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Photosynthetic response dynamics in the invasive species Tithonia diversifolia and two co-occurring native shrub species under fluctuating light conditions
作者 Ju Li Shu-Bin Zhang Yang-Ping Li 《Plant Diversity》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期265-273,共9页
To determine the invasiveness of invasive plants,many studies have compared photosynthetic traits or strategies between invasive and native species.However,few studies have compared the photosynthetic dynamics between... To determine the invasiveness of invasive plants,many studies have compared photosynthetic traits or strategies between invasive and native species.However,few studies have compared the photosynthetic dynamics between invasive and native species during light fluctuations.We compared photosynthetic induction,relaxation dynamics and leaf traits between the invasive species,Tithonia diversifolia and two native species,Clerodendrum bungei and Blumea balsamifera,in full-sun and shady habitats.The photosynthetic dynamics and leaf traits differed among species.T.diversifolia showed a slower induction speed and stomatal opening response but had higher average intrinsic water-use efficiency than the two native species in full-sun habitats.Thus,the slow induction response may be attributed to the longer stomatal length in T.diversifolia.Habitat had a significant effect on photosynthetic dynamics in T.diversifolia and B.balsamifera but not in C.bungei.In shady habitat,T.diversifolia had a faster photosynthetic induction response than in full-sun habitat,leading to a higher average stomatal conductance during photosynthetic induction in T.diversifolia than in the two native species.In contrast,B.balsamifera had a larger stomatal length and slower photosynthetic induction and relaxation response in shady habitat than in full-sun habitat,resulting in higher carbon gain during photosynthetic relaxation.Nevertheless,in both habitats,T.diversifolia had an overall higher carbon gain during light fluctuations than the two native species.Our results indicated that T.diversifolia can adopt more effective response strategies under fluctuating light environments to maximize carbon gain,which may contribute to its successful invasion. 展开更多
关键词 Invasive plant Photosynthetic induction Photosynthetic relaxation Carbon gain Stomatal traits Tithonia diversifolia
作者 罗娅婷 王春琪 +1 位作者 崔现亮 字应伟 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1347-1354,共8页
【目的】研究不同入侵程度下肿柄菊植株不同器官及根际土壤化学计量特征,剖析肿柄菊资源利用和分配策略,为肿柄菊入侵防控提供理论参考。【方法】在云南省普洱市思茅区郊区公路边选取有肿柄菊入侵至少4年的研究样地,设15个试验区,包括5... 【目的】研究不同入侵程度下肿柄菊植株不同器官及根际土壤化学计量特征,剖析肿柄菊资源利用和分配策略,为肿柄菊入侵防控提供理论参考。【方法】在云南省普洱市思茅区郊区公路边选取有肿柄菊入侵至少4年的研究样地,设15个试验区,包括5个重度入侵区(肿柄菊盖度占70%以上)、5个中度入侵区(肿柄菊盖度占30%~70%)和5个轻度入侵区(肿柄菊盖度占30%以下),分别采集肿柄菊根、茎、叶样品及根际土壤样品,检测植株和土壤中全磷(TP)、全氮(TN)和有机碳(SOC)含量,并分析化学计量特征。【结果】随入侵程度的增加,肿柄菊生境土壤TN和SOC含量呈显著降低趋势(P<0.05,下同),而TP含量无显著变化(P>0.05,下同);从轻度入侵到重度入侵,TN含量下降54.2%,SOC含量下降53.1%,肿柄菊入侵地土壤SOC和TN贫乏。3种入侵程度的肿柄菊各器官TP和TN含量均为叶>根>茎,SOC含量为根>叶>茎。重度入侵有利于肿柄菊植株TP含量积累,轻度入侵有利于肿柄菊茎TN含量积累。从轻度入侵到重度入侵,肿柄菊根、茎C∶N显著升高,根、茎C∶P显著降低,茎N∶P显著降低;同一入侵程度的肿柄菊C∶N和C∶P均为茎>根>叶;N∶P在轻度入侵为叶>茎>根,在中度和重度入侵为叶>根>茎。入侵程度对肿柄菊TN和TP含量及C∶N、N∶P具有显著或极显著影响(P<0.01,下同),不同器官对肿柄菊SOC、TN和TP含量及C∶N、C∶P、N∶P均具有极显著影响;器官与入侵程度交互作用仅对N∶P有极显著影响,对其他指标无显著影响。肿柄菊根、茎与土壤的TP、TN和SOC含量及化学计量比之间部分存在显著或极显著相关性。【结论】肿柄菊入侵对研究样地的土壤产生一定影响,土壤的改变同时反馈于肿柄菊。肿柄菊将N、P元素更多分配给叶,C元素更多分配给根,生长受到N元素限制;肿柄菊的根和叶具有相对快速的生长能力,以扩张种群、增大入侵性。 展开更多
关键词 肿柄菊 入侵程度 生态化学计量特征 资源分配
外来植物肿柄菊(Tithonia diversifolia)的繁殖特性及其地理扩散 被引量:23
作者 王四海 孙卫邦 +1 位作者 成晓 杨宇明 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期1307-1313,共7页
