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Insights into in-situ imbibition behavior of fracturing fluid in propped shale fractures based on nuclear magnetic resonance:A case study from Longmaxi Formation shale,Sichuan Basin,China
作者 Jing-Jing Guo Kai-Xiang Di +4 位作者 Lie-Hui Zhang Yu-Long Zhao Hui-Ying Tang Rui-Han Zhang Ye Tian 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期410-429,共20页
Shale gas is an important component of unconventional oil and gas resources.Studying the imbibition behavior is helpful to optimize flowback parameters and enhance gas recovery.Recent imbibition studies have focused o... Shale gas is an important component of unconventional oil and gas resources.Studying the imbibition behavior is helpful to optimize flowback parameters and enhance gas recovery.Recent imbibition studies have focused on shale matrix,and the pressure conditions discussed were mostly atmospheric.The initial imbibition behavior begins from propped fractures to matrix,but there are few studies working on explaining the imbibition behavior in propped fractures or the phenomenon of many shale wells exhibit higher productivity after a“soaking”period.Therefore,propped fracture samples were designed for imbibition and migration experiments.In order to accurately study the mechanism and main influencing factors of fracturing fluid imbibition and migration in propped and unpropped shale fractures under high temperature and high pressure,a series of experiments based on nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)were carried out.Results showed that NMR T_(2) spectra of all samples exhibited a bimodal distribution.The final imbibition volume of fracturing fluid was positively related to pressure and fracture width.The imbibition effect of fracturing fluid was more evident in matrix pores under high pressure.In the migration during soaking stage,the fracturing fluid gradually migrated from large pores to small pores and gradually displaced the shale gas from the matrix,thus allowing the water blocking in propped fractures to self-unlock to some extent.Gas permeability decreased in the imbibition stage,while it recovered in the migration stage to some extent. 展开更多
关键词 Forced imbibition Migration SOAKING NMR T_(2)spectra propped fracture Permeability recovery
MC4R和PROP1基因多态性及合并基因型与中国美利奴羊生长性状的关联分析 被引量:14
作者 曾献存 陈韩英 +5 位作者 贾斌 赵宗胜 惠文巧 张文祥 吴洪宾 王尊宝 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期1227-1232,共6页
为了探讨MC4R和PROP1基因作为绵羊生长性状候选基因的可能性,寻找与绵羊生长性状相关的分子标记。本研究采用PCR-SSCP方法检测中国美利奴羊和德国美利奴羊MC4R和PROP1基因的多态性,分析了多态位点不同基因型及合并基因型与中国美利奴羊... 为了探讨MC4R和PROP1基因作为绵羊生长性状候选基因的可能性,寻找与绵羊生长性状相关的分子标记。本研究采用PCR-SSCP方法检测中国美利奴羊和德国美利奴羊MC4R和PROP1基因的多态性,分析了多态位点不同基因型及合并基因型与中国美利奴羊生长性状的关联性。结果表明:MC4R基因MC4R-3位点存在G894C突变,MC4R-4位点3′侧翼区存在A1223G、G1229A和T1307G3个突变位点;PROP1基因在外显子3上存在A2660G突变,导致Thr181Ala改变。关联分析表明,在中国美利奴羊群体中,MC4R-4位点不同基因型个体体斜长和腰角宽差异显著(P<0.05),优良基因型为BB;PROP1基因不同基因型个体尻宽和胸围差异显著(P<0.05),优良基因型为BB;PROP1-MC4R-4优良基因型聚合体BB-BB个体体斜长高于其它合并基因型个体(P<0.05)。结果提示绵羊MC4R和PROP1基因单核苷酸多态性及合并基因型对中国美利奴羊生长性状有一定的影响,可以作为进行绵羊生长性状分子标记辅助选择的候选基因。 展开更多
