The detection of crack defects on the walls of road tunnels is a crucial step in the process of ensuring travel safetyand performing routine tunnel maintenance. The automatic and accurate detection of cracks on the su...The detection of crack defects on the walls of road tunnels is a crucial step in the process of ensuring travel safetyand performing routine tunnel maintenance. The automatic and accurate detection of cracks on the surface of roadtunnels is the key to improving the maintenance efficiency of road tunnels. Machine vision technology combinedwith a deep neural network model is an effective means to realize the localization and identification of crackdefects on the surface of road tunnels.We propose a complete set of automatic inspection methods for identifyingcracks on the walls of road tunnels as a solution to the problem of difficulty in identifying cracks during manualmaintenance. First, a set of equipment applied to the real-time acquisition of high-definition images of walls inroad tunnels is designed. Images of walls in road tunnels are acquired based on the designed equipment, whereimages containing crack defects are manually identified and selected. Subsequently, the training and validationsets used to construct the crack inspection model are obtained based on the acquired images, whereas the regionscontaining cracks and the pixels of the cracks are finely labeled. After that, a crack area sensing module is designedbased on the proposed you only look once version 7 model combined with coordinate attention mechanism (CAYOLOV7) network to locate the crack regions in the road tunnel surface images. Only subimages containingcracks are acquired and sent to the multiscale semantic segmentation module for extraction of the pixels to whichthe cracks belong based on the DeepLab V3+ network. The precision and recall of the crack region localizationon the surface of a road tunnel based on our proposed method are 82.4% and 93.8%, respectively. Moreover, themean intersection over union (MIoU) and pixel accuracy (PA) values for achieving pixel-level detection accuracyare 76.84% and 78.29%, respectively. The experimental results on the dataset show that our proposed two-stagedetection method outperforms other state-of-the-art models in crack region localization and detection. Based onour proposedmethod, the images captured on the surface of a road tunnel can complete crack detection at a speed often frames/second, and the detection accuracy can reach 0.25 mm, which meets the requirements for maintenanceof an actual project. The designed CA-YOLO V7 network enables precise localization of the area to which a crackbelongs in images acquired under different environmental and lighting conditions in road tunnels. The improvedDeepLab V3+ network based on lightweighting is able to extract crack morphology in a given region more quicklywhile maintaining segmentation accuracy. The established model combines defect localization and segmentationmodels for the first time, realizing pixel-level defect localization and extraction on the surface of road tunnelsin complex environments, and is capable of determining the actual size of cracks based on the physical coordinatesystemafter camera calibration. The trainedmodelhas highaccuracy andcanbe extendedandapplied to embeddedcomputing devices for the assessment and repair of damaged areas in different types of road tunnels.展开更多
The number of urban underground road tunnels in China is increasing year by year,and health monitoring of tunnels is an effective management method to ensure their structural integrity.However,for shorter underground ...The number of urban underground road tunnels in China is increasing year by year,and health monitoring of tunnels is an effective management method to ensure their structural integrity.However,for shorter underground road tunnel projects,insufficient investment often leads to less frequent application of health monitoring systems.The application of intelligent structural health monitoring means can not only reduce the project cost but also help workers fully understand the actual situation of the tunnel structure.Therefore,this paper analyzes the characteristics,problems,and design of the urban underground road tunnel structural health monitoring system,and discusses the implementation of the urban underground road tunnel structural health monitoring system.展开更多
