Dongguashan deposit is a large porphyry-skarn copper(gold) deposit in Tongling ore district. The Qingshanjiao intermediate acid intrusion of Yanshanian had a direct genetic relationship with mineralization. The magm...Dongguashan deposit is a large porphyry-skarn copper(gold) deposit in Tongling ore district. The Qingshanjiao intermediate acid intrusion of Yanshanian had a direct genetic relationship with mineralization. The magma origin, rock-forming dynamic background and rock-forming process were studied, and the rock-forming mechanism of Qingshanjiao intrusion was discussed, based on geological characteristics, detailed observation of petrography and systematic investigation of petrochemistry, trace elements and REE geochemistry characteristics of Qingshanjiao intrusion. The results show that Qingshanjiao rock body belongs to high-K calc-alkaline series with higher LREE elements, Th, Rb and Sr abundance, but depleted in HREE elements, Ba, Nb and Ta. The primary magma originated from the mantle-crust mixtures which were caused by basaltic magma of mantle mixing with syenite magma of partial melting of the lower crust, and the formation environment of Qingshanjiao intrusion was emplaced in the transitional environment from compression to extension. The Harker diagram and hybrid structures of plagioclase and potassium feldspar indicate that the fractional crystallization occurred in the process of magmatic evolution. The petrochemistry, trace elements and REE geochemistry characteristics indicate that the magma was contaminated by crustal material during the rock-forming. These results suggested that the Qingshanjiao intrusion was formed by fractional crystallization and assimilation and hybridization of mantle-crust magma in the transitional environment from compression to extensional.展开更多
The Tongling ore district is one of the most economically important ore areas in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, eastern China. It contains hundreds of polymetallic copper–gold deposits and occurre...The Tongling ore district is one of the most economically important ore areas in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, eastern China. It contains hundreds of polymetallic copper–gold deposits and occurrences. Those deposits are mainly clustered(from west to east) within the Tongguanshan, Shizishan, Xinqiao, Fenghuangshan, and Shatanjiao orefields. Until recently, the majority of these deposits were thought to be skarn-or porphyry–skarn-type deposits; however there have been recent discoveries of numerous vein-type Au, Ag, and Pb-Zn deposits that do not fall into either of these categories. This indicates that there is some uncertainty over this classification. Here, we present the results of several systematic geological studies of representative deposits in the Tongling ore district. From investigation of the ore-controlling structures, lithology of the host rock, mineral assemblages, and the characteristics of the mineralization and alteration within these deposits, three genetic types of deposits(skarn-, porphyry-, and vein-type deposits) have been identified. The spatial and temporal relationships between the orebodies and Yanshanian intrusions combined with the sources of the ore-forming fluids and metals, as well as the geodynamic setting of this ore district, indicate that all three deposit types are genetically related each other and constitute a magmatic–hydrothermal system. This study outlines a model that relates the polymetallic copper–gold porphyry-, skarn-, and vein-type deposits within the Tongling ore district. This model provides a theoretical basis to guide exploration for deep-seated and concealed porphyry-type Cu(–Mo, –Au) deposits as well as shallow vein-type Au, Ag, and Pb–Zn deposits in this area and elsewhere.展开更多
The Naruo porphyry copper-gold deposit (hereinafter referred to as the Naruo deposit) in Tibet is a potentially ultra-large, typical gold-rich porphyry copper deposit, which was recently discovered in the Bangongco-...The Naruo porphyry copper-gold deposit (hereinafter referred to as the Naruo deposit) in Tibet is a potentially ultra-large, typical gold-rich porphyry copper deposit, which was recently discovered in the Bangongco-Nujiang metallogenic belt. This study analyzed U-Ph chronology and Hf isotopes of the ore-bearing granodiorite porphyry in the Naruo deposit using the LA-ICPMS dating technique. The results show that the weighted average age is 124.03±0.94Ma (MSWD=1.7, n=20), and 2±6pb/23SU isocbron age is 126.2±2.7 Ma (MSWD=1.02, n=20), both of which are within the error. The weighted average age represents the crystallization age of the granodiorite porphyry, which indicates that the ore-bearing porphyry in the Naruo deposit area was formed in the Early Cretaceous and further implies that the Neo-tethys Ocean had not been closed before 124 Ma under a typical island-arc subduction environment. The εGr(t) of zircons from the granodiorite porphyry varies from 2.14 to 9.07, with an average of 5.18, and all zircons have εRf(t) values greater than 0; 176Hf/177Hf ratio is relatively high (0.282725-0.282986). Combined with the zircon age--Hf isotope correlation diagram, the aforementioned data indicate that the source reservoir might be a region that is mixed with depleted mantle and ancient crust, which possibly contains more materials sourced from depleted mantle. Rock-forming ages and ore-forming ages of the Duolong ore concentrate area are 120-124 Ma and 118-119 Ma, respectively, which indicate 124-118 Ma represents the main rockforming and ore-forming stage within the area. The Naruo deposit is located in the north of the Bangongco-Nujiang suture, and it yielded a zircon LA-ICPMS age of 124.03 Ma. This indicates the Bangongco-Nujiang oceanic basin subducted towards the north at about 124 Ma, and the Neo-tethys Ocean had not been closed before the middle Early Cretaceous. It is possible that the crust-mantle mixing formed the series of large and giant porphyry copper-gold deposits in the Bangongco.展开更多
The Shaxi porphyry copper (gold) deposits are a typical example of porphyry copper deposits associated with diorite in eastern China. Quartz diorite, which hosts the deposits, has a Rb-Sr isochron age of 127.9 ± ...The Shaxi porphyry copper (gold) deposits are a typical example of porphyry copper deposits associated with diorite in eastern China. Quartz diorite, which hosts the deposits, has a Rb-Sr isochron age of 127.9 ± 1.6 Ma. Geochemically, the rock is rich in alkalis (especially sodium), light rare earth elements (LREE) and large-ion lithophile elements (LILE), and has a relatively low initial strontium isotopic ratio (Isr=0.7058); thus it is the product of differentiation of crust-mantle mixing source magma. The model of alteration and mineralization zoning is similar to the Hollister (1974) diorite model. The ore fluids have a relatively high salinity and contain significant amounts of CO2, Ca2+, Na+ and ***CI?. The homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions for the main mineralization stage range from 280 to 420°C, the δ18O values of the ore fluids vary from 3.51 to 5.52 %, the δD values are in the range between ?82.4 and ?59.8 %, the δ34S values of sulphides vary from ?0.3 to 2.49 %, and the δ13C values of CO2 in inclusions range between ?2.66 and ?6.53 %. Isotope data indicate that the hydrothermal ore fluids and ore substances of the Shaxi porphyry copper (gold) deposits were mainly derived from magmatic systems.展开更多
