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腹膜透析患者退出及死亡原因分析 被引量:6
作者 段丽萍 郑朝霞 +1 位作者 李娟 袁铮 《临床肾脏病杂志》 2013年第8期354-357,共4页
目的探讨腹膜透析患者退出原因及死亡原因并分析对策。方法回顾性分析邯郸市中心医院腹膜透析中心2007年1月至2011年12月的腹膜透析患者资料,统计例数,分析退出原因及死亡原因。结果共有109例患者退出腹膜透析,退出的主要原因是死亡6... 目的探讨腹膜透析患者退出原因及死亡原因并分析对策。方法回顾性分析邯郸市中心医院腹膜透析中心2007年1月至2011年12月的腹膜透析患者资料,统计例数,分析退出原因及死亡原因。结果共有109例患者退出腹膜透析,退出的主要原因是死亡63例(占57.8%),其次为。肾移植5例(占4.6%)、转血液透析9例(占8.3%)、其他32例(占29.4%,因经济原因放弃、转院及失访)。原发病为糖尿病患者的病死率为74.3%(26/35),高血压患者为70.0%(21/30),均显著高于慢性肾炎患者的32.4%(12/37)(P均〈O.05),前两者间的差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。死亡的首位原因是心血管事件23例(占36.5%),其余依次是脑血管事件13例(占20.6%)、感染11例(肺部感染和腹腔感染,占17.5%)、营养不良11例(占17.5%)、呼吸系统疾病3例(占4.8%)、肿瘤2例(占3.2%)。其中透析开始前合并心功能不全的病死率高,存在残余。肾功能的透析患者病死率低,两者与肾移植组比较,差异有统计学意义(P均do.05)。研究期间腹膜透析患者共发生腹膜炎75例,操作不当38例(占50.7%),腹泻25例(占33.3%),重复用帽7例(占9.3%),隧道炎2例(占2.7%),便秘1例(占1.3%),尿路感染1例(占1.3%),使用国产腹膜透析液1例(占1.3%)。结论死亡是持续性不卧床腹膜透析(continuousambulatoryperitonealdialysis,CAPD)患者退出腹膜透析的主要原因,患者死亡的主要原因为心脑血管病和感染。高龄、糖尿病、残余肾功能差、血压、营养不良、感染和透析前心功能状况是影响患者生存的危险因素。 展开更多
关键词 腹膜透析 死亡原因 腹膜炎 退出原因 心血管系统
多丢包不确定离散系统的鲁棒Kalman滤波 被引量:13
作者 郭戈 王宝凤 《自动化学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期767-772,共6页
研究了同时具有不确定性和多丢包情况下的离散时变系统的鲁棒滤波问题,其中的不确定性是时变的、范数有界的,且存在于系统的状态矩阵和输出矩阵中.通过把多丢包问题建模成系统模型中的随机参数,在允许的不确定性情况下,给出了估计误差... 研究了同时具有不确定性和多丢包情况下的离散时变系统的鲁棒滤波问题,其中的不确定性是时变的、范数有界的,且存在于系统的状态矩阵和输出矩阵中.通过把多丢包问题建模成系统模型中的随机参数,在允许的不确定性情况下,给出了估计误差方差的上界,并进一步基于矩阵范数的意义最小化该上界.结果表明,通过求解两个Riccati差分方程,可以设计鲁棒滤波器.最后,提出适合在线计算的鲁棒滤波算法,并通过仿真实例表明所提算法的有效性和实用性. 展开更多
关键词 参数不确定性 多丢包 鲁棒估计 网络控制系统
作者 赵晖 徐栋麟 +3 位作者 潘莎 杨柯 任俊彦 章倩苓 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期260-265,共6页
设计了一种电流可调的CMOS电荷泵电路 ,其中采用了带隙基准源、低drop out调压器及电容式直流 直流电压升压器为电荷泵电路提供电源电压 ,此电压不受外部供电电压及温度变化的影响 ;同时 ,电荷泵电路中的参考电流源本身也对温度变化不... 设计了一种电流可调的CMOS电荷泵电路 ,其中采用了带隙基准源、低drop out调压器及电容式直流 直流电压升压器为电荷泵电路提供电源电压 ,此电压不受外部供电电压及温度变化的影响 ;同时 ,电荷泵电路中的参考电流源本身也对温度变化不敏感 .电路设计采用 0 18μm 1 8V标准的数字CMOS工艺 .模拟结果表明电路性能令人满意 . 展开更多
关键词 电流可调 电荷泵 带隙基准源 drop-out调压器 电容式直流-直流电压升压器 电路设计 CMOS
新私塾教育的未来——从“失学儿童”救助制度谈起 被引量:1
作者 向前 《行政与法》 2012年第4期50-53,共4页
新私塾教育所引发的"失学而不失教"的"失学"状态,相较于传统失学儿童案中单纯"辍学"状态有着本质的区别;同时,新私塾教育的存在及发展也引起了人们对体制内"学校教育"的质疑。为此,以维护"... 新私塾教育所引发的"失学而不失教"的"失学"状态,相较于传统失学儿童案中单纯"辍学"状态有着本质的区别;同时,新私塾教育的存在及发展也引起了人们对体制内"学校教育"的质疑。为此,以维护"体制内"教育为最高宗旨的传统失学儿童救助制度,因无法解决私塾教育所带来的人们对教育个性化的"合理"要求所产生的"合法性"纠纷而丧失了当然的正当性。本文认为,加强对私塾教育规范化的管理而非一味地排斥私塾教育才是解决问题的关键。 展开更多
关键词 私塾教育 失学儿童 规范化 救助制度
高校退学制度的历史演进及价值嬗变 被引量:1
作者 杨向卫 仵桂荣 《法学教育研究》 CSSCI 2018年第2期333-348,共16页
新中国成立以来,高校退学制度经历了初创、发展和完善三个阶段,退学事由从繁至简,定型为学业不达标、复学未申请或审查不合格、疾病伤残、缺席教学活动、未按期注册、本人申请等;而退学程序从简至繁,建立了学校退学决定与申诉机构,明确... 新中国成立以来,高校退学制度经历了初创、发展和完善三个阶段,退学事由从繁至简,定型为学业不达标、复学未申请或审查不合格、疾病伤残、缺席教学活动、未按期注册、本人申请等;而退学程序从简至繁,建立了学校退学决定与申诉机构,明确了申诉时效、申诉时限以及校外申诉处理类型等。这些变化反映了退学制度由"国家需要"向"学生权利","政府教育管理权"向"高校办学自主权","重实体、轻程序"向"轻实体、重程序","有法可依"向"科学立法"的价值变迁趋势。为此,未来高校退学制度建设应该着力于健全退学机构、创新退学制度内容以及保障退学权合法行使等,不断提升依法依章程治校水平。 展开更多
关键词 高校 退学 历史演进 价值取向
作者 王敏生 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1993年第9期701-706,共6页
关键词 网络工程 数据库 容错模型
Selection tool alpha-fetoprotein for patients waiting for liver transplantation: How to easily manage a fractal algorithm 被引量:3