The analysis of the fluid characteristics downstream of a fire source in transportation tunnels is one the most important factor in the emergency response, evacuation, and the rescue service studies. Some crucial para...The analysis of the fluid characteristics downstream of a fire source in transportation tunnels is one the most important factor in the emergency response, evacuation, and the rescue service studies. Some crucial parameters can affect the fluid characteristics downstream of the fire. This research develops a statistical analysis on the computational fluid dynamics(CFD) data of the road tunnel fire simulations in order to quantify the significance of tunnel dimensions, inlet air velocity, heat release rate, and the physical fire size(fire perimeter) on the fluid characteristics downstream of the fire source. The selected characteristics of the fluid(response variables) were the average temperature, the average density, the average viscosity, and the average velocity. The prediction of the designed statistical models was assessed; then the significant parameters' effects and the parameters interactive effects on different response variables were determined individually. Next, the effect of computational domain length on the selection of the significant parameters downstream of the fire source was analyzed. In this statistical analysis, the linear models were found to provide the statistically good prediction. The effect of the fire perimeter and the parameters interactive effects on the selected response variables downstream of the fire, were found to be insignificant.展开更多
Road tunnel excavation often traverses coal strata, which is at risk of firedamp explosion that usually results in disaster. Airtight concrete grouting is popularly used in this kind of tunnel project. Based on the es...Road tunnel excavation often traverses coal strata, which is at risk of firedamp explosion that usually results in disaster. Airtight concrete grouting is popularly used in this kind of tunnel project. Based on the essential theory of mechanics of fluids in porous media, the principle of improving concrete airtight property and its influential factors are investigated. The proportioning tests and monitoring method for airtight concrete are introduced, which is illustrated by a case study applied to the project of the Huayinshan Tunnel. It is proved by engineering practices that the achievement of this research work is beneficial to tunneling project across coal strata.展开更多
an air cleaner employing pulse induced plasma chemical process to remove dust and carbon monoxide (CO) in road tunnels is presented, which is composed of mainly a precipitator, a reactor, a flow control system, a air cleaner employing pulse induced plasma chemical process to remove dust and carbon monoxide (CO) in road tunnels is presented, which is composed of mainly a precipitator, a reactor, a flow control system, a power supply and a measurement system. Its performances are studied in simulated air conditions. It is found that the rate of dust removal is dependent on the voltage of the pulse power, the distance between the two dust collecting plates of the electrostatic precipitator, the effective length of the precipitator and the air flow rate in the precipitator, and that of CO removal is affected by the voltage and frequency of the super pulse power, the air flow rate in the reactor and the relative humidity of air. Applying such an cleaner of a proper design to the treatment of polluted air at a flow rate of 7 m/s can achieve the rate of dust removal up to 93 % and that of CO removal up to 72.6 %, which efficiently controls the concentrations of CO and dust under allowable limits. It is implied that the proposed air cleaner is a potential solution to air control in road tunnels, and is prominent for its performances and saving the huge cost of longitudinal ventilation tunnel or vertical vent and ventilation facilities.展开更多
In some cases coal measures,goaf,big caves,and huge faults,as well as high initial stress cannot be avoided in road tunnel excavation.These geological features may make it more difficul practical tunnel construction. ...In some cases coal measures,goaf,big caves,and huge faults,as well as high initial stress cannot be avoided in road tunnel excavation.These geological features may make it more difficul practical tunnel construction. So it is necessary to take strong precautious measures against gas outburst,water bursting and roof fall in a tunnel across coal measures with risk of gas outburst.The techniques,such as advance drilling exploration,multiple-cycle shallow depth hole controlled blasting,reinforced supporting,which include concrete grouting and twice supporting,and monitoring measures are often applied in the construction of tunnels and satisfied results are achieved. Results in this paper can help others to get experiences in road tunnel construction with similar geological features.展开更多
