Mixed traffic flow composed of autos and non-autos widely exists in developing countries and areas. To investigate the operational characteristics of the mixed traffic flow consisting of vehicles in different types (...Mixed traffic flow composed of autos and non-autos widely exists in developing countries and areas. To investigate the operational characteristics of the mixed traffic flow consisting of vehicles in different types (large vehicles, cars, and bicycles), we develop a cellular automaton model to repli- cate the travel behaviors on a bi-directional road segment with respect to the physical and mechanic features of different vehicle types. By implementing the essential parameters calibrated through the field data collection, a numerical study is carried out considering the variation in volume, density, and velocity with different compositions of mixed traffic flows. The primary findings include: the average ve- locity of traffic flow and total volume decrease 60% and 30% after incorporating 10% bicycles, respectively; the phenomenon of double-summit in terms bicycle is beyond 60 % ; the maximal total volume higher than 10 %. of the total volume appears when the proportion of starts to recover when the proportion of bicycle is展开更多
文摘Mixed traffic flow composed of autos and non-autos widely exists in developing countries and areas. To investigate the operational characteristics of the mixed traffic flow consisting of vehicles in different types (large vehicles, cars, and bicycles), we develop a cellular automaton model to repli- cate the travel behaviors on a bi-directional road segment with respect to the physical and mechanic features of different vehicle types. By implementing the essential parameters calibrated through the field data collection, a numerical study is carried out considering the variation in volume, density, and velocity with different compositions of mixed traffic flows. The primary findings include: the average ve- locity of traffic flow and total volume decrease 60% and 30% after incorporating 10% bicycles, respectively; the phenomenon of double-summit in terms bicycle is beyond 60 % ; the maximal total volume higher than 10 %. of the total volume appears when the proportion of starts to recover when the proportion of bicycle is
文摘在交通荷载观测及统计分析的基础上,获得交通状况的代表性数据,对记录的车型、车重、车距和车速进行统计,在此基础上进行随机车流模拟,编制随机车流模拟程序RTF(Random Traffic Flow),程序中首次全面引入车型、车重、车距和车速4个参数;建立可以考虑任意车辆数目、不同车道以及车辆相向行驶功能的随机车流下的风-汽车-桥梁系统空间耦合振动分析框架,编制相应的分析模块RTFWVB(Wind-Vehicle-Bridge system analysis)。以杭州湾跨海大桥为工程实例,详细研究密集、稀疏运营状态,车流单向、相向行驶以及侧风与车辆移动荷载对桥梁关键部位动力响应的影响。分析表明:密集运营状态下桥梁动力响应明显大于一般运营状态下的相应值;车流方向对桥梁振动影响不大;密集运营状态下车辆移动荷载主要决定桥梁动力响应的均值,而侧风主要影响桥梁动力响应的脉动部分,风速越大波动越显著。