作者 Quirino Lai Giovanni Battista Levi Sandri Jan Lerut 《World Journal of Hepatology》 CAS 2015年第15期1899-1904,共6页
Alpha-fetoprotein(AFP) behavior in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) waiting for liver transplant(LT) represents a perfect biological example of a fractal model in which its progressive modification and poss... Alpha-fetoprotein(AFP) behavior in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) waiting for liver transplant(LT) represents a perfect biological example of a fractal model in which its progressive modification and possible future prediction of its values are very hard to capture. As a consequence, AFP represents a useful but poorly manageable tool to increase the ability to better select HCC patients waiting for LT. Trying to find a "filrouge" in the recent literature, no definitive answers can be done to several open questions:(1) the best AFP value to adopt;(2) the best cut-off measurement; and(3) the best way to comfortably capture the effective, time-related, fluctuations of this biological marker. More, structured and prospective, studies using serial determination of AFP values within and without the context of locoregional therapies are needed in order to find the "ideal"(static and dynamic) cut-off values allowing to respond to all the still open questions in this field of transplant oncology. 展开更多
关键词 ALPHA-FETOPROTEIN Hepatocellular cancer MILAN criteria RECURRENCE drop-out
An Optimized Deep Residual Network with a Depth Concatenated Block for Handwritten Characters Classification 被引量:3
作者 Gibrael Abosamra Hadi Oqaibi 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2021年第7期1-28,共28页
Even though much advancements have been achieved with regards to the recognition of handwritten characters,researchers still face difficulties with the handwritten character recognition problem,especially with the adv... Even though much advancements have been achieved with regards to the recognition of handwritten characters,researchers still face difficulties with the handwritten character recognition problem,especially with the advent of new datasets like the Extended Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology dataset(EMNIST).The EMNIST dataset represents a challenge for both machine-learning and deep-learning techniques due to inter-class similarity and intra-class variability.Inter-class similarity exists because of the similarity between the shapes of certain characters in the dataset.The presence of intra-class variability is mainly due to different shapes written by different writers for the same character.In this research,we have optimized a deep residual network to achieve higher accuracy vs.the published state-of-the-art results.This approach is mainly based on the prebuilt deep residual network model ResNet18,whose architecture has been enhanced by using the optimal number of residual blocks and the optimal size of the receptive field of the first convolutional