We develop methods to extract key dark energy information from cosmic distance measurements including the BAO scales and supernova(SN) luminosity distances.Demonstrated using simulated data sets of the complete DESI,L...We develop methods to extract key dark energy information from cosmic distance measurements including the BAO scales and supernova(SN) luminosity distances.Demonstrated using simulated data sets of the complete DESI,LSST and Roman surveys designed for BAO and SN distance measurements,we show that using our method,the dynamical behavior of the energy,pressure,equation of state(with its time derivative) of dark energy and the cosmic deceleration function can all be accurately recovered from high-quality data,which allows for robust diagnostic tests for dark energy models.展开更多
Here, using the Scale-Symmetric Theory (SST) we explain the cosmological tension and the origin of the largest cosmic structures. We show that a change in value of strong coupling constant for cold baryonic matter lea...Here, using the Scale-Symmetric Theory (SST) we explain the cosmological tension and the origin of the largest cosmic structures. We show that a change in value of strong coupling constant for cold baryonic matter leads to the disagreement in the galaxy clustering amplitude, quantified by the parameter S8. Within the same model we described the Hubble tension. We described also the mechanism that transforms the gravitational collapse into an explosion—it concerns the dynamics of virtual fields that lead to dark energy. Our calculations concern the Type Ia supernovae and the core-collapse supernovae. We calculated the quantized masses of the progenitors of supernovae, emitted total energy during explosion, and we calculated how much of the released energy was transferred to neutrinos. Value of the speed of sound in the strongly interacting matter measured at the LHC confirms that presented here model is correct. Our calculations show that the Universe is cyclic.展开更多
Cosmologists have long ignored a stipulation by quantum field theorists that the vacuum pressure p corresponding to the zero-state vacuum energy must always be equal in magnitude to the vacuum energy density ρ...Cosmologists have long ignored a stipulation by quantum field theorists that the vacuum pressure p corresponding to the zero-state vacuum energy must always be equal in magnitude to the vacuum energy density ρ(i.e., p=ρ). Although general relativity stipulates the additional condition of proportionality between the vacuum gravitational field and (ρ+3p), the equation of state for the cosmic vacuum must fulfill both relativistic and quantum stipulations. This paper fully integrates Flat Space Cosmology (FSC) into the Friedmann equations containing a cosmological term, with interesting implications for the nature of dark energy, cosmic entropy and the entropic arrow of time. The FSC vacuum energy density is shown to be equal to the cosmic fluid bulk modulus at all times, thus meeting the quantum theory stipulation of (p=ρ). To date, FSC is the only viable dark energy cosmological model which has fully-integrated general relativity and quantum features.展开更多
Realistic FLRW cosmic coasting models which contain matter now appear to be a reasonable alternative in explaining the accumulated Supernova Cosmology Project data since 1998. In sharp contrast to the unrealistic orig...Realistic FLRW cosmic coasting models which contain matter now appear to be a reasonable alternative in explaining the accumulated Supernova Cosmology Project data since 1998. In sharp contrast to the unrealistic original classic Milne universe, which was entirely devoid of matter, these modified Milne-type models containing matter, often referred to as realistic linear Rh = ct models, have rapidly become the primary competition with standard cosmology. This paper compares the expected relative luminosity distances and relative angular diameter distances for given magnitudes of redshift within these two competing models. A simple ratio formula is derived, which explains how expected luminosity distances and angular diameter distances for given magnitudes of redshift within a realistic Milne-type cosmic expansion could create the illusion (for standard model proponents) of cosmic acceleration where none exists.展开更多
The purpose of this paper is to show how the dark matter predictions of FSC differ with respect to the standard cosmology assertion of a universal dark matter-to-visible matter ratio of approximately 5.3-to-1. FSC pre...The purpose of this paper is to show how the dark matter predictions of FSC differ with respect to the standard cosmology assertion of a universal dark matter-to-visible matter ratio of approximately 5.3-to-1. FSC predicts the correct ratio to be approximately 9-to-1, based primarily on the universal observations of global spatial flatness in the context of general relativity. The FSC Friedmann equations incorporating a Lambda?Λ?cosmological term clearly indicate that a spatially flat universe must have equality of the positive curvature (matter mass-energy) and negative curvature (dark energy) density components. Thus, FSC predicts that observations of the Milky Way and the nearly co-moving galaxies within 100 million light years will prove the 5.3-to-1 ratio to be incorrect. The most recent galactic and perigalactic observations indicate a range of dark matter-to-visible matter ratios varying from essentially zero (NGC 1052-DF2) to approximately 23-to-1 (Milky Way). The latter ratio is simply astonishing and promises an exciting next few years for astrophysicists and cosmologists. Within the next few years, the mining of huge data bases (especially the Gaia catalogue and Hubble data) will resolve whether standard cosmology will need to change its current claims for the cosmic energy density partition to be more in line with FSC, or whether FSC is falsified. A prediction is that standard cosmology must eventually realize the necessity of resolving the tension between their flatness observations and their assertion of dark energy dominance. The author makes the further prediction that FSC will soon become the new paradigm in cosmology.展开更多
