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HPS和ECS在危重病例抢救技能培训中的应用 被引量:4
作者 黄涛 宋文延 +5 位作者 杨金玲 钟宁 陆楠 孟晓慧 李芳邻 林晓英 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第2期147-149,共3页
危重病例抢救是医学临床技能重要的组成部分,也是临床医生必须掌握的重要技能,危重病例抢救技能是各种基本临床技能的综合,也是培养医学生科学诊断思维和良好心理素质的重要手段。为了探讨临床危重病例抢救技能培训的新方法。将HPS和EC... 危重病例抢救是医学临床技能重要的组成部分,也是临床医生必须掌握的重要技能,危重病例抢救技能是各种基本临床技能的综合,也是培养医学生科学诊断思维和良好心理素质的重要手段。为了探讨临床危重病例抢救技能培训的新方法。将HPS和ECS应用在危重病例抢救技能培训中,重现了危重症抢救现场,缓解了临床教学资源不足的矛盾,提高了医学生的临床技能、沟通技巧和综合诊断技能。HPS和ECS应用于危重病例抢救技能培训顺应现代医学教育的趋势,必将成为培养医学创新型人才所必不可少的手段。 展开更多
关键词 危重病例抢救 HPS ecS 临床技能
元素俘获谱测井(ECS)结合QAPF法识别火成岩岩性 被引量:17
作者 韩琳 张建民 +2 位作者 邢艳娟 潘保芝 汪名友 《测井技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期47-50,共4页
应用元素俘获谱测井(ECS)得到的元素含量,再结合火成岩定量矿物成分分类法(CIPW)标准矿物法计算得到中酸性火成岩的标准矿物体积含量,与矿物密度加权得到骨架密度和岩心颗粒密度对比,现场应用证明计算得到的矿物含量可靠。应用ECS数据... 应用元素俘获谱测井(ECS)得到的元素含量,再结合火成岩定量矿物成分分类法(CIPW)标准矿物法计算得到中酸性火成岩的标准矿物体积含量,与矿物密度加权得到骨架密度和岩心颗粒密度对比,现场应用证明计算得到的矿物含量可靠。应用ECS数据进行岩性判别的TAS图版法和常规曲线图版岩性法,结合火成岩定量矿物成分分类法按标准矿物进行岩性划分,得到综合岩性与薄片对比效果较好。该方法为测井岩性评价提供了岩性识别的新手段。 展开更多
关键词 测井评价 火成岩 CIPW标准矿物 ecS测井 岩性识别 QAPF分类法
Application of GIS in Ecological Land Type(ELT)mapping--A case in Changbai Mountain area 被引量:2
作者 肖宝英 代力民 +1 位作者 陈高 邵国凡 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期56-60,84,共5页
This paper depicted the physiographic landscape features and natural vegetation situation of study area (the eastern Jilin Province), and expatiates the definition, basic characters and its development of Ecological L... This paper depicted the physiographic landscape features and natural vegetation situation of study area (the eastern Jilin Province), and expatiates the definition, basic characters and its development of Ecological Land Classification (ELC). Based on the combination of relief map, satellite photography for study area and vegetation inventory data of 480 sample sites, a 5-class and a 15-class ecological land type map was concluded according to 4 important factors including slope, aspect, vegetation and elevation. Ecological Classification System (ECS) is a method to identify, characterize, and map ecosystems. The Ecological Land Type (ELT) was examined and applied initially in eastern Jilin Province. 展开更多
关键词 ecological Land Type(ELT) ecological classification System(ecS) ecological land classification(ELC) Geographic Information system(GIS)
ECS模拟教学在外科休克临床教学中的应用 被引量:20
作者 陈洁 曾慧兰 张明亚 《医学教育探索》 2009年第2期162-164,共3页
探讨智能型高级综合模拟人(ECS)模拟教学在外科休克临床教学中的教学方式和效果。将56名国际学院临床医学本科学生随机分为2组,一组采用ECS模拟教学,一组用传统教学法,学习结束综合评价两组学生的学习成绩和效果。结果显示ECS组的综合... 探讨智能型高级综合模拟人(ECS)模拟教学在外科休克临床教学中的教学方式和效果。将56名国际学院临床医学本科学生随机分为2组,一组采用ECS模拟教学,一组用传统教学法,学习结束综合评价两组学生的学习成绩和效果。结果显示ECS组的综合考试成绩、临床理论知识及临床技能明显优于传统教学组。 展开更多
关键词 ecS教学 外科 休克
ECMWF模式强降水预报偏差订正方法研究及应用 被引量:9
作者 张娇 王东勇 +4 位作者 郑淋淋 姚晨 胡玥琦 朱红芳 徐怡 《暴雨灾害》 2021年第4期430-436,共7页
利用安徽省81站逐日降水量资料、NCEP 500 hPa再分析资料、ECMWF(以下简称EC)降水和500 hPa高度预报,基于暴雨中心和天气类型的客观判定,分类统计2012-2018年23个强降水过程降水中心的预报偏差。结果表明在西路强冷空气和东路冷空气天... 利用安徽省81站逐日降水量资料、NCEP 500 hPa再分析资料、ECMWF(以下简称EC)降水和500 hPa高度预报,基于暴雨中心和天气类型的客观判定,分类统计2012-2018年23个强降水过程降水中心的预报偏差。结果表明在西路强冷空气和东路冷空气天气类型下,当EC预报降水中心位于115°-120°E 584 dagpm线以北时,降水中心预报往往偏北,依据两者的纬度差和降水中心预报偏差建立了基于天气分类的主雨带位置订正方法;同时依据23个强降水过程最大降水区域降水量预报的日平均偏差,建立了暴雨的强度订正方法。将偏差订正方法应用于2020年安徽省梅汛期预报,结果发现无论位置还是强度订正都能使暴雨预报TS评分明显提高。同时进行位置和强度订正后,暴雨TS评分提高更加明显,尤其是对2020年两次最强降水过程订正效果显著。 展开更多
关键词 ec暴雨预报 天气分类 降水中心 位置偏差 订正方法
ECS结合PBL教学法对神经内科实习生医疗技术的影响 被引量:4
作者 李雯飞 刘人恺 张玲玲 《中国临床新医学》 2017年第4期370-373,共4页
