This paper develops an original theory of dark matter in the current ΛCDM framework, whose main hypothesis is that DM is generated by the own gravitational field, according to an unknown quantum gravitational phenome...This paper develops an original theory of dark matter in the current ΛCDM framework, whose main hypothesis is that DM is generated by the own gravitational field, according to an unknown quantum gravitational phenomenon. This work is the best version of the theory, which I have been developing and publishing since 2014. The hypothesis of DM by quantum gravitation, DMbQG hereafter, has two main consequences: the first one is that the law of DM generation has to be the same, in the halo region, for all the galaxies and the second one is that the haloes are unbounded, so the total DM goes up without limit as the gravitational field is unbounded as well. The first one consequence is backed by the fact that M31 and MW has a fitted function with the same power exponent for the rotation curve at the halo region and both giant galaxies are the only ones whose rotation curves at the halo region may be studied with accuracy. This paper is firstly developed all the theory with M31 rotation curve data up to Chapter 9. The most important formula of the theory is the called Direct mass, which calculates the total mass at a specific radius into the halo region. Chapter 10 is dedicated to apply the theory to Milky Way, it is calculated its total mass at different radius into the halo and such results have been validated successfully using the data of masses at different radius published by two researcher teams. In Chapter 11, it is calculated the direct mass for the Local Group, and it is shown how the DMbQG theory is able to calculate the total mass at 770 kpc, that the dynamical methods estimate to be 5×1012MΘ. In Chapter 12, it is shown a method to estimate the Direct mass formula for a cluster of galaxies, using only its virial mass and virial radius. By this method, it is estimated the parameter a2 of the Local Group, which match with the one calculated in previous chapter by a different method. Also are calculated the parameters a2 associated to Virgo and Coma clusters. In Chapter 13, it is demonstrated how the DE is able to counterbalance the DM at cluster scale, as the Direct mass grows up with the square root of radius whereas the DE grows up with the cubic power. The chapter is an introduction to the DMbQG theory for cluster of galaxies, which has been developed fully by the author in other works. This theory aims to be a powerful method to study DM in the halo region of galaxies and cluster of galaxies and conversely the measures in galaxies and clusters offer the possibility to validate the theory.展开更多
Great experimental results and observations achieved by Astronomy in the last decades revealed new unexplainable phenomena. Astronomers have conclusive new evidence that a recently discovered “dark galaxy” is, in fa...Great experimental results and observations achieved by Astronomy in the last decades revealed new unexplainable phenomena. Astronomers have conclusive new evidence that a recently discovered “dark galaxy” is, in fact, an object the size of a galaxy, made entirely of dark matter. They found that the speed of the Earth’s rotation varies randomly each day. 115 years ago, the Tunguska Event was observed, and astronomers still do not have an explanation of It. Main results of the present article are: 1) Dark galaxies explained by the spinning of their Dark Matter Cores with the surface speed at equator less than the escape velocity. Their Rotational Fission is not happening. Extrasolar systems do not emerge;2) 21-cm Emission explained by the self-annihilation of Dark Matter particles XIONs (5.3 μeV);3) Sun-Earth-Moon Interaction explained by the influence of the Sun’s and the Moon’s magnetic field on the electrical currents of the charged Geomagma (the 660-km layer), and, as a result, the Earth’s daylength varies;4) Tunguska Event explained by a huge atmospheric explosion of the Superbolide, which was a stable Dark Matter Bubble before entering the Earth’s atmosphere.展开更多
This paper develops the Dark Matter by Quantum Gravitation theory, DMbQG theory hereafter, in clusters of galaxies in the cosmologic model ΛCDM of the Universe. Originally this theory was developed by the author for ...This paper develops the Dark Matter by Quantum Gravitation theory, DMbQG theory hereafter, in clusters of galaxies in the cosmologic model ΛCDM of the Universe. Originally this theory was developed by the author for galaxies, especially using MW and M31 rotation curves. An important result got by the DMbQG theory is that the total mass associated to a galactic halo depend on the square root of radius, being its dominion unbounded. Apparently, this result would be absurd because of divergence of the total mass. As the DE is negligible at galactic scale, it is needed to extend the theory to clusters in order to study the capacity of DE to counterbalance to DM. Thanks this property, the DMbQG theory finds unexpected theoretical results. In this work, it is defined, the total mass as baryonic matter plus DM and the gravitating mass as the addition of the total mass plus the negative mass associated to dark energy. In clusters it is defined the zero gravity radius (RZG hereafter) as the radius needed by the dark energy to counterbalance the total mass. It has been found that the ratio RZG/RVIRIAL ≈ 7.3 and its Total mass associated at RZG is ≈2.7 MVIRIAL. In addition, it has been calculated that the sphere with the extended halo radius RE = 1.85 RZG has a ratio DM density versus DE density equal to 3/7 and its total mass associated at RE is ≈3.6 MVIRIAL. This works postulates that the factor 3.6 may equilibrate perfectly the strong imbalance between the Local mater density parameter (0.08) versus the current Global matter density one (0.3). Currently, this fact is a big conundrum in cosmology, see chapter 7. Also it has been found that the zero velocity radius, RZV hereafter, i.e. the cluster border because of the Hubble flow, is ≈0.6 RZG and its gravitating mass is ≈ 1.5 MVIR. By derivation of gravitating mass function, it is calculated that at 0.49 RZG, this function reaches its maximum whose value is ≈1.57 MVIR. Throughout the paper, some of these results have been validated with recent data published for the Virgo cluster. As Virgo is the nearest big cluster, it is the perfect benchmark to validate any new theory about DM and DE. These new theoretical findings offer to scientific community a wide number of tests to validate or reject the theory. The validation of DMbQG theory would mean to know the nature of DM that at the present, it is an important challenge for the astrophysics science.展开更多
Understanding the dark matter distribution throughout a galaxy can provide insight into its elusive nature. Numerous density profiles, such as the Navarro, Frenk and White model, have been created in an attempt to stu...Understanding the dark matter distribution throughout a galaxy can provide insight into its elusive nature. Numerous density profiles, such as the Navarro, Frenk and White model, have been created in an attempt to study this distribution through analyzing orbital velocities of luminous matter and modeling dark matter distributions to explain these observations. However, we are interested in a simple model to consider the significant fluctuations in rotation curves at larger radii. Therefore, our model is much simpler compared to those previously mentioned. Our model used all the observational data available for four selected galactic rotation curves. These data present a significant variation in the orbital velocity of matter at the same distances. By running real observational data through our model, we show that the density of the dark matter within them shows real complex structure, which is not suggested by other computational models. Our aim of this paper is to model this structure and then speculate as to the cause and implications of these density fluctuations.展开更多