肿柄菊Tithonia diversifolia(Hemsl.)A.Gray原产墨西哥及中美洲,被作为观赏及绿肥植物引入我国各地栽培。引入云南栽培的肿柄菊于20世纪30年代在云南南部逃逸生长,现在云南的热带、南亚热带和中亚热带地区形成危害。为了查明肿柄菊的... 肿柄菊Tithonia diversifolia(Hemsl.)A.Gray原产墨西哥及中美洲,被作为观赏及绿肥植物引入我国各地栽培。引入云南栽培的肿柄菊于20世纪30年代在云南南部逃逸生长,现在云南的热带、南亚热带和中亚热带地区形成危害。为了查明肿柄菊的扩散特点和入侵潜能,对选取的5个不同地理气候条件下的肿柄菊居群的果序直径、每序结实量、结籽率、千粒重、种子大小(长和宽)等6个指标进行统计分析。结果表明,6个生物学指标在5个居群间都具有极显著差异(p<0.01),并随着居群间地理气候条件差异的增大,这6个指标值在居群间的差异也有增大趋势。对新鲜采集的不同居群种子在15、20、25、30、35℃下做萌发实验,结果显示在前4种温度条件下5个居群间的种子萌发率有极显著差异(p<0.01),在35℃下萌发率有显著差异(p<0.05),并且5个居群的种子最高萌发率不相同且差异极显著(p<0.01)。分析对比作者以往对肿柄菊群落特征和克隆繁殖特性的研究结果认为,虽然肿柄菊在不同的地理气候条件下有性繁殖特性有较大差异,但群落结构差异不大,危害程度表现相似;由于肿柄菊有性繁殖和克隆繁殖的协同作用,使其通过人为引种、道路交通、水流等传播到新的地域后,极易建立新种群,并形成单优种群落而不断侵占和统治新的领地。 展开更多
关键词 肿柄菊(Tithonia diversifolia) 外来植物 繁殖特性 地理扩散
生境类型对入侵植物肿柄菊(Tithonia diversifolia)种群和个体水平特征的影响 被引量:6
作者 崔清国 彭华 +3 位作者 李仁强 王艳红 张丽丽 何维明 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期4671-4677,共7页
外来植物入侵过程是入侵生态学研究的一个核心问题,被入侵生境中的各种要素对这一过程具有重要影响。为探讨入侵植物肿柄菊(Tithonia diversifolia)在种群和个体水平对不同生境的反应,调查了肿柄菊单优群落、肿柄菊与飞机草(Chromolaena... 外来植物入侵过程是入侵生态学研究的一个核心问题,被入侵生境中的各种要素对这一过程具有重要影响。为探讨入侵植物肿柄菊(Tithonia diversifolia)在种群和个体水平对不同生境的反应,调查了肿柄菊单优群落、肿柄菊与飞机草(Chromolaena odorata)共优群落和肿柄菊与紫茎泽兰(Ageratina adenophora)共优群落中肿柄菊的相对盖度、相对密度和高度,并开展了一个3因素(小气候、土壤类型和竞争)两水平的控制实验。结果表明:单优群落中,肿柄菊的相对盖度和相对密度显著大于其它两种群落中肿柄菊的相对盖度和相对密度;单优群落中肿柄菊的高度显著大于肿柄菊与紫茎泽兰共优群落中肿柄菊的高度,而与肿柄菊与飞机草共优群落中肿柄菊的高度无显著差异;肿柄菊的相对盖度、相对密度和高度在两个共优群落间无显著差异。小气候、土壤类型和竞争单个因素对肿柄菊的株高和叶片数没有显著影响,但三者的交互作用却显著影响肿柄菊的株高生长。这些结果表明:3个因素的综合作用影响肿柄菊的株高生长。 展开更多
关键词 生境类型 个体生长 入侵植物 种群特征 肿柄菊
作者 吴甜 申科 +2 位作者 贾涛 夏体渊 蒋智林 《生物安全学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期7-11,37,共6页
入侵杂草肿柄菊对我国热带和亚热带地区的生物多样性和生态系统功能产生严重影响,且其入侵呈现快速扩张态势。为提高对肿柄菊入侵危害的认识水平,加强对肿柄菊的监测预警及防控,本文通过搜集、整理和分析相关文献资料,总结肿柄菊在世界... 入侵杂草肿柄菊对我国热带和亚热带地区的生物多样性和生态系统功能产生严重影响,且其入侵呈现快速扩张态势。为提高对肿柄菊入侵危害的认识水平,加强对肿柄菊的监测预警及防控,本文通过搜集、整理和分析相关文献资料,总结肿柄菊在世界各国不同地区的入侵情况及其影响,分析肿柄菊在我国入侵的历史、分布现状及其入侵对遗传多样性、物种多样性和生态系统多样性的影响。结合肿柄菊生态入侵防控研究与应用实践,指出肿柄菊入侵防控存在的主要问题和面临的挑战,并针对肿柄菊监测和高效防控技术体系提出高度重视肿柄菊入侵危害影响的分类风险评价、多元化开展肿柄菊入侵扩张的基础科学研究、建立早监测早预防的预警机制和构建针对肿柄菊入侵防控的综合技术体系等防控对策。 展开更多
关键词 肿柄菊 入侵杂草 生境 防控对策
作者 高林晓 石景海 +3 位作者 勾娜 伍泽波 管永庆 郭蒙 《家畜生态学报》 北大核心 2024年第6期50-56,共7页
本试验采用超声辅助乙醇提取大蝎子草地上部分总多酚,通过单因素试验结果设计Box-Behnken模型,优化大蝎子草地上部分总多酚最佳工艺条件,用DPPH自由基清除率、FRAP法评价大蝎子草地上部分总多酚的抗氧化性。结果显示,乙醇浓度、液固比... 本试验采用超声辅助乙醇提取大蝎子草地上部分总多酚,通过单因素试验结果设计Box-Behnken模型,优化大蝎子草地上部分总多酚最佳工艺条件,用DPPH自由基清除率、FRAP法评价大蝎子草地上部分总多酚的抗氧化性。结果显示,乙醇浓度、液固比、超声时间、超声温度的最佳工艺参数分别为75%、50 mL/g、35min、40℃时,总多酚提取率为2.81%,与Box-Behnken模型的预测值相符。抗氧化性试验表明,0.15 mg/mL大蝎子草总多酚提取液DPPH清除率可达75.8%,半数抑制浓度IC_(50)值为0.057 mg/mL,具有一定的抗氧化性,为大蝎子草野生资源的研究和利用提供相应的理论支撑,为新型饲料添加剂的开发提供理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 总多酚 大蝎子草 超声提取 抗氧化
In vitro activities of acetonic extracts from leaves of three forage legumes(Calliandra calotyrsus,Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena diversifolia) on Haemonchus contortus 被引量:2
作者 Wabo Pone J Kenne Tameli Florence +2 位作者 Mpoame Mbida Pamo Tedonkeng E Bilong Bilong CF 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2011年第2期125-128,共4页
Objective:To assess ovicidal activity of three acetonic extracts from the leaves of three forage legume,Calliandra calotyrsus(C.calotyrsus),Gliricidia sepium(G.sepium) and Leucaena diversifolia(L.diversifolia) in vitr... Objective:To assess ovicidal activity of three acetonic extracts from the leaves of three forage legume,Calliandra calotyrsus(C.calotyrsus),Gliricidia sepium(G.sepium) and Leucaena diversifolia(L.diversifolia) in vitro on Haemonchus contortus(H.contortus).Methods:Eggs were exposed for 24 hours to five different concentrations(0.075,0.15,0.3,0.6 and 1.25 mg/mL) of acetonic extracts at room temperature(24℃).Distilled water and 0.4%Tween were used in the bioassay as negative controls.Results:The later did not affect embryonation and egg hatching of H.contortus.Conversively,significant effects were obtained with the acetonic extracts of leaves of all three plants and the maximum activity was observed with the highest concentration (1.25 mg/mL).The acetonic extract of G.sepium was found to be more active(2.9%and 0.0% for embryonation and egg hatching,respectively) than the other substances 16.5%and 33.5%, respectively for C.calothyrsus,33.7%and 33.3%,respectively for L diversifolia.Conclusions: These results suggest that the three forage legumes do possess ovicidal properties and further studies on larvae should be carried out. 展开更多
