The dynamics of the weeds in the areas of crop-livestock integration is constantly changing depending on the various uses of the area. This study identified and quantified the floristic composition of weeds in areas o...The dynamics of the weeds in the areas of crop-livestock integration is constantly changing depending on the various uses of the area. This study identified and quantified the floristic composition of weeds in areas of integration of maize for silage with Urochloa ruziziensis cv. Common at different densities of grass (0, 4 and 10 kg·ha-1) to grazing of beef cattle. The experimental design was completely randomized. A square of side0.5 m(0.25 m2area) was launched 24 times in each study area. The survey was conducted at the grain filling stage of maize. The specie contained in each frame were identified and counted. The phytosociological survey identified 9 families of weeds in areas assessed, with 7 families in every area of integrated cultivation maize with Urochloa ruziziensis at densities of 10 kg·ha-1 and 4 kg·ha-1 and 8 families in the area of maize cultivated alone. The Asteraceae family was the most represented in number of species. Sida spp (Malvaceae) showed greater potential to cause damage to maize. Urochloa ruziziensis at planting density of 10 kg·ha-1 provided greater competition with weeds in the integration with maize.展开更多
Ethiopia is among the poorest countries in which poverty, land and resource degradation appear to feed off each other. The irony is that Ethiopia is a country with high biodiversity and distinctive ecosystems and the ...Ethiopia is among the poorest countries in which poverty, land and resource degradation appear to feed off each other. The irony is that Ethiopia is a country with high biodiversity and distinctive ecosystems and the natural resource base is critical to the economy and the livelihood of a high percentage of the population. Being the owner of varying agro ecology, the country’s agricultural production system had practiced for decades with a maximum potential. However, because of the presence of interrelated problems, the productivity had not sustained as its potential. From the interrelated problems, land degradation takes the first and challengeable problem in many countries. Land degradation refers to a temporary or permanent decline in the productive capacity of the land, or its potential for environmental management as a result;the long-term biological and environmental potential of the land has been compromised. Land degradation in the Ethiopian highlands (i.e. areas above 1500 m.a.s.l.) has been a concern for many years and is a great threat for the future that requires great effort and resources to ameliorate. It had adverse effect on lowering of livestock production by shrinking grazing land, the fertile soil types were washed and the grazing land was dominantly covered by unpalatable pastures and grasses which had low nutritive value and fertility for crop-livestock production system. In other cases, degradation induces farmers to convert land to lower-value uses;for instance, cropland converted to grazing land, or grazing lands converted to shrubs or forests. Equitable and secure access to land is a critical factor for the rural poor, especially livestock owners, who depend on agriculture and animal-related activities for their livelihood. Having secure access to land for agriculture and pastoral activities reduces their vulnerability and enhances their opportunities to invest in land for agriculture and livestock activities. Historical