Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) describes a wide range of anatomic abnormalities of the growing hips which might result in permanent abnormal gait. Therefore, early detection and management is crucial to impr...Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) describes a wide range of anatomic abnormalities of the growing hips which might result in permanent abnormal gait. Therefore, early detection and management is crucial to improve the outcome and minimise the risk of osteoarthritis in later life. Hip ultrasound is used to evaluate DDH based on Graf classification. Graf score is a widely used ultrasound grading score to evaluate DDH in infants. There is conflicting evidence regarding the management of the developmentally immature Graf type IIa hip. Some physicians adopt watchful waiting for natural maturation of hips while other early treatment. This article will provide an evidence-based review on the management modalities of the Graf type IIa hip.展开更多
Background: Reports of the efficacy of open reduction and Zigzag Osteotomy combined Fibular Allograft (ZOFA) for developmental dysplasia of the hip. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the long-term outcomes a...Background: Reports of the efficacy of open reduction and Zigzag Osteotomy combined Fibular Allograft (ZOFA) for developmental dysplasia of the hip. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the long-term outcomes and complications after surgery. Methods: We performed a retrospective match-controlled study in which 158 patients had 181 hips with developmental dysplasia of the hip. Radiographs were found of acetabular index, height of dislocation, Tönnis grade, abduction angle in the spica cast, and Severin grade. At final follow-up, deformity of femoral head or neck or acetabulum was evaluated according to the Severin. Avascular necrosis was rated according to Kalamchi. Clinical evaluation was made according to modified McKay criteria. Results: Between 2009 and 2012, 133 girls (84.2%) and 25 boys (15.8%) with developmental dysplasia of the hip underwent open reduction and ZOFA;135 (85.4%) were unilateral, and 23 (14.6%) were bilateral. Patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 included 54 patients (62 hips) aged 12 months - ≤18 months and group 2 included 84 patients (119 hips), aged >18 months - ≤36 months. According to Tönnis system: type 3 appeared in 127 hips (70.2%), and Type 4 in 54 hip (29.8%). The anterior approach was used to expose inner table of the ilium and ZOFA in all cases. Acetabular index was improved;preoperation was 42.95°, and latest follow-up 17.26°. The Kirschner Wires (KW) were not used to fix the fibular allograft at the pelvic osteotomy site. All of the fibular allografts were completely incorporated in mean time of 14 weeks (range, 12 weeks - 17 weeks) post-surgery. Clinical evaluation according to modified McKay criteria: satisfactory result (excellent and good) was achieved in 141 hips (77.9%). Avascular Necrosis (AVN) happened in 61 hips (33.7%), redislocation in 18 hips (9.9%), coxa vara in 4 hips (2.2%), trendelenburg gait in 4 hips (2.2%), and supracondylar femoral fractures in 2 hips (1.1%). Conclusions: On the basis of this study, ZOFA was strength and graft was not resorption, graft problems;without medial displacement of the distal fragment. Acetabular index was improved, without KW problem. Surgical technique with ZOFA did not expose outer table of the illium, limiting abductor muscle injury with negative trendelenburg gait;on the other hand, the blood loss from this procedure is acceptable. Some complications have been seen in this study: AVN, redislocation, coxa magna, coxa vara, trendelenburg gait, and distal femoral fracture.展开更多
