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Accessibility Evaluation of Arabic E-Commerce Web Sites Using Automated Tools
作者 Majed Alshamari 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2016年第9期439-451,共13页
Disabled people encounter many barriers while attempting to access the services on the web. Nevertheless, many tools, which could help them to access the web, are available. E-commerce websites have been also intensiv... Disabled people encounter many barriers while attempting to access the services on the web. Nevertheless, many tools, which could help them to access the web, are available. E-commerce websites have been also intensively and widely used. The e-commerce market in Saudi Arabia will hit $13.3 billion by 2015. This huge investment requires e-commerce websites to be accessible by different types of users. This paper explores the tools that usually used by disabled users while using the web. It also discusses a number of available tools that help designers, developers and testers to assess web accessibility. It also evaluates the accessibility of 3 popular Arab e- commerce websites using 5 accessibility testing tools;namely Achecker, TAW, Eval Access, MAUVE and FAE. This research has found that Most accessibility guidelines are covered by Achecker tool. Navigation, readability, input assistance and timing are the common found accessibility problems while assessing the accessibility of the targeted websites. It has been also revealed that HTML can influence accessibility evaluation as HTML errors are considered as accessibility problems. It has been clearly observed that improvements are needed for better web accessibility, although some tools did report a small number of accessibility problems for some websites. 展开更多
关键词 web Accessibility e-commerce Automated Tools
作者 吴熙彦 鲁人齐 +3 位作者 张金玉 孙晓 徐芳 陈桂华 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期35-47,共13页
活动断层的三维结构和模型是地震危险性研究的基础参数和重要数据。随着对接近真实形态的活动断层三维模型的应用需求不断增加,对这类模型数据的共享及研究的需求也日益增加。数据共享课题的一个重要议题是如何构建基于Web的三维断层模... 活动断层的三维结构和模型是地震危险性研究的基础参数和重要数据。随着对接近真实形态的活动断层三维模型的应用需求不断增加,对这类模型数据的共享及研究的需求也日益增加。数据共享课题的一个重要议题是如何构建基于Web的三维断层模型展示平台,提高数据共享水平和用户体验。中国地震科学实验场(川滇地区)三维断层模型Web展示原型系统①是基于Arc GIS 10.6企业版的Web App Builder工具构建的一个实验性系统。该系统实现了基于Web GIS的三维展示系统的基本功能,并成功测试了更适用于地震行业标准的用户交互方式、基本功能、场景数据迁移方案和三维场景设计方案。场景数据从三维断层建模平台到GIS平台的迁移,是实现基于Web GIS三维展示系统的基础。场景中展示的三维数据采用与二维数据标准一致且视觉上融合度高的可视化方案。实践结果表明,三维数据从建模平台迁出后,应结合数据可视化方案,在属性层面上与二维数据相融合,以保证二维和三维数据在视觉上较好地融合。 展开更多
关键词 活动断层 中国地震科学实验场 三维断层模型 web 原型系统 地理信息系统
The design and implementation of web mining in web sites security 被引量:2
作者 LI Jian, ZHANG Guo-yin , GU Guo-chang, LI Jian-li College of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001China 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2003年第1期81-86,共6页
The backdoor or information leak of Web servers can be detected by using Web Mining techniques on some abnormal Web log and Web application log data. The security of Web servers can be enhanced and the damage of illeg... The backdoor or information leak of Web servers can be detected by using Web Mining techniques on some abnormal Web log and Web application log data. The security of Web servers can be enhanced and the damage of illegal access can be avoided. Firstly, the system for discovering the patterns of information leakages in CGI scripts from Web log data was proposed. Secondly, those patterns for system administrators to modify their codes and enhance their Web site security were provided. The following aspects were described: one is to combine web application log with web log to extract more information,so web data mining could be used to mine web log for discovering the information that firewall and Information Detection System cannot find. Another approach is to propose an operation module of web site to enhance Web site security. In cluster server session, Density -Based Clustering technique is used to reduce resource cost and obtain better efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 data mining web log mining web sites security density-based clustering
作者 李新荣 谢绍敏 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2024年第14期30-34,共5页
前端组件涉及多个数据流,包括用户输入、服务器返回的数据等,恶意脚本会隐藏在这些数据流中,且跨站脚本攻击存在变异性和不确定性,导致对其检测困难。因此,提出一种Web前端组件中的跨站脚本攻击检测算法。使用基于网络爬虫的Web前端组... 前端组件涉及多个数据流,包括用户输入、服务器返回的数据等,恶意脚本会隐藏在这些数据流中,且跨站脚本攻击存在变异性和不确定性,导致对其检测困难。因此,提出一种Web前端组件中的跨站脚本攻击检测算法。使用基于网络爬虫的Web前端组件跨站脚本信息抓取模型,抓取不重复冗余的Web前端组件跨站脚本信息;再将所抓取的脚本信息作为多分类支持向量机算法的训练样本。检测之前,在权威Web漏洞提交平台Exploit-db中,提取大规模变形跨站脚本信息样本,使用训练完毕的多分类支持向量机对抓取的脚本信息进行分类和检测。实验结果表明,所提算法对100条反射型跨站脚本攻击、50条存储型跨站脚本攻击、10条DOM型跨站脚本攻击的数据分类结果准确,且分类结果的样本分布中,攻击跨站脚本会按照攻击类型有序分布。 展开更多
关键词 web前端组件 跨站脚本 攻击检测 网络爬虫 信息抓取 多分类支持向量机
Design & Test of an Advanced Web Security Analysis Tool (AWSAT)
作者 Meenakshi S. P. Manikandaswamy Vijay Madisetti 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2024年第5期448-461,共14页
