A total of 45 alkylbenzenes were detected and identified in crude oils with different depositional environments and thermal maturities from the Tarim Basin,Beibuwan Basin,and Songliao Basin using comprehensive two-dim...A total of 45 alkylbenzenes were detected and identified in crude oils with different depositional environments and thermal maturities from the Tarim Basin,Beibuwan Basin,and Songliao Basin using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry(GC×GCTOFMS).By analyzing the distribution characteristics of C0-C5alkylbenzenes,it is found that the content of some alkylbenzenes varies greatly in crude oils.Based on the distribution characteristics of 1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene(Te MB)and 1,2,3,4-Te MB,the ratio of 1,2,4,5-Te MB to 1,2,3,4-Te MB is proposed to indicate the organic matter origin and depositional environment of ancient sediments.Oil samples originated mainly from lower hydrobiont,algae,bacteria and source rocks deposited under reducing/anoxic conditions have low 1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB values(less than 0.6),while oil samples originated mainly from terrestrial higher plants and source rocks deposited under oxic/sub-oxic conditions have higher 1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB values(greater than 1.0).The significant difference of 1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB values is controlled by 1,2,4,5-Te MB content.1,2,4,5-Te MB content in oils derived from source rocks deposited in oxidized sedimentary environment(greater than 1.0 mg/g whole oil)is higher than that in oils from source rocks deposited in reduced sedimentary environment(less than 1.0 mg/g whole oil).1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB ratio might not or slightly be affected by evaporative fractionation,biodegradation and thermal maturity.1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB ratio and 1,2,4,5-Te MB content can be used as supplementary parameter for the identification of sedimentary environment and organic matter input.It should be noted that compared to the identification of organic matter sources,the 1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB parameter is more effective in identifying sedimentary environments.展开更多
Inertinite-rich coal is widely distributed in the Ordos Basin,represented by the No.2 coal seam of the Middle Jurassic Yan'an Formation.This paper combined coal petrology and geochemistry to analyze the origin of ...Inertinite-rich coal is widely distributed in the Ordos Basin,represented by the No.2 coal seam of the Middle Jurassic Yan'an Formation.This paper combined coal petrology and geochemistry to analyze the origin of inertinite,changes in the coal-forming environment and control characteristics of wildfire.Research has shown that there are two forms of inertinite sources in the study area.Alongside typical fusinization,wildfire events also play a substantial role in inertinite formation.There are significant fluctuations in the coal-forming environment of samples at different depths.Coal samples were formed in dry forest swamp with low water levels and strong oxidation,which have a high inertinite content,and the samples formed in wet forest swamp and limnic showed low inertinite content.Conversely,the inertinite content of different origins does not fully correspond to the depositional environment characterized by dryness and oxidation.Nonpyrogenic inertinites were significantly influenced by climatic conditions,while pyrofusinite was not entirely controlled by climatic conditions but rather directly impacted by wildfire events.The high oxygen level was the main factor causing widespread wildfire events.Overall,the combination of wildfire activity and oxidation generates a high content of inertinite in the Middle Jurassic coal of the Ordos Basin.展开更多
Molecular biomarker and whole oil carbon isotope(δ^(13)C_(oil)) analyses were conducted on eleven typical crude oils from the Qiongdongnan Basin to investigate their biological sources and depositional environments. ...Molecular biomarker and whole oil carbon isotope(δ^(13)C_(oil)) analyses were conducted on eleven typical crude oils from the Qiongdongnan Basin to investigate their biological sources and depositional environments. Saturated hydrocarbon biomarkers in most samples are characterized by angiosperm-derived compounds, with aromatic compounds dominated by the naphthalene, phenanthrene, biphenyl, and fluorene series. The related source rocks of these oils were mainly deposited under oxic condition, but a subanoxic-suboxic and enclosed water column condition in the Central Depression during Oligocene.The identification of simonellite and related compounds in the aromatic fractions provides reliable evidence for the input of coniferous gymnosperms. Cadalene may also have a potential association with gymnosperms since it shows a strong positive correlation with simonellite. Evidence from density, nalkanes, short-chain alkylbenzenes and secondary brine inclusions indicates that the unique crude oil B13-1 may have suffered from thermal alteration. These crude oils(excluding B13-1) can be classified into four types based on the δ^(13)C_(oil)values and molecular biomarkers. Type A oil(solely S34-3) is characterized by non-angiosperm plants, with minor dinoflagellates and increasing contribution from conifer gymnosperms than others. Type B oils(L17-2, L18-1, L25-1, and L25-1W) show heavy δ^(13)C_(oil)(-24 ‰to-25 ‰) and mixed contributions from both angiosperms and marine algae, with the marine algae contribution increasing. Type C oils(L13-2 and B21-1) share similar biological sources with Type B, but the moderately δ^(13)C_(oil)(-25‰ to-26‰) and high level of terrestrial biomarkers suggesting a predominant contribution of angiosperms. Type D oils(Y13-1a, Y13-1b, and Y13-4) possess the lightestδ^(13)C_(oil)(mainly below-26‰) and are primarily derived from angiosperms, with mangrove vegetation playing an important role. Spearman correlation analysis among 14 source biomarker parameters withδ^(13)C_(oil)and geological setting of related source rocks implied that the marine algae should be responsible for the heavy δ^(13)C_(oil)in the Type B. The contribution of marine algae in the Central Depression may have been neglected in the past, as it is usually covered by remarkable angiosperm biomarkers.展开更多
In the southwestern Tianshan,the geologic ages of many strata and their depositional environments are still poorly constrained because of complex structures.The Mada'er area is located in the Kuokesaleling belt,South...In the southwestern Tianshan,the geologic ages of many strata and their depositional environments are still poorly constrained because of complex structures.The Mada'er area is located in the Kuokesaleling belt,Southwestern Tianshan.The cherts from the former Wupata'erkan Group contain abundant radiolarian fossils,including 10 species which are identified as late Devonian to early Carboniferous in age.Eleven chert samples have SiO_2 contents ranging from 88.80 wt%to 93.28 wt%, and 2.02 wt%to 3.72 wt%for Al_2O_3.The SiO_2/Al_2O_3 ratios of all samples vary from 23.84 to 46.11, much lower than those of the pure cherts(80-1400).These values suggest that the cherts contain high ratios of terrigenous materials.The Al_2O_3/(Al_2O_3+Fe_2O_3)ratios vary between 0.64 and 0.77,whereas V and Cu concentrations range from 10.92 ppm to 26.7 ppm and from 2.15 ppm to 34.1 ppm respectively. The Ti/V ratios vary from 25.53 to 44.93.The total REE concentrations of the cherts are between 30.78 ppm and 59.26 ppm,averaging 45.46 ppm.The(La/Ce)_N ratios range from 0.81 to 1.12,and 0.88-1.33 for(La/Yb)_N,averaging 1.09,which suggests a continental margin environment.Consequently,it is inferred that the cherts formed in a residual sea environment during the late Devonian to early Carboniferous time,which suggests that the collision between the Karakum-Tarim and Kazakhstan-Junggar plates did not occur at the time.In addition,the regional geological information indicates that the study area experienced a post-collision stage during the early Permian,and thus it is likely that the collision between the two plates took place in the late Carboniferous.展开更多
