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Currents in the Luzon Strait during the spring of 2002: observation and computation by modified inverse model 被引量:1
作者 YUANYaochu LOURuyun +3 位作者 LIUYonggang SUJilan WANGKangshan CHENHong 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期1-13,共13页
On the basis of the current measurements at 200,500 and 800 m from moored current meters with the time series data from March 17 to April 15 at the mooring station (20°49′57″N, 120°48′ 12″E) and the hydr... On the basis of the current measurements at 200,500 and 800 m from moored current meters with the time series data from March 17 to April 15 at the mooring station (20°49′57″N, 120°48′ 12″E) and the hydrographic data obtained in the Luzon Strait during the spring of 2002 cruise, the circulation in the investigated area is computed by using the modified inverse method. The major observed results are as follows: (1) the average velocity and the flow direction in the observing days are (47.4 cm/s, 346°) at the 200 m level. The average velocity in the observing days is (20.3 cm/s, 350? at the 500 m level. These mean that the Kuroshio intrudes into the South Chin Sea to flow northwestward through the Luzon Strait at 200 and 500 m levels. (2) The average velocity in the observing days is (1.2 cm/s, 35°) at the 800 m level, i. e., its direction is northeastward. This means that the flow condition at the 800 m level very differs from mat at the 200 and 500 m levels. (3) There is the high density and cold water (HDCW) in the middle of western part of in the investigated region, and its center is located near the hydrological station 3 at Section A. (4) There is the lower density and warm water (LDWW) in the southeastern part of investigated region. (5) The currents in April 2002 are stronger than those in March 2002.The major computed results are as follows: (1) The northwestward and southeastward VTs through Section B are 32.48×106 m3/s (inclusive of VT of anticyclonic eddy) and 3.34×106m3/s, respectively. The net northwestward VT through Section B in the investigated area is about 29.14×106 m3/s. (2) The eastern and western VTs through Section A are about 16.71×106 and 8.57×106 m3/s, respectively. Thus, the net eastward VT through Section A is about 8.14×106 m3/s. (3) The net northward VT through Section M is about 24.68×106 m3/s. (4) After about 24.68×106 m3/s flows through Section M, most of it, about 16.54×106 m3/s, flows northward through the eastern part of Section C and then flows northward into the region east Taiwan Island. The other part of it, about 8.14×106 m3/s, branches out from the main Kuroshio and then flows meanderingly through the western part of Section C. Thus, the Kuroshio has the two cores of current at Section C. (5) The direction of the computed current near the mooring station M agrees with the direction of the current measurements at 200 and 500 m from moored current meters, i.e., their directions both are northwestward. (6) About 3.34×106 m3/s of the South Chin Sea water probably flows slowly from the northwest to the southeast in the layer below 550 m at the western part of Section B. 展开更多
