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Analysis of China’s Sports Diplomacy Path from the Perspective of Soft Power
作者 Ying Ye 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第7期246-251,共6页
“When a country prospers,sports thrive.”Building a strong sports country is an important connotation of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and building a moderately prosperous society in all resp... “When a country prospers,sports thrive.”Building a strong sports country is an important connotation of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.Actively engaging in sports diplomacy from the perspective of soft power can expand a country’s international influence,promote friendly cooperation between nations,and enhance the overall image of the country.This article analyzes the concepts of soft power and sports diplomacy and explores the path of China’s sports diplomacy from four aspects:promoting diverse subjects,expanding propaganda channels,optimizing underlying design,and actively participating in competitions. 展开更多
关键词 Soft power Sports diplomacy Implementation path
作者 何良 《南海学刊》 2025年第1期11-21,共11页
走和平发展道路是中国式现代化的鲜明特征之一,以此为实践基础构建和平发展话语体系具有重要价值。这一话语源于中华民族的文化基因、自主发展的道路取向以及合作共赢的外交立场,强调新时代中国与世界的和谐共进。在百年未有之大变局加... 走和平发展道路是中国式现代化的鲜明特征之一,以此为实践基础构建和平发展话语体系具有重要价值。这一话语源于中华民族的文化基因、自主发展的道路取向以及合作共赢的外交立场,强调新时代中国与世界的和谐共进。在百年未有之大变局加速演进背景下,世界局势动荡不安,国际舆论场内针对我国的质疑、攻击有增无减,加之自身对外话语水平和传播能力提升相对缓慢,中国式现代化和平发展话语体系的建构与宣介亟待找到优化路径。应通过外交努力营造有利于和平与发展的国际关系,改善于我不利的舆论环境,使中国声音得到广泛认同,对传播的内容、媒介、对象等进行全面优化,有效增强和平发展话语体系的说服力和影响力。 展开更多
关键词 和平发展 话语体系 中国式现代化 国际传播 外交
作者 王生 杨思恩 《东疆学刊》 2025年第1期39-46,143,144,共10页
“全球枢纽国家”是尹锡悦政府的外交总目标,也是其外交话语的总括。尹锡悦政府的外交战略可以概括为“全球枢纽国家”战略。《尹锡悦政府120大国政课题》凸显了该战略的内涵。考察尹锡悦政府外交话语和外交实践,可分析“全球枢纽国家... “全球枢纽国家”是尹锡悦政府的外交总目标,也是其外交话语的总括。尹锡悦政府的外交战略可以概括为“全球枢纽国家”战略。《尹锡悦政府120大国政课题》凸显了该战略的内涵。考察尹锡悦政府外交话语和外交实践,可分析“全球枢纽国家”战略的实施特点并对该战略进行评估。“全球枢纽国家”战略的实施推进集中表现出韩国价值观外交和经济外交两大特点。该战略表面上取得了包括美日韩戴维营峰会的举办、韩国总统受邀参加北约峰会等成果,但实际上在地缘政治、地缘安全、经济和文化等领域存在透支韩国战略力量的问题。“全球枢纽国家”战略导致东北亚乃至亚太地区的对立,进而恶化地区安全局势,并加剧了世界局势的动荡。 展开更多
关键词 尹锡悦政府 韩国外交战略 “全球枢纽国家” 价值观外交 战略透支
作者 高英哲 韩贝宁 鲁长芬 《决策与信息》 2025年第2期5-18,共14页
党的二十大明确了我国以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的中心任务。和平发展道路现代化作为中国式现代化的一部分,为我国在百年未有之大变局下引领构建人类命运共同体发挥着重要作用。体育外交是中国特色大国外交的重要组成部分... 党的二十大明确了我国以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的中心任务。和平发展道路现代化作为中国式现代化的一部分,为我国在百年未有之大变局下引领构建人类命运共同体发挥着重要作用。体育外交是中国特色大国外交的重要组成部分,为我国贯彻“和平发展”理念,推动与世界各国友好相处以及各领域现代化建设提供了良好发展环境。从历史演进来看,我国体育外交助力和平发展道路现代化主要经历了艰难起步中争取国际权益、初步发展中打破西方垄断、稳步建设中提升话语地位、全面推进中倡导和平理念四个历史阶段。现阶段,体育外交助力和平发展道路现代化还面临着战略思想统筹性有待深化、国际话语引领力仍需增强、交流机制前沿性尚显不足、对外援助影响力相对孱弱以及民间组织规范化亟须完善等现实困境。未来,需聚力于和平发展道路现代化精神内涵,筑牢“积极维护国际秩序”的现代化体育外交战略思想,建设“助力传播和平理念”的现代化体育外交话语体系,搭建“推动国际友好交流”的现代化体育外交沟通机制,构筑“共建‘一带一路’倡议”的现代化体育外交对外援助,打造“牢固国际坚实友谊”的现代化体育外交民间组织,以持续发挥体育外交事业助力和平发展道路现代化的功能。 展开更多
关键词 体育外交 体育强国 和平发展道路 中国式现代化 大国外交 民间体育外交
作者 刘琳 《亚太安全与海洋研究》 北大核心 2025年第1期37-56,I0002,I0003,共22页
东南亚是中国周边外交的重要方向,也是近年来军事外交取得较多成果和突破的重要区域,这为构建更为紧密的中国—东盟命运共同体积累了积极因素。冷战后,中国对东南亚军事外交总体持续向前发展,目前已经涵盖包括高层交流、军事培训、舰艇... 东南亚是中国周边外交的重要方向,也是近年来军事外交取得较多成果和突破的重要区域,这为构建更为紧密的中国—东盟命运共同体积累了积极因素。冷战后,中国对东南亚军事外交总体持续向前发展,目前已经涵盖包括高层交流、军事培训、舰艇访问、联合演训、军援军售等诸多领域,且在深度和广度上不断拓展,实现了多方面重大转变。但中国对东南亚军事外交也面临互信不足、域外势力介入、东南亚国家政局变化及南海问题等因素的挑战。中国应从战略视角看待对东南亚军事外交的地位和作用,从加强与东南亚国家战略安全互信、推动务实合作向纵深发展、双多边统筹推进、妥善处理分歧矛盾等方面,进一步运筹和推进对东南亚军事外交。 展开更多
