Tree species diversity and population structure at different community types were described and analyzed for primary and secondary lowland moist deciduous forests in Tripura. Overall 10,957 individual trees belonging ...Tree species diversity and population structure at different community types were described and analyzed for primary and secondary lowland moist deciduous forests in Tripura. Overall 10,957 individual trees belonging to 46 family, 103 genera and 144 species were counted at ≥30 cm DBH (diameter at breast height) using 28 permanent belt transects with a size of 1 ha (10 m × 1000 m). Four different tree communities were identified. The primary forests was dominated by Shorea robusta (mean density 464.77 trees.ha^-1, 105 species) and Schima wallichii (336.25 trees.ha^-1, 82 species), while the secondary forests was dominated by Tectona grandis (333.88 trees.ha^-1, 105 species) and Hevea brasiliensis (299.67 trees.ha^-1, 82 species). Overall mean basal area in this study was 18.01m2.ha^-1; the maximum value was recorded in primary Shorea forest (26.21 m2.ha^-1). Mean density and diversity indices were differed significantly within four different communities. No significant differences were observed in number of species, genera, family and tree basal cover area. Significant relationships were found between the species richness and different tree population groups across the communities. Results revealed that species diversity and density were increased in those forests due to past disturbances which resulted in slow accumu- lation of native oligarchic small tree species. Seventeen species were recorded with 〈2 individuals of which Saraca asoka (Roxb.) de Wilde and Entada phaseoloides (L.) Men'. etc. extensively used in local ethnomedicinal formulations. The present S. robusta Gaertn dominated forest was recorded richer (105 species) than other reported studies. Moraceae was found more speciose family instead of Papilionaceae and Euphorbiaceae than other Indian moist deciduous forests. Seasonal phenological gap in such moist deciduous forests influenced the population of Trachypithecus pileatus and capped langur. The analysis of FIV suggested a slow trend of shifting the population of Lamiaceae group by Moraceae species in secondary T. grandis L. dominated community.展开更多
The advent of modem forces and the changes in socio- economic patterns of forest dwellers have increased the pressures on the forests. In order to mitigate such pressures and also to protect the forests and wildlife t...The advent of modem forces and the changes in socio- economic patterns of forest dwellers have increased the pressures on the forests. In order to mitigate such pressures and also to protect the forests and wildlife the model of protected areas networks has shifted and en- hanced such pressures in the unprotected natural forests due to several reasons. Being a low profile category of protected status and continuous human settlements, the present study highlights the case of dry deciduous forests of Sarguja district of Chhattisgarh state of India. The major objec- tives of this study were to quantify the status of forests and wildlife and also to determine the extent of anthropogenic disturbances faced by the dry deciduous forests of central India. Transect and silent drive count methods were used for sampling wildlife and quadrat method was used for sampling vegetation. Besides, the local uses of various forest pro- duces were also studied in view of understanding the people dependency on forests. The forest vegetation, in the study area, was pre-dominated by Shorea robusta, which had Madhuca indica, Diospyrus melanoxylon and Buchnania lanzan as the major companion species. The forest had either the high girth class mature tree species or the saplings. The low vegeta- tion cover and density were due to the high anthropogenic pressures mainly in the form of heavy livestock grazing and collection of etlmo- botanically important species. The study though reveals that the area is not rich in wildlife and the forest is fragmented, the area still supports some important species, which include many rare and endangered plants and animals. The findings of this study have been discussed in view of the management and conservation of the forest and wildlife in the dry deciduous forests.展开更多
Two types of forests in Northeast China is divided in this paper, that is, the deciduous forests in the northern part and the deciduous-evergreen forests in the eastern part. Both distributions of the two types of for...Two types of forests in Northeast China is divided in this paper, that is, the deciduous forests in the northern part and the deciduous-evergreen forests in the eastern part. Both distributions of the two types of forests have also been presented. Meanwhile, the development and succession as well as components of forests have been studied in detail. In the end, the vertical distribution of the deciduous forests have been shown, in which, the near-temperate cold temperate deciduous coniferous forests are distributing in the low elevation area between 450m-600m from the northto the south, the typical Siberian cold temperate deciduous coniferous forests are widely distributing from 450m-820m in the north to 600m-1050m in the south, the humid cold temperate deciduous coniferous forests can only be found in high elevation area from 820m-l 100m in the north to 1050m-1380m in the south, the cold temperate deciduous coniferous open forests can seldom appear at the top of a few peaks.展开更多
Background: The effect of forest fire on soil is complex and relatively less understood than its above ground effect.Understanding the effect of fire on forest soils can allow improving management of valuable forest e...Background: The effect of forest fire on soil is complex and relatively less understood than its above ground effect.Understanding the effect of fire on forest soils can allow improving management of valuable forest ecosystems as adequate and proper information is very important for efficient management. We have studied the recovery of soil properties after fire, using a chronosequence approach(two, five and fifteen years after fire and control). Soil samples were collected from each plot of four fire patches(B0, B2, B5 & B15) from three different depths viz. 0–10(Top), 10–20(Middle), and 20–30 cm(Bottom).Results: Soil organic carbon was lower than unburned plots after the fire and could not recover to the level of unburned plot(B0) even in 15 years. Total N, available P, and extractable K were lower 2-years and 5-years after the fire but are higher than unburned plot after 15-years. Available nitrogen(NO_3^- and NH_4^+) remain unchanged or higher than B0 in burned patches. Soil pH, Bulk Density, Water Holding Capacity, and Electrical Conductivity was lower initially after the fire. Forest fires have affected soil properties considerably. The response of soil properties varied with years after fire and soil depth.Conclusion: Forest fires occur very frequently in the study area. Significant quantities of carbon and total nitrogen are lost to the atmosphere by burning of litter, duff, and soil OM. Because nitrogen is one of the most important soil nutrients, the recapture of N lost by volatilization during a fire must receive special attention. Long-term studies are required to better understand the recovery of soil nitrogen.展开更多
