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作者 黄永红 浦骁威 +1 位作者 张龙 李强 《电测与仪表》 北大核心 2024年第5期152-159,共8页
针对局部均值分解(Local Mean Decomposition,LMD)算法应用于电能质量扰动检测时存在“端点效应”与滑动平均收敛速度慢,严重影响测量精度的问题,提出一种改进局部均值分解方法(Modified LMD,MLMD)。通过分段三次Hermite插值取代滑动平... 针对局部均值分解(Local Mean Decomposition,LMD)算法应用于电能质量扰动检测时存在“端点效应”与滑动平均收敛速度慢,严重影响测量精度的问题,提出一种改进局部均值分解方法(Modified LMD,MLMD)。通过分段三次Hermite插值取代滑动平均法,有效改善LMD收敛慢、受平滑长度影响的弊端。为避免延拓长度不够而导致的“延拓失败”情形,在镜像延拓法的基础上结合“奇延拓”方法提出改进镜像延拓法。针对“直接法”求频率存在“毛刺现象”的弊端,文中改用希尔伯特变换(Hilbert Transform,HT)求取瞬时频率。最后,将MLMD分别应用于单一扰动信号与复合谐波信号的检测,相较传统的经验模态分解方法(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD),MLMD方法可有效抑制“端点效应”,同时能更准确的定位扰动信号的起止时刻,并且对高次谐波信号有更好的提取能力。 展开更多
关键词 lmd 端点效应 三次Hermite插值 改进镜像延拓
作者 程江洲 张志强 +3 位作者 闫冉阳 李小来 谢卓然 胡哲豪 《浙江电力》 2024年第8期1-11,共11页
为实现对电网非平稳扰动信号的快速、准确分析,提出了融合SVD(奇异值分解)与ILMD(优化局部均值分解)的暂态电能质量扰动定位检测方法。首先,通过ILMD与模糊隶属度函数阈值处理噪声信息,削弱噪声干扰;然后,构造差值信号并利用滑窗SVD增... 为实现对电网非平稳扰动信号的快速、准确分析,提出了融合SVD(奇异值分解)与ILMD(优化局部均值分解)的暂态电能质量扰动定位检测方法。首先,通过ILMD与模糊隶属度函数阈值处理噪声信息,削弱噪声干扰;然后,构造差值信号并利用滑窗SVD增强扰动特征,进一步抑制噪声干扰;最后,基于特征增强信号提出一种自适应阈值截断的暂态电能质量扰动定位检测方法。经仿真分析与算法对比,验证了所提方法定位准确、抗噪性强、计算量小,对过零与微弱扰动也有较好的定位效果。 展开更多
关键词 暂态电能质量 扰动定位检测 差值信号 奇异值分解 局部均值分解
中国城市PM_(2.5)污染暴露不平等及其驱动因素——基于Theil指数和LMDI分解 被引量:1
作者 马本 秦露 夏天辰 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期555-566,共12页
聚焦大气污染物PM_(2.5),对2015~2021年污染物浓度进行人口规模赋权,构建中国城市PM_(2.5)污染暴露水平指标,基于GINI系数和Theil指数测度污染暴露不平等,并按城市行政层级、省份进行差异分解;基于对数平均迪氏指数分解法(LMDI),分别对... 聚焦大气污染物PM_(2.5),对2015~2021年污染物浓度进行人口规模赋权,构建中国城市PM_(2.5)污染暴露水平指标,基于GINI系数和Theil指数测度污染暴露不平等,并按城市行政层级、省份进行差异分解;基于对数平均迪氏指数分解法(LMDI),分别对污染暴露水平、不平等程度进行驱动因素分解,探究其变化背后的社会经济因素.结果表明:中国城市PM_(2.5)污染暴露不平等总体温和,GINI系数保持在0.2以内且呈递减趋势.不同行政级别城市间未表现出污染暴露不平等,而省际差异对污染暴露不平等的贡献达68.4%;总体上能源的污染暴露乘数、政府绿色支出能耗强度是PM_(2.5)污染暴露水平的主要抑制因素,对污染暴露水平的驱动贡献超过60%.政府支出结构、支出规模、经济发展和人口因素对PM_(2.5)污染暴露起促增作用,但各因素在不同层级的城市间具有异质性;能源的污染暴露乘数、绿色支出能耗强度对不平等的动态抑制作用弱化,主要依靠能源绿色化的治污策略面临挑战.据此提出更好发挥政府作用,持续降低中国PM_(2.5)污染暴露水平,实现环境公共服务更加均等化的政策启示. 展开更多
关键词 大气质量 污染暴露水平 环境不平等 泰尔指数 动态因素分解 PM_(2.5)
基于CRS-LMD和SVD的MMC-HVDC线路故障测距方法 被引量:1
作者 贺宇阳 马千里 +1 位作者 于飞 刘喜梅 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期121-132,共12页
直流输电线路故障行波波速不确定、波头提取困难以及噪声干扰等因素制约了直流电网中故障测距技术的应用。为了降低上述因素对定位准确性的影响,提出一种基于局部特征有理样条插值均值分解(LMD based on characteristic rational spline... 直流输电线路故障行波波速不确定、波头提取困难以及噪声干扰等因素制约了直流电网中故障测距技术的应用。为了降低上述因素对定位准确性的影响,提出一种基于局部特征有理样条插值均值分解(LMD based on characteristic rational spline,CRS-LMD)和奇异值分解(singular value decomposition,SVD)的故障测距方法。首先,利用特征尺度选取最优极点系数,结合有理样条插值调节拟合曲线的松紧程度,实现对故障电压行波的局部均值分解。其次,采用奇异值分解对故障行波波头进行准确提取。最后,在PSCAD/EMTDC中搭建了张北±500 kV柔性直流电网的仿真模型,模拟各种故障情况并输出故障数据,利用Matlab对故障数据进行处理并验证定位算法。最后,仿真结果表明,所提故障测距算法在不同故障距离和故障类型下均能实现故障测距,且在叠加噪声和过渡电阻的情况下也能保障较高的精确性。 展开更多
关键词 串柔性直流电网 有理样条插值 局部均值分解 奇异值分解 行波提取 故障测距
作者 张敏 奚曦 《江苏科技信息》 2024年第13期21-24,共4页
文章基于2005—2020年江苏省的人口、经济发展、能源强度以及二氧化碳排放的相关数据,通过构建LMDI因素分解模型对江苏省碳排放的脱钩状态进行研究,结果表明,在“十一五”至“十三五”期间,江苏省碳排放总体处于弱脱钩状态,未达到稳定... 文章基于2005—2020年江苏省的人口、经济发展、能源强度以及二氧化碳排放的相关数据,通过构建LMDI因素分解模型对江苏省碳排放的脱钩状态进行研究,结果表明,在“十一五”至“十三五”期间,江苏省碳排放总体处于弱脱钩状态,未达到稳定的强脱钩状态;在影响碳排放的各驱动因素中,对碳排放与经济增长的脱钩状态影响最大的是能源强度效应。文章最后提出合理的降低碳排放的策略。 展开更多
关键词 碳排放脱钩 lmdI因素分解模型 Tapio脱钩指数
作者 王永坤 张云辉 梁旸 《建筑节能(中英文)》 CAS 2024年第4期119-126,133,共9页
