems, followed by some general prospects for future research. Overall, the comprehensive survey on ADP and RL for advanced control applications has d emonstrated its remarkable potential within the artificial intelligence era. In addition, it also plays a vital role in promoting environmental protection and industrial intelligence. 展开更多
关键词 Adaptive dynamic programming(ADP) advanced control complex environment data-driven control event-triggered design intelligent control neural networks nonlinear systems optimal control reinforcement learning(RL)
作者 陈航(综述) 黄兴茂(综述) 俞鹏飞(审校) 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期143-147,共5页
胃癌是全球最常见的消化道肿瘤之一,大部分患者确诊时已是进展期或晚期,化疗等常规治疗疗效较差,亟需挖掘新的有效治疗靶点以及生物标志物。DLC1是一种公认的抑癌基因,对消化系统肿瘤的发生发展起着抑制作用,其在肝癌、胃癌、结直肠癌... 胃癌是全球最常见的消化道肿瘤之一,大部分患者确诊时已是进展期或晚期,化疗等常规治疗疗效较差,亟需挖掘新的有效治疗靶点以及生物标志物。DLC1是一种公认的抑癌基因,对消化系统肿瘤的发生发展起着抑制作用,其在肝癌、胃癌、结直肠癌和食管癌等多种实体肿瘤中呈现低表达状态。DLC1不仅与表观遗传修饰、细胞自噬、微生物感染以及微卫星不稳定状态密切相关,且对胃癌发生发展、治疗疗效及患者预后均具有重要影响。本文对DLC1的结构、功能及其在胃癌发生发展和治疗中的作用进行综述,以期为其后续研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 胃癌 dlc1 基因 治疗靶点
Vibration Control of A Flexible Marine Riser System Subject to Input Dead Zone and Extraneous Disturbances 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Li WANG Guo-rong WAN Min 《China Ocean Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第2期271-284,共14页
An observer-based adaptive backstepping boundary control is proposed for vibration control of flexible offshore riser systems with unknown nonlinear input dead zone and uncertain environmental disturbances.The control... An observer-based adaptive backstepping boundary control is proposed for vibration control of flexible offshore riser systems with unknown nonlinear input dead zone and uncertain environmental disturbances.The control algorithm can update the control law online through real-time data to make the controller adapt to the environment and improve the control precision.Specifically,based on the adaptive backstepping framework,virtual control laws and Lyapunov functions are designed for each subsystem.Three direction interference observers are designed to track the timevarying boundary disturbance.On this basis,the inverse of the dead zone and linear state transformation are used to compensate for the original system and eliminate the adverse effects of the dead zone.In addition,the stability of the closed-loop system is proven by Lyapunov stability theory.All the system states are bounded,and the vibration offset of the riser converges to a small area of the initial position.Finally,four examples of flexible marine risers are simulated in MATLAB to verify the effectiveness of the proposed controller. 展开更多
关键词 adaptive backstepping control disturbance observer flexible marine riser input dead zone vibration control
Control of highly pathogenic avian influenza through vaccination 被引量:1
作者 Xianying Zeng Jianzhong Shi Hualan Chen 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第5期1447-1453,共7页
The stamping-out strategy has been used to control highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in many countries,driven by the belief that vaccination would not be successful against such viruses and fears that avian in... The stamping-out strategy has been used to control highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in many countries,driven by the belief that vaccination would not be successful against such viruses and fears that avian influenza virus in vaccinated birds would evolve more rapidly and pose a greater risk to humans.In this review,we summarize the successes in controlling highly pathogenic avian influenza in China and make suggestions regarding the requirements for vaccine selection and effectiveness.In addition,we present evidence that vaccination of poultry not only eliminates human infection with avian influenza virus,but also significantly reduces and abolishes some harmful characteristics of avian influenza virus. 展开更多