The purpose of this paper is to introduce new theoretical concepts as opposed to accepting the existence of dark entities, such as dark energy. This research sought to introduce a 2<sup>nd</sup> universal ...The purpose of this paper is to introduce new theoretical concepts as opposed to accepting the existence of dark entities, such as dark energy. This research sought to introduce a 2<sup>nd</sup> universal space-time constant, besides having a finite speed constant (speed of light in vacuum c). A finite universal age constant b is introduced. Namely, this paper shows that the changes in the Earth’s anomalistic year duration over time support the hypothesis of the age of the universe correlating with a maximum number of orbital revolutions constant. Neglecting the gravitational influence of other cosmological entities in the proximity of the Earth, the constant maximum number of revolutions is herewith determined solely by the Earth’s orbital revolutions around the Sun. The value of the universal age constant b is calculated to be around 13.8 billion orbital revolutions, derived out of an equation related to the changes in the Earth’s anomalistic year duration over time and the so-called Hubble tension. The above-mentioned calculated value b correlates well with the best fit to measured data of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) by the Planck spacecraft, the age of the observed universe is measured to be approximately 13.787 ± 0.020 billion years (2018 final data release). Developing a theory with this 2<sup>nd</sup> universal space-time constant b, being covariant with respect to the Lorentz transformations when time spans are large, gives results such as: A confirmation of the measured CMBR value of 13.787 ± 0.020 billion years. Correlating well with the observed expansion rate of the universe (dark energy). The universe’s expansion accelerating over the last four to five billion years.展开更多
The nature and properties of dark matter and dark energy in the universe are among the outstanding open issues of modern cosmology. Despite extensive theoretical and empirical efforts, the question “what is dark matt...The nature and properties of dark matter and dark energy in the universe are among the outstanding open issues of modern cosmology. Despite extensive theoretical and empirical efforts, the question “what is dark matter made of?” has not been answered satisfactorily. Candidates proposed to identify particle dark matter span over ninety orders of magnitude in mass, from ultra-light bosons, to massive black holes. Dark energy is a greater enigma. It is believed to be some kind of negative vacuum energy, responsible for driving galaxies apart in accelerated motion. In this article we take a relativistic approach in theorizing about dark matter and dark energy. Our approach is based on our recently proposed Information Relativity theory. Rather than theorizing about the identities of particle dark matter candidates, we investigate the relativistic effects on large scale celestial structures at their recession from an observer on Earth. We analyze a simplified model of the universe, in which large scale celestial bodies, like galaxies and galaxy clusters, are non-charged compact bodies that recede rectilinearly along the line-of-sight of an observer on Earth. We neglect contributions to dark matter caused by the rotation of celestial structures (e.g., the rotation of galaxies) and of their constituents (e.g., rotations of stars inside galaxies). We define the mass of dark matter as the complimentary portion of the derived relativistic mass, such that at any given recession velocity the sum of the two is equal to the Newtonian mass. The emerging picture from our analysis could be summarized as follows: 1) At any given redshift, the dark matter of a receding body exists in duality to its observable matter. 2) The dynamical interaction between the dark and the observed matter is determined by the body’s recession velocity (or redshift). 3) The observable matter mass density decreases with its recession velocity, with matter transforming to dark matter. 4) For redshifts z 0.5 the universe is dominated by dark matter. 5) Consistent with observational data, at redshift z = 0.5, the densities of matter and dark matter in the universe are predicted to be equal. 6) At redshift equaling the Golden Ratio (z ≈ 1.618), baryonic matter undergoes a quantum phase transition. The universe at higher redshifts is comprised of a dominant dark matter alongside with quantum matter. 7) Contrary to the current conjecture that dark energy is a negative vacuum energy that might interact with dark matter, comparisons of our theoretical results with observational results of ΛCDM cosmologies, and with observations of the relative densities of matter and dark energy at redshift z ≈ 0.55, allow us to conclude that dark energy is the energy carried by dark matter. 8) Application of the model to the case of rotating bodies, which will be discussed in detail in a subsequent paper, raises the intriguing possibility that the gravitational force between two bodies of mass is mediated by the entanglement of their dark matter components.展开更多
There continues to be good reason to believe that dark matter particles,which only"feel"the gravitational force,influence the local and distant Universe,despite drawing a complete blank in the search for suc...There continues to be good reason to believe that dark matter particles,which only"feel"the gravitational force,influence the local and distant Universe,despite drawing a complete blank in the search for such a particle.The expansion rate of the Universe is defined by the Hubble constant h.Measurements of the Hubble constant at different wavelengths produce different results,differing well beyond their errors.Here it is shown that the two precise but different values for the Hubble constant can be used to derive the mass of a weakly interacting massive particle(WIMP).An approximate mass of 1022 eV is determined with indications of why,so far,it has not been found and what is required to get positive confirmation of its presence.This result also indicates that the Hubble constant is the sum of more than one contribution with suggestions for experimental tests to determine,more precisely,the level of these contributions.展开更多
A method of identifying positron/electron species from the cosmic rays was studied in the DArk Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE)experiment.As there is no onboard magnet on the satellite,the different features imposed by...A method of identifying positron/electron species from the cosmic rays was studied in the DArk Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE)experiment.As there is no onboard magnet on the satellite,the different features imposed by the geomagnetic field on these two species were exploited for the particle identification.Application of this method to the simulation of on-orbit electrons/positrons/protons and the real flight data proves that separately measuring the CR positrons/electrons with DAMPE is feasible,though limited by the field of view for the present observation data.Further analysis on the positron flux with this method can be expected in the future.展开更多