基于LMDI因素分解模型,分析了2010-2019年长江经济带碳排放综合系数、能源强度、产业结构、经济水平和城镇化率对公共建筑碳排放变动的影响,并利用泰尔指数测算了公共建筑碳排放主要影响因素的区域差异。结果表明:(1)经济水平的提高和... 基于LMDI因素分解模型,分析了2010-2019年长江经济带碳排放综合系数、能源强度、产业结构、经济水平和城镇化率对公共建筑碳排放变动的影响,并利用泰尔指数测算了公共建筑碳排放主要影响因素的区域差异。结果表明:(1)经济水平的提高和城镇化的发展是促进公共建筑碳排放增长的主要因素,而产业机构的调整和能源强度的降低则抑制了碳排放的增加。(2)基于能源强度和经济水平的碳排放泰尔指数均表明区域内差异是造成该经济带公共建筑碳排放不平衡的主要原因,各区域阶梯效应削弱,区域内部呈现分化发展的局面。(3)政府应重点关注区域内部互联,建立以经济水平碳排放为约束指标的碳减排协同治理机制,实现长江经济带公共建筑业的协调发展。 展开更多
关键词 公共建筑碳排放 lmdI因素分解 泰尔指数 长江经济带
作者 张超 买买提热依木·阿布力孜 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期308-316,共9页
振动信号分析是轴承故障诊断中的重要技术手段之一。变转速工况下的滚动轴承振动信号是典型的非平稳信号,并且在转频变化较小的工况中还存在噪声干扰的问题,使传统的时频分析技术难以应用。为解决该问题,提出了一种基于经验最优包络(emp... 振动信号分析是轴承故障诊断中的重要技术手段之一。变转速工况下的滚动轴承振动信号是典型的非平稳信号,并且在转频变化较小的工况中还存在噪声干扰的问题,使传统的时频分析技术难以应用。为解决该问题,提出了一种基于经验最优包络(empirical optimal envelope,EOE)的局部均值分解(local mean decomposition,LMD)和采用分段线性插值的计算阶次跟踪(computing order tracking,COT)算法相结合的故障诊断方法。首先,确定低通滤波器的截止频率和滤波阶数,对滚动轴承振动信号进行滤波,并对滤波后的包络信号进行COT,以获得角域平稳信号。然后,利用EOE_LMD对重采样后的平稳信号进行处理,得到若干乘积函数(product function,PF)分量。最后,通过计算各分量的信息熵和相关系数,选取合适的分量进行阶次分析,以判断变转速滚动轴承的故障类型。结果表明,该方法可以消除转速波动对故障特征提取的影响,在不同转速变化条件下对滚动轴承具有良好的故障诊断能力。 展开更多
关键词 滚动轴承 经验最优包络(EOE) 局部均值分解(lmd) 计算阶次跟踪(COT) 变转速工况
Enhancing the Interaction of Carbon Nanotubes by Metal-Organic Decomposition with Improved Mechanical Strength and Ultra-Broadband EMI Shielding Performance 被引量:2
作者 Yu-Ying Shi Si-Yuan Liao +7 位作者 Qiao-Feng Wang Xin-Yun Xu Xiao-Yun Wang Xin-Yin Gu You-Gen Hu Peng-Li Zhu Rong Sun Yan-Jun Wan 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期281-294,共14页
The remarkable properties of carbon nanotubes(CNTs)have led to promising applications in the field of electromagnetic inter-ference(EMI)shielding.However,for macroscopic CNT assemblies,such as CNT film,achieving high ... The remarkable properties of carbon nanotubes(CNTs)have led to promising applications in the field of electromagnetic inter-ference(EMI)shielding.However,for macroscopic CNT assemblies,such as CNT film,achieving high electrical and mechanical properties remains challenging,which heavily depends on the tube-tube interac-tions of CNTs.Herein,we develop a novel strategy based on metal-organic decomposition(MOD)to fabricate a flexible silver-carbon nanotube(Ag-CNT)film.The Ag particles are introduced in situ into the CNT film through annealing of MOD,leading to enhanced tube-tube interactions.As a result,the electrical conductivity of Ag-CNT film is up to 6.82×10^(5) S m^(-1),and the EMI shielding effectiveness of Ag-CNT film with a thickness of~7.8μm exceeds 66 dB in the ultra-broad frequency range(3-40 GHz).The tensile strength and Young’s modulus of Ag-CNT film increase from 30.09±3.14 to 76.06±6.20 MPa(~253%)and from 1.12±0.33 to 8.90±0.97 GPa(~795%),respectively.Moreover,the Ag-CNT film exhibits excellent near-field shield-ing performance,which can effectively block wireless transmission.This innovative approach provides an effective route to further apply macroscopic CNT assemblies to future portable and wearable electronic devices. 展开更多
关键词 EMI shielding Mechanical strength Carbon nanotubes Metal-organic decomposition Flexibility
Short-term prediction of photovoltaic power generation based on LMD-EE-ESN with error correction
作者 YU Xiangqian LI Zheng 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2024年第3期360-368,共9页