Considering the escalating frequency and sophistication of cyber threats targeting web applications, this paper proposes the development of an automated web security analysis tool to address the accessibility gap for ... Considering the escalating frequency and sophistication of cyber threats targeting web applications, this paper proposes the development of an automated web security analysis tool to address the accessibility gap for non-security professionals. This paper presents the design and implementation of an automated web security analysis tool, AWSAT, aimed at enabling individuals with limited security expertise to effectively assess and mitigate vulnerabilities in web applications. Leveraging advanced scanning techniques, the tool identifies common threats such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection, and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), providing detailed reports with actionable insights. By integrating sample payloads and reference study links, the tool facilitates informed decision-making in enhancing the security posture of web applications. Through its user-friendly interface and robust functionality, the tool aims to democratize web security practices, empowering a wider audience to proactively safeguard against cyber threats. 展开更多
关键词 web Security Automated Analysis Vulnerability Assessment web Scanning Cross-site Scripting SQL Injection Cross-site Request Forgery
A platform for communicating construction material information between e-commerce systems
作者 Stephen C W Kong 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第5期541-547,共7页
E-commerce systems for construction material procurement are becoming increasingly important in Hong Kong. These E-commerce systems are non-interoperable and create problems for the buyers who use these systems to pur... E-commerce systems for construction material procurement are becoming increasingly important in Hong Kong. These E-commerce systems are non-interoperable and create problems for the buyers who use these systems to purchase construction materials. This paper presents the mobile agent-based approach and Web services-based approach for enabling interoperation of these systems in the E-Union environment. 展开更多
关键词 e-commerce mobile agent web services distributed computing construction material
Research on Tourism E-commerce based on Data Mining
作者 Yan LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第1期123-125,共3页
This paper describes in detail the web data mining technology, analyzes the relationship between the data on the web site to the tourism electronic commerce (including the server log, tourism commodity database, user... This paper describes in detail the web data mining technology, analyzes the relationship between the data on the web site to the tourism electronic commerce (including the server log, tourism commodity database, user database, the shopping cart), access to relevant user preference information for tourism commodity. Based on these models, the paper presents recommended strategies for the site registered users, and has had the corresponding formulas for calculating the current user of certain items recommended values and the corresponding recommendation algorithm, and the system can get a recommendation for user. 展开更多
关键词 Data mining Tourism e-commerce web data mining recommended system
Mining Metrics for Enhancing E-Commerce Systems User Experience
作者 Antonia Stefani 《Intelligent Information Management》 2022年第1期25-51,共27页
The diversity of e-commerce Business to Consumer systems and the significant increase in their use during the COVID-19 pandemic as a one of the primary channels of retail commerce, has made all the most important the ... The diversity of e-commerce Business to Consumer systems and the significant increase in their use during the COVID-19 pandemic as a one of the primary channels of retail commerce, has made all the most important the need to measuring their quality using practical methods. This paper presents a quality evaluation framework for web metrics that are B2C specific. The framework uses three dimensions based on end-user interaction categories, metrics internal specs and quality sub-characteristics as defined by ISO25010. Beginning from the existing large corpus of general-purpose web metrics, e-commerce specific metrics are chosen and categorized. Analysis results are subjected to a data mining analysis to provide association rules between the various dimensions of the framework. Finally, an ontology that corresponds to the framework is developed to answer to complicated questions related to metrics use and to facilitate the production of new, user defined meta-metrics. 展开更多
关键词 e-commerce web Metrics Quality Attributes Data Mining Association Rules Evaluation Framework TAXONOMY ONTOLOGY ISO25010
Design and Research on Tourism E-commerce Platform
作者 Dongxia Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第1期97-99,共3页
this paper analyzes application status of tourism e-commerce in China and the Existing problems, points out that the construction of tourism e-commerce platform is an important part of the development of tourism elect... this paper analyzes application status of tourism e-commerce in China and the Existing problems, points out that the construction of tourism e-commerce platform is an important part of the development of tourism electronic commerce. The implementation of all business systems of various tourism enterprise data integration and information integration, the travel industry, all kinds of information resources for collaborative centralized management. By connecting the information management system of scattered all corporate travel value chain, realize the unified operation in the tourism e-commerce platform, improve the exchange of information and online transaction speed. According to our country' s tourism status and characteristics, from the feasibility analysis, function analysis, performance analysis and service oriented thought, this paper analyzes the system architecture of and data flow diagrams, system flow chart, PAD chart analysis of the system' s business processes. And it was analyzed and discussed briefly from the aspects of adaptability, functions, implementation strategy. 展开更多