关键词 绵羊 MC4R基因 prop1基因 合并基因型 生长性状
中国美利奴羊PROP1和PRLR基因的表达分析 被引量:6
作者 曾献存 陈韩英 +3 位作者 贾斌 赵宗胜 惠文巧 王尊宝 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1057-1062,共6页
本研究旨在探讨PROP1和PRLR基因在绵羊不同组织中的表达差异及其发育变化规律。利用荧光实时定量PCR技术分析了PROP1和PRLR基因在中国美利奴成年母羊13种组织中的表达谱信息,并检测了垂体组织中PROP1基因和垂体、卵巢、睾丸和皮肤组织中... 本研究旨在探讨PROP1和PRLR基因在绵羊不同组织中的表达差异及其发育变化规律。利用荧光实时定量PCR技术分析了PROP1和PRLR基因在中国美利奴成年母羊13种组织中的表达谱信息,并检测了垂体组织中PROP1基因和垂体、卵巢、睾丸和皮肤组织中PRLR基因在0、7、14、30、60和90日龄时表达水平的发育变化。结果表明:PROP1基因仅在绵羊垂体组织中表达;而PRLR基因在绵羊各种组织中广泛表达,且在子宫和下丘脑组织中的表达量高于其它组织(P<0.01)。垂体组织中的PROP1基因表达量较低,在7日龄高于30(P<0.01)、14和60日龄(P<0.05)。垂体组织中PRLR基因表达量在30日龄时最高,之后急剧下降,各日龄间无差异(P>0.05);在卵巢组织中从7日龄起呈先下降后上升的趋势,90日龄高于0(P<0.01)、14和30日龄(P<0.05);在睾丸组织中总体呈上升趋势;在皮肤组织中呈现为生长前期高于后期的趋势(P<0.01)。绵羊PROP1和PRLR基因表达存在明显的组织表达差异和发育变化差异;PROP1和PRLR基因的表达可能对绵羊繁殖等性状的发育有一定的调节作用。 展开更多
关键词 中国美利奴羊 prop1基因 PRLR基因 荧光实时定量PCR 组织表达谱 发育变化
硫代磷酸反义寡核苷酸prop5对流感病毒进入细胞的抑制作用 被引量:1
作者 李康 齐向云 +3 位作者 李庆平 夏燕平 杨静 王升启 《国际药学研究杂志》 CAS CSCD 2014年第1期102-107,117,共7页
目的研究硫代磷酸反义寡核苷酸prop5对流感病毒感染进入细胞的影响。方法采用流感病毒感染A549细胞模型,设立随机序列(prop5R)和正义序列(prop5S)作为阴性对照,收集细胞培养液,采用实时荧光定量PCR检测病毒RNA拷贝数,评价反义寡核苷酸... 目的研究硫代磷酸反义寡核苷酸prop5对流感病毒感染进入细胞的影响。方法采用流感病毒感染A549细胞模型,设立随机序列(prop5R)和正义序列(prop5S)作为阴性对照,收集细胞培养液,采用实时荧光定量PCR检测病毒RNA拷贝数,评价反义寡核苷酸对病毒吸附和进入的影响;进一步通过血凝抑制实验检测prop5对流感病毒吸附细胞的影响,溶血抑制实验检测prop5对流感病毒进入细胞的影响。结果 prop5能够抑制流感病毒A/Jingfang/1/86(H1N1)感染A549细胞,对流感病毒吸附细胞过程没有影响,prop5能够抑制A/Jingfang/1/86(H1N1)、A/Lufang/9/93(H3N2)、A/FM/1/47(H1N1)和A/PR/8/34(H1N1)介导的膜融合。结论 prop5能抑制流感病毒进入细胞,这种额外的活性增强了prop5的抗病毒能力。 展开更多
关键词 硫代磷酸反义寡核苷酸 prop5 流感病毒 感染
作者 陈贞龙 王运海 +4 位作者 刘晓 崔彬 杨松 李鑫 房启龙 《煤田地质与勘探》 北大核心 2025年第1期142-151,共10页
【目的和方法】针对深部煤层气储层非均质性强、开发井网部署模式单一、常规水力压裂适用性较差、传统排采周期过长以及低效井占比大等难题,以国内首个深部煤层气田−延川南煤层气效益开发实践为例,力图通过深部煤层气地质工程一体化技... 【目的和方法】针对深部煤层气储层非均质性强、开发井网部署模式单一、常规水力压裂适用性较差、传统排采周期过长以及低效井占比大等难题,以国内首个深部煤层气田−延川南煤层气效益开发实践为例,力图通过深部煤层气地质工程一体化技术的深度融合,形成延川南深部煤层气的高效开发建产模式。【结果和结论】结果表明:(1)延川南深部煤层气田规模化产能建设历经规模建产、技术攻关、创新推广3个开发阶段,形成了“四元耦合”地质工程“双甜点”优选和高效开发地质认识,创立了“有效支撑”压裂理念及储层改造关键配套技术,提出了“四段三稳三控”优快上产排采等针对性技术,平均见气周期由240 d缩短至30 d,单井产量实现大幅提升,定向井单井日产气量达2.0万m3,水平井单井日产气量达6.5万m3。(2)深部煤层气非均质性强、效益开发难度大,产能建设按照“整体部署、分批实施、评建一体、滚动建产”的思路,不断评价调整地质工程“双甜点”区,及时优化开发方案,有效规避低效井成批出现,产能到位率由最初84%提升至100%,经济效益明显提高。(3)立足井位部署−钻完井−储层改造−试气排采−集输处理等气藏全生命周期,遵循地质工程一体化理念,形成了“储量−井网−缝网”相匹配的合理井距,单井动用储量提高30%~50%;建立了“提速+降本”为核心的优快钻完井技术,钻进速度较早期提速34%;提出了“高低压分输+三级增压+站间互通”为内涵的低压集输工艺技术,平台投资降低10.8%、节约用地20%。延川南煤层气田地质工程一体化实践,为深部煤层气产业发展提供了技术支持,具有较好的示范和带动意义。 展开更多
关键词 延川南 深部煤层气 高效开发 有效支撑压裂 地质工程一体化
梅山猪和香猪Prop-1基因的初步比较 被引量:2
作者 龚振明 陈鲁勇 +2 位作者 方心葵 俞沛初 华修国 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第11期14-17,共4页
Prop-1基因编码一种影响垂体前叶发生的转录因子,在人和动物均已发现由于该基因突变而引起的综合性垂体功能障碍,进而影响生长和繁殖。梅山猪和香猪的繁殖力和生长性能差异非常显著,为了了解这些差异的遗传基础,对两种猪的Prop-1基因进... Prop-1基因编码一种影响垂体前叶发生的转录因子,在人和动物均已发现由于该基因突变而引起的综合性垂体功能障碍,进而影响生长和繁殖。梅山猪和香猪的繁殖力和生长性能差异非常显著,为了了解这些差异的遗传基础,对两种猪的Prop-1基因进行了测序和比较。梅山猪Prop-1基因第198密码子为TTG,编码亮氨酸,而香猪为GTG,编码缬氨酸,即两种猪的Prop-1基因产物不同;在Prop-1基因终止密码下游250bp左右有一个腺苷酸丰富区,梅山猪有14个腺苷酸串联,香猪有11个腺苷酸串联。上述结果为进一步研究梅山猪和香猪之间生产性能差异的遗传基础提供了新线索。 展开更多
关键词 畜牧、兽医科学基础学科 prop-1 繁殖力 生长性能 梅山猪 香猪
作者 何莲 黄可翔 +2 位作者 闫大鹏 唐瑞达 丁刚毅 《系统仿真学报》 北大核心 2025年第1期299-310,共12页