The Intergalactic Medium (IGM) is commonly thought to be occupied by approximately one atom of Hydrogen per cubic metre of space either as neutral Hydrogen or partially/fully ionised. This cannot be true as galaxies w...The Intergalactic Medium (IGM) is commonly thought to be occupied by approximately one atom of Hydrogen per cubic metre of space either as neutral Hydrogen or partially/fully ionised. This cannot be true as galaxies will “boil off” electrons from their outer surfaces by the photo-electric effect and so the IGM must be filled with electrons. UV and X-ray photons, as they leave the galaxy, can remove an electron from a Hydrogen atom at the surface of the galaxy, give it sufficient energy to escape the gravitational pull of the galaxy and go on to fill the IGM. A typical galaxy emits approximately 5×1047 X-ray photons each second. All of which pass through the outer surface of the galaxy and have sufficient energy to eject an electron and send it off to the IGM. Adding to these photons in the UV and gamma, we can see that galaxies are ejecting large amounts of electrons each second that go on to fill the IGM. Data from FRB 121102 give the value for the electron number density in the IGM as ne ≈ 0.5 m-3. Under certain conditions, an electron gas will crystallise into a Wigner-Seitz crystal. Here the electrical potential energy of repulsion between the electrons dominates their kinetic energy and the electrons form on a BCC lattice structure. The electrons oscillate, performing SHM about their lattice positions. With ne ≈ 0.5 m-3 the electrons in the IGM satisfy the energy criteria for crystallisation to occur when interacting with other electrons within a sphere far less in radius than the corresponding Debye sphere. Thus, the conditions are met for the electrons to form an “electron glass.” Since the electrons in their BCC formation are spatially coherent, light will travel through the crystals in a straight line and thus objections to “Tired Light” theories are now removed since images will neither be destroyed nor “blurred.” Charges are not created but separated, if the electrons are removed from the galaxy and sent to fill the IGM;the remaining protons are left behind. These are “thermal” and will not have sufficient energy to escape but will be held gravitationally to that galaxy. Could these too form a spherical Wigner-Seitz sphere around that galaxy? Since the structure would be transparent, light would pass through in straight lines and thus we would not see it. They would however, interact gravitationally with the galaxy and have an effect on the rotation curves of single galaxies and on the motion of galactic clusters. Just as we cannot see the clear water in a fish tank when we look at the fish, the transparent, crystalline sphere of protons around galaxies would be “dark”.展开更多
This paper modifies the Farnes’ unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter which are negative-mass, created continuously from the negative-mass universe in the positive-negative mass universe pair. The first modi...This paper modifies the Farnes’ unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter which are negative-mass, created continuously from the negative-mass universe in the positive-negative mass universe pair. The first modification explains that observed dark energy is 68.6%, greater than 50% for the symmetrical positive-negative mass universe pair. This paper starts with the proposed positive-negative-mass 11D universe pair (without kinetic energy) which is transformed into the positive-negative mass 10D universe pair and the external dual gravities as in the Randall-Sundrum model, resulting in the four equal and separate universes consisting of the positive-mass 10D universe, the positive-mass massive external gravity, the negative-mass 10D universe and the negative-mass massive external gravity. The positive-mass 10D universe is transformed into 4D universe (home universe) with kinetic energy through the inflation and the Big Bang to create positive-mass dark matter which is five times of positive-mass baryonic matter. The other three universes without kinetic energy oscillate between 10D and 10D through 4D, resulting in the hidden universes when D > 4 and dark energy when D = 4, which is created continuously to our 4D home universe with the maximum dark energy = 3/4 = 75%. In the second modification to explain dark matter in the CMB, dark matter initially is not repulsive. The condensed baryonic gas at the critical surface density induces dark matter repulsive force to transform dark matter in the region into repulsive dark matter repulsing one another. The calculated percentages of dark energy, dark matter, and baryonic matter are 68.6 (as an input from the observation), 26 and 5.2, respectively, in agreement with observed 68.6, 26.5 and 4.9, respectively, and dark energy started in 4.33 billion years ago in agreement with the observed 4.71 <span style="white-space:nowrap;">±</span> 0.98 billion years ago. In conclusion, the modified Farnes’ unifying theory reinterprets the Farnes’ equations, and is a unifying theory of dark energy, dark matter, and baryonic matter in the positive-negative mass universe pair. The unifying theory explains protogalaxy and galaxy evolutions in agreement with the observations.展开更多
We constrain the mass of the Milky Way's dark matter halo, based on the kinematics of 9627 K giants at Galactocentric distances ranging over 5 kpc 〈 r 〈 120 kpc drawn from LAMOST DR5.The substructure in this sample...We constrain the mass of the Milky Way's dark matter halo, based on the kinematics of 9627 K giants at Galactocentric distances ranging over 5 kpc 〈 r 〈 120 kpc drawn from LAMOST DR5.The substructure in this sample has been identified and removed carefully to enable construction of the underlying line-of-sight velocity dispersion at different radii from the Galactic center. We interpret the radial profile of the line-of-sight velocity dispersion using a spherical Jeans equation under the assumptions of anisotropy/isotropy and that radial velocity dispersion is approximately equal to line-ofsight velocity dispersion σ_r(r)≈σ_(los)(r). If we assume that the dark matter halo follows an NFW profile and the stellar halo is isotropic(β = 0), then σlos(r) can be directly used to estimate the virial mass of the Galactic dark matter halo, M_(vir) = 1.08_(-0.14)^(+0.17) ×10^(12) M⊙, and concentration parameter c = 18.5+- In case that the stellar halo is anisotropic, we cannot avoid differentiation of sparse velocity dispersions according to the Jeans equation, which may cause overestimation of the mass. We use an isotropic case to test and find that d ln(σ_(los)~2 (r))/d ln r overestimates the virial mass by 15% but within 1-σ error. We use d ln(σ2 los(r))/d ln r to fit the NFW profile and get M_(vir) = 1.11_(-0.20)^(+0.24) ×10^(12) M⊙and c = 13.8-2.2+3.0 in case of β = 0.3.展开更多
