In this essay,I will analyse the characteristics of technical texts,the methods for translation based on the former stage of research,criteria for a better translation,and critiques in between.Also,the essay will expl...In this essay,I will analyse the characteristics of technical texts,the methods for translation based on the former stage of research,criteria for a better translation,and critiques in between.Also,the essay will explore the limitations of Peter Newmark's theory of technical translation and the whole aspect of translation.展开更多
Molecular microbiological methods, such as competetive PCR, real-time PCR, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and large-scale parallel-pyrosequencing, require the extraction of sufficient quantity of high ...Molecular microbiological methods, such as competetive PCR, real-time PCR, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and large-scale parallel-pyrosequencing, require the extraction of sufficient quantity of high quality DNA from microbiologically and chemically complex matrices. Due to difficulties in the field to standardize/select the optimum DNA preservation-extraction methods in view of laboratories differences, this article attempts to present a straight-forward mathematical framework for comparing some of the most commonly used methods. To this end, as a case study, the problem of selecting an optimum sample preservation-DNA extraction strategy for obtaining total bacterial DNA from swine feces was considered. Two sample preservation methods (liquid nitrogen and RNAlater?) and seven extraction techniques were paired and compared under six quantitative DNA analysis criteria: yield of extraction, purity of extracted DNA (A260/280 and A 260/230 ratios), duration of extraction, degradation degree of DNA, and cost. From a practical point of view, it is unlikely that a single sample preservation-DNA extraction strategy can be optimum for all selected criteria. Hence, a systematic multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach was used to compare the methods. As a result, the ZR Fecal DNA MiniPrepTM DNA extraction kit for samples preserved either with liquid nitrogen or RNAlater? were identified as potential optimum solutions for obtaining total bacterial DNA from swine feces. Considering the need for practicality for in situ applications, we would recommend liquid nitrogen as sample preservation method, along with the ZR Fecal DNA MiniPrepTM kit. Total bacterial DNA obtained by this strategy can be suitable for downstream PCR-based DNA analyses of swine feces.展开更多
This paper presents a multi-criteria evaluation methodology for nuclear fuel cycle options in terms of energy sustainability. Starting from the general sustainability concept and the public acceptance questionnaire, a...This paper presents a multi-criteria evaluation methodology for nuclear fuel cycle options in terms of energy sustainability. Starting from the general sustainability concept and the public acceptance questionnaire, a set of indicators reflecting specific criteria for the evaluation of nuclear fuel cycle options are defined. Particular attention is devoted to the resource utility efficiency, environmental effect, human health hazard and economic effect, which represent the different concerns of different stakeholders. This methodology also integrated a special mathematic processing approach, namely the Extentics Evaluation Method, which quantifies the human being subjective perception to provide the intuitionistic judgement and comparison for different options. The once-through option and reprocessing option of nuclear fuel cycle are examined by using the proposed methodology. The assessment process and result can give us some guidance in nuclear fuel cycle evaluation under the constraint of limited data.展开更多
A method of minimizing rankings inconsistency is proposed for a decision-making problem with rankings of alternatives given by multiple decision makers according to multiple criteria. For each criteria, at first, the ...A method of minimizing rankings inconsistency is proposed for a decision-making problem with rankings of alternatives given by multiple decision makers according to multiple criteria. For each criteria, at first, the total inconsistency between the rankings of all alternatives for the group and the ones for every decision maker is defined after the decision maker weights in respect to the criteria are considered. Similarly, the total inconsistency between their final rankings for the group and the ones under every criteria is determined after the criteria weights are taken into account. Then two nonlinear integer programming models minimizing respectively the two total inconsistencies above are developed and then transformed to two dynamic programming models to obtain separately the rankings of all alternatives for the group with respect to each criteria and their final rankings. A supplier selection case illustrated the proposed method, and some discussions on the results verified its effectiveness. This work develops a new measurement of ordinal preferences’ inconsistency in multi-criteria group decision-making (MCGDM) and extends the cook-seiford social selection function to MCGDM considering weights of criteria and decision makers and can obtain unique ranking result.展开更多