关键词 currents in the luzon strait during the spring of 2002 currents measurements modified inverse method
2002年春季吕宋海峡海流:观测与改进逆模式计算 被引量:8
作者 袁耀初 楼如云 +2 位作者 刘勇刚 苏纪兰 王康墡 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期1-10,共10页
基于2002年春季航次在吕宋海峡海域锚碇测流站(20°49′57″N,120°48′12″E)200,500与800m处锚碇测流以及CTD观测,采用改进逆方法对调查海域进行海流计算.(1)主要观测的结果:1)在200m处,观测期间海流平均速度为(47.4cm/s,346&... 基于2002年春季航次在吕宋海峡海域锚碇测流站(20°49′57″N,120°48′12″E)200,500与800m处锚碇测流以及CTD观测,采用改进逆方法对调查海域进行海流计算.(1)主要观测的结果:1)在200m处,观测期间海流平均速度为(47.4cm/s,346°).在500m处,海流观测期间平均速度为(20.3cm/s,350°).这些都表明黑潮在吕宋海峡锚碇测流站200和500m处向西北方向入侵南海.2)在800m处,海流观测期间平均速度为(1.2cm/s,35°),它的方向为东北向.比较每层实测流结果,表明800m层海流状况与200和500m层流况不同.3)在观测期间,200,500和800m处,日平均流速在4月皆比3月时要强.4)在调查海区西部的中间区域存在一个高密、冷水中心(HDCW),其中心位置位于断面A的水文站3附近.5)在调查海区东南区域存在一个低密、暖水(LDWW)中心,其中心位置位于断面B的水文站8附近.(2)主要计算结果:1)通过断面B的偏北方向与偏南方向的流量分别为32.48×106m3/s(包括反气旋涡的流量)与3.34×106m3/s.因此通过断面B的净北向流量为29.14×106m3/s.2)通过断面A的东向与西向的流量分别为16.71×106m3/s与8.57×106m3/s(包括气旋涡的流量).因此,通过断面A的净东向流量为8.14×106m3/s.3)通过断面M北向的净流量为24.68×106m3/s.4) 展开更多
关键词 2002年春季吕宋海峡海流 海流观测 改进逆方法
2002年春季吕宋海峡海流观测及其谱分析 被引量:1
作者 袁耀初 王惠群 +2 位作者 楼如云 陈洪 王康墡 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期1-9,共9页
基于2002年春季航次在吕宋海峡海域锚碇测流站(20°49′57″N,120°48′12″E)200,500与800m锚碇测流水层观测流,进行的海流特征分析与最大熵方法谱分析,得到以下主要结果.(1)在200m处,观测期间海流平均速度为(47.4cm/s,346... 基于2002年春季航次在吕宋海峡海域锚碇测流站(20°49′57″N,120°48′12″E)200,500与800m锚碇测流水层观测流,进行的海流特征分析与最大熵方法谱分析,得到以下主要结果.(1)在200m处,观测期间海流平均速度为(47.4cm/s,346°),最大观测海流速度Vmax和最大日平均海流速度Vd,max分别为(103.8cm/s,10°)和(71.6cm/s,339°);在500m处,观测期间平均流速为(20.3cm/s,350°),最大观测海流速度Vmax和最大日平均海流速度Vd,max分别为(74.1cm/s,17°)和(39.1cm/s,317°).这些都表明黑潮在吕宋海峡锚碇测流站200和500m处向西北方向入侵南海.(2)在800m处,观测期间平均流速为(1.2cm/s,35°),最大观测海流速度Vmax和最大日平均海流速度Vd,max分别为(10.8cm/s,76°)和(4.7cm/s,46°).这些都表明,它们的流向皆为东北向.比较在每层实测流的结果,表明在800m层海流状况与200和500m层海流状况是不相同的,流速随深度变深明显减弱,流向向右偏转.(3)在观测期间200,500和800m处,日平均流速在4月皆比3月时要强.(4)在200~800m潮流随深度变深有所变化,除了在500m处f<0情况全日潮峰值高于半日潮峰值以及对于半日潮以逆时针方向为主以外,其余情况在200~800m水层半日潮峰值都要高于全日潮的峰值,并且皆以顺时针方向旋转为主.(5)在200~800m水层都存在15d以上或14d左右的周期振动,例如在逆时针方向分量谱(f>0)在200,500m处存在19d左右的周期振动;在800m处存在14d左右的周期振动(f<0).(6)在200~800m处都存在4~6d周期天气过程的振动和2~3d周期振动.还都存在34.5h左右惯性振动周期,它的振动方向为顺时针方向.(7)通过交叉谱的计算,揭示:1)200与500m层两组流速时间序列对于半日潮周期、全日潮周期、15d以上的周期振动、2~3d的周期振动等都有很好的相关性,且对15d以上的长周期振动几乎是同步的;2)500与800m层两组流速时间序列对于4~6d天气过程的周期振动与2~3d的周期振动等都有很好的相关性,但它们之间有相位差,有滞后或提前现象. 展开更多
关键词 2002年春季 吕宋海峡 在200 500与800 m处锚系海流观测 最大熵方法谱分析
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