Considering the instability of the output power of photovoltaic(PV)generation system,to improve the power regulation ability of PV power during grid-connected operation,based on the quantitative analysis of meteorolog... Considering the instability of the output power of photovoltaic(PV)generation system,to improve the power regulation ability of PV power during grid-connected operation,based on the quantitative analysis of meteorological conditions,a short-term prediction method of PV power based on LMD-EE-ESN with iterative error correction was proposed.Firstly,through the fuzzy clustering processing of meteorological conditions,taking the power curves of PV power generation in sunny,rainy or snowy,cloudy,and changeable weather as the reference,the local mean decomposition(LMD)was carried out respectively,and their energy entropy(EE)was taken as the meteorological characteristics.Then,the historical generation power series was decomposed by LMD algorithm,and the hierarchical prediction of the power curve was realized by echo state network(ESN)prediction algorithm combined with meteorological characteristics.Finally,the iterative error theory was applied to the correction of power prediction results.The analysis of the historical data in the PV power generation system shows that this method avoids the influence of meteorological conditions in the short-term prediction of PV output power,and improves the accuracy of power prediction on the condition of hierarchical prediction and iterative error correction. 展开更多
关键词 photovoltaic(PV)power generation system short-term forecast local mean decomposition(lmd) energy entropy(EE) echo state network(ESN)
基于脱钩指数和LMDI的第三产业用水发展研究 被引量:1
作者 姚园 李海红 +2 位作者 李溦 赵勇 王丽珍 《水资源与水工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期71-81,共11页
第三产业在我国国民经济中占有重要地位,识别用水与产业发展关系并合理控制用水发展对于未来管控用水增长具有重要意义。基于Tapio脱钩模型和LMDI分解模型,分析我国内地31个省级行政区2000—2020年第三产业经济与用水的脱钩时空演化及... 第三产业在我国国民经济中占有重要地位,识别用水与产业发展关系并合理控制用水发展对于未来管控用水增长具有重要意义。基于Tapio脱钩模型和LMDI分解模型,分析我国内地31个省级行政区2000—2020年第三产业经济与用水的脱钩时空演化及其驱动效应,并基于分析结果对未来第三产业的用水目标和节水压力开展情景分析。结果表明:在时间尺度上,目前我国第三产业实现了稳定弱脱钩,经济年均增长率为12.2%,远高于用水年均变化率3.6%,2012年后全国强脱钩范围扩大;在空间尺度上,不同地区第三产业脱钩状态存在差异,东部和西部地区脱钩状态较好,实现良好脱钩的省市区占比可达到70%~80%;驱动因素方面,第三产业脱钩的负向驱动效应主要是经济规模,正向驱动效应是节水能力,东部和西部地区节水能力效应贡献率达到56.8%、52.6%,中部地区贡献率仅为38.3%,驱动因素作用程度存在差异从而影响脱钩;未来为实现我国第三产业协调可持续发展,在发展经济时将面临一定节水压力,其增长过程具有规模累积效应与时间累积效应,在经济高速发展至2050年时将达到8.8%。在未来长期规划下更应重视强化节水能力,以促进第三产业良好脱钩,从而实现协调可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 第三产业用水 经济发展 脱钩模型 lmdI分解 用水目标
Sparse Modal Decomposition Method Addressing Underdetermined Vortex-Induced Vibration Reconstruction Problem for Marine Risers 被引量:1
作者 DU Zun-feng ZHU Hai-ming YU Jian-xing 《China Ocean Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第2期285-296,共12页
When investigating the vortex-induced vibration(VIV)of marine risers,extrapolating the dynamic response on the entire length based on limited sensor measurements is a crucial step in both laboratory experiments and fa... When investigating the vortex-induced vibration(VIV)of marine risers,extrapolating the dynamic response on the entire length based on limited sensor measurements is a crucial step in both laboratory experiments and fatigue monitoring of real risers.The problem is conventionally solved using the modal