The Oyu Tolgoi cluster of seven porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposits in southern Mongolia,define a narrow,linear,12 km long,almost continuously mineralised trend,which contains in excess of 42 Mt of Cu and1850 t of Au,and is am...The Oyu Tolgoi cluster of seven porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposits in southern Mongolia,define a narrow,linear,12 km long,almost continuously mineralised trend,which contains in excess of 42 Mt of Cu and1850 t of Au,and is among the largest high grade porphyry Cu-Au deposits in the world.These deposits lie within the Gurvansayhan island-arc terrane,a fault bounded segment of the broader Silurian to Carboniferous Kazakh-Mongol arc,located towards the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt,a collage of magmatic arcs that were periodically active from the late Neoproterozoic to PermoTriassic,extending from the Urals Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.Mineralisation at Oyu Tolgoi is associated with multiple,overlapping,intrusions of late Devonian(~372 to 370 Ma) quartzmonzodiorite intruding Devonian(or older) juvenile,probably intra-oceanic arc-related,basaltic lavas and lesser volcaniclastic rocks,unconformably overlain by late Devonian(~370 Ma) basaltic to dacitic pyroclastic and volcano sedimentary rocks.These quartz-monzodiorite intrusions range from earlymineral porphyritic dykes,to larger,linear,syn-,late- and post-mineral dykes and stocks.Ore was deposited within syn-mineral quartz-monzodiorites,but is dominantly hosted by augite basalts and to a lesser degree by overlying dacitic pyroclastic rocks.Following ore deposition,an allochthonous plate of older Devonian(or pre-Devonian) rocks was overthrust and a post-ore biotite granodiorite intruded at~365 Ma.Mineralisation is characterised by varying,telescoped stages of intrusion and alteration.Early A-type quartz veined dykes were followed by Cu-Au mineralisation associated with potassic alteration,mainly K-feldspar in quartz-monzodiorite and biotite-magnetite in basaltic hosts.Downward reflux of cooled,late-magmatic hydrothermal fluid resulted in intense quartz-sericite retrograde alteration in the upper parts of the main syn-mineral intrusions,and an equivalent chlorite-muscovite/illite-hematite assemblage in basaltic host rocks.Uplift,facilitated by syn-mineral longitudinal faulting,brought sections of the porphyry deposit to shallower depths,to be overprinted and upgraded by late stage,shallower,advanced argillic alteration and high sulphidation mineralisation.Key controls on the location,size and grade of the deposit cluster include(i) a long-lived,narrow faulted corridor;(ii) multiple pulses of overlapping intrusion within the same structure;and(iii) enclosing reactive,mafic dominated wall rocks,focussing ore.展开更多
Platinum-group elements (PGE) in PGE-rich porphyry copper (gold) deposits are mainly Pt and Pd, whereas the concentrations of other PGE (Ru, Rh, Os, Ir) are significantly low. Moreover, Pt and Pd mainly exist in...Platinum-group elements (PGE) in PGE-rich porphyry copper (gold) deposits are mainly Pt and Pd, whereas the concentrations of other PGE (Ru, Rh, Os, Ir) are significantly low. Moreover, Pt and Pd mainly exist in sulfides in the forms of crystal lattice or tiny platinum-group mineral (PGM) inclusions. The present data show that there is a positive relationship between Pt and Pd concentrations and Cu (Au) in porphyry copper (gold) deposits. The comparison of chondrite-normalized PGE distribution patterns between the ore-bearing porphyry intrusions and ore-barren porphyry intrusions in arc setting, 187^Os/188^Os, 87^Sr/86^Sr and S isotopes for porphyry copper (gold) deposits shows that PGEs were mainly derived from the mantle, and fluids from subduction zones devoted trivial PGE to the magma. The porphyry copper (gold) deposits associated with subducted events are most probably enriched in PGE, whereas those related to crustal thickening, lithospheric delamination or underplating rarely concentrate PGE. The osmium isotopic compositions in porphyry copper (gold) deposits reveal that (187^Os/188^Os)i values are highly variable and not lower than those of primitive upper mantle (PUM) and mantle peridotite, however, osmium concentrations are commonly lower than mantle peridotite, suggesting that parental magmas of some porphyry intrusions had experienced crustal contamination during magma evolution. Experimental investigations have proved that PGE exist in the forms of Cl^- and HS^- complexes during transportation and migration of the oreforming fluids. This paper summarizes previous studies including crucial controlling factors and mechanisms for PGE enrichment, and points out that the mantle-derived magmas parental to porphyry intrusions are the prerequisite for PGE enrichment in porphyry copper (gold) deposits. Favorable physical and chemical conditions (including salinity, temperature, pressure, pH, and oxygen fugacity) in hydrothermal fluids crucially control the PGE enrichment, and sulfur concentrations of melts play important roles in this process as well.展开更多
On the basis of the geological and geochemical studies, including chemical analysis of bulk rocks, rare-earth and trace element studies, fluid inclusion, and S and O isotopic analyses, the authors described the geolog...On the basis of the geological and geochemical studies, including chemical analysis of bulk rocks, rare-earth and trace element studies, fluid inclusion, and S and O isotopic analyses, the authors described the geological background of the deposit in detail and presented significant proofs for the conditions of formation of the Shaxi porphyry copper-gold deposit. Compared with other large and supper-large porphyry copper deposits in China and the adjacent Cu-Au mineralized areas, the ore-forming processes and conditions were analyzed; and the possibility of forming large porphyry copper deposits in the Shaxi area was discussed. The present study indicated that the ore-forming fluid and material were mainly of magmatic origin, while meteoric water played a certain role in the ore-forming processes. Interactions between subducting and overriding plates provided a major driving force for the formation of igneous rocks and the deposition of metal elements in East China since Jurassic. Based on the geo- chemical data of the Shaxi intrusive, it is found that the copper (gold) mineralization is closely related to the genesis of adakite-like intrusive in the Shaxi area. This adakite-like intrusive was formed in the subduction environment as a result of the subduction of the West Pacific plate toward the East China continent, where there is a great potentiality to form a large porphyry copper deposit.展开更多
The middle south parts of Tancheng Lujiang deep fault zone and its vicinity are an important locality of Cu Au deposits related to Mesozoic volcanic subvolcanic magmatism in eastern China. According to their metal...The middle south parts of Tancheng Lujiang deep fault zone and its vicinity are an important locality of Cu Au deposits related to Mesozoic volcanic subvolcanic magmatism in eastern China. According to their metallogenic features and ore forming conditions, copper gold deposits in this district are ascribed to two groups: the epithermal group which can be further divided into tellurium gold type, quartz adularia type and quartz manganoansiderite type; the magmatic hydrothermal group which includes porphyry Cu Au deposit, breccia pipe porphyry type Au Cu deposit and skarn type Au Cu deposit. In this paper, characteristics of six typical shoshonite hosted Cu Au deposits are outlined. Additionally, the factors that control the metallogenesis and distribution of these Cu Au deposits are discussed preliminarily.展开更多
The Hatu gold deposit is the largest historical gold producer of the West Junggar,western China,with an Au reserve of about 62 t.The orebodies were controlled by NE-,EW-,and NW-trending subsidiary faults associated wi...The Hatu gold deposit is the largest historical gold producer of the West Junggar,western China,with an Au reserve of about 62 t.The orebodies were controlled by NE-,EW-,and NW-trending subsidiary faults associated with the Anqi fault.This deposit exhibits characteristics typical of a fault-controlled lode system,and the orebodies consist of auriferous quartz veins and altered wall rocks within Early Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary rocks.Three stages of mineralization have been identified in the Hatu gold deposit:the early pyrite-albite-quartz stage,the middle polymetallic sulfides-ankerite-quartz stage,and late quartz-calcite stage.The sulfur isotopic values of pyrite and arsenopyrite vary in a narrow range from-0.8‰to1.3‰and an average of 0.4‰,the near-zeroδ~(34)S values implicate the thorough homogenization of the sulfur isotopes during the metamorphic dehydration of the Early Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary rocks.Lead isotopic results of pyrite and arsenopyrite(^(206)Pb/^(204)Pb=17.889-18.447,^(207)Pb/^(204)Pb=15.492-15.571,^(208)Pb/^(204)Pb=37.802-38.113)are clustered between orogenic and mantle/upper crust lines,indicating that the lead was mainly sourced from the hostrocks within the Early Carboniferous Tailegula Formation.The characteristics of S and Pb isotopes suggest that the ore-forming metals of the Hatu orogenic gold deposit are of metamorphogenic origin,associated with the continental collision between the Yili-Kazakhstan and Siberian plates during the Late Carboniferous.展开更多