关键词 SOA web service tourism e-commerce service object model
A web site for online training,technical support and scientific information for nucleic acidt esting:www.ebloodbank.com
《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 2001年第S1期402-,共1页
关键词 WWW A web site for online training technical support and scientific information for nucleic acidt esting
《人民论坛》 2000年第5期20-21,共2页
这个转弯,你会赢吗?你会成为排头兵吗?会不小心掉队吗?……我们现在正处于转弯加速的新时代。此时,我们有可能弥补和跨越直线赛道上速度的不足,取得一次跨越的机会。机会和转弯就是互联网,就是电子商务……在这个暖风沉醉的晚上... 这个转弯,你会赢吗?你会成为排头兵吗?会不小心掉队吗?……我们现在正处于转弯加速的新时代。此时,我们有可能弥补和跨越直线赛道上速度的不足,取得一次跨越的机会。机会和转弯就是互联网,就是电子商务……在这个暖风沉醉的晚上,它悄无声息地发展扩张,它甚至改变着当代人的思维和生活方式。今日中国,电子商务网站已经发展到600多家,并以每天平均两家的速度诞生;今年,按我国政府的规定,外贸企业必须从互联网上申请配额,不上网的企业将失去经营配额许可证商品的权利……这些远远不够。再过两年,全球将有超过70%的大型公司基于WEB交易。当你翻看我们的杂志时,只十几分钟的光景,几十亿美元的交易已在网上完成。怎么样?加入e-commerce,登上一个与明天与世界对话的平台! 展开更多
关键词 e-commerce 电子商务网站 配额许可证 基于web 生活方式 网上申请 外贸企业 大型公司 新时代 互联网 当代人 速度 交易 弥补 商品 经营 美元
The effect of using in ternet web site in promoting non-remunerated blood donation
《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 2001年第S1期324-,共1页
关键词 The effect of using in ternet web site in promoting non-remunerated blood donation
Privacy disclosure in Chinese social networking sites:An investigation of Renren users
作者 Chenju ZHU Qi HUANG Qinghua ZHU 《Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science》 2014年第2期31-42,共12页
Purpose:This study was conducted to investigate the current situation of privacy disclosure(in the Chinese social networking sites.Design/methodology/approach:Data analysis was based on profiles of 240 college student... Purpose:This study was conducted to investigate the current situation of privacy disclosure(in the Chinese social networking sites.Design/methodology/approach:Data analysis was based on profiles of 240 college students on Renren.com,a popular college-oriented social networking site in China.Users’ privacy disclosure behaviors were studied and gender difference was analyzed particularly.Correlation analysis was conducted to examine the relationships among evaluation indicators involving user name,image,page visibility,message board visibility,completeness of education information and provision of personal information.Findings:A large amount of personal information was disclosed via social networking sites in China.Greater percentage of male users than female users disclosed their personal information.Furthermore,significantly positive relationships were found among page visibility,message board visibility,completeness of education information and provision of personal information.Research limitations:Subjects were collected from only one social networking website.Meanwhile,our survey involves subjective judgments of user name reliability,category of profile images and completeness of information.Practical implications:This study will be of benefit for college administrators,teachers and librarians to design courses for college students on how to use social networking sites safely.Originality /value:This empirical study is one of the first studies to reveal the current situation of privacy disclosure in the Chinese social networking sites and will help the research community gain a deeper understanding of privacy disclosure in the Chinese social networking sites. 展开更多
关键词 Social networking site(SNS) Personal information Privacy disclosure web 2.0
500-Year-Old "Web Site
《China Today》 2000年第11期22-26,共5页
关键词 web site Year-Old
Three Years' Experience of the Web Site NEMIS
作者 Kresimir Trontl Dubravko Pevec Radomir Jecmenica 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第5期858-865,共8页
Results of the 2007/08 survey "Energy--the present and the future" conducted on a population of 1439 students from Zagreb University have shown that after school and television, internet is the third major source of... Results of the 2007/08 survey "Energy--the present and the future" conducted on a population of 1439 students from Zagreb University have shown that after school and television, internet is the third major source of knowledge for the participants. Therefore, "NEMIS" web site (www.nemis.zpf.fer.hr) was launched at the end of the 2008. NEMIS is a Croatian acronym for "Nuclear Energy--Mysticism and Reality". The site was envisioned as a place where interested visitors could get information, prepared by experts, on all the issues relating to nuclear energy. The main objectives of the work reported in this paper are to present the structure of the NEMIS web site and to analyze the activity on the site during the last three years. Based on the performed analysis, future activities on the site are set and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Public opinion survey NEMIS web site nuclear knowledge.