Collisionless dark matter can only expand adiabatically. To test this idea and constrain the properties of dark matter, we study spiral galaxies in the “Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves” (SPARC) sampl...Collisionless dark matter can only expand adiabatically. To test this idea and constrain the properties of dark matter, we study spiral galaxies in the “Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves” (SPARC) sample. Fitting the rotation curves, we obtain the root-mean-square (rms) velocity and density of dark matter in the core of the galaxies. We then calculate the rms velocity vhrms (1) that dark matter particles would have if expanded adiabatically from the core of the galaxies to the present mean density of dark matter in the universe. We obtain this “adiabatic invariant” vhrms (1) for 40 spiral galaxies. The distribution of vhrms (1) has a mean 0.87 km/s and a standard deviation of 0.27 km/s. This low relative dispersion is noteworthy given the wide range of the properties of these galaxies. The adiabatic invariant vhrms (1) may, therefore, have a cosmological origin. In this case, the rms velocity of non-relativistic dark matter particles in the early universe when density perturbations are still linear is vhrms (a)=vhrms (1)/a, where a is the expansion parameter. The adiabatic invariant obtains the ratio of dark matter temperature Th (a) to mass mh in the early universe.展开更多
To constrain the properties of dark matter, we study spiral galaxy rotation curves measured by the THINGS collaboration. A model that describes a mixture of two self-gravitating non-relativistic ideal gases, “baryons...To constrain the properties of dark matter, we study spiral galaxy rotation curves measured by the THINGS collaboration. A model that describes a mixture of two self-gravitating non-relativistic ideal gases, “baryons” and “dark matter”, reproduces the measured rotation curves within observational uncertainties. The model has four parameters that are obtained by minimizing a x2 between the measured and calculated rotation curves. From these four parameters, we calculate derived galaxy parameters. We find that dark matter satisfies the Boltzmann distribution. The onset of Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein degeneracy obtains disagreement with observations and we determine, with 99% confidence, that the mass of dark matter particles is mh> 16 eV if fermions, or mh> 45 eV if bosons. We measure the root-mean-square velocity of dark matter particles in the spiral galaxies. This observable is of cosmological origin and allows us to obtain the root-mean-square velocity of dark matter particles in the early universe when perturbations were still linear. Extrapolating to the past we obtain the expansion parameter at which dark matter particles become non-relativistic: ahNR=[4.17±0.34(STAT)±2.50(SYST)]×10−6. Knowing we then obtain the dark matter particle mass mh=69.0±4.2(stat)±31.0(syst)eV, and the ratio of dark matter-to-photon temperature Th/T=0.389±0.008(stat)±0.058(syst) after e+e−annihilation while dark matter remains ultra-relativistic. We repeat these measurements with ten galaxies with masses that span three orders of magnitude, and angular momenta that span five orders of magnitude, and obtain fairly consistent results. We conclude that dark matter was once in thermal equilibrium with the (pre?) Standard Model particles (hence the observed Boltzmann distribution) and then decoupled from the Standard Model and from self-annihilation at temperatures above mμ. These results disfavor models with freeze-out or freeze-in. We also measure the primordial amplitude of vector modes, and constrain the baryon-dark matter cross-section: . Finally, we consider sterile Majorana neutrinos as a dark matter candidate.展开更多
The GeV-TeV -γ-ray line signal is the smoking gun signature of dark matter annihilation or decay. The detection of such a signal is one of the main targets of some space-based telescopes, including Fermi-LAT and the ...The GeV-TeV -γ-ray line signal is the smoking gun signature of dark matter annihilation or decay. The detection of such a signal is one of the main targets of some space-based telescopes, including Fermi-LAT and the upcoming missions CALET, DAMPE and Gamma-400. An important feature of γ-ray line photons that originate from dark-matter-annihilation is that they are concentrated at the center of the Galaxy. So far, no reliable γ-ray line has been detected by Fermi-LAT, and the upper limits on the cross section of annihilation into "y-rays have been reported. We use these upper limits to estimate the "maximal" number of -y-ray line photons detectable for Fermi- LAT, DAMPE and Gamma-400, and then investigate the spatial distribution of these photons. We show that the center of the distribution will usually be offset from the Galactic center (Sgr A*) due to the limited statistics. Such a result is almost indepen- dent of models of the dark matter distribution, and will render the reconstruction of the dark matter distribution with the γ-ray line signal very challenging for foreseeable space-based detectors.展开更多
The nature of the principle of equivalence is explored. The path of gravitons is analyzed in an accelerating system equivalent to a gravitating system. The finite speed of the graviton results in a delay of the gravit...The nature of the principle of equivalence is explored. The path of gravitons is analyzed in an accelerating system equivalent to a gravitating system. The finite speed of the graviton results in a delay of the gravitational interaction with a particle mass. From the aberration found in the path of the graviton we derive the standard expression for the advancement of the periastron of the orbit of the mass around a star. In a similar way, by analysing the aberrations of the graviton and light paths in an accelerating reference frame, the expression for the deflection of light by a massive body is obtained identically to the standard result. We also examine the binary star system and calculate the decay in its orbital period. The decay is attributed to the redshift of the graviton frequency relative to the accelerating system. Here too, we obtain good agreement with experimental measurements. Also, hypothesizing that gravitons behave like photons, we determine the temperature of the gravitons in a binary star system and form the Bose-Einstein distribution. Finally, we show how the redshift of gravitons may be the source of dark matter, dark energy and flat line spiral galaxy rotation curves.展开更多
We compare the observed galaxy stellar mass distributions in the redshift range <img src="Edit_bc01f6dd-d7f9-42f9-9db0-dbd1148de50e.png" alt="" />with expectations of the cold ΛCDM and warm ...We compare the observed galaxy stellar mass distributions in the redshift range <img src="Edit_bc01f6dd-d7f9-42f9-9db0-dbd1148de50e.png" alt="" />with expectations of the cold ΛCDM and warm ΛWDM dark matter models, and obtain the warm dark matter cut-off wavenumber: <img src="Edit_ab3d491d-7145-4d59-b4b1-bea473d62333.png" alt="" />. This result is in agreement with the independent measurements with spiral galaxy rotation curves, confirms that <em>k</em><sub>fs</sub> is due to warm dark matter free-streaming, and is consistent with the scenario of dark matter with no freeze-in and no freeze-out. Detailed properties of warm dark matter can be derived from <em>k</em><sub>fs</sub>. The data disfavors the ΛCDM model.展开更多