The depositional environment of the sands of the cover formation is discussed. This study aims to determine the paleoenvironments of deposition of the sands of the cover formation in the Batéké Plateaus by s...The depositional environment of the sands of the cover formation is discussed. This study aims to determine the paleoenvironments of deposition of the sands of the cover formation in the Batéké Plateaus by studying sedimentary dynamics based on the description of lithological facies in the field and granulometric analyses in the laboratory. In the field, six (6) lithostratigraphic logs were surveyed and 42 sand samples were taken for laboratory analysis. In the laboratory, the samples underwent granulometric, sieving and sedimentometry analyses, after washing with running water using a 63 µm sieve. These analyses made it possible to determine the granulometric classes of the samples. The sieving results allowed to determine the granulometric parameters (mean, standard deviation, mode, median, skewness, flattening or kurtosis) using the method of moments with the software “Gradistat V.8”, granulometric parameters with which the granulometric facies, the mode of transport and the deposition environment were determined using the diagrams. Morphoscopy made it possible to determine the form and aspect of the surface of the quartz grains constituting these sands. Granulometric analyses show that these silty-clay or clayey-silty sands are fine sands and rarely medium sands, moderately to well sorted and rarely well sorted. The dominant granulometric facies is hyperbolic (sigmoid), with parabolic facies being rare. The primary mode of transport of these sands is saltation, which dominates rolling. The dispersion of points in the diagrams shows that these sands originate from two depositional environments: aeolian and fluvial. Morphoscopic analysis reveals the presence of clean rounded matt grains (RM), dirty rounded matt grains (RS), shiny blunt grains (EL) and shiny rounded grains (RL). The rounded matt grains exhibit several impact marks. The presence of dirty rounded grains with a ferruginous cement on their surface indicates that these sands have been reworked. These sands have undergone two types of transport, first by wind (aeolian environment) and then by water (fluvial environment).展开更多
Gas-bearing deposits in the Lower Mingyuefeng Formation of Paleogene, Lishui Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin consist of shoreface sandstones of the highstand systems tract(HST) and transgressive systems tract(TST)...Gas-bearing deposits in the Lower Mingyuefeng Formation of Paleogene, Lishui Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin consist of shoreface sandstones of the highstand systems tract(HST) and transgressive systems tract(TST), and deltaic sandstones of the lowstand systems tract(LST) and falling stage systems tract(FSST).Detailed petrographic observations suggest that the diagenetic features and related evolution of these deposits cannot be simply characterized and demonstrated in the depth domain.However, the occurrence of diagenetic minerals systematically depends on the studied interval within the HST, TST, LST, and FSST; therefore, diagenesis in this region can be better constrained when studied in the context of the depositional environments and sequence stratigraphic framework.The eogenetic processes in such settings include:(1) microcrystalline siderite precipitated as concretions in almost all environments and systems tracts, which inhibited further mechanical compaction;(2) grain dissolution and kaolinitization occurred in shoreface HST sandstones and deltaic LST and FSST sandstones;(3) glaucony was locally observed, which did not clearly reflect the controls of facies or sequence stratigraphy; and(4) cementation by pyrite aggregates occurred in the shoreface HST sandstones and deltaic LST sandstones.The mesogenetic diagenesis includes:(1) partial conversion of kaolinite into dickite in deltaic LST sandstones, and minor chlorite cementation in deltaic FSST sandstones;(2) transformation of kaolinite into illite and quartz cementation in deltaic LST and FSST sandstones;(3) frequent precipitation of ankerite and ferroan calcite in shoreface TST sandstones and early HST sandstones, forming baffles and barriers for fluid flow, with common calcite in shoreface HST sandstones as a late diagenetic cement; and(4) formation of dawsonite in the deltaic LST and FSST sandstones, which is interpreted to be a product of the invasion of a CO2-rich fluid, and acts as a good indicator of CO2-bearing reservoirs.This study has thus constructed a reliable conceptual model to describe the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations.The results may provide an entirely new conceptual framework and methodology for successful gas exploration in the continental margins of offshore China, thus allowing us to predict and unravel the distribution and quality evolution of clastic reservoirs at a more detailed and reliable scale.展开更多
The present study is based on the sedimentological data from a piston core KCES1 off the southern Ulleung Basin margin,the East Sea(Sea of Japan).The data include sediment color(L^*),X-ray radiographs,grain size ...The present study is based on the sedimentological data from a piston core KCES1 off the southern Ulleung Basin margin,the East Sea(Sea of Japan).The data include sediment color(L^*),X-ray radiographs,grain size distribution and AMS^14C date.Four kinds of sediments(homogeneous,laminated,crudely laminated and hybrid sediments) are identified according to the characters of the sedimentary structures that were considered to reflect changes in bottom-water oxygenation.Alternations of dark laminated/crudely laminated sediments and light homogeneous sediments represent millennial-scale variations that are possibly associated with the high-resolution changes in the East Asian monsoon(EAM).The relative contributions of the East China Sea Coastal Water(ECSCW) and the Tsushima Warm Current(TWC) were likely the main reasons for the repetition of the anoxic and oxic depositional conditions in the East Sea since the last 48 ka BP.During the interstadial,the strengthen summer EAM was attributed to the expansion of the ECSCW because of more humid climate in central Asia,and then more strongly low-salinity,nutrient-enriched water was introduced into the East Sea.The ventilation of deep water was restricted and therefore the dark laminated layer deposited under the anoxic bottom water condition.During the lowest stand of sea level in the last glacial maximum(LGM),the isolated East Sea dominated by stratified water masses and the euxinic depositional environment formed.The homogenous sediments have been predominating since 17.5 ka BP indicating that the TWC has intruded into the East Sea gradually with the stepwise rise of sea level and the bottom water oxygen level was high.During the late Younger Dryas(YD) period,the last dark laminated layer deposited because the ventilation of bottom water was restricted by stronger summer EAM.The TWC strengthened and the bottom water became oxic again from 10.5 ka BP.展开更多
The Luconia Province-offshore Sarawak-is a key geological unit for understanding the distribution of hydrocarbon resources in Malaysia. Nevertheless, little effort has been made to address the palaeoenvironmental char...The Luconia Province-offshore Sarawak-is a key geological unit for understanding the distribution of hydrocarbon resources in Malaysia. Nevertheless, little effort has been made to address the palaeoenvironmental characteristics of the Tertiary carbonates in the key sector of Central Luconia.We study the sedimentology and petrography of core samples from a well in Central Luconia, for which thirteen microfacies have been identified reflecting different depositional settings. This is the first microfacies scheme elaborated for Luconian carbonates. Lithofacies and microfacies distribution are compatible with deposition in a reef complex, originating around a framework reef, within the euphotic zone. Sediments were deposited in environments of backreef, reef crest, and forereef. The fair weather wave base is marked by the presence of coralline red algae, foraminifera, decreasing degree of bioclast fragmentation and other microfacies features. As a result, a depositional-environmental model is constructed, depicting a reef complex built around a framework reef developed on the margin of an isolated platform. In addition, an innovative, preliminary time series analysis of facies, microfacies and depositional environment data reveal the existence of seasonal cycles in the stacking patterns of facies and microfacies.展开更多