After some tragic fire events,Directive 2004/54/EC was issued to ensure a minimum safety level for tunnels belonging to the Trans-European Road Network longer than 500 m.Nowadays,most of the Italian road tunnels are s...After some tragic fire events,Directive 2004/54/EC was issued to ensure a minimum safety level for tunnels belonging to the Trans-European Road Network longer than 500 m.Nowadays,most of the Italian road tunnels are still not in compliance with the minimum safety requirements,thus refurbishment works are often planned.By developing a traffic macro-simulation model,this paper aims at assessing the resilience of an existing twin-tube motorway tunnel when one of its tubes is partially or completely closed due to planned activities.Several scenarios were investigated,also considering the availability or not of an alternative itinerary in the surrounding transportation network.The average vehicles’speed was used as a functionality parameter,while the resilience metrics were the resilience loss,the recovery speed,and the resilience index.The findings showed higher resilience losses for complete closure rather than partial closure of the tube under planned refurbishment works.The implementation of digital technologies,such as variable message signs,might reduce the resilience loss of the tunnel system.This research might represent a reference for tunnel management agencies in the choice of the most appropriate traffic control strategy to improve tunnel resilience in the event of planned activities.展开更多
The Heinenoord Tunnel in The Netherlands connects the Hoeksche Waard Island with the city of Rotterdam.The tunnel is 614 m long,consists of two unidirectional tubes(3 lanes each)and has an average daily traffic load o...The Heinenoord Tunnel in The Netherlands connects the Hoeksche Waard Island with the city of Rotterdam.The tunnel is 614 m long,consists of two unidirectional tubes(3 lanes each)and has an average daily traffic load of 92,100 vehicles.The tunnel was opened for traffic in 1969.The structure is basically still sound,but a full refurbishment of the installations and systems is required,because they are end of life.A long closure of the tunnel(or even one tube)is not possible,because alternative routes are scarce and require significant extra travel time,not suitable for the high traffic load.Thus,various scenarios were considered to assure the accessibility of the Hoeksche Waard during the works,scheduled for 2023-2024.Multi-criteria analyses were performed for each scenario,taking into account the total project cost,societal cost(due to extra travel time)and the total required time span for the works.Refurbishment through“parallel assembly”proved to be optimal.This concept means that the new installations and systems are installed next to the current ones,that will remain in service until the end phase of the refurbishment.The existing installations and systems are only dismantled after integral testing has shown that the completed new ones work properly.This approach allows most of the works to be carried out during a series of night and weekend closures of just one tube.This limits nuisance,because one driving direction is always left undisturbed,while the closure for the other driving direction takes place in low-traffic periods.This paper describes the applied method to select the optimal refurbishment approach,as well as the(partly unconventional)measures that are implemented to enhance the resilience of the tunnel system to assure as much availability for traffic as possible,also during future maintenance works.展开更多
Road traffic is the main factor causing the decline in amphibian populations worldwide. The proper design of an amphibian tunnel is one of the most efficient measures to mitigate the negative impacts of road traffic o...Road traffic is the main factor causing the decline in amphibian populations worldwide. The proper design of an amphibian tunnel is one of the most efficient measures to mitigate the negative impacts of road traffic on amphibians. However, no study has investigated the effectiveness of amphibian tunnels under semi-controlled conditions in Asian amphibians. Here, we selected two representative amphibian species, the Chinese brown frog, Rana chensinensis, and the Asiatic toad, Bufo gargarizans, which suffer the most severe road mortality along the roads in Northeast China. We placed experimental arrays of culverts of various sizes(diameters of 1.5, 1, and 0.5 m for circular culverts; side lengths of 1.5, 1, and 0.5 m for box culverts), and substrate type(soil, concrete, and metal) to examine the preferences of both species during the migratory season between May and September in 2016 and 2017. The results revealed that the Chinese brown frog preferred mid-and large-sized culverts as well as soil culverts. We concluded that culverts with a side length ≥ 1 m, lined with soil, and accompanied by a ≥ 0.4 m high guide drift fence and ≤ 45° gradient on the roadside ditch wall would best facilitate road crossings for both species and likely for other amphibian species in Northeast China.展开更多