In this article, we are interested in solving a combinatorial optimization problem, the shortest path problem in a multi-attribute graph, by the out-ranking methods. A multi-attribute graph has simultaneously qualitat...In this article, we are interested in solving a combinatorial optimization problem, the shortest path problem in a multi-attribute graph, by the out-ranking methods. A multi-attribute graph has simultaneously qualitative and quantitative criteria. This situation gives rise to incomparable paths thus forming the Pareto front. Outranking methods in Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM) are the only methods that can take into account this situation (incomparability of actions). After presenting the categories of Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and the difficulties related to the problems of the shortest paths, we propose an evolutionary algorithm based on the outranking methods to solve the problem of finding “best” paths in a multi-attribute graph with non-additive criteria. Our approach is based on the exploration of induced subgraphs of the outranking graph. Properties have been established to serve as algorithmic basis. Numerical experiments have been carried out and the results presented in this article.展开更多
为了识别地铁站点与常规公交线路衔接换乘存在的换乘效率低等问题,提高城市公共交通系统运行效率和服务水平,促进城市公共交通可持续发展以及响应公众需求和监督,需要对地铁站点与常规公交衔接换乘进行全面系统评价.基于便利性、可靠性...为了识别地铁站点与常规公交线路衔接换乘存在的换乘效率低等问题,提高城市公共交通系统运行效率和服务水平,促进城市公共交通可持续发展以及响应公众需求和监督,需要对地铁站点与常规公交衔接换乘进行全面系统评价.基于便利性、可靠性、可达性、通畅性及舒适度等5个维度15个指标,建立地铁站点与常规公交的衔接换乘评价指标体系;选取CRITIC(criteria importance through inter-criteria correlation)方法对指标进行客观赋权,采用云模型生成基于基本算法的评价标准云和结果云,评价结果通过云的数字特征和云图直观展现,进而对识别出的问题和不足采取相应改进措施.以中国青岛市主城区45个地铁站点与常规公交衔接换乘为案例进行评价,结果表明,衔接换乘综合评价等级为“中等”,准则层(便利性、可靠性、可达性、通畅性和舒适度)的衔接换乘评价等级均为“中等”以上,基本符合青岛市主城区地铁站点与常规公交衔接换乘的特点,验证了评价模型的有效性和合理性.评价结果有助于优化公共交通资源配置,提高城市交通系统的整体运行效率,缓解城市交通拥堵.展开更多
Waterlogging strongly affects agronomic performance of maize (Zea mays L.). In order to investigate the suitable selection criteria of waterflooding tolerant genotypes, and identify the most susceptible stage and th...Waterlogging strongly affects agronomic performance of maize (Zea mays L.). In order to investigate the suitable selection criteria of waterflooding tolerant genotypes, and identify the most susceptible stage and the best continuous treatment time to waterlogging, 20 common maize inbred lines were subjected to successive artificial waterflooding at seedling stage, and waterlogging tolerance coefficient (WTC) was used to screen waterflooding tolerant genotypes. In addition, peroxidase (POD) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents were measured for 6 of 20 lines. The results showed that the second leaf stage (V2) was the most susceptible stage, and 6 d after waterflooding was the best continuous treatment time. Dry weight (DW) of both shoots and roots of all lines were significantly reduced at 6 d time-point of waterlogging, compared to control. POD activities and MDA contents were negatively and significantly correlated, and the correlation coefficient was -0.9686 (P 〈 0.0001). According to the results, WTC of shoot DW can be used for practical screening as a suitable index, which is significantly different from control and waterlogged plants happened 6 d earlier. Furthermore, leaf chlorosis, MDA content and POD activities could also be used as reference index for material screening. The implications of the results for waterlogging-tolerant material screening and waterlogging-tolerant breeding have been discussed in maize.展开更多
Mining method selection is the first and the most critical problem in mine design and depends on some parameters such as geotechnical and geological features and economic and geographic factors. In this paper, the fac...Mining method selection is the first and the most critical problem in mine design and depends on some parameters such as geotechnical and geological features and economic and geographic factors. In this paper, the factors affecting mining method selection are determined. These factors include shape, thick- ness, depth, slope, RMR and RSS of the orebody, RMR and RSS of the hanging wall and footwall. Then, the priorities of these factors are calculated. In order to calculate the priorities of factors and select the best mining method for Qapiliq salt mine, Iran, based on these priorities, fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique is used. For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared and was given to the associated experts. Finally, after a comparison carried out based on the effective factors, between the four mining methods including area mining, room and pillar, cut and fill and stope and pillar methods, the stope and nillar mining method was selected as the most suitable method to this mine.展开更多
This paper gives a tutorial on how to prove Lyapunov type criteria by optimal control methods. Firstly, we consider stability criteria on Hill’s equations with nonnegative potential. By optimal control methods develo...This paper gives a tutorial on how to prove Lyapunov type criteria by optimal control methods. Firstly, we consider stability criteria on Hill’s equations with nonnegative potential. By optimal control methods developed in 1990s, we obtain several stability criteria including Lyapunov’s criterion, Neǐgauz and Lidskiǐ’s criterion. Secondly, we present stability criteria on Hill’s equations with sign-changing potential in which Brog’s criterion and Krein’s criterion are included.展开更多