patterns of feudal ownership of land followed by government ownership and despite policy change uncertain status of land ownership. These land distribution and ownership patterns coupled with continuous fragmentations and degradation disrupt the balance between crop, livestock, and forest production. These things nowadays enforce Ethiopian farmers to put more land into crop production than working on livestock sector. Livelihoods are complex, dependent on animal and crop production based on land and water resources, with emerging market opportunities. And from year to year, the size of farms is getting minimized because of land degradation and segmentations, and these make a change in farm size dynamics and farming shift. Currently, there is a great scenario towards the land policy pattern and agricultural production system, which is the backbone of the country’s economy. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to review the effect of land degradation on farm size dynamics and crop-livestock production since the impact of these things is not well measured.展开更多
在保障粮食安全的前提下,东北黑土区作物和畜牧生产的耦合促进了农业绿色发展。本研究选择位于东北黑土区的吉林省农安县为研究区域,以农牧系统为研究边界,通过实地调研、统计数据和文献,结合食物链养分流动模型(NUFER:NUtrient flows i...在保障粮食安全的前提下,东北黑土区作物和畜牧生产的耦合促进了农业绿色发展。本研究选择位于东北黑土区的吉林省农安县为研究区域,以农牧系统为研究边界,通过实地调研、统计数据和文献,结合食物链养分流动模型(NUFER:NUtrient flows in Food chains,Environment and Resources use)定量分析1990—2020年农牧系统氮磷养分流动、利用效率和环境损失,探究气候和社会经济因素对氮磷排放的驱动作用,并设置平衡施肥(减少化肥施用)和有机肥替代(提升有机物料替代)两种情景评估该县减排潜力。结果表明,相对于1990年,2020年农安县农牧体系氮磷输入量分别下降45%和23%,其中化肥施用是最大的输入项。作物和农牧系统养分利用率波动增加,而畜禽系统养分利用率下降并逐渐趋于稳定。农牧体系氮磷损失量较1990年分别减少41%和增加29%。农田氨挥发、径流侵蚀和畜禽粪便直排为主要排放途径。通过平衡施肥和有机替代,土壤氮磷积累处于较低水平,至2030年农安县化学氮肥有80%的减施潜力,化学磷肥有85%的减施潜力,且氮磷养分环境排放均减少67%,作物和农牧系统养分利用率均增长50%以上。综上,农安县农牧体系未来可通过增加秸秆和粪便还田量提升化肥减施潜力。东北黑土区应继续深化化肥零增长政策,推行有机废弃物资源化利用,实现农牧系统协同优化发展。展开更多
【目的】研究云南省农牧生产系统的氮素流动途径并评价其环境效应,提高农牧业氮素利用率,改善农业生态环境,为制定符合云南省农业发展规律的政策提供科学依据,实现社会经济生态的可持续发展。【方法】通过运用食物链养分流动模型(nutrie...【目的】研究云南省农牧生产系统的氮素流动途径并评价其环境效应,提高农牧业氮素利用率,改善农业生态环境,为制定符合云南省农业发展规律的政策提供科学依据,实现社会经济生态的可持续发展。【方法】通过运用食物链养分流动模型(nutrient flows in food chains,environment and resources use,NUFER),从时间序列的角度分析1995—2014年云南省农牧业氮素养分流动时间分异特征,结合GIS,从空间格局角度分析2014年云南省16个地州农牧业氮素养分流动空间分布特征。【结果】1995—2014年云南省农牧系统氮素投入量逐年递增,从1995年的2.1×106 t增至2014年的3.5×10~6 t。氮肥的施用和饲料进口是造成农牧系统氮素投入量增加的主要原因。农田主产品吸氮量与动物生产系统主产品吸氮量在时间上呈现同向增长的关系,农产品吸氮量1995—2014年间上涨2.1倍,动物生产系统主产品吸氮量上涨8.5倍,其中2000年、2006年变化最为剧烈。云南农牧业快速发展的过程中,由于作物播种面积扩大、栽植技术提高,畜牧业养殖规模扩大,模式改良所引起的氮素吸收效率提高。云南省农牧生产系统氮素流动表现出极大的不平衡性;氮素投入呈现放射式分布特征,中心投入量高,四周投入量逐渐递减。吸氮量则表现出与区域社会经济发展状况相协同的特点,经济发达地区吸氮量较高,经济发展滞后的区域,吸氮量较低。由于地形条件引起的径流、侵蚀、淋洗,以及由于施肥方式不合理所引起的氨挥发是导致农牧生产系统中氮素损失的重要原因。根据云南省氮素投入、吸收和损失规律,可将各地州划分为高投入高排放(大理、昆明、红河)、高投入低排放(曲靖、丽江、楚雄等)、低投入高排放(迪庆、昭通等)和低投入低排放(怒江、普洱)4大类型。【结论】云南省传统施肥方式导致施肥过量,大量肥料通过氨挥发的方式排入大气中,动物养殖过程中产生的粪尿中氮素通过径流、淋溶进入水体,造成农业生产过程中经济效益的降低、环境污染。从空间格局上看,大理、昆明、红河的氮素损失较高。今后亟需改进化肥施用方式,提高化肥利用率,改进畜牧业养殖模式,提高粪尿有机还田的数量。针对主要区域重点治理,采用因地制宜的农牧体系氮素优化管理技术、增加粪尿养分循环和提高氮养分效率,减少氮素向大气和水体中的排放数量,从而实现农牧体系氮素的合理循环。展开更多
文摘The dynamics of the weeds in the areas of crop-livestock integration is constantly changing depending on the various uses of the area. This study identified and quantified the floristic composition of weeds in areas of integration of maize for silage with Urochloa ruziziensis cv. Common at different densities of grass (0, 4 and 10 kg·ha-1) to grazing of beef cattle. The experimental design was completely randomized. A square of side0.5 m(0.25 m2area) was launched 24 times in each study area. The survey was conducted at the grain filling stage of maize. The specie contained in each frame were identified and counted. The phytosociological survey identified 9 families of weeds in areas assessed, with 7 families in every area of integrated cultivation maize with Urochloa ruziziensis at densities of 10 kg·ha-1 and 4 kg·ha-1 and 8 families in the area of maize cultivated alone. The Asteraceae family was the most represented in number of species. Sida spp (Malvaceae) showed greater potential to cause damage to maize. Urochloa ruziziensis at planting density of 10 kg·ha-1 provided greater competition with weeds in the integration with maize.
