This article summarized systematically the previous investigations on t he dielectric relaxation of wood, the main substances and extractives in wood at oven-dry state, and the dielectric relaxation based on the adso...This article summarized systematically the previous investigations on t he dielectric relaxation of wood, the main substances and extractives in wood at oven-dry state, and the dielectric relaxation based on the adsorbed water in w o od cell wall under equilibrium and non-equilibrium state. Moreover, some expect a tions for future research were proposed on this basis. The purpose of this artic le is to provide other researchers an overall understanding about the research i n this region, and further to promote the research onto a new and higher level.展开更多
Stability for the manifolds of equilibrium states of a generalized Birkhoff system is studied. A theorem for the stability of the manifolds of equilibrium states of the general autonomous system is used to the general...Stability for the manifolds of equilibrium states of a generalized Birkhoff system is studied. A theorem for the stability of the manifolds of equilibrium states of the general autonomous system is used to the generalized BirkhoiYian system and two propositions on the stability of the manifolds of equilibrium states of the system are obtained. An example is given to illustrate the application of the results.展开更多
On the basis of Karman's theory of thin plates with large deflection, the Boltzmann law on linear viscoelastic materials and the mathematical model of dynamic analysis on viscoelastic thin plates, a set of nonline...On the basis of Karman's theory of thin plates with large deflection, the Boltzmann law on linear viscoelastic materials and the mathematical model of dynamic analysis on viscoelastic thin plates, a set of nonlinear integro partial differential equations is first presented by means of a structural function introduced in this paper. Then, by using the Galerkin technique in spatial field and a backward difference scheme in temporal field, the set of nonlinear integro partial differential equations reduces to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations. After solving the algebraic equations, the buckling behavior and multiple equilibrium states can be obtained.展开更多
A new non-cubic equation of state is proposed for calculation of the thermodynamic properties ofnonpolar and polar fluids and their mixtures,including,saturated vapor pressure,saturated liquid volume,saturated vapor v...A new non-cubic equation of state is proposed for calculation of the thermodynamic properties ofnonpolar and polar fluids and their mixtures,including,saturated vapor pressure,saturated liquid volume,saturated vapor volume,heats of vaporization and vapor-liquid equilibria.The new equation is derived from thegeneralized van der Waals partition function in which the repulsive terms are expressed with the Carnahan andStarling equation for hard spheres,and the attractive terms are made up of the dispersive energy and theChemical association energy. The rules of dependence of parameters α and σ and on temperature are considered broadly so that the newequation yields good agreement with experimental saturated properties of 20 nonpolar and 27 polar fluids in therange of reduced temperatures of 0.5 to 1.0 The new equation with parameters group-contributed generally givessatisfactory predictions on saturated properties. Correlations of vapor-liquid equilibrium data for alcohol-containing systems by using van展开更多
This paper discusses not a point of equilibrium to free system,but a certain family of equilibrium state of dynami- cal system with inputs.This equilibrium state depends on the input,so it is called the dynamic equili...This paper discusses not a point of equilibrium to free system,but a certain family of equilibrium state of dynami- cal system with inputs.This equilibrium state depends on the input,so it is called the dynamic equilibrium state.The expression of the dynamic equilibrium state can be given under some certain condition.With deductions and proofs in linear control system,es- tablish the expression of the dynamic equilibrium state in two cases,where the linear systems are nonsingular or singular.Also pre- sent the concept and the condition of the controllability of the dynamic equilibrium state.The controllability of the dynamic equilib- rium state is different from the controllability of the state to system,but these two are closely related.展开更多