目的探讨模拟人(ECS)结合问题式学习(PBL)教学法对神经内科实习生医疗技术的影响。方法运用ECS结合PBL教学法对所有实习生进行教学,比较培训前后学员对疾病诊断和治疗等专业知识掌握情况,以及综合素质、考核成绩。结果培训后学员的专业... 目的探讨模拟人(ECS)结合问题式学习(PBL)教学法对神经内科实习生医疗技术的影响。方法运用ECS结合PBL教学法对所有实习生进行教学,比较培训前后学员对疾病诊断和治疗等专业知识掌握情况,以及综合素质、考核成绩。结果培训后学员的专业知识掌握程度明显高于培训前(P<0.05)。培训后,学员思考问题的方式方法、临床思维和逻辑思维能力、归纳分析能力均明显优于培训前(P<0.05)。培训后学员的综合成绩明显优于培训前(P<0.05)。结论 ECS结合PBL教学法能有效促进学生的理论知识掌握和临床操作技能的提升,有助于全面提升学生的综合素质,教学质量显著。 展开更多
关键词 模拟人 问题式学习 教学法 神经内科 实习生 医疗技术
A stochastic based approach for a new site classification method:application to the Algerian seismic code 被引量:3
作者 Mohamed Beneldjouzi Nasser Laouami 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第4期663-681,共19页
Building codes have widely considered the shear wave velocity to make a reliable subsoil seismic classification, based on the knowledge of the mechanical properties of material deposits down to bedrock. This approach ... Building codes have widely considered the shear wave velocity to make a reliable subsoil seismic classification, based on the knowledge of the mechanical properties of material deposits down to bedrock. This approach has limitations because geophysical data are often very expensive to obtain. Recently, other alternatives have been proposed based on measurements of background noise and estimation of the H/V amplification curve. However, the use of this technique needs a regulatory framework before it can become a realistic site classification procedure. This paper proposes a new formulation for characterizing design sites in accordance with the Algerian seismic building code (RPA99/ver.2003), through transfer functions, by following a stochastic approach combined to a statistical study. For each soil type, the deterministic calculation of the average transfer function is performed over a wide sample of 1-D soil profiles, where the average shear wave (S-W) velocity, V<sub>s</sub>, in soil layers is simulated using random field theory. Average transfer functions are also used to calculate average site factors and normalized acceleration response spectra to highlight the amplification potential of each site type, since frequency content of the transfer function is significantly similar to that of the H/V amplification curve. Comparison is done with the RPA99/ver.2003 and Eurocode8 (EC8) design response spectra, respectively. In the absence of geophysical data, the proposed classification approach together with micro-tremor measures can be used toward a better soil classification. 展开更多
关键词 random field transfer function soil classification RPA99/ ver. 2003 ec8 site factor response spectrum
ECS在急救护理实训教学中的应用 被引量:4
作者 解修花 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2010年第24期131-132,共2页
目的探讨智能型高级综合模拟人(ECS)在急救护理实训教学中的教学方式和效果。方法将220名高职高专护理学专业护生随机分为两组,一组采用传统教学法,一组采用ECS教学法,学习结束后综合评价两组学生的理论和实践技能考试成绩,并对学生学... 目的探讨智能型高级综合模拟人(ECS)在急救护理实训教学中的教学方式和效果。方法将220名高职高专护理学专业护生随机分为两组,一组采用传统教学法,一组采用ECS教学法,学习结束后综合评价两组学生的理论和实践技能考试成绩,并对学生学习后的感受、体会和收获进行问卷调查。结果 ECS教学组的理论成绩和实践技能考试成绩均高于传统教学组(P<0.01),不及格率明显低于传统教学组(P<0.05);ECS教学组护生的基础知识掌握、团队合作意识及学习兴趣等明显提高。结论 ECS教学可提高护生的急救护理理论和实践能力,是培养护生临床护理能力的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 智能型高级综合模拟人 急救护理 教学
Efficient Deep Learning Framework for Fire Detection in Complex Surveillance Environment 被引量:1
作者 Naqqash Dilshad Taimoor Khan JaeSeung Song 《Computer Systems Science & Engineering》 SCIE EI 2023年第7期749-764,共16页