In the southern mountain ranges of Yunnan province,China,deep valleys of several large rivers create rain shadows with hot dry summers,and are locally designated tropical;towards the north,notably in the Lancang(Upper...In the southern mountain ranges of Yunnan province,China,deep valleys of several large rivers create rain shadows with hot dry summers,and are locally designated tropical;towards the north,notably in the Lancang(Upper Mekong)valley,these regions may experience frost during winter.The woody forest canopy of these valleys is predominantly deciduous,with evergreen elements in the north,where the canopy is open and the forest savanna-like.However,we here present tall forest with a closed deciduous canopy and semi-evergreen subcanopy observed in hot dry valleys of these rivers and their tributaries in the tropical south.The structure and physiognomy of these forests resemble the tall(moist)deciduous forest formation widespread in South Asia and Indo-Burma.Furthermore,these forests are largely composed of tropical elements at both the generic(80%)and the species level(>70%),indicating that these forests are indeed tropical.We originally hypothesized that these isolated forests represent refugia of a pre-Holocene extension of tall(moist)deciduous forest formation of South Asia and Indo-Burma.The sample plot we established to test this hypothesis confirmed that these forests share the structure and physiognomy of the tall(moist)deciduous forest formation;however,the plots also showed that these forests lack the characteristic and dominant species of the formation's Indo-Burmese range.The tree flora,in particular,indicates that both deciduous and evergreen elements are instead mostly derived from the adjacent tropical semi-evergreen forests of tropical southern China;yet they also include an important endemic element,which implies that these forests have survived as refuges possibly since the Pliocene.The exceptional representation of evergreen elements in these forests indicates that they have rarely been subject to hot fires or domestic cattle browsing,adding to the unique nature of the forests and further justifying their strict conservation.展开更多
Spatial distribution is fundamental for understanding species coexistence mechanisms in forest communities.Here we comprehensively explored fine-scale spatial patterns of tree species in a secondary warm-temperate dec...Spatial distribution is fundamental for understanding species coexistence mechanisms in forest communities.Here we comprehensively explored fine-scale spatial patterns of tree species in a secondary warm-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest community in north China.Aggregated distribution patterns were predominant.Species functional traits had no significant effects on their spatial patterns.The aggregation intensity decreased with increasing DBH and abundance.The multivariate linear stepwise regression showed that abundance and maximum DBH were correlated with the aggregation intensity.Our results partially confirm that species attributes(abundance,DBH)and habitat heterogeneity may primarily contribute to spatial patterns and species coexistence in this secondary forest.展开更多
Bird communities were surveyed in natural deciduous forest of both slope area and valley area at Mt. Gyebangsan (3740 30 N, 12830 1 E), Gangwon Province, South Korea in winter, spring, summer and autumn from September...Bird communities were surveyed in natural deciduous forest of both slope area and valley area at Mt. Gyebangsan (3740 30 N, 12830 1 E), Gangwon Province, South Korea in winter, spring, summer and autumn from September 2000 to November 2001. The investigating results showed that there existed differences in the bird species composition, richness, bird species diversity, guild structure between slope area and valley area, and the vertical forest structure, especially coverage of understory, and diameter at breast height (DBH) distribution also had significant difference between the two study areas. The differences in habitat structure between the areas are very likely to have influences on how birds used the available habitat.展开更多
Patterns of woody regeneration in terms of species composition and diversity were studied in mixed deciduous forest (MDF) and deciduous dipterocarp forest (DDF) in Minbyin reserved forest of Lewe Township. A total of ...Patterns of woody regeneration in terms of species composition and diversity were studied in mixed deciduous forest (MDF) and deciduous dipterocarp forest (DDF) in Minbyin reserved forest of Lewe Township. A total of 57 plant species of MDF belonging to 28 families and 342 individuals and 25 plant species of DDF consist of 15 families and 285 individuals were identified. Plant species diversity was quantitatively higher in the MDF (H' = 3.68) compared to the DDF (H' = 2.39). Tectona grandis showed the highest density (30), dominance (4.40 m<sup>2</sup>) and IVI (27.01) of MDF and Dipterocarpus tuberculatus also composed the highest density (109), dominance (9.02 m<sup>2</sup>) and IVI (81.87) in DDF. The smallest diameter class (10 - 20 cm) comprised with 29 species, 103 individuals in MDF and 18 species, 85 individuals in DDF. The size class distribution displayed a reverse J-shaped pattern. The largest numbers of species were concentrated in the smallest height class in both investigated forests because of height and diameter distribution is closely related. The total densities of seedlings and saplings were 1219 and 531 ha<sup>-1</sup> in MDF and 988 and 444 ha<sup>-1</sup> in DDF respectively. Although soil texture of (40 - 50 cm) and (90 - 100 cm) were sandy clay loam in mixed deciduous forest, the other layers of both investigated forests were sandy loam.展开更多
One of the main threats to the sustainability of timber production in naturally managed forests in Ghana is insufficient regeneration of timber tree species. This study assessed regeneration success of a logged forest...One of the main threats to the sustainability of timber production in naturally managed forests in Ghana is insufficient regeneration of timber tree species. This study assessed regeneration success of a logged forest by comparing the species composition, diversity, density, recruitment, mortality, and growth of naturally established seedlings in 160 seedling plot samples of 50 m2 located randomly on main skid trails, secondary skid trails, felled tree gaps and unlogged parts of the same forest. The study was done within a 134-ha compartment in a selectively logged moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana over a period of 33 months involving four enumerations. Seedlings population was initially dominated by pioneers, but after 33 months, population in all sites was dominated by non-pioneers. Seedling densities showed an increase initially in all the sites after logging, but declined after 10 months. The high seedling densities were driven by four (Albizia zygia, Ceiba pentandra, Celtis mildbraedii and Turreanthus africanus) out of the 37 species that regenerated. All four species exhibited a period of exceptionally high new seedling recruitment in the first 10 months. Diversity differed significantly among disturbance types initially, but after 33 months diversity was lower in the unlogged areas though not significant. Seedling mortality was initially greater in unlogged areas of the forest and growth rates higher in the logged areas. These results show that disturbed areas appear to be suitable sites for the regeneration of timber species following logging, although the long-term fate of trees growing on these areas remains uncertain as growth rates declined with time.展开更多
Up to date information about the existing land cover patterns and changes in land cover over time is one of the prime prerequisites for the preparation of an integrated development plan and economic development progra...Up to date information about the existing land cover patterns and changes in land cover over time is one of the prime prerequisites for the preparation of an integrated development plan and economic development program of a region. By using ETM+ image data from 2002, we provided a land cover map of deciduous forest regions in Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Initial qualitative evaluation of the data showed no significant radiometric errors. Image classification was carried out using a maximum likelihood-based supervised classification method. In the end, we determined five major land cover classes, i.e., grass lands, deciduous broad-leaf forest, cultivated land, river and land without vegetation cover. Accuracy, estimated by the use of criteria such as overall accuracy from a confusion matrix of classification was 86% with a 0.88 Kappa coefficient. Such high accuracy results demonstrate that the combined use of spectral and textural characteristics increased the number of classes in the field classification, also with excellent accuracy. The availability and use of time series of remote sensing data permit the detection and quantification of land cover changes and improve our understanding of the past and present status of forest ecosystems.展开更多