filter,the replacement of the first max-pooling filter by an average pooling filter,and the addition of a drop-out layer before the fully connected layer.A distinctive modification has been introduced by replacing the final addition layer with a depth concatenation layer,which resulted in a novel deep architecture having higher accuracy vs.the pure residual architecture.Moreover,the dataset images’sizes have been adjusted to optimize their visibility in the network.Finally,by tuning the training hyperparameters and using rotation and shear augmentations,the proposed model outperformed the state-of-the-art models by achieving average accuracies of 95.91%and 90.90%for the Letters and Balanced dataset sections,respectively.Furthermore,the average accuracies were improved to 95.9%and 91.06%for the Letters and Balanced sections,respectively,by using a group of 5 instances of the trained models and averaging the output class probabilities. 展开更多
关键词 Handwritten character classification deep convolutional neural networks residual networks GoogLeNet ResNet18 DenseNet drop-out L2 regularization factor learning rate
新型跌落式熔断器接线端子的研制与应用 被引量:6
作者 晏书宾 《现代电子技术》 2012年第24期168-169,172,共3页
为了提高配电网供电可靠性,针对目前6~10kV配电系统中线路支线和配电变压器普遍采用的跌落式熔断器,存在的在频繁大风地区易出现接线端子与上、下引线间铜铝过渡设备线夹或铜铝过渡线鼻子易发生断裂缺陷的现象,根据多年的现场应用经验... 为了提高配电网供电可靠性,针对目前6~10kV配电系统中线路支线和配电变压器普遍采用的跌落式熔断器,存在的在频繁大风地区易出现接线端子与上、下引线间铜铝过渡设备线夹或铜铝过渡线鼻子易发生断裂缺陷的现象,根据多年的现场应用经验总结,研制了一种跌落式熔断器接线端子的设计方案,经在多个现场供配电线路中实用,应用效果表明,可极大地提高施工效率,提高供电线路运行可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 跌落式熔断器 接线端子 配电系统 新装置研制
Reasons for discontinuation of sildenafil citrate after successful restoration of erectile function 被引量:1
作者 Hwancheol Son Kwanjin Park +1 位作者 Soo-Woong Kim Jae-Seung Paick 《Asian Journal of Andrology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期117-120,共4页
Aim: To investigate the reasons for discontinuations of sildenafil after the successful restoration of erectile function. Methods: One hundred fifty six patients, whose scores of erectile function domain of the 15-ite... Aim: To investigate the reasons for discontinuations of sildenafil after the successful restoration of erectile function. Methods: One hundred fifty six patients, whose scores of erectile function domain of the 15-item International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) increased to 26 or more after sildenafil medication, were included in this study. Six-months after the first sildenafil prescription, compliance to medication and the reason for discontinuity were reviewed by chart or surveyed by telephone. Results: Fifty-four (34.6%) of the 156 successfully treated patients discontinued sildenafil medication. The r easons for discontinuance were shortcomings in the partners' or patients' emotional readiness for the restoration of sexual life after long-term abstinence (37.0%), fear of possible side effects (18.5 %), recovery of spontaneous erection (14.8 %), postponement of ED treatment because of co morbid disease treatment (11.1%), unwillingness