The Yueguang gold deposit is located in Fengjia,Xinhua County,Hunan Province,South China.It represents a recently discovered small-scale gold deposit situated in the southwestern region of the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt,w...The Yueguang gold deposit is located in Fengjia,Xinhua County,Hunan Province,South China.It represents a recently discovered small-scale gold deposit situated in the southwestern region of the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt,west of the Baimashan granitic batholith.In order to discern the characteristics of the ore-formingfluids,the underlying mineralization processes,and establish a foundation for the origin of the Yueguang gold depositfluid inclusion micro-thermometry,as well as quartz hydrogen and oxygen isotope analysis,have been carried out on samples obtained from various stages of mineralization.The hydrothermal miner-alization stages within the Yueguang gold deposit can be categorized into three stages:(i)the barren,pre-ore quartz-pyrite stage(Stage Ⅰ),the quartz-pyrite-gold stage(Stage Ⅱ),and the post-ore quartz-carbonate stage(Stage Ⅲ),with the second stage being the main mineralization stage.Thefluid inclusions identified in samples from the main min-eralization stage can predominantly be described with the NaCl–H_(2)O and CO_(2)–NaCl–H_(2)O systems.These inclusions display homogenization temperatures ranging from 158.8 to 334.9℃,and thefluid salinity ranges from 0.3%to 4.0%(wt.%NaCl equiv.).Laser Raman spectroscopy analysis of individual inclusions further reveals the presence of gas-phases such as CO_(2),CH_(4),and N_(2).Isotopic analysis indicatesδ^(18)Ofluid values ranging from 3.95 to 6.7‰ and δDH_(2)O values ranging from-71.9 to-55.7‰.These results indi-cate that the ore-formingfluid of the Yueguang gold deposit belongs to metamorphic hydrothermalfluids of middle-low temperature and low salinity.In the process of ore formation,gold is transported in the form of Au(HS)2-complexes,with gold deposition being driven byfluid immiscibility.Therefore,the Yueguang gold deposit is categorized as an orogenic gold deposit dominated by metamorphic hydrother-malfluid.It may become a new target for gold exploration in the Baimashan region,central Hunan Province.展开更多
1.Objective The West Qinling Orogen extends east-west over 1500 km and is endowed with dozens of large-super large scale gold deposits.The Zaozigou gold deposit has a proven reserve of 134 t with an average grade of 3...1.Objective The West Qinling Orogen extends east-west over 1500 km and is endowed with dozens of large-super large scale gold deposits.The Zaozigou gold deposit has a proven reserve of 134 t with an average grade of 3.08 g/t thus is one of the largest deposits in the West Qinling Orogen.However,whether the fluid type is metamorphic or magmatichydrothermal and ore-formation processes of the Zaozigou gold deposit are equivocal.Scheelite is a ubiquitous accessory mineral in geologically diverse ore-deposit types and attested to be a strong indicator of ore-forming conditions and oredeposit genesis.展开更多
Lamprophyres typically appear in hydrothermal gold deposits.The relationship between lamprophyres and gold deposits is investigated widely.Some researchers suggest that the emplacement of lamprophyres triggers gold mi...Lamprophyres typically appear in hydrothermal gold deposits.The relationship between lamprophyres and gold deposits is investigated widely.Some researchers suggest that the emplacement of lamprophyres triggers gold mineralization,whereas others hypothesize that the formation of lamprophyres increases the fertility of mantle sources and ore-forming fluids.K-feldspar veins,with ages between those of lamprophyres and gold deposits,appear in lamprophyres in Zhenyuan.Therefore,K-feldspar veins are ideal for investigating the relationship between lamprophyres and gold deposits.Phlogopite in K-feldspar veins has lower Mg#,Ni,and Cr contents and higher TiO2,Li,Ba,Sr,Sc,Zr,Nb,and Cs contents than phlogopite in lamprophyres.The in-situ Sr isotopic values of apatites(0.7063–0.7066)in K-feldspar veins are within the range for apatites(0.7064–0.7078)from lamprophyres.High large-ion lithophile element concentrations and low Nb and Ta concentrations in phlogopite from lamprophyres,in addition to high(87Sr/86Sr)i values of apatite(0.7064–0.7078),indicate that the magma parental to these phlogopite and apatite crystals is derived from an enriched mantle.Kfeldspar veins are genetically correlated with lamprophyres,whereas sulfide mineral assemblage and trace element compositions of pyrite in K-feldspar veins suggest that K-feldspar veins in lamprophyres are not directly related to gold mineralization of the Zhenyuan deposit.展开更多
The Zaozigou gold deposit lies south of the Xiahe-Hezuo regional fault zone in the western Qinling orogenic belt and contains many intermediate to felsic dikes.Diorite porphyry,quartz diorite porphyry and biotite dior...The Zaozigou gold deposit lies south of the Xiahe-Hezuo regional fault zone in the western Qinling orogenic belt and contains many intermediate to felsic dikes.Diorite porphyry,quartz diorite porphyry and biotite diorite porphyry are mineral-bearing dikes,whereas granite porphyry is unrelated to gold mineralization.To compare the relationship between different dikes and mineralization,this study analyzed the cathodoluminescence(CL)of zircon crystals in all four types of dikes exposed in the Zaozigou deposit,using a zircon typological classification.The formation temperature of the granite porphyry(734°C)was higher than the average temperature of the other three types of dikes(704°C),whereas the former’s alkalinity index(395)was lower than the average alkalinity index of the other three dikes(425).TheΣREE amount of granite porphyry(147.18 ppm)was smaller than the averageΣREE amount of the other three dikes(246.80 ppm)and itsδEu value(0.33)was larger than the averageδEu values of the other three dikes(0.30).The U-Pb ages of zircon in the four types of dikes were relatively consistent with the crystallization ages of approximately 240 Ma,which indicates that all four types of dikes intruded in the Middle Triassic.Compared to the other three ore-bearing dikes,the morphology of the zircon crystals in the barren dikes evolved from S13 to S5 and then returned to S13.These results indicate that the barren dike underwent an increase in temperature and a decrease in alkalinity,which may be an important reason for the absence of mineralization.展开更多
The Jianbeigou gold deposit is a typical lode gold deposit in the Qinling metallogenic belt, located on the southern margin of the North China Craton. Three stages of the hydrothermal process can be distinguished, inc...The Jianbeigou gold deposit is a typical lode gold deposit in the Qinling metallogenic belt, located on the southern margin of the North China Craton. Three stages of the hydrothermal process can be distinguished, including the quartz ± pyrite, quartz-polymetallic sulfide, and quartz-carbonate ± pyrite stages. From the early to late stages, the homogenization temperatures of primary fluid inclusions are 281–362°C, 227–331°C, and 149–261°C, respectively. The corresponding salinities estimated for these fluids are 3.9–9.9 wt%, 0.4–9.4 wt%, and 0.7–7.2 wt% Na Cl equiv. Combined with laser Raman spectroscopy data, the ore-forming fluid belongs to a H_(2)O-CO_(2)-Na Cl ± CH_4 system with medium–low temperature and salinity. The δ~(18)Ofluid and δD values for the quartz veins are-1.0‰ to 6.0‰ and-105‰ to-84‰, respectively, which indicates that the ore-forming fluid is of mixed source, mainly derived from magma, with a contribution from meteoric water. Pyrite has been identified into three generations based on mineral paragenetic sequencing, including Py1, Py2, and Py3. The pyrites have δ~(34)S sulfur isotopic compositions from three stages between 3.7‰ and 8.4‰, indicating that sulfur mainly originated from magma. Te, Bi, Sb, and Cu contents in pyrite were all high and showed a strong correlation with Au concentrations. Native gold and the Au-Ag-Bi telluride minerals were formed concurrently, and the As concentration was low and decoupled from the Au content. Therefore, Te, Bi, Sb and other low-melting point chalcophile elements play an important role for gold mineralization in arsenic-deficient ore-forming fluid. Combined with the geological setting, evolution of pyrite, and ore-fluids geochemistry, we propose that the Jianbeigou deposit can be classified as a magmatic–hydrothermal lode gold deposit. Gold mineralization on the southern margin of the North China Craton is related to Early Cretaceous magmatism and formed in an extensional setting.展开更多