Forest canopy in a deciduous forest has significant sheltering effects on the sub-canopy solar radiation,significantly influencing the energy balance of snow and permafrost beneath the forest and their spatial distrib...Forest canopy in a deciduous forest has significant sheltering effects on the sub-canopy solar radiation,significantly influencing the energy balance of snow and permafrost beneath the forest and their spatial distribution.This study employs a digital camera mounted with a fisheye lens to acquire photographs at various times in a growth cycle of the forest canopy at three selected sites in a deciduous forest near the Greater Khingan Mountains Forest Ecological Station,Northeast China.The vegetation types and conditions at the selected sites include P1 in Ledum-Claopodium-L.dahurica,P2 in Carex tato-L.dahurica,and P3 in Betula fruticosa-L.dahurica.After necessary image processing,these photographs were used to identify the canopy structure and its impacts on the sub-canopy solar radiation.Results show that fisheye photographs can successfully capture the forest canopy structure and are useful in estimating the sub-canopy solar radiation.The order of sheltering effects from the largest to the smallest on sub-canopy solar radiation at three selected sites is P3,P1,and P2,highly depending on the canopy density.Then sub-canopy solar radiation was calculated using fisheye photographs and an algorithm validated by in-situ observed solar radiation beneath the canopy at P1 and P3.The results are reasonable,although the accuracy seems compromised due to the mismatch of conditions for calculation and observation.Results also show that the mean annual solar radiation above the canopy was about 148.3 W/m2 in 2018,and the mean annual solar radiation values beneath the canopy were about 90.0,123.8,and 61.0 W/m2 at P1,P2,and P3,with only 60%,84%,and 42%of the total solar radiation penetrating through the canopy,respectively.Even in winter,when the trees are leafless,the canopy sheltering effects cannot be ignored in dense forests.Despite the limitations,fisheye photographs and related algorithms are useful in investigating the forest canopy structure and its impacts on sub-canopy solar radiation.展开更多
The Litter nutrient concentrations of N, P, Ca, Mg, K and Na in mature leaves, twigs and reproductive parts and their relationship between senescent and young leaves were investigated in five forest species: Acacia n...The Litter nutrient concentrations of N, P, Ca, Mg, K and Na in mature leaves, twigs and reproductive parts and their relationship between senescent and young leaves were investigated in five forest species: Acacia nilotica, Acacia leucophloea. Tectona grandis, Miliusa tomentosa and Butea monosperma in Indian tropical dry deciduous forest in Western India.. Total dry matter of plant species was recorded and analyzed for N, P, Ca, Mg, K and Na. A. nilotica had the highest concentrations of N in leaf, while ,4. leucophloea had the highest concentrations of Ca and Mg in leaf. The highest concentrations of P in leaf were found in A. nilotica, A. leucophloea and B. monosperma where as lowest in T. grandis and M. tomentosa. No significant differences in K and Na were registered among the species. A marked seasonal variability was ob- served in the concentrations of N, P and K, except for Ca and Mg. Potas- sium is the single element that undergoes leaching and mobilization in all species. Resorped N and P can be used for the production of fresh leaf in the following annual cycle. Nutrient resorption and retranslocation from senescent leaves and litter supports the production of new foliage and increase the fertility of soil.展开更多
Climate change affects air temperature, sea levels as well as the soil and its ecosystem. The Guinea Savannah and Semi-deciduous Forest zones of Ghana are characterized by different climatic conditions and vegetative ...Climate change affects air temperature, sea levels as well as the soil and its ecosystem. The Guinea Savannah and Semi-deciduous Forest zones of Ghana are characterized by different climatic conditions and vegetative cover. Annual average temperature has been steadily increasing whilst annual total rainfall has been decreasing in both zones, and this has been causing a southward shift of the Savannah into the Forest zone. Soil organisms provide crucial ecosystem services which are required for sustainable agriculture and food production yet crop cultivation disturbs the soil ecosystem. The harsh conditions associated with the Savannah further expose the soil ecosystem to disturbance and loss of biodiversity which threatens food production and security. Soil nematodes are the most abundant animals in the soil and play a central and critical role in the soil food web complex. Studying the nematode community structure gives a reflection of the status of the entire soil ecosystem. Soil samples were taken from cultivated and natural landscapes in the Guinea Savannah and Semi-deciduous Forest agroecological zones to analyse the nematode community. Results from the study showed the Guinea Savannah zone recording warmer soil temperatures, lower organic matter percentage and lower nematode diversity(Genus Richness) as compared to the Semi-deciduous Forest zone. If the Savannah continues to shift southward, the Forest zone soil ecosystem risks disturbance and loss of biodiversity due to the harsh Savannah conditions. Our findings indicate that prevailing crop cultivation practices also disturb soil ecosystem in the two ecological zones which span across West Africa. A disturbed soil ecosystem endangers the future of food production and food security.展开更多
Gross primary production(GPP)is a crucial indicator representing the absorption of atmospheric CO_(2) by vegetation.At present,the estimation of GPP by remote sensing is mainly based on leaf-related vegetation indexes...Gross primary production(GPP)is a crucial indicator representing the absorption of atmospheric CO_(2) by vegetation.At present,the estimation of GPP by remote sensing is mainly based on leaf-related vegetation indexes and leaf-related biophysical para-meter leaf area index(LAI),which are not completely synchronized in seasonality with GPP.In this study,we proposed chlorophyll content-based light use efficiency model(CC-LUE)to improve GPP estimates,as chlorophyll is the direct site of photosynthesis,and only the light absorbed by chlorophyll is used in the photosynthetic process.The CC-LUE model is constructed by establishing a linear correlation between satellite-derived canopy chlorophyll content(Chlcanopy)and FPAR.This method was calibrated and validated utiliz-ing 7-d averaged in-situ GPP data from 14 eddy covariance flux towers covering deciduous broadleaf forest ecosystems across five dif-ferent climate zones.Results showed a relatively robust seasonal consistency between Chlcanopy with GPP in deciduous broadleaf forests under different climatic conditions.The CC-LUE model explained 88% of the in-situ GPP seasonality for all validation site-year and 56.0% of in-situ GPP variations through the growing season,outperforming the three widely used LUE models(MODIS-GPP algorithm,Vegetation Photosynthesis Model(VPM),and the eddy covariance-light use efficiency model(EC-LUE)).Additionally,the CC-LUE model(RMSE=0.50 g C/(m^(2)·d))significantly improved the underestimation of GPP during the growing season in semi-arid region,re-markably decreasing the root mean square error of averaged growing season GPP simulation and in-situ GPP by 75.4%,73.4%,and 37.5%,compared with MOD17(RMSE=2.03 g C/(m^(2)·d)),VPM(RMSE=1.88 g C/(m^(2)·d)),and EC-LUE(RMSE=0.80 g C/(m^(2)·d))model.The chlorophyll-based method proved superior in capturing the seasonal variations of GPP in forest ecosystems,thereby provid-ing the possibility of a more precise depiction of forest seasonal carbon uptake.展开更多