In the USA,risk-based decision making has not been a common approach to tunnel safety in the past,but this is changing,as concepts such as“equivalency”in the NFPA 502 framework gain acceptance in the USA and elsewhe...In the USA,risk-based decision making has not been a common approach to tunnel safety in the past,but this is changing,as concepts such as“equivalency”in the NFPA 502 framework gain acceptance in the USA and elsewhere.In other regions,in particular in Europe,risk assessment techniques have been used for nearly two decades in many jurisdictions as an additional tool to complement the application of prescriptive guidelines and support decisions related to tunnel safety.After some initial difficulties these methods are meanwhile a well-established element of tunnel safety management.There are several tools available which have been practically applied and further developed over years,such as the Austrian tunnel risk model TuRisMo,or the PIARC owned DG-QRAM model.Whereas TuRisMo is a holistic,system-based model,which is best suited to quantify and assess fire risk and associated mitigation measures,DG-QRAM focusses on the risks related to the transport of hazardous materials.Depending on the objectives and the scope of the investigation and the regulatory environment,tunnel risk assessment tools are in use for different purposes,mainly to demonstrate a sufficient level of safety and to decide on and select(additional)risk mitigation measures.The international experience substantiates that the general approach is flexible and that the methods and tools are mature and can be applied for different problems in different environments.First case studies like the risk study on conditions and permissibility of the transport of hazardous materials through the Eisenhower-Johnson-Memorial Tunnel in Colorado demonstrate the applicability of a risk-based concept for decision making in the US-American environment.展开更多
In this paper, taking AM-50 Road Heaer as an example, the metheds of structural dynamic modification optimization for road headers are studied using experimental modal analysis and physical parameters analysis. The ma...In this paper, taking AM-50 Road Heaer as an example, the metheds of structural dynamic modification optimization for road headers are studied using experimental modal analysis and physical parameters analysis. The machine’s modal model and lumped mass model are established and the vibration response simulation is calculated for the two models with the load spectral measured. On the above basis, the dynamic parameters of the models are optimised and some useful results have been obtained.The research methods in this paper can be used for the reference to the other lager type mining machines.展开更多
Since opening in 2010, The Carmel Tunnels have redirected some of the traffic from within the City of Haifa in Israel. This paper studies the direct and indirect financial and environmental benefits of the Carmel Tunn...Since opening in 2010, The Carmel Tunnels have redirected some of the traffic from within the City of Haifa in Israel. This paper studies the direct and indirect financial and environmental benefits of the Carmel Tunnels compared to alternative routes. Di-rect benefits for drivers include financial savings thanks to savings on time and gas. Indirect benefits for drivers and for the public include reduced air pollution, green-house gas emissions and noise. Results show significant positive benefits from using the Carmel Tunnels compared to various alternative routes (i.e., reference scenarios). During peak hours (8 am and 4 pm), when there is heavy traffic on the alternative routes, the total benefits increase by about 25% - 47%. Using tunnels for transportation allows, among other benefits, efficient use of underground land, redirecting traffic congestion from town centers, decreasing landscape damage due to major roads passing through open spaces, and reducing air pollution in residential areas.展开更多
基金the Changsha Science and Technology Plan 2004081in part by the Science and Technology Program of Hunan Provincial Department of Transportation 202117in part by the Science and Technology Research and Development Program Project of the China Railway Group Limited 2021-Special-08.
