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Translational research in early neuroscience careers of high school students
作者 Zachary M.Diamandis Nicholas S.Diaco +3 位作者 Kelsey Duncan Marci Crowley M.Grant Liska Cesar V.Borlongan 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期586-587,共2页
Essentially, the knowledge of science alone offers little utility. With-out the ability to investigate, apply and communicate, science serves no purpose. That is not to undermine the importance of scientific knowledge... Essentially, the knowledge of science alone offers little utility. With-out the ability to investigate, apply and communicate, science serves no purpose. That is not to undermine the importance of scientific knowledge, but there currently exists a major flaw in our high school educational system that inhibits meaningful learning experiences for most students. Application of science in local high schools is largely directed at improving performance on multiple-choice exams. Standardized tests taken by high school students are slowly progressing, 展开更多
关键词 HIGH Translational research in early neuroscience careers of high school students
Hemizygous deletion in the OTC gene results in ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency:A case report
作者 Li-Ping Wang Hou-Zhong Luo +4 位作者 Mao Song Zuo-Zhen Yang Fan Yang Yun-Tao Cao Juan Chen 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2022年第4期1417-1422,共6页
BACKGROUND Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency(OTCD)is a common ornithine cycle disorder,and OTC gene variation is the main pathogenic factor of this disease.This study explored and validated a variant in the OTC ge... BACKGROUND Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency(OTCD)is a common ornithine cycle disorder,and OTC gene variation is the main pathogenic factor of this disease.This study explored and validated a variant in the OTC gene.CASE SUMMARY The neonate exhibited high blood ammonia,lactic acid,and homocysteine levels on the fifth day after birth.A novel deletion variant in the OTC gene[NM_000531.5,c.970_979delTTCCCAGAGG,p.Phe324GlnfsTer16]was uncovered by exome sequencing.The variant caused a protein-coding frameshift and resulted in early translation termination at the 16th amino acid after the variant site.CONCLUSION Our results provide a novel pathogenic variant in OTC and related clinical features for further OTCD screening and clinical consultation. 展开更多
关键词 OTC Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency Deletion variant Exome sequencing early translation termination Case report
Two Early Translators Keconsidered 被引量:14
作者 王佐良 《外语教学与研究》 1981年第1期1-12,共12页
