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Cultural Conflicts and Compatibility between the East and the West in The Joy Luck Club 被引量:2
作者 王瑾 《科教文汇》 2007年第05X期173-174,共2页
Via a study of The Joy Luck Club,Amy Tan's first effort,this essay discusses the cultural conflicts and compatibility between the East and the West as manifested by the conflicts and compatibility between two gene... Via a study of The Joy Luck Club,Amy Tan's first effort,this essay discusses the cultural conflicts and compatibility between the East and the West as manifested by the conflicts and compatibility between two generations of Chinese Americans in the novel.The paper argues that different living environments,different cultural heritages of the East and the West as well as different values are the main causes of the mother-daughter conflicts in the novel.The paper concludes that these causes could also be regarded as the root of the cultural conflicts between the East and the West in general.More importantly,after a series of efforts,the two generations are in harmony,which stands for the cultural compatibility between the East and the West. 展开更多
关键词 东方文化 西方文化 文化冲突 文化融合 小说 《喜福会》 母女
On Chinese Traditional Culture from the Perspective of Cultural Exchange between China and the West
作者 Cao Guihua 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第7期302-310,共9页
With the strengthening of globalization and closer ties between countries,all-round exchanges and cooperation have become an inevitable trend.In the new era,the cultural exchange between China and the West presents an... With the strengthening of globalization and closer ties between countries,all-round exchanges and cooperation have become an inevitable trend.In the new era,the cultural exchange between China and the West presents an unprecedented depth and breadth.Chinese traditional culture,which has made great contributions to Oriental culture and even the world culture,has been developed,in the process of constant conflict,digestion,and absorption while entering other countries in the world.The inclusiveness of Chinese traditional culture has made it survive and thrive in absorbing the quintessence of foreign culture,which makes it contain new contents.In the process of Chinese and Western cultural exchanges,some parts of the essence traditional Chinese culture which are ignored should be given certain inclination in policy and guided by strengthening the education of Chinese traditional culture. 展开更多
关键词 中国传统文化 文化交流 西方 世界文化 东方文化 外来文化 全球化 包容性
A Cultural Comparison of Conflict-Solution Styles Displayed in the Japanese, French, and German School Texts
作者 Rieko Tomo 《Psychology Research》 2012年第12期719-728,共10页
关键词 文化比较 教科书 显示 日语 学校 德语 统计分析 日本
Cultural Minister on Creating West China New Culture
《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2000年第4期2-2,共1页
关键词 cultural Minister on Creating west china New Culture