The mechanisms of lacustrine organic-rich shale formation have attracted attention due to its association with global shale oil and shale gas exploration.Samples of general-quality and excellent-quality source rocks,a...The mechanisms of lacustrine organic-rich shale formation have attracted attention due to its association with global shale oil and shale gas exploration.Samples of general-quality and excellent-quality source rocks,and oil shale from the Beibu Gulf Basin were analyzed to investigate their organic geochemistry,palynofacies,and trace elements.Hydrocarbon potential was higher in the oil shale(29.79 mg/g)than in the general-quality source rock(3.82 mg/g),and its kerogen type wasⅠ-Ⅱ2.Hydrogen-rich liptinite(cutinite and sporinite)components derived from terrigenous higher plants provided most of the hydrocarbon potential of excellent-quality source rock and oil shale.Under the influence of depressioncontrolling fault activity,a deeper subsidence center promotes the deposition of excellent-quality source rock and oil shale in brackish-hypoxic bottom water.A shallower subsidence center,due to subsag-controlling fault activity,promotes the formation of excellent-quality source rock under freshbrackish and weak oxidation-weak reducing conditions.The local uplift and shallow-slope led to the formation of general-quality source rock,under freshwater weak-oxidation conditions.A model was established for organic matter(OM)accumulation in organic-rich shales,accounting for fault activity,terrigenous hydrogen-rich OM,and the preservation conditions,to predict the development of excellent-quality source rock from areas with low levels of exploration.展开更多
Objective The Yubei area is located in the mid-east Maigaiti slope of southwestern Tarim Basin, China, with an exploration history of several years. Recent exploration has preliminarily indicated that the Ordovician ...Objective The Yubei area is located in the mid-east Maigaiti slope of southwestern Tarim Basin, China, with an exploration history of several years. Recent exploration has preliminarily indicated that the Ordovician carbonate formations in this area have some oil and gas potential. Carbonate microfacies provides material basis for reservoir development, seal formation and hydrocarbon generation. Therefore, this work utilized the standard microfacies (SMF) types to study the microfacies of the Ordovician formations in the Yubei area in order to provide theoretical basis for the next exploration.展开更多
Shuidonggou site has abundant Paleolithic remains of Late Pleistocene deposition. Studying the evolution of depositional environments is essential to the comprehensive understanding of the living conditions of ancient...Shuidonggou site has abundant Paleolithic remains of Late Pleistocene deposition. Studying the evolution of depositional environments is essential to the comprehensive understanding of the living conditions of ancient populations. To reconstruct the depositional environment at Shuidonggou, we carried out archaeological excavations and collected systematic deposition samples at the key position of Shuidonggou Locality 2 for grain size analysis and sporopollen statistics. The environmental evolution around the Shuidonggou site generally underwent four stages at ~72-18 kaBP. During the first stage (~72-41 kaBP), the river developed with gravel and sand stratums. During the second stage (41-34 kaBP), a swamp with numerous aquatic plants formed. In the third stage (34-29 kaBP), site formation was characterized by shallow lake depositional conditions; the climate was relatively warm and humid. The marginal bank depositional conditions deteriorated during the fourth stage (29-18 kaBP), and the site underwent several dry events; the climate also became drier and colder.展开更多
Thirty-nine crude oils and twenty-one rock samples from Niger Delta Basin,Nigeria have been characterized based on their isotope compositions by elemental analysis-isotope ratio mass spectrometry and gas chromatograph...Thirty-nine crude oils and twenty-one rock samples from Niger Delta Basin,Nigeria have been characterized based on their isotope compositions by elemental analysis-isotope ratio mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry.The bulk carbon isotopic values of the whole rock extracts,saturate and aromatic fractions range from–28.7‰to–26.8‰,–29.2‰to–27.2‰and–28.5‰to–26.7‰,respectively while the bulk carbon isotopic values of the whole oils,saturate and aromatic fractions range from–25.4‰to–27.8‰,–25.9‰to–28.4‰and–23.5‰to–26.9‰,respectively.The average carbon isotopic compositions of individual alkanes(nC12-nC33)in the rock samples range from–34.9‰to–28.2‰whereas the average isotopic values of individual n-alkanes in the oils range from–31.1‰to–23.8‰.Theδ13C isotope ratios of pristane and phytane in the rock samples range from–29.2‰to–28.2‰and–30.2‰to–27.4‰respectively while the pristane and phytane isotopic values range from–32.1‰to–21.9‰and–30.5‰to–26.9‰,respectively.The isotopic values recorded for the samples indicated that the crude oils were formed from the mixed input of terrigenous and marine organic matter and deposited under oxic to sub-oxic condition in lacustrine-fluvial/deltaic environments.The stable carbon isotopic compositions were found to be effective in assessing the origin and depositional environments of crude oils in the Niger Delta Basin.展开更多
The effect of various depositional parameters including paleoclimate,paleosalinity and provenance,on the depositional mechanism of lacustrine shale is very important in reconstructing the depositional environment.The ...The effect of various depositional parameters including paleoclimate,paleosalinity and provenance,on the depositional mechanism of lacustrine shale is very important in reconstructing the depositional environment.The classification of shale lithofacies and the interpretation of shale depositional environment are key features used in shale oil and gas exploration and development activity.The lower 3rd member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Es_(3)^(x)shale)was selected for this study,as one of the main prospective intervals for shale oil exploration and development in the intracratonic Bohai Bay Basin.Mineralogically,it is composed of quartz(avg.9.6%),calcite(avg.58.5%),dolomite(avg.7%),pyrite(avg.3.3%)and clay minerals(avg.20%).An advanced methodology(thin-section petrography,total organic carbon and total organic sulfur contents analysis,X-ray diffraction(XRD),X-ray fluorescence(XRF),field-emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM))was adopted to establish shale lithofacies and to interpret the depositional environment in the lacustrine basin.Six different types of lithofacies were recognized,based on mineral composition,total organic carbon(TOC)content and sedimentary structures.Various inorganic geochemical proxies(Rb/Sr,Ca/(Ca+Fe),Ti/Al,Al/Ca,Al/Ti,Zr/Rb)have been used to interpret and screen variations in depositional environmental parameters during the deposition of the Es_(3)^(x)shale.The experimental results indicate that the environment during the deposition of the Es_(3)^(x)shale was warm and humid with heightened salinities,moderate to limited detrital input,higher paleohydrodynamic settings and strong oxygen deficient(reducing)conditions.A comprehensive depositional model of the lacustrine shale was developed.The interpretations deduced from this research work are expected to not only expand the knowledge of shale lithofacies classification for lacustrine fine-grained rocks,but can also offer a theoretical foundation for lacustrine shale oil exploration and development.展开更多
The Sarvak Formation is the second major oil-bearing reservoir in the south and south west of Iran. The Middle Cretaceous Sarvak formation in the Zagros Mountains (Zagros Basin) is mainly composed of carbonate sequenc...The Sarvak Formation is the second major oil-bearing reservoir in the south and south west of Iran. The Middle Cretaceous Sarvak formation in the Zagros Mountains (Zagros Basin) is mainly composed of carbonate sequences. Based on facies studied, thirteen microfacies were recognized in the studied area, which were categorized in the three facies groups: including inner ramp, mid ramp and outer ramp. Evidences such as the gradual changes in the facies (basin slope), the absence of extensive uninterrupted barrier reef, the lack of calciturbidite and gravity sediments as well as the high proportion of grain-supported indicated that the Sarvak Formation was deposited in the ramp like depositional system, particularly on an inner ramp setting. Inner ramp facies group is the principal setting and subdivided to tidal flat, restricted and unrestricted lagoon as well as shoal sub-environments.展开更多
In this study, to identify and analyze facies of depositional environment and depositional model of Qom Formation, stratigraphic Saran Section (southwest of Semnan) was selected. Qom Formation in Saran section include...In this study, to identify and analyze facies of depositional environment and depositional model of Qom Formation, stratigraphic Saran Section (southwest of Semnan) was selected. Qom Formation in Saran section includes about 380 meters of conglomerate at the base, chalk, limestone, marl, and shale. Petrographic studies with facies analysis have led to the identification of 12 microfacies, these microfacies have been deposited in four facies groups including tidal flat, lagoon, barrier and open marine. Study of horizontal and vertical facies changes and their comparison with recent and ancient environments reveals that Qom Formation in this section relates to shallow marine environment and its facies were deposited in a shelf carbonate platform and are comparable with contemporary shelf platforms such as Florida and old shelf platforms such as Mozduran. The most important diagenetic processes affecting the studied section include micritization, bioturbation, cementation, dissolution, neomorphism, fracturing, mechanical and chemical compaction, hematitization and dolomitization. These processes have formed in marine, meteoric and burial diagenetic environments.展开更多