文摘Ethiopia is among the poorest countries in which poverty, land and resource degradation appear to feed off each other. The irony is that Ethiopia is a country with high biodiversity and distinctive ecosystems and the natural resource base is critical to the economy and the livelihood of a high percentage of the population. Being the owner of varying agro ecology, the country’s agricultural production system had practiced for decades with a maximum potential. However, because of the presence of interrelated problems, the productivity had not sustained as its potential. From the interrelated problems, land degradation takes the first and challengeable problem in many countries. Land degradation refers to a temporary or permanent decline in the productive capacity of the land, or its potential for environmental management as a result;the long-term biological and environmental potential of the land has been compromised. Land degradation in the Ethiopian highlands (i.e. areas above 1500 m.a.s.l.) has been a concern for many years and is a great threat for the future that requires great effort and resources to ameliorate. It had adverse effect on lowering of livestock production by shrinking grazing land, the fertile soil types were washed and the grazing land was dominantly covered by unpalatable pastures and grasses which had low nutritive value and fertility for crop-livestock production system. In other cases, degradation induces farmers to convert land to lower-value uses;for instance, cropland converted to grazing land, or grazing lands converted to shrubs or forests. Equitable and secure access to land is a critical factor for the rural poor, especially livestock owners, who depend on agriculture and animal-related activities for their livelihood. Having secure access to land for agriculture and pastoral activities reduces their vulnerability and enhances their opportunities to invest in land for agriculture and livestock activities. Historical patterns of feudal ownership of land followed by government ownership and despite policy change uncertain status of land ownership. These land distribution and ownership patterns coupled with continuous fragmentations and degradation disrupt the balance between crop, livestock, and forest production. These things nowadays enforce Ethiopian farmers to put more land into crop production than working on livestock sector. Livelihoods are complex, dependent on animal and crop production based on land and water resources, with emerging market opportunities. And from year to year, the size of farms is getting minimized because of land degradation and segmentations, and these make a change in farm size dynamics and farming shift. Currently, there is a great scenario towards the land policy pattern and agricultural production system, which is the backbone of the country’s economy. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to review the effect of land degradation on farm size dynamics and crop-livestock production since the impact of these things is not well measured.