West China:Frontier Spirit Revs up Cultural Boom
《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2000年第4期3-6,共4页
关键词 west china:Frontier Spirit Revs up cultural Boom
The Comparison of Two Tragic Figures and Their Revenge——Taking Wuthering Heights and Jade Goddess of Mercy for Example
作者 赵月 《海外英语》 2017年第18期195-196,共2页
Heathcliff and Mao Jie are tragic figures respectively from Wuthering Heights and Jade Goddess of Mercy written by Chinese writer Hai Yan. Both of them took frenzied revenge because of lovers' betrayal. There are ... Heathcliff and Mao Jie are tragic figures respectively from Wuthering Heights and Jade Goddess of Mercy written by Chinese writer Hai Yan. Both of them took frenzied revenge because of lovers' betrayal. There are many similarities in terms of personalities and revenge processes also differences. In this article, the similarities of revenge mentality are psychoanalyzed by Freud's theories and the differences are explained by cultural as well as aesthetic differences. 展开更多
关键词 HEATHCLIFF REVENGE FREUD culture china west
Comparative Study on Characteristics and Development of Chinese and Western Architectural Culture
作者 Kexin Mu Chang Zhang Jing Ji 《Journal of Architectural Research and Development》 2020年第1期12-16,共5页
Architecture is an indispensable part of the development of human civilization and the carrier of human civilization.The evolution of architectural style can also reflect the development of a nation.With the continuou... Architecture is an indispensable part of the development of human civilization and the carrier of human civilization.The evolution of architectural style can also reflect the development of a nation.With the continuous development of history,the preservation and development of historic sites has gradually become a topic of common concern in China and the west.However,with the continuous development of modern technology,there are fewer and fewer traditional cultural elements in the newly-built buildings,which lead to the gradual loss of some traditional architectural culture.In order to avoid the further aggravation of this phenomenon,something should be done.From the perspective of the development characteristics of Chinese and western architectural culture,the characteristics and differences of the development process of Chinese and western architecture were listed from ancient to modern times,and gradually the main reasons for the different development directions and characteristics were analyzed.In addition,according to the law and characteristics of the development of Chinese and western architecture,some methods on how to solve the inheritance of Chinese modern architecture to traditional culture were put forward. 展开更多
关键词 ARCHITECTURAL STYLE DIFFERENCE between china and the west cultural FUSION
Comparative Study on Characteristics and Development of Chinese and Western Architectural Culture