In view of the current and predictable energy shortage and environmental concerns, the exploitation of renewable energy sources offers great potential to meet increasing energy demands and to decrease depend- ence on ...In view of the current and predictable energy shortage and environmental concerns, the exploitation of renewable energy sources offers great potential to meet increasing energy demands and to decrease depend- ence on fossil fuels. However, introducing these sources will be more attractive provided they operate in conjunction with energy storage systems (ESS). Furthermore, effective energy storage management is essential to achieve a balance between power quality, efficiency, costs and environmental constraints. This paper presents a method based on the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy multi-rules and multi-sets. By exploiting a multiple criteria analysis, the proposed methods evaluate the operation of storage energy systems such as: pumped hydro and compressed air energy storage, H2, flywheel, super-capacitors and lithium-ion storage as well as NaS advanced batteries and VRB flow battery. The main objective of the study is to find the most appropriate ESS consistent with a power quality priority. Several parameters are used for the investigation: efficiency, load management, technical maturity, costs, environmental impact and power quality.展开更多
Considering that there are some limitations in analyzing the anti-sliding seismic stability of dam-foundation systems with the traditional pseudo-static method and response spectrum method, the dynamic strength reduct...Considering that there are some limitations in analyzing the anti-sliding seismic stability of dam-foundation systems with the traditional pseudo-static method and response spectrum method, the dynamic strength reduction method was used to study the deep anti-sliding stability of a high gravity dam with a complex dam foundation in response to strong earthquake-induced ground action. Based on static anti-sliding stability analysis of the dam foundation undertaken by decreasing the shear strength parameters of the rock mass in equal proportion, the seismic time history analysis was carried out. The proposed instability criterion for the dynamic strength reduction method was that the peak values of dynamic displacements and plastic strain energy change suddenly with the increase of the strength reduction factor. The elasto-plastic behavior of the dam foundation was idealized using the Drucker-Prager yield criterion based on the associated flow rule assumption. The result of elasto-plastic time history analysis of an overflow dam monolith based on the dynamic strength reduction method was compared with that of the dynamic linear elastic analysis, and the reliability of elasto-plastic time history analysis was confirmed. The results also show that the safety factors of the dam-foundation system in the static and dynamic cases are 3.25 and 3.0, respectively, and that the F2 fault has a significant influence on the anti-sliding stability of the high gravity dam. It is also concluded that the proposed instability criterion for the dynamic strength reduction method is feasible.展开更多
Rapid changes in land-use in the Combretum–Terminalia woodlands of northwestern Ethiopia are mainly due to the increases in commercial farming and immigration.We used integrated ecological and social data collection ...Rapid changes in land-use in the Combretum–Terminalia woodlands of northwestern Ethiopia are mainly due to the increases in commercial farming and immigration.We used integrated ecological and social data collection techniques,including subdivision of the vegetation zone,vegetation survey,focus group discussions and key informant interviews,to identify genecological zones and set criteria for selection of viable populations of Boswellia papyrifera(Del.)Hochst in Ethiopia for conservation.Interviews of senior experts were supported with a rating method and involved 43 respondents and focused on identifying and weighting criteria and indicators of selection in a participatory way to prioritize populations for conservation.Using mean annual rainfall data,we reclassified the Combretum–Terminalia woodland vegetation region into three moisture zones(wet,moist and dry),and designated them as genecological zones for B.papyrifera conservation.A total of 35 woody species were identified at Lemlem Terara site in Metema district,and the Shannon diversity index and evenness were 2.01 and of 0.62,respectively.There were 405 adult trees,and 10 saplings and3314 seedlings per ha.The trees were medium-sized with overall mean diameter at breast height(dbh) of 16.9(±9.5)cm.Seedling recruitment was poor due to grazing,crop production and fire incidences.Through a multi-criteria decision analysis,five criteria and 20 quantitative indicators were identified and weighted to prioritize populations for conservation.These criteria in their descending order of importance are(1) forest ecosystem health and vitality,(2)forest cover and population structure of B.papyrifera,(3)productive function of the forest,(4) biological diversity in the forest,and(5) socioeconomic benefits of the forest to communities.Multivariate tests in the general linear model revealed significant differences among researchers and nonresearchers in rating the criteria and indicators,but not among foresters and nonforesters.Hence,participatory multi-criteria decision analysis should involve people from various institutions to rectify decisions on conservation of the species.Careful evaluation of the investment policy environment and engaging those government bodies that are responsible to allocate the dry forests for commercial farming is recommended before the proposed criteria are applied to select populations for conservation,thus ensuring subsequent use of the outcomes of such exercises and better reconciling conservation and agricultural production increment goals.展开更多
