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作者 侯华 程萌 +2 位作者 黄鼎盛 郭胜杰 王天昊 《计算机应用与软件》 北大核心 2024年第6期282-286,共5页
针对应用在无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)中的全球定位系统/惯性导航系统(GPS/INS)松组合导航非线性系统受到外界噪声干扰导致量测噪声在滤波时不断变化,从而造成滤波精度下降等问题,提出一种变分贝叶斯扩展卡尔曼滤波(VB-EKF)... 针对应用在无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)中的全球定位系统/惯性导航系统(GPS/INS)松组合导航非线性系统受到外界噪声干扰导致量测噪声在滤波时不断变化,从而造成滤波精度下降等问题,提出一种变分贝叶斯扩展卡尔曼滤波(VB-EKF)算法。该算法利用EKF(Extended Kalman Filter)将非线性系统中的状态函数和量测函数展开为线性方程,并将两个不同的导航系统数据进行融合,避免了单系统导航定位发散的问题。考虑到组合系统中量测噪声的时变特性,引入变分贝叶斯算法进行改进,有效解决了系统滤波精度下降问题。仿真结果表明,VB-EKF较EKF算法可有效提高滤波稳定性,进而提高系统导航定位精度。 展开更多
关键词 无人机 全球定位系统 惯性导航系统 组合导航 变分贝叶斯 扩展卡尔曼滤波
作者 刘建业 孙永荣 +1 位作者 何秀凤 袁信 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第2期14-20,共7页
讨论了应用卡尔曼滤波器的GPS/INS组合导航系统,其中包括理论、方案与实际的INS和GPS接收机的结合,研究的重点是对系统误差的建模及组合的实现,以及松组合和紧组合等各种组合方式等。该GPS/INS组合导航开发系统... 讨论了应用卡尔曼滤波器的GPS/INS组合导航系统,其中包括理论、方案与实际的INS和GPS接收机的结合,研究的重点是对系统误差的建模及组合的实现,以及松组合和紧组合等各种组合方式等。该GPS/INS组合导航开发系统,可以有效和经济地用于组合导航系统的研究和设计,在实际应用中起到了非常有效的作用。该系统不仅仅是一个计算机辅助设计软件,而且可以对实际获得的惯导和GPS数据进行半物理仿真。开发系统的核心软件可以方便地转换成实际组合系统中的工程应用软件。应用结果表明,开发系统的设计思想和组合方案是成功的,可以取得良好的导航结果。 展开更多
关键词 组合导航系统 惯性导航 卡尔曼滤波器 导航计算机 全球卫星定位系统
Ground Alignment of Inertial Navigation System with the Aid of GPS Signals 被引量:2
作者 冯绍军 胡国辉 袁信 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 1998年第2期81-85,共5页
惯性导航系统地面初始对准是惯导系统的关键技术之一,由于系统的观测性弱,仅水平对准效果好,而方位对准效果较差.针对这一问题,本文提出采用双天线将GPS载波相位作为外部参考信号引入惯导系统地面对准,和惯导系统相组合共同完... 惯性导航系统地面初始对准是惯导系统的关键技术之一,由于系统的观测性弱,仅水平对准效果好,而方位对准效果较差.针对这一问题,本文提出采用双天线将GPS载波相位作为外部参考信号引入惯导系统地面对准,和惯导系统相组合共同完成初始对准.仿真结果表明,组合对准不仅能使方位快速对准,而且还能提高水平对准的精度,同时可对陀螺漂移作出快速估计. 展开更多
关键词 惯性导航系统 初始对准 观测性 gps 载波相位
作者 彭华东 乔书波 杨显赐 《时间频率学报》 CSCD 2024年第1期62-71,共10页
为了分析当前GPS(Global Positioning System)、Galileo(Galileo Navigation Satellite System)和BDS-3(Beidou Navigation Satellite System with Global Coverage)广播星历的精度,详细分析研究了各种偏差改正及消除方法,并尽可能地消... 为了分析当前GPS(Global Positioning System)、Galileo(Galileo Navigation Satellite System)和BDS-3(Beidou Navigation Satellite System with Global Coverage)广播星历的精度,详细分析研究了各种偏差改正及消除方法,并尽可能地消除了系统误差和粗差对评估结果的影响。