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Alanine aminotransferase predicts incident steatotic liver disease of metabolic etiology: Long life to the old biomarker!
作者 Amedeo Lonardo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2024年第24期3016-3021,共6页
Alanine aminotransferase(ALT)serum levels increase because of hepatocellular damage.Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease(MAFLD),which identifies steatotic liver disease(SLD)associated with≥2 metabolic... Alanine aminotransferase(ALT)serum levels increase because of hepatocellular damage.Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease(MAFLD),which identifies steatotic liver disease(SLD)associated with≥2 metabolic abnormalities,has prominent sexual differences.The Metabolic Syndrome defines a cluster comprising abdominal obesity,altered glucose metabolism,dyslipidemia,and hypertension.Male sex,body mass index,glucose,lipids,ferritin,hypertension,and age independently predict ALT levels among blood donors.Over the last few decades,the reference range of ALT levels has been animatedly debated owing to attempts to update sex-specific reference ranges.With this backset,Chen et al have recently published a study which has two main findings.First,>80%of indi-viduals with MAFLD had normal ALT levels.Second,there was a linear increa-sing trend in the association between cumulative excess high-normal ALT levels and the rate of incident MAFLD.This study has biologically credible findings.However,it inaccurately considered sex differences in the MAFLD arena.Therefore,future studies on SLD owing to metabolic dysfunction should adopt locally determined and prospectively validated reference ranges of ALT and carefully consider sex differences in liver enzymes and MAFLD pathobiology. 展开更多
关键词 Alanine aminotransferase BIOMARKER History of medicine Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease METABOLISM Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease reference range Sex differences Steatotic liver disease
Comparison between English and Chinese Repeated References to the Same Thing and Parallel Structure
作者 赵丽红 《海外英语》 2013年第11X期259-261,共3页
Chinese and English are two very different languages; the former belongs to the Sino-Tibetan Language Family and the latter the Indo-European Language Family. In terms of textual organization, they show substantial di... Chinese and English are two very different languages; the former belongs to the Sino-Tibetan Language Family and the latter the Indo-European Language Family. In terms of textual organization, they show substantial differences. Chinese is mainly a pragmatic, paratactic and topic-prominent language, while English a grammatical, hypotactic and subject-prominent language. This thesis gives a contrastive study of two problems in English and Chinese. They are repeated references to the same thing and parallel structure. In this way, the translation work will be more succinct and smooth. 展开更多
关键词 DIFFERENCES in ENGLISH and CHINESE repeated refere
Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and British Names from the Perspective of Culture
作者 付馨媛 《海外英语》 2017年第19期174-176,共3页