Selecting a contractor for construction project is a difficult decision to be taken by a client because it may lead to construction delivery problems or successful delivery of the project. This study, therefore, inves...Selecting a contractor for construction project is a difficult decision to be taken by a client because it may lead to construction delivery problems or successful delivery of the project. This study, therefore, investigated the contractor selection criteria in the Ghanaian construction industry, considering the benefits and challenges. A quantitative research method was adopted in this study through the use of a questionnaire. The target population for the study consisted of registered contractors and consultants in the Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo regions of Ghana. It was found that though the construction professionals are well vested with the prequalification selection criteria that are being used within the Ghanaian construction industry, they were not familiar with multi-criterial section methods. It was also found that the benefits of the contractor selection criteria include: enabling the client to select contractors who are performers for the project, saving the project owner a lot of time, minimizing the possibility of contractor default, and facilitating the achievement of project success and the objectives within the scheduled time. Furthermore, excessive cost and time overrun, poor quality standard, imprecise assessments due to lack of information, criteria being very complex and difficult to apply in practice, among others were identified as the challenges to the contractor selection criteria in Ghanaian construction industry. The study recommends for further studies to determine the impact of the identified challenges on construction projects, and ways to minimize the challenges.展开更多
One of the most critical and complicated steps in mine design is a selection of suitable mining method based upon geological,geotechnical,geographical,safety and economical parameters.The aim of this study is developi...One of the most critical and complicated steps in mine design is a selection of suitable mining method based upon geological,geotechnical,geographical,safety and economical parameters.The aim of this study is developing a Monte Carlo simulation to selection the optimum mining method by using effective and major criteria and at the same time,taking subjective judgments of decision makers into consideration.Proposed approach is based on the combination of Monte Carlo simulation with conventional Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP).Monte Carlo simulation is used to determine the confdence level of each alternative’s score,is calculated by AHP,with the respect to the variance of decision makers’opinion.The proposed method is applied for Jajarm Bauxite Mine in Iran and eventually the most appropriate mining methods for this mine are ranked.展开更多
文摘In this essay,I will analyse the characteristics of technical texts,the methods for translation based on the former stage of research,criteria for a better translation,and critiques in between.Also,the essay will explore the limitations of Peter Newmark's theory of technical translation and the whole aspect of translation.
文摘Molecular microbiological methods, such as competetive PCR, real-time PCR, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and large-scale parallel-pyrosequencing, require the extraction of sufficient quantity of high quality DNA from microbiologically and chemically complex matrices. Due to difficulties in the field to standardize/select the optimum DNA preservation-extraction methods in view of laboratories differences, this article attempts to present a straight-forward mathematical framework for comparing some of the most commonly used methods. To this end, as a case study, the problem of selecting an optimum sample preservation-DNA extraction strategy for obtaining total bacterial DNA from swine feces was considered. Two sample preservation methods (liquid nitrogen and RNAlater?) and seven extraction techniques were paired and compared under six quantitative DNA analysis criteria: yield of extraction, purity of extracted DNA (A260/280 and A 260/230 ratios), duration of extraction, degradation degree of DNA, and cost. From a practical point of view, it is unlikely that a single sample preservation-DNA extraction strategy can be optimum for all selected criteria. Hence, a systematic multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach was used to compare the methods. As a result, the ZR Fecal DNA MiniPrepTM DNA extraction kit for samples preserved either with liquid nitrogen or RNAlater? were identified as potential optimum solutions for obtaining total bacterial DNA from swine feces. Considering the need for practicality for in situ applications, we would recommend liquid nitrogen as sample preservation method, along with the ZR Fecal DNA MiniPrepTM kit. Total bacterial DNA obtained by this strategy can be suitable for downstream PCR-based DNA analyses of swine feces.