选取2021-11-01/12-31共61天MGEX(multi-GNSS experiment)发布的多系统混合广播星历与武汉大学分析中心发布的事后精密星历数据进行实验,对GPS、Galileo和BDS-3近期广播星历精度进行对比分析,实验结果表明:3个系统广播星历整体精度由高到低依次是Galileo、BDS-3和GPS,其空间信号测距误差的RMS(root mean square)分别优于0.17、0.25和0.37 m,整体轨道精度的RMS分别优于0.17、0.12和0.25 m,BDS-3广播星历的轨道精度最高,钟差误差的RMS分别优于0.15、0.23和0.27 m,Galileo广播星历的钟差精度最高。对于GPS卫星的广播星历,blockⅢA卫星钟差和轨道精度均优于其他GPS类型卫星。 展开更多
关键词 全球定位系统 伽利略卫星导航系统 北斗三号卫星导航系统 广播星历 轨道精度 钟差精度
作者 郭妍 曹聚亮 +1 位作者 唐康华 耿兴寿 《信息对抗技术》 2024年第3期79-86,共8页
随着微惯性导航系统技术的发展,越来越多的无人平台装备了GPS/INS组合导航终端并具备了一定的抗欺骗能力,但现有的卫星导航欺骗方法难以满足对欺骗目标任意方向的位置驱离需求。为解决这一问题,提出了一种GPS/INS组合导航终端的全向位... 随着微惯性导航系统技术的发展,越来越多的无人平台装备了GPS/INS组合导航终端并具备了一定的抗欺骗能力,但现有的卫星导航欺骗方法难以满足对欺骗目标任意方向的位置驱离需求。为解决这一问题,提出了一种GPS/INS组合导航终端的全向位置驱离算法,可用于对非法无人平台管控的场景。该方法以卫星欺骗信号的设计为突破口,首先分析了卫星导航欺骗对组合导航位置和状态参数的影响,接着将卫星导航欺骗对组合导航状态参数的影响量作为求取欺骗信号的约束条件,进而确定位置驱离所需卫星欺骗信号的欺骗量,接着利用确定的欺骗量建立全向位置驱离模型,最终利用建立的模型生成对应的欺骗信号实现对组合导航终端的全向位置驱离任务。试验验证了本文设计的算法能够实现对组合导航终端360°任意方向的位置驱离。 展开更多
关键词 导航欺骗 全向位置驱离 卫星欺骗信号 gps/INS组合导航 导航对抗
作者 王鹏 赵宏亮 郭宏 《计量与测试技术》 2024年第4期31-34,39,共5页
为解决手持GPS量值溯源难题,本文从基线场观测墩固定间距直接比较法、观测墩坐标点法及室内便携式导航信号源法,对手持GPS导航及定位精度进行研究分析。实验证明:基线场观测墩固定间距比较法可将其控制在±5m以内;观测墩坐标点法受... 为解决手持GPS量值溯源难题,本文从基线场观测墩固定间距直接比较法、观测墩坐标点法及室内便携式导航信号源法,对手持GPS导航及定位精度进行研究分析。实验证明:基线场观测墩固定间距比较法可将其控制在±5m以内;观测墩坐标点法受外界环境条件影响较大,造成测量精度(±10m以内)明显下降;室内便携式导航信号源法受外界环境条件影响较小,测量精度较高,且控制在±3m以内,满足精度等级±5m检测需求。 展开更多
关键词 计量学 手持gps 北斗导航 定位精度 坐标转换
作者 阮国奇 何伦保 《导航定位学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期124-129,共6页
为了改善单卫星导航系统由于卫星数量较少,导致定位误差高的问题,设计全球定位系统(GPS)/北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)组合导航系统的精密单点定位模型:线性组合处理GPS与BDS的伪距和载波相位观测值,并构建GPS/BDS组合导航系统的组合观测值;... 为了改善单卫星导航系统由于卫星数量较少,导致定位误差高的问题,设计全球定位系统(GPS)/北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)组合导航系统的精密单点定位模型:线性组合处理GPS与BDS的伪距和载波相位观测值,并构建GPS/BDS组合导航系统的组合观测值;接下来利用协方差成形自适应卡尔曼滤波方法,对组合导航系统导航过程中的卫星钟差、电离层延迟等误差实施滤波;再利用滤波处理后组合导航系统的广播星历,获取卫星轨道以及钟差;然后利用经验模型修正对流层延迟,获取相位观测值与伪距的综合改正数;最后利用综合改正数修正组合导航系统的观测方程,构建精密单点定位模型。实验结果表明,GPS/BDS组合导航系统采用所构建模型进行精密单点定位,不同方向定位误差均低于10 cm,证明了提出模型的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 全球定位系统(gps)/北斗卫星导航系统(BDS) 组合导航系统 精密单点定位模型 对流层延迟 相位观测值