This study aimed to demonstrate change in spatial correlation between Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.) and three rare species, and change in spatial distribution of four species in response to a range o...This study aimed to demonstrate change in spatial correlation between Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.) and three rare species, and change in spatial distribution of four species in response to a range of selective cutting intensities. We sampled three plots of mixed Korean pine and broad-leaf forest in Lushuihe Forestry Bureau of Jilin province, China. Plot 1, a control, was unlogged Korean pine broad-leaf forest. In plots 2 and 3, Korean pine was selectively cut at 15 and 30 % intensity, respectively, in the 1970s. Other species were rarely cut. We used point-pattern analysis to research the spatial distributions of four tree species and quantify spatial correlations between Korean pine and the other three species, Amur linden (Tilia amurensis Rupr.), Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr.), and Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica Fisch.) in all three plots. The results of the study show that selective cutting at 15 % intensity did not significantly change either the species spatial patterns or the spatial correlation between Korean pine and broadleaf species. Selective cutting at 30 % intensity slightly affected the growth of Korean pine and valuable species in forest communities, and the effect was considered nondestructive and recoverable.展开更多
Ectomycorrhizal fungi were investigated on five different forest tree species growing in pure stands on the south slope of the Taunus Mountains, which are situated at the northern end of the Rhine rift valley in Centr...Ectomycorrhizal fungi were investigated on five different forest tree species growing in pure stands on the south slope of the Taunus Mountains, which are situated at the northern end of the Rhine rift valley in Central Germany. Mycorrhizal fungi accompanying the genus Xerocomus were identified and their frequencies counted. Using ITS markers, 22 different fungal species were identified down to species level and 6 down to genus level. On European beech (Fagus sylvatica) 16 fungal species and 4 genera were identified and on Sessile oak (Quercus petraea) 16 ectomycorrhizal species and 2 genera were determined. On both deciduous trees we observed exclusively: Cortinarius subsertipes, Genea hispidula, Lactarius quietus, Tylopilus felleus and a Melanogaster genus. On Norway spruce (Picea abies) we identified 13 different mycorrhizal species and 3 different genera, on Silver fir (Abies alba) 12 species and 3 genera, and in association with European larch (Larix decidua) 11 species and 3 genera. On these conifers Cortinarius anomalus, Lactarius necator and a Piloderma genus occurred exclusively. Comparisons with published data of ectomycorrhizal diversity on the same five tree species, growing in different areas of Germany and Europe, led to the conclusion that there is relative site specificity for ectomycorrhizal communities. Upper soil compartments of the stands investigated in the Taunus Mountainssuffer from soil acidification (pH-H20 ~3.7 to ~4.8). However, a clear correlation between upper soil pH-values and fungal diversity was not observed. On the other hand, nitrate concentrations in upper soil compartments (~26 to ~91 kgNO3-/ha) were higher in older stands as compared to younger ones. Higher nitrate concentrations in upper soils correlated with lower numbers of mycorrhizal individuals.展开更多
Alfisols in USA taxonomy are “deciduous forest” soils having an argillic horizon with a base saturation in the control section greater than 35%. Alfisols are geographically extensive and support productive agricultu...Alfisols in USA taxonomy are “deciduous forest” soils having an argillic horizon with a base saturation in the control section greater than 35%. Alfisols are geographically extensive and support productive agriculture and deciduous forest ecosystems. Understanding Alfisol genesis, including the presence and intensity of the dominant soil processes, facilitates best management practices that provide stewardship for these soil resources and improves forest and agriculture productivity. Four Alfisols, presently having mature forest settings and located in the central United States along the Mississippi River, were selected for soil and landscape description, classification, and delineation of the dominant soil forming processes. Excavated soils were described and routinely sampled for subsequent physical, chemical, and mineralogical analysis. An aqua regia digestion protocol provided elemental analysis for identifying and inferring the intensity of soil forming processes. The dominant soil forming factors include 1) organic matter accumulation, 2) clay eluviation-illuviation, 3) acidification, 4) base cation accumulation in the A horizons by the forest vegetation, 5) Fe-oxyhydroxide formation, and 6) clay mineral synthesis. Two soils were developed entirely in Peoria loess and two soils were developed in Peoria Loess overlying Ordovician limestone residuum. Ecological site descriptions provide land managers information for evaluating land suitability and the capability to implement different management activities without ecosystem disturbance. Best management practices for the described landforms and based on their Ecological Site Descriptions are presented.展开更多
Background: With the objective of increasing knowledge on biomass and carbon stocks, and thus improving the accuracy of published estimates, the present study explored wood density and carbon concentration of coarse w...Background: With the objective of increasing knowledge on biomass and carbon stocks, and thus improving the accuracy of published estimates, the present study explored wood density and carbon concentration of coarse woody debris (diameter≥10) by decay class in a Seasonal Semi-deciduous Forest (SSF) area in the Atlantic Rain Forest and in a Cerrado sensu-stricto (CSS) area (Brazilian savanna), in Brazil. Two strata were identified in each area and ten sampling units were systematic located in each stratum. Data were collected according to the line intersect sampling method. Each tallied element, the diameter, length, and perpendicular width were recorded at the transect intersection point. Each element was classified into a decay class, and the species was identified when possible. Sample discs were cut from each element, from which cylindrical samples were extracted and oven-dried to determine density. These cylinders were milled and analyzed using a LECO-C632 to determine carbon concentration as percentage of mass. Results: In both areas, wood density decreased as the decay class increased. For SSF the mean carbon concentration of all analyzed samples was 49.8% with a standard deviation of 3.3, with a range of 27.9–57.0% across 506 observations. For CSS the general mean was 49.6% with a standard deviation of 2.6, with a range of 31.2–54.5% over 182 observations. Carbon concentration barely change between decay classes. Carbon stock was estimated at 3.3 and 0.7 MgC/ha for the SSF and the CSS, respectively. Similar results were obtained when using a 50% conversion constant. Conclusions: The present study concludes that wood density decreases as the woody debris becomes more decomposed, a pattern found in many previous studies. The carbon concentration, however, barely changes between decay classes, and that result is consistent with most of the literature reviewed. Our carbon concentrations are very close to the 50% used most commonly as a conversion factor. We strongly recommend that future studies of CWD evaluate wood density and carbon concentration by decay class to address the uncertainty still found in the literature.展开更多
The basic principle of life table method is deseribed, and the method of tree height instead of tree age in static life table is suggested, and it is also discussed that the possibility of natural poplar -birch forest...The basic principle of life table method is deseribed, and the method of tree height instead of tree age in static life table is suggested, and it is also discussed that the possibility of natural poplar -birch forest recover to broad-leaf Korean pine forest on low pitches in the Xiaoxing'an Mountains by this method. If there is no particular situation, Korean pines after high than 5m under natural Poplar-birch forest will basically survive and make their way into dominant callopy accompanied by climax broad-leaf species.展开更多