在舞台表演中,机械道具数量逐渐增多,给其控制和设计带来了巨大挑战,每次创意修改均需重新彩排,导致了效率低下和对创意修改的敏感性。为解决这些问题,提出了一种群体机械道具的表演行为模型,通过质心生长与三维线性插值生成空间状态,... 在舞台表演中,机械道具数量逐渐增多,给其控制和设计带来了巨大挑战,每次创意修改均需重新彩排,导致了效率低下和对创意修改的敏感性。为解决这些问题,提出了一种群体机械道具的表演行为模型,通过质心生长与三维线性插值生成空间状态,并利用梯度下降在时间维优化状态。通过构建三维仿真实验,对模型中的群体机械道具表演行为规划与优化进行分析,使用相似性评估仿真效果与真实表演效果,说明该模型在真实表演中的有效性,并将其应用于一次表演中,证明了该模型的可行性与先进性。 展开更多
关键词 机械道具 群体控制 控制系统 舞台表演 表演仿真
作者 李康 齐向云 +1 位作者 杨静 王升启 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2013年第6期747-752,共6页
目的:研究硫代反义寡核苷酸prop5在细胞水平的抗流感活性及其作用机制。方法:cy3标记prop5用于考查人肺腺癌细胞A549对硫代反义寡核酸的摄取;利用实时荧光定量PCR检测流感病毒RNA拷贝数,Western印迹检测prop5对PDCD5蛋白表达和caspase-... 目的:研究硫代反义寡核苷酸prop5在细胞水平的抗流感活性及其作用机制。方法:cy3标记prop5用于考查人肺腺癌细胞A549对硫代反义寡核酸的摄取;利用实时荧光定量PCR检测流感病毒RNA拷贝数,Western印迹检测prop5对PDCD5蛋白表达和caspase-3蛋白剪切的抑制;利用间接免疫荧光和Western印迹检测prop5对病毒核糖核蛋白复合体(RNP)出核的影响;利用TUNEL检测prop5对流感病毒引起细胞凋亡的抑制作用。结果:流感病毒感染促进A549细胞摄取prop5;prop5下调感染病毒的A549细胞中PDCD5蛋白的表达,并能抑制流感病毒的复制;prop5抑制流感病毒引起的A549细胞的凋亡;prop5抑制病毒RNP出核。结论:prop5在细胞水平具有抗流感病毒活性,其作用机制可能同抑制RNP出核有关;本研究为进一步探讨宿主-病毒相互作用和抗流感药物开发奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 反义寡核苷酸 prop5 流感病毒 凋亡 核糖核蛋白复合体出核
作者 李彩虹 渠琛玲 +2 位作者 范增炫 任成成 李淼 《粮食与油脂》 北大核心 2025年第1期17-23,30,共8页
采用辉光放电低温等离子体处理玉米种子,研究不同处理条件(工作压强、处理时间)对玉米种子生理特性的影响。结果表明:适当条件的低温等离子体处理可以提高玉米种子发芽率,降低玉米接触角、脂肪酸值,提高超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)过氧化氢酶(C... 采用辉光放电低温等离子体处理玉米种子,研究不同处理条件(工作压强、处理时间)对玉米种子生理特性的影响。结果表明:适当条件的低温等离子体处理可以提高玉米种子发芽率,降低玉米接触角、脂肪酸值,提高超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,降低过氧化物酶(POD)活性,提高抗氧化性,促进玉米生长。 展开更多
关键词 低温等离子体 玉米 生理特性 发芽率 抗氧化性
PROP1与联合垂体激素缺乏症 被引量:2
作者 衡文娜 郭春华 +1 位作者 张晓晖 张重庆 《生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2007年第2期1-4,共4页
垂体特异性转录因子祖先蛋白(PROP l),是成对同源转录因子,在垂体腺中呈特异性表达,参与早期胚胎垂体的发育,因此,PROP1基因对于垂体前叶的发育是必需的。PROP1启动胚胎期垂体特异性转录因子(PIT-1)的起始表达并维持个体出生后的持续表... 垂体特异性转录因子祖先蛋白(PROP l),是成对同源转录因子,在垂体腺中呈特异性表达,参与早期胚胎垂体的发育,因此,PROP1基因对于垂体前叶的发育是必需的。PROP1启动胚胎期垂体特异性转录因子(PIT-1)的起始表达并维持个体出生后的持续表达,且可直接促使PIT-1细胞系的前体分化为促性腺细胞系。其基因突变可使人、鼠患有联合垂体激素缺乏症(CPHD),表现为生长激素(GH)、促乳素(PRL)、促甲状腺素(TSH)以及促黄体激素(LH)、促卵泡激素(FSH)或促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)缺乏,垂体核磁共振成像显示垂体萎缩。在其它哺乳动物中PROP1突变也会引起垂体和性腺激素异常。就PROP1基因的结构与功能,以及与CPHD间的关系作一综述。 展开更多
关键词 联合垂体激素缺乏症 prop1 突变 转录因子
PROPS:一个实用的智能CAD系统辅助工具 被引量:1
作者 梁峥 王介生 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 1993年第1期40-45,共6页
将智能系统与已有(传统)CAD系统相结合,从而使CAD系统智能化,是当前实现智能CAD系统的一条迅速、有效的途径。本文介绍我们设计并实现的智能CAD系统辅助工具PROPS,该系统能将用户编写的智能系统程序编译为容易与已有CAD系统(代码)相结合... 将智能系统与已有(传统)CAD系统相结合,从而使CAD系统智能化,是当前实现智能CAD系统的一条迅速、有效的途径。本文介绍我们设计并实现的智能CAD系统辅助工具PROPS,该系统能将用户编写的智能系统程序编译为容易与已有CAD系统(代码)相结合的C语言代码,并向用户提供丰富的接口命令以调试智能系统、跟踪推理过程,是一个实用的智能CAD系统辅助工具。 展开更多
关键词 CAD 智能系统 propS
小型猪与梅山猪Prop1基因的比较分析 被引量:1
作者 衡文娜 郭春华 +2 位作者 张晓晖 张重庆 陈玉红 《猪业科学》 2007年第7期62-64,共3页
Prop1是一种新发现的参与早期胚胎垂体发育的特异性转录因子。在人和动物均已发现由于该基因突变而引起的综合性垂体功能障碍,进而影响生长和繁殖。小型猪与梅山猪比较,其繁殖力和生长性能差异显著,为了了解这些差异的遗传基础,本试验... Prop1是一种新发现的参与早期胚胎垂体发育的特异性转录因子。在人和动物均已发现由于该基因突变而引起的综合性垂体功能障碍,进而影响生长和繁殖。小型猪与梅山猪比较,其繁殖力和生长性能差异显著,为了了解这些差异的遗传基础,本试验对五指山猪、藏猪和版纳猪3种小型猪的Prop1基因进行克隆测序,并与已知梅山猪的序列进行对比,结果为:五指山猪与藏猪外显子1第69位发生G-A碱基替换,编码同义氨基酸;藏猪外显子2第115位发生A-G碱基替换,编码终止密码子;藏猪与版纳猪外显子3第466位和第631位均发生C-T碱基替换,第466位藏猪编码同义氨基酸;第631位版纳猪编码丝氨酸(TCC),梅山猪编码脯氨酸(CCC),即2种猪的Prop1基因产物不同。在Prop1基因终止密码下游250左右有一个腺苷酸丰富区,五指山猪与藏猪有15个腺苷酸串联,版纳猪有12个。上述结果为进一步研究大猪和小型猪之间生产性能差异的遗传基础提供了新线索。 展开更多