We compare simulated galaxy distributions in the cold ΛCDM and warm ΛWDM dark matter models. The ΛWDM model adds one parameter to the ΛCDM model, namely the cut-off wavenumber kfs of linear den...We compare simulated galaxy distributions in the cold ΛCDM and warm ΛWDM dark matter models. The ΛWDM model adds one parameter to the ΛCDM model, namely the cut-off wavenumber kfs of linear density perturbations. The challenge is to measure kfs. This study focuses on “smoothing lengths” π/kfs in the range from 12 Mpc to 1 Mpc. The simulations reveal two distinct galaxy populations at any given redshift z: hierarchical galaxies that form bottom up starting at the transition mas?Mfs, and stripped down galaxies that lose mass to neighboring galaxies during their formation, are near larger galaxies, often have filamentary distributions, and seldom fill voids. We compare simulations with observations, and present four independent measurements of kfs, and the mass mh of dark matter particles, based on the redshift of first galaxies, galaxy mass distributions, and rotation curves of spiral galaxies.展开更多
The pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) suggest that massive galaxies were already at the beginning of the expansion of the Universe because there was too short time to create them. It is consistent wi...The pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) suggest that massive galaxies were already at the beginning of the expansion of the Universe because there was too short time to create them. It is consistent with the new cosmology presented within the Scale-Symmetric Theory (SST). The phase transitions of the initial inflation field described in SST lead to the Protoworld—its core was built of dark matter (DM). We show that the DAMA/LIBRA annual-modulation amplitude forced by the change of the Earth’s velocity (i.e. baryonic-matter (BM) velocity) in relation to the spinning DM field in our Galaxy’s halo should be very low. We calculated that in the DM-BM weak interactions are created single and entangled spacetime condensates with a lowest mass/energy of 0.807 keV—as the Higgs boson they can decay to two photons, so we can indirectly detect DM. Our results are consistent with the averaged DAMA/LIBRA/COSINE-100 curve describing the dependence of the event rate on the photon energy in single-hit events. We calculated the mean dark-matter-halo (DMH) mass around quasars, we also described the origin of the plateaux in the rotation curves for the massive spiral galaxies, the role of DM-loops in magnetars, the origin of CMB, the AGN-jet and galactic-halo production, and properties of dark energy (DE).展开更多
In Part II of this study of spiral galaxy rotation curves we apply corrections and estimate all identified systematic uncertainties. We arrive at a detailed, precise, and self-consistent picture of dark matter.
We summarize several measurements of the dark matter temperature-to-mass ratio, or equivalently, of the comoving root-mean-square thermal velocity of warm dark matter particles vhrms(1). The most reliable determinatio...We summarize several measurements of the dark matter temperature-to-mass ratio, or equivalently, of the comoving root-mean-square thermal velocity of warm dark matter particles vhrms(1). The most reliable determination of this parameter comes from well measured rotation curves of dwarf galaxies by the LITTLE THINGS collaboration: vhrms(1)=406±69 m/s. Complementary and consistent measurements are obtained from rotation curves of spiral galaxies measured by the SPARC collaboration, density runs of giant elliptical galaxies, galaxy ultra-violet luminosity distributions, galaxy stellar mass distributions, first galaxies, and reionization. Having measured vhrms(1), we then embark on a journey to the past that leads to a consistent set of measured dark matter properties, including mass, temperature and spin.展开更多
We try to bridge the gap between the theory of linear density-velocity-gravitational perturbations in the early universe, and the relaxed galaxies we observe today. We succeed quantitatively for dark matter if dark ma...We try to bridge the gap between the theory of linear density-velocity-gravitational perturbations in the early universe, and the relaxed galaxies we observe today. We succeed quantitatively for dark matter if dark matter is warm. The density runs of baryons and of dark matter of relaxed galaxies are well described by hydro-static equations. The evolution from initial linear perturbations to final relaxed galaxies is well described by hydro-dynamical equations. These equations necessarily include dark matter velocity dispersion. If the initial perturbation is large enough, the halo becomes self-gravitating. The adiabatic compression of the dark matter core determines the final core density, and provides a negative stabilizing feedback. The relaxed galaxy halo may form adiabatically if dark matter is warm. The galaxy halo radius continues to increase indefinitely, so has an ill-defined mass.展开更多
By numerical integration of hydro-dynamical equations, we study the formation of elliptical and spiral galaxies starting from primordial linear density-velocity-gravitational perturbations. Both dark matter and baryon...By numerical integration of hydro-dynamical equations, we study the formation of elliptical and spiral galaxies starting from primordial linear density-velocity-gravitational perturbations. Both dark matter and baryons are included. Warm dark matter perturbations acquire two low mass cut-offs: the free-streaming cut-off due to the power spectrum free-streaming cut-off factor τ<sup>2</sup>(k), and the velocity dispersion cut-off. The Press-Schechter mass distribution does not include velocity dispersion, and should not be used below the velocity dispersion cut-off mass. From the formation of first galaxies and reionization, we estimate limits on the non-relativistic warm dark matter velocity dispersion at expansion parameter , with .展开更多
The root-mean-square of non-relativistic warm dark matter particle velocities scales as v<sub>hrms</sub>(a)=v<sub>hrms</sub>(1)/a , where a is the expansion parameter of the universe. This velo...The root-mean-square of non-relativistic warm dark matter particle velocities scales as v<sub>hrms</sub>(a)=v<sub>hrms</sub>(1)/a , where a is the expansion parameter of the universe. This velocity dispersion results in a cut-off of the power spectrum of density fluctuations due to dark matter free-streaming. Let k<sub>fs </sub>(t<sub>eq</sub>) be the free-streaming comoving cut-off wavenumber at the time of equal densities of radiation and matter. We obtain , and , at 68% confidence, from the observed distributions of galaxy stellar masses and rest frame ultra-violet luminosities. This result is consistent with reionization. From the velocity dispersion cut-off mass we obtain the limits v<sub>hrms</sub>(1)k<sub>fs </sub>(t<sub>eq</sub>) >1.5 Mpc<sup>-1</sup>. These results are in agreement with previous measurements based on spiral galaxy rotation curves, and on the formation of first galaxies and reionization. These measured parameters determine the temperature-to-mass ratio of warm dark matter. This ratio happens to be in agreement with the no freeze-in and no freeze-out warm dark matter scenario of spin 0 dark matter particles decoupling early on from the standard model sector. Spin 1/2 and spin 1 dark matter are disfavored if nature has chosen the no freeze-in and no freeze-out scenario. An extension of the standard model of quarks and leptons, with scalar dark matter that couples to the Higgs boson that is in agreement with all current measurements, is briefly reviewed. Discrepancies with limits on dark matter particle mass that can be found in the literature are addressed.展开更多