Background: Innominate osteotomy procedures have been widely used as an integral component of combined surgery to treat developmental dysplasia of the hip in children. Autograft concern is further supported by authors...Background: Innominate osteotomy procedures have been widely used as an integral component of combined surgery to treat developmental dysplasia of the hip in children. Autograft concern is further supported by authors who suggest the routine use of internal fixation. Problems such as graft extrusion, rotation and absorption, leading to loss of acetabular correction, were often noted in cases previously treated at our National Hospital for Pediatrics. This retrospective study reviewed the radiographic results of this treatment protocol in 106 hips developmental dislocated hips which met our inclusion criteria. The efficacy of this method to achieve and maintain a well covered and stable hip was the main objective of the study. Methods: This retrospective study reviewed the radiographs of 106 hips presenting with developmental dislocation which were treated by modified Salter’s innomiate osteotomy and using a fibular allograft as the interposition material. Dislocations of the hip were graded using the T?nnis system. Measurement of the acetabular index (AI) was the main variable. The minimum follow up period was 2 years. Possible complications such as loss of acetabular correction, hip redislocation, graft extrusion or resorption, the need for osteotomy internal fixation, delayed or non union, infection or avascular necrosis (AVN) were documented in this series. Results: Between January 2004 and December 2008, 106 surgeries were performed in 95 patients. Sixty-three (86.3%) of the patients were girls and ten (13.7%) were boys, thirteen patients (13.7%) were between twelve and eighteen months old at the time of the operation, the remaining eighty-two (86.3%) patients being between eighteen and thirty-six months old, with the mean age of 22.6 months at the time of surgery. There were eleven (11.6%) patients who had bilateral dislocation. Eighty-four (88.4%) patients were affected unilaterally. The right hip was involved in seventeen (17.9%) and the left hip in sixty-seven (70.5%) cases. T?nnis system Type 3 was in 34 hip (32.1%), and Type 4 was in 72 hip (67.9%). All patients combined open reduction and modified Salter’s innomiate osteotomy, inserting a fibular allograft as the interposition material. Acetabular index was improved, preoperation was 42.95°, and latest follow-up 19.15°, concentrical acetabulum 93.7%. All of the fibulat allografts were completely incorporated mean 14 weeks (range, 12 weeks - 17 weeks) post-surgery. There were five (4.7%) redislocation and subluxation, three AVN (2.8%) and five (4.7%) coxa magna Without graft infections, none of the osteotomies required internal fixation for stability. Final results: Excellent 70 (66.0%), Good 29 (27.4%), Fair 2 (1.9%), Poor 5 (4.7%). Conclusion: Open reduction and modified Salter’s innomiate osteotomy allow interposition material by fibular allografting with a short operative incision, renders excellent osteotomy stability that eliminates the need for internal fixation. Surgical technique are safe and effective for Children between twelve and thirty-six months old.展开更多