关键词 Extract CALLIANDRA calotyrsus GLIRICIDIA sepium LEUCAENA diversifolia MEBENDAZOLE HAEMONCHUS contortus Cameroon
Anti-nitric oxide production, anti-proliferation and antioxidant effects of the aqueous extract from Tithonia diversifolia 被引量:1
作者 Poonsit Hiransai Jitbanjong Tangpong +5 位作者 Chuthamat Kumbuar Namon Hoonheang Onrunee Rodpech Padchara Sangsuk Urairat Kajklangdon Waraphorn Inkaow 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2016年第11期950-956,共7页
Objective: To determine the cytotoxicity, reduction in nitric oxide production and antioxidative activity of the aqueous leaf extract from Tithonia diversifolia(T. diversifolia) in an in vitro model.Methods: Leaves of... Objective: To determine the cytotoxicity, reduction in nitric oxide production and antioxidative activity of the aqueous leaf extract from Tithonia diversifolia(T. diversifolia) in an in vitro model.Methods: Leaves of T. diversifolia were collected from natural habitats and extracted with distilled water using the decoction method. The cytotoxic effect of the extract in terms of cell viability was determined using RAW264.7 cells and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMCs) via the mitochondrial respiration method using the MTT reagent. The effect of the extract on lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced nitric oxide production in RAW264.7 cells was measured using the Griess reagent. The chemical antioxidant was evaluated by ABTS- and DPPH-radical scavenging assays.Results: The half-maximal cytotoxic concentration values were 145.87 mg/m L and73.67 mg/m L for human PBMCs and RAW264.7 cells, respectively. In the presence of phytohemagglutinin-M, the IC_(50) on PBMCs proliferation was 4.42 mg/m L. The noncytotoxic range of the extracts inhibited LPS-induced nitrite production in RAW264.7 cells with an IC_(50) value of 11.63 mg/m L. To determine the anti-oxidative properties, the N-acetyl cysteine equivalent antioxidant capacity of the extract was(32.62 ± 1.87) and(20.99 ± 2.79)mg N-acetyl cysteine/g extract, respectively determined by the ABTS-radical and DPPHradical assay. However, the extract did not confer death protection in a hydrogen peroxideinduced RAW264.7 co-culturing model.Conclusions: Our study demonstrated the immunomodulation caused by the aqueous leaf extract of T. diversifolia, resulting from the inhibition of phytohemagglutinin-Minduced PBMCs proliferation and LPS-induced nitric oxide production in RAW264.7macrophages. Although the anti-oxidative activity was presented in the chemical-based anti-oxidant assay, the extract cannot protect cell death from stress conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Tithonia diversifolia Anti-nitric oxide production ANTI-PROLIFERATION ANTIOXIDANT
Plantain Bananas PIF Seedlings Treatment with Liquid Extracts of <i>Tithonia diversifolia</i>Induces Resistance to Black Sigatoka Disease 被引量:1
作者 Robinson Nembot Tatsegouock Cécile Annie Ewané +1 位作者 Arouna Meshuneke Thaddée Boudjeko 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2020年第5期653-671,共19页