关键词 prop1 繁殖力 生长性能 梅山猪 五指山猪 藏猪 版纳猪
作者 衡文娜 郭春华 +2 位作者 张晓晖 张重庆 陈玉红 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 2007年第5期144-147,共4页
Prop1是一种新发现的参与早期胚胎垂体发育的特异性转录因子。在人和动物均已发现由于该基因突变而引起的综合性垂体功能障碍,进而影响生长和繁殖。小型猪与梅山猪比较,其繁殖力和生长性能差异显著,为了了解这些差异的遗传基础,本试验... Prop1是一种新发现的参与早期胚胎垂体发育的特异性转录因子。在人和动物均已发现由于该基因突变而引起的综合性垂体功能障碍,进而影响生长和繁殖。小型猪与梅山猪比较,其繁殖力和生长性能差异显著,为了了解这些差异的遗传基础,本试验对五指山猪、藏猪和版纳猪三种小型猪的Prop1基因进行克隆测序,并与已知梅山猪的序列进行对比,结果为:五指山猪与藏猪外显子1第69位发生G-A碱基替换,编码同义氨基酸;藏猪外显子2第115位发生A-G碱基替换,编码终止密码子;藏猪与版纳猪外显子3第466位和第631位均发生C-T碱基替换,第466位藏猪编码同义氨基酸;第631位版纳猪编码丝氨酸(TCC),梅山猪编码脯氨酸(CCC),即两种猪的Prop1基因产物不同。在Prop1基因终止密码下游250左右有一个腺苷酸丰富区,五指山猪与藏猪有15个腺苷酸串联,版纳猪有12个。上述结果为进一步研究大猪和小型猪之间生产性能差异的遗传基础提供了新线索。 展开更多
关键词 prop1 繁殖力 生长性能 梅山猪 五指山猪 藏猪 版纳猪
Correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties of columnar crystals in the directionally solidified Mg-Gd-Y-Er alloy 被引量:4
作者 D.R.Fang S.S.Zhao +4 位作者 X.P.Lin T.Chai Y.Kuo H.Sun Y.Dong 《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第3期806-818,共13页
The Mg-4.58Gd-0.45Y-0.01 Er alloys with different volume fractions of columnar crystals in hard orientation(orientation factor ofbasal plane slip system is less than 0.2)were prepared by changing the pulling rate to r... The Mg-4.58Gd-0.45Y-0.01 Er alloys with different volume fractions of columnar crystals in hard orientation(orientation factor ofbasal plane slip system is less than 0.2)were prepared by changing the pulling rate to regulate the crystal growth orientation.Tensile tests were performed on the Mg-4.58Gd-0.45Y-0.01 Er alloy at room temperature,and the structure after deformation was investigated by electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD).Subsequently,the strengthening mechanism of columnar crystals in hard orientation was explored.The results show if orientation factors ofbasal plane slip system of columnar crystals are all greater than 0.4(soft orientation),the alloy has low yield strength σ_(s)(64 MPa),but great work hardening ability,and ultimate tensile strength σ_(b) and elongationδare 114 MPa and 37.3%,respectively.If orientation factors ofbasal plane slip system of columnar crystals are all less than 0.2(hard orientation),the alloy has high strength(σ_(s),125 MPa),but poor plasticity(δ,6.32%).If the"hard orientation"and the"soft orientation"columnar crystals are arranged alternately along the direction perpendicular to the crystal growth,the alloy has both superior strength(σ_(s),102 MPa)and excellent plasticity(δ,22.5%)at room temperature.The improved comprehensive mechanical property can be attributed to two factors.On the one hand,the"hard orientation"columnar crystals can prevent the"soft orientation"crystals deforming,so the strength is improved.On the other hand,the"hard orientation"columnar crystals themselves can withstand a certain amount of deformation to retain appropriate plasticity. 展开更多
关键词 Directional solidification Mg-Gd-Y-Er alloy Hard orientation Mechanical prop