To prevent economic,social,and ecological damage,fire detection and management at an early stage are significant yet challenging.Although computationally complex networks have been developed,attention has been largely... To prevent economic,social,and ecological damage,fire detection and management at an early stage are significant yet challenging.Although computationally complex networks have been developed,attention has been largely focused on improving accuracy,rather than focusing on real-time fire detection.Hence,in this study,the authors present an efficient fire detection framework termed E-FireNet for real-time detection in a complex surveillance environment.The proposed model architecture is inspired by the VGG16 network,with significant modifications including the entire removal of Block-5 and tweaking of the convolutional layers of Block-4.This results in higher performance with a reduced number of parameters and inference time.Moreover,smaller convolutional kernels are utilized,which are particularly designed to obtain the optimal details from input images,with numerous channels to assist in feature discrimination.In E-FireNet,three steps are involved:preprocessing of collected data,detection of fires using the proposed technique,and,if there is a fire,alarms are generated and transmitted to law enforcement,healthcare,and management departments.Moreover,E-FireNet achieves 0.98 accuracy,1 precision,0.99 recall,and 0.99 F1-score.A comprehensive investigation of various Convolutional Neural Network(CNN)models is conducted using the newly created Fire Surveillance SV-Fire dataset.The empirical results and comparison of numerous parameters establish that the proposed model shows convincing performance in terms of accuracy,model size,and execution time. 展开更多
关键词 Deep learning DRONE embedded vision emergency monitoring fire classification fire detection IOT search and rescue
A Review on the Classification and Grading Criteria of Road Transport Natural Disasters 被引量:1
作者 Yizhou Jiang Jianhua Peng Wenwen Feng 《Journal of Architectural Research and Development》 2018年第5期10-12,共3页
This review summarizes and analyzes the basic information of various types of road transport natural disaster emergencies,refers to various types of road transport emergency plans,and combines the actual needs of road... This review summarizes and analyzes the basic information of various types of road transport natural disaster emergencies,refers to various types of road transport emergency plans,and combines the actual needs of road transport emergency rescue with national emergency related laws.It also proposes the classification criteria and grading standard for the emergencies of road transport natural disasters based on the classification and grading standard of the regulations,which provide a basis to take reasonable and effective disposal measures in the emergency response of road transport emergencies under natural disaster conditions. 展开更多
关键词 road transport EMERGENCIES classification CRITERIA GRADING standard natural DISASTERS
Use of Emergency Contraception could Halve Induced Abortion Ratein Shanghai, China
作者 Chao-huaLOU Shuang-lingZHAO Er-shengGAO 《Journal of Reproduction and Contraception》 CAS 2004年第2期121-130,共10页