Based on the star formation histories of galaxies in halos with different masses, we develop an empirical model to grow galaxies in dark matter halos. This model has very few ingredients, any of which can be associate...Based on the star formation histories of galaxies in halos with different masses, we develop an empirical model to grow galaxies in dark matter halos. This model has very few ingredients, any of which can be associated with observational data and thus be efficiently assessed. By applying this model to a very high resolution cosmological N-body simulation, we predict a number of galaxy properties that are a very good match to relevant observational data. Namely, for both centrals and satellites, the galaxy stellar mass functions up to redshift z=4 and the conditional stellar mass functions in the local universe are in good agreement with observations. In addition, the two point correlation function is well predicted in the different stellar mass ranges explored by our model. Furthermore, after applying stellar population synthesis models to our stellar composition as a function of redshift, we find that the luminosity functions in the 0.1 u,0.19, 0.1r, 0.1i and 0.1z bands agree quite well with the SDSS observational results down to an absolute magnitude at about -17.0. The SDSS conditional luminosity function itself is predicted well. Finally, the cold gas is derived from the star formation rate to predict the HI gas mass within each mock galaxy. We find a remarkably good match to observed HI-to-stellar mass ratios. These features ensure that such galaxy/gas catalogs can be used to generate reliable mock redshift surveys.展开更多
文摘This paper develops an original theory of dark matter in the current ΛCDM framework, whose main hypothesis is that DM is generated by the own gravitational field, according to an unknown quantum gravitational phenomenon. This work is the best version of the theory, which I have been developing and publishing since 2014. The hypothesis of DM by quantum gravitation, DMbQG hereafter, has two main consequences: the first one is that the law of DM generation has to be the same, in the halo region, for all the galaxies and the second one is that the haloes are unbounded, so the total DM goes up without limit as the gravitational field is unbounded as well. The first one consequence is backed by the fact that M31 and MW has a fitted function with the same power exponent for the rotation curve at the halo region and both giant galaxies are the only ones whose rotation curves at the halo region may be studied with accuracy. This paper is firstly developed all the theory with M31 rotation curve data up to Chapter 9. The most important formula of the theory is the called Direct mass, which calculates the total mass at a specific radius into the halo region. Chapter 10 is dedicated to apply the theory to Milky Way, it is calculated its total mass at different radius into the halo and such results have been validated successfully using the data of masses at different radius published by two researcher teams. In Chapter 11, it is calculated the direct mass for the Local Group, and it is shown how the DMbQG theory is able to calculate the total mass at 770 kpc, that the dynamical methods estimate to be 5×1012MΘ. In Chapter 12, it is shown a method to estimate the Direct mass formula for a cluster of galaxies, using only its virial mass and virial radius. By this method, it is estimated the parameter a2 of the Local Group, which match with the one calculated in previous chapter by a different method. Also are calculated the parameters a2 associated to Virgo and Coma clusters. In Chapter 13, it is demonstrated how the DE is able to counterbalance the DM at cluster scale, as the Direct mass grows up with the square root of radius whereas the DE grows up with the cubic power. The chapter is an introduction to the DMbQG theory for cluster of galaxies, which has been developed fully by the author in other works. This theory aims to be a powerful method to study DM in the halo region of galaxies and cluster of galaxies and conversely the measures in galaxies and clusters offer the possibility to validate the theory.
文摘Great experimental results and observations achieved by Astronomy in the last decades revealed new unexplainable phenomena. Astronomers have conclusive new evidence that a recently discovered “dark galaxy” is, in fact, an object the size of a galaxy, made entirely of dark matter. They found that the speed of the Earth’s rotation varies randomly each day. 115 years ago, the Tunguska Event was observed, and astronomers still do not have an explanation of It. Main results of the present article are: 1) Dark galaxies explained by the spinning of their Dark Matter Cores with the surface speed at equator less than the escape velocity. Their Rotational Fission is not happening. Extrasolar systems do not emerge;2) 21-cm Emission explained by the self-annihilation of Dark Matter particles XIONs (5.3 μeV);3) Sun-Earth-Moon Interaction explained by the influence of the Sun’s and the Moon’s magnetic field on the electrical currents of the charged Geomagma (the 660-km layer), and, as a result, the Earth’s daylength varies;4) Tunguska Event explained by a huge atmospheric explosion of the Superbolide, which was a stable Dark Matter Bubble before entering the Earth’s atmosphere.
文摘This paper develops the Dark Matter by Quantum Gravitation theory, DMbQG theory hereafter, in clusters of galaxies in the cosmologic model ΛCDM of the Universe. Originally this theory was developed by the author for galaxies, especially using MW and M31 rotation curves. An important result got by the DMbQG theory is that the total mass associated to a galactic halo depend on the square root of radius, being its dominion unbounded. Apparently, this result would be absurd because of divergence of the total mass. As the DE is negligible at galactic scale, it is needed to extend the theory to clusters in order to study the capacity of DE to counterbalance to DM. Thanks this property, the DMbQG theory finds unexpected theoretical results. In this work, it is defined, the total mass as baryonic matter plus DM and the gravitating mass as the addition of the total mass plus the negative mass associated to dark energy. In clusters it is defined the zero gravity radius (RZG hereafter) as the radius needed by the dark energy to counterbalance the total mass. It has been found that the ratio RZG/RVIRIAL ≈ 7.3 and its Total mass associated at RZG is ≈2.7 MVIRIAL. In addition, it has been calculated that the sphere with the extended halo radius RE = 1.85 RZG has a ratio DM density versus DE density equal to 3/7 and its total mass associated at RE is ≈3.6 MVIRIAL. This works postulates that the factor 3.6 may equilibrate perfectly the strong imbalance between the Local mater density parameter (0.08) versus the current Global matter density one (0.3). Currently, this fact is a big conundrum in cosmology, see chapter 7. Also it has been found that the zero velocity radius, RZV hereafter, i.e. the cluster border because of the Hubble flow, is ≈0.6 RZG and its gravitating mass is ≈ 1.5 MVIR. By derivation of gravitating mass function, it is calculated that at 0.49 RZG, this function reaches its maximum whose value is ≈1.57 MVIR. Throughout the paper, some of these results have been validated with recent data published for the Virgo cluster. As Virgo is the nearest big cluster, it is the perfect benchmark to validate any new theory about DM and DE. These new theoretical findings offer to scientific community a wide number of tests to validate or reject the theory. The validation of DMbQG theory would mean to know the nature of DM that at the present, it is an important challenge for the astrophysics science.