Here we review a new class of mixing rules (hat have extended range of mixtures and conditions that can now be described by equation of state models. One characteristic of these mixing rules is that they simultaneousl...Here we review a new class of mixing rules (hat have extended range of mixtures and conditions that can now be described by equation of state models. One characteristic of these mixing rules is that they simultaneously satisfy the boundary conditions of producing a second virial coefficient that is quadratic in mole fraction, and a free energy of mixing like that of an activity coefficient model at high density, though the mixing rule is itself independent of density. We show that using this mixing rule, various asymmetric, highly nonideal mixtures can be accurately described. One serendipitous result is that the parameters in this mixing rule model are almost independent of temperature, which allows accurate extrapolations of phase behavior to be made over large ranges of temperature and pressure.展开更多
For characteristics of open and far from thermodynamic equilibrium in welding chemical reaction, a new kind of quantitative method, which is used to analyze direction and extent for chemical reaction of SiO2/Fe during...For characteristics of open and far from thermodynamic equilibrium in welding chemical reaction, a new kind of quantitative method, which is used to analyze direction and extent for chemical reaction of SiO2/Fe during quasi-steady state period, is introduced with the concept of non-equilibrium stationary state. The main idea is based on thermodynamic driving forces, which result in non-zero thermodynamic fluxes and lead to chemical reaction far away from thermodynamic equilibrium. There exists certain dynamic equilibrium relationship between rates of diffusion fluxes in liquid phase of reactants or products and the rate equation of chemical reaction when welding is in quasi-steady state. As result of this, a group of non-linear equations containing concentrations of all substances at interface of slag/liquid-metal may be established. Moreover the stability of this non-equilibrium stationary state is discussed using dissipative structure theory and it is concluded theoretically that this non-equilibrium stationary state for welding chemical reaction is of stability.展开更多
A calculation of the energy loss due to a transition from non-equilibrium to equilibrium state is given. Three different physical systems are considered in this study: connecting an uncharged capacitor to a charged ca...A calculation of the energy loss due to a transition from non-equilibrium to equilibrium state is given. Three different physical systems are considered in this study: connecting an uncharged capacitor to a charged capacitor, emission of a photon from an excited atom, and releasing an object from a compressed spring. In this study, it is shown that a specific fraction of the total energy stored in a non-equilibrium system should be consumed to reach the equilibrium state.展开更多
Combining Peng-Robinson (PR) equation of state (EoS) with an association model derived from shield-sticky method (SSM) by Liu et al., a new cubic-plus-association (CPA) EoS is proposed to describe the ther-mod...Combining Peng-Robinson (PR) equation of state (EoS) with an association model derived from shield-sticky method (SSM) by Liu et al., a new cubic-plus-association (CPA) EoS is proposed to describe the ther-modynamic properties of pure ionic liquids (ILs) and their mixtures. The new molecular parameters for 25 ILs are obtained by fitting the experimental density data over a wide temperature and pressure range, and the overall aver-age deviation is 0.22%. The model parameter b for homologous ILs shows a good linear relationship with their mo-lecular mass, so the number of model parameters is reduced effectively. Using one temperature-independent binary adjustable parameter kij, satisfactory correlations of vapor-liquid equilibria (VLE) for binary mixtures of ILs + non-associating solvents and + associating solvents are obtained with the overall average deviation of vapor pressure 2.91% and 7.01%, respectively. In addition, VLE results for ILs + non-associating mixtures from CPA, lattice-fluid (LF) and square-well chain fluids with variable range (SWCF-VR) EoSs are compared.展开更多
1,3,5-Triazine molecules represent a class of molecules that may have been prebiotic information carriers in a primordial soup in early Earth and their excited state dynamics has received attention in recent years.In ...1,3,5-Triazine molecules represent a class of molecules that may have been prebiotic information carriers in a primordial soup in early Earth and their excited state dynamics has received attention in recent years.In our previous study,one component with lifetime longer than100 ps was discovered in 2-amino-1,3,5-trainzine(2-AT),but its nature has not been revealed.In this study,excited state dynamics of 2-AT is studied in different solvents by using femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption and fluorescence upconversion spectroscopy.Interestingly,an equilibrium state consisting of the brightππ^(*)and dark nπ^(*)states in 2-AT is directly observed in aqueous solution and its dynamics is solvent sensitive.The whole picture of the excited state deactivation mechanism of 2-AT is proposed based on our spectroscopy results.展开更多