作者 王轲 张健铤 +2 位作者 商晓燕 吴振伟 王志涛 《通信与信息技术》 2024年第4期97-101,共5页
为了保持国际竞争力的同时满足全球范围内不断增长的PNT服务需求,美国不断进行现代化全球定位系统(GPS)的升级改造,2020年启用并播发新的民用信号L1C就是重点改造内容之一。针对新形势下日趋激烈的频谱资源竞争环境,在对GPS四个民用信... 为了保持国际竞争力的同时满足全球范围内不断增长的PNT服务需求,美国不断进行现代化全球定位系统(GPS)的升级改造,2020年启用并播发新的民用信号L1C就是重点改造内容之一。针对新形势下日趋激烈的频谱资源竞争环境,在对GPS四个民用信号基本特征梳理归纳的基础上,阐述了L1C频点信号的选择背景及意义,分析了该信号的基本结构,重点研究了L1C信号的具体调制方式及重要特征,最后对伪码进行了详细分析,通过研究深入剖析L1C信号体制,对其他GNSS未来新体制信号的设计及工程实现有借鉴和参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 卫星导航 gps现代化 L1C民用信号 信号体制
作者 段凌宇 鲍远律 张旺生 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1998年第2期21-27,共7页
介绍了一种GPS智能导航系统。本系统可以广泛应用于城市、省际的交通运输领域。作为智能交通系统的一部分,将在很大程度上改善司机在复杂交通状态下的驾驶条件。文中详细讨论了系统所采用的两项关键技术:地理信息库系统、车辆位置... 介绍了一种GPS智能导航系统。本系统可以广泛应用于城市、省际的交通运输领域。作为智能交通系统的一部分,将在很大程度上改善司机在复杂交通状态下的驾驶条件。文中详细讨论了系统所采用的两项关键技术:地理信息库系统、车辆位置的实时修正。 展开更多
关键词 导航 交通 全球卫星定位 实时修正
GPS/VISNAV integrated relative navigation and attitude determination system for ultra-close spacecraft formation flying 被引量:5
作者 Xiaoliang Wang Xiaowei Shao Deren Gong Dengping Duan 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2011年第2期283-291,共9页
For the improvement of accuracy and better fault-tolerant performance, a global position system (GPS)/vision navigation (VISNAV) integrated relative navigation and attitude determination approach is presented for ... For the improvement of accuracy and better fault-tolerant performance, a global position system (GPS)/vision navigation (VISNAV) integrated relative navigation and attitude determination approach is presented for ultra-close spacecraft formation flying. Onboard GPS and VISNAV system are adopted and a federal Kalman filter architecture is used for the total navigation system design. Simulation results indicate that the integrated system can provide a total improvement of relative navigation and attitude estimation performance in accuracy and fault-tolerance. 展开更多
关键词 control and navigation relative navigation federalKalman filter spacecraft formation flying global position system(gps vision navigation (VISNAV).