Plantain bananas culture encounters the problems of seedlings quantity and quality unavailability. Black Sigatoka Disease (BSD) is one of the main pathological constraints of banana that can severely reduce the photos... Plantain bananas culture encounters the problems of seedlings quantity and quality unavailability. Black Sigatoka Disease (BSD) is one of the main pathological constraints of banana that can severely reduce the photosynthetic leaf area, leading to the losses of production of about 50% in banana plantation. The use of liquid extracts of Tithonia diversifolia could potentially induced the resistance of the PIF seedlings to BSD during the vegetative stages in the nursery. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of Tithonia diversifolia liquid extracts against the development of BSD on the PIF plantain bananas seedlings. The explants in the greenhouse and the seedlings in the shade were watered with liquid extracts of T. diversifolia during the process of PIF seedling production in sterile and non-sterile conditions. The treated seedlings show a more effective enhancement of seedlings quality parameters and also induce resistance against BSD. The vegetative stages parameters (the number of shoots, the diameter and the height of shoots, the foliar area, the length and weight roots) were improved in treated seedlings compared to controls ones. The treated seedlings showed maximum protection against BSD of up to 87% compared to controls. They also exhibited an increase in the accumulation of total proteins and total phenolics, as well as the activity of defense-related enzymes (peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and glucanase). The treatment seems to acts as a vital stimulator and could therefore be a useful tool for small holder farmers favouring an eco-friendly agriculture using fewer synthetic inputs. 展开更多
关键词 PLANTAIN Banana PIF SEEDLINGS Tithonia diversifolia Black Sigatoka DISEASE Induced RESISTANCE Vital Stimulator
Does Soil under Natural <i>Tithonia diversifolia </i>Vegetation Inhibit Seed Germination of Weed Species? 被引量:1
作者 Gabriel Olulakin Adesina 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2013年第11期2165-2173,共9页
Pot experiment was carried out in the screen house, Ladoke Akintola University Technology Ogbomosho, Nigeria to determine the possible impact of Tithonia diversifolia on the growth of thirteen selected weed species we... Pot experiment was carried out in the screen house, Ladoke Akintola University Technology Ogbomosho, Nigeria to determine the possible impact of Tithonia diversifolia on the growth of thirteen selected weed species weeds growing in its surroundings. The study consisted of two treatments (Tithonia diversifolia infested and Non-Tithonia diversifolia infested soils) and from the two media, the growth of A. hispidium, B. pilosa E. heterophylla, P. maximum and P. polystachion was significantly affected in soil infested by T. diversifolia. The number of weed seedling emergence afore mentioned was significantly lower than what was obtained in soil not infested with T. diversifolia and this accounted for about 38% of the tested weed species. Germination of four of these weeds species (23%) (A. spinosus, C. viscosa, T. procumbens and D. gayana) was enhanced by the presence of T. diversifolia. The study further revealed that weed counts in T. diversifolia infested soil is significantly lower than the ones in soil without T. diversifolia infestation. Likewise, the vegetative growth of some species (A. spinosus, C. viscosa, T. procumbens and D. gayana) was improved in this soil. This shows that T. diversifolia infested soil contains allelochemicals that performed both stimulatory and inhibitory functions. 展开更多