文摘This paper presents a multi-criteria evaluation methodology for nuclear fuel cycle options in terms of energy sustainability. Starting from the general sustainability concept and the public acceptance questionnaire, a set of indicators reflecting specific criteria for the evaluation of nuclear fuel cycle options are defined. Particular attention is devoted to the resource utility efficiency, environmental effect, human health hazard and economic effect, which represent the different concerns of different stakeholders. This methodology also integrated a special mathematic processing approach, namely the Extentics Evaluation Method, which quantifies the human being subjective perception to provide the intuitionistic judgement and comparison for different options. The once-through option and reprocessing option of nuclear fuel cycle are examined by using the proposed methodology. The assessment process and result can give us some guidance in nuclear fuel cycle evaluation under the constraint of limited data.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (60904059 60975049)+1 种基金the Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Hunan Province (2010YBA104)the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program)(2009AA04Z107)
文摘A method of minimizing rankings inconsistency is proposed for a decision-making problem with rankings of alternatives given by multiple decision makers according to multiple criteria. For each criteria, at first, the total inconsistency between the rankings of all alternatives for the group and the ones for every decision maker is defined after the decision maker weights in respect to the criteria are considered. Similarly, the total inconsistency between their final rankings for the group and the ones under every criteria is determined after the criteria weights are taken into account. Then two nonlinear integer programming models minimizing respectively the two total inconsistencies above are developed and then transformed to two dynamic programming models to obtain separately the rankings of all alternatives for the group with respect to each criteria and their final rankings. A supplier selection case illustrated the proposed method, and some discussions on the results verified its effectiveness. This work develops a new measurement of ordinal preferences’ inconsistency in multi-criteria group decision-making (MCGDM) and extends the cook-seiford social selection function to MCGDM considering weights of criteria and decision makers and can obtain unique ranking result.
文摘In this article, we are interested in solving a combinatorial optimization problem, the shortest path problem in a multi-attribute graph, by the out-ranking methods. A multi-attribute graph has simultaneously qualitative and quantitative criteria. This situation gives rise to incomparable paths thus forming the Pareto front. Outranking methods in Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM) are the only methods that can take into account this situation (incomparability of actions). After presenting the categories of Multi-criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and the difficulties related to the problems of the shortest paths, we propose an evolutionary algorithm based on the outranking methods to solve the problem of finding “best” paths in a multi-attribute graph with non-additive criteria. Our approach is based on the exploration of induced subgraphs of the outranking graph. Properties have been established to serve as algorithmic basis. Numerical experiments have been carried out and the results presented in this article.
文摘为了识别地铁站点与常规公交线路衔接换乘存在的换乘效率低等问题,提高城市公共交通系统运行效率和服务水平,促进城市公共交通可持续发展以及响应公众需求和监督,需要对地铁站点与常规公交衔接换乘进行全面系统评价.基于便利性、可靠性、可达性、通畅性及舒适度等5个维度15个指标,建立地铁站点与常规公交的衔接换乘评价指标体系;选取CRITIC(criteria importance through inter-criteria correlation)方法对指标进行客观赋权,采用云模型生成基于基本算法的评价标准云和结果云,评价结果通过云的数字特征和云图直观展现,进而对识别出的问题和不足采取相应改进措施.以中国青岛市主城区45个地铁站点与常规公交衔接换乘为案例进行评价,结果表明,衔接换乘综合评价等级为“中等”,准则层(便利性、可靠性、可达性、通畅性和舒适度)的衔接换乘评价等级均为“中等”以上,基本符合青岛市主城区地铁站点与常规公交衔接换乘的特点,验证了评价模型的有效性和合理性.评价结果有助于优化公共交通资源配置,提高城市交通系统的整体运行效率,缓解城市交通拥堵.