Accuracy improvement of GPS/MEMS-INS integrated navigation system during GPS signal outage for land vehicle navigation 被引量:14
作者 Honglei Qin Li Cong Xingli Sun 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2012年第2期256-264,共9页
To improve the reliability and accuracy of the global po- sitioning system (GPS)/micro electromechanical system (MEMS)- inertial navigation system (INS) integrated navigation system, this paper proposes two diff... To improve the reliability and accuracy of the global po- sitioning system (GPS)/micro electromechanical system (MEMS)- inertial navigation system (INS) integrated navigation system, this paper proposes two different methods. Based on wavelet threshold denoising and functional coefficient autoregressive (FAR) model- ing, a combined data processing method is presented for MEMS inertial sensor, and GPS attitude information is also introduced to improve the estimation accuracy of MEMS inertial sensor errors. Then the positioning accuracy during GPS signal short outage is enhanced. To improve the positioning accuracy when a GPS signal is blocked for long time and solve the problem of the tra- ditional adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) method with poor dynamic adaptation and large calculation amount, a self-constructive ANFIS (SCANFIS) combined with the extended Kalman filter (EKF) is proposed for MEMS-INS errors modeling and predicting. Experimental road test results validate the effi- ciency of the proposed methods. 展开更多
关键词 functional coefficient autoregressive (FAR) global po- sitioning system gps micro electromechanical system (MEMS) inertial navigation system (INS) self-constructive adaptive neuro- fuzzy inference system (SCANFIS).
A Quaternion Scaled Unscented Kalman Estimator for Inertial Navigation States Determination Using INS/GPS/Magnetometer Fusion 被引量:4
作者 Wassim Khoder Bassem Jida 《Journal of Sensor Technology》 2014年第2期101-117,共17页
This Inertial Navigation System (INS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and fluxgate magnetometer technologies have been widely used in a variety of positioning and navigation applications. In this paper, a low cost so... This Inertial Navigation System (INS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and fluxgate magnetometer technologies have been widely used in a variety of positioning and navigation applications. In this paper, a low cost solid state INS/GPS/Magnetometer integrated navigation system has been developed that incorporates measurements from an Inertial Navigation System (INS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and fluxgate magnetometer (Mag.) to provide a reliable complete navigation solution at a high output rate. The body attitude estimates, especially the heading angle, are fundamental challenges in a navigation system. Therefore targeting accurate attitude estimation is considered a significant contribution to the overall navigation error. A better estimation of the body attitude estimates leads to more accurate position and velocity estimation. For that end, the aim of this research is to exploit the magnetometer and accelerometer data in the attitude estimation technique. In this paper, a Scaled Unscented Kalman Filter (SUKF) based on the quaternion concept is designed for the INS/GPS/Mag integrated navigation system under large attitude error conditions. Simulation and experimental results indicate a satisfactory performance of the newly developed model. 展开更多
关键词 INERTIAL navigation System INERTIAL Sensor Model gps MAGNETOMETER QUATERNION Attitude PARAMETERIZATION Rotation Vector Scaled AUGMENTED Unscented KALMAN Filter
GPS Signal Short-Term Propagation Characteristics Modeling in Urban Areas for Precise Navigation Applications 被引量:2
作者 G. Sateesh Kumar G. Sasi Bhushana Rao M. N. V. S. S. Kumar 《Positioning》 2013年第2期192-199,共8页
GPS navigation signal includes vital information such as orbital parameters, clock error coefficients etc. This received signal which is extremely weak is affected by several errors during its propagation and is of th... GPS navigation signal includes vital information such as orbital parameters, clock error coefficients etc. This received signal which is extremely weak is affected by several errors during its propagation and is of the order of 10-16 W. The noise floor of this signal is 400 times higher than the transmitted signal. The situation becomes much worse particularly when the GPS receiver is located at urban areas where the multipath effect is predominant in the code and carrier phase measurements. GPS usage is not limited to the aircraft en-route navigation and missile guidance where