decomposition method,based on the principle that the response can be approximated by a weighted sum of limited vibration modes.However,the method is not valid when the problem is underdetermined,i.e.,the number of unknown mode weights is more than the number of known measurements.This study proposed a sparse modal decomposition method based on the compressed sensing theory and the Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit(Co Sa MP)algorithm,exploiting the sparsity of VIV in the modal space.In the validation study based on high-order VIV experiment data,the proposed method successfully reconstructed the response using only seven acceleration measurements when the conventional methods failed.A primary advantage of the proposed method is that it offers a completely data-driven approach for the underdetermined VIV reconstruction problem,which is more favorable than existing model-dependent solutions for many practical applications such as riser structural health monitoring. 展开更多
关键词 motion reconstruction vortex-induced vibration(VIV) marine riser modal decomposition method compressed sensing
基于LMD边际谱能量熵的高压断路器机械故障诊断 被引量:1
作者 王国东 马莉 +1 位作者 李科云 万钧 《仪器仪表与分析监测》 CAS 2024年第1期17-22,共6页
断路器分合闸振动信号蕴含着丰富的机械特征信息,为准确提取其特征,提出一种基于LMD边际谱能量熵与GPSO算法相结合的高压断路器机械故障诊断方法。首先将原始振动信号进行小波软阈值去噪处理,然后将去噪后的信号利用LMD进行分解,获取若... 断路器分合闸振动信号蕴含着丰富的机械特征信息,为准确提取其特征,提出一种基于LMD边际谱能量熵与GPSO算法相结合的高压断路器机械故障诊断方法。首先将原始振动信号进行小波软阈值去噪处理,然后将去噪后的信号利用LMD进行分解,获取若干反映断路器操动过程中机械状态信息的PF分量;然后依据各PF分量与原始信号相关性确定包含主要状态信息的PF分量,并将前3阶分量进行希尔伯特变换(Hilbert变换),求取其边际谱能量熵作为特征向量;最后将特征向量输入到GPSO-SVM分类器,实现断路器机械故障诊断。实验结果表明:LMD边际谱能量熵能准确反映断路器机械故障特征,GPSO-SVM可有效辨识断路器机械故障。 展开更多
关键词 高压断路器 lmd HILBERT变换 边际谱能量熵 GPSO-SVM
作者 胡方磊 《导航定位学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期149-155,共7页
针对全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)监测数据处理中噪声抑制和变形信息提取精度不高等问题,提出一种联合使用贝叶斯信息准则(BIC)-主成分分析(PCA)和局部均值分解(LMD)的GNSS铁路边坡变形数据处理及信息提取方法:考虑PCA主分量个数确定,将贝叶... 针对全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)监测数据处理中噪声抑制和变形信息提取精度不高等问题,提出一种联合使用贝叶斯信息准则(BIC)-主成分分析(PCA)和局部均值分解(LMD)的GNSS铁路边坡变形数据处理及信息提取方法:考虑PCA主分量个数确定,将贝叶斯信息准则引入PCA建立BIC-PCA模型;进而利用BIC-PCA对变形监测数据进行分析,实现噪声抑制;然后利用LMD算法对噪声抑制后的监测数据进行分析,从中提取周期项、趋势项和波动项等隐含的变形信息;最后建立支持向量回归(SVR)模型,对未来变形趋势进行预测。实验结果表明,所提方法预测精度较高且噪声稳健性较强,预测结果的均方根(RMS)误差和平均预测误差(APRE)分别为6.30和7.26,远小于反向传播(BP)神经网络和灰色GM(1,1)模型。 展开更多
关键词 全球卫星导航系统(GNSS) 铁路边坡 变形预测 数据分析 噪声抑制 局部均值分解(lmd)
作者 龚旭峥 汪香梅 王凯时 《地理空间信息》 2024年第3期43-46,共4页
为降低噪声对GNSS坐标时间序列的影响、有效提取时间序列中的有用信息,在局部均值分解(LMD)降噪方法的基础上引入奇异值分解(SVD)方法,建立了LMD-SVD方法。首先通过LMD方法将时间序列分解为若干个乘积函数(PF)和余量,PF分量可反映时间... 为降低噪声对GNSS坐标时间序列的影响、有效提取时间序列中的有用信息,在局部均值分解(LMD)降噪方法的基础上引入奇异值分解(SVD)方法,建立了LMD-SVD方法。首先通过LMD方法将时间序列分解为若干个乘积函数(PF)和余量,PF分量可反映时间序列的时频分布特性;然后通过连续均方根误差方法确定高频分量与低频分量的分界点;最后对经SVD方法降噪后的高频分量、低频分量和余量进行重构,得到最终降噪结果。利用5个GNSS测站U方向坐标时间序列对该方法进行验证。结果表明,相较于单一LMD方法,LMD-SVD方法结果的信噪比与相关系数分别提高了34.28%与17.11%,均方根误差降低了51.31%,降噪效果更好。 展开更多
关键词 lmd SVD 时间序列 PF 降噪
基于SSA-LMD-GM的大坝变形组合预测模型 被引量:1
作者 李旭 冯晓 +1 位作者 刘宇豪 潘国兵 《工程勘察》 2024年第1期45-49,共5页
为提高大坝变形预测精度,针对大坝原始监测信号中的噪声,以及其非平稳性、非线性等特点,引入奇异谱分析(SSA)和局部均值分解(LMD)方法,提出SSA-LMD-GM模型。采用奇异谱分析(SSA)对原始监测信号进行去噪处理,为充分提取大坝形变信息特征... 为提高大坝变形预测精度,针对大坝原始监测信号中的噪声,以及其非平稳性、非线性等特点,引入奇异谱分析(SSA)和局部均值分解(LMD)方法,提出SSA-LMD-GM模型。采用奇异谱分析(SSA)对原始监测信号进行去噪处理,为充分提取大坝形变信息特征,利用局部均值分解(LMD)对去噪后的监测信号进行分解。针对乘积函数(PF)分量的特征采用合适的模型预测分析,剩下余项则采用GM(1,1)模型。利用实际工程案例进行检验,结果表明,相较于其他模型,SSA-LMD-GM模型预测精度和拟合精度更加优秀,能较好地预测大坝变形趋势,具有一定的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 大坝变形监测 奇异谱分析 局部均值分解 GM(1 1)模型 组合预测模型