The Mibei gold deposit,located in the southwestern part of the Xuefengshan uplift zone,the middle section of the Jiangnan orogenic belt in southern China,has estimated gold resources of approximately seven tons.This d...The Mibei gold deposit,located in the southwestern part of the Xuefengshan uplift zone,the middle section of the Jiangnan orogenic belt in southern China,has estimated gold resources of approximately seven tons.This deposit is primarily a quartz vein-type gold deposit,with ore bodies occurring mainly within Neoproterozoic metasediments.The main metallic minerals in the ore are pyrite,chalcopyrite,and arsenopyrite.In this study,the petrography and microthermometry of ore-forming fluid inclusions,oxygen isotopes of gold-bearing quartz,and sulfur isotopes of goldbearing sulfides and arsenopyrite were analyzed.Three types of fluid inclusions were identified:type Ⅰa three-phase inclusions comprising vapor and two phases of liquids(V_(CO_(2))+L_(CO_(2))+L_(H2O)),type Ⅰb two-phase liquids(L_(CO_(2))+L_(H2O)),typeⅡ two-phase vapor-rich inclusions(V/V+L> 50%),and type Ⅲ pure liquid inclusions.Type Ⅰ inclusions were heated uniformly to the liquid phase,type Ⅱ inclusions were heated uniformly to the gas phase,and type Ⅲ inclusions were heated without change.In general,the temperature range of homogenization to liquid phase of fluid inclusions in the Mibei gold deposit is 204-227℃.The salinity of the inclusion ranges from 4.6 to 12.2 wt% NaCl equiv.The δ~(18)O_(SMOW) of gold-bearing quartz varies from 16.9‰ to 17.5‰.The δ~(18)O_(H2O) of gold-bearing quartz are varied from 6.5‰ to 7.5‰.The δ~(34)S values of gold-bearing pyrite range from 1.7‰ to 6.8‰.The δ~(34)S values of gold-bearing arsenopy rite range from 5.6%o to 5.9‰.Theδ~(34)S values of pyrite from wall rocks slate range from 6.4‰ to 11.6‰.This evidence implies that the ore-forming fluids of the Mibei gold deposit originated from magmatic-hydrothermal processes,mixing with minor S from the surrounding metasediments.Combined with the evolution of the Jiangnan orogenic belt,due to the magmatic and tectonic activities of the Xuefengshan uplift during the Caledonian period,the fault seal mechanism controlled the ore-forming process.Overall,the Mibei gold deposit is more akin to a magmatic-hydrothermal gold deposit.展开更多
Introduction The East Kunlun Orogenic Belt is located in the northeastern part of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau(Li et al.,2007),stretching from the East Kunlun to the Elashan area in an east–west direction(Guo et al.,20...Introduction The East Kunlun Orogenic Belt is located in the northeastern part of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau(Li et al.,2007),stretching from the East Kunlun to the Elashan area in an east–west direction(Guo et al.,2018).It is an important part of the Central Orogenic Belt(Xiong et al.,2023).It is considered one of the important gold mineralization regions in the Tethys tectonic domain(Norbu et al.,2023)and an essential potential base for mineral resources in China.Wulonggou and Gouli gold mines have been discovered successively,earning the reputation of the"Golden Belt of Qinghai Province"(Feng et al.,2004;He et al.,2023).展开更多
On the basis of results of the studies of primary fluid inclusions, and the hydrogen and oxygen isotope data, the authors concluded that the early-stage ore-forming fluid from the Jinchangqing gold (copper) ore deposi...On the basis of results of the studies of primary fluid inclusions, and the hydrogen and oxygen isotope data, the authors concluded that the early-stage ore-forming fluid from the Jinchangqing gold (copper) ore deposit is a kind of sulfate type hot brine characterized by medium temperature and salinity, genetically related to the late-stage ore-forming fluid derived from an acidic and more reductive environment. However, the late-stage ore-forming fluid is a sort of low temperature and low salinity chloride-type hot brine which originated from a lower pressure, acidic and more oxidative environment. In general, the ore fluids were derived from the late-stage, or largely from the early-stage groundwater-derived meteoric water, which has a 12‰-17‰ heavier oxygen isotopic composition than the original rain water (δ{}+{18}O={-15.3‰}), and were formed during gold mineralization as a product of oxygen isotope exchange during the reaction between ore-forming fluid and wall rocks under a lower water/rock ratio condition.展开更多
Ali Javad porphyry copper-gold deposit is located in Arasbaran porphyry copper belt at northwestern Iran, some 20 km east of Sungun Mine. Porphyry mineralization at the Ali Javad deposit occurred in post-Oligocene qua...Ali Javad porphyry copper-gold deposit is located in Arasbaran porphyry copper belt at northwestern Iran, some 20 km east of Sungun Mine. Porphyry mineralization at the Ali Javad deposit occurred in post-Oligocene quartz monzonite bodies which intruded in the Eocene volcanic rocks. Mineralization occurred as veins, veinlets and dissemination both as hypogene and supergene type. Several types of veinlets were distinguished during the study of the deposit. Fluid inclusion studies on fluids trapped in quartz which were taken from drill core samples indicated a wide range of homogenization temperature in the veinlets from 138°C to 565°C which their salinity demonstrated 33 - 61 wt% NaCl equivalent. Mineralizing fluids density at the deposit was 0.8 - 1.2 g/cm<sup>3</sup>. Fluid inclusion studies suggested that Ali Javad deposit is an Au-rich porphyry copper deposit;its fluid inclusion features were comparable with other porphyry deposits.展开更多
The sediment-hosted copper deposits, according to the authors’ study, were formedfrom connate formation water during the post-sedimentary or diagenetic stage while the sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits are u...The sediment-hosted copper deposits, according to the authors’ study, were formedfrom connate formation water during the post-sedimentary or diagenetic stage while the sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits are unanimously considered to be of post-sedirnentaryhydrothermal origin. Therefore, apart from their own individualities, these two types of deposits must share some characters in common. Comparisons are attempted, in this paper, between the sediment-hosted copper deposits in southwest China and the Triassic sedimenl-hosteddisseminated gold deposits in the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Triangle in terms of geological andgeochemical features.展开更多
Shaxi porphyry Cu-Au deposit was one of the important discoveries of the exploration in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River in China in 1970s. Gold occurrence in the Shaxi porphyry copper-gold deposit (central (...Shaxi porphyry Cu-Au deposit was one of the important discoveries of the exploration in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River in China in 1970s. Gold occurrence in the Shaxi porphyry copper-gold deposit (central (Anhui) province, eastern China) was investigated by means of microscope analyses, EPMA and PIXE. Combined with geological and mineralogical methods, the characteristics of occurrence of gold in the large scale sulfide mineralization in this region were fully investigated. The results show that gold distributes in both chalcopyrite and pyrite as submicroscopic inclusions (less than 1 μm) . Au is positively correlated with As, Fe, S, Cu, Zn and Ti. The condition of gold transformation in thermal fluid system controlling deposition of Au in the region is probably the oxidation potential of the red sedimentary rocks of shale and fine grain sandstone which may be crucial as a geochemical barrier to the reducing fluid. This study lays foundation for the further research and exploration of the porphyry copper-gold deposit both theoretically and practically in the lower reaches of Yangtze region.展开更多