A name can reflect a nation's history and culture. Studying the differences and similarities of names between two countries can help us have a better understanding of the two cultures and thus promote further comm... A name can reflect a nation's history and culture. Studying the differences and similarities of names between two countries can help us have a better understanding of the two cultures and thus promote further communications. A contrastive analysis of Chinese and British names are discussed mainly from the forms, origins and the factors influencing naming. It is founded that the differences of names are closely related with history, religion, social system and values while the similarities are focus on the common things. In general, there are more differences than similarities. The naming system has a long history and as a traditional culture it truly deserves our attention. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese names British names CULTURE DIFFERENCES SIMILARITIES
Identification of suitable reference genes for quantitative gene expression analysis in clam Cyclina sinensis under salinity stress and Vibrio infection
作者 Fengjuan JIANG Qingyao WANG +3 位作者 Jingjing DU Fu LÜ Qing NIE Weihong ZHAO 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第1期352-363,共12页
The appropriate reference gene is a prerequisite for accurate normalization of gene expression level,and research on suitable reference genes in clam Cyclina sinensis is scarce.To improve the situation,we selected fiv... The appropriate reference gene is a prerequisite for accurate normalization of gene expression level,and research on suitable reference genes in clam Cyclina sinensis is scarce.To improve the situation,we selected five commonly used housekeeping genes,including β-actin,Elongation factor 1-α(EF1-α),Glyceraldehyde-3-pho sphate dehydrogenase(GAPDH),40S ribosomal protein S18(RPS18),and Tubulin a(TUB-α),then evaluated their expression stability in different adult tissues and under different experimental treatments(salinity stress and Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection).Their expression stability was analyzed by three frequently used programs,geNorm,NormFinder,and BestKeeper.This analysis indicated that multiple genes should be used for normalization,and we concluded that the reference gene combination GAPDH-RPS18-β-actin,should be used for qRT-PCR analysis in different tissues of C.sinensis under normal physiological conditions.For the clams under salinity stress and Vibrio infection,EF1-α-GAPDHRPS18 was recommended as the gene combination for qRT-PCR normalization.TUB-αwas generally poorly ranked by all programs,and should not be used in future studies.This study should provide fundamental support for accurate quantitative gene expression analysis of this species. 展开更多
关键词 Cyclina sinensis reference gene different tissues salinity stress Vibrio infection
作者 宋晓蕾 李宜倩 张凯歌 《心理学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期1-14,共14页
基于空间参照系理论,本文采用虚拟现实技术探讨了大尺度空间定向能力的地域差异及其原因。实验1采用基于两种空间参照系且生态效度更高的路线重走与回溯任务以考察空间定向能力的地域差异;实验2进一步采用基于空间参照转换灵活性的定向... 基于空间参照系理论,本文采用虚拟现实技术探讨了大尺度空间定向能力的地域差异及其原因。实验1采用基于两种空间参照系且生态效度更高的路线重走与回溯任务以考察空间定向能力的地域差异;实验2进一步采用基于空间参照转换灵活性的定向接近任务以澄清该差异产生的原因;实验3通过在任务前激活环境中心参照,提高转换灵活性以改善南方被试大尺度空间定向能力。结果发现,大尺度空间定向能力存在地域差异,北方被试更擅长环境中心参照的任务,南方被试的自我中心参照在任务中有更大优势作用;说明该地域差异除与个体空间参照使用偏好有关之外,还与其空间参照转换灵活性有关;而当南方被试环境中心参照被激活,任务绩效显著提升。 展开更多
关键词 空间定向 空间参照系 地域差异 导航任务
作者 司新丽 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第2期96-104,共9页