目的评价超声引导下右美托咪定混合罗哌卡因髂筋膜间隙阻滞(FICB)对小儿髋部手术的镇痛效果。方法选取2014年1月至2015年6月在佛山市中医院择期行单侧发育性髋脱位手术的患儿60例,采用随机数字表法,将患者分为两组(各30例)。观察组气管...目的评价超声引导下右美托咪定混合罗哌卡因髂筋膜间隙阻滞(FICB)对小儿髋部手术的镇痛效果。方法选取2014年1月至2015年6月在佛山市中医院择期行单侧发育性髋脱位手术的患儿60例,采用随机数字表法,将患者分为两组(各30例)。观察组气管插管全麻复合超声引导下1μg/kg右美托咪定混合0.2%罗哌卡因1mL/kg FICB,对照组单用气管插管全麻,两组术后均行芬太尼静脉自控镇痛(PCIA)。分别记录术中芬太尼用量,及术后1、2、4、8、12、24、48h的患儿哭泣、呼吸、循环、表情和睡眠疼痛行为学评分,PCIA按压次数,记录不良反应发生情况。结果与对照组比较,观察组术中芬太尼用量显著减少(49.68±15.29μg vs 68.55±20.03μg,t=4.102,P<0.05),术后各时点CRIES疼痛行为学评分(t=3.644~21.610)及PCIA按压次数(t=3.260~31.770)显著低于对照组(均P<0.05),两组均未见有呼吸抑制。观察组恶心呕吐发生2例(6.67%),对照组恶心呕吐发生6例(20.00%)(x~=2.308,P=0.129);观察组瘙痒发生1例(3.33%),对照组瘙痒发生4例(13.33%)(x^2=1.964,P=0.161)。结论超声引导下1μg/kg右美托咪定混合0.2%罗哌卡因1mL/kg FICB可有效缓解小儿发育性髋脱位(DDH)手术患者疼痛,且无明显不良反应,镇痛效果确切持久,实施方法简便易行。展开更多
目的根据生物型股骨柄设计原理,通过比较全髋置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)术前不同CT平面测量所得股骨前倾角与术后股骨柄前倾角,找到术前测量预估发育性髋关节不良(developmental dysplasia of the hip,DDH)患者THA后股骨柄前...目的根据生物型股骨柄设计原理,通过比较全髋置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)术前不同CT平面测量所得股骨前倾角与术后股骨柄前倾角,找到术前测量预估发育性髋关节不良(developmental dysplasia of the hip,DDH)患者THA后股骨柄前倾角方法。方法选取2007年9月~2013年5月在上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院行初次THA符合DDH诊断的患者21位(28髋),术前及术后均行CT扫描,术前选取头下平面、小粗隆平面和小粗隆平面上1 cm及2 cm 4个平面的前后皮质角平分线与股骨远端内外侧髁最大时后缘连线的夹角,以及大、小粗隆顶点中间平面后侧皮质切线与小粗隆中心上2 cm平面前侧皮质切线的角平分线与股骨远端内外侧髁最大时内外侧髁后方连线夹角(分别记为股骨前倾角1~5)。术后选取股骨柄假体最长水平层面,测量假体前后对称轴线与股骨远端内外侧髁最大时后缘连线的夹角作为术后股骨柄前倾角。同时测量髋臼杯假体前倾角、股骨假体矢状位矢状倾斜角度。比较术前各个股骨前倾角与术后股骨柄假体前倾角并进行相关性分析。结果股骨前倾角1~5分别为17.70°±10.54°、35.59°±7.21°、31.09°±7.98°、24.71°±9.11°、21.94°±10.10°。股骨柄假体前倾角为20.52°±10.90°。术后假体柄前倾角与股骨前倾角1~4之间差值分别为2.82°±6.27°、-15.08°±7.99°、-13.80°±15.68、-4.19°±5.69°、-1.42°±4.07°,髋臼假体前倾角为25.60°±11.65°,术后复合前倾角为46.11°±13.28°,假体矢状倾斜角为1.13°±1.53°。术前股骨前倾角1~4与术后假体前倾角均有统计学差异(P<0.05),股骨前倾角5与术后假体前倾角无统计学差异;术前各前倾角与术后假体前倾角相关系数分别为0.829、0.681、0.689、0.853、0.928。结论股骨前倾角5与术后股骨柄前倾角具有高相关性,可作为替代股骨柄前倾角的有效方法。展开更多
目的探讨先天性髋关节发育不良(developmental dysplasia of the hip,DDH)患者全髋关节置换(total hip arthroplasty,THA)中股骨偏心距的生物力学影响。方法以1例CroweⅣ型DDH女性患者的相关数据为材料,基于骨肌多体动力学软件AnyBody,...目的探讨先天性髋关节发育不良(developmental dysplasia of the hip,DDH)患者全髋关节置换(total hip arthroplasty,THA)中股骨偏心距的生物力学影响。方法以1例CroweⅣ型DDH女性患者的相关数据为材料,基于骨肌多体动力学软件AnyBody,建立与患者对应的个体化THA下肢骨肌多体动力学模型,分析股骨偏心距在±20 mm内变化时髋关节力、外展肌力的改变。同时建立不同偏心距下股骨-S-ROM假体动态有限元模型,由骨肌模型计算的不同偏心距下水平匀速行走步态内的动态载荷被加载至相应的有限元模型,对S-ROM假体柄与袖套之间的应力、接触应力和微动进行分析。结果股骨偏心距±20 mm内的变化对髋关节力峰值影响较小,股骨偏心距减小会导致外展肌力峰值显著增加,股骨偏心距增大会导致柄的最大应力、接触应力和微动显著增加。结论 DDH患者THA中股骨偏心距改变对外展肌力和假体最大应力、接触应力与微动影响显著,医生应予以考虑。展开更多
目的建立健康志愿者、髋关节发育不良(development dysplasia of the hip,DDH)患者手术前后股骨-骨盆-腰椎模型,研究弧形髋臼截骨术对腰椎生物力学影响。方法利用CT扫描获取4名DDH患者手术前后以及1名健康志愿者股骨-骨盆-腰椎DICOM数据...目的建立健康志愿者、髋关节发育不良(development dysplasia of the hip,DDH)患者手术前后股骨-骨盆-腰椎模型,研究弧形髋臼截骨术对腰椎生物力学影响。方法利用CT扫描获取4名DDH患者手术前后以及1名健康志愿者股骨-骨盆-腰椎DICOM数据,构建三维有限元模型。在Geomagic中采用偏移命令划分皮质骨与松质骨,在SolidWorks中添加腰椎软骨、骶髂关节、耻骨联合等软骨,在ANASYS中对模型进行有限元分析,步态为慢走中的单腿支撑中期相。分析对比DDH患者手术前后腰椎生物力学变化,将患者术后腰椎生物力学数据与健康志愿者进行对比。结果建立了4组患者和1组健康志愿者股骨-骨盆-腰椎模型,模型在各工况下结果均在所参考的文献范围内,证明模型有效。患者术后腰椎、股骨颈、纤维环与髓核所受应力远小于患者术前的状态,患者术后腰椎、股骨颈、纤维环与髓核所受应力与健康志愿者相近。结论弧形髋臼截骨术在治疗DDH后会显著降低腰椎、椎间盘所受应力,纤维环与髓核受力也更加均匀,说明弧形髋臼截骨术会将患者调整到健康状态。研究结果为临床治疗DDH提供了生物力学依据,有助于优化手术方案。展开更多