The Endengue Banded Iron Formation (BIF) is located in the northwestern edge of the Congo craton in Cameroon. Here<span style="font-family:Verdana;">,</span><span style="font-family:Verda...The Endengue Banded Iron Formation (BIF) is located in the northwestern edge of the Congo craton in Cameroon. Here<span style="font-family:Verdana;">,</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> we report geochemical data of trace and rare earth elements (REE) of the Endengue BIF samples from the Archean Ntem complex and investigate their environmental setting. Two types of BIF occur at Endengue area, both containing minimal contamination from terrestrial material. Total REE (</span><span style="line-height:99%;font-family:Verdana;">Σ</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">REE) contents in the Type 1 BIF are extremely low, ranging from 0.34 to 1.83 ppm, similarly to pure chemical sediments while Type 2 BIF displays</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="line-height:99%;font-family:Verdana;">Σ</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">REE contents ranging from 2.98 to 24.26 ppm. The PAAS-normalized REE</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">+</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Y patterns of the two BIF types display LREE enrichment relative to HREE and weak positive Eu anomaly, most likely suggesting that the source of iron and siliceous of the Endengue BIFs is mainly from the contribution of low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of the crust. Type 1 BIF shows very low Nd content (<1 ppm) with positive correlation between Nd and Ce/Ce</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">*</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> and positive Ce anomalies which suggests suboxic or anoxic seawater similar to the depositional environment of Elom BIF in Archean Ntem complex. In contrast, Type 2 BIF displays low to moderate Nd contents (1 and 100 ppm with the exception of sample LBR65) with negative correlation between Nd and Ce/Ce</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">*</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> and negative Ce anomalies. These features indicate precipatation of Type 2 BIF from oxic iron-rich solution that changed to oxidized surface by rapid precipitation of the hydrothermal Fe. The Endengue BIFs were deposited in the continental margin ocean in presence of low-temperature hydrothermal fluids mixed with seawater, similar to Paleoproterozoic Kpwa</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Atog Boga BIFs within the Nyong group and other Paleoproterozoic Superior</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">type BIFs worldwide.</span>展开更多
The Benue Trough Basin (BTB) of Nigeria is geologically and geo-morphologically subdivided into upper,middle, and lower segments. The BTB is the subject of geological research due to its rich coal depositsthat have th...The Benue Trough Basin (BTB) of Nigeria is geologically and geo-morphologically subdivided into upper,middle, and lower segments. The BTB is the subject of geological research due to its rich coal depositsthat have the potential for oil and gas. The purpose of the present study is to examine the origins,depositional environments, and thermal history of the selected coals and the processes that influencetheir quality. Coal samples from different open cast coal mines in the middle BTB were examined usingproximate and ultimate, x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence (XRF), laser ablation induced coupledplasma (LA-ICPMS), and petrographical analyses. The coal samples contained mainly quartz, kaolinite,and organic carbon. The XRD spectra peaks revealed the triclinic and monoclinic structure of kaolin. TheSiO2/Al2O3 ratios confirmed the dominance of quartz and kaolinite. The Ni/Co versus V/Cr, Cu/Zn, and V/Mo values in the studied coals suggest oxic depositional environments, whereas the V/(Ni þ V) and V/(V þ Cr) values indicate oxic to suboxic conditions. The Ce/Ce* values are slightly below 1, which indicates a suboxic depositional environment. Maceral texture is indicative of transformations from subbituminous to high volatile C or B bituminous coal. The maceral components and mineral matter(10%) of the studied coals imply deposition in the planar margin mire, and a river system of planarmargin mire environments, respectively. The high gelification index (GI) and tissue preservation index(TPI) values indicate peat accumulation developed within a wet forest swamp. The ternary diagram ofthe maceral component suggests deposition in a wet moor environment with intermittent moderate tohigh flooding episodes. The studied coals are sub-hydrous vitrinite inferring hydrogen-poor and thermally immature characteristics. The low V and Ni contents, low H/C and high O/C, indicate Type IIIterrestrial organic matter with the potential to generate gaseous hydrocarbons. The investigated coalswere deposited by the river within telmatic, limnic, and limno-telmatic zones in the planar margin mire depositional environments. Overall, the integrated petrologic and geochemical data used in this studyprovides a reliable approach for the assessment of coal depositional environments.展开更多
The organic matter(OM)enrichment mechanisms and depositional environment characteristics of lacustrine source rocks in the western Bozhong Sag,Bohai Bay Basin in Northeast China remain controversial.To address these i...The organic matter(OM)enrichment mechanisms and depositional environment characteristics of lacustrine source rocks in the western Bozhong Sag,Bohai Bay Basin in Northeast China remain controversial.To address these issues,based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis,kerogen macerals,H/C and O/C ratios,GC-MS,major and trace elements,the Dongying Formation Member(Mbr)3(E_(3)d_(3)),the Shahejie Formation mbrs 1 and 2(E_(2)s_(1+2)),and the Shahejie Mbr 3(E_(2)s_(3))source rocks in the western Bozhong Sag were studied.The above methods were used to reveal their geochemical properties,OM origins and depositional environments,all of which indicate that E_(2)s_(1+2)and E_(2)s_(3)are excellent source rocks,and that E_(3)d_(3)is of the second good quality.E_(3)d_(3)source rocks were formed under a warm and humid climate,mainly belong to fluvial/delta facies,the E_(3)d_(3)sediments formed under weakly oxidizing and freshwater conditions.Comparatively,the depositional environments of E_(2)s_(1+2)source rocks were arid and cold climate,representing saline or freshwater lacustrine facies,and the sediments of E_(2)s_(1+2)belong to anoxic or suboxic settings with large evaporation and salinity.During the period of E_(2)s_(3),the climate became warm and humid,indicating the freshwater lacustrine facies,and E_(2)s_(3)was characterized by freshwater and abundant algae.Moreover,compared with other intervals,the OM origin of E_(3)d_(3)source rocks has noticeable terrestrial input.The OM origin of the E_(2)s_(1+2)and E_(2)s_(3)are mainly plankton and bacteria.Tectonic subsidence and climate change have affected the changes of the depositional environment in the western Bozhong Sag,thus controlling the distribution of the source rocks,the geochemical characteristics in the three intervals of lacustrine source rocks have distinct differences.Overall,these factors are effective to evaluate the paleoenvironmental characteristics of source rocks by biomarkers,major and trace elements.The established models may have positive implications for research of lacustrine source rocks in offshore areas with few drillings.展开更多
Differences in rare earth elements and other trace elements in bedded chens reflect the deposihonal settings of the sediments. Based on cerium anomaly (Ce/Ce ), total REE (ΣREE) and other trace element abundance var...Differences in rare earth elements and other trace elements in bedded chens reflect the deposihonal settings of the sediments. Based on cerium anomaly (Ce/Ce ), total REE (ΣREE) and other trace element abundance variahons preserved in the bedded cherts in the Paleo-Tethys, Western Yunnan, three deposihonal regimes can be recotwzed: spreading ridge proximal, ocean-basin floor and conhnental margin. This geochemical method of discriminating deposihonal environments for thine marine sedimentary rocks which are physically indistinct provides a powerful new tool for paleotectonic and paleogeographic recondruchons.展开更多