苏轼将诗书画引向深度结合,“诗不能尽,溢而为书,变而为画,皆诗之余”是苏轼“诗书一体”观的核心表达,其内涵是以“德”为灵魂,以诗意为统领的综合艺术论。破体为文、体兼众妙、形式相连、书卷气息构成了苏轼不同文体、书体之间以及文... 苏轼将诗书画引向深度结合,“诗不能尽,溢而为书,变而为画,皆诗之余”是苏轼“诗书一体”观的核心表达,其内涵是以“德”为灵魂,以诗意为统领的综合艺术论。破体为文、体兼众妙、形式相连、书卷气息构成了苏轼不同文体、书体之间以及文学与书法两种不同艺术形式之间的内在机理,“书卷气”是苏轼书法人文化、文学化的典型表现。苏轼的“吾所谓文,必与道俱”“慧之生定,速于定之生慧”以及“笔墨之迹,托于有形,有形则有弊”等文艺思想和哲学观念,乃是形成其“诗书一体”观以及文学与书法在求道之途上存在统一性、多样性、层次性和差异性的主要缘由。 展开更多
关键词 苏轼:诗书一体 破体为文 体兼众妙 形式相连 书卷气息
作者 刘波 李佳微 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第17期16-20,共5页
地名作为专有名词的一种,其读音往往能够反映出某一地区的历史语音情况。我国一部分地名用字在读音上存在着异读现象,具体表现为地名的用字具有不同于普通话常用读音的特殊读音。该文结合《现代汉语词典》(第7版)中所收录的地名用字及读... 地名作为专有名词的一种,其读音往往能够反映出某一地区的历史语音情况。我国一部分地名用字在读音上存在着异读现象,具体表现为地名的用字具有不同于普通话常用读音的特殊读音。该文结合《现代汉语词典》(第7版)中所收录的地名用字及读音,就我国目前地名用字异读现象进行考察,发现其与文白异读、古音遗存、约定俗成等之间存在着密切的联系。地名用字的异读现象呼吁的是地名定音、定字的规范化,而地名的读音问题受到历史、方言等多方面的影响,其审定工作需要结合历史读音,并尊重当地读音,同时遵循汉语语音的发展趋势,以制定合适的标准并进行专门的研究。 展开更多
关键词 地名 地名用字 异读 规范化 方言 古音
作者 孟英英 姚笑 周莹 《中医康复》 2024年第2期55-59,共5页
本文选择明清以来8部小儿推拿代表性著作,分析不同文献中黄蜂入洞在施术部位与穴位、操作手法、功效主治等方面的特征,梳理各部著作中黄蜂入洞手法的源流,厘清历代文献中黄蜂入洞手法间的相互关系,总结其变迁的特点和规律。结果发现:以... 本文选择明清以来8部小儿推拿代表性著作,分析不同文献中黄蜂入洞在施术部位与穴位、操作手法、功效主治等方面的特征,梳理各部著作中黄蜂入洞手法的源流,厘清历代文献中黄蜂入洞手法间的相互关系,总结其变迁的特点和规律。结果发现:以原创为主的文献中黄蜂入洞的施术部位、操作手法和功效主治有鲜明的个人特色,而以编撰为主的文献中黄蜂入洞在施术部位、操作手法和功效主治有鲜明的时代特色。因此得出结论,黄蜂入洞手法的变迁受医家个人经验和同时代医学成就及文献流传偏差等因素的影响。 展开更多
关键词 黄蜂入洞 同名异法 手法源流 变迁规律
作者 高贝贝 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第2期183-191,208,共10页
命题主义指称论运用紧缩主义的方法论分析指称,以命题成分间的指称关系限定名称的指称。命题主义指称论创新性地给出了一种理解语言与世界之间指称关系的方法,这为解决空名难题提供了一种新的策略。空名难题是指空名是否有意义、空名语... 命题主义指称论运用紧缩主义的方法论分析指称,以命题成分间的指称关系限定名称的指称。命题主义指称论创新性地给出了一种理解语言与世界之间指称关系的方法,这为解决空名难题提供了一种新的策略。空名难题是指空名是否有意义、空名语句是否表达命题、空名语句的真值判定等相关问题。从命题主义指称论的观点看,空名的意义在于其具有的基础可接受性,空名语句表达命题,空名语句的真值判定依赖于以意义为核心的等值模式。命题主义指称论弥补了间隙命题论解决空名难题的语义学策略存在的不足。 展开更多
关键词 空名 指称 意义 命题
作者 王晓霞 赵晓帆 +1 位作者 王成 赵艳艳 《青海大学学报》 2024年第1期41-49,共9页
为探究青海茄参不同部位稳定表达的内参基因,本研究以青海茄参根、茎、成熟果实及成熟叶片为试验材料,选取6个内参基因(Actin7-NT、18S rRNA、TUA、ELF4、ELF6和GAPCP2),采用实时荧光定量qRT-PCR技术,并利用geNorm、NormFinder、BestKee... 为探究青海茄参不同部位稳定表达的内参基因,本研究以青海茄参根、茎、成熟果实及成熟叶片为试验材料,选取6个内参基因(Actin7-NT、18S rRNA、TUA、ELF4、ELF6和GAPCP2),采用实时荧光定量qRT-PCR技术,并利用geNorm、NormFinder、BestKeeper、ΔCt及RefFinder 5种方法分析候选内参基因的表达稳定性,筛选青海茄参中稳定性最佳的内参基因。结果表明:18S rRNA为青海茄参根及成熟叶片中最佳稳定内参基因,ELF4为青海茄参茎及成熟果实中最稳定的内参基因。综合分析结果为青海茄参不同组织中表达最稳定的内参基因是Actin7-NT,该结果可为后续挖掘青海茄参相关基因及代谢、蛋白等功能分析提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 青海茄参 实时荧光定量 内参基因 不同部位 稳定性
作者 李博灵 赵永烈 +1 位作者 王丹萍 周晓卿 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第4期623-627,共5页
任、督、冲脉理论为奇经八脉理论的重要内容。王冰提出任、督、冲脉“一源三歧”“异名同体”学说,体现三脉之间的密切联系。以《黄帝内经》《难经》《脉经》《针灸甲乙经》为基础,分析以上两种认识。认为“一源三歧”为任、督、冲脉同... 任、督、冲脉理论为奇经八脉理论的重要内容。王冰提出任、督、冲脉“一源三歧”“异名同体”学说,体现三脉之间的密切联系。以《黄帝内经》《难经》《脉经》《针灸甲乙经》为基础,分析以上两种认识。认为“一源三歧”为任、督、冲脉同起于小腹深处肾下胞中,三脉浅出体表位置不同,受《针灸甲乙经》影响,针灸学教材认为三脉同出于会阴。《黄帝内经》认为任脉上循脊里、督脉少腹直上,故王冰认为任脉、督脉命名实为区别腹背阴阳,但冲脉与任脉、督脉循行并未重合。任、督、冲脉“异名同体”包含任、督脉的循行重合与冲、督脉生理病理密切联系两层含义。 展开更多
关键词 任脉 督脉 冲脉 一源三歧 异名同体 《黄帝内经》 《难经》 《脉经》 《针灸甲乙经》
Stability evaluation of reference genes for real-time quantitative PCR normalization in Spodoptera frugiperda(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) 被引量:2
作者 SHU Ben-shui YU Hai-kuo +3 位作者 DAI Jing-hua XIE Zi-ge QIAN Wan-qiang LIN Jin-tian 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第9期2471-2482,共12页