This paper integrates the Flat Space Cosmology (FSC) model into the Friedmann equations containing a cosmological term. The Lambda term within this model scales according to 3H2t/c2 and 3/R2t. Use of the Bekenstein-Ha...This paper integrates the Flat Space Cosmology (FSC) model into the Friedmann equations containing a cosmological term. The Lambda term within this model scales according to 3H2t/c2 and 3/R2t. Use of the Bekenstein-Hawking definition of closed gravitational system total entropy provides for FSC cosmic parameter definitions in terms of . Cosmic time, radius, total matter mass-energy and vacuum energy in this model scale in exactly the same way as . This analysis opens the way for understanding gravity, dark energy and dark matter as being deeply connected with cosmic entropy. The recent theoretical work of Roger Penrose and Erik Verlinde is discussed in this context. The results of this FSC model analysis dovetail nicely with Verlinde’s work suggesting gravity as being fundamentally an emergent property of cosmic entropy. This emergent-property-of-entropy definition of gravity, if true, would also indicate that gravitational inertia, dark matter and dark energy are simply manifestations of cosmic entropy. Thus, they would likely have no identifiable connection to quantum physics, including the standard particle model.展开更多
A commutative generalization of the U(1) gauge symmetry group is proposed. The two-parametric family of two-connected abelian Lie groups is obtained. The necessity of existence of so-called imaginary charges and elect...A commutative generalization of the U(1) gauge symmetry group is proposed. The two-parametric family of two-connected abelian Lie groups is obtained. The necessity of existence of so-called imaginary charges and electromagnetic fields with negative energy density (dark photons) is derived. The possibilities when the overall Lagrangian represents a sum or difference of two identical Lagrangians for the visible and hidden sectors (i.e. copies of unbroken U(1)) are ruled out by the extended symmetry. The distinction between the two types of fields resides in the fact that for one of them current and electromagnetic kinetic terms in Lagrangians are identical in sign, whereas for another type these terms are opposite in sign. As a consequence, and in contrast to the common case, like imaginary charges attract and unlike charges repel. Some cosmological issues of the proposed hypothesis are discussed. Particles carrying imaginary charges are proposed as one of the components of dark matter. Such a matter would be imaginarily charged on a large scale for the reason that dark atoms carry non-compensated charges. It leads to important predictions for matter distribution, interaction and other physical properties being different from what is observed in dominant dark matter component in the standard model. These effects of imaginary charges depend on their density and could be distinguished in future observations. Dark electromagnetic fields can play crucial dynamical role in the very early universe as they may dominate in the past and violate weak energy condition which provides physical grounds for bouncing cosmological scenarios pouring a light on the problem of origin of the expanding matter flow.展开更多
Following recent Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations of global spatial flatness, only two types of viable cosmological models remain: inflationary models which almost instantaneously attain cosmic flatness ...Following recent Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations of global spatial flatness, only two types of viable cosmological models remain: inflationary models which almost instantaneously attain cosmic flatness following the Big Bang;and non-inflationary models which are spatially flat from inception. Flat Space Cosmology (FSC) is the latter type of cosmological model by virtue of assumptions corresponding to the Hawking-Penrose conjecture that a universe expanding from a singularity could be modeled like a time-reversed black hole. Since current inflationary models have been criticized for their lack of falsifiability, the numerous falsifiable predictions and key features of the FSC model are herein contrasted with standard inflationary cosmology. For the reasons given, the FSC model is shown to be superior to standard cosmology in the following eleven categories: Predictions Pertaining to Primordial Gravity Waves;Cosmic Dawn Early Surprises;Predicting the Magnitude of CMB Temperature Anisotropy;Predicting the Value of Equation of State Term w;Predicting the Hubble Parameter Value;Quantifiable Entropy and the Entropic Arrow of Time;Clues to the Nature of Gravity, Dark Energy and Dark Matter;The Cosmological Constant Problem;Quantum Cosmology;Dark Matter and Dark Energy Quantitation;Requirements for New Physics.展开更多
This paper, in conjunction with recent Flat Space Cosmology (FSC) publications, provides theoretical support for cosmic time being an emergent property of cosmic entropy and temperature. Therefore, if Verlinde’s “em...This paper, in conjunction with recent Flat Space Cosmology (FSC) publications, provides theoretical support for cosmic time being an emergent property of cosmic entropy and temperature. Therefore, if Verlinde’s “emergent gravity” theory is correct, both time and gravity are most fundamentally emergent properties of cosmic thermodynamics. Since emergent properties within complex systems with a huge number of degrees of freedom are often not definable at the smallest scales, these results suggest that quantum time and quantum gravity may be no more definable than consciousness within two connecting neurons. String theorists now struggling to define quantum space-time and quantum gravity should bear this in mind.展开更多
This paper briefly discusses existing problems with the theory of general relativity despite remarkable accuracy in most of its applications. The primary focus is on existing problems in the field of cosmology, partic...This paper briefly discusses existing problems with the theory of general relativity despite remarkable accuracy in most of its applications. The primary focus is on existing problems in the field of cosmology, particularly those pertaining to expectations of global cosmic space-time curvature in the absence of observational proof. The discussion centers on Krogdahl’s recent Lorentz-invariant flat space-time cosmology and its superiority to general relativity with respect to accounting for global cosmic space-time flatness and dark energy observations. The “cosmological constant problem” is briefly addressed as a problem for general relativity with respect to particle physics and quantum field theory. Finally, two very specific validation predictions in favor of Krogdahl’s flat space-time cosmology are made with respect to ongoing studies, including the dark energy survey (DES).展开更多