关键词 avian influenza control highly pathogenic VACCINATION
A Review on Vibration Control of Multiple Cylinders Subjected to FlowInduced Vibrations 被引量:1
作者 XU Wan-hai MA Ye-xuan 《China Ocean Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第2期183-197,共15页
The fatigue damage caused by flow-induced vibration(FIV)is one of the major concerns for multiple cylindrical structures in many engineering applications.The FIV suppression is of great importance for the security of ... The fatigue damage caused by flow-induced vibration(FIV)is one of the major concerns for multiple cylindrical structures in many engineering applications.The FIV suppression is of great importance for the security of many cylindrical structures.Many active and passive control methods have been employed for the vibration suppression of an isolated cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibrations(VIV).The FIV suppression methods are mainly extended to the multiple cylinders from the vibration control of the isolated cylinder.Due to the mutual interference between the multiple cylinders,the FIV mechanism is more complex than the VIV mechanism,which makes a great challenge for the FIV suppression.Some efforts have been devoted to vibration suppression of multiple cylinder systems undergoing FIV over the past two decades.The control methods,such as helical strakes,splitter plates,control rods and flexible sheets,are not always effective,depending on many influence factors,such as the spacing ratio,the arrangement geometrical shape,the flow velocity and the parameters of the vibration control devices.The FIV response,hydrodynamic features and wake patterns of the multiple cylinders equipped with vibration control devices are reviewed and summarized.The FIV suppression efficiency of the vibration control methods are analyzed and compared considering different influence factors.Further research on the FIV suppression of multiple cylinders is suggested to provide insight for the development of FIV control methods and promote engineering applications of FIV control methods. 展开更多
关键词 flow-induced vibration vibration control multiple cylinders TANDEM side-by-side staggered
A 16-bit 18-MSPS flash-assisted SAR ADC with hybrid synchronous and asynchronous control logic 被引量:1
作者 Junyao Ji Xinao Ji +5 位作者 Ziyu Zhou Zhichao Dai Xuhui Chen Jie Zhang Zheng Jiang Hong Zhang 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期3-12,共10页
This paper presents a 16-bit,18-MSPS(million samples per second)flash-assisted successive-approximation-register(SAR)analog-to-digital converter(ADC)utilizing hybrid synchronous and asynchronous(HYSAS)timing control l... This paper presents a 16-bit,18-MSPS(million samples per second)flash-assisted successive-approximation-register(SAR)analog-to-digital converter(ADC)utilizing hybrid synchronous and asynchronous(HYSAS)timing control logic based on an on-chip delay-locked loop(DLL).The HYSAS scheme can provide a longer settling time for the capacitive digital-to-analog converter(CDAC)than the synchronous and asynchronous SAR ADC.Therefore,the issue of incomplete settling or ringing in the DAC voltage for cases of either on-chip or off-chip reference voltage can be solved to a large extent.In addition,the fore-ground calibration of the CDAC’s mismatch is performed with a finite-impulse-response bandpass filter(FIR-BPF)based least-mean-square(LMS)algorithm in an off-chip FPGA(field programmable gate array).Fabricated in 40-nm CMOS process,the proto-type ADC achieves 94.02-dB spurious-free dynamic range(SFDR),and 75.98-dB signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio(SNDR)for a 2.88-MHz input under 18-MSPS sampling rate. 展开更多