文摘Understanding the dark matter distribution throughout a galaxy can provide insight into its elusive nature. Numerous density profiles, such as the Navarro, Frenk and White model, have been created in an attempt to study this distribution through analyzing orbital velocities of luminous matter and modeling dark matter distributions to explain these observations. However, we are interested in a simple model to consider the significant fluctuations in rotation curves at larger radii. Therefore, our model is much simpler compared to those previously mentioned. Our model used all the observational data available for four selected galactic rotation curves. These data present a significant variation in the orbital velocity of matter at the same distances. By running real observational data through our model, we show that the density of the dark matter within them shows real complex structure, which is not suggested by other computational models. Our aim of this paper is to model this structure and then speculate as to the cause and implications of these density fluctuations.
文摘The Intergalactic Medium (IGM) is commonly thought to be occupied by approximately one atom of Hydrogen per cubic metre of space either as neutral Hydrogen or partially/fully ionised. This cannot be true as galaxies will “boil off” electrons from their outer surfaces by the photo-electric effect and so the IGM must be filled with electrons. UV and X-ray photons, as they leave the galaxy, can remove an electron from a Hydrogen atom at the surface of the galaxy, give it sufficient energy to escape the gravitational pull of the galaxy and go on to fill the IGM. A typical galaxy emits approximately 5×1047 X-ray photons each second. All of which pass through the outer surface of the galaxy and have sufficient energy to eject an electron and send it off to the IGM. Adding to these photons in the UV and gamma, we can see that galaxies are ejecting large amounts of electrons each second that go on to fill the IGM. Data from FRB 121102 give the value for the electron number density in the IGM as ne ≈ 0.5 m-3. Under certain conditions, an electron gas will crystallise into a Wigner-Seitz crystal. Here the electrical potential energy of repulsion between the electrons dominates their kinetic energy and the electrons form on a BCC lattice structure. The electrons oscillate, performing SHM about their lattice positions. With ne ≈ 0.5 m-3 the electrons in the IGM satisfy the energy criteria for crystallisation to occur when interacting with other electrons within a sphere far less in radius than the corresponding Debye sphere. Thus, the conditions are met for the electrons to form an “electron glass.” Since the electrons in their BCC formation are spatially coherent, light will travel through the crystals in a straight line and thus objections to “Tired Light” theories are now removed since images will neither be destroyed nor “blurred.” Charges are not created but separated, if the electrons are removed from the galaxy and sent to fill the IGM;the remaining protons are left behind. These are “thermal” and will not have sufficient energy to escape but will be held gravitationally to that galaxy. Could these too form a spherical Wigner-Seitz sphere around that galaxy? Since the structure would be transparent, light would pass through in straight lines and thus we would not see it. They would however, interact gravitationally with the galaxy and have an effect on the rotation curves of single galaxies and on the motion of galactic clusters. Just as we cannot see the clear water in a fish tank when we look at the fish, the transparent, crystalline sphere of protons around galaxies would be “dark”.
文摘This paper modifies the Farnes’ unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter which are negative-mass, created continuously from the negative-mass universe in the positive-negative mass universe pair. The first modification explains that observed dark energy is 68.6%, greater than 50% for the symmetrical positive-negative mass universe pair. This paper starts with the proposed positive-negative-mass 11D universe pair (without kinetic energy) which is transformed into the positive-negative mass 10D universe pair and the external dual gravities as in the Randall-Sundrum model, resulting in the four equal and separate universes consisting of the positive-mass 10D universe, the positive-mass massive external gravity, the negative-mass 10D universe and the negative-mass massive external gravity. The positive-mass 10D universe is transformed into 4D universe (home universe) with kinetic energy through the inflation and the Big Bang to create positive-mass dark matter which is five times of positive-mass baryonic matter. The other three universes without kinetic energy oscillate between 10D and 10D through 4D, resulting in the hidden universes when D > 4 and dark energy when D = 4, which is created continuously to our 4D home universe with the maximum dark energy = 3/4 = 75%. In the second modification to explain dark matter in the CMB, dark matter initially is not repulsive. The condensed baryonic gas at the critical surface density induces dark matter repulsive force to transform dark matter in the region into repulsive dark matter repulsing one another. The calculated percentages of dark energy, dark matter, and baryonic matter are 68.6 (as an input from the observation), 26 and 5.2, respectively, in agreement with observed 68.6, 26.5 and 4.9, respectively, and dark energy started in 4.33 billion years ago in agreement with the observed 4.71 <span style="white-space:nowrap;">±</span> 0.98 billion years ago. In conclusion, the modified Farnes’ unifying theory reinterprets the Farnes’ equations, and is a unifying theory of dark energy, dark matter, and baryonic matter in the positive-negative mass universe pair. The unifying theory explains protogalaxy and galaxy evolutions in agreement with the observations.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grants(Nos.11390371/2,11573032 and 11773033)the“Recruitment Program of Global Youth Experts”of China+1 种基金National Major Scientific Project built by the Chinese Academy of SciencesFunding for the project has been provided by the National Development and Reform Commission
文摘We constrain the mass of the Milky Way's dark matter halo, based on the kinematics of 9627 K giants at Galactocentric distances ranging over 5 kpc 〈 r 〈 120 kpc drawn from LAMOST DR5.The substructure in this sample has been identified and removed carefully to enable construction of the underlying line-of-sight velocity dispersion at different radii from the Galactic center. We interpret the radial profile of the line-of-sight velocity dispersion using a spherical Jeans equation under the assumptions of anisotropy/isotropy and that radial velocity dispersion is approximately equal to line-ofsight velocity dispersion σ_r(r)≈σ_(los)(r). If we assume that the dark matter halo follows an NFW profile and the stellar halo is isotropic(β = 0), then σlos(r) can be directly used to estimate the virial mass of the Galactic dark matter halo, M_(vir) = 1.08_(-0.14)^(+0.17) ×10^(12) M⊙, and concentration parameter c = 18.5+- In case that the stellar halo is anisotropic, we cannot avoid differentiation of sparse velocity dispersions according to the Jeans equation, which may cause overestimation of the mass. We use an isotropic case to test and find that d ln(σ_(los)~2 (r))/d ln r overestimates the virial mass by 15% but within 1-σ error. We use d ln(σ2 los(r))/d ln r to fit the NFW profile and get M_(vir) = 1.11_(-0.20)^(+0.24) ×10^(12) M⊙and c = 13.8-2.2+3.0 in case of β = 0.3.