关键词 Tithonia diversifolia ALLELOPATHY ALLELOCHEMICAL Asteraceae
Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of Tithonia diversifolia(Hemsl)A.Gray dry flowers
作者 Robson Miranda da Gama Marcelo Guimares +1 位作者 Luiz Carlos de Abreu José Armando-Junior 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2014年第9期740-742,共3页
Objective:To evaluate the antioxidant activity of extracts of dried flowers of Tithonia diversifolia(Hemsl) A.Gray(T.diversifolia) dry flower-a slirubby plant belonging to the Asteraceac family and very common in Braz... Objective:To evaluate the antioxidant activity of extracts of dried flowers of Tithonia diversifolia(Hemsl) A.Gray(T.diversifolia) dry flower-a slirubby plant belonging to the Asteraceac family and very common in Brazil,providing data to help prevent premature aging skin.Methods:The tests of phytochemical screening included total phenols,tannins,flavonoids,alkaloids and saponins.The active antioxidant was determined by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl method.Results:The phytoehemical screening of T.diversifolia dry flowers revealed the presence of phenolic compounds(tannins,flavonoids and total phenolsi,while alkaloids and saponins were not detected.The IC_(50) values showed a strong antioxidant activity of the plant extracts.Conclusions:Therefore,this study suggests the possibility of using dry flowers extracts of T.diversifolia for the prevention of cell aging,as was shown to have significant antioxidant activity. 展开更多
关键词 ANTIOXIDANT activity PHYTOCHEMICAL screening Tithonia diversifolia(Hemsl) A.Gray
Phytochemical bioprospecting, antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxicity activities of saline extract from Tithonia diversifolia(Hemsl) A.Gray leaves
作者 Bruno Rafael Barboza Bárbara Rafaela da Silva Barros +12 位作者 Bárbara de Azevedo Ramos Maiara Celine de Moura Thiago Henrique Napoleao Maria Tereza dos Santos Correia Luana Cassandra Breitenbach Barroso Coelho Iranildo José da Cruz Filho Ana Maria Souto Maior Túlio Diego da Silva Leylianne de Cássia Rodrigues Nerys Edson Renan Barros de Santana Cláudia Sampaio de Andrade Lima Virgínia Maria Barros de Lorena Cristiane Moutinho Lagos de Melo 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2018年第5期245-253,共9页
Objective:To evaluate antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of saline extract from Tithonia diversifolia leaves by phytochemical bioprospecting,and investigate its safety against animal cells.Methods:The saline ext... Objective:To evaluate antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of saline extract from Tithonia diversifolia leaves by phytochemical bioprospecting,and investigate its safety against animal cells.Methods:The saline extract was prepared,with NaCl(0.15 M),by constant stirring of the dried and pulverized leaves,followed by volume reduction by lyophilization.The extract was phytochemical characterized using ultra-performance liquid chromatography,and total phenol and flavonoid analysis also was performed.The antioxidant capacity was determined through DPPH*radical,the antimicrobial property was evaluated against standard bacteria and fungi,and the viability assays were performed against mice splenocytes.Results:Fifteen compounds were identified belonging to two main classes terpenoids and phenolics.The extract showed 22.185 mg GAE/g of total phenolic compounds and 3.220 mg QE/g of flavonoid.Moreover,extract showed higher antioxidant ability similar to butylated hydroxytoluene a standard molecule[(3.042±0.019)mg AAE/g and(4.12±0.10)mg AAE/g to saline extract and butylated hydroxytoluene,respectively].The antimicrobial assays demonstrated that the extract had a significant antifungal potential against Candida species and could be used with safety against mice splenocytes,in concentrations lower than 50μg/mL,promoting higher proliferation in these cells.Conclusions:Saline extract from Tithonia diversifolia leaves presents potential antioxidant,antifungal properties and induces immunostimulation in mice splenocytes. 展开更多