作者 Kexin Mu Chang Zhang Jing Ji 《Journal of Architectural Research and Development》 2020年第2期15-19,共5页
Architecture is an indispensable part of the development of human civilization and the carrier of human civilization.The evolution of architectural style can also reflect the development of a nation.With the continuou... Architecture is an indispensable part of the development of human civilization and the carrier of human civilization.The evolution of architectural style can also reflect the development of a nation.With the continuous development of history,the preservation and development of historic sites has gradually become a topic of common concern in China and the west.However,with the continuous development of modern technology,there are fewer and fewer traditional cultural elements in the newly-built buildings,which lead to the gradual loss of some traditional architectural culture.In order to avoid the further aggravation of this phenomenon,something should be done.From the perspective of the development characteristics of Chinese and western architectural culture,the characteristics and differences of the development process of Chinese and western architecture were listed from ancient to modern times,and gradually the main reasons for the different development directions and characteristics were analyzed.In addition,according to the law and characteristics of the development of Chinese and western architecture,some methods on how to solve the inheritance of Chinese modern architecture to traditional culture were put forward. 展开更多
关键词 Architectural style Difference between china and the west cultural fusion
作者 陈立旭 《浙江社会科学》 北大核心 2024年第3期132-145,160,共15页
在文化传承发展座谈会上的讲话中,习近平总书记作出了“我们比以往任何一个时代都更有条件破解‘古今中西之争’”的论断。近代以来,面对西方冲击,以儒家文化为核心的旧文化生命体濒临解体,如何处理中与西、古与今的关系,再造新的文化... 在文化传承发展座谈会上的讲话中,习近平总书记作出了“我们比以往任何一个时代都更有条件破解‘古今中西之争’”的论断。近代以来,面对西方冲击,以儒家文化为核心的旧文化生命体濒临解体,如何处理中与西、古与今的关系,再造新的文化生命体,构筑文化自信赖以依托的文化主体性,找回并坚定文化意义上的自我,重构国家认同的文化基础,就成为一个摆在中国人民和中华民族面前的重大课题。马克思主义传入中国后,以真理之光激活了中华文明基因,推动了中华文明的生命更新和现代转型,发展出了中华文明的现代形态、中国式现代化的文化形态,“造就了一个有机统一的新的文化生命体”,“巩固了文化主体性”。这就为破解“古今中西之争”创造了根本条件。 展开更多
关键词 古今中西之争 新的文化生命体 文化主体性 马克思主义
作者 霍巍 《考古与文物》 北大核心 2024年第4期63-71,共9页
西藏发现过多面青铜带柄铜镜,近年来也有新的传世品被发现。这些青铜镜的发现,反映了西藏在早期文明发展过程中与周边文化之间多方面的交流。总体上看,可将现有的西藏带柄铜镜分为东、西两系,在流行时代、流行地域上各有特点。青铜带柄... 西藏发现过多面青铜带柄铜镜,近年来也有新的传世品被发现。这些青铜镜的发现,反映了西藏在早期文明发展过程中与周边文化之间多方面的交流。总体上看,可将现有的西藏带柄铜镜分为东、西两系,在流行时代、流行地域上各有特点。青铜带柄镜在北方欧亚草原文化、南亚及中亚地区青铜时代遗存中也多有发现,中国西南和西北地区也曾流行过不同形制的带柄铜镜,其背后隐藏着不同族群之间在青藏高原通过“高原丝绸之路”流动与交往的历史背景,也是青铜时代至早期铁器时代不同区域考古学文化之间远距离、跨区域互动的一个生动例证。 展开更多
关键词 西藏考古 带柄铜镜 中西文化交流
作者 杨学功 《北京行政学院学报》 北大核心 2024年第3期1-10,共10页
自从近代中西文化相遇并发生剧烈碰撞与交融以来,中国思想界和知识界所必须面对的核心问题或焦点问题,就是如何处理中西文化关系的问题。为此,中国思想家们提出了多种不同的方案,历史上形成和现实中较有影响的主要有“中体西用论”“综... 自从近代中西文化相遇并发生剧烈碰撞与交融以来,中国思想界和知识界所必须面对的核心问题或焦点问题,就是如何处理中西文化关系的问题。为此,中国思想家们提出了多种不同的方案,历史上形成和现实中较有影响的主要有“中体西用论”“综合创新论”“中国本位论”“全盘西化论”“中西古今论”“西体中用论”“河东河西论”“中国模式论”等。在这些方案中,“综合创新论”无论在方法论上还是在文化实践上都更具有合理性和优越性。“综合创新”文化观自20世纪30年代被提出以来不断传承发展,经历了张申府、张岱年的“三流合一”论,方克立的“马魂中体西用”论,以及第三期发展的历史进程。在全面推进中国式现代化的今天,“综合创新”文化观具有无可置疑的当代价值,它也应该以“中国式现代化”为时代主题而得到提升和发展。 展开更多