How to Get Your Web Site Noticed
作者 David Rich 《程序员》 2000年第10期62-63,共2页
You’ve built a great web site.It’s well designed,it encourages customer interaction,and it’s filledwith compelling,well-organized content.Now comes the tough reality:Creating a great site doesn’tautomatically mean... You’ve built a great web site.It’s well designed,it encourages customer interaction,and it’s filledwith compelling,well-organized content.Now comes the tough reality:Creating a great site doesn’tautomatically mean customers will visit it.With millions of web sites today,chances are slim that a customerwill randomly happen onto your site.That’s why it’s imperative that you use many strategies to get your web site noticed by the morethan 100 million people who now surf the Web.Here are seven ideas to help get you started: 展开更多
关键词 LINK How to Get Your web site Noticed
Web安全问题及防护研究 被引量:1
作者 巢佳 《信息与电脑》 2023年第19期196-198,共3页
随着信息时代的到来,网络安全问题越来越受到人们关注,其中Web安全问题是最常见的安全问题。文章根据风险的发生频率和危害程度,以结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language,SQL)注入、跨站脚本攻击(Cross Site Scripting,XSS)注入、... 随着信息时代的到来,网络安全问题越来越受到人们关注,其中Web安全问题是最常见的安全问题。文章根据风险的发生频率和危害程度,以结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language,SQL)注入、跨站脚本攻击(Cross Site Scripting,XSS)注入、文件上传漏洞为例,研究这3种安全风险的原理、分类及安全防护。 展开更多
关键词 web安全 结构化查询语言(SQL) 跨站脚本攻击(XSS) 安全防护
基于Web标准的高校网站建设与实现 被引量:16
作者 侯静 欧阳荣彬 +1 位作者 种连荣 王珂平 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第S1期91-94,99,共5页
详细分析了Web标准及其构成,并以北京大学为例,论述了基于Web标准的高校网站建设的策略,指出基于Web标准是高校网站建设发展的必然趋势,它可以实现网站建设中结构、表现、行为三者相分离,解决传统网站建设中的页面布局、访问速度、兼容... 详细分析了Web标准及其构成,并以北京大学为例,论述了基于Web标准的高校网站建设的策略,指出基于Web标准是高校网站建设发展的必然趋势,它可以实现网站建设中结构、表现、行为三者相分离,解决传统网站建设中的页面布局、访问速度、兼容性和改版升级中存在的问题。 展开更多
关于中国Web的大小、形状和结构 被引量:17
作者 闫宏飞 李晓明 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第8期958-967,共10页
基于天网搜索引擎连续 4次的大规模搜集记录 ,揭示了中国 2 0 0 2年初中国 Web的大小、形状和结构 .主要结论包括有 :1中国大约有 5 0 0 0万网页和 5万个 Web站点 ;2全国不到 1/ 3的省市拥有 2 / 3强数目的网站 ;3中国网络是高度连通的 ... 基于天网搜索引擎连续 4次的大规模搜集记录 ,揭示了中国 2 0 0 2年初中国 Web的大小、形状和结构 .主要结论包括有 :1中国大约有 5 0 0 0万网页和 5万个 Web站点 ;2全国不到 1/ 3的省市拥有 2 / 3强数目的网站 ;3中国网络是高度连通的 ,Web直径是 17;4网页入度分布很好地符合幂级数定律 ;5有确凿证据显示 。 展开更多
关键词 web 网站 网页 互连结构 搜索引擎 INTERNET
Web日志挖掘技术的研究与应用 被引量:21
作者 肖立英 李建华 谭立球 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第7期276-277,284,共3页
介绍了目前世界上两种主要的日志挖掘技术基于事务和基于数据立方体。同时,提出了一个基于日志挖掘技术的应Web (Web)Web用,即用户自适应的站点,介绍了这一系统的实现方法和主要特色。
关键词 web日志挖掘 数据挖掘 数据库 数据立方体
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