Real-time quantitative PCR(qPCR)is a reliable and widely used technique for analyzing the expression profiles of target genes in different species,and reference genes with stable expressions have been introduced for t... Real-time quantitative PCR(qPCR)is a reliable and widely used technique for analyzing the expression profiles of target genes in different species,and reference genes with stable expressions have been introduced for the normalization of the data.Therefore,stability evaluation should be considered as the initial step for qPCR experiments.The fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith)(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)is a polyphagous pest that consumes many plant species and seriously threatens corn production around the world.However,no studies thus far have examined the stability of reference genes in this pest.In this study,the expression profiles of the eight candidate reference genes of Actin,elongation factor 1 alpha(EF1α),elongation factor 2(EF2),glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase(GAPDH),ribosomal protein L3(RPL3),ribosomal protein L13(RPL13),alpha-tubulin(α-TUB),and beta-1-tubulin(β-1-TUB)were obtained from S.frugiperda in different samples and the stability was evaluated byΔCt,BestKeeper,geNorm,NormFinder,and RefFinder methods.The results of pairwise variation(V)calculated by GeNorm indicated two reference genes could be selected for normalization.Therefore,the combinations of the most stable reference genes for different experimental conditions of S.frugiperda were shown as follows:EF2 and RPL13 for developmental stages,RPL3 andβ-1-TUB for larval tissue samples,EF2 and EF1αfor the larval samples treated with different temperatures,RPL3 and EF1αfor the larval samples under starvation stress,and RPL13 and EF1αfor all the samples.Our results lay the foundation for the normalization of qPCR analyses in S.frugiperda and could help guarantee the accuracy of subsequent research. 展开更多
关键词 Spodoptera frugiperda reference genes qPCR stability evaluation different experimental conditions
The Peculiarity of Numerical Solving the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations
作者 Ludmila Petrova 《American Journal of Computational Mathematics》 2014年第4期304-310,共7页
The analysis of integrability of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations shows that these equations have the solutions of two types: 1) solutions that are defined on the tangent nonintegrable manifold and 2) solutions t... The analysis of integrability of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations shows that these equations have the solutions of two types: 1) solutions that are defined on the tangent nonintegrable manifold and 2) solutions that are defined on integrable structures (that are realized discretely under the conditions related to some degrees of freedom). Since such solutions are defined on different spatial objects, they cannot be obtained by a continuous numerical simulation of derivatives. To obtain a complete solution of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations by numerical simulation, it is necessary to use two different frames of reference. 展开更多
关键词 Solutions of TWO Types Nonintegrable MANIFOLDS and INTEGRABLE Structures Discrete Transitions TWO different Frames of reference
A Comparative Study on Two Techniques of Reducing the Dimension of Text Feature Space
作者 Yin Zhonghang, Wang Yongcheng, Cai Wei & Diao Qian School of Electronic & Information Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, P.R.China 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2002年第1期87-92,共6页