关键词 中国 东南亚 周边外交 军事外交 军事合作 联合演习
作者 马杰 罗林 《天津大学学报(社会科学版)》 2025年第1期39-44,共6页
2022年9月,国务院学位委员会确定将区域国别学纳入第14类交叉学科一级学科目录。中国的区域国别学科建设是在应对全球复杂形势、服务国家战略需求中逐步发展起来的。随着中国在国际舞台上的迅速崛起,区域国别学不仅作为学术研究的重要领... 2022年9月,国务院学位委员会确定将区域国别学纳入第14类交叉学科一级学科目录。中国的区域国别学科建设是在应对全球复杂形势、服务国家战略需求中逐步发展起来的。随着中国在国际舞台上的迅速崛起,区域国别学不仅作为学术研究的重要领域,还肩负着服务国家大政方针、支撑中国外交战略的历史使命。该学科通过对各国文化、政治体制、社会结构的深入研究,支持中国在全球变局中找到发展定位,并为国家在国际治理中的深度参与提供智力支持。文章结合学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,对中国区域国别学所肩负的时代使命进行归纳和探索,认为中国区域国别学应以洞察百年变局的风云变幻为抓手,以服务中国特色大国外交为宗旨,以弘扬全人类共同价值为己任,以推动构建人类命运共同体为理想追求,树立求真务实的学科作风,服务当下,放眼未来。 展开更多
关键词 百年变局 人类命运共同体 大国外交 倡议 全人类共同价值 “全球南方”
作者 王秋怡 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期54-60,共7页
作为总体外交战略体系的重要组成部分,中国民间外交在国际政治局势和国内外交政策的相互作用下,发挥着大国善治的积极作用。具体而言,作为一种重要的非官方国际交流渠道,民间外交的主体和对象具有非官方性质,涉及领域广泛且多元。以时... 作为总体外交战略体系的重要组成部分,中国民间外交在国际政治局势和国内外交政策的相互作用下,发挥着大国善治的积极作用。具体而言,作为一种重要的非官方国际交流渠道,民间外交的主体和对象具有非官方性质,涉及领域广泛且多元。以时间为中轴,通过对中国民间外交发展历程进行梳理,可以清晰地展示出中国民间外交的发展特征和全貌。民间外交政策先后经历了萌芽期的初步发展、改革开放后的全面深化与新时代的强劲拓展等三个阶段。进入新时代,中国民间外交网络化发展趋势明显,体现出从单向到多边、从人文关怀到服务治理的全方位转变。因此,要重新书写新时代中国民间外交发展的叙事际遇,消解中美经贸摩擦、地缘政治和文化差异等因素对民间外交的影响,创新民间交流机制,围绕“一带一路”倡议,顺应全球治理体系的变革趋势,凸显中央与地方的协同合作,充分彰显民间外交的作用。 展开更多
关键词 善治 民间外交 国际政治
作者 徐进 《安徽史学》 北大核心 2025年第1期73-82,共10页
长城抗战结束后,国民政府构建了以政整会和军分会为主体的地方交涉体制,其运行为中央对日交涉创造了回旋余地。但在日方多头交涉的重压下,两会体制举步维艰,最终黯然退场,华北交涉之责收归中央。黄郛等人一度借助私人交际缓和中日关系,... 长城抗战结束后,国民政府构建了以政整会和军分会为主体的地方交涉体制,其运行为中央对日交涉创造了回旋余地。但在日方多头交涉的重压下,两会体制举步维艰,最终黯然退场,华北交涉之责收归中央。黄郛等人一度借助私人交际缓和中日关系,但多方交涉之弊亦迅速显现。且私人交际清晰地反映出中日权势强弱关系,地位的不对等反为日方索求打开了便利之门。这一时期的中日交涉始终在高度猜嫌的氛围下进行,信任危机加剧了双方的立场分歧,而激进化手段的采取又反过来助长了猜嫌心理,中日关系在恶性循环中滑向谷底。然而,全面抗战爆发前的日本侵华活动具有清晰的连贯性,日方对中方“诚意”的无理诉求基于一种荒谬的认知逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 中日交涉 华北事变 两会体制 交际 猜疑
作者 苏炯铭 罗俊仁 陈少飞 《系统仿真学报》 北大核心 2025年第2期345-361,共17页
随着人工智能技术的发展,特别是大型预训练模型理论的推动,智能博奔决策策略求解的一些新视角逐渐受到广泛关注和探讨。结合人工智能技术的发展与智能博奔决策策略求解范式的转变,以国际象棋(两人零和完美信息博奔)、强权外交(多人一般... 随着人工智能技术的发展,特别是大型预训练模型理论的推动,智能博奔决策策略求解的一些新视角逐渐受到广泛关注和探讨。结合人工智能技术的发展与智能博奔决策策略求解范式的转变,以国际象棋(两人零和完美信息博奔)、强权外交(多人一般和不完美信息博奔)两款桌面游戏,星际争霸(多智能体马尔可夫博奔)为序贯决策实证分析研究对象,依循人工智能发展的新视角分析策略求解新范式、新方式,从决策大模型范式、生成式人工智能模型、大模型智能体关键技术共3个方面探析智能博弃决策大模型关键技术,为新技术体制下智能博奔决策问题的研究提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 智能博奔决策 策略求解 生成式人工智能 国际象棋 强权外交 预训练
作者 张涛 张彦 《东北亚经济研究》 2025年第1期17-29,共13页
在“一带一路”倡议背景下,回顾中国与蒙古国经济外交发展历程,基于贸易、投资及基础设施建设合作的概况,分析两国之间经济外交现状与问题。研究结果显示,尽管中蒙双边贸易伙伴关系得到了显著增强,投资合作与基础设施建设也取得进展,但... 在“一带一路”倡议背景下,回顾中国与蒙古国经济外交发展历程,基于贸易、投资及基础设施建设合作的概况,分析两国之间经济外交现状与问题。研究结果显示,尽管中蒙双边贸易伙伴关系得到了显著增强,投资合作与基础设施建设也取得进展,但两国间贸易结构特征表现为高度的集中,投资与基础设施建设合作仍面临多重复杂挑战,需进一步应对。对此,提出优化贸易结构、改善投资环境、深化基建合作等建议,为“一带一路”倡议下中蒙经济外交深化提供实践指导参考。 展开更多
关键词 “一带一路”倡议 经济外交 中蒙经济
作者 颜海波 张柯栋 《华文教学与研究》 2025年第1期40-47,共8页
《中暹友好条约》于1946年初签订,中国政府和暹罗政府就暹罗华侨享有教育自由权利问题达成一致。但缔约后,暹罗政府并未及时修改旧有苛刻的教育政策,中国政府通过驻暹大使馆不断斡旋,并加上暹罗华侨教育界人士努力,华侨教育逐渐进入恢... 《中暹友好条约》于1946年初签订,中国政府和暹罗政府就暹罗华侨享有教育自由权利问题达成一致。但缔约后,暹罗政府并未及时修改旧有苛刻的教育政策,中国政府通过驻暹大使馆不断斡旋,并加上暹罗华侨教育界人士努力,华侨教育逐渐进入恢复与发展期。这一现象表明,海外华侨教育的发展需要中国政府的积极介入,而华侨教育的兴起对中华文化向南洋传播,以及华侨华人参与中国教育现代化起到了互动作用,这对新时代推动海外华文教育发展不无启示,也为铸牢中华民族共同体意识提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 《中暹友好条约》 泰国华侨教育 国民政府 外交
Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era 被引量:1
作者 Zheng Zeguang 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期133-142,共10页
关键词 Major-Country diplomacy CHINESE CHARACTERISTICS