Numerical modeling on strain energy evolution in rock system interaction with energy-absorbing prop and rock bolt 被引量:4
作者 Yang Hao Chunhui Liu +4 位作者 Yu Wu Hai Pu Yanlong Chen Lingling Shen Guichen Li 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第10期1273-1288,共16页
The interaction mechanism between coal and rock masses with supporting materials is significant in roadway control, especially in deep underground mining situations where dynamic hazards frequently happened due to hig... The interaction mechanism between coal and rock masses with supporting materials is significant in roadway control, especially in deep underground mining situations where dynamic hazards frequently happened due to high geo-stress and strong disturbed effects. This paper is to investigate the strain energy evolution in the interaction between coal and rock masses with self-designed energy-absorbing props and rock bolts by numerical modeling with the finite difference method. The interaction between rock and rock bolt/prop is accomplished by the cables element and the interface between the inner and outer props. Roadway excavation and coal extraction conditions in deep mining are numerically employed to investigate deformation, plastic zone ranges, strain energy input, accumulation, dissipation,and release. The effect on strain energy input, accumulation, dissipation, and release with rock deformation, and the plastic zone is addressed. A ratio of strain energy accumulation, dissipation, and release with energy input a, β, γ is to assess the dynamic hazards. The effects on roadway excavation and coal extraction steps of a, β, γ are discussed. The results show that:(1) In deep high geo-stress roadways, the energyabsorbing support system plays a dual role in resisting deformation and reducing the scope of plastic zones in surrounding rock, as well as absorbing energy release in the surrounding rock, especially in the coal extraction state to mitigate disturbed effects.(2) The strain energy input, accumulation is dependent on roadway deformation, the strain energy dissipation is relied on plastic zone area and disturbed effects, and strain energy release density is the difference among the three. The function of energyabsorbing rock bolts and props play a key role to mitigate strain energy release density and amount, especially in coal extraction condition, with a peak density value from 4×10^(4) to 1×10^(4)J/m^(3), and amount value from 3.57×10^(8) to 1.90×10^(6)J.(3) When mining is advanced in small steps, the strain energy accumulation is dominated. While in a large step, the released energy is dominant, thus a more dynamic hazards proneness. The energy-absorbing rock bolt and prop can reduce three times strain energy release amount, thus reducing the dynamic hazards. The results suggest that energy-absorbing props and rock bolts can effectively reduce the strain energy in the coal and rock masses, and prevent rock bursts and other hazards.The numerical model developed in this study can also be used to optimize the design of energyabsorbing props and rock bolts for specific mining conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Strain energy Coal and rock mass Energy-absorbing prop and rock bolt Strain energy evolution