Beech stands are considered part of the ancient forest ecosystems in the northern hemisphere.In mixed stands in beach forest ecosystems,the type of associated tree species can signifi cantly aff ect soil functions,but...Beech stands are considered part of the ancient forest ecosystems in the northern hemisphere.In mixed stands in beach forest ecosystems,the type of associated tree species can signifi cantly aff ect soil functions,but their infl uence on microbial activity,nutrient cycling and belowground properties is unknown.Here,we considered forest patches in northern Iran that are dominated by diff erent tree species:Fagus orientalis Lipsky,Quercus castaneifolia C.A.Mey.,Pterocarya fraxinifolia(Lam.),Tilia begonifolia Stev.,Zelkova carpinifolia Dippe,Acer cappadocicum Gled,Acer velutinum Boiss.,Fraxinus excelsior L.,Carpinus betulus L.,and Alnus subcordata C.A.Mey.For each forest patch–tree species,litter and soil samples(25×25×10 cm,100 of each)were analyzed for determine soil and litter properties and their relationship with tree species.The litter decomposition rate during a 1-year experiment was also determined.A PCA showed a clear diff erence between selected litter and soil characteristics among tree species.F.orientalis,Q.castaneifolia,P.fraxinifolia,T.begonifolia,Z.carpinifolia,A.cappadocicum,and A.velutinum enhanced soil microbial biomass of carbon,whereas patches with F.excelsior,C.betulus and A.subcordata had faster litter decomposition and enhanced biotic activities and C and N dynamics.Thus,soil function indicators were species-specifi c in the mixed beech forest.A.subcordata(a N-fi xing species),C.betulus and F.excelsior were main drivers of microbial activities related to nutrient cycling in the old-growth beech forest.展开更多
基金supported by DBT Network Project (BT/PR7928/NDB/52/9/2006)Department of Biotechnology(DBT),Govt. of India
文摘Tree species diversity and population structure at different community types were described and analyzed for primary and secondary lowland moist deciduous forests in Tripura. Overall 10,957 individual trees belonging to 46 family, 103 genera and 144 species were counted at ≥30 cm DBH (diameter at breast height) using 28 permanent belt transects with a size of 1 ha (10 m × 1000 m). Four different tree communities were identified. The primary forests was dominated by Shorea robusta (mean density 464.77 trees.ha^-1, 105 species) and Schima wallichii (336.25 trees.ha^-1, 82 species), while the secondary forests was dominated by Tectona grandis (333.88 trees.ha^-1, 105 species) and Hevea brasiliensis (299.67 trees.ha^-1, 82 species). Overall mean basal area in this study was 18.01m2.ha^-1; the maximum value was recorded in primary Shorea forest (26.21 m2.ha^-1). Mean density and diversity indices were differed significantly within four different communities. No significant differences were observed in number of species, genera, family and tree basal cover area. Significant relationships were found between the species richness and different tree population groups across the communities. Results revealed that species diversity and density were increased in those forests due to past disturbances which resulted in slow accumu- lation of native oligarchic small tree species. Seventeen species were recorded with 〈2 individuals of which Saraca asoka (Roxb.) de Wilde and Entada phaseoloides (L.) Men'. etc. extensively used in local ethnomedicinal formulations. The present S. robusta Gaertn dominated forest was recorded richer (105 species) than other reported studies. Moraceae was found more speciose family instead of Papilionaceae and Euphorbiaceae than other Indian moist deciduous forests. Seasonal phenological gap in such moist deciduous forests influenced the population of Trachypithecus pileatus and capped langur. The analysis of FIV suggested a slow trend of shifting the population of Lamiaceae group by Moraceae species in secondary T. grandis L. dominated community.
文摘The advent of modem forces and the changes in socio- economic patterns of forest dwellers have increased the pressures on the forests. In order to mitigate such pressures and also to protect the forests and wildlife the model of protected areas networks has shifted and en- hanced such pressures in the unprotected natural forests due to several reasons. Being a low profile category of protected status and continuous human settlements, the present study highlights the case of dry deciduous forests of Sarguja district of Chhattisgarh state of India. The major objec- tives of this study were to quantify the status of forests and wildlife and also to determine the extent of anthropogenic disturbances faced by the dry deciduous forests of central India. Transect and silent drive count methods were used for sampling wildlife and quadrat method was used for sampling vegetation. Besides, the local uses of various forest pro- duces were also studied in view of understanding the people dependency on forests. The forest vegetation, in the study area, was pre-dominated by Shorea robusta, which had Madhuca indica, Diospyrus melanoxylon and Buchnania lanzan as the major companion species. The forest had either the high girth class mature tree species or the saplings. The low vegeta- tion cover and density were due to the high anthropogenic pressures mainly in the form of heavy livestock grazing and collection of etlmo- botanically important species. The study though reveals that the area is not rich in wildlife and the forest is fragmented, the area still supports some important species, which include many rare and endangered plants and animals. The findings of this study have been discussed in view of the management and conservation of the forest and wildlife in the dry deciduous forests.
文摘Two types of forests in Northeast China is divided in this paper, that is, the deciduous forests in the northern part and the deciduous-evergreen forests in the eastern part. Both distributions of the two types of forests have also been presented. Meanwhile, the development and succession as well as components of forests have been studied in detail. In the end, the vertical distribution of the deciduous forests have been shown, in which, the near-temperate cold temperate deciduous coniferous forests are distributing in the low elevation area between 450m-600m from the northto the south, the typical Siberian cold temperate deciduous coniferous forests are widely distributing from 450m-820m in the north to 600m-1050m in the south, the humid cold temperate deciduous coniferous forests can only be found in high elevation area from 820m-l 100m in the north to 1050m-1380m in the south, the cold temperate deciduous coniferous open forests can seldom appear at the top of a few peaks.
基金the University Grants Commission, New Delhi for providing the financial support for the Ph.D. research through Junior Research Fellowship (UGC letter No. F. 17-115/98 (SA-I) dated-11 June 2013)
文摘Background: The effect of forest fire on soil is complex and relatively less understood than its above ground effect.Understanding the effect of fire on forest soils can allow improving management of valuable forest ecosystems as adequate and proper information is very important for efficient management. We have studied the recovery of soil properties after fire, using a chronosequence approach(two, five and fifteen years after fire and control). Soil samples were collected from each plot of four fire patches(B0, B2, B5 & B15) from three different depths viz. 0–10(Top), 10–20(Middle), and 20–30 cm(Bottom).Results: Soil organic carbon was lower than unburned plots after the fire and could not recover to the level of unburned plot(B0) even in 15 years. Total N, available P, and extractable K were lower 2-years and 5-years after the fire but are higher than unburned plot after 15-years. Available nitrogen(NO_3^- and NH_4^+) remain unchanged or higher than B0 in burned patches. Soil pH, Bulk Density, Water Holding Capacity, and Electrical Conductivity was lower initially after the fire. Forest fires have affected soil properties considerably. The response of soil properties varied with years after fire and soil depth.Conclusion: Forest fires occur very frequently in the study area. Significant quantities of carbon and total nitrogen are lost to the atmosphere by burning of litter, duff, and soil OM. Because nitrogen is one of the most important soil nutrients, the recapture of N lost by volatilization during a fire must receive special attention. Long-term studies are required to better understand the recovery of soil nitrogen.
基金funded by The National Natural Science Foundation of China(41471051,31970223)the major project of Yunnan Science and Technology Department-Yunnan University joint fund(2018FY001(-002))“Yunnan Vegegraphy Research”.Fig.1 was made by Yang Jianbo from GIS Lab in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences.