文摘Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) describes a wide range of anatomic abnormalities of the growing hips which might result in permanent abnormal gait. Therefore, early detection and management is crucial to improve the outcome and minimise the risk of osteoarthritis in later life. Hip ultrasound is used to evaluate DDH based on Graf classification. Graf score is a widely used ultrasound grading score to evaluate DDH in infants. There is conflicting evidence regarding the management of the developmentally immature Graf type IIa hip. Some physicians adopt watchful waiting for natural maturation of hips while other early treatment. This article will provide an evidence-based review on the management modalities of the Graf type IIa hip.
文摘Background: Reports of the efficacy of open reduction and Zigzag Osteotomy combined Fibular Allograft (ZOFA) for developmental dysplasia of the hip. The purposes of this study were to evaluate the long-term outcomes and complications after surgery. Methods: We performed a retrospective match-controlled study in which 158 patients had 181 hips with developmental dysplasia of the hip. Radiographs were found of acetabular index, height of dislocation, Tönnis grade, abduction angle in the spica cast, and Severin grade. At final follow-up, deformity of femoral head or neck or acetabulum was evaluated according to the Severin. Avascular necrosis was rated according to Kalamchi. Clinical evaluation was made according to modified McKay criteria. Results: Between 2009 and 2012, 133 girls (84.2%) and 25 boys (15.8%) with developmental dysplasia of the hip underwent open reduction and ZOFA;135 (85.4%) were unilateral, and 23 (14.6%) were bilateral. Patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 included 54 patients (62 hips) aged 12 months - ≤18 months and group 2 included 84 patients (119 hips), aged >18 months - ≤36 months. According to Tönnis system: type 3 appeared in 127 hips (70.2%), and Type 4 in 54 hip (29.8%). The anterior approach was used to expose inner table of the ilium and ZOFA in all cases. Acetabular index was improved;preoperation was 42.95°, and latest follow-up 17.26°. The Kirschner Wires (KW) were not used to fix the fibular allograft at the pelvic osteotomy site. All of the fibular allografts were completely incorporated in mean time of 14 weeks (range, 12 weeks - 17 weeks) post-surgery. Clinical evaluation according to modified McKay criteria: satisfactory result (excellent and good) was achieved in 141 hips (77.9%). Avascular Necrosis (AVN) happened in 61 hips (33.7%), redislocation in 18 hips (9.9%), coxa vara in 4 hips (2.2%), trendelenburg gait in 4 hips (2.2%), and supracondylar femoral fractures in 2 hips (1.1%). Conclusions: On the basis of this study, ZOFA was strength and graft was not resorption, graft problems;without medial displacement of the distal fragment. Acetabular index was improved, without KW problem. Surgical technique with ZOFA did not expose outer table of the illium, limiting abductor muscle injury with negative trendelenburg gait;on the other hand, the blood loss from this procedure is acceptable. Some complications have been seen in this study: AVN, redislocation, coxa magna, coxa vara, trendelenburg gait, and distal femoral fracture.