关键词 SAR ADC control logic reference ringing DAC incomplete settling
作者 谢焕钧 徐长云 +3 位作者 唐令 韩明月 罗阳 李刘合 《真空科学与技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期212-219,共8页
文章采用直流磁控溅射技术制备WC-DLC耐磨涂层,为了探究C_(2)H_(2)流量对WC-DLC涂层表截面形貌、微观结构、力学和摩擦学性能的影响,在10−50 mL/min C_(2)H_(2)流量下制备了WC-DLC涂层并进行表征分析。结果表明,随着C_(2)H_(2)流量的增... 文章采用直流磁控溅射技术制备WC-DLC耐磨涂层,为了探究C_(2)H_(2)流量对WC-DLC涂层表截面形貌、微观结构、力学和摩擦学性能的影响,在10−50 mL/min C_(2)H_(2)流量下制备了WC-DLC涂层并进行表征分析。结果表明,随着C_(2)H_(2)流量的增加,涂层中碳含量增加,晶粒逐渐细化,由柱状晶逐渐转变为细晶粒,涂层变得更加致密;涂层纳米硬度与sp3杂化的C原子含量密切相关,随着涂层中sp3-C含量的增加,硬度先升高然后降低,磨损率也先升高降低;随着碳原子含量升高,涂层中出现大量的非晶碳,表面晶粒非晶化,涂层的摩擦系数逐渐减小且更加稳定。 展开更多
关键词 WC-dlc 涂层 C_(2)H_(2) 流量 纳米硬度 结合力 摩擦磨损
作者 李超 孙刚 +3 位作者 马国佳 吴俊升 张博威 张昊泽 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期63-73,共11页
目的解决316L不锈钢在苛刻海洋环境中易磨损、易腐蚀的问题。方法采用中频磁控溅射技术在316L不锈钢上沉积了Ta/TaN/TaCN/Ta-DLC薄膜。通过扫描电子显微镜、拉曼光谱、X射线光电子能谱、X射线衍射、纳米压痕、往复摩擦磨损试验和电化学... 目的解决316L不锈钢在苛刻海洋环境中易磨损、易腐蚀的问题。方法采用中频磁控溅射技术在316L不锈钢上沉积了Ta/TaN/TaCN/Ta-DLC薄膜。通过扫描电子显微镜、拉曼光谱、X射线光电子能谱、X射线衍射、纳米压痕、往复摩擦磨损试验和电化学测试等手段,重点研究了DLC膜层中Ta元素掺杂含量对薄膜结构、组成成分、力学性能、摩擦学性能和耐腐蚀性能的影响规律。结果随着Ta元素含量(原子数分数)从2.04%增到4.16%,薄膜中的sp^(3)键含量呈现先升高后降低的趋势,当Ta原子数分数为3.60%时,薄膜中sp3键含量最高,且薄膜的硬度及弹性模量达到最大,分别为7.01 GPa和157.87 GPa。随着Ta元素含量的增加,薄膜的平均摩擦因数逐渐减小,在4.16%(原子数分数)时达到最小0.21。Ta元素含量对薄膜的结合力影响较小,且所有薄膜结合力总体在10 N左右。当Ta原子数分数为3.60%时,薄膜的腐蚀电流密度及钝化电流密度最小,分别为0.006μA/cm^(2)和0.63μA/cm^(2),比其他薄膜的低1~2个数量级,并且薄膜电阻及电荷转移电阻最大,展现出最为优异的耐腐蚀性能。结论Ta元素的掺杂提高了薄膜的耐摩擦性能,且适当的Ta元素掺杂能够提高Ta/TaN/TaCN/Ta-DLC薄膜的耐磨耐蚀性能。 展开更多
关键词 dlc薄膜 磁控溅射 腐蚀 摩擦磨损 元素掺杂
Mitochondrial dysfunction and quality control lie at the heart of subarachnoid hemorrhage 被引量:2
作者 Jiatong Zhang Qi Zhu +4 位作者 Jie Wang Zheng Peng Zong Zhuang Chunhua Hang Wei Li 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期825-832,共8页
The dramatic increase in intracranial pressure after subarachnoid hemorrhage leads to a decrease in cerebral perfusion pressure and a reduction in cerebral blood flow.Mitochondria are directly affected by direct facto... The dramatic increase in intracranial pressure after subarachnoid hemorrhage leads to a decrease in cerebral perfusion pressure and a reduction in cerebral blood flow.Mitochondria are directly affected by direct factors such as ischemia,hypoxia,excitotoxicity,and toxicity of free hemoglobin and its degradation products,which trigger mitochondrial dysfunction.Dysfunctional mitochondria release large amounts of reactive oxygen species,inflammatory mediators,and apoptotic proteins that activate apoptotic pathways,further damaging cells.In response to this array of damage,cells have adopted multiple mitochondrial quality control mechanisms through evolution,including mitochondrial protein quality control,mitochondrial dynamics,mitophagy,mitochondrial biogenesis,and intercellular mitochondrial transfer,to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis under pathological conditions.Specific interventions targeting mitochondrial quality control mechanisms have emerged as promising therapeutic strategies for subarachnoid hemorrhage.This review provides an overview of recent research advances in mitochondrial pathophysiological processes after subarachnoid hemorrhage,particularly mitochondrial quality control mechanisms.It also presents potential therapeutic strategies to target mitochondrial quality control in subarachnoid hemorrhage. 展开更多
关键词 mitochondrial biogenesis mitochondrial dynamics mitochondrial dysfunction mitochondrial fission and fusion mitochondrial quality control MITOPHAGY subarachnoid hemorrhage
Communication Resource-Efficient Vehicle Platooning Control With Various Spacing Policies 被引量:2