基金Project(20091100704)supported by the Special Funds for Scientific Research of Land and Natural Resources,ChinaProject(2015CX008)supported by the Innovation Driven Plan of Central South University,China
文摘Dongguashan deposit is a large porphyry-skarn copper(gold) deposit in Tongling ore district. The Qingshanjiao intermediate acid intrusion of Yanshanian had a direct genetic relationship with mineralization. The magma origin, rock-forming dynamic background and rock-forming process were studied, and the rock-forming mechanism of Qingshanjiao intrusion was discussed, based on geological characteristics, detailed observation of petrography and systematic investigation of petrochemistry, trace elements and REE geochemistry characteristics of Qingshanjiao intrusion. The results show that Qingshanjiao rock body belongs to high-K calc-alkaline series with higher LREE elements, Th, Rb and Sr abundance, but depleted in HREE elements, Ba, Nb and Ta. The primary magma originated from the mantle-crust mixtures which were caused by basaltic magma of mantle mixing with syenite magma of partial melting of the lower crust, and the formation environment of Qingshanjiao intrusion was emplaced in the transitional environment from compression to extension. The Harker diagram and hybrid structures of plagioclase and potassium feldspar indicate that the fractional crystallization occurred in the process of magmatic evolution. The petrochemistry, trace elements and REE geochemistry characteristics indicate that the magma was contaminated by crustal material during the rock-forming. These results suggested that the Qingshanjiao intrusion was formed by fractional crystallization and assimilation and hybridization of mantle-crust magma in the transitional environment from compression to extensional.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(grant numbers 41472066,40972063 and 41672038)the Program of the Deep Exploration in China(SinoProb-03-05)+1 种基金the National KeyR&S Program of China(2016 YFC0600209)the Land and Resources Science and Techonolgy Foundation of Anhui Province(2016-K-03 and No.2014-K-03)
文摘The Tongling ore district is one of the most economically important ore areas in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, eastern China. It contains hundreds of polymetallic copper–gold deposits and occurrences. Those deposits are mainly clustered(from west to east) within the Tongguanshan, Shizishan, Xinqiao, Fenghuangshan, and Shatanjiao orefields. Until recently, the majority of these deposits were thought to be skarn-or porphyry–skarn-type deposits; however there have been recent discoveries of numerous vein-type Au, Ag, and Pb-Zn deposits that do not fall into either of these categories. This indicates that there is some uncertainty over this classification. Here, we present the results of several systematic geological studies of representative deposits in the Tongling ore district. From investigation of the ore-controlling structures, lithology of the host rock, mineral assemblages, and the characteristics of the mineralization and alteration within these deposits, three genetic types of deposits(skarn-, porphyry-, and vein-type deposits) have been identified. The spatial and temporal relationships between the orebodies and Yanshanian intrusions combined with the sources of the ore-forming fluids and metals, as well as the geodynamic setting of this ore district, indicate that all three deposit types are genetically related each other and constitute a magmatic–hydrothermal system. This study outlines a model that relates the polymetallic copper–gold porphyry-, skarn-, and vein-type deposits within the Tongling ore district. This model provides a theoretical basis to guide exploration for deep-seated and concealed porphyry-type Cu(–Mo, –Au) deposits as well as shallow vein-type Au, Ag, and Pb–Zn deposits in this area and elsewhere.
基金financially supported by the Study on mineralization background and conditions of copper-gold in the western part of Bangongco-Nujiang metallogenic belt of Ministry of land and resources of Public industry research and special projects(201011013)Opening Foundation of Key Laboratory of Tectonic Controls on Mineralization and Hydrocarbon Accumulation,Ministry of Land and Resources(gzck2013006)Tectonic metallogeny theory development and practice team fund of Sichuan Province(13TD0008)
文摘The Naruo porphyry copper-gold deposit (hereinafter referred to as the Naruo deposit) in Tibet is a potentially ultra-large, typical gold-rich porphyry copper deposit, which was recently discovered in the Bangongco-Nujiang metallogenic belt. This study analyzed U-Ph chronology and Hf isotopes of the ore-bearing granodiorite porphyry in the Naruo deposit using the LA-ICPMS dating technique. The results show that the weighted average age is 124.03±0.94Ma (MSWD=1.7, n=20), and 2±6pb/23SU isocbron age is 126.2±2.7 Ma (MSWD=1.02, n=20), both of which are within the error. The weighted average age represents the crystallization age of the granodiorite porphyry, which indicates that the ore-bearing porphyry in the Naruo deposit area was formed in the Early Cretaceous and further implies that the Neo-tethys Ocean had not been closed before 124 Ma under a typical island-arc subduction environment. The εGr(t) of zircons from the granodiorite porphyry varies from 2.14 to 9.07, with an average of 5.18, and all zircons have εRf(t) values greater than 0; 176Hf/177Hf ratio is relatively high (0.282725-0.282986). Combined with the zircon age--Hf isotope correlation diagram, the aforementioned data indicate that the source reservoir might be a region that is mixed with depleted mantle and ancient crust, which possibly contains more materials sourced from depleted mantle. Rock-forming ages and ore-forming ages of the Duolong ore concentrate area are 120-124 Ma and 118-119 Ma, respectively, which indicate 124-118 Ma represents the main rockforming and ore-forming stage within the area. The Naruo deposit is located in the north of the Bangongco-Nujiang suture, and it yielded a zircon LA-ICPMS age of 124.03 Ma. This indicates the Bangongco-Nujiang oceanic basin subducted towards the north at about 124 Ma, and the Neo-tethys Ocean had not been closed before the middle Early Cretaceous. It is possible that the crust-mantle mixing formed the series of large and giant porphyry copper-gold deposits in the Bangongco.
文摘The Shaxi porphyry copper (gold) deposits are a typical example of porphyry copper deposits associated with diorite in eastern China. Quartz diorite, which hosts the deposits, has a Rb-Sr isochron age of 127.9 ± 1.6 Ma. Geochemically, the rock is rich in alkalis (especially sodium), light rare earth elements (LREE) and large-ion lithophile elements (LILE), and has a relatively low initial strontium isotopic ratio (Isr=0.7058); thus it is the product of differentiation of crust-mantle mixing source magma. The model of alteration and mineralization zoning is similar to the Hollister (1974) diorite model. The ore fluids have a relatively high salinity and contain significant amounts of CO2, Ca2+, Na+ and ***CI?. The homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions for the main mineralization stage range from 280 to 420°C, the δ18O values of the ore fluids vary from 3.51 to 5.52 %, the δD values are in the range between ?82.4 and ?59.8 %, the δ34S values of sulphides vary from ?0.3 to 2.49 %, and the δ13C values of CO2 in inclusions range between ?2.66 and ?6.53 %. Isotope data indicate that the hydrothermal ore fluids and ore substances of the Shaxi porphyry copper (gold) deposits were mainly derived from magmatic systems.