Modified multiple-component scattering power decomposition for PolSAR data based on eigenspace of coherency matrix
作者 ZHANG Shuang WANG Lu WANG Wen-Qing 《红外与毫米波学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期572-581,共10页
A modified multiple-component scattering power decomposition for analyzing polarimetric synthetic aperture radar(PolSAR)data is proposed.The modified decomposition involves two distinct steps.Firstly,ei⁃genvectors of ... A modified multiple-component scattering power decomposition for analyzing polarimetric synthetic aperture radar(PolSAR)data is proposed.The modified decomposition involves two distinct steps.Firstly,ei⁃genvectors of the coherency matrix are used to modify the scattering models.Secondly,the entropy and anisotro⁃py of targets are used to improve the volume scattering power.With the guarantee of high double-bounce scatter⁃ing power in the urban areas,the proposed algorithm effectively improves the volume scattering power of vegeta⁃tion areas.The efficacy of the modified multiple-component scattering power decomposition is validated using ac⁃tual AIRSAR PolSAR data.The scattering power obtained through decomposing the original coherency matrix and the coherency matrix after orientation angle compensation is compared with three algorithms.Results from the experiment demonstrate that the proposed decomposition yields more effective scattering power for different PolSAR data sets. 展开更多
关键词 PolSAR data model-based decomposition eigenvalue decomposition scattering power
Rate-limiting factors in hydrate decomposition through depressurization across various scales:A mini-review
作者 Xian Sun Peng Xiao +7 位作者 Qinfeng Shi Lingban Wang Zhenbin Xu Yuhao Bu Xiaohui Wang Yifei Sun Changyu Sun Guangjin Chen 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期206-219,共14页
Natural gas hydrate is an energy resource for methane that has a carbon quantity twice more than all traditional fossil fuels combined.However,their practical application in the field has been limited due to the chall... Natural gas hydrate is an energy resource for methane that has a carbon quantity twice more than all traditional fossil fuels combined.However,their practical application in the field has been limited due to the challenges of long-term preparation,high costs and associated risks.Experimental studies,on the other hand,offer a safe and cost-effective means of exploring the mechanisms of hydrate dissociation and optimizing exploitation conditions.Gas hydrate decomposition is a complicated process along with intrinsic kinetics,mass transfer and heat transfer,which are the influencing factors for hydrate decomposition rate.The identification of the rate-limiting factor for hydrate dissociation during depressurization varies with the scale of the reservoir,making it challenging to extrapolate findings from laboratory experiments to the actual exploitation.This review aims to summarize current knowledge of investigations on hydrate decomposition on the subject of the research scale(core scale,middle scale,large scale and field tests)and to analyze determining factors for decomposition rate,considering the various research scales and their associated influencing factors. 展开更多