With the development of large scale text processing, the dimension of text feature space has become larger and larger, which has added a lot of difficulties to natural language processing. How to reduce the dimension... With the development of large scale text processing, the dimension of text feature space has become larger and larger, which has added a lot of difficulties to natural language processing. How to reduce the dimension has become a practical problem in the field. Here we present two clustering methods, i.e. concept association and concept abstract, to achieve the goal. The first refers to the keyword clustering based on the co occurrence of 展开更多
关键词 in the same text and the second refers to that in the same category. then we compare the difference between them. Our experiment results show that they are efficient to reduce the dimension of text feature space. Keywords: Text data mining
黄精丸同名异方之文献分析与关键内容考证 被引量:2
作者 肖移生 董琦 +1 位作者 熊浩仲 侯吉华 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期1608-1614,共7页
中医里黄精丸存在同名异方的现象,分别有黄精与白蜜及天冬蜜制之方、朱丹溪之方、黄精和当归蜜制之方,但各方方源等关键内容尚不明确。通过查找相关文献,对黄精丸各方方源、药材及辅料的基原与炮制、剂量配比、制法与用法、功效与主治... 中医里黄精丸存在同名异方的现象,分别有黄精与白蜜及天冬蜜制之方、朱丹溪之方、黄精和当归蜜制之方,但各方方源等关键内容尚不明确。通过查找相关文献,对黄精丸各方方源、药材及辅料的基原与炮制、剂量配比、制法与用法、功效与主治等关键内容进行考证,以助中医对其有较为全面的认识,亦期有利于黄精丸各方的研究、开发与应用。 展开更多
关键词 黄精丸 同名异方 文献分析 考证
Similarities and Dissimilarities between Chinese and British Names
作者 钟仙灵 《海外英语》 2019年第22期108-109,112,共3页
The name is the unique cultural phenomenon in human society.One’sOneooOoOOOOOOOO name not only a sign used to dis⁃tinguish him/her from others,but also a mark accompanying his/her whole life.It includes much informat... The name is the unique cultural phenomenon in human society.One’sOneooOoOOOOOOOO name not only a sign used to dis⁃tinguish him/her from others,but also a mark accompanying his/her whole life.It includes much information which implies the nation’s language,history,geography,religion,and cultural tradition.Research into the names of different nationalities will help us deepen the understanding of cultures.The commonness of Chinese and British cultures determines the similarities of Chinese and Britain names,while the different historical cultures,value ideas,thinking patterns,religion,and psychology determine the dissimilarities.This paper will discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between Chinese and British names from several aspects and analyze the cultural differences reflected by Chinese and British names. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese and British names SIMILARITIES dissimilarities cultural differences
A matching algorithm based on hybrid matrices consisting of reference differences and disparities
作者 管业鹏 顾伟康 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2004年第7期796-802,共7页
Unique correct correspondence cannot be obtained only by use of gray correlation technique, which describes gray similar degree of feature points between the left and right images too unilaterally. The gray correlatio... Unique correct correspondence cannot be obtained only by use of gray correlation technique, which describes gray similar degree of feature points between the left and right images too unilaterally. The gray correlation technique is adopted to extract gray correlation peaks as a coarse matching set called multi-peak set. The disparity gradient limited constraint is utilized to optimize the multi-peak set. Unique match will be obtained by calculating the correlation of hybrid matrices consisting of reference differences and disparities from the multi-peak set. Two of the known corresponding points in the left and right images, respectively, are set as a pair of reference points to determine search direction and search scope at first. After the unique correspondence is obtained by calculating the correlation of the hybrid matrices from the multi-peak set, the obtained match is regarded as a new reference point till all feature points in the left (or right) image have been processed. Experimental results proved that the proposed algorithm was feasible and accurate. 展开更多