文摘Background: Innominate osteotomy procedures have been widely used as an integral component of combined surgery to treat developmental dysplasia of the hip in children. Autograft concern is further supported by authors who suggest the routine use of internal fixation. Problems such as graft extrusion, rotation and absorption, leading to loss of acetabular correction, were often noted in cases previously treated at our National Hospital for Pediatrics. This retrospective study reviewed the radiographic results of this treatment protocol in 106 hips developmental dislocated hips which met our inclusion criteria. The efficacy of this method to achieve and maintain a well covered and stable hip was the main objective of the study. Methods: This retrospective study reviewed the radiographs of 106 hips presenting with developmental dislocation which were treated by modified Salter’s innomiate osteotomy and using a fibular allograft as the interposition material. Dislocations of the hip were graded using the T?nnis system. Measurement of the acetabular index (AI) was the main variable. The minimum follow up period was 2 years. Possible complications such as loss of acetabular correction, hip redislocation, graft extrusion or resorption, the need for osteotomy internal fixation, delayed or non union, infection or avascular necrosis (AVN) were documented in this series. Results: Between January 2004 and December 2008, 106 surgeries were performed in 95 patients. Sixty-three (86.3%) of the patients were girls and ten (13.7%) were boys, thirteen patients (13.7%) were between twelve and eighteen months old at the time of the operation, the remaining eighty-two (86.3%) patients being between eighteen and thirty-six months old, with the mean age of 22.6 months at the time of surgery. There were eleven (11.6%) patients who had bilateral dislocation. Eighty-four (88.4%) patients were affected unilaterally. The right hip was involved in seventeen (17.9%) and the left hip in sixty-seven (70.5%) cases. T?nnis system Type 3 was in 34 hip (32.1%), and Type 4 was in 72 hip (67.9%). All patients combined open reduction and modified Salter’s innomiate osteotomy, inserting a fibular allograft as the interposition material. Acetabular index was improved, preoperation was 42.95°, and latest follow-up 19.15°, concentrical acetabulum 93.7%. All of the fibulat allografts were completely incorporated mean 14 weeks (range, 12 weeks - 17 weeks) post-surgery. There were five (4.7%) redislocation and subluxation, three AVN (2.8%) and five (4.7%) coxa magna Without graft infections, none of the osteotomies required internal fixation for stability. Final results: Excellent 70 (66.0%), Good 29 (27.4%), Fair 2 (1.9%), Poor 5 (4.7%). Conclusion: Open reduction and modified Salter’s innomiate osteotomy allow interposition material by fibular allografting with a short operative incision, renders excellent osteotomy stability that eliminates the need for internal fixation. Surgical technique are safe and effective for Children between twelve and thirty-six months old.