关键词 Gas hydrate Rate-limiting factors Research scale DEPRESSURIZATION decomposition
Evolutionary Multi/Many-Objective Optimisation via Bilevel Decomposition
作者 Shouyong Jiang Jinglei Guo +1 位作者 Yong Wang Shengxiang Yang 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第9期1973-1986,共14页
Decomposition of a complex multi-objective optimisation problem(MOP)to multiple simple subMOPs,known as M2M for short,is an effective approach to multi-objective optimisation.However,M2M facilitates little communicati... Decomposition of a complex multi-objective optimisation problem(MOP)to multiple simple subMOPs,known as M2M for short,is an effective approach to multi-objective optimisation.However,M2M facilitates little communication/collaboration between subMOPs,which limits its use in complex optimisation scenarios.This paper extends the M2M framework to develop a unified algorithm for both multi-objective and manyobjective optimisation.Through bilevel decomposition,an MOP is divided into multiple subMOPs at upper level,each of which is further divided into a number of single-objective subproblems at lower level.Neighbouring subMOPs are allowed to share some subproblems so that the knowledge gained from solving one subMOP can be transferred to another,and eventually to all the subMOPs.The bilevel decomposition is readily combined with some new mating selection and population update strategies,leading to a high-performance algorithm that competes effectively against a number of state-of-the-arts studied in this paper for both multiand many-objective optimisation.Parameter analysis and component analysis have been also carried out to further justify the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Bilevel decomposition evolutionary algorithm many-objective optimisation multi-objective optimisation
Formation and transformation of metastable LPSO building blocks clusters in Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloys by spinodal decomposition and heterogeneous nucleation
作者 Xin Zhao Zhong Yang +2 位作者 Jiachen Zhang Minxian Liang Liying Wang 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期673-686,共14页
To study the formation and transformation mechanism of long-period stacked ordered(LPSO)structures,a systematic atomic scale analysis was conducted for the structural evolution of long-period stacked ordered(LPSO)stru... To study the formation and transformation mechanism of long-period stacked ordered(LPSO)structures,a systematic atomic scale analysis was conducted for the structural evolution of long-period stacked ordered(LPSO)structures in the Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy annealed at 300℃~500℃.Various types of metastable LPSO building block clusters were found to exist in alloy structures at different temperatures,which precipitate during the solidification and homogenization process.The stability of Zn/Y clusters is explained by the first principles of density functional theory.The LPSO structure is distinguished by the arrangement of its different Zn/Y enriched LPSO