关键词 “古今中西之争” 文化的民族性和时代性 “综合创新”文化观 中国式现代化
作者 王松林 刘浩 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2024年第4期61-71,共11页
康拉德的早期小说多以印度洋为背景,呈现了19世纪东印度洋尤其是马来群岛诸种贸易力量的较量及由此而生的东西文化冲突,为当时的文坛开辟了新的领域。康拉德不仅揭露了欧洲海洋帝国推行的“海洋自由”背后的贸易垄断和霸权本质,而且对... 康拉德的早期小说多以印度洋为背景,呈现了19世纪东印度洋尤其是马来群岛诸种贸易力量的较量及由此而生的东西文化冲突,为当时的文坛开辟了新的领域。康拉德不仅揭露了欧洲海洋帝国推行的“海洋自由”背后的贸易垄断和霸权本质,而且对以基督教与伊斯兰教为表征的文化冲突背后的经济利益诉求有深刻的认识。他早期小说中的印度洋贸易书写已经显示出他超前的跨文化批评意识以及他作为一个海洋作家的道德良知。 展开更多
关键词 约瑟夫·康拉德 印度洋 贸易书写 东西文化冲突
作者 冯锴 李阳 +1 位作者 蒋文孝 王添瑞 《考古与文物》 北大核心 2024年第3期82-92,共11页
本文在广泛梳理东周秦汉时期骆驼题材文物类别与时空分布的基础上,认为骆驼题材文物的出现年代、分布范围和造型风格具有显著的时代与地域特征。骆驼题材文物在内地的出现和发展,深受我国北方人群的影响,显示出较为活跃的农牧互动。秦... 本文在广泛梳理东周秦汉时期骆驼题材文物类别与时空分布的基础上,认为骆驼题材文物的出现年代、分布范围和造型风格具有显著的时代与地域特征。骆驼题材文物在内地的出现和发展,深受我国北方人群的影响,显示出较为活跃的农牧互动。秦始皇帝陵陵西大墓M1新发现的单体金、银骆驼塑像写实逼真的艺术形式,是我国骆驼题材文物中的特例,但在中亚、西亚艺术品中有迹可循,它可能是舶来品,也可能是在西方艺术影响之下本土创造的。 展开更多
关键词 东周秦汉时期 骆驼题材文物 农牧互动 中西文化交流
作者 张翔 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期1-13,共13页
康有为在20世纪初较早地通过区分文明的物质层面与道德层面,发展出中国文明与西方文明各擅胜场的论述,下启东西文化论战。“一战”爆发呈现的欧洲文明危机与袁世凯复辟呈现的民国初期的共和危机,激起了两种截然相反的主张,陈独秀持东西... 康有为在20世纪初较早地通过区分文明的物质层面与道德层面,发展出中国文明与西方文明各擅胜场的论述,下启东西文化论战。“一战”爆发呈现的欧洲文明危机与袁世凯复辟呈现的民国初期的共和危机,激起了两种截然相反的主张,陈独秀持东西方文明不可调和论及“全盘西化论”,反对辜鸿铭以中国文明拯救欧洲文明的主张,形成针锋相对的格局,清晰显示现代中国建构的文明基础问题,已经与王朝时代的夷夏之辨很不一样。更多论者主张东西方文明调和论,李大钊、杜亚泉等人在1916年前后已经提出其中的主要问题。东西文化有何差异、孰优孰劣、能否调和、如何调和等议题的展开,呈现了共和制新生时期的中国思想界探寻现代中国新的文明基础的重要一步,也是现代中国知识思想转型的重要一步。 展开更多
关键词 现代中国的文明基础 夷夏之辨 东西文化论战 康有为
作者 黄小彤 陈静宜 《武夷学院学报》 2024年第5期14-21,共8页
人类文明新形态是对中国特色社会主义重大理论与实践成果的系统性概括,诠释了当代中国马克思主义的理论创新,为人类文明的演进提供了崭新的中国方案。大势所趋,自文明“术语革命”的角度阐释人类文明新形态的思想深度,成为当代世界文明... 人类文明新形态是对中国特色社会主义重大理论与实践成果的系统性概括,诠释了当代中国马克思主义的理论创新,为人类文明的演进提供了崭新的中国方案。大势所趋,自文明“术语革命”的角度阐释人类文明新形态的思想深度,成为当代世界文明发展的重大时代课题。从和而不同、交流互鉴、合作共赢的价值理念来看,人类文明新形态对西方中心论、文化冲突论、强国必霸论进行了结构性超越、系统性辩驳、总体性解构。新时代,正确认识人类文明新形态实现的文明话语革命,既能深入领会习近平文化思想的内涵意蕴,也能为世界文明的大繁荣、大发展提供价值指引。 展开更多
关键词 人类文明新形态 文明话语革命 文化冲突论 西方中心论 强国必霸论
Aspects of the“Face”
作者 宋菲 《海外英语》 2012年第14期232-233,共2页
This thesis focuses on different Chinese and western attitudes towards"Face"in communication.Based on Brown-Levinson’s Face Theory and the study on each definition of"Face"and its causes,it is con... This thesis focuses on different Chinese and western attitudes towards"Face"in communication.Based on Brown-Levinson’s Face Theory and the study on each definition of"Face"and its causes,it is concluded that Chinese people place emphasis on"collective face",whereas Westerners pay attention to"individual face".There is a mixture of factors that result in these salient differences,which should trace back to their long-existing historical,cultural and linguistic diversity.With the discussion on various aspects of the"face",there will be a better understanding of between Chinese and western intercultural communication. 展开更多