Objective To investigate and estimate the proportion of the induced abortion that could have been prevented by using emergency contraception in Shanghai Method Structured interviews were conducted in 606 women (413 ... Objective To investigate and estimate the proportion of the induced abortion that could have been prevented by using emergency contraception in Shanghai Method Structured interviews were conducted in 606 women (413 married and 193 unmarried) aged 18-49 years, who were attending three health care centers in Shang- hai for termination of first trimester pregnancy. Results A total of 98.2% of the pregnancies were unwanted, and 63.7% of the women recognized that they were at risk of pregnancy soon after the intercourse. It is estimated that 52.2% of the induced abortion could have been prevented if the women had used levonorgestrel-only emergency contraception. Only 28.5% of the respondents were aware of emergency contraception. The most important sources of information about emergency contraception identified by respondents were books/newspapers/periodicals (38.2%), and relatives/friends (30.6%). Family planning health education on emergency contraception was noted by 28.9% of married women but only by 5.8% of unmarried women. A portion of 85.5% of all respondents reported they would be willing to use emergency contraception when needed. Those more willing to use emergency con- traception included younger, better educated, and unmarried women experiencing their first pregnancy. Women preferred drugstores (60.1%) than hospitals (30.2%) for obtaining emergency contraception. Conclusion Women’s needs for emergency contraception were enormous. Promotion of emergency contraception by providing information and improving service could have a substantial impact on reducing the rate of induced abortion in Shanghai. 展开更多
关键词 emergency contraception (ec) unwanted pregnancy induced abortion
Analysis on the Emergency Contraception Knowledge Level and Its Influencing Factors among Abortion Patients in Shanghai City
作者 赵双玲 楼超华 高尔生 《Journal of Reproduction and Contraception》 CAS 2000年第3期158-168,共11页
To evaluate the knowledge level of emergency contraception, explore the determinants of the knowledge level among women seeking abortion and give sugges- tions on how to improve the quality of emergency contraception... To evaluate the knowledge level of emergency contraception, explore the determinants of the knowledge level among women seeking abortion and give sugges- tions on how to improve the quality of emergency contraception service. Method A total of 606 women requiring abortion at three MCHs in Shanghai City were interviewed face to face with structured questionnaire. Results 63. 7% of unwanted pregnancy could use EC to prevent. Subjects got their knowledge on EC mainly from books/newspapers/magazines and relatives/friends/ parents. The proportion of the awareness of EC was 28.5%. Most subjects were aware of hormonal EC pill, but only 14.9% of them knew that the pill should be taken within 72 hours after the intercourse. Among the subjects who were aware of EC, the average score of the knowledge was lower than half of the full marks. The lower the subject's educational level was, the less likely they were aware of EC and the lower score of the knowledge of EC they had. The score of the knowledge of EC was higher among subjects who learned of EC mainly from family planning publicity. Conclusion It is urgent to popularize EC in order to reduce unwanted pregnancy and induced abortion. The information, including EC can be used in which situations, it's advantages and disadvantages as well as indication, should be given to women in an appropriate way and using plain language. The departments of family planning should play a leading role in improving women's knowledge of EC. 展开更多