In the reversed field pinch(RFP),plasmas exhibit various self-organized states.Among these,the three-dimensional(3D)helical state known as the“quasi-single-helical”(QSH)state enhances RFP confinement.However,accurat...In the reversed field pinch(RFP),plasmas exhibit various self-organized states.Among these,the three-dimensional(3D)helical state known as the“quasi-single-helical”(QSH)state enhances RFP confinement.However,accurately describing the equilibrium is challenging due to the presence of 3D structures,magnetic islands,and chaotic regions.It is difficult to obtain a balance between the available diagnostic and the real equilibrium structure.To address this issue,we introduce KTX3DFit,a new 3D equilibrium reconstruction code specifically designed for the Keda Torus eXperiment(KTX)RFP.KTX3DFit utilizes the stepped-pressure equilibrium code(SPEC)to compute 3D equilibria and uses polarimetric interferometer signals from experiments.KTX3DFit is able to reconstruct equilibria in various states,including axisymmetric,doubleaxis helical(DAx),and single-helical-axis(SHAx)states.Notably,this study marks the first integration of the SPEC code with internal magnetic field data for equilibrium reconstruction and could be used for other 3D configurations.展开更多
A rational equation of state of the perturbation type with a repulsion and attraction term has been applied to reproduce critical curves of six different binary systems up to high temperatures and pressures. A square ...A rational equation of state of the perturbation type with a repulsion and attraction term has been applied to reproduce critical curves of six different binary systems up to high temperatures and pressures. A square well potential for intermolecular interaction is used. With pairwise combination rules for these potentials three adjustable parameters are needed. The experimental critical point and phase equilibrium data are compared with the values predicted using the equation of state. Good agreement is obtained for the analysis of the critical pressure composition data and molar volumes.展开更多
The phase equilibrium data of CO2 hydrocarbon binary mixtures are important for the design and operation of CO 2 ood- ing, coal liquefaction, and supercritical extraction processes. Numerous pieces of binary phase equ...The phase equilibrium data of CO2 hydrocarbon binary mixtures are important for the design and operation of CO 2 ood- ing, coal liquefaction, and supercritical extraction processes. Numerous pieces of binary phase equilibrium data have been obtained. Thus, models for the accurate calculation of binary and multicomponent mixtures must be developed on the basis of existing data. In this work, 3578 vapor liquid phase equilibrium data points for 10 CO 2 hydrocarbon binary mixtures, including CO2 butane, CO 2 pentane, CO 2 isopentane, C O 2 hexane, CO 2 benzene, CO 2 heptane, CO 2 octane, C O 2 non- ane, CO 2 decane, and C O 2 undecane, were collected. The PR and PR-BM equations of state (EOS) in combination with relevant mixing rules were used to calculate the phase equilibrium data of the CO 2 hydrocarbon binary mixtures. The binary interaction parameter k ij in the PR EOS was temperature independent, whereas parameters in the PR-BM EOS were functions of temperature. Thus, the phase equilibrium data and other thermodynamic properties of the binary and multicomponent mixtures at di erent temperatures and pressures can be calculated by using the parameters obtained in this work. The PR-BM EOS performed better than the PR EOS, and the average absolute deviations over the temperature range of 255.98 408.15 K calculated by the PR EOS and PR-BM EOS were less than 5.74% and 3.36%, respectively. The results calculated by the two EOS were compared with those calculated by other models, such as PPR78, PR + LCVM + UNIFAC, KIE + PR EOS + HV, and PSRK. The phase equilibrium data of CO 2 butane decane, CO 2 hexane decane, and C O 2 octane decane ternary mixtures were calculated by the two EOS. The average overall deviations for the CO 2 mole fractions calculated by the two EOS were less than 7.66%.展开更多
Based on results of saturated vapor pressures of pure substances calculated by SRK equation of state, the factor a in attractive pressure term was modified. Vapor-liquid equilibria of mixtures were calculated by origi...Based on results of saturated vapor pressures of pure substances calculated by SRK equation of state, the factor a in attractive pressure term was modified. Vapor-liquid equilibria of mixtures were calculated by original and modified SRK equation of state combined with MHV1 mixing rule and UNIFAC model, respectively. For 1447 saturated pressure points of 37 substance including alkanes; organics containing chlorine, fluorine, and oxygen; inorganic gases and water, the original SRK equation of state predicted pressure with an average deviation of 2.521% and modified one 1.673%. Binary vapor-liquid equilibria of alcohols containing mixtures and water containing mixtures also indicated that the SRK equation of state with the modified a had a better precision than that with the original one.展开更多