关键词 灰度关联 多峰集 参考差异 混合矩阵 差别 强度图像
Principles and Methods of Determining Epicenter Reference Place Name
作者 He Rui Feng Yijun Xiao Chengye 《Earthquake Research in China》 2010年第4期491-500,共10页
Determining an epicenter reference place name (herein after to be referred as "DERPN") is a basic task,but is very important for standardizing the compilation of earthquake catalogues.However,there has been ... Determining an epicenter reference place name (herein after to be referred as "DERPN") is a basic task,but is very important for standardizing the compilation of earthquake catalogues.However,there has been little studies on DERPN.This paper summarizes the development and issues surrounding DERPN and puts forward principles and methods of DERPN. 展开更多
关键词 地名 地震目录 标准化
A continuous time delay-difference type model(CTDDM) applied to stock assessment of the southern Atlantic albacore Thunnus alalunga
作者 廖宝超 刘群 +4 位作者 张魁 Abdul BASET Aamir Mahmood MEMON Khadim Hussain MEMON 韩亚楠 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第5期977-984,共8页
A continuous time delay-difference model(CTDDM) has been established that considers continuous time delays of biological processes.The southern Atlantic albacore(Thunnus alalunga) stock is the one of the commercially ... A continuous time delay-difference model(CTDDM) has been established that considers continuous time delays of biological processes.The southern Atlantic albacore(Thunnus alalunga) stock is the one of the commercially important tuna population in the marine world.The age structured production model(ASPM) and the surplus production model(SPM) have already been used to assess the albacore stock.However,the ASPM requires detailed biological information and the SPM lacks the biological realism.In this study,we focus on applying a CTDDM to the southern Atlantic albacore(T.alalunga) species,which provides an alternative method to assess this fishery.It is the first time that CTDDM has been provided for assessing the Atlantic albacore(T.alalunga) fishery.CTDDM obtained the 80%confidence interval of MSY(maximum sustainable yield) of(21 510 t,23 118 t).The catch in 2011(24 100 t) is higher than the MSY values and the relative fishing mortality ratio(F_(2011)/F_(MSY)) is higher than 1.0.The results of CTDDM were analyzed to verify the proposed methodology and provide reference information for the sustainable management of the southern Atlantic albacore stock.The CTDDM treats the recruitment,the growth,and the mortality rates as all varying continuously over time and fills gaps between ASPM and SPM in this stock assessment. 展开更多
关键词 continuous time delay-difference model(CTDDM) Southern Atlantic Thunnus alalunga maximum sustainable yield(MSY) biological reference points(BRPs)
The study of English perfective aspect
作者 YU Qiao-fen WANG Jian-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第6期28-31,共4页
关键词 英语 学习方法 语言学 翻译方法
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