文摘The detection of crack defects on the walls of road tunnels is a crucial step in the process of ensuring travel safetyand performing routine tunnel maintenance. The automatic and accurate detection of cracks on the surface of roadtunnels is the key to improving the maintenance efficiency of road tunnels. Machine vision technology combinedwith a deep neural network model is an effective means to realize the localization and identification of crackdefects on the surface of road tunnels.We propose a complete set of automatic inspection methods for identifyingcracks on the walls of road tunnels as a solution to the problem of difficulty in identifying cracks during manualmaintenance. First, a set of equipment applied to the real-time acquisition of high-definition images of walls inroad tunnels is designed. Images of walls in road tunnels are acquired based on the designed equipment, whereimages containing crack defects are manually identified and selected. Subsequently, the training and validationsets used to construct the crack inspection model are obtained based on the acquired images, whereas the regionscontaining cracks and the pixels of the cracks are finely labeled. After that, a crack area sensing module is designedbased on the proposed you only look once version 7 model combined with coordinate attention mechanism (CAYOLOV7) network to locate the crack regions in the road tunnel surface images. Only subimages containingcracks are acquired and sent to the multiscale semantic segmentation module for extraction of the pixels to whichthe cracks belong based on the DeepLab V3+ network. The precision and recall of the crack region localizationon the surface of a road tunnel based on our proposed method are 82.4% and 93.8%, respectively. Moreover, themean intersection over union (MIoU) and pixel accuracy (PA) values for achieving pixel-level detection accuracyare 76.84% and 78.29%, respectively. The experimental results on the dataset show that our proposed two-stagedetection method outperforms other state-of-the-art models in crack region localization and detection. Based onour proposedmethod, the images captured on the surface of a road tunnel can complete crack detection at a speed often frames/second, and the detection accuracy can reach 0.25 mm, which meets the requirements for maintenanceof an actual project. The designed CA-YOLO V7 network enables precise localization of the area to which a crackbelongs in images acquired under different environmental and lighting conditions in road tunnels. The improvedDeepLab V3+ network based on lightweighting is able to extract crack morphology in a given region more quicklywhile maintaining segmentation accuracy. The established model combines defect localization and segmentationmodels for the first time, realizing pixel-level defect localization and extraction on the surface of road tunnelsin complex environments, and is capable of determining the actual size of cracks based on the physical coordinatesystemafter camera calibration. The trainedmodelhas highaccuracy andcanbe extendedandapplied to embeddedcomputing devices for the assessment and repair of damaged areas in different types of road tunnels.
文摘The number of urban underground road tunnels in China is increasing year by year,and health monitoring of tunnels is an effective management method to ensure their structural integrity.However,for shorter underground road tunnel projects,insufficient investment often leads to less frequent application of health monitoring systems.The application of intelligent structural health monitoring means can not only reduce the project cost but also help workers fully understand the actual situation of the tunnel structure.Therefore,this paper analyzes the characteristics,problems,and design of the urban underground road tunnel structural health monitoring system,and discusses the implementation of the urban underground road tunnel structural health monitoring system.
文摘The analysis of the fluid characteristics downstream of a fire source in transportation tunnels is one the most important factor in the emergency response, evacuation, and the rescue service studies. Some crucial parameters can affect the fluid characteristics downstream of the fire. This research develops a statistical analysis on the computational fluid dynamics(CFD) data of the road tunnel fire simulations in order to quantify the significance of tunnel dimensions, inlet air velocity, heat release rate, and the physical fire size(fire perimeter) on the fluid characteristics downstream of the fire source. The selected characteristics of the fluid(response variables) were the average temperature, the average density, the average viscosity, and the average velocity. The prediction of the designed statistical models was assessed; then the significant parameters' effects and the parameters interactive effects on different response variables were determined individually. Next, the effect of computational domain length on the selection of the significant parameters downstream of the fire source was analyzed. In this statistical analysis, the linear models were found to provide the statistically good prediction. The effect of the fire perimeter and the parameters interactive effects on the selected response variables downstream of the fire, were found to be insignificant.
基金Funded by the Doctoral Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China (2000061115)
文摘Road tunnel excavation often traverses coal strata, which is at risk of firedamp explosion that usually results in disaster. Airtight concrete grouting is popularly used in this kind of tunnel project. Based on the essential theory of mechanics of fluids in porous media, the principle of improving concrete airtight property and its influential factors are investigated. The proportioning tests and monitoring method for airtight concrete are introduced, which is illustrated by a case study applied to the project of the Huayinshan Tunnel. It is proved by engineering practices that the achievement of this research work is beneficial to tunneling project across coal strata.
基金Visiting Scholar Foundation of Key Lab. for the Exploitation of Southwestern Resource & the Environmental Disaster Control Engineering in Chongqing University.