We propose a renormalization group(RG)theory of eigen microstates,which are introduced in the statistical ensemble composed of microstates obtained from experiments or computer simulations.A microstate in the ensemble...We propose a renormalization group(RG)theory of eigen microstates,which are introduced in the statistical ensemble composed of microstates obtained from experiments or computer simulations.A microstate in the ensemble can be considered as a linear superposition of eigen microstates with probability amplitudes equal to their eigenvalues.Under the renormalization of a factor b,the largest eigenvalueσ1 has two trivial fixed points at low and high temperature limits and a critical fixed point with the RG relationσb1=bβ/νσ1,whereβandνare the critical exponents of order parameter and correlation length,respectively.With the Ising model in different dimensions,it has been demonstrated that the RG theory of eigen microstates is able to identify the critical point and to predict critical exponents and the universality class.Our theory can be used in research of critical phenomena both in equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems without considering the Hamiltonian,which is the foundation of Wilson’s RG theory and is absent for most complex systems.展开更多
Estimating the global state of a networked system is an important problem in many application domains.The classical approach to tackling this problem is the periodic(observation)method,which is inefficient because it ...Estimating the global state of a networked system is an important problem in many application domains.The classical approach to tackling this problem is the periodic(observation)method,which is inefficient because it often observes states at a very high frequency.This inefficiency has motivated the idea of event-based method,which leverages the evolution dynamics in question and makes observations only when some rules are triggered(i.e.,only when certain conditions hold).This paper initiates the investigation of using the event-based method to estimate the equilibrium in the new application domain of cybersecurity,where equilibrium is an important metric that has no closed-form solutions.More specifically,the paper presents an event-based method for estimating cybersecurity equilibrium in the preventive and reactive cyber defense dynamics,which has been proven globally convergent.The presented study proves that the estimated equilibrium from our trigger rule i)indeed converges to the equilibrium of the dynamics and ii)is Zeno-free,which assures the usefulness of the event-based method.Numerical examples show that the event-based method can reduce 98%of the observation cost incurred by the periodic method.In order to use the event-based method in practice,this paper investigates how to bridge the gap between i)the continuous state in the dynamics model,which is dubbed probability-state because it measures the probability that a node is in the secure or compromised state,and ii)the discrete state that is often encountered in practice,dubbed sample-state because it is sampled from some nodes.This bridge may be of independent value because probability-state models have been widely used to approximate exponentially-many discrete state systems.展开更多
文摘This article summarized systematically the previous investigations on t he dielectric relaxation of wood, the main substances and extractives in wood at oven-dry state, and the dielectric relaxation based on the adsorbed water in w o od cell wall under equilibrium and non-equilibrium state. Moreover, some expect a tions for future research were proposed on this basis. The purpose of this artic le is to provide other researchers an overall understanding about the research i n this region, and further to promote the research onto a new and higher level.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.10772025,10932002 and 10972127)the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province,China(Grant No.102300410144)the Beijing Municipal Key Disciplines Fund for General Mechanics and Foundation of Mechanics,China
文摘Stability for the manifolds of equilibrium states of a generalized Birkhoff system is studied. A theorem for the stability of the manifolds of equilibrium states of the general autonomous system is used to the generalized BirkhoiYian system and two propositions on the stability of the manifolds of equilibrium states of the system are obtained. An example is given to illustrate the application of the results.