China's Anti-epidemic Diplomacy Boosts Global Public Health Governance 被引量:2
作者 CICIR Research Group 《Contemporary International Relations》 2020年第5期112-127,共16页
In 2020 with a pandemic sweeping the world,global political and economic orders seriously disrupted and tens of millions of human lives threatened,the spread of the novel coronavirus is the world's number one chal... In 2020 with a pandemic sweeping the world,global political and economic orders seriously disrupted and tens of millions of human lives threatened,the spread of the novel coronavirus is the world's number one challenge.China has efficiently organized domestic epidemic control and vigorously promoted international cooperation in the battle against the pandemic by advancing head-of-state diplomacy.In this ongoing crisis,China has actively led the way for global public health governance,promoted the building of a community with common health for mankind,and demonstrated the actions of a responsible major country. 展开更多
关键词 anti-epidemic diplomacy public health governance
The Impact of Culture on Diplomacy and How to Bridge Cultural Gaps in Diplomacy
作者 金玲 《海外英语》 2013年第4X期169-173,共5页
With the sudden change of the political structure in the world and the acceleration of the globalization,the impact of culture on diplomacy is becoming increasingly obvious.Especially some conflicts in the diplomacy h... With the sudden change of the political structure in the world and the acceleration of the globalization,the impact of culture on diplomacy is becoming increasingly obvious.Especially some conflicts in the diplomacy have made it more important to study and analyze the international relations from a cultural perspective.Culture can be the cause of misunderstanding in diplomatic negotiation,but it can also be a very useful tool and instrument for global public diplomacy.Culture as a"soft power" should be used as the key in the diplomacy to bridge the cultural gaps,reduce conflict and misunderstanding and lead to the common goal of peace and development. 展开更多
Dialectical Unity of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Diplomacy
作者 Zhao Yongchen 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期143-164,共22页
关键词 DIALECTICAL UNITY of XI Jinping's THOUGHT diplomacy
China’s Major-Country Diplomacy and Sino-Indian Relations
作者 Xu Jian 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期165-180,共16页
关键词 China's Major-Country diplomacy Sino-Indian RELATIONS
China's Seaport Diplomacy: Theories and Practice
作者 Sun Degang 《China Economist》 2018年第6期34-48,共15页
China has developed a new chain of commercial seaports along the Maritime Silk Road. These ports are unlike those used by overseas military bases of the United States. While the former focuses on the economic developm... China has developed a new chain of commercial seaports along the Maritime Silk Road. These ports are unlike those used by overseas military bases of the United States. While the former focuses on the economic development of China and other involved countries through investment, trade, infrastructure construction and international shipping center development, the latter is at the service of the U.S. security strategy underpinned by goals to strengthen alliances, fight terrorism, expand influence and support