We present a new model of cosmology which appears to show great promise. Our flat space cosmology model, using only four basic and reasonable assumptions, derives highly accurate Hubble parameter H0, Hubble radius R0 ...We present a new model of cosmology which appears to show great promise. Our flat space cosmology model, using only four basic and reasonable assumptions, derives highly accurate Hubble parameter H0, Hubble radius R0 and total mass M0 values for our observable universe. Our model derives a current Hubble parameter of , in excellent agreement with the newly reported (lower limit) results of the 2015 Planck Survey. Remarkably, all of these derivations can be made with only these basic assumptions and the current CMB radiation temperature . The thermodynamic equations we have generated follow Hawking’s black hole temperature formula. We have also derived a variety of other useful cosmological formulae. These include angular velocity and other rotational formulae. A particularly useful hyperbolic equation, , has been derived, which appears to be an excellent fit for the Planck scale as well as the current observable universe scale. Using the flat space Minkowski relativistic formula for Doppler effect, and a formula for staging our cosmological model according to its average mass-energy density at every Hubble time (universal age) in its expansion, a persuasive argument can be made that the observable phenomena attributed to dark energy are actually manifestations of Doppler and gravitational redshift. Finally, a theory of cosmic inflation becomes completely unnecessary because our flat space cosmology model is always at critical density.展开更多
The discrepancy between the observed and expected estimates from universal constants of mass-energy within the universe is in the order of a factor of ~10. Discrepancies between numerical solutions between the models ...The discrepancy between the observed and expected estimates from universal constants of mass-energy within the universe is in the order of a factor of ~10. Discrepancies between numerical solutions between the models of Dirac, Szydowski-Godlowski, and Friedman could be accommodated by the gnomonic solution of 0.44 for a square that displays both linearity and curvature (flare). This value is also reflected in dimensionless parameter A, the term for 4D-G (gravitational constant) transformation, and the optimal k in Friedman’s universe. One interpretation from G? (density), as-suming an effective average mass of 1 proton/m3 as a universal, one-particle force, is that dark solutions reflect the matter yet to occur in the open cold matter model of ~90 billion years.展开更多
We propose that the trapped antimatter in super massive black hole ergoregions acts as detonators that triggers black hole to white hole transitions creating huge BHs explosions that generate BH spray that acts as see...We propose that the trapped antimatter in super massive black hole ergoregions acts as detonators that triggers black hole to white hole transitions creating huge BHs explosions that generate BH spray that acts as seeds for new galaxies creation. We propose that by mapping and simulating the cosmic web structure, it may be possible to learn if the universe was created in a single big bang that started a single chain of BH explosions mini-creation event cycles, or alternatively, the BH explosions mini-creation event cycles are uncorrelated spacelike events, and the universe had no single primeval atom beginning. .展开更多
Theory and observations concerning the cosmic reionization epoch are briefly discussed in the context of recent observations attributed to dark matter. A case is made that cold ground state interstellar atomic hydroge...Theory and observations concerning the cosmic reionization epoch are briefly discussed in the context of recent observations attributed to dark matter. A case is made that cold ground state interstellar atomic hydrogen of average density of about one atom per cubic centimeter (1.67 × 10-21?kg·m-3?or 1.67 × 10-24?g·cm-3) appears to be the most likely candidate to explain these observations.展开更多
By transforming the geodesic equation of the Schwarzschild solution of the Einstein’s equation of gravity field to flat space-time for description, the revised Newtonian formula of gravity is obtained. The formula ca...By transforming the geodesic equation of the Schwarzschild solution of the Einstein’s equation of gravity field to flat space-time for description, the revised Newtonian formula of gravity is obtained. The formula can also describe the motion of object with mass in gravity field such as the perihelion precession of the Mercury. The space-time singularity in the Einstein’s theory of gravity becomes the original point r = 0 in the Newtonian formula of gravity. The singularity problem of gravity in curved space-time is eliminated thoroughly. When the formula is used to describe the expansive universe, the revised Friedmann equation of cosmology is obtained. Based on it, the high red-shift of Ia supernova can be explained well. We do not need the hypotheses of the universe accelerating expansion and dark energy again. It is also unnecessary for us to assume that non-baryon dark material is 5 - 6 times more than normal baryon material in the universe if they really exist. The problem of the universal age can also be solved well. The theory of gravity returns to the traditional form of dynamic description and becomes normal one. The revised equation can be taken as the foundation of more rational cosmology.展开更多