文摘在保障粮食安全的前提下,东北黑土区作物和畜牧生产的耦合促进了农业绿色发展。本研究选择位于东北黑土区的吉林省农安县为研究区域,以农牧系统为研究边界,通过实地调研、统计数据和文献,结合食物链养分流动模型(NUFER:NUtrient flows in Food chains,Environment and Resources use)定量分析1990—2020年农牧系统氮磷养分流动、利用效率和环境损失,探究气候和社会经济因素对氮磷排放的驱动作用,并设置平衡施肥(减少化肥施用)和有机肥替代(提升有机物料替代)两种情景评估该县减排潜力。结果表明,相对于1990年,2020年农安县农牧体系氮磷输入量分别下降45%和23%,其中化肥施用是最大的输入项。作物和农牧系统养分利用率波动增加,而畜禽系统养分利用率下降并逐渐趋于稳定。农牧体系氮磷损失量较1990年分别减少41%和增加29%。农田氨挥发、径流侵蚀和畜禽粪便直排为主要排放途径。通过平衡施肥和有机替代,土壤氮磷积累处于较低水平,至2030年农安县化学氮肥有80%的减施潜力,化学磷肥有85%的减施潜力,且氮磷养分环境排放均减少67%,作物和农牧系统养分利用率均增长50%以上。综上,农安县农牧体系未来可通过增加秸秆和粪便还田量提升化肥减施潜力。东北黑土区应继续深化化肥零增长政策,推行有机废弃物资源化利用,实现农牧系统协同优化发展。
文摘【目的】研究云南省农牧生产系统的氮素流动途径并评价其环境效应,提高农牧业氮素利用率,改善农业生态环境,为制定符合云南省农业发展规律的政策提供科学依据,实现社会经济生态的可持续发展。【方法】通过运用食物链养分流动模型(nutrient flows in food chains,environment and resources use,NUFER),从时间序列的角度分析1995—2014年云南省农牧业氮素养分流动时间分异特征,结合GIS,从空间格局角度分析2014年云南省16个地州农牧业氮素养分流动空间分布特征。【结果】1995—2014年云南省农牧系统氮素投入量逐年递增,从1995年的2.1×106 t增至2014年的3.5×10~6 t。氮肥的施用和饲料进口是造成农牧系统氮素投入量增加的主要原因。农田主产品吸氮量与动物生产系统主产品吸氮量在时间上呈现同向增长的关系,农产品吸氮量1995—2014年间上涨2.1倍,动物生产系统主产品吸氮量上涨8.5倍,其中2000年、2006年变化最为剧烈。云南农牧业快速发展的过程中,由于作物播种面积扩大、栽植技术提高,畜牧业养殖规模扩大,模式改良所引起的氮素吸收效率提高。云南省农牧生产系统氮素流动表现出极大的不平衡性;氮素投入呈现放射式分布特征,中心投入量高,四周投入量逐渐递减。吸氮量则表现出与区域社会经济发展状况相协同的特点,经济发达地区吸氮量较高,经济发展滞后的区域,吸氮量较低。由于地形条件引起的径流、侵蚀、淋洗,以及由于施肥方式不合理所引起的氨挥发是导致农牧生产系统中氮素损失的重要原因。根据云南省氮素投入、吸收和损失规律,可将各地州划分为高投入高排放(大理、昆明、红河)、高投入低排放(曲靖、丽江、楚雄等)、低投入高排放(迪庆、昭通等)和低投入低排放(怒江、普洱)4大类型。【结论】云南省传统施肥方式导致施肥过量,大量肥料通过氨挥发的方式排入大气中,动物养殖过程中产生的粪尿中氮素通过径流、淋溶进入水体,造成农业生产过程中经济效益的降低、环境污染。从空间格局上看,大理、昆明、红河的氮素损失较高。今后亟需改进化肥施用方式,提高化肥利用率,改进畜牧业养殖模式,提高粪尿有机还田的数量。针对主要区域重点治理,采用因地制宜的农牧体系氮素优化管理技术、增加粪尿养分循环和提高氮养分效率,减少氮素向大气和水体中的排放数量,从而实现农牧体系氮素的合理循环。