structural units,which comprises local fcc stacking sequences upon a tightly packed plane.The presence of solute atoms causes local lattice distortion,thereby enabling the rearrangement of Mg atoms in the different configurations in the local lattice,and local HCP-FCC transitions occur between Mg and Zn atoms occupying the nearest neighbor positions.This finding indicates that LPSO structures can generate necessary Schockley partial dislocations on specific slip surfaces,providing direct evidence of the transition from 18R to 14H.Growth of the LPSO,devoid of any defects and non-coherent interfaces,was observed separately from other precipitated phases.As a result,the precipitation sequence of LPSO in the solidification stage was as follows:Zn/Ycluster+Mg layers→various metastable LPSO building block clusters→18R/24R LPSO;whereas the precipitation sequence of LPSO during homogenization treatment was observed to be as follows:18R LPSO→various metastable LPSO building block clusters→14H LPSO.Of these,14H LPSO was found to be the most thermodynamically stable structure. 展开更多
关键词 LPSO Spinodal decomposition Homogenization treatment CLUSTERS Phase transformation
Generalized load graphical forecasting method based on modal decomposition
作者 Lizhen Wu Peixin Chang +1 位作者 Wei Chen Tingting Pei 《Global Energy Interconnection》 EI CSCD 2024年第2期166-178,共13页
In a“low-carbon”context,the power load is affected by the coupling of multiple factors,which gradually evolves from the traditional“pure load”to the generalized load with the dual characteristics of“load+power su... In a“low-carbon”context,the power load is affected by the coupling of multiple factors,which gradually evolves from the traditional“pure load”to the generalized load with the dual characteristics of“load+power supply.”Traditional time-series forecasting methods are no longer suitable owing to the complexity and uncertainty associated with generalized loads.From the perspective of image processing,this study proposes a graphical short-term prediction method for generalized loads based on modal decomposition.First,the datasets are normalized and feature-filtered by comparing the results of Xtreme gradient boosting,gradient boosted decision tree,and random forest algorithms.Subsequently,the generalized load data are decomposed into three sets of modalities by modal decomposition,and red,green,and blue(RGB)images are generated using them as the pixel values of the R,G,and B channels.The generated images are diversified,and an optimized DenseNet neural network was used for training and prediction.Finally,the base load,wind power,and photovoltaic power generation data are selected,and the characteristic curves of the generalized load scenarios under different permeabilities of wind power and photovoltaic power generation are obtained using the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise algorithm.Based on the proposed graphical forecasting method,the feasibility of the generalized load graphical forecasting method is verified by comparing it with the traditional time-series forecasting method. 展开更多
关键词 Load forecasting Generalized load Image processing DenseNet Modal decomposition
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