Determination of the load bearing capacity of pre-stressed expandable props for ground support in underground mines 被引量:2
作者 Kunmeng Li Kaiyuan Jiang +3 位作者 Yuanhui Li Xin Wang Kai Liu Shuai Xu 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第8期977-990,共14页
This paper aims to determine the load bearing capacity of pre-stressed expandable props with different geometries and load eccentricities for flexible support in underground mining or excavation.It is deduced that the... This paper aims to determine the load bearing capacity of pre-stressed expandable props with different geometries and load eccentricities for flexible support in underground mining or excavation.It is deduced that the expandable device could have much higher strength(>89 MPa)by laboratory tests,and the load bearing capacity of the expandable prop may depend on the stability of the supporting steel pipe structure.A good agreement was found between the laboratory test and numerical results in terms of the load bearing capacity and the final macro-bending failure pattern for expandable props with heights of 1.5 and 2.7 m,and the theoretical calculation for the strength of traditional steel structures is not directly suitable for the expandable props.Moreover,additional numerical simulations were performed for the expandable props with different normalized slenderness ratiosλ_(n)and loading eccentric distances e.The variation of stability coefficient of the expandable prop is in line with the Perry-Robertson equation and its correlation coefficients are fitted as a of 0.979 and b of 0.314.For estimating the load bearing capacity of the expandable props,the strength equation for traditional steel structures is improved by introducing a bending magnification factor and by modifying the normalized slenderness ratio to a converted slenderness ratio.Based on the underground field monitoring for the strength of expandable props with different heights,the empirical eccentric distances were back calculated,and a safety factor is introduced to obtain the designed strength of the expandable prop.In addition,a four-step design procedure is proposed for the expandable prop. 展开更多
关键词 Pillar stability Load bearing capacity Expandable prop Slenderness ratio Eccentric distance
Investigation of mechanical properties of twin gold crystal nanowires under uniaxial load by molecular dynamics method 被引量:1
作者 张国伟 杨在林 罗刚 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第8期279-283,共5页