作者 Xiaohua Ge Qing-Long Han +1 位作者 Xian-Ming Zhang Derui Ding 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第2期362-376,共15页
Platooning represents one of the key features that connected automated vehicles may possess as it allows multiple automated vehicles to be maneuvered cooperatively with small headways on roads. However, a critical cha... Platooning represents one of the key features that connected automated vehicles may possess as it allows multiple automated vehicles to be maneuvered cooperatively with small headways on roads. However, a critical challenge in accomplishing automated vehicle platoons is to deal with the effects of intermittent and sporadic vehicle-to-vehicle data transmissions caused by limited wireless communication resources. This paper addresses the co-design problem of dynamic event-triggered communication scheduling and cooperative adaptive cruise control for a convoy of automated vehicles with diverse spacing policies. The central aim is to achieve automated vehicle platooning under various gap references with desired platoon stability and spacing performance requirements, while simultaneously improving communication efficiency. Toward this aim, a dynamic event-triggered scheduling mechanism is developed such that the intervehicle data transmissions are scheduled dynamically and efficiently over time. Then, a tractable co-design criterion on the existence of both the admissible event-driven cooperative adaptive cruise control law and the desired scheduling mechanism is derived. Finally, comparative simulation results are presented to substantiate the effectiveness and merits of the obtained results. 展开更多
关键词 Automated vehicles constant time headway spacing constant spacing cooperative adaptive cruise control event-triggered communication vehicle platooning
Path Planning and Tracking Control for Parking via Soft Actor-Critic Under Non-Ideal Scenarios 被引量:1
作者 Xiaolin Tang Yuyou Yang +3 位作者 Teng Liu Xianke Lin Kai Yang Shen Li 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第1期181-195,共15页
Parking in a small parking lot within limited space poses a difficult task. It often leads to deviations between the final parking posture and the target posture. These deviations can lead to partial occupancy of adja... Parking in a small parking lot within limited space poses a difficult task. It often leads to deviations between the final parking posture and the target posture. These deviations can lead to partial occupancy of adjacent parking lots, which poses a safety threat to vehicles parked in these parking lots. However, previous studies have not addressed this issue. In this paper, we aim to evaluate the impact of parking deviation of existing vehicles next to the target parking lot(PDEVNTPL) on the automatic ego vehicle(AEV) parking, in terms of safety, comfort, accuracy, and efficiency of parking. A segmented parking training framework(SPTF) based on soft actor-critic(SAC) is proposed to improve parking performance. In the proposed method, the SAC algorithm incorporates strategy entropy into the objective function, to enable the AEV to learn parking strategies based on a more comprehensive understanding of the environment. Additionally, the SPTF simplifies complex parking tasks to maintain the high performance of deep reinforcement learning(DRL). The experimental results reveal that the PDEVNTPL has a detrimental influence on the AEV parking in terms of safety, accuracy, and comfort, leading to reductions of more than 27%, 54%, and 26%respectively. However, the SAC-based SPTF effectively mitigates this impact, resulting in a considerable increase in the parking success rate from 71% to 93%. Furthermore, the heading angle deviation is significantly reduced from 2.25 degrees to 0.43degrees. 展开更多