文摘The Oyu Tolgoi cluster of seven porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposits in southern Mongolia,define a narrow,linear,12 km long,almost continuously mineralised trend,which contains in excess of 42 Mt of Cu and1850 t of Au,and is among the largest high grade porphyry Cu-Au deposits in the world.These deposits lie within the Gurvansayhan island-arc terrane,a fault bounded segment of the broader Silurian to Carboniferous Kazakh-Mongol arc,located towards the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt,a collage of magmatic arcs that were periodically active from the late Neoproterozoic to PermoTriassic,extending from the Urals Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.Mineralisation at Oyu Tolgoi is associated with multiple,overlapping,intrusions of late Devonian(~372 to 370 Ma) quartzmonzodiorite intruding Devonian(or older) juvenile,probably intra-oceanic arc-related,basaltic lavas and lesser volcaniclastic rocks,unconformably overlain by late Devonian(~370 Ma) basaltic to dacitic pyroclastic and volcano sedimentary rocks.These quartz-monzodiorite intrusions range from earlymineral porphyritic dykes,to larger,linear,syn-,late- and post-mineral dykes and stocks.Ore was deposited within syn-mineral quartz-monzodiorites,but is dominantly hosted by augite basalts and to a lesser degree by overlying dacitic pyroclastic rocks.Following ore deposition,an allochthonous plate of older Devonian(or pre-Devonian) rocks was overthrust and a post-ore biotite granodiorite intruded at~365 Ma.Mineralisation is characterised by varying,telescoped stages of intrusion and alteration.Early A-type quartz veined dykes were followed by Cu-Au mineralisation associated with potassic alteration,mainly K-feldspar in quartz-monzodiorite and biotite-magnetite in basaltic hosts.Downward reflux of cooled,late-magmatic hydrothermal fluid resulted in intense quartz-sericite retrograde alteration in the upper parts of the main syn-mineral intrusions,and an equivalent chlorite-muscovite/illite-hematite assemblage in basaltic host rocks.Uplift,facilitated by syn-mineral longitudinal faulting,brought sections of the porphyry deposit to shallower depths,to be overprinted and upgraded by late stage,shallower,advanced argillic alteration and high sulphidation mineralisation.Key controls on the location,size and grade of the deposit cluster include(i) a long-lived,narrow faulted corridor;(ii) multiple pulses of overlapping intrusion within the same structure;and(iii) enclosing reactive,mafic dominated wall rocks,focussing ore.
基金supported by the 12th Five-Year Plan project of State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences(SKLOG-ZY125-06)the Knowledge Innovation Project,Chinese Academic Sciences(KZCX2-YW-136-1)
文摘Platinum-group elements (PGE) in PGE-rich porphyry copper (gold) deposits are mainly Pt and Pd, whereas the concentrations of other PGE (Ru, Rh, Os, Ir) are significantly low. Moreover, Pt and Pd mainly exist in sulfides in the forms of crystal lattice or tiny platinum-group mineral (PGM) inclusions. The present data show that there is a positive relationship between Pt and Pd concentrations and Cu (Au) in porphyry copper (gold) deposits. The comparison of chondrite-normalized PGE distribution patterns between the ore-bearing porphyry intrusions and ore-barren porphyry intrusions in arc setting, 187^Os/188^Os, 87^Sr/86^Sr and S isotopes for porphyry copper (gold) deposits shows that PGEs were mainly derived from the mantle, and fluids from subduction zones devoted trivial PGE to the magma. The porphyry copper (gold) deposits associated with subducted events are most probably enriched in PGE, whereas those related to crustal thickening, lithospheric delamination or underplating rarely concentrate PGE. The osmium isotopic compositions in porphyry copper (gold) deposits reveal that (187^Os/188^Os)i values are highly variable and not lower than those of primitive upper mantle (PUM) and mantle peridotite, however, osmium concentrations are commonly lower than mantle peridotite, suggesting that parental magmas of some porphyry intrusions had experienced crustal contamination during magma evolution. Experimental investigations have proved that PGE exist in the forms of Cl^- and HS^- complexes during transportation and migration of the oreforming fluids. This paper summarizes previous studies including crucial controlling factors and mechanisms for PGE enrichment, and points out that the mantle-derived magmas parental to porphyry intrusions are the prerequisite for PGE enrichment in porphyry copper (gold) deposits. Favorable physical and chemical conditions (including salinity, temperature, pressure, pH, and oxygen fugacity) in hydrothermal fluids crucially control the PGE enrichment, and sulfur concentrations of melts play important roles in this process as well.
基金supported by the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX1-YW-15)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 90814008)parts of experimental work is supported from the Opening Funding of State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources,China University of Geosciences (GPMR0506)
文摘On the basis of the geological and geochemical studies, including chemical analysis of bulk rocks, rare-earth and trace element studies, fluid inclusion, and S and O isotopic analyses, the authors described the geological background of the deposit in detail and presented significant proofs for the conditions of formation of the Shaxi porphyry copper-gold deposit. Compared with other large and supper-large porphyry copper deposits in China and the adjacent Cu-Au mineralized areas, the ore-forming processes and conditions were analyzed; and the possibility of forming large porphyry copper deposits in the Shaxi area was discussed. The present study indicated that the ore-forming fluid and material were mainly of magmatic origin, while meteoric water played a certain role in the ore-forming processes. Interactions between subducting and overriding plates provided a major driving force for the formation of igneous rocks and the deposition of metal elements in East China since Jurassic. Based on the geo- chemical data of the Shaxi intrusive, it is found that the copper (gold) mineralization is closely related to the genesis of adakite-like intrusive in the Shaxi area. This adakite-like intrusive was formed in the subduction environment as a result of the subduction of the West Pacific plate toward the East China continent, where there is a great potentiality to form a large porphyry copper deposit.
文摘The middle south parts of Tancheng Lujiang deep fault zone and its vicinity are an important locality of Cu Au deposits related to Mesozoic volcanic subvolcanic magmatism in eastern China. According to their metallogenic features and ore forming conditions, copper gold deposits in this district are ascribed to two groups: the epithermal group which can be further divided into tellurium gold type, quartz adularia type and quartz manganoansiderite type; the magmatic hydrothermal group which includes porphyry Cu Au deposit, breccia pipe porphyry type Au Cu deposit and skarn type Au Cu deposit. In this paper, characteristics of six typical shoshonite hosted Cu Au deposits are outlined. Additionally, the factors that control the metallogenesis and distribution of these Cu Au deposits are discussed preliminarily.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.42172093,42202075,and 42302108)the Key Research and Development Project of Xinjiang(No.2023B03015)+1 种基金the Uygur Autonomous Region Tianchi Talent Project,and the Natural Science Foundation of Xinjiang(No.2022D01A344)China Scholarship Council(202304180004)。
文摘The Hatu gold deposit is the largest historical gold producer of the West Junggar,western China,with an Au reserve of about 62 t.The orebodies were controlled by NE-,EW-,and NW-trending subsidiary faults associated with the Anqi fault.This deposit exhibits characteristics typical of a fault-controlled lode system,and the orebodies consist of auriferous quartz veins and altered wall rocks within Early Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary rocks.Three stages of mineralization have been identified in the Hatu gold deposit:the early pyrite-albite-quartz stage,the middle polymetallic sulfides-ankerite-quartz stage,and late quartz-calcite stage.The sulfur isotopic values of pyrite and arsenopyrite vary in a narrow range from-0.8‰to1.3‰and an average of 0.4‰,the near-zeroδ~(34)S values implicate the thorough homogenization of the sulfur isotopes during the metamorphic dehydration of the Early Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary rocks.Lead isotopic results of pyrite and arsenopyrite(^(206)Pb/^(204)Pb=17.889-18.447,^(207)Pb/^(204)Pb=15.492-15.571,^(208)Pb/^(204)Pb=37.802-38.113)are clustered between orogenic and mantle/upper crust lines,indicating that the lead was mainly sourced from the hostrocks within the Early Carboniferous Tailegula Formation.The characteristics of S and Pb isotopes suggest that the ore-forming metals of the Hatu orogenic gold deposit are of metamorphogenic origin,associated with the continental collision between the Yili-Kazakhstan and Siberian plates during the Late Carboniferous.