文摘On the basis of Karman's theory of thin plates with large deflection, the Boltzmann law on linear viscoelastic materials and the mathematical model of dynamic analysis on viscoelastic thin plates, a set of nonlinear integro partial differential equations is first presented by means of a structural function introduced in this paper. Then, by using the Galerkin technique in spatial field and a backward difference scheme in temporal field, the set of nonlinear integro partial differential equations reduces to a system of nonlinear algebraic equations. After solving the algebraic equations, the buckling behavior and multiple equilibrium states can be obtained.
文摘A new non-cubic equation of state is proposed for calculation of the thermodynamic properties ofnonpolar and polar fluids and their mixtures,including,saturated vapor pressure,saturated liquid volume,saturated vapor volume,heats of vaporization and vapor-liquid equilibria.The new equation is derived from thegeneralized van der Waals partition function in which the repulsive terms are expressed with the Carnahan andStarling equation for hard spheres,and the attractive terms are made up of the dispersive energy and theChemical association energy. The rules of dependence of parameters α and σ and on temperature are considered broadly so that the newequation yields good agreement with experimental saturated properties of 20 nonpolar and 27 polar fluids in therange of reduced temperatures of 0.5 to 1.0 The new equation with parameters group-contributed generally givessatisfactory predictions on saturated properties. Correlations of vapor-liquid equilibrium data for alcohol-containing systems by using van
基金Supported by the National Science Foundation of China(60274056)
文摘This paper discusses not a point of equilibrium to free system,but a certain family of equilibrium state of dynami- cal system with inputs.This equilibrium state depends on the input,so it is called the dynamic equilibrium state.The expression of the dynamic equilibrium state can be given under some certain condition.With deductions and proofs in linear control system,es- tablish the expression of the dynamic equilibrium state in two cases,where the linear systems are nonsingular or singular.Also pre- sent the concept and the condition of the controllability of the dynamic equilibrium state.The controllability of the dynamic equilib- rium state is different from the controllability of the state to system,but these two are closely related.
文摘Here we review a new class of mixing rules (hat have extended range of mixtures and conditions that can now be described by equation of state models. One characteristic of these mixing rules is that they simultaneously satisfy the boundary conditions of producing a second virial coefficient that is quadratic in mole fraction, and a free energy of mixing like that of an activity coefficient model at high density, though the mixing rule is itself independent of density. We show that using this mixing rule, various asymmetric, highly nonideal mixtures can be accurately described. One serendipitous result is that the parameters in this mixing rule model are almost independent of temperature, which allows accurate extrapolations of phase behavior to be made over large ranges of temperature and pressure.
基金This project is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 50544025)Natural Science Foundation of High Education of Jiangsu Province, China (No. 05KJB460030)
文摘For characteristics of open and far from thermodynamic equilibrium in welding chemical reaction, a new kind of quantitative method, which is used to analyze direction and extent for chemical reaction of SiO2/Fe during quasi-steady state period, is introduced with the concept of non-equilibrium stationary state. The main idea is based on thermodynamic driving forces, which result in non-zero thermodynamic fluxes and lead to chemical reaction far away from thermodynamic equilibrium. There exists certain dynamic equilibrium relationship between rates of diffusion fluxes in liquid phase of reactants or products and the rate equation of chemical reaction when welding is in quasi-steady state. As result of this, a group of non-linear equations containing concentrations of all substances at interface of slag/liquid-metal may be established. Moreover the stability of this non-equilibrium stationary state is discussed using dissipative structure theory and it is concluded theoretically that this non-equilibrium stationary state for welding chemical reaction is of stability.
文摘A calculation of the energy loss due to a transition from non-equilibrium to equilibrium state is given. Three different physical systems are considered in this study: connecting an uncharged capacitor to a charged capacitor, emission of a photon from an excited atom, and releasing an object from a compressed spring. In this study, it is shown that a specific fraction of the total energy stored in a non-equilibrium system should be consumed to reach the equilibrium state.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (20876041, 20736002), the National Basic Research Program of China (2009CB219902), the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University of China (Grant IRT0721) and the Programme of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities (Grant B08021) of China.