文摘目的评价超声引导下右美托咪定混合罗哌卡因髂筋膜间隙阻滞(FICB)对小儿髋部手术的镇痛效果。方法选取2014年1月至2015年6月在佛山市中医院择期行单侧发育性髋脱位手术的患儿60例,采用随机数字表法,将患者分为两组(各30例)。观察组气管插管全麻复合超声引导下1μg/kg右美托咪定混合0.2%罗哌卡因1mL/kg FICB,对照组单用气管插管全麻,两组术后均行芬太尼静脉自控镇痛(PCIA)。分别记录术中芬太尼用量,及术后1、2、4、8、12、24、48h的患儿哭泣、呼吸、循环、表情和睡眠疼痛行为学评分,PCIA按压次数,记录不良反应发生情况。结果与对照组比较,观察组术中芬太尼用量显著减少(49.68±15.29μg vs 68.55±20.03μg,t=4.102,P<0.05),术后各时点CRIES疼痛行为学评分(t=3.644~21.610)及PCIA按压次数(t=3.260~31.770)显著低于对照组(均P<0.05),两组均未见有呼吸抑制。观察组恶心呕吐发生2例(6.67%),对照组恶心呕吐发生6例(20.00%)(x~=2.308,P=0.129);观察组瘙痒发生1例(3.33%),对照组瘙痒发生4例(13.33%)(x^2=1.964,P=0.161)。结论超声引导下1μg/kg右美托咪定混合0.2%罗哌卡因1mL/kg FICB可有效缓解小儿发育性髋脱位(DDH)手术患者疼痛,且无明显不良反应,镇痛效果确切持久,实施方法简便易行。
文摘目的根据生物型股骨柄设计原理,通过比较全髋置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)术前不同CT平面测量所得股骨前倾角与术后股骨柄前倾角,找到术前测量预估发育性髋关节不良(developmental dysplasia of the hip,DDH)患者THA后股骨柄前倾角方法。方法选取2007年9月~2013年5月在上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院行初次THA符合DDH诊断的患者21位(28髋),术前及术后均行CT扫描,术前选取头下平面、小粗隆平面和小粗隆平面上1 cm及2 cm 4个平面的前后皮质角平分线与股骨远端内外侧髁最大时后缘连线的夹角,以及大、小粗隆顶点中间平面后侧皮质切线与小粗隆中心上2 cm平面前侧皮质切线的角平分线与股骨远端内外侧髁最大时内外侧髁后方连线夹角(分别记为股骨前倾角1~5)。术后选取股骨柄假体最长水平层面,测量假体前后对称轴线与股骨远端内外侧髁最大时后缘连线的夹角作为术后股骨柄前倾角。同时测量髋臼杯假体前倾角、股骨假体矢状位矢状倾斜角度。比较术前各个股骨前倾角与术后股骨柄假体前倾角并进行相关性分析。结果股骨前倾角1~5分别为17.70°±10.54°、35.59°±7.21°、31.09°±7.98°、24.71°±9.11°、21.94°±10.10°。股骨柄假体前倾角为20.52°±10.90°。术后假体柄前倾角与股骨前倾角1~4之间差值分别为2.82°±6.27°、-15.08°±7.99°、-13.80°±15.68、-4.19°±5.69°、-1.42°±4.07°,髋臼假体前倾角为25.60°±11.65°,术后复合前倾角为46.11°±13.28°,假体矢状倾斜角为1.13°±1.53°。术前股骨前倾角1~4与术后假体前倾角均有统计学差异(P<0.05),股骨前倾角5与术后假体前倾角无统计学差异;术前各前倾角与术后假体前倾角相关系数分别为0.829、0.681、0.689、0.853、0.928。结论股骨前倾角5与术后股骨柄前倾角具有高相关性,可作为替代股骨柄前倾角的有效方法。
文摘目的探讨先天性髋关节发育不良(developmental dysplasia of the hip,DDH)患者全髋关节置换(total hip arthroplasty,THA)中股骨偏心距的生物力学影响。方法以1例CroweⅣ型DDH女性患者的相关数据为材料,基于骨肌多体动力学软件AnyBody,建立与患者对应的个体化THA下肢骨肌多体动力学模型,分析股骨偏心距在±20 mm内变化时髋关节力、外展肌力的改变。同时建立不同偏心距下股骨-S-ROM假体动态有限元模型,由骨肌模型计算的不同偏心距下水平匀速行走步态内的动态载荷被加载至相应的有限元模型,对S-ROM假体柄与袖套之间的应力、接触应力和微动进行分析。结果股骨偏心距±20 mm内的变化对髋关节力峰值影响较小,股骨偏心距减小会导致外展肌力峰值显著增加,股骨偏心距增大会导致柄的最大应力、接触应力和微动显著增加。结论 DDH患者THA中股骨偏心距改变对外展肌力和假体最大应力、接触应力与微动影响显著,医生应予以考虑。
文摘目的建立健康志愿者、髋关节发育不良(development dysplasia of the hip,DDH)患者手术前后股骨-骨盆-腰椎模型,研究弧形髋臼截骨术对腰椎生物力学影响。方法利用CT扫描获取4名DDH患者手术前后以及1名健康志愿者股骨-骨盆-腰椎DICOM数据,构建三维有限元模型。在Geomagic中采用偏移命令划分皮质骨与松质骨,在SolidWorks中添加腰椎软骨、骶髂关节、耻骨联合等软骨,在ANASYS中对模型进行有限元分析,步态为慢走中的单腿支撑中期相。分析对比DDH患者手术前后腰椎生物力学变化,将患者术后腰椎生物力学数据与健康志愿者进行对比。结果建立了4组患者和1组健康志愿者股骨-骨盆-腰椎模型,模型在各工况下结果均在所参考的文献范围内,证明模型有效。患者术后腰椎、股骨颈、纤维环与髓核所受应力远小于患者术前的状态,患者术后腰椎、股骨颈、纤维环与髓核所受应力与健康志愿者相近。结论弧形髋臼截骨术在治疗DDH后会显著降低腰椎、椎间盘所受应力,纤维环与髓核受力也更加均匀,说明弧形髋臼截骨术会将患者调整到健康状态。研究结果为临床治疗DDH提供了生物力学依据,有助于优化手术方案。