基金support from several sources,including the Backbone Teacher Training Program(10912-SJGG2021-04233)the Teaching Reform Project of Chengdu University of Technology(JG2130131)+1 种基金the University-Industry Collaborative Education Project,Ministry of Education,China(22097130210756)National Natural Science Foundation of China(42272129).
文摘The Yueguang gold deposit is located in Fengjia,Xinhua County,Hunan Province,South China.It represents a recently discovered small-scale gold deposit situated in the southwestern region of the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt,west of the Baimashan granitic batholith.In order to discern the characteristics of the ore-formingfluids,the underlying mineralization processes,and establish a foundation for the origin of the Yueguang gold depositfluid inclusion micro-thermometry,as well as quartz hydrogen and oxygen isotope analysis,have been carried out on samples obtained from various stages of mineralization.The hydrothermal miner-alization stages within the Yueguang gold deposit can be categorized into three stages:(i)the barren,pre-ore quartz-pyrite stage(Stage Ⅰ),the quartz-pyrite-gold stage(Stage Ⅱ),and the post-ore quartz-carbonate stage(Stage Ⅲ),with the second stage being the main mineralization stage.Thefluid inclusions identified in samples from the main min-eralization stage can predominantly be described with the NaCl–H_(2)O and CO_(2)–NaCl–H_(2)O systems.These inclusions display homogenization temperatures ranging from 158.8 to 334.9℃,and thefluid salinity ranges from 0.3%to 4.0%(wt.%NaCl equiv.).Laser Raman spectroscopy analysis of individual inclusions further reveals the presence of gas-phases such as CO_(2),CH_(4),and N_(2).Isotopic analysis indicatesδ^(18)Ofluid values ranging from 3.95 to 6.7‰ and δDH_(2)O values ranging from-71.9 to-55.7‰.These results indi-cate that the ore-formingfluid of the Yueguang gold deposit belongs to metamorphic hydrothermalfluids of middle-low temperature and low salinity.In the process of ore formation,gold is transported in the form of Au(HS)2-complexes,with gold deposition being driven byfluid immiscibility.Therefore,the Yueguang gold deposit is categorized as an orogenic gold deposit dominated by metamorphic hydrother-malfluid.It may become a new target for gold exploration in the Baimashan region,central Hunan Province.
基金supported by Records of China’s Mineral Geology from the China Geological Survey(DD20190379)the State Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China(41730426)the 111 Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology(BP0719021)。
文摘1.Objective The West Qinling Orogen extends east-west over 1500 km and is endowed with dozens of large-super large scale gold deposits.The Zaozigou gold deposit has a proven reserve of 134 t with an average grade of 3.08 g/t thus is one of the largest deposits in the West Qinling Orogen.However,whether the fluid type is metamorphic or magmatichydrothermal and ore-formation processes of the Zaozigou gold deposit are equivocal.Scheelite is a ubiquitous accessory mineral in geologically diverse ore-deposit types and attested to be a strong indicator of ore-forming conditions and oredeposit genesis.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41973045)Basic Science and Technology Research Funding of the CAGS(Grant No.JKYZD202312)+1 种基金the National Key Research and Development Project of China(Grant No.2022YFF0800903)National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41802113,42073053,42273073 and 42261144669).
文摘Lamprophyres typically appear in hydrothermal gold deposits.The relationship between lamprophyres and gold deposits is investigated widely.Some researchers suggest that the emplacement of lamprophyres triggers gold mineralization,whereas others hypothesize that the formation of lamprophyres increases the fertility of mantle sources and ore-forming fluids.K-feldspar veins,with ages between those of lamprophyres and gold deposits,appear in lamprophyres in Zhenyuan.Therefore,K-feldspar veins are ideal for investigating the relationship between lamprophyres and gold deposits.Phlogopite in K-feldspar veins has lower Mg#,Ni,and Cr contents and higher TiO2,Li,Ba,Sr,Sc,Zr,Nb,and Cs contents than phlogopite in lamprophyres.The in-situ Sr isotopic values of apatites(0.7063–0.7066)in K-feldspar veins are within the range for apatites(0.7064–0.7078)from lamprophyres.High large-ion lithophile element concentrations and low Nb and Ta concentrations in phlogopite from lamprophyres,in addition to high(87Sr/86Sr)i values of apatite(0.7064–0.7078),indicate that the magma parental to these phlogopite and apatite crystals is derived from an enriched mantle.Kfeldspar veins are genetically correlated with lamprophyres,whereas sulfide mineral assemblage and trace element compositions of pyrite in K-feldspar veins suggest that K-feldspar veins in lamprophyres are not directly related to gold mineralization of the Zhenyuan deposit.
基金supported by projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.42002098)the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province(No.D2020209017,No.D2022107003)+2 种基金China Basic Scientific Research Business Fund Project of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences(No.JKY202016)the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for College Students(No.X2022118)North China University of Science and Technology.
文摘The Zaozigou gold deposit lies south of the Xiahe-Hezuo regional fault zone in the western Qinling orogenic belt and contains many intermediate to felsic dikes.Diorite porphyry,quartz diorite porphyry and biotite diorite porphyry are mineral-bearing dikes,whereas granite porphyry is unrelated to gold mineralization.To compare the relationship between different dikes and mineralization,this study analyzed the cathodoluminescence(CL)of zircon crystals in all four types of dikes exposed in the Zaozigou deposit,using a zircon typological classification.The formation temperature of the granite porphyry(734°C)was higher than the average temperature of the other three types of dikes(704°C),whereas the former’s alkalinity index(395)was lower than the average alkalinity index of the other three dikes(425).TheΣREE amount of granite porphyry(147.18 ppm)was smaller than the averageΣREE amount of the other three dikes(246.80 ppm)and itsδEu value(0.33)was larger than the averageδEu values of the other three dikes(0.30).The U-Pb ages of zircon in the four types of dikes were relatively consistent with the crystallization ages of approximately 240 Ma,which indicates that all four types of dikes intruded in the Middle Triassic.Compared to the other three ore-bearing dikes,the morphology of the zircon crystals in the barren dikes evolved from S13 to S5 and then returned to S13.These results indicate that the barren dike underwent an increase in temperature and a decrease in alkalinity,which may be an important reason for the absence of mineralization.
基金jointed supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2021YFC2901704)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41930430)the State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, IGGCAS (Grant No. SKL-Z201905)。
文摘The Jianbeigou gold deposit is a typical lode gold deposit in the Qinling metallogenic belt, located on the southern margin of the North China Craton. Three stages of the hydrothermal process can be distinguished, including the quartz ± pyrite, quartz-polymetallic sulfide, and quartz-carbonate ± pyrite stages. From the early to late stages, the homogenization temperatures of primary fluid inclusions are 281–362°C, 227–331°C, and 149–261°C, respectively. The corresponding salinities estimated for these fluids are 3.9–9.9 wt%, 0.4–9.4 wt%, and 0.7–7.2 wt% Na Cl equiv. Combined with laser Raman spectroscopy data, the ore-forming fluid belongs to a H_(2)O-CO_(2)-Na Cl ± CH_4 system with medium–low temperature and salinity. The δ~(18)Ofluid and δD values for the quartz veins are-1.0‰ to 6.0‰ and-105‰ to-84‰, respectively, which indicates that the ore-forming fluid is of mixed source, mainly derived from magma, with a contribution from meteoric water. Pyrite has been identified into three generations based on mineral paragenetic sequencing, including Py1, Py2, and Py3. The pyrites have δ~(34)S sulfur isotopic compositions from three stages between 3.7‰ and 8.4‰, indicating that sulfur mainly originated from magma. Te, Bi, Sb, and Cu contents in pyrite were all high and showed a strong correlation with Au concentrations. Native gold and the Au-Ag-Bi telluride minerals were formed concurrently, and the As concentration was low and decoupled from the Au content. Therefore, Te, Bi, Sb and other low-melting point chalcophile elements play an important role for gold mineralization in arsenic-deficient ore-forming fluid. Combined with the geological setting, evolution of pyrite, and ore-fluids geochemistry, we propose that the Jianbeigou deposit can be classified as a magmatic–hydrothermal lode gold deposit. Gold mineralization on the southern margin of the North China Craton is related to Early Cretaceous magmatism and formed in an extensional setting.