文摘Combining Peng-Robinson (PR) equation of state (EoS) with an association model derived from shield-sticky method (SSM) by Liu et al., a new cubic-plus-association (CPA) EoS is proposed to describe the ther-modynamic properties of pure ionic liquids (ILs) and their mixtures. The new molecular parameters for 25 ILs are obtained by fitting the experimental density data over a wide temperature and pressure range, and the overall aver-age deviation is 0.22%. The model parameter b for homologous ILs shows a good linear relationship with their mo-lecular mass, so the number of model parameters is reduced effectively. Using one temperature-independent binary adjustable parameter kij, satisfactory correlations of vapor-liquid equilibria (VLE) for binary mixtures of ILs + non-associating solvents and + associating solvents are obtained with the overall average deviation of vapor pressure 2.91% and 7.01%, respectively. In addition, VLE results for ILs + non-associating mixtures from CPA, lattice-fluid (LF) and square-well chain fluids with variable range (SWCF-VR) EoSs are compared.
基金supported by Shanghai Rising-Star Program(No.19QA1402800)。
文摘1,3,5-Triazine molecules represent a class of molecules that may have been prebiotic information carriers in a primordial soup in early Earth and their excited state dynamics has received attention in recent years.In our previous study,one component with lifetime longer than100 ps was discovered in 2-amino-1,3,5-trainzine(2-AT),but its nature has not been revealed.In this study,excited state dynamics of 2-AT is studied in different solvents by using femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption and fluorescence upconversion spectroscopy.Interestingly,an equilibrium state consisting of the brightππ^(*)and dark nπ^(*)states in 2-AT is directly observed in aqueous solution and its dynamics is solvent sensitive.The whole picture of the excited state deactivation mechanism of 2-AT is proposed based on our spectroscopy results.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.12175227 and 12375226)the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Program of China(No.2022YFE03100004)+1 种基金the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.USTC 20210079)the Collaborative Innovation Program of Hefei Science Center,CAS(No.2022HSC-CIP022)。
文摘In the reversed field pinch(RFP),plasmas exhibit various self-organized states.Among these,the three-dimensional(3D)helical state known as the“quasi-single-helical”(QSH)state enhances RFP confinement.However,accurately describing the equilibrium is challenging due to the presence of 3D structures,magnetic islands,and chaotic regions.It is difficult to obtain a balance between the available diagnostic and the real equilibrium structure.To address this issue,we introduce KTX3DFit,a new 3D equilibrium reconstruction code specifically designed for the Keda Torus eXperiment(KTX)RFP.KTX3DFit utilizes the stepped-pressure equilibrium code(SPEC)to compute 3D equilibria and uses polarimetric interferometer signals from experiments.KTX3DFit is able to reconstruct equilibria in various states,including axisymmetric,doubleaxis helical(DAx),and single-helical-axis(SHAx)states.Notably,this study marks the first integration of the SPEC code with internal magnetic field data for equilibrium reconstruction and could be used for other 3D configurations.