文摘In the southern mountain ranges of Yunnan province,China,deep valleys of several large rivers create rain shadows with hot dry summers,and are locally designated tropical;towards the north,notably in the Lancang(Upper Mekong)valley,these regions may experience frost during winter.The woody forest canopy of these valleys is predominantly deciduous,with evergreen elements in the north,where the canopy is open and the forest savanna-like.However,we here present tall forest with a closed deciduous canopy and semi-evergreen subcanopy observed in hot dry valleys of these rivers and their tributaries in the tropical south.The structure and physiognomy of these forests resemble the tall(moist)deciduous forest formation widespread in South Asia and Indo-Burma.Furthermore,these forests are largely composed of tropical elements at both the generic(80%)and the species level(>70%),indicating that these forests are indeed tropical.We originally hypothesized that these isolated forests represent refugia of a pre-Holocene extension of tall(moist)deciduous forest formation of South Asia and Indo-Burma.The sample plot we established to test this hypothesis confirmed that these forests share the structure and physiognomy of the tall(moist)deciduous forest formation;however,the plots also showed that these forests lack the characteristic and dominant species of the formation's Indo-Burmese range.The tree flora,in particular,indicates that both deciduous and evergreen elements are instead mostly derived from the adjacent tropical semi-evergreen forests of tropical southern China;yet they also include an important endemic element,which implies that these forests have survived as refuges possibly since the Pliocene.The exceptional representation of evergreen elements in these forests indicates that they have rarely been subject to hot fires or domestic cattle browsing,adding to the unique nature of the forests and further justifying their strict conservation.
基金This study was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2017YFC0505601)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31570630)State Key Laboratory of Forest and Soil Ecology(LFSE2015-13).
文摘Spatial distribution is fundamental for understanding species coexistence mechanisms in forest communities.Here we comprehensively explored fine-scale spatial patterns of tree species in a secondary warm-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest community in north China.Aggregated distribution patterns were predominant.Species functional traits had no significant effects on their spatial patterns.The aggregation intensity decreased with increasing DBH and abundance.The multivariate linear stepwise regression showed that abundance and maximum DBH were correlated with the aggregation intensity.Our results partially confirm that species attributes(abundance,DBH)and habitat heterogeneity may primarily contribute to spatial patterns and species coexistence in this secondary forest.
文摘Bird communities were surveyed in natural deciduous forest of both slope area and valley area at Mt. Gyebangsan (3740 30 N, 12830 1 E), Gangwon Province, South Korea in winter, spring, summer and autumn from September 2000 to November 2001. The investigating results showed that there existed differences in the bird species composition, richness, bird species diversity, guild structure between slope area and valley area, and the vertical forest structure, especially coverage of understory, and diameter at breast height (DBH) distribution also had significant difference between the two study areas. The differences in habitat structure between the areas are very likely to have influences on how birds used the available habitat.
文摘Patterns of woody regeneration in terms of species composition and diversity were studied in mixed deciduous forest (MDF) and deciduous dipterocarp forest (DDF) in Minbyin reserved forest of Lewe Township. A total of 57 plant species of MDF belonging to 28 families and 342 individuals and 25 plant species of DDF consist of 15 families and 285 individuals were identified. Plant species diversity was quantitatively higher in the MDF (H' = 3.68) compared to the DDF (H' = 2.39). Tectona grandis showed the highest density (30), dominance (4.40 m<sup>2</sup>) and IVI (27.01) of MDF and Dipterocarpus tuberculatus also composed the highest density (109), dominance (9.02 m<sup>2</sup>) and IVI (81.87) in DDF. The smallest diameter class (10 - 20 cm) comprised with 29 species, 103 individuals in MDF and 18 species, 85 individuals in DDF. The size class distribution displayed a reverse J-shaped pattern. The largest numbers of species were concentrated in the smallest height class in both investigated forests because of height and diameter distribution is closely related. The total densities of seedlings and saplings were 1219 and 531 ha<sup>-1</sup> in MDF and 988 and 444 ha<sup>-1</sup> in DDF respectively. Although soil texture of (40 - 50 cm) and (90 - 100 cm) were sandy clay loam in mixed deciduous forest, the other layers of both investigated forests were sandy loam.
文摘One of the main threats to the sustainability of timber production in naturally managed forests in Ghana is insufficient regeneration of timber tree species. This study assessed regeneration success of a logged forest by comparing the species composition, diversity, density, recruitment, mortality, and growth of naturally established seedlings in 160 seedling plot samples of 50 m2 located randomly on main skid trails, secondary skid trails, felled tree gaps and unlogged parts of the same forest. The study was done within a 134-ha compartment in a selectively logged moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana over a period of 33 months involving four enumerations. Seedlings population was initially dominated by pioneers, but after 33 months, population in all sites was dominated by non-pioneers. Seedling densities showed an increase initially in all the sites after logging, but declined after 10 months. The high seedling densities were driven by four (Albizia zygia, Ceiba pentandra, Celtis mildbraedii and Turreanthus africanus) out of the 37 species that regenerated. All four species exhibited a period of exceptionally high new seedling recruitment in the first 10 months. Diversity differed significantly among disturbance types initially, but after 33 months diversity was lower in the unlogged areas though not significant. Seedling mortality was initially greater in unlogged areas of the forest and growth rates higher in the logged areas. These results show that disturbed areas appear to be suitable sites for the regeneration of timber species following logging, although the long-term fate of trees growing on these areas remains uncertain as growth rates declined with time.
文摘Up to date information about the existing land cover patterns and changes in land cover over time is one of the prime prerequisites for the preparation of an integrated development plan and economic development program of a region. By using ETM+ image data from 2002, we provided a land cover map of deciduous forest regions in Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Initial qualitative evaluation of the data showed no significant radiometric errors. Image classification was carried out using a maximum likelihood-based supervised classification method. In the end, we determined five major land cover classes, i.e., grass lands, deciduous broad-leaf forest, cultivated land, river and land without vegetation cover. Accuracy, estimated by the use of criteria such as overall accuracy from a confusion matrix of classification was 86% with a 0.88 Kappa coefficient. Such high accuracy results demonstrate that the combined use of spectral and textural characteristics increased the number of classes in the field classification, also with excellent accuracy. The availability and use of time series of remote sensing data permit the detection and quantification of land cover changes and improve our understanding of the past and present status of forest ecosystems.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41971079 and 41671059,41975081).