关键词 FACE theORY china and the west LANGUAGE and cultur
Intra-and Inter-Cultural Conflicts in China: An Exploratory Study
作者 Lorna Doucetx Karen Jehn Guorong Zhu 《Frontiers of Business Research in China》 2012年第4期475-495,共21页
This study examines the causes of intra- and inter-cultural organizational conflicts among Chinese and American managers in the mainland of China. We investigated conflict between members of the same culture (intra-c... This study examines the causes of intra- and inter-cultural organizational conflicts among Chinese and American managers in the mainland of China. We investigated conflict between members of the same culture (intra-cultural conflict) and conflict between members of different cultures (inter-cultural conflict). Intra-culturally, both American and Chinese noted self-interest as an important dimension of the cause of conflict. Inter-culturally, both American and Chinese noted cultural differences as an important dimension of the cause of conflict. The similarities between the American and Chinese dimensions were more striking than the differences. The intra-cultural findings reinforce the validity of early Western conflict theories--focusing on self-interest vs. other interest. The inter-cultural findings are partially consistent with intergroup theory and introduce new elements to conflict theory. 展开更多
关键词 CROSS-CULTURE conflict china United States (U.S.) INDUCTIVE
“共识的中原”与史前“中原中心”的形成--兼论“最初的中国”的特质 被引量:2
作者 李禹阶 《中原文化研究》 2023年第3期34-45,F0002,共13页
中国文明起源过程中,各区域文化由“多元”向“一体”的演进历程是在往复、曲折的文化互动即交流、排斥、冲突中完成的。这种文化互动包括日常生活层面的致用性、易仿性的普适性文化元素的影响,以及由政治制度、价值体系等组成的深层的... 中国文明起源过程中,各区域文化由“多元”向“一体”的演进历程是在往复、曲折的文化互动即交流、排斥、冲突中完成的。这种文化互动包括日常生活层面的致用性、易仿性的普适性文化元素的影响,以及由政治制度、价值体系等组成的深层的核心文化元素的影响。而这些深层次的核心元素则构成史前中国“一体化”的驱动力。距今4500年以前的中国,呈现着一种“多元”的、差序性的、无序的区域文化格局。而从龙山时代陶寺文化开其端,中原地区政治体在环境倒逼中逐渐形成具有特殊制度范式及价值体系的早期国家。这种早期国家以政治力量推动着史前文化由“多元”向“一体”发展,并在从陶寺到二里头文化的演进中,形成史前“中原中心”及其具有“华夏化”雏形的政治、礼乐制度。而“共识的中原”则是这种由“多元”向“一体”转型的契机,“最初的中国”则是中原早期国家的制度范式和礼乐文化的整体呈现。 展开更多
关键词 共识的中原 文化冲突 中原中心 政治制度范式 最初的中国
中西文化差异视域下的英语跨文化教育措施研究 被引量:1
作者 周津茹 《江西电力职业技术学院学报》 CAS 2023年第8期61-63,共3页
概述了跨文化教育内涵、跨文化教育目标和基础理论支撑,阐述了中西文化差异视域下英语教学中跨文化教育实施的意义,分析了英语跨文化教育开展过程中存在的问题,并探讨了中西文化差异视域下英语教学中跨文化教育实施策略,为英语跨文化教... 概述了跨文化教育内涵、跨文化教育目标和基础理论支撑,阐述了中西文化差异视域下英语教学中跨文化教育实施的意义,分析了英语跨文化教育开展过程中存在的问题,并探讨了中西文化差异视域下英语教学中跨文化教育实施策略,为英语跨文化教育体系构建提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 英语教学 中西文化差异 跨文化教育
作者 官栋訢 《艺术设计研究》 2023年第1期108-115,共8页
清乾隆朝《兽谱》是一本记录了180种动物的宫廷图谱,跋文称其图文依据为《古今图书集成》。根据笔者新发现的材料,可知其蓝本并不仅限于《古今图书集成》,还有以近代早期博物学家约恩斯顿的《论四足动物》为代表的入华西书。《兽谱》和... 清乾隆朝《兽谱》是一本记录了180种动物的宫廷图谱,跋文称其图文依据为《古今图书集成》。根据笔者新发现的材料,可知其蓝本并不仅限于《古今图书集成》,还有以近代早期博物学家约恩斯顿的《论四足动物》为代表的入华西书。《兽谱》和《论四足动物》图像间的密切联系印证了两书的因袭关系,而《北堂书目》亦有相关藏书记录。西书来源的发现进一步明确了《兽谱》的成书方式和内容性质,使之成为清宫接受和吸纳西方事物的典型案例。 展开更多
关键词 兽谱 论四足动物 博物学 图像来源 中西文化交流
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