关键词 Tithonia diversifolia EXTRACT ANTIOXIDANT Antifungal properties IMMUNOSTIMULATION
<i>Tithonia diversifolia</i>Mulch Stimulates the Growth of Plantain PIF Seedlings and Induces a Less Susceptibility to <i>Mycosphaerella fijiensis</i>in the Nursery
作者 Arouna Meshuneke Cécile Annie Ewané +1 位作者 Robinson Nembot Tatsegouock Thaddée Boudjeko 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2020年第5期672-692,共21页
Plantain is an important crop that serves as a staple food and contributes significantly to income generation for millions of people in tropical and sub-Saharan Africa. Its cultivation faces the main constraint of see... Plantain is an important crop that serves as a staple food and contributes significantly to income generation for millions of people in tropical and sub-Saharan Africa. Its cultivation faces the main constraint of seedlings unavailability in quantity and quality, essential for the creation of new plantations. The advent and popularization of the plantlets from stem bits (PIF) in the 2000s raised hopes for solving this problem. However, after about ten years, the PIF has shown some problems limiting its adoption and should be improved for more efficiency. The amendment of PIF substrate production with Tithonia diversifolia could be an alternative to seedlings’ unavailability. This study aims to evaluate the potential stimulative effect of T. diversifolia mulch on plantain PIF seedlings growth and protection against black Sigatoka disease (BSD)caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis. The parameters of vegetative growth stages and biomarkers accumulation were assessed in sterilized substrate and non-sterilized substrate conditions. T. diversifolia mulch treatment increases the germination rate, the number of shoots, the height and the diameter of shoots, the leaf area as well as the seedlings roots, but it also protects the seedlings against BSD up to about 81% compared to the control seedlings. It also enhances the accumulation of biomarkers such as proteins, polyphenols content and defense-related enzymes (peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and glucanase). T. diversifolia mulch seems to act in PIF seedlings production as a vital stimulator. It can therefore be taken as a tool for a more sustainable and resilient agriculture, and for poverty alleviation of poor small holder farmers. 展开更多
关键词 PLANTAIN PIF SEEDLINGS MULCH Tithonia diversifolia MYCOSPHAERELLA fijiensis Vital Stimulator
Comparative Evaluation of NPK Fertilizer and Tithonia diversifolia Biomass in Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annum) Production in Ado Ekiti, Nigeria
作者 Ademiluyi Benson Oluwafemi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第3期289-292,共4页
关键词 辣椒生产 氮磷钾肥 根生物量 尼日利亚 肿柄菊 甜椒 ADO 评价
<i>Tithonia diversifolia</i>Leaves and Stems Use as Substrate Amendment Promote the Growth of Plantain Vivoplants in the Nursery
作者 C. A. Ewané N. T. Mbanya T. Boudjeko 《Agricultural Sciences》 2020年第9期849-859,共11页