文摘an air cleaner employing pulse induced plasma chemical process to remove dust and carbon monoxide (CO) in road tunnels is presented, which is composed of mainly a precipitator, a reactor, a flow control system, a power supply and a measurement system. Its performances are studied in simulated air conditions. It is found that the rate of dust removal is dependent on the voltage of the pulse power, the distance between the two dust collecting plates of the electrostatic precipitator, the effective length of the precipitator and the air flow rate in the precipitator, and that of CO removal is affected by the voltage and frequency of the super pulse power, the air flow rate in the reactor and the relative humidity of air. Applying such an cleaner of a proper design to the treatment of polluted air at a flow rate of 7 m/s can achieve the rate of dust removal up to 93 % and that of CO removal up to 72.6 %, which efficiently controls the concentrations of CO and dust under allowable limits. It is implied that the proposed air cleaner is a potential solution to air control in road tunnels, and is prominent for its performances and saving the huge cost of longitudinal ventilation tunnel or vertical vent and ventilation facilities.
基金Doctoral Funds of Education Ministry of China(2000061115)
文摘In some cases coal measures,goaf,big caves,and huge faults,as well as high initial stress cannot be avoided in road tunnel excavation.These geological features may make it more difficul practical tunnel construction. So it is necessary to take strong precautious measures against gas outburst,water bursting and roof fall in a tunnel across coal measures with risk of gas outburst.The techniques,such as advance drilling exploration,multiple-cycle shallow depth hole controlled blasting,reinforced supporting,which include concrete grouting and twice supporting,and monitoring measures are often applied in the construction of tunnels and satisfied results are achieved. Results in this paper can help others to get experiences in road tunnel construction with similar geological features.
文摘After some tragic fire events,Directive 2004/54/EC was issued to ensure a minimum safety level for tunnels belonging to the Trans-European Road Network longer than 500 m.Nowadays,most of the Italian road tunnels are still not in compliance with the minimum safety requirements,thus refurbishment works are often planned.By developing a traffic macro-simulation model,this paper aims at assessing the resilience of an existing twin-tube motorway tunnel when one of its tubes is partially or completely closed due to planned activities.Several scenarios were investigated,also considering the availability or not of an alternative itinerary in the surrounding transportation network.The average vehicles’speed was used as a functionality parameter,while the resilience metrics were the resilience loss,the recovery speed,and the resilience index.The findings showed higher resilience losses for complete closure rather than partial closure of the tube under planned refurbishment works.The implementation of digital technologies,such as variable message signs,might reduce the resilience loss of the tunnel system.This research might represent a reference for tunnel management agencies in the choice of the most appropriate traffic control strategy to improve tunnel resilience in the event of planned activities.
文摘The Heinenoord Tunnel in The Netherlands connects the Hoeksche Waard Island with the city of Rotterdam.The tunnel is 614 m long,consists of two unidirectional tubes(3 lanes each)and has an average daily traffic load of 92,100 vehicles.The tunnel was opened for traffic in 1969.The structure is basically still sound,but a full refurbishment of the installations and systems is required,because they are end of life.A long closure of the tunnel(or even one tube)is not possible,because alternative routes are scarce and require significant extra travel time,not suitable for the high traffic load.Thus,various scenarios were considered to assure the accessibility of the Hoeksche Waard during the works,scheduled for 2023-2024.Multi-criteria analyses were performed for each scenario,taking into account the total project cost,societal cost(due to extra travel time)and the total required time span for the works.Refurbishment through“parallel assembly”proved to be optimal.This concept means that the new installations and systems are installed next to the current ones,that will remain in service until the end phase of the refurbishment.The existing installations and systems are only dismantled after integral testing has shown that the completed new ones work properly.This approach allows most of the works to be carried out during a series of night and weekend closures of just one tube.This limits nuisance,because one driving direction is always left undisturbed,while the closure for the other driving direction takes place in low-traffic periods.This paper describes the applied method to select the optimal refurbishment approach,as well as the(partly unconventional)measures that are implemented to enhance the resilience of the tunnel system to assure as much availability for traffic as possible,also during future maintenance works.