关键词 Automatic parking control strategy parking deviation(APS) soft actor-critic(SAC)
作者 包睿祺 刘莉 +3 位作者 刘帅 袁俊杰 刘茂龙 顾汉洋 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期344-356,共13页
液态金属-气体两相流是铅冷快堆在蒸汽发生器传热管破裂(SGTR)事故下的物理现象之一,考虑到液态金属的不透明性、腐蚀性及高温性,本文提出一种类金刚石(DLC)涂层式丝网探针(WMS)对液态金属-气体两相流相态分布进行探测。基于COMSOL软件... 液态金属-气体两相流是铅冷快堆在蒸汽发生器传热管破裂(SGTR)事故下的物理现象之一,考虑到液态金属的不透明性、腐蚀性及高温性,本文提出一种类金刚石(DLC)涂层式丝网探针(WMS)对液态金属-气体两相流相态分布进行探测。基于COMSOL软件,建立了涂层式WMS的数值模型并进行了实验验证,通过电场模拟阐明了该新型探针应用于含液态金属气液两相流的可行性。进一步地,通过改变丝网电极的间距与直径、涂层的厚度,研究了结构参数对涂层式WMS测量精度的影响。结果表明,电极丝横向间距为2~3 mm、垂直间距为1.5~2 mm时,WMS测量精度较高,而涂层厚度和电极丝直径的影响较小。本研究可指导DLC涂层式WMS在液态金属-气体两相环境中的实际应用,并为分析SGTR事故后的多相分布提供技术基础。 展开更多
关键词 液态金属-气体两相流 丝网探针 类金刚石涂层 空泡份额 数值模拟
A Tutorial on Quantized Feedback Control
作者 Minyue Fu 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第1期5-17,共13页
In this tutorial paper, we explore the field of quantized feedback control, which has gained significant attention due to the growing prevalence of networked control systems. These systems require the transmission of ... In this tutorial paper, we explore the field of quantized feedback control, which has gained significant attention due to the growing prevalence of networked control systems. These systems require the transmission of feedback information, such as measurements and control signals, over digital networks, presenting novel challenges in estimation and control design. Our examination encompasses various topics, including the minimal information needed for effective feedback control, the design of quantizers, strategies for quantized control design and estimation,achieving consensus control with quantized data, and the pursuit of high-precision tracking using quantized measurements. 展开更多
关键词 Consensus control high-precision control networked control quantized estimation quantized feedback control robust control
Finite-time Prescribed Performance Time-Varying Formation Control for Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems With Non-Strict Feedback Based on a Neural Network Observer
作者 Chi Ma Dianbiao Dong 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第4期1039-1050,共12页
This paper studies the problem of time-varying formation control with finite-time prescribed performance for nonstrict feedback second-order multi-agent systems with unmeasured states and unknown nonlinearities.To eli... This paper studies the problem of time-varying formation control with finite-time prescribed performance for nonstrict feedback second-order multi-agent systems with unmeasured states and unknown nonlinearities.To eliminate nonlinearities,neural networks are applied to approximate the inherent dynamics of the system.In addition,due to the limitations of the actual working conditions,each follower agent can only obtain the locally measurable partial state information of the leader agent.To address this problem,a neural network state observer based on the leader state information is designed.Then,a finite-time prescribed performance adaptive output feedback control strategy is proposed by restricting the sliding mode surface to a prescribed region,which ensures that the closed-loop system has practical finite-time stability and that formation errors of the multi-agent systems converge to the prescribed performance bound in finite time.Finally,a numerical simulation is provided to demonstrate the practicality and effectiveness of the developed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Finite-time control multi-agent systems neural network prescribed performance control time-varying formation control
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