关键词 emergency contraception (ec) KNOWLEDGE
作者 吴雅玲 陈红梅 周瑶 《医药高职教育与现代护理》 2023年第6期480-483,共4页
目的探讨以问题为基础的教学模式+高级综合模拟人(PBL+ECS联合教学模式)在急危重症护理学实验教学中应用效果,为进一步改进和完善教学方法提供有效依据。方法选择鄂州职业大学开设《急危重症护理学》的护理专科生为研究对象,其中,2020... 目的探讨以问题为基础的教学模式+高级综合模拟人(PBL+ECS联合教学模式)在急危重症护理学实验教学中应用效果,为进一步改进和完善教学方法提供有效依据。方法选择鄂州职业大学开设《急危重症护理学》的护理专科生为研究对象,其中,2020级护理在校生为观察组,理论教学采用传统教学模式,而实验教学采用PBL+ECS联合教学模式;2019级护理在校生为对照组,理论教学和实验教学均采用传统教学模式授课。《急危重症护理学》课程结束后,采用自制问卷对观察组护生进行调查并对比两组护生《急危重症护理学》课程成绩。结果观察组护生《急危重症护理学》课程的理论成绩和操作成绩均高于对照组(P<0.05);75.0%学生非常赞同有必要在《急危重症护理学》课程实验教学中使用PBL+ECS联合教学模式;76.5%的护生非常赞同此联合教学模式提高了自我学习兴趣和积极性;88%的护生非常赞同此教学模式有利于树立护理职业情感;70.5%的护生非常赞同此联合教学模式有利于提高综合能力。结论多数护生对《急危重症护理学》课程实验教学采用PBL+ECS联合教学模式感到满意。 展开更多
关键词 急危重症护理学 高级综合模拟人 以问题为基础的教学模式
Enlightenment on Classification of Environmental Pollution Events of Oil Spills at Sea
作者 Ran HUO 《Meteorological and Environmental Research》 CAS 2022年第3期78-81,共4页
At present, China continues to increase domestic oil and gas exploration and development efforts, vigorously increases investment in scientific research, and unswervingly promotes the increase of oil and gas reserves ... At present, China continues to increase domestic oil and gas exploration and development efforts, vigorously increases investment in scientific research, and unswervingly promotes the increase of oil and gas reserves and production, which will also bring new challenges to marine ecological environmental protection and pollution incidents. It is particularly important to thoroughly implement China’s Marine Environmental Protection Law, establish and improve the emergency response mechanism for oil spill pollution environmental incidents, and scientifically and reasonably delineate the level of oil spill pollution incidents. In response to this problem, the standard of the minimum pollution incident was analyzed and explained in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Oil exploration and development Oil spill incident classification emergency plan emergency force
Adaptive associative classification with emerging frequent patterns
作者 Wang Xiaofeng Zhang Dapeng Shi Zhongzhi 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2012年第1期38-44,共7页
In this paper, we propose an enhanced associative classification method by integrating the dynamic property in the process of associative classification. In the proposed method, we employ a support vector machine(SVM... In this paper, we propose an enhanced associative classification method by integrating the dynamic property in the process of associative classification. In the proposed method, we employ a support vector machine(SVM) based method to refine the discovered emerging ~equent patterns for classification rule extension for class label prediction. The empirical study shows that our method can be used to classify increasing resources efficiently and effectively. 展开更多
关键词 associative classification RULE frequent pattern mining emerging frequent pattern supportvector machine (SVM)
作者 陈登丰 《化工设备与管道》 CAS 2005年第5期6-10,共5页