<em>Tithonia diversifolia</em> is a year-round weed that decomposes rapidly after application as a soil amendment and it is more and more used in agriculture due to its numerous properties. The use of <... <em>Tithonia diversifolia</em> is a year-round weed that decomposes rapidly after application as a soil amendment and it is more and more used in agriculture due to its numerous properties. The use of <em>Tithonia diversifolia</em> in the production of plantain vivoplants is a great opportunity for small holders’ farmers that cannot easily buy chemical inputs for yield improvement. All plant parts are used because of their richness in nutrients, mineral elements and phytochemicals without knowing which part is the most efficient. <em>Tithonia diversifolia</em> used as substrate amendment for plantain vivoplants production in nursery could promote their growth. This study aims to evaluate the effect of <em>T. diversifolia</em> leaves and stems as substrate amendment on plantain vivoplants growth promotion. The vivoplants were produced in substrates amended with <em>T. diversifolia</em> leaves, stems, combination of leaves and stems, and control without amendment. The vegetative growth parameters (number of shoots, height and diameter of shoots, area of shoots leaves) were assessed in sterilized substrate and unsterilized substrate conditions. <em>T. diversifolia</em> leaves and stems treatment increases the number of shoots, the height and the diameter of shoots as well as the area of shoots leaves compared to the control. <em>T. diversifolia</em> stems are the more efficient treatment, followed by the combination of <em>T. diversifolia</em> leaves and stems and finally the <em>T. diversifolia</em> leaves. They act as a biofertilizer promoting thus, the growth of plantain vivoplants in the nursery. All parts of <em>Tithonia diversifolia</em> can therefore be used by poor small holder farmers, as green manure for soil amendment in a green agriculture context. 展开更多
关键词 Plantain Vivoplants Tithonia diversifolia Substrate Amendment Growth Promotion BIOFERTILIZER
Field Efficacy of a Biopesticide Based on <i>Tithonia diversifolia</i>against Black Sigatoka Disease of Plantain (<i>Musa</i>spp., AAB)
作者 Cécile Annie Ewané Robinson Nembot Tatsegouock +1 位作者 Arouna Meshuneke Nicolas Niemenak 《Agricultural Sciences》 2020年第8期730-743,共14页
Black Sigatoka disease (BSD) is a foliar disease caused by <em>Mycosphaerella fijiensis</em>, responsible of reduction of the photosynthetic area of banana plant and yield at harvest since it has an influe... Black Sigatoka disease (BSD) is a foliar disease caused by <em>Mycosphaerella fijiensis</em>, responsible of reduction of the photosynthetic area of banana plant and yield at harvest since it has an influence on fruit physiology. The control of BSD relies on the use of chemicals which are not affordable for the small holder farmers and increase the cost of production. Moreover, this chemical control is ineffective, negatively impacting the environment and human health, and is at the origin of strain resistance. <em>Tithonia diversifolia</em> is known as rich in many compounds such as mineral elements, defense metabolites, some phytochemicals;and it is increasingly used in agriculture. Recently, the protective effect of <em>Tithonia diversifolia</em> liquid extract against BSD development on plantain vivoplants in the nursery was highlighted. The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of a biopesticide base on <em>Tithonia diversifolia</em> on the BSD development in a plantain field under high disease pressure. The effect of<em> Tithonia diversifolia</em> biopesticide on <em>Mycosphaerella fijiensis</em> mycelial growth<em> in vitro</em> was evaluated. An experimental field at the flowering stage was selected and treated with the biopesticide base on <em>Tithonia diversifolia</em> at three different concentrations: undiluted (100%), diluted at 1/2 (50%) and diluted at 1/4 (25%) for 17 weeks. The disease severity, the number of functional leaves, the youngest spotted