In this paper. it is demonstrated that there exist marine horizons in the upper part of the lower subcycleand the upper subeycle of the Kizilsu Group in Xinjiang. based on new evidence of authigenic glauconite.boron c...In this paper. it is demonstrated that there exist marine horizons in the upper part of the lower subcycleand the upper subeycle of the Kizilsu Group in Xinjiang. based on new evidence of authigenic glauconite.boron content. carbon and oxygen stablc isotopic analyses. and lithological and sedimentary features. The up-per part of the lower subeycle is the lowermost marine horizon of the Cretaceous in the western Tarim Basin,which is inferred to be of Barremian age.展开更多
基金supported by Doctor’s Scientific Research Initiation Project of Yan’an University(YAU202213093)National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41503029)。
文摘A total of 45 alkylbenzenes were detected and identified in crude oils with different depositional environments and thermal maturities from the Tarim Basin,Beibuwan Basin,and Songliao Basin using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry(GC×GCTOFMS).By analyzing the distribution characteristics of C0-C5alkylbenzenes,it is found that the content of some alkylbenzenes varies greatly in crude oils.Based on the distribution characteristics of 1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene(Te MB)and 1,2,3,4-Te MB,the ratio of 1,2,4,5-Te MB to 1,2,3,4-Te MB is proposed to indicate the organic matter origin and depositional environment of ancient sediments.Oil samples originated mainly from lower hydrobiont,algae,bacteria and source rocks deposited under reducing/anoxic conditions have low 1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB values(less than 0.6),while oil samples originated mainly from terrestrial higher plants and source rocks deposited under oxic/sub-oxic conditions have higher 1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB values(greater than 1.0).The significant difference of 1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB values is controlled by 1,2,4,5-Te MB content.1,2,4,5-Te MB content in oils derived from source rocks deposited in oxidized sedimentary environment(greater than 1.0 mg/g whole oil)is higher than that in oils from source rocks deposited in reduced sedimentary environment(less than 1.0 mg/g whole oil).1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB ratio might not or slightly be affected by evaporative fractionation,biodegradation and thermal maturity.1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB ratio and 1,2,4,5-Te MB content can be used as supplementary parameter for the identification of sedimentary environment and organic matter input.It should be noted that compared to the identification of organic matter sources,the 1,2,4,5-/1,2,3,4-Te MB parameter is more effective in identifying sedimentary environments.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.42272209)the Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi(Grant No.2021JLM-12)the CNPC Major Science and Technology Project(Grant No.2021DJ3805)。
文摘Inertinite-rich coal is widely distributed in the Ordos Basin,represented by the No.2 coal seam of the Middle Jurassic Yan'an Formation.This paper combined coal petrology and geochemistry to analyze the origin of inertinite,changes in the coal-forming environment and control characteristics of wildfire.Research has shown that there are two forms of inertinite sources in the study area.Alongside typical fusinization,wildfire events also play a substantial role in inertinite formation.There are significant fluctuations in the coal-forming environment of samples at different depths.Coal samples were formed in dry forest swamp with low water levels and strong oxidation,which have a high inertinite content,and the samples formed in wet forest swamp and limnic showed low inertinite content.Conversely,the inertinite content of different origins does not fully correspond to the depositional environment characterized by dryness and oxidation.Nonpyrogenic inertinites were significantly influenced by climatic conditions,while pyrofusinite was not entirely controlled by climatic conditions but rather directly impacted by wildfire events.The high oxygen level was the main factor causing widespread wildfire events.Overall,the combination of wildfire activity and oxidation generates a high content of inertinite in the Middle Jurassic coal of the Ordos Basin.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42302189)。
文摘Molecular biomarker and whole oil carbon isotope(δ^(13)C_(oil)) analyses were conducted on eleven typical crude oils from the Qiongdongnan Basin to investigate their biological sources and depositional environments. Saturated hydrocarbon biomarkers in most samples are characterized by angiosperm-derived compounds, with aromatic compounds dominated by the naphthalene, phenanthrene, biphenyl, and fluorene series. The related source rocks of these oils were mainly deposited under oxic condition, but a subanoxic-suboxic and enclosed water column condition in the Central Depression during Oligocene.The identification of simonellite and related compounds in the aromatic fractions provides reliable evidence for the input of coniferous gymnosperms. Cadalene may also have a potential association with gymnosperms since it shows a strong positive correlation with simonellite. Evidence from density, nalkanes, short-chain alkylbenzenes and secondary brine inclusions indicates that the unique crude oil B13-1 may have suffered from thermal alteration. These crude oils(excluding B13-1) can be classified into four types based on the δ^(13)C_(oil)values and molecular biomarkers. Type A oil(solely S34-3) is characterized by non-angiosperm plants, with minor dinoflagellates and increasing contribution from conifer gymnosperms than others. Type B oils(L17-2, L18-1, L25-1, and L25-1W) show heavy δ^(13)C_(oil)(-24 ‰to-25 ‰) and mixed contributions from both angiosperms and marine algae, with the marine algae contribution increasing. Type C oils(L13-2 and B21-1) share similar biological sources with Type B, but the moderately δ^(13)C_(oil)(-25‰ to-26‰) and high level of terrestrial biomarkers suggesting a predominant contribution of angiosperms. Type D oils(Y13-1a, Y13-1b, and Y13-4) possess the lightestδ^(13)C_(oil)(mainly below-26‰) and are primarily derived from angiosperms, with mangrove vegetation playing an important role. Spearman correlation analysis among 14 source biomarker parameters withδ^(13)C_(oil)and geological setting of related source rocks implied that the marine algae should be responsible for the heavy δ^(13)C_(oil)in the Type B. The contribution of marine algae in the Central Depression may have been neglected in the past, as it is usually covered by remarkable angiosperm biomarkers.
基金supported by National 305 Project(2007BAB25B05,2011BAB06B02- 04)NSFC grant(40925006,40772045,40572047)111 Project(B07011)
文摘In the southwestern Tianshan,the geologic ages of many strata and their depositional environments are still poorly constrained because of complex structures.The Mada'er area is located in the Kuokesaleling belt,Southwestern Tianshan.The cherts from the former Wupata'erkan Group contain abundant radiolarian fossils,including 10 species which are identified as late Devonian to early Carboniferous in age.Eleven chert samples have SiO_2 contents ranging from 88.80 wt%to 93.28 wt%, and 2.02 wt%to 3.72 wt%for Al_2O_3.The SiO_2/Al_2O_3 ratios of all samples vary from 23.84 to 46.11, much lower than those of the pure cherts(80-1400).These values suggest that the cherts contain high ratios of terrigenous materials.The Al_2O_3/(Al_2O_3+Fe_2O_3)ratios vary between 0.64 and 0.77,whereas V and Cu concentrations range from 10.92 ppm to 26.7 ppm and from 2.15 ppm to 34.1 ppm respectively. The Ti/V ratios vary from 25.53 to 44.93.The total REE concentrations of the cherts are between 30.78 ppm and 59.26 ppm,averaging 45.46 ppm.The(La/Ce)_N ratios range from 0.81 to 1.12,and 0.88-1.33 for(La/Yb)_N,averaging 1.09,which suggests a continental margin environment.Consequently,it is inferred that the cherts formed in a residual sea environment during the late Devonian to early Carboniferous time,which suggests that the collision between the Karakum-Tarim and Kazakhstan-Junggar plates did not occur at the time.In addition,the regional geological information indicates that the study area experienced a post-collision stage during the early Permian,and thus it is likely that the collision between the two plates took place in the late Carboniferous.