Twin gold crystal nanowires, whose loading direction is parallel to the twin boundary orientation, are simulated.We calculate the nanowires under tensile or compressive loads, different length nanowires, and different... Twin gold crystal nanowires, whose loading direction is parallel to the twin boundary orientation, are simulated.We calculate the nanowires under tensile or compressive loads, different length nanowires, and different twin boundary nanowires respectively. The Young modulus of nanowires under compressive load is about twice that under tensile load.The compressive properties of twin gold nanowires are superior to their tensile properties. For different length nanowires,there is a critical value of length with respect to the mechanical properties. When the length of nanowire is greater than the critical value, its mechanical properties are sensitive to length. The twin boundary spacing hardly affects the mechanical properties. 展开更多
关键词 molecular dynamics twinned crystal boundary gold nanowires uniaxial load mechanical prop-erties
作者 祁东安 《大观周刊》 2012年第49期99-99,共1页
PROPS是The Project for Project Steering (指导项目运作的项目)的首字母缩写。
关键词 项目管理利器 propS 项目管理模型 管理学
China’s Economic Diplomacy:China’s radiant expo boom is propelling regional economic development
作者 Hao Nan 《China Report ASEAN》 2020年第1期56-59,共4页
As charted by the recently concluded Central Economic Work Conference,the Chinese government has a mandate to overcome structural difficulties embedded in the current critical phase of the country’s economic transfor... As charted by the recently concluded Central Economic Work Conference,the Chinese government has a mandate to overcome structural difficulties embedded in the current critical phase of the country’s economic transformation.Though the word“stability”was designated as the end goal for next year’s economic work,promoting further opening-up and reform along with various ongoing economic programs across the country has also been stressed. 展开更多
关键词 prop OVERCOME stability
Structural, electrical, and optical properties of ZnInO alloy thin films
作者 才玺坤 原子健 +4 位作者 朱夏明 王雄 张兵坡 邱东江 吴惠桢 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第10期340-344,共5页
Indium zinc oxide (IZO) thin films with different percentages of In content (In/[In+Zn]) are synthesized on glass substrates by magnetron sputtering, and the structural, electrical and optical properties of IZO t... Indium zinc oxide (IZO) thin films with different percentages of In content (In/[In+Zn]) are synthesized on glass substrates by magnetron sputtering, and the structural, electrical and optical properties of IZO thin films deposited at different In2O3 target powers are investigated. IZO thin films grown at different In2O3 target sputtering powers show evident morphological variation and different grain sizes. As the In2O3 sputtering power rises, the grain size becomes larger and electrical mobility increases. The film grown with an In2O3 target power of 100 W displays the highest electrical mobility of 13.5 cm.V-1-s-1 and the lowest resistivity of 2.4× 10^-3 Ω.cm. The average optical transmittance of the IZO thin film in the visible region reaches 80% and the band gap broadens with the increase of In2O3 target power, which is attributed to the increase in carrier concentration and is in accordance with Burstein-Moss shift theory. 展开更多
关键词 indium-zinc oxide magnetron sputtering In content optical properties electrical prop-erties
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