leaf (YSL) and the youngest necrotic leaf (YNL) were evaluated in course of time. The biopesticide treatments significantly (P < 0.001) reduce the BSD severity in course of time, but it is more effective for the most diluted concentration (25%). The number of leaves increases in course of time as well as the rank of the YSL and the YNL confirming the efficiency of BSD control. The efficacy of this biopesticide base on <em>Tithonia diversifolia</em> could be a hopeful ecoresponsible solution for the plantain sector in general and in particular for poor small farmers. 展开更多
关键词 Plantain (Musa spp.) Black Sigatoka Disease (BSD) Mycosphaerella fijiensis Tithonia diversifolia Biopesticide Efficacy
大蝎子草质量标准及指纹图谱研究 被引量:2
作者 黎廷楷 邹娟 +6 位作者 赵旭萍 杨菁 张敬杰 何康 孙宜春 李慧馨 刘亚华 《中成药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期2959-2965,共7页
目的建立大蝎子草的质量标准及指纹图谱。方法TLC法定性鉴别大蝎子草中的东莨菪内酯,根据2020年版《中国药典》及《国家药品标准工作手册》相关方法测定其水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、浸出物。采用HPLC法建立指纹图谱,该药物的分析采用... 目的建立大蝎子草的质量标准及指纹图谱。方法TLC法定性鉴别大蝎子草中的东莨菪内酯,根据2020年版《中国药典》及《国家药品标准工作手册》相关方法测定其水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、浸出物。采用HPLC法建立指纹图谱,该药物的分析采用Agilent C_(18)色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm);流动相0.1%甲酸-乙腈,梯度洗脱;体积流量1.2 mL/min;柱温30℃;检测波长290 nm。采用主成分分析、聚类分析对指纹图谱进行评价,HPLC法测定对羟基肉桂酸、东莨菪内酯、紫云英苷含量。结果TLC显示清晰斑点,分离度好。大蝎子草的水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、浸出物含量分别为9.39%~14.63%、15.13%~19.00%、0.87%~4.80%、15.59%~23.85%。共筛选出9个共有色谱峰,13批样品相似度均在0.900以上,主成分分析和聚类分析结果一致。对羟基肉桂酸、东莨菪内酯、紫云英苷的平均含量分别为0.0605、0.0216、0.1243 mg/g。结论含量测定方法稳定、准确性好;指纹图谱方法分离度良好,稳定可靠,可为完善大蝎子草的质量控制方法提供参考。建议大蝎子草水分不得过13.0%,总灰分不得过21.0%,酸不溶性灰分不得过5.0%,水溶性浸出物(热浸法)含量不得少于14.0%,紫云英苷含量不得少于0.010%。 展开更多
关键词 大蝎子草 质量标准 指纹图谱 主成分分析 聚类分析 TLC HPLC
苗药大蝎子草药材与标准汤剂指纹图谱对比及药材化学模式识别分析 被引量:2
作者 董贺 杨一 +5 位作者 周芳丽 唐晓琴 赵泽林 孙恒灿 李军 张丽艳 《中南药学》 2023年第8期2059-2064,共6页
目的建立苗药大蝎子草药材和标准汤剂的HPLC指纹图谱,并对15批大蝎子草药材进行化学模式识别分析。方法根据《中药色谱指纹图谱相似度评价系统》建立黔产苗药大蝎子草15批药材及标准汤剂的指纹图谱并对两者中的对羟基肉桂酸进行含量测定... 目的建立苗药大蝎子草药材和标准汤剂的HPLC指纹图谱,并对15批大蝎子草药材进行化学模式识别分析。方法根据《中药色谱指纹图谱相似度评价系统》建立黔产苗药大蝎子草15批药材及标准汤剂的指纹图谱并对两者中的对羟基肉桂酸进行含量测定;采用SPSS26.0统计学软件进行聚类分析、主成分分析;采用SIMCA 14.1统计软件进行偏最小二乘判别分析。结果15批大蝎子草药材指纹图谱确立了11个共有峰,标准汤剂确认了8个共有峰,指认出峰9为对羟基肉桂酸。聚类分析结果显示,15批大蝎子草药材可聚为两类。主成分分析结果显示,前3个主成分的累计方差贡献率为83.385%。偏最小二乘判别分析筛选出造成不同产地差异的6个色谱峰。结论大蝎子草药材和标准汤剂指纹图谱、主要成分基本一致,该方法可用于大蝎子草药材质量控制的研究。 展开更多
关键词 大蝎子草 指纹图谱 聚类分析 主成分分析 化学模式识别分析
作者 刘亚华 赵旭萍 +4 位作者 黎廷楷 张敬杰 孙宜春 李慧馨 邹娟 《中药材》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第8期1951-1955,共5页
目的:研究大蝎子草Girardinia diversifolia(Link)Friis的化学成分。方法:利用硅胶柱色谱、薄层色谱等对大蝎子草的化学成分进行分离纯化,并通过波谱数据及理化性质鉴定化合物结构。结果:从大蝎子草中分离得到20个化合物,分别鉴定为:委... 目的:研究大蝎子草Girardinia diversifolia(Link)Friis的化学成分。方法:利用硅胶柱色谱、薄层色谱等对大蝎子草的化学成分进行分离纯化,并通过波谱数据及理化性质鉴定化合物结构。结果:从大蝎子草中分离得到20个化合物,分别鉴定为:委陵菜酸(1)、芹菜素-7-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(2)、山柰酚-3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(3)、蔗糖(4)、β-谷甾醇(5)、邻苯二甲酸二戊酯(6)、秦皮素(7)、东莨菪内酯(8)、对羟基肉桂酸(9)、水杨酸(10)、香草醛(11)、丁二酸(12)、trans-3-dodecenedioic acid(13)、壬二酸(14)、6,9,10-trihydroxy-octadec-7-enoic acid(15)、(E,E)-9-oxooctadeca-10,12-dienoic acid(16)、1-hexadecanoyl propan-2,3-diol(17)、1-亚油酸甘油酯(18)、n-hexacos-5,8,11-trienoic acid(19)、二十六烷(20)。结论:除化合物5、8外,其余化合物均为首次从大蝎子草中分离得到。 展开更多
关键词 大蝎子草 化学成分 结构鉴定
作者 沈静 师瑞雪 +2 位作者 鲁佳佳 杨加苹 王占娣 《广东化工》 CAS 2023年第5期185-188,共4页
肿柄菊是菊科向日葵族肿柄菊属植物,其在农业和生物医药领域具有较高的应用价值,随着化学分析技术的发展,肿柄菊化学成分得到了广泛的研究。现代研究发现肿柄菊中含有大量具有生物活性的化学成分,迄今为止在肿柄菊提取液中发现150多种... 肿柄菊是菊科向日葵族肿柄菊属植物,其在农业和生物医药领域具有较高的应用价值,随着化学分析技术的发展,肿柄菊化学成分得到了广泛的研究。现代研究发现肿柄菊中含有大量具有生物活性的化学成分,迄今为止在肿柄菊提取液中发现150多种化合物,主要有黄酮类、醇类、酯类、萜类、烯烃类等化合物。本文从肿柄菊化学成分的提取鉴定和应用价值等方面阐述肿柄菊化学成分的研究进展,为肿柄菊的开发和利用提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 肿柄菊 化学成分 提取方法 分离纯化 鉴定方法
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