Detecting primordial fluctuations from the cosmic dark ages requires extremely large low-frequency radio telescope arrays deployed on the far side of the Moon.The antenna of such an array must be lightweight,easily st...Detecting primordial fluctuations from the cosmic dark ages requires extremely large low-frequency radio telescope arrays deployed on the far side of the Moon.The antenna of such an array must be lightweight,easily storable and transportable,deployable on a large scale,durable,and capable of good electrical performance.A membrane antenna is an excellent candidate to meet these criteria.We study the design of a low-frequency membrane antenna for a lunar-based low-frequency(<30 MHz)radio telescope constructed from polyimide film widely used in aerospace applications,owing to its excellent dielectric properties and high stability as a substrate material.We first design and optimize an antenna in free space through dipole deformation and coupling principles,then simulate an antenna on the lunar surface with a simple lunar soil model,yielding an efficiency greater than 90%in the range of 12-19 MHz and greater than 10%in the range of 5-35 MHz.The antenna inherits the omni-directional radiation pattern of a simple dipole antenna in the 5-30 MHz frequency band,giving a large field of view and allowing detection of the 21 cm global signal when used alone.A demonstration prototype is constructed,and its measured electrical property is found to be consistent with simulated results using|S11|measurements.This membrane antenna can potentially fulfill the requirements of a lunar low-frequency array,establishing a solid technical foundation for future large-scale arrays for exploring the cosmic dark ages.展开更多
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2023YFA1607800,2023YFA1607803)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC,Grant Nos.11925303 and11890691)+3 种基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC,Grant No.12203062)by a CAS Project for Young Scientists in Basic Research (No.YSBR-092)supported by science research grants from the China Manned Space Project with No.CMS-CSST-2021-B01supported by the New Cornerstone Science Foundation through the XPLORER prize。
文摘We develop methods to extract key dark energy information from cosmic distance measurements including the BAO scales and supernova(SN) luminosity distances.Demonstrated using simulated data sets of the complete DESI,LSST and Roman surveys designed for BAO and SN distance measurements,we show that using our method,the dynamical behavior of the energy,pressure,equation of state(with its time derivative) of dark energy and the cosmic deceleration function can all be accurately recovered from high-quality data,which allows for robust diagnostic tests for dark energy models.
文摘Here, using the Scale-Symmetric Theory (SST) we explain the cosmological tension and the origin of the largest cosmic structures. We show that a change in value of strong coupling constant for cold baryonic matter leads to the disagreement in the galaxy clustering amplitude, quantified by the parameter S8. Within the same model we described the Hubble tension. We described also the mechanism that transforms the gravitational collapse into an explosion—it concerns the dynamics of virtual fields that lead to dark energy. Our calculations concern the Type Ia supernovae and the core-collapse supernovae. We calculated the quantized masses of the progenitors of supernovae, emitted total energy during explosion, and we calculated how much of the released energy was transferred to neutrinos. Value of the speed of sound in the strongly interacting matter measured at the LHC confirms that presented here model is correct. Our calculations show that the Universe is cyclic.
文摘Cosmologists have long ignored a stipulation by quantum field theorists that the vacuum pressure p corresponding to the zero-state vacuum energy must always be equal in magnitude to the vacuum energy density ρ(i.e., p=ρ). Although general relativity stipulates the additional condition of proportionality between the vacuum gravitational field and (ρ+3p), the equation of state for the cosmic vacuum must fulfill both relativistic and quantum stipulations. This paper fully integrates Flat Space Cosmology (FSC) into the Friedmann equations containing a cosmological term, with interesting implications for the nature of dark energy, cosmic entropy and the entropic arrow of time. The FSC vacuum energy density is shown to be equal to the cosmic fluid bulk modulus at all times, thus meeting the quantum theory stipulation of (p=ρ). To date, FSC is the only viable dark energy cosmological model which has fully-integrated general relativity and quantum features.
文摘Realistic FLRW cosmic coasting models which contain matter now appear to be a reasonable alternative in explaining the accumulated Supernova Cosmology Project data since 1998. In sharp contrast to the unrealistic original classic Milne universe, which was entirely devoid of matter, these modified Milne-type models containing matter, often referred to as realistic linear Rh = ct models, have rapidly become the primary competition with standard cosmology. This paper compares the expected relative luminosity distances and relative angular diameter distances for given magnitudes of redshift within these two competing models. A simple ratio formula is derived, which explains how expected luminosity distances and angular diameter distances for given magnitudes of redshift within a realistic Milne-type cosmic expansion could create the illusion (for standard model proponents) of cosmic acceleration where none exists.
文摘The purpose of this paper is to show how the dark matter predictions of FSC differ with respect to the standard cosmology assertion of a universal dark matter-to-visible matter ratio of approximately 5.3-to-1. FSC predicts the correct ratio to be approximately 9-to-1, based primarily on the universal observations of global spatial flatness in the context of general relativity. The FSC Friedmann equations incorporating a Lambda?Λ?cosmological term clearly indicate that a spatially flat universe must have equality of the positive curvature (matter mass-energy) and negative curvature (dark energy) density components. Thus, FSC predicts that observations of the Milky Way and the nearly co-moving galaxies within 100 million light years will prove the 5.3-to-1 ratio to be incorrect. The most recent galactic and perigalactic observations indicate a range of dark matter-to-visible matter ratios varying from essentially zero (NGC 1052-DF2) to approximately 23-to-1 (Milky Way). The latter ratio is simply astonishing and promises an exciting next few years for astrophysicists and cosmologists. Within the next few years, the mining of huge data bases (especially the Gaia catalogue and Hubble data) will resolve whether standard cosmology will need to change its current claims for the cosmic energy density partition to be more in line with FSC, or whether FSC is falsified. A prediction is that standard cosmology must eventually realize the necessity of resolving the tension between their flatness observations and their assertion of dark energy dominance. The author makes the further prediction that FSC will soon become the new paradigm in cosmology.