to accept drug-dependent erection (7.4%), high drug cost (3.7%), unacceptability of planned sexual activity (3.7%) and lack of sexual interesi (3.7%). Conclusion: The reasons for discontinuing sildenafil medication were primarily emotional or relationship-oriented, which indicates that simple recovery of a rigid erection is insufficient to restore sexual activity. More education about the effects of drug and the counseling of both partners is recommended to promote the successful recovery of sexual activity. 展开更多
关键词 SILDENAFIL erectile dysfunction drop-out DISCONTINUATION
火力发电厂输煤系统落煤管设计存在的问题及解决措施 被引量:2
作者 杨海山 林传荣 高明园 《黑龙江电力》 CAS 2003年第2期127-129,共3页
火力发电厂输煤系统在燃煤转运过程中,经常出现因落煤点不正引起胶带运输机跑偏的问题。目前设计选用的落煤管截面偏大,不能使煤流对准受料胶带机中心线,从而产生侧向力引起胶带跑偏。经分析计算,提出目前在设计选用落煤管截面尺寸时可... 火力发电厂输煤系统在燃煤转运过程中,经常出现因落煤点不正引起胶带运输机跑偏的问题。目前设计选用的落煤管截面偏大,不能使煤流对准受料胶带机中心线,从而产生侧向力引起胶带跑偏。经分析计算,提出目前在设计选用落煤管截面尺寸时可采用缩小落煤管截面并改变其出口形状,可以使转运煤流尽量趋于受料胶带机中心线,可以从根本上解决因落煤点不正引起的跑偏问题。 展开更多
关键词 火力发电厂 输煤系统 落煤管 设计
Course Drop-out Prediction on MOOC Platform via Clustering and Tensor Completion 被引量:5
作者 Jinzhi Liao Jiuyang Tang Xiang Zhao 《Tsinghua Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第4期412-422,共11页
As a supplement to traditional education, online courses offer people, regardless of their age, gender, or profession, the chance to access state-of-the-art knowledge. Nonetheless, despite the large number of students... As a supplement to traditional education, online courses offer people, regardless of their age, gender, or profession, the chance to access state-of-the-art knowledge. Nonetheless, despite the large number of students who choose to begin online courses, it is easy to observe that quite a few of them drop out in the middle, and information on this is vital for course organizers to improve their curriculum outlines. In this work, in order to make a precise prediction of the drop-out rate, we propose a combined method MOOP, which consists of a global tensor and local tensor to express all available feature aspects. Specifically, the global tensor structure is proposed to model the data of the online courses, while a local tensor is clustered to capture the inner connection of courses. Consequently, drop-out prediction is achieved by adopting a high-accuracy low-rank tensor completion method, equipped with a pigeon-inspired algorithm to optimize the parameters. The proposed method is empirically evaluated on real-world Massive Open Online Courses(MOOC) data, and is demonstrated to offer remarkable superiority over alternatives in terms of efficiency and accuracy. 展开更多
对高校弹性学制下大学生休学创业的思考 被引量:2
作者 王凯 《创新创业理论研究与实践》 2018年第12期118-119,共2页
伴随着国内高校生源扩招的人数不断地扩大,当前国内的大学生就业难度变得越来越高。虽然国家以及教育部门做出了多次的调整,但是所获得的效果并不理想。在2017年下半年国家教育部出台了《关于深化高等学校创新创业教育改革的建议》(以... 伴随着国内高校生源扩招的人数不断地扩大,当前国内的大学生就业难度变得越来越高。虽然国家以及教育部门做出了多次的调整,但是所获得的效果并不理想。在2017年下半年国家教育部出台了《关于深化高等学校创新创业教育改革的建议》(以下简称《建议》),在《建议》当中着重强调了当前国内高校应当要重视高校创新创业工作的建设,并对学生业进程进行适当地调整,通过保留学籍的方式来支持学生创新创业。 展开更多
关键词 高校弹性学制 休学创业 思考策略
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