文摘The depositional environment of the sands of the cover formation is discussed. This study aims to determine the paleoenvironments of deposition of the sands of the cover formation in the Batéké Plateaus by studying sedimentary dynamics based on the description of lithological facies in the field and granulometric analyses in the laboratory. In the field, six (6) lithostratigraphic logs were surveyed and 42 sand samples were taken for laboratory analysis. In the laboratory, the samples underwent granulometric, sieving and sedimentometry analyses, after washing with running water using a 63 µm sieve. These analyses made it possible to determine the granulometric classes of the samples. The sieving results allowed to determine the granulometric parameters (mean, standard deviation, mode, median, skewness, flattening or kurtosis) using the method of moments with the software “Gradistat V.8”, granulometric parameters with which the granulometric facies, the mode of transport and the deposition environment were determined using the diagrams. Morphoscopy made it possible to determine the form and aspect of the surface of the quartz grains constituting these sands. Granulometric analyses show that these silty-clay or clayey-silty sands are fine sands and rarely medium sands, moderately to well sorted and rarely well sorted. The dominant granulometric facies is hyperbolic (sigmoid), with parabolic facies being rare. The primary mode of transport of these sands is saltation, which dominates rolling. The dispersion of points in the diagrams shows that these sands originate from two depositional environments: aeolian and fluvial. Morphoscopic analysis reveals the presence of clean rounded matt grains (RM), dirty rounded matt grains (RS), shiny blunt grains (EL) and shiny rounded grains (RL). The rounded matt grains exhibit several impact marks. The presence of dirty rounded grains with a ferruginous cement on their surface indicates that these sands have been reworked. These sands have undergone two types of transport, first by wind (aeolian environment) and then by water (fluvial environment).
基金Financial support was provided by the National Science and Technology Major Project of China (No.2011ZX05023-002-003)
文摘Gas-bearing deposits in the Lower Mingyuefeng Formation of Paleogene, Lishui Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin consist of shoreface sandstones of the highstand systems tract(HST) and transgressive systems tract(TST), and deltaic sandstones of the lowstand systems tract(LST) and falling stage systems tract(FSST).Detailed petrographic observations suggest that the diagenetic features and related evolution of these deposits cannot be simply characterized and demonstrated in the depth domain.However, the occurrence of diagenetic minerals systematically depends on the studied interval within the HST, TST, LST, and FSST; therefore, diagenesis in this region can be better constrained when studied in the context of the depositional environments and sequence stratigraphic framework.The eogenetic processes in such settings include:(1) microcrystalline siderite precipitated as concretions in almost all environments and systems tracts, which inhibited further mechanical compaction;(2) grain dissolution and kaolinitization occurred in shoreface HST sandstones and deltaic LST and FSST sandstones;(3) glaucony was locally observed, which did not clearly reflect the controls of facies or sequence stratigraphy; and(4) cementation by pyrite aggregates occurred in the shoreface HST sandstones and deltaic LST sandstones.The mesogenetic diagenesis includes:(1) partial conversion of kaolinite into dickite in deltaic LST sandstones, and minor chlorite cementation in deltaic FSST sandstones;(2) transformation of kaolinite into illite and quartz cementation in deltaic LST and FSST sandstones;(3) frequent precipitation of ankerite and ferroan calcite in shoreface TST sandstones and early HST sandstones, forming baffles and barriers for fluid flow, with common calcite in shoreface HST sandstones as a late diagenetic cement; and(4) formation of dawsonite in the deltaic LST and FSST sandstones, which is interpreted to be a product of the invasion of a CO2-rich fluid, and acts as a good indicator of CO2-bearing reservoirs.This study has thus constructed a reliable conceptual model to describe the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations.The results may provide an entirely new conceptual framework and methodology for successful gas exploration in the continental margins of offshore China, thus allowing us to predict and unravel the distribution and quality evolution of clastic reservoirs at a more detailed and reliable scale.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 40431002,40606016 and 40710069004the China-Korea joint research programme and the Primary Science Foundation of First Institute of Oceanography under contract No. 2007T09
文摘The present study is based on the sedimentological data from a piston core KCES1 off the southern Ulleung Basin margin,the East Sea(Sea of Japan).The data include sediment color(L^*),X-ray radiographs,grain size distribution and AMS^14C date.Four kinds of sediments(homogeneous,laminated,crudely laminated and hybrid sediments) are identified according to the characters of the sedimentary structures that were considered to reflect changes in bottom-water oxygenation.Alternations of dark laminated/crudely laminated sediments and light homogeneous sediments represent millennial-scale variations that are possibly associated with the high-resolution changes in the East Asian monsoon(EAM).The relative contributions of the East China Sea Coastal Water(ECSCW) and the Tsushima Warm Current(TWC) were likely the main reasons for the repetition of the anoxic and oxic depositional conditions in the East Sea since the last 48 ka BP.During the interstadial,the strengthen summer EAM was attributed to the expansion of the ECSCW because of more humid climate in central Asia,and then more strongly low-salinity,nutrient-enriched water was introduced into the East Sea.The ventilation of deep water was restricted and therefore the dark laminated layer deposited under the anoxic bottom water condition.During the lowest stand of sea level in the last glacial maximum(LGM),the isolated East Sea dominated by stratified water masses and the euxinic depositional environment formed.The homogenous sediments have been predominating since 17.5 ka BP indicating that the TWC has intruded into the East Sea gradually with the stepwise rise of sea level and the bottom water oxygen level was high.During the late Younger Dryas(YD) period,the last dark laminated layer deposited because the ventilation of bottom water was restricted by stronger summer EAM.The TWC strengthened and the bottom water became oxic again from 10.5 ka BP.
基金financial assistance throughout the research under the grant YUTP 0153AAA14financial support from UTP through the grant URIF 2014-00735
文摘The Luconia Province-offshore Sarawak-is a key geological unit for understanding the distribution of hydrocarbon resources in Malaysia. Nevertheless, little effort has been made to address the palaeoenvironmental characteristics of the Tertiary carbonates in the key sector of Central Luconia.We study the sedimentology and petrography of core samples from a well in Central Luconia, for which thirteen microfacies have been identified reflecting different depositional settings. This is the first microfacies scheme elaborated for Luconian carbonates. Lithofacies and microfacies distribution are compatible with deposition in a reef complex, originating around a framework reef, within the euphotic zone. Sediments were deposited in environments of backreef, reef crest, and forereef. The fair weather wave base is marked by the presence of coralline red algae, foraminifera, decreasing degree of bioclast fragmentation and other microfacies features. As a result, a depositional-environmental model is constructed, depicting a reef complex built around a framework reef developed on the margin of an isolated platform. In addition, an innovative, preliminary time series analysis of facies, microfacies and depositional environment data reveal the existence of seasonal cycles in the stacking patterns of facies and microfacies.