文摘Forest canopy in a deciduous forest has significant sheltering effects on the sub-canopy solar radiation,significantly influencing the energy balance of snow and permafrost beneath the forest and their spatial distribution.This study employs a digital camera mounted with a fisheye lens to acquire photographs at various times in a growth cycle of the forest canopy at three selected sites in a deciduous forest near the Greater Khingan Mountains Forest Ecological Station,Northeast China.The vegetation types and conditions at the selected sites include P1 in Ledum-Claopodium-L.dahurica,P2 in Carex tato-L.dahurica,and P3 in Betula fruticosa-L.dahurica.After necessary image processing,these photographs were used to identify the canopy structure and its impacts on the sub-canopy solar radiation.Results show that fisheye photographs can successfully capture the forest canopy structure and are useful in estimating the sub-canopy solar radiation.The order of sheltering effects from the largest to the smallest on sub-canopy solar radiation at three selected sites is P3,P1,and P2,highly depending on the canopy density.Then sub-canopy solar radiation was calculated using fisheye photographs and an algorithm validated by in-situ observed solar radiation beneath the canopy at P1 and P3.The results are reasonable,although the accuracy seems compromised due to the mismatch of conditions for calculation and observation.Results also show that the mean annual solar radiation above the canopy was about 148.3 W/m2 in 2018,and the mean annual solar radiation values beneath the canopy were about 90.0,123.8,and 61.0 W/m2 at P1,P2,and P3,with only 60%,84%,and 42%of the total solar radiation penetrating through the canopy,respectively.Even in winter,when the trees are leafless,the canopy sheltering effects cannot be ignored in dense forests.Despite the limitations,fisheye photographs and related algorithms are useful in investigating the forest canopy structure and its impacts on sub-canopy solar radiation.
基金Foundationfor Ecological Security,Anand,Gujarat for financial assistance of this research project
文摘The Litter nutrient concentrations of N, P, Ca, Mg, K and Na in mature leaves, twigs and reproductive parts and their relationship between senescent and young leaves were investigated in five forest species: Acacia nilotica, Acacia leucophloea. Tectona grandis, Miliusa tomentosa and Butea monosperma in Indian tropical dry deciduous forest in Western India.. Total dry matter of plant species was recorded and analyzed for N, P, Ca, Mg, K and Na. A. nilotica had the highest concentrations of N in leaf, while ,4. leucophloea had the highest concentrations of Ca and Mg in leaf. The highest concentrations of P in leaf were found in A. nilotica, A. leucophloea and B. monosperma where as lowest in T. grandis and M. tomentosa. No significant differences in K and Na were registered among the species. A marked seasonal variability was ob- served in the concentrations of N, P and K, except for Ca and Mg. Potas- sium is the single element that undergoes leaching and mobilization in all species. Resorped N and P can be used for the production of fresh leaf in the following annual cycle. Nutrient resorption and retranslocation from senescent leaves and litter supports the production of new foliage and increase the fertility of soil.
基金the Howard G. Buffett Foundation (Subagreement No. RC101172-KNUST), USA for funding this research
文摘Climate change affects air temperature, sea levels as well as the soil and its ecosystem. The Guinea Savannah and Semi-deciduous Forest zones of Ghana are characterized by different climatic conditions and vegetative cover. Annual average temperature has been steadily increasing whilst annual total rainfall has been decreasing in both zones, and this has been causing a southward shift of the Savannah into the Forest zone. Soil organisms provide crucial ecosystem services which are required for sustainable agriculture and food production yet crop cultivation disturbs the soil ecosystem. The harsh conditions associated with the Savannah further expose the soil ecosystem to disturbance and loss of biodiversity which threatens food production and security. Soil nematodes are the most abundant animals in the soil and play a central and critical role in the soil food web complex. Studying the nematode community structure gives a reflection of the status of the entire soil ecosystem. Soil samples were taken from cultivated and natural landscapes in the Guinea Savannah and Semi-deciduous Forest agroecological zones to analyse the nematode community. Results from the study showed the Guinea Savannah zone recording warmer soil temperatures, lower organic matter percentage and lower nematode diversity(Genus Richness) as compared to the Semi-deciduous Forest zone. If the Savannah continues to shift southward, the Forest zone soil ecosystem risks disturbance and loss of biodiversity due to the harsh Savannah conditions. Our findings indicate that prevailing crop cultivation practices also disturb soil ecosystem in the two ecological zones which span across West Africa. A disturbed soil ecosystem endangers the future of food production and food security.
基金Under the auspices of the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2019YFA0606603)。
文摘Gross primary production(GPP)is a crucial indicator representing the absorption of atmospheric CO_(2) by vegetation.At present,the estimation of GPP by remote sensing is mainly based on leaf-related vegetation indexes and leaf-related biophysical para-meter leaf area index(LAI),which are not completely synchronized in seasonality with GPP.In this study,we proposed chlorophyll content-based light use efficiency model(CC-LUE)to improve GPP estimates,as chlorophyll is the direct site of photosynthesis,and only the light absorbed by chlorophyll is used in the photosynthetic process.The CC-LUE model is constructed by establishing a linear correlation between satellite-derived canopy chlorophyll content(Chlcanopy)and FPAR.This method was calibrated and validated utiliz-ing 7-d averaged in-situ GPP data from 14 eddy covariance flux towers covering deciduous broadleaf forest ecosystems across five dif-ferent climate zones.Results showed a relatively robust seasonal consistency between Chlcanopy with GPP in deciduous broadleaf forests under different climatic conditions.The CC-LUE model explained 88% of the in-situ GPP seasonality for all validation site-year and 56.0% of in-situ GPP variations through the growing season,outperforming the three widely used LUE models(MODIS-GPP algorithm,Vegetation Photosynthesis Model(VPM),and the eddy covariance-light use efficiency model(EC-LUE)).Additionally,the CC-LUE model(RMSE=0.50 g C/(m^(2)·d))significantly improved the underestimation of GPP during the growing season in semi-arid region,re-markably decreasing the root mean square error of averaged growing season GPP simulation and in-situ GPP by 75.4%,73.4%,and 37.5%,compared with MOD17(RMSE=2.03 g C/(m^(2)·d)),VPM(RMSE=1.88 g C/(m^(2)·d)),and EC-LUE(RMSE=0.80 g C/(m^(2)·d))model.The chlorophyll-based method proved superior in capturing the seasonal variations of GPP in forest ecosystems,thereby provid-ing the possibility of a more precise depiction of forest seasonal carbon uptake.
基金funded by China National Science and Technology Support Program(Grant No.2012BAD21B02)
文摘This study aimed to demonstrate change in spatial correlation between Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc.) and three rare species, and change in spatial distribution of four species in response to a range of selective cutting intensities. We sampled three plots of mixed Korean pine and broad-leaf forest in Lushuihe Forestry Bureau of Jilin province, China. Plot 1, a control, was unlogged Korean pine broad-leaf forest. In plots 2 and 3, Korean pine was selectively cut at 15 and 30 % intensity, respectively, in the 1970s. Other species were rarely cut. We used point-pattern analysis to research the spatial distributions of four tree species and quantify spatial correlations between Korean pine and the other three species, Amur linden (Tilia amurensis Rupr.), Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr.), and Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica Fisch.) in all three plots. The results of the study show that selective cutting at 15 % intensity did not significantly change either the species spatial patterns or the spatial correlation between Korean pine and broadleaf species. Selective cutting at 30 % intensity slightly affected the growth of Korean pine and valuable species in forest communities, and the effect was considered nondestructive and recoverable.