文摘The purpose of this paper is to introduce new theoretical concepts as opposed to accepting the existence of dark entities, such as dark energy. This research sought to introduce a 2<sup>nd</sup> universal space-time constant, besides having a finite speed constant (speed of light in vacuum c). A finite universal age constant b is introduced. Namely, this paper shows that the changes in the Earth’s anomalistic year duration over time support the hypothesis of the age of the universe correlating with a maximum number of orbital revolutions constant. Neglecting the gravitational influence of other cosmological entities in the proximity of the Earth, the constant maximum number of revolutions is herewith determined solely by the Earth’s orbital revolutions around the Sun. The value of the universal age constant b is calculated to be around 13.8 billion orbital revolutions, derived out of an equation related to the changes in the Earth’s anomalistic year duration over time and the so-called Hubble tension. The above-mentioned calculated value b correlates well with the best fit to measured data of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) by the Planck spacecraft, the age of the observed universe is measured to be approximately 13.787 ± 0.020 billion years (2018 final data release). Developing a theory with this 2<sup>nd</sup> universal space-time constant b, being covariant with respect to the Lorentz transformations when time spans are large, gives results such as: A confirmation of the measured CMBR value of 13.787 ± 0.020 billion years. Correlating well with the observed expansion rate of the universe (dark energy). The universe’s expansion accelerating over the last four to five billion years.
文摘The nature and properties of dark matter and dark energy in the universe are among the outstanding open issues of modern cosmology. Despite extensive theoretical and empirical efforts, the question “what is dark matter made of?” has not been answered satisfactorily. Candidates proposed to identify particle dark matter span over ninety orders of magnitude in mass, from ultra-light bosons, to massive black holes. Dark energy is a greater enigma. It is believed to be some kind of negative vacuum energy, responsible for driving galaxies apart in accelerated motion. In this article we take a relativistic approach in theorizing about dark matter and dark energy. Our approach is based on our recently proposed Information Relativity theory. Rather than theorizing about the identities of particle dark matter candidates, we investigate the relativistic effects on large scale celestial structures at their recession from an observer on Earth. We analyze a simplified model of the universe, in which large scale celestial bodies, like galaxies and galaxy clusters, are non-charged compact bodies that recede rectilinearly along the line-of-sight of an observer on Earth. We neglect contributions to dark matter caused by the rotation of celestial structures (e.g., the rotation of galaxies) and of their constituents (e.g., rotations of stars inside galaxies). We define the mass of dark matter as the complimentary portion of the derived relativistic mass, such that at any given recession velocity the sum of the two is equal to the Newtonian mass. The emerging picture from our analysis could be summarized as follows: 1) At any given redshift, the dark matter of a receding body exists in duality to its observable matter. 2) The dynamical interaction between the dark and the observed matter is determined by the body’s recession velocity (or redshift). 3) The observable matter mass density decreases with its recession velocity, with matter transforming to dark matter. 4) For redshifts z 0.5 the universe is dominated by dark matter. 5) Consistent with observational data, at redshift z = 0.5, the densities of matter and dark matter in the universe are predicted to be equal. 6) At redshift equaling the Golden Ratio (z ≈ 1.618), baryonic matter undergoes a quantum phase transition. The universe at higher redshifts is comprised of a dominant dark matter alongside with quantum matter. 7) Contrary to the current conjecture that dark energy is a negative vacuum energy that might interact with dark matter, comparisons of our theoretical results with observational results of ΛCDM cosmologies, and with observations of the relative densities of matter and dark energy at redshift z ≈ 0.55, allow us to conclude that dark energy is the energy carried by dark matter. 8) Application of the model to the case of rotating bodies, which will be discussed in detail in a subsequent paper, raises the intriguing possibility that the gravitational force between two bodies of mass is mediated by the entanglement of their dark matter components.
基金the support given by the Fred Hoyle Cosmology Club。
文摘There continues to be good reason to believe that dark matter particles,which only"feel"the gravitational force,influence the local and distant Universe,despite drawing a complete blank in the search for such a particle.The expansion rate of the Universe is defined by the Hubble constant h.Measurements of the Hubble constant at different wavelengths produce different results,differing well beyond their errors.Here it is shown that the two precise but different values for the Hubble constant can be used to derive the mass of a weakly interacting massive particle(WIMP).An approximate mass of 1022 eV is determined with indications of why,so far,it has not been found and what is required to get positive confirmation of its presence.This result also indicates that the Hubble constant is the sum of more than one contribution with suggestions for experimental tests to determine,more precisely,the level of these contributions.