文摘A rational equation of state of the perturbation type with a repulsion and attraction term has been applied to reproduce critical curves of six different binary systems up to high temperatures and pressures. A square well potential for intermolecular interaction is used. With pairwise combination rules for these potentials three adjustable parameters are needed. The experimental critical point and phase equilibrium data are compared with the values predicted using the equation of state. Good agreement is obtained for the analysis of the critical pressure composition data and molar volumes.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFB0600804-3)Shandong Natural Science Foundation (ZR2017BB076)
文摘The phase equilibrium data of CO2 hydrocarbon binary mixtures are important for the design and operation of CO 2 ood- ing, coal liquefaction, and supercritical extraction processes. Numerous pieces of binary phase equilibrium data have been obtained. Thus, models for the accurate calculation of binary and multicomponent mixtures must be developed on the basis of existing data. In this work, 3578 vapor liquid phase equilibrium data points for 10 CO 2 hydrocarbon binary mixtures, including CO2 butane, CO 2 pentane, CO 2 isopentane, C O 2 hexane, CO 2 benzene, CO 2 heptane, CO 2 octane, C O 2 non- ane, CO 2 decane, and C O 2 undecane, were collected. The PR and PR-BM equations of state (EOS) in combination with relevant mixing rules were used to calculate the phase equilibrium data of the CO 2 hydrocarbon binary mixtures. The binary interaction parameter k ij in the PR EOS was temperature independent, whereas parameters in the PR-BM EOS were functions of temperature. Thus, the phase equilibrium data and other thermodynamic properties of the binary and multicomponent mixtures at di erent temperatures and pressures can be calculated by using the parameters obtained in this work. The PR-BM EOS performed better than the PR EOS, and the average absolute deviations over the temperature range of 255.98 408.15 K calculated by the PR EOS and PR-BM EOS were less than 5.74% and 3.36%, respectively. The results calculated by the two EOS were compared with those calculated by other models, such as PPR78, PR + LCVM + UNIFAC, KIE + PR EOS + HV, and PSRK. The phase equilibrium data of CO 2 butane decane, CO 2 hexane decane, and C O 2 octane decane ternary mixtures were calculated by the two EOS. The average overall deviations for the CO 2 mole fractions calculated by the two EOS were less than 7.66%.
文摘Based on results of saturated vapor pressures of pure substances calculated by SRK equation of state, the factor a in attractive pressure term was modified. Vapor-liquid equilibria of mixtures were calculated by original and modified SRK equation of state combined with MHV1 mixing rule and UNIFAC model, respectively. For 1447 saturated pressure points of 37 substance including alkanes; organics containing chlorine, fluorine, and oxygen; inorganic gases and water, the original SRK equation of state predicted pressure with an average deviation of 2.521% and modified one 1.673%. Binary vapor-liquid equilibria of alcohols containing mixtures and water containing mixtures also indicated that the SRK equation of state with the modified a had a better precision than that with the original one.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.12135003)。
文摘We propose a renormalization group(RG)theory of eigen microstates,which are introduced in the statistical ensemble composed of microstates obtained from experiments or computer simulations.A microstate in the ensemble can be considered as a linear superposition of eigen microstates with probability amplitudes equal to their eigenvalues.Under the renormalization of a factor b,the largest eigenvalueσ1 has two trivial fixed points at low and high temperature limits and a critical fixed point with the RG relationσb1=bβ/νσ1,whereβandνare the critical exponents of order parameter and correlation length,respectively.With the Ising model in different dimensions,it has been demonstrated that the RG theory of eigen microstates is able to identify the critical point and to predict critical exponents and the universality class.Our theory can be used in research of critical phenomena both in equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems without considering the Hamiltonian,which is the foundation of Wilson’s RG theory and is absent for most complex systems.
基金supported in part by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(62072111)。
文摘Estimating the global state of a networked system is an important problem in many application domains.The classical approach to tackling this problem is the periodic(observation)method,which is inefficient because it often observes states at a very high frequency.This inefficiency has motivated the idea of event-based method,which leverages the evolution dynamics in question and makes observations only when some rules are triggered(i.e.,only when certain conditions hold).This paper initiates the investigation of using the event-based method to estimate the equilibrium in the new application domain of cybersecurity,where equilibrium is an important metric that has no closed-form solutions.More specifically,the paper presents an event-based method for estimating cybersecurity equilibrium in the preventive and reactive cyber defense dynamics,which has been proven globally convergent.The presented study proves that the estimated equilibrium from our trigger rule i)indeed converges to the equilibrium of the dynamics and ii)is Zeno-free,which assures the usefulness of the event-based method.Numerical examples show that the event-based method can reduce 98%of the observation cost incurred by the periodic method.In order to use the event-based method in practice,this paper investigates how to bridge the gap between i)the continuous state in the dynamics model,which is dubbed probability-state because it measures the probability that a node is in the secure or compromised state,and ii)the discrete state that is often encountered in practice,dubbed sample-state because it is sampled from some nodes.This bridge may be of independent value because probability-state models have been widely used to approximate exponentially-many discrete state systems.