文摘Ectomycorrhizal fungi were investigated on five different forest tree species growing in pure stands on the south slope of the Taunus Mountains, which are situated at the northern end of the Rhine rift valley in Central Germany. Mycorrhizal fungi accompanying the genus Xerocomus were identified and their frequencies counted. Using ITS markers, 22 different fungal species were identified down to species level and 6 down to genus level. On European beech (Fagus sylvatica) 16 fungal species and 4 genera were identified and on Sessile oak (Quercus petraea) 16 ectomycorrhizal species and 2 genera were determined. On both deciduous trees we observed exclusively: Cortinarius subsertipes, Genea hispidula, Lactarius quietus, Tylopilus felleus and a Melanogaster genus. On Norway spruce (Picea abies) we identified 13 different mycorrhizal species and 3 different genera, on Silver fir (Abies alba) 12 species and 3 genera, and in association with European larch (Larix decidua) 11 species and 3 genera. On these conifers Cortinarius anomalus, Lactarius necator and a Piloderma genus occurred exclusively. Comparisons with published data of ectomycorrhizal diversity on the same five tree species, growing in different areas of Germany and Europe, led to the conclusion that there is relative site specificity for ectomycorrhizal communities. Upper soil compartments of the stands investigated in the Taunus Mountainssuffer from soil acidification (pH-H20 ~3.7 to ~4.8). However, a clear correlation between upper soil pH-values and fungal diversity was not observed. On the other hand, nitrate concentrations in upper soil compartments (~26 to ~91 kgNO3-/ha) were higher in older stands as compared to younger ones. Higher nitrate concentrations in upper soils correlated with lower numbers of mycorrhizal individuals.
文摘Alfisols in USA taxonomy are “deciduous forest” soils having an argillic horizon with a base saturation in the control section greater than 35%. Alfisols are geographically extensive and support productive agriculture and deciduous forest ecosystems. Understanding Alfisol genesis, including the presence and intensity of the dominant soil processes, facilitates best management practices that provide stewardship for these soil resources and improves forest and agriculture productivity. Four Alfisols, presently having mature forest settings and located in the central United States along the Mississippi River, were selected for soil and landscape description, classification, and delineation of the dominant soil forming processes. Excavated soils were described and routinely sampled for subsequent physical, chemical, and mineralogical analysis. An aqua regia digestion protocol provided elemental analysis for identifying and inferring the intensity of soil forming processes. The dominant soil forming factors include 1) organic matter accumulation, 2) clay eluviation-illuviation, 3) acidification, 4) base cation accumulation in the A horizons by the forest vegetation, 5) Fe-oxyhydroxide formation, and 6) clay mineral synthesis. Two soils were developed entirely in Peoria loess and two soils were developed in Peoria Loess overlying Ordovician limestone residuum. Ecological site descriptions provide land managers information for evaluating land suitability and the capability to implement different management activities without ecosystem disturbance. Best management practices for the described landforms and based on their Ecological Site Descriptions are presented.
基金funded by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation(FAPESP)through a doctorate scholarship(Grant no.2013/10922-2)Research Internship Abroad(Grant no.2014/14213-9)
文摘Background: With the objective of increasing knowledge on biomass and carbon stocks, and thus improving the accuracy of published estimates, the present study explored wood density and carbon concentration of coarse woody debris (diameter≥10) by decay class in a Seasonal Semi-deciduous Forest (SSF) area in the Atlantic Rain Forest and in a Cerrado sensu-stricto (CSS) area (Brazilian savanna), in Brazil. Two strata were identified in each area and ten sampling units were systematic located in each stratum. Data were collected according to the line intersect sampling method. Each tallied element, the diameter, length, and perpendicular width were recorded at the transect intersection point. Each element was classified into a decay class, and the species was identified when possible. Sample discs were cut from each element, from which cylindrical samples were extracted and oven-dried to determine density. These cylinders were milled and analyzed using a LECO-C632 to determine carbon concentration as percentage of mass. Results: In both areas, wood density decreased as the decay class increased. For SSF the mean carbon concentration of all analyzed samples was 49.8% with a standard deviation of 3.3, with a range of 27.9–57.0% across 506 observations. For CSS the general mean was 49.6% with a standard deviation of 2.6, with a range of 31.2–54.5% over 182 observations. Carbon concentration barely change between decay classes. Carbon stock was estimated at 3.3 and 0.7 MgC/ha for the SSF and the CSS, respectively. Similar results were obtained when using a 50% conversion constant. Conclusions: The present study concludes that wood density decreases as the woody debris becomes more decomposed, a pattern found in many previous studies. The carbon concentration, however, barely changes between decay classes, and that result is consistent with most of the literature reviewed. Our carbon concentrations are very close to the 50% used most commonly as a conversion factor. We strongly recommend that future studies of CWD evaluate wood density and carbon concentration by decay class to address the uncertainty still found in the literature.
文摘The basic principle of life table method is deseribed, and the method of tree height instead of tree age in static life table is suggested, and it is also discussed that the possibility of natural poplar -birch forest recover to broad-leaf Korean pine forest on low pitches in the Xiaoxing'an Mountains by this method. If there is no particular situation, Korean pines after high than 5m under natural Poplar-birch forest will basically survive and make their way into dominant callopy accompanied by climax broad-leaf species.
基金Tarbiat Modares University for the financial support of the study reported in this paper
文摘Beech stands are considered part of the ancient forest ecosystems in the northern hemisphere.In mixed stands in beach forest ecosystems,the type of associated tree species can signifi cantly aff ect soil functions,but their infl uence on microbial activity,nutrient cycling and belowground properties is unknown.Here,we considered forest patches in northern Iran that are dominated by diff erent tree species:Fagus orientalis Lipsky,Quercus castaneifolia C.A.Mey.,Pterocarya fraxinifolia(Lam.),Tilia begonifolia Stev.,Zelkova carpinifolia Dippe,Acer cappadocicum Gled,Acer velutinum Boiss.,Fraxinus excelsior L.,Carpinus betulus L.,and Alnus subcordata C.A.Mey.For each forest patch–tree species,litter and soil samples(25×25×10 cm,100 of each)were analyzed for determine soil and litter properties and their relationship with tree species.The litter decomposition rate during a 1-year experiment was also determined.A PCA showed a clear diff erence between selected litter and soil characteristics among tree species.F.orientalis,Q.castaneifolia,P.fraxinifolia,T.begonifolia,Z.carpinifolia,A.cappadocicum,and A.velutinum enhanced soil microbial biomass of carbon,whereas patches with F.excelsior,C.betulus and A.subcordata had faster litter decomposition and enhanced biotic activities and C and N dynamics.Thus,soil function indicators were species-specifi c in the mixed beech forest.A.subcordata(a N-fi xing species),C.betulus and F.excelsior were main drivers of microbial activities related to nutrient cycling in the old-growth beech forest.