基金financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42273063)the Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship (YESS) Program of the China Association for Science and Technology (Grant No. YESS20220661)。
文摘The Mibei gold deposit,located in the southwestern part of the Xuefengshan uplift zone,the middle section of the Jiangnan orogenic belt in southern China,has estimated gold resources of approximately seven tons.This deposit is primarily a quartz vein-type gold deposit,with ore bodies occurring mainly within Neoproterozoic metasediments.The main metallic minerals in the ore are pyrite,chalcopyrite,and arsenopyrite.In this study,the petrography and microthermometry of ore-forming fluid inclusions,oxygen isotopes of gold-bearing quartz,and sulfur isotopes of goldbearing sulfides and arsenopyrite were analyzed.Three types of fluid inclusions were identified:type Ⅰa three-phase inclusions comprising vapor and two phases of liquids(V_(CO_(2))+L_(CO_(2))+L_(H2O)),type Ⅰb two-phase liquids(L_(CO_(2))+L_(H2O)),typeⅡ two-phase vapor-rich inclusions(V/V+L> 50%),and type Ⅲ pure liquid inclusions.Type Ⅰ inclusions were heated uniformly to the liquid phase,type Ⅱ inclusions were heated uniformly to the gas phase,and type Ⅲ inclusions were heated without change.In general,the temperature range of homogenization to liquid phase of fluid inclusions in the Mibei gold deposit is 204-227℃.The salinity of the inclusion ranges from 4.6 to 12.2 wt% NaCl equiv.The δ~(18)O_(SMOW) of gold-bearing quartz varies from 16.9‰ to 17.5‰.The δ~(18)O_(H2O) of gold-bearing quartz are varied from 6.5‰ to 7.5‰.The δ~(34)S values of gold-bearing pyrite range from 1.7‰ to 6.8‰.The δ~(34)S values of gold-bearing arsenopy rite range from 5.6%o to 5.9‰.Theδ~(34)S values of pyrite from wall rocks slate range from 6.4‰ to 11.6‰.This evidence implies that the ore-forming fluids of the Mibei gold deposit originated from magmatic-hydrothermal processes,mixing with minor S from the surrounding metasediments.Combined with the evolution of the Jiangnan orogenic belt,due to the magmatic and tectonic activities of the Xuefengshan uplift during the Caledonian period,the fault seal mechanism controlled the ore-forming process.Overall,the Mibei gold deposit is more akin to a magmatic-hydrothermal gold deposit.
基金supported by Qinghai Provincial Association for Science and Technology Youth Science and Technology Talent Support Project(Grant No.2023QHSKXRCTJ47)Exploration Foundation of Qinghai Province(Grant No.2023085029ky004)。
文摘Introduction The East Kunlun Orogenic Belt is located in the northeastern part of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau(Li et al.,2007),stretching from the East Kunlun to the Elashan area in an east–west direction(Guo et al.,2018).It is an important part of the Central Orogenic Belt(Xiong et al.,2023).It is considered one of the important gold mineralization regions in the Tethys tectonic domain(Norbu et al.,2023)and an essential potential base for mineral resources in China.Wulonggou and Gouli gold mines have been discovered successively,earning the reputation of the"Golden Belt of Qinghai Province"(Feng et al.,2004;He et al.,2023).
基金Thisresearchprojectwasgrantedjointlybythe95’StateKeyScienceandTechnologyProjects(96 914 03 04),ResearchProjectsin95’KeyRegionsandZonessponsoredbytheoriginalNon ferrousMetalIndustry GeneralCompany(96 D 42),theStateKeyBasicResearch,Develop mentandPlanningProgram(G1999043208)andtheFoundationProjects ofYunnanProvincialEducationDepartment(0142104).
文摘On the basis of results of the studies of primary fluid inclusions, and the hydrogen and oxygen isotope data, the authors concluded that the early-stage ore-forming fluid from the Jinchangqing gold (copper) ore deposit is a kind of sulfate type hot brine characterized by medium temperature and salinity, genetically related to the late-stage ore-forming fluid derived from an acidic and more reductive environment. However, the late-stage ore-forming fluid is a sort of low temperature and low salinity chloride-type hot brine which originated from a lower pressure, acidic and more oxidative environment. In general, the ore fluids were derived from the late-stage, or largely from the early-stage groundwater-derived meteoric water, which has a 12‰-17‰ heavier oxygen isotopic composition than the original rain water (δ{}+{18}O={-15.3‰}), and were formed during gold mineralization as a product of oxygen isotope exchange during the reaction between ore-forming fluid and wall rocks under a lower water/rock ratio condition.
文摘Ali Javad porphyry copper-gold deposit is located in Arasbaran porphyry copper belt at northwestern Iran, some 20 km east of Sungun Mine. Porphyry mineralization at the Ali Javad deposit occurred in post-Oligocene quartz monzonite bodies which intruded in the Eocene volcanic rocks. Mineralization occurred as veins, veinlets and dissemination both as hypogene and supergene type. Several types of veinlets were distinguished during the study of the deposit. Fluid inclusion studies on fluids trapped in quartz which were taken from drill core samples indicated a wide range of homogenization temperature in the veinlets from 138°C to 565°C which their salinity demonstrated 33 - 61 wt% NaCl equivalent. Mineralizing fluids density at the deposit was 0.8 - 1.2 g/cm<sup>3</sup>. Fluid inclusion studies suggested that Ali Javad deposit is an Au-rich porphyry copper deposit;its fluid inclusion features were comparable with other porphyry deposits.
文摘The sediment-hosted copper deposits, according to the authors’ study, were formedfrom connate formation water during the post-sedimentary or diagenetic stage while the sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits are unanimously considered to be of post-sedirnentaryhydrothermal origin. Therefore, apart from their own individualities, these two types of deposits must share some characters in common. Comparisons are attempted, in this paper, between the sediment-hosted copper deposits in southwest China and the Triassic sedimenl-hosteddisseminated gold deposits in the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Triangle in terms of geological andgeochemical features.
文摘Shaxi porphyry Cu-Au deposit was one of the important discoveries of the exploration in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River in China in 1970s. Gold occurrence in the Shaxi porphyry copper-gold deposit (central (Anhui) province, eastern China) was investigated by means of microscope analyses, EPMA and PIXE. Combined with geological and mineralogical methods, the characteristics of occurrence of gold in the large scale sulfide mineralization in this region were fully investigated. The results show that gold distributes in both chalcopyrite and pyrite as submicroscopic inclusions (less than 1 μm) . Au is positively correlated with As, Fe, S, Cu, Zn and Ti. The condition of gold transformation in thermal fluid system controlling deposition of Au in the region is probably the oxidation potential of the red sedimentary rocks of shale and fine grain sandstone which may be crucial as a geochemical barrier to the reducing fluid. This study lays foundation for the further research and exploration of the porphyry copper-gold deposit both theoretically and practically in the lower reaches of Yangtze region.