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Detecting repture precursors and determining the main fracture spread direction of rock with dynamic rock resistivity change anisotropy 被引量:1
作者 陈峰 修济刚 +2 位作者 安金珍 廖棒庭 陈大元 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 2000年第2期234-237,共4页
关键词 electric resistivity of rock earth resistivity anisotropy in resistivity earthquake geologic hazard
Research on dependence of resistivity changing anisotropy on microcracks extending in rock with experiment 被引量:4
作者 陈峰 修济刚 +2 位作者 安金珍 廖椿庭 陈大元 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 2000年第3期331-341,共11页
Multiple electrodes are arranged on the surfaces of cubic granite samples of different sizes according to pre-designed patterns. Smples are fully saturated with water in vacuum. Waterproof insulation glue is coated o... Multiple electrodes are arranged on the surfaces of cubic granite samples of different sizes according to pre-designed patterns. Smples are fully saturated with water in vacuum. Waterproof insulation glue is coated on the measuring surfact and asmall parts (including two arrises) of the adjacent surfeces of the saturated sample to ensure that the electric current flows only within the sample through the connection between the electrodes. The multiple electrodes are combined form arrays of different direction and specing with symmetrical four-clectrode method according to need of measuring of resistivity changing anisotropy, electric profiling and electric sounding. The samples are placed into container filled with water. The samples are uniaxially compressed along the direction parallel to the longest dimension of the cubic, and the variation of resistivity during the whole loading process is observed. In the experiments, some samples are loaded to rupture with macro-fractures, some are only loaded to the Stage, which shows obvious Precursors in variation of resistivity associated with the indication of forthcoming rupture. Finally a quantitative comparison batween the dominant orientation of pre-existing cracks in photo-micrography of unruptured Samles and those macro-fractures in ruptured sample is made, together with theirrespective resistivity changing anisotropy behaviors. The experimental results are the following: ① For measuring points in areas that are passed by craks or rupture bands, the directions of principal anisotropy axes dedued from four kinds of combined equation sets are essentially identical with each other, and accord with the orientation of cracks or main rupture bands approximately. For measuring points in areas without crack or rupture band passing through, either the directions of calculated principal anisotropy axes by different combinatorial arrays are inconsistent with each other, or the principal anisotropy axis cannot be determined, especially in the cases where the crack plane is parallel to the measuring surface.② The dominant orientation of microfractures or rupture bands shown from micrographs is close to the direction of principal anisotropy axis along which the variation in resistivity is the greaest.③ The results of electric profiling can be used for detecting the localization of cracks. 展开更多
关键词 electric resistivity of rock geoelectric resistivity anisotropy in resistivity earthquake geologic hazard
岩石电阻率变化各向异性与微裂隙扩展方位实验研究 被引量:25
作者 陈峰 修济刚 +2 位作者 安金珍 廖椿庭 陈大元 《地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期310-318,共9页
将不同规格的长方体花岗岩标本 ,按事先设计的图案布设多个电极 ,并用抽真空的方法将标本进行水饱和 .然后将标本电极面和相邻面的一小部分 (包括棱 )用防水绝缘胶密封 .用多电极组合法 ,将己布电极组合成不同方向、不同极距的电阻率各... 将不同规格的长方体花岗岩标本 ,按事先设计的图案布设多个电极 ,并用抽真空的方法将标本进行水饱和 .然后将标本电极面和相邻面的一小部分 (包括棱 )用防水绝缘胶密封 .用多电极组合法 ,将己布电极组合成不同方向、不同极距的电阻率各向异性测线和电测剖面、电测深测线 .使标本在装有水的承压水箱中 ,沿标本长轴方向受压 ,观测标本电阻率随压力的变化 .在实验中 ,一些标本被压坏 ,出现宏观裂隙 ;一些标本没有被压坏 ,没有被压坏的标本通常压到电阻率出现明显破裂前兆为止 .然后 ,将未压坏的标本测量面显微照相 ,从照片上寻找裂隙的优势方向 ,和被压坏标本的宏观裂隙一起 ,与电阻率各向异性计算结果进行对比 ,实验结果表明 :1裂隙和破碎带通过区域的测点 ,视电阻率变化各向异性结果好 ,4种组合求得的 4个各向异性主轴方向趋于一致 ,且与破碎带方向基本吻合 ;裂隙和破碎带不经过区域的测点 ,或者 4个视电阻率变化各向异性主轴方向不一致 ,或者根本求不出各向异性解 .这后一种情况 ,在裂隙面平行测量面时 ,表现最为明显 ;2显微照相显示的微观裂隙或破碎带的优势方向与电阻率变化最大的各向异性主轴方向基本一致 ;3电测剖面的结果 。 展开更多
关键词 岩石电阻率 地电阻率 电阻率各向异性 地震 裂隙
隐伏断裂扩展前兆探测新技术的研究 被引量:6
作者 廖椿庭 陈峰 +1 位作者 吴满路 安金珍 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期453-458,共6页
本文介绍了探测隐伏断裂扩展前兆的技术方法和原理 ,该方法的特色是 :把岩体受力致裂电阻率变化的各向异性 ,与岩体裂隙扩展的水网络导电通路变化直接相联系 ,避开了地质体最复杂、最难确定的岩体破裂受力状态问题 ,建立用电阻率变化各... 本文介绍了探测隐伏断裂扩展前兆的技术方法和原理 ,该方法的特色是 :把岩体受力致裂电阻率变化的各向异性 ,与岩体裂隙扩展的水网络导电通路变化直接相联系 ,避开了地质体最复杂、最难确定的岩体破裂受力状态问题 ,建立用电阻率变化各向异性确定岩体主破裂扩展方向的定量关系。着重介绍该方法的室内大试件模拟试验的结果。试验结果表明 ,定量计算的电阻率变化的各向异性主轴方向 。 展开更多
关键词 岩石电阻率 电阻率各向异性 地质灾害 隐伏断裂 前兆探测
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