the user receives the satellite signals from the open sky. At the present time, it has become an essential utility in the car navigation, mobile phones, surveying and aircraft landing application. The signal propagation characteristics particularly the short-term variations severely affect the quality, availability and continuity of the system. In this paper, short-term propagation characteristics of GPS signal are modeled and analyzed. Short-term variations are mainly due to multipath reflections and Doppler shift which degrades the quality of received signal particularly in urban environments. The variation of signal quality with respect to user velocity is observed using Rayleigh and Rician fading models. 展开更多
关键词 gps navigation MULTIPATH RAYLEIGH and RICIAN
Three-time rapid transfer alignment method of SINS/GPS navigation system of high-speed marine missile 被引量:1
作者 王司 邓正隆 苏凌峰 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第2期244-247,共4页
The transfer alignment of SINS/GPS navigation system of a high-speed marine missile was investigated. With the help of the big acceleration of a high-speed missile, the transfer alignment was changed into a three-time... The transfer alignment of SINS/GPS navigation system of a high-speed marine missile was investigated. With the help of the big acceleration of a high-speed missile, the transfer alignment was changed into a three-time alignment. The azimuth alignment was coarsely finished in 10s in the first time alignment, the horizontal alignment was accurately and rapidly finished in the second time alignment, and the azimuth alignment was accurately finished in the third time alignment. Because the second time alignment and the third time alignment were finished by GPS after the missile was launched, the horizontal alignment and the second azimuth alignment got rid of the influence of the warship body flexibility deforming. The precision and rapidity of the horizontal alignment were prominently increased due to the vertical launch of the marine missile with the big acceleration. Simulation verifies the effectiveness of the proposed alignment method. 展开更多
关键词 导航设备 转移定位 高速度导弹 技术性能
DGPS/INS Data Fusion for Land Navigation 被引量:2
作者 Denis Berdjag Denis Pomorski 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期88-93,共6页
The interest for land navigation has increased for the recent years. With the advent of the Global Position System (GPS) we have now the ability to determine the absolute position anywhere on the globe. The problem is... The interest for land navigation has increased for the recent years. With the advent of the Global Position System (GPS) we have now the ability to determine the absolute position anywhere on the globe. The problem is that the GPS systems work well only in open environments with no overhead obstructions and they are subject to large unavoidable errors when the reception from some of the satellites are blocked. This occurs frequently in urban environments, forests and tunnels. GPS systems require at least four “visible” satellites to maintain a good position fix. In many situations in which higher level of accuracy is required, the navigation cannot be achieved by GPS alone. This paper discusses the design of a reliable multisensor fusion algorithm using GPS and Inertial Navigation System in order to decrease the implementation cost of such systems on land vehicles. The major contribution of this paper is in the definition of the possible developments and research axes in land navigation. 展开更多
关键词 Dgps INS
A Map-Matching Algorithm forGPS/DR Integrated Navigation Systems Basedon Dempster-Shafer Evidence Reasoning
作者 陈则王 袁信 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2004年第2期157-163,共7页
GPS (Global Positioning System) has been widely used in car navigation systems. Most car navigation systems estimate the car position from GPS and DR (dead reckoning). However, the unknown GPS noise characteristic and... GPS (Global Positioning System) has been widely used in car navigation systems. Most car navigation systems estimate the car position from GPS and DR (dead reckoning). However, the unknown GPS noise characteristic and the unbounded DR accumulation of errors over time make the position information with undesirable position errors. The map matching can improve the position accuracy and availability of the vehicular position system. In this paper, general principle of map matching is investigated according to segmentation and feature extraction, and a map matching algorithm based on D-S (Dempster-Shafer) evidence reasoning for GPS integrated navigation system is proposed, which can find the exact road on which a car moves. For the experiments, a car navigation system is developed with some sensors and the field test demonstrates the effectiveness and applicability of the algorithm for the car location and navigation. 展开更多