文摘Collisionless dark matter can only expand adiabatically. To test this idea and constrain the properties of dark matter, we study spiral galaxies in the “Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves” (SPARC) sample. Fitting the rotation curves, we obtain the root-mean-square (rms) velocity and density of dark matter in the core of the galaxies. We then calculate the rms velocity vhrms (1) that dark matter particles would have if expanded adiabatically from the core of the galaxies to the present mean density of dark matter in the universe. We obtain this “adiabatic invariant” vhrms (1) for 40 spiral galaxies. The distribution of vhrms (1) has a mean 0.87 km/s and a standard deviation of 0.27 km/s. This low relative dispersion is noteworthy given the wide range of the properties of these galaxies. The adiabatic invariant vhrms (1) may, therefore, have a cosmological origin. In this case, the rms velocity of non-relativistic dark matter particles in the early universe when density perturbations are still linear is vhrms (a)=vhrms (1)/a, where a is the expansion parameter. The adiabatic invariant obtains the ratio of dark matter temperature Th (a) to mass mh in the early universe.
文摘To constrain the properties of dark matter, we study spiral galaxy rotation curves measured by the THINGS collaboration. A model that describes a mixture of two self-gravitating non-relativistic ideal gases, “baryons” and “dark matter”, reproduces the measured rotation curves within observational uncertainties. The model has four parameters that are obtained by minimizing a x2 between the measured and calculated rotation curves. From these four parameters, we calculate derived galaxy parameters. We find that dark matter satisfies the Boltzmann distribution. The onset of Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein degeneracy obtains disagreement with observations and we determine, with 99% confidence, that the mass of dark matter particles is mh> 16 eV if fermions, or mh> 45 eV if bosons. We measure the root-mean-square velocity of dark matter particles in the spiral galaxies. This observable is of cosmological origin and allows us to obtain the root-mean-square velocity of dark matter particles in the early universe when perturbations were still linear. Extrapolating to the past we obtain the expansion parameter at which dark matter particles become non-relativistic: ahNR=[4.17±0.34(STAT)±2.50(SYST)]×10−6. Knowing we then obtain the dark matter particle mass mh=69.0±4.2(stat)±31.0(syst)eV, and the ratio of dark matter-to-photon temperature Th/T=0.389±0.008(stat)±0.058(syst) after e+e−annihilation while dark matter remains ultra-relativistic. We repeat these measurements with ten galaxies with masses that span three orders of magnitude, and angular momenta that span five orders of magnitude, and obtain fairly consistent results. We conclude that dark matter was once in thermal equilibrium with the (pre?) Standard Model particles (hence the observed Boltzmann distribution) and then decoupled from the Standard Model and from self-annihilation at temperatures above mμ. These results disfavor models with freeze-out or freeze-in. We also measure the primordial amplitude of vector modes, and constrain the baryon-dark matter cross-section: . Finally, we consider sterile Majorana neutrinos as a dark matter candidate.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘The GeV-TeV -γ-ray line signal is the smoking gun signature of dark matter annihilation or decay. The detection of such a signal is one of the main targets of some space-based telescopes, including Fermi-LAT and the upcoming missions CALET, DAMPE and Gamma-400. An important feature of γ-ray line photons that originate from dark-matter-annihilation is that they are concentrated at the center of the Galaxy. So far, no reliable γ-ray line has been detected by Fermi-LAT, and the upper limits on the cross section of annihilation into "y-rays have been reported. We use these upper limits to estimate the "maximal" number of -y-ray line photons detectable for Fermi- LAT, DAMPE and Gamma-400, and then investigate the spatial distribution of these photons. We show that the center of the distribution will usually be offset from the Galactic center (Sgr A*) due to the limited statistics. Such a result is almost indepen- dent of models of the dark matter distribution, and will render the reconstruction of the dark matter distribution with the γ-ray line signal very challenging for foreseeable space-based detectors.
文摘The nature of the principle of equivalence is explored. The path of gravitons is analyzed in an accelerating system equivalent to a gravitating system. The finite speed of the graviton results in a delay of the gravitational interaction with a particle mass. From the aberration found in the path of the graviton we derive the standard expression for the advancement of the periastron of the orbit of the mass around a star. In a similar way, by analysing the aberrations of the graviton and light paths in an accelerating reference frame, the expression for the deflection of light by a massive body is obtained identically to the standard result. We also examine the binary star system and calculate the decay in its orbital period. The decay is attributed to the redshift of the graviton frequency relative to the accelerating system. Here too, we obtain good agreement with experimental measurements. Also, hypothesizing that gravitons behave like photons, we determine the temperature of the gravitons in a binary star system and form the Bose-Einstein distribution. Finally, we show how the redshift of gravitons may be the source of dark matter, dark energy and flat line spiral galaxy rotation curves.
文摘We compare the observed galaxy stellar mass distributions in the redshift range <img src="Edit_bc01f6dd-d7f9-42f9-9db0-dbd1148de50e.png" alt="" />with expectations of the cold ΛCDM and warm ΛWDM dark matter models, and obtain the warm dark matter cut-off wavenumber: <img src="Edit_ab3d491d-7145-4d59-b4b1-bea473d62333.png" alt="" />. This result is in agreement with the independent measurements with spiral galaxy rotation curves, confirms that <em>k</em><sub>fs</sub> is due to warm dark matter free-streaming, and is consistent with the scenario of dark matter with no freeze-in and no freeze-out. Detailed properties of warm dark matter can be derived from <em>k</em><sub>fs</sub>. The data disfavors the ΛCDM model.
文摘We compare simulated galaxy distributions in the cold ΛCDM and warm ΛWDM dark matter models. The ΛWDM model adds one parameter to the ΛCDM model, namely the cut-off wavenumber kfs of linear density perturbations. The challenge is to measure kfs. This study focuses on “smoothing lengths” π/kfs in the range from 12 Mpc to 1 Mpc. The simulations reveal two distinct galaxy populations at any given redshift z: hierarchical galaxies that form bottom up starting at the transition mas?Mfs, and stripped down galaxies that lose mass to neighboring galaxies during their formation, are near larger galaxies, often have filamentary distributions, and seldom fill voids. We compare simulations with observations, and present four independent measurements of kfs, and the mass mh of dark matter particles, based on the redshift of first galaxies, galaxy mass distributions, and rotation curves of spiral galaxies.