基金funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51508250)the Science and Technology Project of Department of Transportation of Jilin Province (Grant No. 2018-1-14)+1 种基金the Basic Research Program of the Centric Level, Scientific Research Institutes (Grant No. 20180615)the World Wild Fund for Nature Project (Grant No. P03516)
文摘Road traffic is the main factor causing the decline in amphibian populations worldwide. The proper design of an amphibian tunnel is one of the most efficient measures to mitigate the negative impacts of road traffic on amphibians. However, no study has investigated the effectiveness of amphibian tunnels under semi-controlled conditions in Asian amphibians. Here, we selected two representative amphibian species, the Chinese brown frog, Rana chensinensis, and the Asiatic toad, Bufo gargarizans, which suffer the most severe road mortality along the roads in Northeast China. We placed experimental arrays of culverts of various sizes(diameters of 1.5, 1, and 0.5 m for circular culverts; side lengths of 1.5, 1, and 0.5 m for box culverts), and substrate type(soil, concrete, and metal) to examine the preferences of both species during the migratory season between May and September in 2016 and 2017. The results revealed that the Chinese brown frog preferred mid-and large-sized culverts as well as soil culverts. We concluded that culverts with a side length ≥ 1 m, lined with soil, and accompanied by a ≥ 0.4 m high guide drift fence and ≤ 45° gradient on the roadside ditch wall would best facilitate road crossings for both species and likely for other amphibian species in Northeast China.
文摘In the USA,risk-based decision making has not been a common approach to tunnel safety in the past,but this is changing,as concepts such as“equivalency”in the NFPA 502 framework gain acceptance in the USA and elsewhere.In other regions,in particular in Europe,risk assessment techniques have been used for nearly two decades in many jurisdictions as an additional tool to complement the application of prescriptive guidelines and support decisions related to tunnel safety.After some initial difficulties these methods are meanwhile a well-established element of tunnel safety management.There are several tools available which have been practically applied and further developed over years,such as the Austrian tunnel risk model TuRisMo,or the PIARC owned DG-QRAM model.Whereas TuRisMo is a holistic,system-based model,which is best suited to quantify and assess fire risk and associated mitigation measures,DG-QRAM focusses on the risks related to the transport of hazardous materials.Depending on the objectives and the scope of the investigation and the regulatory environment,tunnel risk assessment tools are in use for different purposes,mainly to demonstrate a sufficient level of safety and to decide on and select(additional)risk mitigation measures.The international experience substantiates that the general approach is flexible and that the methods and tools are mature and can be applied for different problems in different environments.First case studies like the risk study on conditions and permissibility of the transport of hazardous materials through the Eisenhower-Johnson-Memorial Tunnel in Colorado demonstrate the applicability of a risk-based concept for decision making in the US-American environment.
文摘In this paper, taking AM-50 Road Heaer as an example, the metheds of structural dynamic modification optimization for road headers are studied using experimental modal analysis and physical parameters analysis. The machine’s modal model and lumped mass model are established and the vibration response simulation is calculated for the two models with the load spectral measured. On the above basis, the dynamic parameters of the models are optimised and some useful results have been obtained.The research methods in this paper can be used for the reference to the other lager type mining machines.
文摘Since opening in 2010, The Carmel Tunnels have redirected some of the traffic from within the City of Haifa in Israel. This paper studies the direct and indirect financial and environmental benefits of the Carmel Tunnels compared to alternative routes. Di-rect benefits for drivers include financial savings thanks to savings on time and gas. Indirect benefits for drivers and for the public include reduced air pollution, green-house gas emissions and noise. Results show significant positive benefits from using the Carmel Tunnels compared to various alternative routes (i.e., reference scenarios). During peak hours (8 am and 4 pm), when there is heavy traffic on the alternative routes, the total benefits increase by about 25% - 47%. Using tunnels for transportation allows, among other benefits, efficient use of underground land, redirecting traffic congestion from town centers, decreasing landscape damage due to major roads passing through open spaces, and reducing air pollution in residential areas.