基金supported by the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of NSFC(Grant No.12022503)the Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.U1738208,U1738139,U1738135 and U1738207)+2 种基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11673021,11705197,11773085 and 11851302)the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2016YFA0400200)Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS(Grant No.2021450)。
文摘A method of identifying positron/electron species from the cosmic rays was studied in the DArk Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE)experiment.As there is no onboard magnet on the satellite,the different features imposed by the geomagnetic field on these two species were exploited for the particle identification.Application of this method to the simulation of on-orbit electrons/positrons/protons and the real flight data proves that separately measuring the CR positrons/electrons with DAMPE is feasible,though limited by the field of view for the present observation data.Further analysis on the positron flux with this method can be expected in the future.
文摘This paper integrates the Flat Space Cosmology (FSC) model into the Friedmann equations containing a cosmological term. The Lambda term within this model scales according to 3H2t/c2 and 3/R2t. Use of the Bekenstein-Hawking definition of closed gravitational system total entropy provides for FSC cosmic parameter definitions in terms of . Cosmic time, radius, total matter mass-energy and vacuum energy in this model scale in exactly the same way as . This analysis opens the way for understanding gravity, dark energy and dark matter as being deeply connected with cosmic entropy. The recent theoretical work of Roger Penrose and Erik Verlinde is discussed in this context. The results of this FSC model analysis dovetail nicely with Verlinde’s work suggesting gravity as being fundamentally an emergent property of cosmic entropy. This emergent-property-of-entropy definition of gravity, if true, would also indicate that gravitational inertia, dark matter and dark energy are simply manifestations of cosmic entropy. Thus, they would likely have no identifiable connection to quantum physics, including the standard particle model.
文摘A commutative generalization of the U(1) gauge symmetry group is proposed. The two-parametric family of two-connected abelian Lie groups is obtained. The necessity of existence of so-called imaginary charges and electromagnetic fields with negative energy density (dark photons) is derived. The possibilities when the overall Lagrangian represents a sum or difference of two identical Lagrangians for the visible and hidden sectors (i.e. copies of unbroken U(1)) are ruled out by the extended symmetry. The distinction between the two types of fields resides in the fact that for one of them current and electromagnetic kinetic terms in Lagrangians are identical in sign, whereas for another type these terms are opposite in sign. As a consequence, and in contrast to the common case, like imaginary charges attract and unlike charges repel. Some cosmological issues of the proposed hypothesis are discussed. Particles carrying imaginary charges are proposed as one of the components of dark matter. Such a matter would be imaginarily charged on a large scale for the reason that dark atoms carry non-compensated charges. It leads to important predictions for matter distribution, interaction and other physical properties being different from what is observed in dominant dark matter component in the standard model. These effects of imaginary charges depend on their density and could be distinguished in future observations. Dark electromagnetic fields can play crucial dynamical role in the very early universe as they may dominate in the past and violate weak energy condition which provides physical grounds for bouncing cosmological scenarios pouring a light on the problem of origin of the expanding matter flow.
文摘Following recent Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations of global spatial flatness, only two types of viable cosmological models remain: inflationary models which almost instantaneously attain cosmic flatness following the Big Bang;and non-inflationary models which are spatially flat from inception. Flat Space Cosmology (FSC) is the latter type of cosmological model by virtue of assumptions corresponding to the Hawking-Penrose conjecture that a universe expanding from a singularity could be modeled like a time-reversed black hole. Since current inflationary models have been criticized for their lack of falsifiability, the numerous falsifiable predictions and key features of the FSC model are herein contrasted with standard inflationary cosmology. For the reasons given, the FSC model is shown to be superior to standard cosmology in the following eleven categories: Predictions Pertaining to Primordial Gravity Waves;Cosmic Dawn Early Surprises;Predicting the Magnitude of CMB Temperature Anisotropy;Predicting the Value of Equation of State Term w;Predicting the Hubble Parameter Value;Quantifiable Entropy and the Entropic Arrow of Time;Clues to the Nature of Gravity, Dark Energy and Dark Matter;The Cosmological Constant Problem;Quantum Cosmology;Dark Matter and Dark Energy Quantitation;Requirements for New Physics.
文摘This paper, in conjunction with recent Flat Space Cosmology (FSC) publications, provides theoretical support for cosmic time being an emergent property of cosmic entropy and temperature. Therefore, if Verlinde’s “emergent gravity” theory is correct, both time and gravity are most fundamentally emergent properties of cosmic thermodynamics. Since emergent properties within complex systems with a huge number of degrees of freedom are often not definable at the smallest scales, these results suggest that quantum time and quantum gravity may be no more definable than consciousness within two connecting neurons. String theorists now struggling to define quantum space-time and quantum gravity should bear this in mind.
文摘This paper briefly discusses existing problems with the theory of general relativity despite remarkable accuracy in most of its applications. The primary focus is on existing problems in the field of cosmology, particularly those pertaining to expectations of global cosmic space-time curvature in the absence of observational proof. The discussion centers on Krogdahl’s recent Lorentz-invariant flat space-time cosmology and its superiority to general relativity with respect to accounting for global cosmic space-time flatness and dark energy observations. The “cosmological constant problem” is briefly addressed as a problem for general relativity with respect to particle physics and quantum field theory. Finally, two very specific validation predictions in favor of Krogdahl’s flat space-time cosmology are made with respect to ongoing studies, including the dark energy survey (DES).