基金supported by the Certificate of National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(2016ZX05006-007-004)National Natural Science Foundation of China(41702139,41772138,41602142,42072130)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(18CX02008A)。
文摘The mechanisms of lacustrine organic-rich shale formation have attracted attention due to its association with global shale oil and shale gas exploration.Samples of general-quality and excellent-quality source rocks,and oil shale from the Beibu Gulf Basin were analyzed to investigate their organic geochemistry,palynofacies,and trace elements.Hydrocarbon potential was higher in the oil shale(29.79 mg/g)than in the general-quality source rock(3.82 mg/g),and its kerogen type wasⅠ-Ⅱ2.Hydrogen-rich liptinite(cutinite and sporinite)components derived from terrigenous higher plants provided most of the hydrocarbon potential of excellent-quality source rock and oil shale.Under the influence of depressioncontrolling fault activity,a deeper subsidence center promotes the deposition of excellent-quality source rock and oil shale in brackish-hypoxic bottom water.A shallower subsidence center,due to subsag-controlling fault activity,promotes the formation of excellent-quality source rock under freshbrackish and weak oxidation-weak reducing conditions.The local uplift and shallow-slope led to the formation of general-quality source rock,under freshwater weak-oxidation conditions.A model was established for organic matter(OM)accumulation in organic-rich shales,accounting for fault activity,terrigenous hydrogen-rich OM,and the preservation conditions,to predict the development of excellent-quality source rock from areas with low levels of exploration.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grant No.41572117)Technological&Developmental Department of China Petroleum&Chemical Corporation(grants No.P13040 and P14128)China Geological Survey(grant No.DD20160175-1-1)
文摘Objective The Yubei area is located in the mid-east Maigaiti slope of southwestern Tarim Basin, China, with an exploration history of several years. Recent exploration has preliminarily indicated that the Ordovician carbonate formations in this area have some oil and gas potential. Carbonate microfacies provides material basis for reservoir development, seal formation and hydrocarbon generation. Therefore, this work utilized the standard microfacies (SMF) types to study the microfacies of the Ordovician formations in the Yubei area in order to provide theoretical basis for the next exploration.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40902013)"Strategic Priority Research Program - Climate Change:Carbon Budget and Relevant Issues" of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences (Grant No.XDA05130202)
文摘Shuidonggou site has abundant Paleolithic remains of Late Pleistocene deposition. Studying the evolution of depositional environments is essential to the comprehensive understanding of the living conditions of ancient populations. To reconstruct the depositional environment at Shuidonggou, we carried out archaeological excavations and collected systematic deposition samples at the key position of Shuidonggou Locality 2 for grain size analysis and sporopollen statistics. The environmental evolution around the Shuidonggou site generally underwent four stages at ~72-18 kaBP. During the first stage (~72-41 kaBP), the river developed with gravel and sand stratums. During the second stage (41-34 kaBP), a swamp with numerous aquatic plants formed. In the third stage (34-29 kaBP), site formation was characterized by shallow lake depositional conditions; the climate was relatively warm and humid. The marginal bank depositional conditions deteriorated during the fourth stage (29-18 kaBP), and the site underwent several dry events; the climate also became drier and colder.
文摘Thirty-nine crude oils and twenty-one rock samples from Niger Delta Basin,Nigeria have been characterized based on their isotope compositions by elemental analysis-isotope ratio mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry.The bulk carbon isotopic values of the whole rock extracts,saturate and aromatic fractions range from–28.7‰to–26.8‰,–29.2‰to–27.2‰and–28.5‰to–26.7‰,respectively while the bulk carbon isotopic values of the whole oils,saturate and aromatic fractions range from–25.4‰to–27.8‰,–25.9‰to–28.4‰and–23.5‰to–26.9‰,respectively.The average carbon isotopic compositions of individual alkanes(nC12-nC33)in the rock samples range from–34.9‰to–28.2‰whereas the average isotopic values of individual n-alkanes in the oils range from–31.1‰to–23.8‰.Theδ13C isotope ratios of pristane and phytane in the rock samples range from–29.2‰to–28.2‰and–30.2‰to–27.4‰respectively while the pristane and phytane isotopic values range from–32.1‰to–21.9‰and–30.5‰to–26.9‰,respectively.The isotopic values recorded for the samples indicated that the crude oils were formed from the mixed input of terrigenous and marine organic matter and deposited under oxic to sub-oxic condition in lacustrine-fluvial/deltaic environments.The stable carbon isotopic compositions were found to be effective in assessing the origin and depositional environments of crude oils in the Niger Delta Basin.
基金supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project of China(Grant No.2017ZX05009-002)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.U1762217,41702139,42072164 and 41821002)+2 种基金Taishan Scholars Program(No.TSQN201812030)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(19CX07003A)the School of Geosciences,China University of Petroleum,East China,for analytical support and financial support。
文摘The effect of various depositional parameters including paleoclimate,paleosalinity and provenance,on the depositional mechanism of lacustrine shale is very important in reconstructing the depositional environment.The classification of shale lithofacies and the interpretation of shale depositional environment are key features used in shale oil and gas exploration and development activity.The lower 3rd member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation(Es_(3)^(x)shale)was selected for this study,as one of the main prospective intervals for shale oil exploration and development in the intracratonic Bohai Bay Basin.Mineralogically,it is composed of quartz(avg.9.6%),calcite(avg.58.5%),dolomite(avg.7%),pyrite(avg.3.3%)and clay minerals(avg.20%).An advanced methodology(thin-section petrography,total organic carbon and total organic sulfur contents analysis,X-ray diffraction(XRD),X-ray fluorescence(XRF),field-emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM))was adopted to establish shale lithofacies and to interpret the depositional environment in the lacustrine basin.Six different types of lithofacies were recognized,based on mineral composition,total organic carbon(TOC)content and sedimentary structures.Various inorganic geochemical proxies(Rb/Sr,Ca/(Ca+Fe),Ti/Al,Al/Ca,Al/Ti,Zr/Rb)have been used to interpret and screen variations in depositional environmental parameters during the deposition of the Es_(3)^(x)shale.The experimental results indicate that the environment during the deposition of the Es_(3)^(x)shale was warm and humid with heightened salinities,moderate to limited detrital input,higher paleohydrodynamic settings and strong oxygen deficient(reducing)conditions.A comprehensive depositional model of the lacustrine shale was developed.The interpretations deduced from this research work are expected to not only expand the knowledge of shale lithofacies classification for lacustrine fine-grained rocks,but can also offer a theoretical foundation for lacustrine shale oil exploration and development.
文摘The Sarvak Formation is the second major oil-bearing reservoir in the south and south west of Iran. The Middle Cretaceous Sarvak formation in the Zagros Mountains (Zagros Basin) is mainly composed of carbonate sequences. Based on facies studied, thirteen microfacies were recognized in the studied area, which were categorized in the three facies groups: including inner ramp, mid ramp and outer ramp. Evidences such as the gradual changes in the facies (basin slope), the absence of extensive uninterrupted barrier reef, the lack of calciturbidite and gravity sediments as well as the high proportion of grain-supported indicated that the Sarvak Formation was deposited in the ramp like depositional system, particularly on an inner ramp setting. Inner ramp facies group is the principal setting and subdivided to tidal flat, restricted and unrestricted lagoon as well as shoal sub-environments.
文摘In this study, to identify and analyze facies of depositional environment and depositional model of Qom Formation, stratigraphic Saran Section (southwest of Semnan) was selected. Qom Formation in Saran section includes about 380 meters of conglomerate at the base, chalk, limestone, marl, and shale. Petrographic studies with facies analysis have led to the identification of 12 microfacies, these microfacies have been deposited in four facies groups including tidal flat, lagoon, barrier and open marine. Study of horizontal and vertical facies changes and their comparison with recent and ancient environments reveals that Qom Formation in this section relates to shallow marine environment and its facies were deposited in a shelf carbonate platform and are comparable with contemporary shelf platforms such as Florida and old shelf platforms such as Mozduran. The most important diagenetic processes affecting the studied section include micritization, bioturbation, cementation, dissolution, neomorphism, fracturing, mechanical and chemical compaction, hematitization and dolomitization. These processes have formed in marine, meteoric and burial diagenetic environments.