基金supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, China (2008CDB079)the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program,2006AA100103)
文摘Waterlogging strongly affects agronomic performance of maize (Zea mays L.). In order to investigate the suitable selection criteria of waterflooding tolerant genotypes, and identify the most susceptible stage and the best continuous treatment time to waterlogging, 20 common maize inbred lines were subjected to successive artificial waterflooding at seedling stage, and waterlogging tolerance coefficient (WTC) was used to screen waterflooding tolerant genotypes. In addition, peroxidase (POD) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents were measured for 6 of 20 lines. The results showed that the second leaf stage (V2) was the most susceptible stage, and 6 d after waterflooding was the best continuous treatment time. Dry weight (DW) of both shoots and roots of all lines were significantly reduced at 6 d time-point of waterlogging, compared to control. POD activities and MDA contents were negatively and significantly correlated, and the correlation coefficient was -0.9686 (P 〈 0.0001). According to the results, WTC of shoot DW can be used for practical screening as a suitable index, which is significantly different from control and waterlogged plants happened 6 d earlier. Furthermore, leaf chlorosis, MDA content and POD activities could also be used as reference index for material screening. The implications of the results for waterlogging-tolerant material screening and waterlogging-tolerant breeding have been discussed in maize.
文摘Mining method selection is the first and the most critical problem in mine design and depends on some parameters such as geotechnical and geological features and economic and geographic factors. In this paper, the factors affecting mining method selection are determined. These factors include shape, thick- ness, depth, slope, RMR and RSS of the orebody, RMR and RSS of the hanging wall and footwall. Then, the priorities of these factors are calculated. In order to calculate the priorities of factors and select the best mining method for Qapiliq salt mine, Iran, based on these priorities, fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique is used. For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared and was given to the associated experts. Finally, after a comparison carried out based on the effective factors, between the four mining methods including area mining, room and pillar, cut and fill and stope and pillar methods, the stope and nillar mining method was selected as the most suitable method to this mine.
基金supported by NSFC(11401089,11671071)the Scientific Technological Project of Jilin Province’s Education Department in Thirteenth Five-Year(JJKH20170535KJ)+1 种基金supported by NSFC(11571065)the National Basic Research Program of China(2013CB834102)
文摘This paper gives a tutorial on how to prove Lyapunov type criteria by optimal control methods. Firstly, we consider stability criteria on Hill’s equations with nonnegative potential. By optimal control methods developed in 1990s, we obtain several stability criteria including Lyapunov’s criterion, Neǐgauz and Lidskiǐ’s criterion. Secondly, we present stability criteria on Hill’s equations with sign-changing potential in which Brog’s criterion and Krein’s criterion are included.
文摘In view of the current and predictable energy shortage and environmental concerns, the exploitation of renewable energy sources offers great potential to meet increasing energy demands and to decrease depend- ence on fossil fuels. However, introducing these sources will be more attractive provided they operate in conjunction with energy storage systems (ESS). Furthermore, effective energy storage management is essential to achieve a balance between power quality, efficiency, costs and environmental constraints. This paper presents a method based on the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy multi-rules and multi-sets. By exploiting a multiple criteria analysis, the proposed methods evaluate the operation of storage energy systems such as: pumped hydro and compressed air energy storage, H2, flywheel, super-capacitors and lithium-ion storage as well as NaS advanced batteries and VRB flow battery. The main objective of the study is to find the most appropriate ESS consistent with a power quality priority. Several parameters are used for the investigation: efficiency, load management, technical maturity, costs, environmental impact and power quality.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program,Grant No.2007CB714104)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50779011)the Innovative Project for Graduate Students of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. CX09B_155Z)
文摘Considering that there are some limitations in analyzing the anti-sliding seismic stability of dam-foundation systems with the traditional pseudo-static method and response spectrum method, the dynamic strength reduction method was used to study the deep anti-sliding stability of a high gravity dam with a complex dam foundation in response to strong earthquake-induced ground action. Based on static anti-sliding stability analysis of the dam foundation undertaken by decreasing the shear strength parameters of the rock mass in equal proportion, the seismic time history analysis was carried out. The proposed instability criterion for the dynamic strength reduction method was that the peak values of dynamic displacements and plastic strain energy change suddenly with the increase of the strength reduction factor. The elasto-plastic behavior of the dam foundation was idealized using the Drucker-Prager yield criterion based on the associated flow rule assumption. The result of elasto-plastic time history analysis of an overflow dam monolith based on the dynamic strength reduction method was compared with that of the dynamic linear elastic analysis, and the reliability of elasto-plastic time history analysis was confirmed. The results also show that the safety factors of the dam-foundation system in the static and dynamic cases are 3.25 and 3.0, respectively, and that the F2 fault has a significant influence on the anti-sliding stability of the high gravity dam. It is also concluded that the proposed instability criterion for the dynamic strength reduction method is feasible.