文摘We present a new model of cosmology which appears to show great promise. Our flat space cosmology model, using only four basic and reasonable assumptions, derives highly accurate Hubble parameter H0, Hubble radius R0 and total mass M0 values for our observable universe. Our model derives a current Hubble parameter of , in excellent agreement with the newly reported (lower limit) results of the 2015 Planck Survey. Remarkably, all of these derivations can be made with only these basic assumptions and the current CMB radiation temperature . The thermodynamic equations we have generated follow Hawking’s black hole temperature formula. We have also derived a variety of other useful cosmological formulae. These include angular velocity and other rotational formulae. A particularly useful hyperbolic equation, , has been derived, which appears to be an excellent fit for the Planck scale as well as the current observable universe scale. Using the flat space Minkowski relativistic formula for Doppler effect, and a formula for staging our cosmological model according to its average mass-energy density at every Hubble time (universal age) in its expansion, a persuasive argument can be made that the observable phenomena attributed to dark energy are actually manifestations of Doppler and gravitational redshift. Finally, a theory of cosmic inflation becomes completely unnecessary because our flat space cosmology model is always at critical density.
文摘The discrepancy between the observed and expected estimates from universal constants of mass-energy within the universe is in the order of a factor of ~10. Discrepancies between numerical solutions between the models of Dirac, Szydowski-Godlowski, and Friedman could be accommodated by the gnomonic solution of 0.44 for a square that displays both linearity and curvature (flare). This value is also reflected in dimensionless parameter A, the term for 4D-G (gravitational constant) transformation, and the optimal k in Friedman’s universe. One interpretation from G? (density), as-suming an effective average mass of 1 proton/m3 as a universal, one-particle force, is that dark solutions reflect the matter yet to occur in the open cold matter model of ~90 billion years.
文摘We propose that the trapped antimatter in super massive black hole ergoregions acts as detonators that triggers black hole to white hole transitions creating huge BHs explosions that generate BH spray that acts as seeds for new galaxies creation. We propose that by mapping and simulating the cosmic web structure, it may be possible to learn if the universe was created in a single big bang that started a single chain of BH explosions mini-creation event cycles, or alternatively, the BH explosions mini-creation event cycles are uncorrelated spacelike events, and the universe had no single primeval atom beginning. .
文摘Theory and observations concerning the cosmic reionization epoch are briefly discussed in the context of recent observations attributed to dark matter. A case is made that cold ground state interstellar atomic hydrogen of average density of about one atom per cubic centimeter (1.67 × 10-21?kg·m-3?or 1.67 × 10-24?g·cm-3) appears to be the most likely candidate to explain these observations.
文摘By transforming the geodesic equation of the Schwarzschild solution of the Einstein’s equation of gravity field to flat space-time for description, the revised Newtonian formula of gravity is obtained. The formula can also describe the motion of object with mass in gravity field such as the perihelion precession of the Mercury. The space-time singularity in the Einstein’s theory of gravity becomes the original point r = 0 in the Newtonian formula of gravity. The singularity problem of gravity in curved space-time is eliminated thoroughly. When the formula is used to describe the expansive universe, the revised Friedmann equation of cosmology is obtained. Based on it, the high red-shift of Ia supernova can be explained well. We do not need the hypotheses of the universe accelerating expansion and dark energy again. It is also unnecessary for us to assume that non-baryon dark material is 5 - 6 times more than normal baryon material in the universe if they really exist. The problem of the universal age can also be solved well. The theory of gravity returns to the traditional form of dynamic description and becomes normal one. The revised equation can be taken as the foundation of more rational cosmology.
基金We acknowledge the support of the National SKA program of China(2022SKA0110100,2022SKA0110101)the Natural Science Foundation of China(12273070,12203061,1236114814,12303004).
文摘Detecting primordial fluctuations from the cosmic dark ages requires extremely large low-frequency radio telescope arrays deployed on the far side of the Moon.The antenna of such an array must be lightweight,easily storable and transportable,deployable on a large scale,durable,and capable of good electrical performance.A membrane antenna is an excellent candidate to meet these criteria.We study the design of a low-frequency membrane antenna for a lunar-based low-frequency(<30 MHz)radio telescope constructed from polyimide film widely used in aerospace applications,owing to its excellent dielectric properties and high stability as a substrate material.We first design and optimize an antenna in free space through dipole deformation and coupling principles,then simulate an antenna on the lunar surface with a simple lunar soil model,yielding an efficiency greater than 90%in the range of 12-19 MHz and greater than 10%in the range of 5-35 MHz.The antenna inherits the omni-directional radiation pattern of a simple dipole antenna in the 5-30 MHz frequency band,giving a large field of view and allowing detection of the 21 cm global signal when used alone.A demonstration prototype is constructed,and its measured electrical property is found to be consistent with simulated results using|S11|measurements.This membrane antenna can potentially fulfill the requirements of a lunar low-frequency array,establishing a solid technical foundation for future large-scale arrays for exploring the cosmic dark ages.