文摘The pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) suggest that massive galaxies were already at the beginning of the expansion of the Universe because there was too short time to create them. It is consistent with the new cosmology presented within the Scale-Symmetric Theory (SST). The phase transitions of the initial inflation field described in SST lead to the Protoworld—its core was built of dark matter (DM). We show that the DAMA/LIBRA annual-modulation amplitude forced by the change of the Earth’s velocity (i.e. baryonic-matter (BM) velocity) in relation to the spinning DM field in our Galaxy’s halo should be very low. We calculated that in the DM-BM weak interactions are created single and entangled spacetime condensates with a lowest mass/energy of 0.807 keV—as the Higgs boson they can decay to two photons, so we can indirectly detect DM. Our results are consistent with the averaged DAMA/LIBRA/COSINE-100 curve describing the dependence of the event rate on the photon energy in single-hit events. We calculated the mean dark-matter-halo (DMH) mass around quasars, we also described the origin of the plateaux in the rotation curves for the massive spiral galaxies, the role of DM-loops in magnetars, the origin of CMB, the AGN-jet and galactic-halo production, and properties of dark energy (DE).
文摘In Part II of this study of spiral galaxy rotation curves we apply corrections and estimate all identified systematic uncertainties. We arrive at a detailed, precise, and self-consistent picture of dark matter.
文摘We summarize several measurements of the dark matter temperature-to-mass ratio, or equivalently, of the comoving root-mean-square thermal velocity of warm dark matter particles vhrms(1). The most reliable determination of this parameter comes from well measured rotation curves of dwarf galaxies by the LITTLE THINGS collaboration: vhrms(1)=406±69 m/s. Complementary and consistent measurements are obtained from rotation curves of spiral galaxies measured by the SPARC collaboration, density runs of giant elliptical galaxies, galaxy ultra-violet luminosity distributions, galaxy stellar mass distributions, first galaxies, and reionization. Having measured vhrms(1), we then embark on a journey to the past that leads to a consistent set of measured dark matter properties, including mass, temperature and spin.
文摘We try to bridge the gap between the theory of linear density-velocity-gravitational perturbations in the early universe, and the relaxed galaxies we observe today. We succeed quantitatively for dark matter if dark matter is warm. The density runs of baryons and of dark matter of relaxed galaxies are well described by hydro-static equations. The evolution from initial linear perturbations to final relaxed galaxies is well described by hydro-dynamical equations. These equations necessarily include dark matter velocity dispersion. If the initial perturbation is large enough, the halo becomes self-gravitating. The adiabatic compression of the dark matter core determines the final core density, and provides a negative stabilizing feedback. The relaxed galaxy halo may form adiabatically if dark matter is warm. The galaxy halo radius continues to increase indefinitely, so has an ill-defined mass.
文摘By numerical integration of hydro-dynamical equations, we study the formation of elliptical and spiral galaxies starting from primordial linear density-velocity-gravitational perturbations. Both dark matter and baryons are included. Warm dark matter perturbations acquire two low mass cut-offs: the free-streaming cut-off due to the power spectrum free-streaming cut-off factor τ<sup>2</sup>(k), and the velocity dispersion cut-off. The Press-Schechter mass distribution does not include velocity dispersion, and should not be used below the velocity dispersion cut-off mass. From the formation of first galaxies and reionization, we estimate limits on the non-relativistic warm dark matter velocity dispersion at expansion parameter , with .
文摘The root-mean-square of non-relativistic warm dark matter particle velocities scales as v<sub>hrms</sub>(a)=v<sub>hrms</sub>(1)/a , where a is the expansion parameter of the universe. This velocity dispersion results in a cut-off of the power spectrum of density fluctuations due to dark matter free-streaming. Let k<sub>fs </sub>(t<sub>eq</sub>) be the free-streaming comoving cut-off wavenumber at the time of equal densities of radiation and matter. We obtain , and , at 68% confidence, from the observed distributions of galaxy stellar masses and rest frame ultra-violet luminosities. This result is consistent with reionization. From the velocity dispersion cut-off mass we obtain the limits v<sub>hrms</sub>(1)k<sub>fs </sub>(t<sub>eq</sub>) >1.5 Mpc<sup>-1</sup>. These results are in agreement with previous measurements based on spiral galaxy rotation curves, and on the formation of first galaxies and reionization. These measured parameters determine the temperature-to-mass ratio of warm dark matter. This ratio happens to be in agreement with the no freeze-in and no freeze-out warm dark matter scenario of spin 0 dark matter particles decoupling early on from the standard model sector. Spin 1/2 and spin 1 dark matter are disfavored if nature has chosen the no freeze-in and no freeze-out scenario. An extension of the standard model of quarks and leptons, with scalar dark matter that couples to the Higgs boson that is in agreement with all current measurements, is briefly reviewed. Discrepancies with limits on dark matter particle mass that can be found in the literature are addressed.
基金supported by the 973 Program(No.2015CB857002)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.11203054,11128306,11121062,11233005,11073017and 11421303)+2 种基金NCET-11-0879,the Strategic Priority Research Program“The Emergence of Cosmological Structures”of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Grant No.XDB09000000the Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology,China(Grant No.12ZR1452800)supported by the High Performance Computing Resource in the Core Facility for Advanced Research Computing at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
文摘Based on the star formation histories of galaxies in halos with different masses, we develop an empirical model to grow galaxies in dark matter halos. This model has very few ingredients, any of which can be associated with observational data and thus be efficiently assessed. By applying this model to a very high resolution cosmological N-body simulation, we predict a number of galaxy properties that are a very good match to relevant observational data. Namely, for both centrals and satellites, the galaxy stellar mass functions up to redshift z=4 and the conditional stellar mass functions in the local universe are in good agreement with observations. In addition, the two point correlation function is well predicted in the different stellar mass ranges explored by our model. Furthermore, after applying stellar population synthesis models to our stellar composition as a function of redshift, we find that the luminosity functions in the 0.1 u,0.19, 0.1r, 0.1i and 0.1z bands agree quite well with the SDSS observational results down to an absolute magnitude at about -17.0. The SDSS conditional luminosity function itself is predicted well. Finally, the cold gas is derived from the star formation rate to predict the HI gas mass within each mock galaxy. We find a remarkably good match to observed HI-to-stellar mass ratios. These features ensure that such galaxy/gas catalogs can be used to generate reliable mock redshift surveys.