文摘The Endengue Banded Iron Formation (BIF) is located in the northwestern edge of the Congo craton in Cameroon. Here<span style="font-family:Verdana;">,</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> we report geochemical data of trace and rare earth elements (REE) of the Endengue BIF samples from the Archean Ntem complex and investigate their environmental setting. Two types of BIF occur at Endengue area, both containing minimal contamination from terrestrial material. Total REE (</span><span style="line-height:99%;font-family:Verdana;">Σ</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">REE) contents in the Type 1 BIF are extremely low, ranging from 0.34 to 1.83 ppm, similarly to pure chemical sediments while Type 2 BIF displays</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="line-height:99%;font-family:Verdana;">Σ</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">REE contents ranging from 2.98 to 24.26 ppm. The PAAS-normalized REE</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">+</span><span style="font-family:;" "=""> </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Y patterns of the two BIF types display LREE enrichment relative to HREE and weak positive Eu anomaly, most likely suggesting that the source of iron and siliceous of the Endengue BIFs is mainly from the contribution of low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of the crust. Type 1 BIF shows very low Nd content (<1 ppm) with positive correlation between Nd and Ce/Ce</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">*</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> and positive Ce anomalies which suggests suboxic or anoxic seawater similar to the depositional environment of Elom BIF in Archean Ntem complex. In contrast, Type 2 BIF displays low to moderate Nd contents (1 and 100 ppm with the exception of sample LBR65) with negative correlation between Nd and Ce/Ce</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">*</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;"> and negative Ce anomalies. These features indicate precipatation of Type 2 BIF from oxic iron-rich solution that changed to oxidized surface by rapid precipitation of the hydrothermal Fe. The Endengue BIFs were deposited in the continental margin ocean in presence of low-temperature hydrothermal fluids mixed with seawater, similar to Paleoproterozoic Kpwa</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">Atog Boga BIFs within the Nyong group and other Paleoproterozoic Superior</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">-</span><span style="font-family:Verdana;">type BIFs worldwide.</span>
文摘The Benue Trough Basin (BTB) of Nigeria is geologically and geo-morphologically subdivided into upper,middle, and lower segments. The BTB is the subject of geological research due to its rich coal depositsthat have the potential for oil and gas. The purpose of the present study is to examine the origins,depositional environments, and thermal history of the selected coals and the processes that influencetheir quality. Coal samples from different open cast coal mines in the middle BTB were examined usingproximate and ultimate, x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence (XRF), laser ablation induced coupledplasma (LA-ICPMS), and petrographical analyses. The coal samples contained mainly quartz, kaolinite,and organic carbon. The XRD spectra peaks revealed the triclinic and monoclinic structure of kaolin. TheSiO2/Al2O3 ratios confirmed the dominance of quartz and kaolinite. The Ni/Co versus V/Cr, Cu/Zn, and V/Mo values in the studied coals suggest oxic depositional environments, whereas the V/(Ni þ V) and V/(V þ Cr) values indicate oxic to suboxic conditions. The Ce/Ce* values are slightly below 1, which indicates a suboxic depositional environment. Maceral texture is indicative of transformations from subbituminous to high volatile C or B bituminous coal. The maceral components and mineral matter(10%) of the studied coals imply deposition in the planar margin mire, and a river system of planarmargin mire environments, respectively. The high gelification index (GI) and tissue preservation index(TPI) values indicate peat accumulation developed within a wet forest swamp. The ternary diagram ofthe maceral component suggests deposition in a wet moor environment with intermittent moderate tohigh flooding episodes. The studied coals are sub-hydrous vitrinite inferring hydrogen-poor and thermally immature characteristics. The low V and Ni contents, low H/C and high O/C, indicate Type IIIterrestrial organic matter with the potential to generate gaseous hydrocarbons. The investigated coalswere deposited by the river within telmatic, limnic, and limno-telmatic zones in the planar margin mire depositional environments. Overall, the integrated petrologic and geochemical data used in this studyprovides a reliable approach for the assessment of coal depositional environments.
基金funded by the“Key Scientific Issues and Innovative Technology Research on Oil and Gas Resource Exploration in China Sea Risk Exploration Area”(Grant No.CCL2022RCPS2017XNN)from CNOOC Research Institute,Beijing.
文摘The organic matter(OM)enrichment mechanisms and depositional environment characteristics of lacustrine source rocks in the western Bozhong Sag,Bohai Bay Basin in Northeast China remain controversial.To address these issues,based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis,kerogen macerals,H/C and O/C ratios,GC-MS,major and trace elements,the Dongying Formation Member(Mbr)3(E_(3)d_(3)),the Shahejie Formation mbrs 1 and 2(E_(2)s_(1+2)),and the Shahejie Mbr 3(E_(2)s_(3))source rocks in the western Bozhong Sag were studied.The above methods were used to reveal their geochemical properties,OM origins and depositional environments,all of which indicate that E_(2)s_(1+2)and E_(2)s_(3)are excellent source rocks,and that E_(3)d_(3)is of the second good quality.E_(3)d_(3)source rocks were formed under a warm and humid climate,mainly belong to fluvial/delta facies,the E_(3)d_(3)sediments formed under weakly oxidizing and freshwater conditions.Comparatively,the depositional environments of E_(2)s_(1+2)source rocks were arid and cold climate,representing saline or freshwater lacustrine facies,and the sediments of E_(2)s_(1+2)belong to anoxic or suboxic settings with large evaporation and salinity.During the period of E_(2)s_(3),the climate became warm and humid,indicating the freshwater lacustrine facies,and E_(2)s_(3)was characterized by freshwater and abundant algae.Moreover,compared with other intervals,the OM origin of E_(3)d_(3)source rocks has noticeable terrestrial input.The OM origin of the E_(2)s_(1+2)and E_(2)s_(3)are mainly plankton and bacteria.Tectonic subsidence and climate change have affected the changes of the depositional environment in the western Bozhong Sag,thus controlling the distribution of the source rocks,the geochemical characteristics in the three intervals of lacustrine source rocks have distinct differences.Overall,these factors are effective to evaluate the paleoenvironmental characteristics of source rocks by biomarkers,major and trace elements.The established models may have positive implications for research of lacustrine source rocks in offshore areas with few drillings.
文摘Differences in rare earth elements and other trace elements in bedded chens reflect the deposihonal settings of the sediments. Based on cerium anomaly (Ce/Ce ), total REE (ΣREE) and other trace element abundance variahons preserved in the bedded cherts in the Paleo-Tethys, Western Yunnan, three deposihonal regimes can be recotwzed: spreading ridge proximal, ocean-basin floor and conhnental margin. This geochemical method of discriminating deposihonal environments for thine marine sedimentary rocks which are physically indistinct provides a powerful new tool for paleotectonic and paleogeographic recondruchons.
文摘In this paper. it is demonstrated that there exist marine horizons in the upper part of the lower subcycleand the upper subeycle of the Kizilsu Group in Xinjiang. based on new evidence of authigenic glauconite.boron content. carbon and oxygen stablc isotopic analyses. and lithological and sedimentary features. The up-per part of the lower subeycle is the lowermost marine horizon of the Cretaceous in the western Tarim Basin,which is inferred to be of Barremian age.