关键词 car navigation D-S evidence REASONING gps integrated navigation map MATCHING
作者 Zhang Mengyang Lu Baowei Song Wenmiao(Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 1999年第1期66-72,共7页
The ionospheric time delay is one of the main error sources in C/A code GPS navigation and positioning applications. In this paper, a method is proposed for real-time dual-frequency ionospheric time-delay correcting u... The ionospheric time delay is one of the main error sources in C/A code GPS navigation and positioning applications. In this paper, a method is proposed for real-time dual-frequency ionospheric time-delay correcting using a C/A code GPS receiver, and the principle of the circuit block diagram for this method is analyzed with its feasibility theoretically demonstrated. 展开更多
关键词 gps system IONOSPHERIC TIME-DELAY C/A CODE dual-frequency CORRECTING
Kernel Entropy Based Extended Kalman Filter for GPS Navigation Processing
作者 Dah-Jing Jwo Jui-Tao Lee 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2021年第7期857-876,共20页
This paper investigates the kernel entropy based extended Kalman filter(EKF)as the navigation processor for the Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS),such as the Global Positioning System(GPS).The algorithm is eff... This paper investigates the kernel entropy based extended Kalman filter(EKF)as the navigation processor for the Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS),such as the Global Positioning System(GPS).The algorithm is effective for dealing with non-Gaussian errors or heavy-tailed(or impulsive)interference errors,such as the multipath.The kernel minimum error entropy(MEE)and maximum correntropy criterion(MCC)based filtering for satellite navigation system is involved for dealing with non-Gaussian errors or heavy-tailed interference errors or outliers of the GPS.The standard EKF method is derived based on minimization of mean square error(MSE)and is optimal only under Gaussian assumption in case the system models are precisely established.The GPS navigation algorithm based on kernel entropy related principles,including the MEE criterion and the MCC will be performed,which is utilized not only for the time-varying adaptation but the outlier type of interference errors.The kernel entropy based design is a new approach using information from higher-order signal statistics.In information theoretic learning(ITL),the entropy principle based measure uses information from higher-order signal statistics and captures more statistical information as compared to MSE.To improve the performance under non-Gaussian environments,the proposed filter which adopts the MEE/MCC as the optimization criterion instead of using the minimum mean square error(MMSE)is utilized for mitigation of the heavy-tailed type of multipath errors.Performance assessment will be carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach for positioning improvement in GPS navigation processing. 展开更多
关键词 gps satellite navigation extended Kalman filter ENTROPY correntropy MULTIPATH NON-GAUSSIAN
作者 Liu Jianye He Xiufeng Yuan Xin Department of Automatic Control, NUAA 29 Yudao Street, Nanjing 210016, P. R. China 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1996年第1期76-81,共6页
逐次正交化分布式卡尔曼滤波器是对大系统进行状态估计的一种新方法。本文讨论了在GPS/INS组合导航系统中,应用逐次正交化分布式卡尔曼滤波器的原理和特点。首先,将组合导航系统分成三个子系统,然后采用开环和闭环校正相结合的方法... 逐次正交化分布式卡尔曼滤波器是对大系统进行状态估计的一种新方法。本文讨论了在GPS/INS组合导航系统中,应用逐次正交化分布式卡尔曼滤波器的原理和特点。首先,将组合导航系统分成三个子系统,然后采用开环和闭环校正相结合的方法,用两种组合方式对系统进行仿真。结果表明:本方法是有效并可实现的;在三个子系统串行运算的条件下,实际提高运行速度约两倍,并且保持了最优精度。本文所得的结论对于由多个实际子导航系统,如INS,GPS,地形匹配,罗兰C,多普勒雷达。 展开更多
关键词 卡尔曼滤波器 大系统 组合导航系统 惯性导航系统 全球卫星定位系统
GPS观测得的2023年2月土耳其双震前后的地壳形变 被引量:3
作者 顾国华 《地球科学前沿(汉斯)》 2023年第6期636-644,共9页
2023年2月6日土耳其发生7.8级双震,相隔仅9小时、相距近,都是近直立断层走滑型地震,是利用GPS观测研究地震前后地壳形变稀有震例。利用美国网站得到131个GPS站欧亚(板块)参考框架位移数据,分析了2次地震前后的地壳形变。同震水平位移是... 2023年2月6日土耳其发生7.8级双震,相隔仅9小时、相距近,都是近直立断层走滑型地震,是利用GPS观测研究地震前后地壳形变稀有震例。利用美国网站得到131个GPS站欧亚(板块)参考框架位移数据,分析了2次地震前后的地壳形变。同震水平位移是分析大地震前兆地壳运动的关键现象。GPS分别观测得的2次地震同震位移,特征显著:水平位移最大达4.4 m;向西、向东和向南水平位移3个分区明显,与区域内3个板块构造运动密切相关;而垂直位移较小,无明显分区。2次地震前震中附近的水平位移分别出现(第一次地震)峰值和(第二次地震)闭锁2种类型,但无明显的垂直位移积累。与其他震例一样,在震前两种类型的水平位移区域,同震水平位移是震前位移在时间或空间上的(弹性)回跳,表明大地震有前兆形变。2次地震重合的孕震区内,有对2次地震同震水平位移影响相近的区域。GPS观测明确显示,地壳水平运动是2次大地震的成因。尽管观测不足和未能预报2次地震,但仍突显GNSS可在地震监测、预警和地震预测中发挥作用的优势。 展开更多
关键词 GNSS (Global navigation Satellite System) gps (Global Positioning System) 同震水平位移 地壳形变 土耳其大地震 地震预测
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