欧盟97/23/EC压力设备指令中压力设备的分类与介质危险性有关。按照97/23/EC,将爆炸性、易燃性、氧化性与毒性介质列为危险介质,本文根据97/23/EC以及67/548EEC等欧盟指令对压力设备中危险介质的分类及其定义,判据进行了阐明,对我国压... 欧盟97/23/EC压力设备指令中压力设备的分类与介质危险性有关。按照97/23/EC,将爆炸性、易燃性、氧化性与毒性介质列为危险介质,本文根据97/23/EC以及67/548EEC等欧盟指令对压力设备中危险介质的分类及其定义,判据进行了阐明,对我国压力容器和压力管道中危险介质的划分及分类将有很大的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 欧盟压力设备指令97/23/ec 危险品 分类 压力设备指令 欧盟指令 分类 危险品 诠释 参考价值 压力管道 压力容器 介质
Classification,Hazards and Countermeasures of Agricultural Environmental Pollution Emergencies
作者 Xiaoming CHUAI Haixia ZHOU +2 位作者 Jianping ZHAO Shubo CHENG Jiang YU 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2013年第9期78-80,共3页
Agricultural environmental pollution emergencies have become a hot research topic because of the high incidence and influence depth.This paper introduces classification and features of agricultural environmental pollu... Agricultural environmental pollution emergencies have become a hot research topic because of the high incidence and influence depth.This paper introduces classification and features of agricultural environmental pollution emergencies:by pollutant type,it falls into organic pollution emergencies and inorganic pollution emergencies;by the approach of entering agricultural environment,it falls into water resource agricultural environmental pollution emergencies and non-water resource agricultural environmental pollution emergencies.Hazards of agricultural environmental pollution emergencies are analyzed from 4 perspectives:personal security,indirect loss,ecological environment and social stability.In view of the hazards,countermeasures are given to deal with the pollution emergencies as(i)establishing a risk evaluation mechanism for agricultural environment;(ii)enhancing the capacity of handling agricultural environmental pollution emergencies;(iii)introducing new management concepts for environmental emergencies,and cultivating keen emergency management consciousness. 展开更多
关键词 AGRICULTURE Environmental POLLUTION emergency CLAS
基于三维主题特征测度的新兴主题识别研究 被引量:1
作者 郑德俊 程为 《情报学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期167-180,共14页
识别领域新兴主题有利于及时跟踪领域发展的最新动态,为科研工作者的选题以及科研管理者的决策提供情报支撑。本文提出一种基于三维主题特征测度的新兴主题识别方法,基于BERTopic对领域语义知识进行主题建模,以文献为基本单位进行主题表... 识别领域新兴主题有利于及时跟踪领域发展的最新动态,为科研工作者的选题以及科研管理者的决策提供情报支撑。本文提出一种基于三维主题特征测度的新兴主题识别方法,基于BERTopic对领域语义知识进行主题建模,以文献为基本单位进行主题表示,构建基于时间、引用和关联的三维主题特征指标框架,用于新兴主题识别;并以文本分类领域为例,验证本文方法的可行性与有效性。研究发现,以文献为基本单位表示主题能辅助主题深入挖掘,三维主题特征指标框架具有较好的适应性与扩展性,本文提出的新兴主题识别方法存在泛化应用的参考价值。在理论层面,能为新兴主题识别的相关研究提供一种可参考的方法和思路;在实践层面,可作为一种参考工具应用于科技情报分析、领域发展态势分析等场景。 展开更多
关键词 新兴主题识别 主题建模 主题特征测度 文本分类
作者 崔浩 《现代计算机》 2018年第16期43-49,共7页
识别酶的EC编号对于理解生成足够能量来维持生命的代谢过程非常重要。提出一种二分类器来识别酶的完整EC编号。通过集成酶和EC编号之间的关系评估样本之间的关系,采用支持向量机作为预测引擎。将酶和它们已知的EC编号配对作为正样本,并... 识别酶的EC编号对于理解生成足够能量来维持生命的代谢过程非常重要。提出一种二分类器来识别酶的完整EC编号。通过集成酶和EC编号之间的关系评估样本之间的关系,采用支持向量机作为预测引擎。将酶和它们已知的EC编号配对作为正样本,并且随机产生与正样本数量一样多的负样本。通过将此分类器与基于其他经典机器学习算法的分类器进行比较,详细地阐述基于支持向量机分类器的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 ec编号 二分类 支持向量机
作者 陆福相 阎石 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期118-122,152,共6页
以学生为中心,兴趣为导向,解决问题为目标,采取基于问题的教学方法,以基于局部二值模式及其变形特征的场景分类为例,设计与教学大纲紧密结合、有效支撑课程目标的综合实验。在教师的主导下,学生以团队协作方式完成综合实验,串联计算机... 以学生为中心,兴趣为导向,解决问题为目标,采取基于问题的教学方法,以基于局部二值模式及其变形特征的场景分类为例,设计与教学大纲紧密结合、有效支撑课程目标的综合实验。在教师的主导下,学生以团队协作方式完成综合实验,串联计算机视觉与图像处理课程的重点知识,训练分析问题、解决问题的能力,切身感受解决问题的过程,提升实践与创业创新能力。 展开更多
关键词 新工科 实验教学 局部二值模式 场景分类
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