proxies. China has gained extensive experience from its seaport reform. Opening-up programs like the "Shekou model" promote business opportunities in addition to the essential services, and define the port area as the "frontier", the industrial park as the "middle ground", and the port city as the "backyard". Based on such experience, China is ready to contribute to the development, peace and stability of emerging countries along the Maritime Silk Road and explore seaport diplomacy with Chinese resilience, diligence and foresight. China's seaport diplomacy is market-oriented and involves companies as key players. It is also supported by government coordination. Seaport diplomacy has increased connectivity and interdependence between countries and regions along the Maritime Silk Road, and helps avoid the "zero-sum game" and the "core-peripheral" asymmetrical relationship of dependence. China's participation in the development of seaports along the Maritime Silk Road has facilitated the industrialization process of the countries involved and benefited local communities. This approach stands in sharp contrast to the maritime militarization and democratization pursued by some Western countries. Nevertheless, China's participation in the development of seaports along the Maritime Silk Road also faces economic, legal, political, and security risks. Thus, caution should be given to the tendency to politicize China's seaport development. 展开更多
关键词 seaport diplomacy the Belt and ROAD INITIATIVE the MARITIME SILK ROAD seaport POLITICS Chinese diplomacy
Still Water Runs Deep:On Practices of Innovative Development in People-to-People Diplomacy of Henan 被引量:1
作者 Song Liping 《International Understanding》 2017年第2期51-54,共4页
In recent years,Henan sticks to the points of General Secretary Xi Jinping,makes full use of its rich resources and relations,makes efforts to deepen friendship with people around the world,promotes relations with for... In recent years,Henan sticks to the points of General Secretary Xi Jinping,makes full use of its rich resources and relations,makes efforts to deepen friendship with people around the world,promotes relations with foreign countries,pushes 展开更多
关键词 of In OVER AS with on in Still Water Runs Deep:On Practices of Innovative Development in People-to-People diplomacy of Henan
An Analysis of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism in China’s Neighboring Diplomacy
作者 Li Wei Luo Yifu 《Contemporary International Relations》 2019年第5期47-73,共27页
The Indochina Peninsula is of special and important significance to China's geopolitical strategy,which is the foothold of China's strategy in Southeast Asia and even the whole Asia-Pacific region,as well as t... The Indochina Peninsula is of special and important significance to China's geopolitical strategy,which is the foothold of China's strategy in Southeast Asia and even the whole Asia-Pacific region,as well as the strategic springboard of*China s global development.In 2016,China led the establishment of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechanism,and achieved remarkable results in terms of institutional development,project implementation and the construction of international relations among member states in the short term.The establishment and