本文是对我国近代翻译界的两个先驱严复和林纾的重新评价。 上世纪八十年代,西方作品的译本大量出现于上海书肆,但国内的文人学士大多不屑一顾。要等到象严复、林纾这样的同道出现在译坛上,方始引起他们的瞩目。 在翻译实践上,严复不斤... 本文是对我国近代翻译界的两个先驱严复和林纾的重新评价。 上世纪八十年代,西方作品的译本大量出现于上海书肆,但国内的文人学士大多不屑一顾。要等到象严复、林纾这样的同道出现在译坛上,方始引起他们的瞩目。 在翻译实践上,严复不斤斤于求得与原文的形似,而着意使译文合乎中国古文传统的体式。例如他翻译赫胥黎的《无演论》,往往以单句译复句,以平列代主从,改第一人称为第三人称,化平实的叙述为生动的敷演,用意在于以传统的史家笔法迻译这部论人类进化的名著,以增强读者的历史感。另一方面,严复对于科学术语的翻译则勇于创新,而又丝毫不苟。他所立的某些译名一直沿用至今。还有一点向来不为人所注意,即以译散文见称的严复,偶尔也涉笔诗歌,如《天演论》中所引蒲伯《原人》一诗,以格律诗译格律诗,颇能传达原作的雍容警策。 严复在翻译理论上的贡献首推他在《天演论》译序中提出的“信、达、雅”标准,历来论翻译者无不引用。其中“雅”的要求,不仅为“行远”所必需,在严复看来也是“求达”所不可或少。“雅”绝非象一般人所理解的那样“追求优美”。严复用汉以前的雅语译《原富》、《法意》、《穆勒名学》、《群学肄言》、《天演论》等著作,其目的在于在这些代表西方现代思想的苦药外面裹上一层古雅文体的糖衣,以便使向来对外来事物抱深闭固拒态度的中国土大夫比较容易下咽。“雅”也者,实为严复的一种招徕之术。果然,不出数年,他在知识界赢得了广大的读者。 和严复一样,林纾也娴于古文,但他不谙外文,必须借助别人的口译,笔述成书。他的文笔敏捷流畅;挥洒自如,能以每四小时六千字的惊人速度振笔直书,往往口译者的话音未落,而林纾的译文已就。他的译本乖谬自是难免,他对某些作品也恣意增删,但是对于真正使他感动的作品,他从不轻加窜改。《黑奴吁天录》就是一例。林纾深为书中描写的黑奴悲惨遭遇所感动,同时痛感中国面临的亡国灭种惨祸正与之相似,甚至过之。他在译序中告诫读者不可存依附西方侥幸生存的幻想。忧国、爱国之情,跃然纸上。 林纾对原作文学上的美质,也很有鉴赏力。他赞叹《黑奴吁天录》结构的谨严,倾心于《茶花女遗事》的作者小仲马,称赏他高超的文学技巧。 林纾及其合作者的高明处在于选择原著比较精当。在不到三十年的时间里(1896—1924),他译了一百七十余部作品,其中包括许多文学名著。林译的另一过人处是他所用的优雅流畅的古文。提倡和崇尚白话文学的人总以为一切古文都是生硬不自然的,但林纾的译文不然。他用古文译英国维多利亚时期的传奇文学,颇能曲尽其妙。有时译文的干净妥帖甚至胜过原作。至今读之仍觉隽永异常,不能不令人惊叹。 从林纾的译序中可以窥见他的心胸和文艺观点。译序表明,林纾时时以国家前途为念,并深信自己的译述有裨于同胞,可以启发其心智,振奋其精神。林纾对于所译作品也多所议论。例如他盛赞司各德的文学技巧,历举优点,说他可与司马迁、班固媲美。他对于狄更斯推崇备至,对《块肉余生述》一书的分析尤为精采,评价也最高。他赞叹这部作品长达二十余万言而能前后照应,无一破绽;此书摹写英国下层社会,穷形极相,尤为难能可贵。他认为此书的文学成就超过中国的两部最优秀的小说:一部是《水浒传》,其人物描绘后半远不及前半富于个性;另一部是《红楼梦》,此书写男女爱情,本来较易讨好。象林纾这样一个高傲的旧文人,居然如此倾倒于一个专事描写“下层社会”的英国小说家,的确耐人寻味。 林纾特别叹赏狄更斯能公正不阿地暴露英国豪门富户的罪恶。林纾从爱国心出发,呼吁中国也要有这样 的小说家出来,写小说揭发社会积弊,促使当道警醒。与严复一样,林纾没有把翻译当作无谓的消遣,而看作实现社会政治改革的手段。 林纾的呼声没有落空。就在他说这些话的时候,已经有象《官场现形记》、《二十年来目睹之怪现状》一类小说陆续问世。这类书也和林译小说一样,促成了新风气:人们群起揭露官场的腐败,谴责官吏的贪污无能。 但是一个更大的变化正在到来。一个表现新的观念,运用新的语言工具的全新的文学正在兴起。正如严复介绍西方资产阶级学术思想迎来了革命、内战和一场更大的革命,林纾的翻译也为后来激进的社会小说扫清了道路。但继之而来的变化,其程度之深远,却为二人始料所不及。他们终于转而反对他们曾经致力发动的变革事业:主张维新的严复出而拥护恢复帝制,而林纾则激烈抨击发轫于北京大学的新文化运动。 展开更多
关键词 严复 译文 翻译 译序 迭更司 林纾 《天演论》 Two early Translators Keconsidered
Generic Intertextuality: A Case Study of the English Translations of San Guo Yan Yi
作者 Wenqing Peng 《Language and Semiotic Studies》 2018年第3期131-144,共14页
In translation practice, transformation often happens at the linguistic and semantic levels since translation between two different languages inevitably entails changes to a text. This transformation is sometimes one ... In translation practice, transformation often happens at the linguistic and semantic levels since translation between two different languages inevitably entails changes to a text. This transformation is sometimes one of genre, for example, from novel genre of the original text to drama genre of the translated text. This paper takes the English translations of San Guo Yan Y/, a classic Chinese historical novel originally composed in the fourteenth century, as its case study as some early excerpted versions are in prose, verse, drama, textbook and other genres. Two partial translations are analysed in detail: one that has been retranslated as drama and the other as a collection of fairy tales. The classic interpretation of intertextuality (mosaic relations between texts) is thus extended in this paper to the level of genre where genre traditions play a role in spelling out the connections between texts. Moreover, this research may contribute to our further understanding of the symmetry between Chinese and Western literary traditions in genre. 展开更多
关键词 GENRE INTERTEXTUALITY San Guo Yan Yi early excerpted translations
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