基金financed by CIFOR through its Community Forestry Project in Ethiopia funded by the Austrian Development Agency(Project No.2008/03)
文摘Rapid changes in land-use in the Combretum–Terminalia woodlands of northwestern Ethiopia are mainly due to the increases in commercial farming and immigration.We used integrated ecological and social data collection techniques,including subdivision of the vegetation zone,vegetation survey,focus group discussions and key informant interviews,to identify genecological zones and set criteria for selection of viable populations of Boswellia papyrifera(Del.)Hochst in Ethiopia for conservation.Interviews of senior experts were supported with a rating method and involved 43 respondents and focused on identifying and weighting criteria and indicators of selection in a participatory way to prioritize populations for conservation.Using mean annual rainfall data,we reclassified the Combretum–Terminalia woodland vegetation region into three moisture zones(wet,moist and dry),and designated them as genecological zones for B.papyrifera conservation.A total of 35 woody species were identified at Lemlem Terara site in Metema district,and the Shannon diversity index and evenness were 2.01 and of 0.62,respectively.There were 405 adult trees,and 10 saplings and3314 seedlings per ha.The trees were medium-sized with overall mean diameter at breast height(dbh) of 16.9(±9.5)cm.Seedling recruitment was poor due to grazing,crop production and fire incidences.Through a multi-criteria decision analysis,five criteria and 20 quantitative indicators were identified and weighted to prioritize populations for conservation.These criteria in their descending order of importance are(1) forest ecosystem health and vitality,(2)forest cover and population structure of B.papyrifera,(3)productive function of the forest,(4) biological diversity in the forest,and(5) socioeconomic benefits of the forest to communities.Multivariate tests in the general linear model revealed significant differences among researchers and nonresearchers in rating the criteria and indicators,but not among foresters and nonforesters.Hence,participatory multi-criteria decision analysis should involve people from various institutions to rectify decisions on conservation of the species.Careful evaluation of the investment policy environment and engaging those government bodies that are responsible to allocate the dry forests for commercial farming is recommended before the proposed criteria are applied to select populations for conservation,thus ensuring subsequent use of the outcomes of such exercises and better reconciling conservation and agricultural production increment goals.
文摘Selecting a contractor for construction project is a difficult decision to be taken by a client because it may lead to construction delivery problems or successful delivery of the project. This study, therefore, investigated the contractor selection criteria in the Ghanaian construction industry, considering the benefits and challenges. A quantitative research method was adopted in this study through the use of a questionnaire. The target population for the study consisted of registered contractors and consultants in the Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo regions of Ghana. It was found that though the construction professionals are well vested with the prequalification selection criteria that are being used within the Ghanaian construction industry, they were not familiar with multi-criterial section methods. It was also found that the benefits of the contractor selection criteria include: enabling the client to select contractors who are performers for the project, saving the project owner a lot of time, minimizing the possibility of contractor default, and facilitating the achievement of project success and the objectives within the scheduled time. Furthermore, excessive cost and time overrun, poor quality standard, imprecise assessments due to lack of information, criteria being very complex and difficult to apply in practice, among others were identified as the challenges to the contractor selection criteria in Ghanaian construction industry. The study recommends for further studies to determine the impact of the identified challenges on construction projects, and ways to minimize the challenges.
文摘One of the most critical and complicated steps in mine design is a selection of suitable mining method based upon geological,geotechnical,geographical,safety and economical parameters.The aim of this study is developing a Monte Carlo simulation to selection the optimum mining method by using effective and major criteria and at the same time,taking subjective judgments of decision makers into consideration.Proposed approach is based on the combination of Monte Carlo simulation with conventional Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP).Monte Carlo simulation is used to determine the confdence level of each alternative’s score,is calculated by AHP,with the respect to the variance of decision makers’opinion.The proposed method is applied for Jajarm Bauxite Mine in Iran and eventually the most appropriate mining methods for this mine are ranked.