rapid development of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation is based on member states,strong willingness to cooperate.It also benefits from the rational design of their institutional structures,geographical advantages,strong and complementary economies,and close sociocultural similarities.On the other hand,the further development of the Lancang?Mekong Cooperation is facing many risks and challenges as a result of the complexities of the internal environment of the Indochina Peninsula and the geopolitical competition of extraterritorial forces in the region.In this regard,China should make more efforts to improve relevant institutional arrangements for the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation,broaden the areas and enrich the content of cooperation,coordinate with extraterritorial forces and increase the number of stakeholders. 展开更多
关键词 Lancang-Mekong Cooperation the INDOCHINA Peninsula geopolitics neighboring diplomacy
Theory and Practice of Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics:Inheritance, Innovation, and Development
作者 Qiu Huafei Tu Minghui 《Contemporary International Relations》 2019年第5期1-35,共35页
As economic globalization and multi-polarization continue to develop worldwide,the international order is undergoing profound and complex changes,supporting more extensive peaceful development and instances of win-win... As economic globalization and multi-polarization continue to develop worldwide,the international order is undergoing profound and complex changes,supporting more extensive peaceful development and instances of win-win cooperation.The collective rise of the emerging major countries is prompting the construction of a fair,rational new international order in politics and economy.In this context,China is a major force for world peace and the common development of the entire world,and the central leadership of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP),with Xi Jinping at its core has proposed a series of new concepts,modes of thinking,and strategies in relation to governance and administration,taking into account both the domestic and the international situation.Xi's perspective on diplomacy emerged from the theory and practice of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics and is the outcome of the combination of the universal principle of Marxism with the specific practice of major country diplomacy in China,and constitutes a major component of Xi's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.In his report to the 19th National Congress of the CCP,General Secretary Xi proposed to develop a community with a shared concept of the future for humanity to forge a new form of international relations,featuring mutual respect,fairness,justice,and win-win cooperation.1 This shows the constructive role China is playing in the peaceful development of the world,actively participating in and leading global governance and safeguarding the stability of the international order,thus laying the basis in discourse for the theory and practice of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics for a new era. 展开更多
关键词 XI Jinping Chinese characteristics MAJOR COUNTRY diplomacy theory and practice
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